And before we got on the radio now I noticed when I pulled up a little little looksee which I do I see that your carrying the number one story in the country you are at Breitbart News and let's give the headline at least 5 shot 3 killed Saturday in gun controlled Baltimore Chicago on the heels of Trump calling out he lives he comments and that ridiculously dangerous 7 district that he calls home and brought attention to right everybody can see what's going on in Baltimore you tell people what happened just on Saturday alone and you're the number one story taken away. Yeah yeah I think about one thing 1 13 pm. Responded to a report gunshot and I found a guy. Shot multiple gunshot wound but very mock turtle and. Later in the NY but it happened minutes apart roughly 40 believe in 47 pm. There is a double shooting result in one death one injury so you have one part in one part kill roughly and then later you have another shooting double shooting Thanks a narrow one per year old one person one. You know in isolation no matter how you look at the arc and here here's why if this were happening somewhere else. What if what if it happened in one of the one of the cities the liberal full of the go to California 5 shot you know there'd be a gun control push under way right now that they could point to for you to go on but you notice Baltimore is slowly being treated the same way the left preach Chicago it's just you know it's expected that's what happened you know they've got all this gun control state of Maryland has the fall weapons and they have a panel quote unquote high capacity magazine they have a registration fingerprint requirement for a new handgun party for go on and on I could go and what. They have are making on the chaos in the streets I have another piece on Breitbart owned by borrowed now that shows that 2019 is on track to become the best to thank you that year with over 300 homicides in the city of Baltimore and of course Secretary so we have to be fair but right now on crackers there have been a $191.00 on the side and Baltimore year to date it's a bloodbath it's a Democrat experiment gone wrong and no one will call it out except drop from corrupt all doubt but it's horrible. Well you are how many times have you heard me say show me a city in America in decay and I'll show you a city run by Democrats at every level for decades I've been tweeting that out all day today that that's gotten a lot of push Baltimore Sun is coming to the defense of the logic Cummings Meanwhile as you point out Baltimore like the whole of Maryland has a confiscatory red flag law an assault weapons ban high capacity magazine ban and registration slash fingerprint requirements for handgun purchasers and it is a bloodbath as you just said it is utter mayhem you know it's amazing to me I don't know I guess sometimes some of these Democrats like Cummings might want to just they might be better off to shut up and leave him well enough alone because all the sudden the spotlight which you just shone brightly on his district isn't very flattering and in fact backs up what Trump said it backs up Trump's assertion it's would you walk through Elijah Cummings district after dark or even during the day unarmed. No well. I'm not sure walk through it. Then you know. You're. Never gone on me not my will but you know that program coming up behind me like we know what the effect of the fact that. The big police work this week in the street in Baltimore getting damaged here if they come up behind you and you don't yeah you got a gun but maybe they have a knife and they get close make you park know it by Ok and then. The Calabar on their own display right now in Baltimore your quick there's no I would log very even on. Maybe in the daylight with a group of buddy maybe but at night no way Ok how many guns no way you lies are commons district is one of those places you don't go to you stay out of it's that sad it's that simple and it's that sad pathetic but the light is being shined on that because one of the Democrats who they play the race card unbelievable Baltimore's one of the most dangerous cities in America a w.r. Hawkins story is leading the news in that respect relative to how many people were shot and killed in Baltimore just yesterday now let's go back to because you just mentioned this and I want to get clarification I'm I want I don't know I heard you write your story is title photos released of suspects wanted in attack on Baltimore City employ that stomping that happened in Baltimore to. Yeah it was on Wednesday he was walking he was close to the police department the civilian employee for the Baltimore police and. They hit him until a knocking down the video shows and then. Jumped on to say while it was down which put him in a situation you know you could think of times people are going to have some kind of neurological problem after a good head blow you could see the way their hands or their wrist band or move and he kind of makes that movement lying on his bike and. And so now today the photos the 3 suspects were released and they're all for an oblate $32000.00 for information that will lead to the arrest but I don't mean but like Ok let's go on to the next thing I want to say though this is not a freestanding piece in my mind this is just another people much larger puzzle