Linux. a point. When the ragged dogs gave me. The love. A good time. Just. Has Broken. Up. Close. Down. You know I. Thought it was a. Bomb. Getting. Nothing for her. Name. Camping. It's. This is a bird. That graces his well defended territory of blue. To the female building Marvel 1st weaves a couple. Plant material. Up. The final layering the outer surface with likened to provide perfect. Smaller than. A favorite is the fork of a downward. Perhaps. In a. Female field vast quantities of tiny insects as well as. We think of. But. One. And young. On bird note. Comes from Terra creating great community and conserving great lands in Washington State. Welcome to the Bioneers revolution from the heart of nature. And most space traditions we come to realize we are one body in this gather and if work in this together then that means if we do our part it all gets done. All. That is all. We stand at the threshold of a historic opportunity in the human experiment to reimagine how to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life each other and future generations it's a revolution from the heart of nature and the human heart in this series the pioneers revolution from the heart of nature. Social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet creating a future environment of hope. Of. Support for the Bioneers revolution from the heart of nature's provided in part by Organic Valley family of farms funding also provided by a grant from the Park Foundation and by the generous support of listeners like you as 2015 hurtled toward becoming the hottest year on earth in human history since record keeping began Pope Francis tossed a Hail Mary pass into the escalating political battle over global warming his climate and cyclical went were angels fear to tread. In the spirit of St Francis of Assisi the Catholic patron saint of animals and nature 2 the spiritual leader of the world's 1000000000 Catholics sanctified our kinship with all creation he called upon humanity to embrace our brothers and sisters of the natural world. Oh prances when the twin crises of inequality and human induced climate disruption with capitalism itself watching the rich get richer than ever he denounced the deified market and the new colonialism of government austerity policies he called out the global North's ecological debt to the global south acknowledging how the global south suffers 1st and worst from environmental exploitation the north created and profits from quoting a 4th century bishop he branded the unfettered pursuit of money as the dawn of the devil Pope Francis expanded upon the liberation theology movement that originally sprung from his native Latin American soil to address poverty and inequality he began to fashion what might be called liberation ecology breaking the shackles of greed and economic inequality that drive environmental destruction. His words landed as a bomb for the soul of one group in particular progressive nuns who have long held that same vision this is spirit in action 3 virtues for the 21st century with Sister Simone Campbell My name is Neil Harvey I'll be your host Welcome to the Bioneers revolution from the heart of nature. Our nation and our world is facing community and we have lost sight of that story. Sister Simone Campbell was one of the most we now know an influential figures in contemporary faith based progressive activism She's executive director of Network a social justice nonprofit founded by Catholic sisters in the 1970 s. That advocates on Capitol Hill she spoke at a buying years conference that in the eighty's the story of our nation began to change and President Reagan is at the heart of that change where he's sad . We're all about the individual we're about the one who rode off on the horse into the last the battle the last as if that was done by one man and as a woman I will say it was a man and that's not a gender generic statement the man rode off and settled the last. Bubble we not only. It's an unpatriotic lie they were based on individual as of the fact is we're basing community it was not one wagon heading west. It was not I mean if you yellow circle the wagons you're one wagon you can't I had trouble I it was also the fact that if you did a barn raising and only one person showed up. It's a little difficult. And what I have learned is what builds community is when we let our hearts broken open and by hearing the stories it is thank you it isn't really. Pain of a broken heart not the organised. Cerebellum that makes it all organized and against making progress because. Here in my head I mean control I can take care of it don't worry I don't need anybody else. But when my heart's broken open I know I need everyone. Sister Simone Campbell heart has been broken on a daily basis along with tens of thousands of other Catholic sisters responsible for running many u.s. Hospital systems and free clinics they routinely witness the systematic denial of health care to the poor and to women and children Sister Simone had joined the sisters of Social Service in 1964 she went on to become a lawyer in 1978 founded the community Law Center in Oakland California she served for the next 18 years as a lead attorney practicing family law and working on the needs of the working poor in 2004 she became executive director of Network and in 2010 worked for the passage of President Obama's Affordable Care Act She wrote the nuns letter supporting reform it caused a ruckus I wrote what's called the letter which helped the Affordable Care Act get passed and I got kissed by President Obama right there and