Well. Getting started here with. The Franklin. Good afternoon Shasta County I'm going to break in and. Old Just to remind you that you're listening you caking are in community radio it is our 920 pledge drive week and so we are really hoping to hear from you today you can call 337-1852 make a pledge to help support the local community radio station in Shasta County California we've been here 7 years the largest part of our income has always come from people like you people that listen and like our station and want to help us stay on the air we're all volunteers and we raise all the money more than 50 percent of it come from listeners that are just donors listeners that listen and say yeah I like this place I want to keep I like the music I like the station I like this new version of information I get on the station and I will like to support you know. Other parts of our income come from business donations and events that we put on concert play dinner theater. Lunch breakfast and so it's all a work of love for us and we do it because we believe in the power of local media and community radio but you know it's really important for you to understand that you are part of the equation now and without our community supporting us we can't continue to bring you know the great music that we do so just a reminder of that phone number is 337185 we're looking at a number of events coming up that I'll be talking about or can kind of having a little fun looking at the wide range of area that people call in from to donate you can care and I'm going to share that and we're inviting people to let us know. So if you're listening and you just want to tell us where your car where you're listening from we can call in and were trying to get a little feel for where you might be some of the states we've already gotten donations from over the years not just this time Alaska Washington Salt Lake City Utah punkah city Oak Oklahoma Bend Oregon Orlando Florida Portland Oregon Oakland California Redding Arizona Reno Nevada City Nevada. So really it's a wide ranging thing by far the largest number of contributions come come from local people but even people that are just out there in cyberspace that end up listening to our station are also willing to support so we appreciate it from everybody I just wanted to remind you this is the week to call 337-1885 or go on your computer to k k r n dot org where we have a donation button I want to give a shout out to my friend James who may be out there listening on his radio today while traveling have a great trip and. Let me know if you're listening so anyone that goes for everybody give us a call because when we're here doing the pledge drive we take the time to talk to our listeners and were more than happy to talk to people who just if they want to call and get information tell us where they're calling from tell us what they like we know that some people cannot afford to donate and that's cool we still hope you're listening and we'll still be glad to take your calls get your input so thanks for listening and let's get our back up front which is coming to you from Blue Hill Maine and talk talk a little more about that later to learn more about the music we're playing you might have a playlist question probably a line up front that she male dot com. Well. Now. And believe that many municipalities. Around the us are. Columbus. Indigenous people they. Work together and. Starting out with burning. Christopher. Sat. Down. If. But it. But it. Or woman to. Me. That would be American Indian movement activist. We heard. That from the Is album 2 world. Brown. Beautiful serial. Variations on Penobscot with. And Brown runway music. He's Over. Her or her. Earlier. Post for. Her. Was. Was. Just a county k.k.k. Aryan community radio you are listening to up front. A Monday afternoon show that comes to us all the way from Blue Hill Maine and I ask you are on Facebook I just posted a picture of our station manager in Blue Hill Maine at studio there so it's kind of fun when you're involved in community radio and you're visiting around the country to stop by and check out your fellow community broadcasters and nuts what I did and it was fun so I disliked since it was on right now I'd post that picture so you could check it out our pledge drive week which is why I'm jumping in the middle of a regularly scheduled program to remind you that we rely on you for your support if your k.k. Are any listener and you like what you hear and you can afford it we would ask you to become a donor. We've been very lucky in our 7 years in finding many donors that are willing to give us a port and our budget which is now about $45000.00 is over more than half of our budget our income is coming from people individual people like you so that's why it's so important to us and that's why. We do do this twice a year for a week we break into our wonderful programming just to talk to you a little bit more about Karen and what we're all about and how much we do need you to be part of the k. Karan picture so there's a couple things I want to touch base on right now about taking care and I mentioned that we have. Most of our money coming in for individual donors and then that's more than half of it that way and then about a little bit less than a quarter comes. From our underwriters a little bit less and then the other quarter or last comes from our event so I just want to give a shout out to all of our community businesses that are underwriters. Kerri-Anne News Cafe dot com Bernie disposal Dr Doug crag can plan healthy Country Health and Wellness Center hi my motel hope for construction less Schwab tires and Bernie Mares Memorial Hospital Mt Bernie and Fall River theaters mountain valley health centers pitstop store reading Subaru Round Mountain garden supply the Shasta piping society and the whole earth and Watershed festival so we surely appreciate those businesses and community groups for supporting us and. You know if you're a person out there that has a business in other good time that you can call to find out about