defy the 5 shot yesterday 3 kill just like a shot 8 shot overnight one day earlier this week and I wrote on that you know these are all pieces to a larger puzzle the puzzle is that Baltimore becoming the killing fields and unbelievable danger saying gun control has. Correlated what they're you know and you can find people make argument the Gun Control calls much today if you can find that so there are a lot of different pieces but there's no law so there's no war and that that's an important lesson that we're learning that if you don't know why you know I think I don't think I know the mayor of Baltimore City Jack Young responded to the thinking of the civilian and pulled the bystander have to be consequences. And I think they will. But it's about time someone said it is what Imus yet simple Yeah you can go well everybody knows that but at least someone playing it will be in office finally and by all but I mean someone there locally because they're half there at some point being some consequence for that murder for the attack for all of us and has to be done and I don't have the answers so I'm not going to pretend I do but the police are going to have to police in a different way there's going to have to be greater ease that law abiding citizens can get you know carry permits the self-defense whatever maybe a combination of all these things the sum that I have I think you're right it it it's it is a combination of everything we say the pieces of the puzzle that this is part and parcel of pieces of another puzzle or of a of a bigger puzzle if true. Look let's go to for example Elijah Cummings when you talk about there having to be consequences when America there have to be consequences Well there has to be longer sentences we have to reduce recidivism they've got to stay in prison longer you should never see somebody the suspect has had you know he's been convicted of 15 prior charges what's he doing on the street Ok I'll get one conviction you should go away it's not acceptable to be out of the street if you bashed somebody's head in and stole their purse ever a person should be put away forever but we continue to let them out you go to let's talk about political and we're going to run out of time here so I'll just kind of take this to the break then we'll talk about it when we come back in the next segment I've got going to move really fast with you with 3 stories but let's talk about political There has to be some type of political repercussions here Elijah Cummings has been running his mouth about fixing this problem for 23 years in the u.s. In the u.s. Congress isn't bad enough time Baltimore you're listening to the program now for Elijah Cummings to fix the problems in his own darn stinking district isn't that enough how much more time do we need to listen to nothing but a buncha lip service from the Democrats about how stinking bad off everybody is in the inner city when they're the ones who control the inner city and it's their districts in Congress I wonder how many times a logic Commons walks the streets in his own district day time or night time and I guarantee he wouldn't do it without armed security will be back with it after this . It's the Bill of Rights not the bill that needs a melancholy founder of the 2nd and foundation when someone says we don't need that kind of gun remind them the founding fathers determined what rights our constitution should protect there's a world of difference between rights and needs. It is not the function of government to tell us what we need or what we don't certainly no one needs an assault rifle or a starry night special or for that matter no one needs a Corvette with high capacity horsepower engine keep those speeds to 150 miles per hour but in the hands of honest responsible individuals we have the right of choice we have the right to read books others don't like they're the right to listen to any radio program we choose we have the right to dress the way we want to we also have the right to own firearms of our choice so the next time someone tells you you don't need something tell them it's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of needs join the 2nd Amendment Foundation today of this message and our Bill of Rights might live call 425-454-7012 that's 425-454-7012. Education. 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We'll we've only got in for this segment at least I was Arizona governor go to Arizona governor we've already covered that Arizona Governor relies on never Trumper David French to justify gun control push your in Arizona I will be back in Arizona next week with you what the heck is going on here well you've got a gun control push from Governor Doocy and that is that could the Sabbath people have supported for Red Flag laws. In other words for laws that will allow guns because. And he's been quiet on this that I'm not saying that he has a mix of it all but he isn't he isn't predominate paramount in what he said but it's quite it's a push that's going on and where we were contacted his office and one of the ways is also justified the gun control put forth by sending me a quote from David Brant David Fricke to the never trump and it's very disturbing. What hurt. To be. Really dirty was a great. Thing and why the World with me used the prince the just the croak because