thank you didn't wash my face very long time but because of it we took a position that was different from the u.s. Conference of Catholic Bishops. And Bravo have but $59.00 leaders of Catholic sisters signed the letter and one of the sisters because the bishops were really upset she said oh the girls play the boy and for once the girls what happened but. What happened as a result of it was the Vatican was upset and so they censured the Catholic sisters the United States you might have heard a little bit about that unpleasant there's Well it's all over now Pope Francis said make up but and but what they did was he named our organization as being a bad influence thanks Catholic sisters in the United States because we work too much for the people in poverty since that's our mission and it was like Oh I think that's a badge of honor thank you very much. That moment of notoriety offered Sister Simone and her colleagues the opportunity to further network's mission by launching the nuns on the bus tour in 2012 they set out to challenge conservatives in Congress who wanted to continue to drastically cut the budgets of programs that have been helping the poorest Americans since the mid 1960 s. Sister Simone Campbell spoke with us at a buying years conference. President Johnson's vision was of the great society where everyone can get ahead counting from poor family sharecroppers he said that we had to address the issues of hunger education and the comprehensive approach to addressing poverty in our nation and so the War on Poverty was about creating programs at the local level funded by the federal government that then people can take responsibility for their neighborhoods get some federal money and make a difference in their community and these community action programs mazing things with entrepreneurial activity providing child care I've talked to a number of groups around the country and these are the most innovative folks but what's happened over time is their money has been cut and cut and cut and cut and so rather than really investing in the community it's been like dribs and drabs and unpredictable then there are the programs like food stamps that we now call snap Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Families with Dependent Children was the monetary way of giving money to families and that got changed in the Clinton era with welfare reform and so now what we have is that these very same programs that were meant for those who have fallen on hard times who've been without employment these programs now have become basically business subsidy because low wage workers don't have enough to support their families and they're live in poverty or we broke the promise that if you work hard play by the rules for your family that's the American way but we've broken that promise and so now you can work hard play by the rules and not be able to support your family so we have to do. To you safety net programs you have to use food. You know you have to use Medicaid you have to use all these other programs so your family can survive we always look at the person who receives these programs is part of the problem politically so they blame the person well the person isn't working hard enough working full time probably 2 jobs and they're not we're going to have a nerve give me a break Sister Simone Campbell advocated against the conservative budget written by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan this time the u.s. Conference of Catholic Bishops agreed stating that the proposed budget failed a basic moral test Sister Simone worked with the Washington interfaith community to create what they call a faithful budget. And the fateful budget has added its core this idea that budget policy can change income and wealth disparity tax policy is at the heart of this and so we say what we need is reasonable revenue for responsible programs responsible programs and those that are audited in accounted for and are providing good service and ironically social service programs we believe are the standard for auditing and that the military should be as audited as social service programs but there has never been an audit of the Pentagon not that I have any feelings on the subject but if you want waste fraud and abuse which are the catchwords in d.c. That's where we have to look especially in procurement the way they buy a new aircraft carriers $13000000000.00 I mean ridiculous just ridiculous but oh dear I guess we'll just have to give them the money if we did away with that $1.00 aircraft carrier and gave the money to all these amazing social service programs we could address our issues it would be easy to take care of we would feed our people take care of their health care but we'll never say that it's an aircraft carrier that's our problem always blame our people I don't understand that. Fateful budget is an effort to say that if we're face pull together that we care for our people 1st then we need to increase taxes on some hedge fund you know all those guys a trader on Wall Street make a $1000000000.00 they found out a way to get that salary but to get intel and dividends only from the sale of the stocks and bonds so that only gets taxed at 15 percent rate so rather than 20 or 30 percent which the rest of us pay there they're paying less taxes and we are wrong this is wrong but we try to do it in own brother oh you're going to depress the market you know you're just going to depress the trade in the market that's so weak we try to advocate for the folks that are left out since 2012 the nuns on the bus have trap.