underwriting and the number to call if you want to donate in any way as 337-1885 we will be taking your calls as they come in and in addition to our underwriters there's quite a few community groups like Erin partners with we support there of Ben they support our event you know we do trades for advertising and playbills and programs in exchange for promoting that you know doing. On the radio about their activities so we really think it's an important part of community radio to support our community and help enrich our community and make it a great place to live or improving on the Great place that it is to live so I'd just like to tell you some of those folks to riverfront playhouse art theater in Cottonwood I believe the whole earth and water said festival North Kauai outreach. Environmental Alliance County arts. So rock for stocks event the reading School of the art the Indigenous People's Day event Miracle Mile records and the north state of California fiddlers Association among among others those are people that we work together where then we're more than happy to contigo Yeah the mountain community center to let me not forget that one. We're really happy to hear that we view that as part of our mission to serve the community by supporting important institutions and groups and giving them a voice on the air and you know that includes ordinary citizens who might want to just come in or people who want to just come in and do a show we have about 17 local programmers now and. Now they all they had to do is apply then get trained it's not simple it does take some big commitment to learn how did to operate the board and put a show together but we provide the training and you provide the effort to come up with a good idea and do your homework to make sure your shows are going to sound good and you know then you can go on the air just like Dave properly are today and many others will be talking about throughout the week so in regards to those the support of some of our community institutions I would like to announce a couple of events that are coming up tonight actually October 1st there's going to be a reading city council candidate forum this is supported by the are being presented by the Shasta environmental Alliance and they are their forum with their all of the city council candidates will be addressing environmental issues such as running hiking and biking trails the tree ordinance upright Parian areas and parks and climate change overall so that it then is taking place tonight Monday October 1st 6 pm it will be at the 1st United Methodist Church social hall which is it $825.00 dreams. You need to use the downstairs entrance on South Street to get in and yes go there if you would like to know more about the city council candidates and especially their views on the environment Additionally coming up on October. 4th Annual mountain harvest festival which takes place at the mountain community center the same place that our pancake breakfast is held and this is the day before a pancake breakfast and is going to be a great event with music it's their 4th annual. House door harvest festival right at the mountain community center lot and it's going to include music by Cali vibe heavy dose of the blues heavy dose of Blues bird feeder and full throttle so it's going to be held from 2 pm until 10 pm and among clued food and beer and vendors all ages are welcome and. Well that's that's what I can tell you about that event and Kay Karen will be there with a table because we are one of the sponsors of the event and we're trying to let people know about it as well and that's the kind of partnership that we're looking for all over our County an area and so if you are a group that has advance and does good things for the community you too can participate in taking Aaron by giving us your information getting in touch with us and seeing how we can work together that's part of what we like to do a kicking our in and maybe that would be a good reason for you to donate to you so again we're on the phone 337185 or you can go to take care and dot org and click on the don't know but so back to old approach so possibly have any questions call us if you want to tell us where you are all us if you want to say what you like and don't like about it Gary and especially Call us if you want to help support a caring thank you for. Our . Clearly. Clearly. I am I am. I am. I am. I am. Keep. Plz. Plz. Miriam my cable. Wrapping up this 1st hour of a whole with good bye poverty took that off of country. In the dark and now from exploration the Columbia years and we started. With what might be my favorite Michael Jackson song one of the star. Took that from Surrey past present and future are right well you know what I'm going to tell you. His room mean Volusia your radio or step away for you know maybe 45 seconds because we've got more funk in jazz coming your way on up front. Thanks. Programming on take a r.n. Community radio is brought to you in part by Les Schwab tires in Burnie as an independent tire dealer in business since 1952 been burning tires brakes alignments wheels batteries and even automotive parts located at 37 for 62 main street in Bernie Kosar appointments can be made by calling 33522514 their selection can be seen online at Les Schwab dot com programming. And supported by listeners like you and the pitch. Story beautiful downtown big bear next to the Pit River on your way to Canyon reservoir grocery tackle gas and propane got it all at the Big Bend k k r n thanks the Pit Stop store for supporting community radio. Welcome once again. I'm angling for Maz laying down the sound and I certainly hope you're getting down. If you'd like to know more of our upfront. Warning of what's coming up. You want to be kept up to date on happenings in the funk soul in jazz world milestones and the like you might want to look for us on Facebook we are at. If you are. Like or you can send us messages we love to hear from you that way in fact any way you want to communicate.

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