David Brant not only oppose Prop and hurt people not 4126 think it's great that. We Mark you wrote a piece in Time magazine saying that them you were the money proved American abandoned. So why would you ever use someone like that in policy have much. In it so point out the do c. Is a Republican Go ahead. He's a Republican and it's also important point out to those who speak now and not many do or. Appeared perhaps but if you read the gun Pan-Am o magazine ranking the most non primly state in the union every year which is number one it's Arizona Arizona law 6 years ago Eric on the number one for gun related and the governor of Arizona now one but still a place is not a good Here's what he said and you quoted him I think the stop plan the severe threat order of protection that's to stop acronym is the crown jewel of our Safe Schools plan he added and Hawkes I got to shake my head on that but nonetheless in the essence of times you have to let you make your own decisions on his listener He added It's what the one tool that could have you women into the mass shootings that have happened in other places in the country a w.r. Hawkins it's not a tool that would have you limited anything or am I wrong. Well I mean we could talk about Baltimore but average. They get 199 I want to hear 38 encounters with law enforcement didn't stop Parkland and Nicholas Cruz and he could have been buddy need a red flag law he could have been Baker Acted or marksman acted in all to full times in Florida without a red flag on it didn't stop anything there but Florida did adopt a reply oh are on and it didn't it didn't stop the January 23rd 20 marking on truck banks. Or any other having. Long after it fired well how many how many shootings have captured a public appearance not there I mean he didn't and I could go on and on. Like universal background check but I don't permit the actors and they're never going to . Develop a criminal record on purpose but rather. That the human factor that they were not. Encouraged to read. Will not work a criminal doesn't accumulate criminal records so he can pass a background check well said let's go to California because you mentioned it we've got a couple if we can get to him I hope we can happy ending stories but I doubt it will try 2nd Amendment does not protect semi-automatic killing machines this judge Josephine Staten in California Barack Obama appointee like in semi-automatic a r 15 to military weapons and said they were undistinguishable from fully automatic military weapons making them part and parcel not a part of the 2nd Amendment protections I know your head pop when you saw that I used your video as an example take this one away and I'll let you run with it right well I mean you know people don't understand and I would think that the listener here probably the majority of them do but maybe don't I don't say that in a critical. If you don't understand an m. 16 what call the full bar. On the on the top of your a arc this thing you get to go from say to the fire and that's going from faith to semi in semi when you pull the trigger it fires one round period for trigger pull on and 16 you have a 3rd option they are multiverse for some time in a fake free round but what that means is if you go to that position you call the trigger. It will bring bullets the whole lot of fire for free bullets now only on all the older and think things which you can still get your hands on if you've got the money to buy when you go to the 3rd position you're going full auto as the end pull the trigger it'll do the maggots thing right there with one trigger pull there is no compare. Between they are this thing absolutely none and I think people over there is built to take the heat you weren't you try to run rapid fire q. And a are there any. That thing will going on there and a lot of people did get there in the last legs he didn't want real quick block radius shooter and Mark I might be wrong here I think 2123 rifle but the back and then that number is accurate why would you have that in rifle career while we were trying to run there I mean he could recall what happened but they are thinking if you're running in a mean beyond them automatic What happens. When you have all the rifle like a pro one on the floor pretty cool and go back to work but my point is not only that they are not in the in the knee it's not even there and or manufactured to be fired like any and. And yet you have this men. Who are there well they look similar and. If you can ban the one you can ban the other network the dishonesty here is on is on full display if that judge had any semblance of honesty at all an honest bone in her body she would have said take me to the range show me how these weapons operate let me see if what the characteristics are so that I can make a and honest decision which she did not do and she won't do because she's ignorant of the facts and you know my saying ignorance when left unattended breeds your own stupidity witness saved by armed customer who shot alleged robber in Virginia Beach at a 711 that was at 130 Newtown road I know where Newtown road is I've been in that 711 it's right there at about 264 and 64 in the apex not quite on the oceanfront a w r one minute what happened. Well. You know all Robin at the war and there was on Cockburn there an arc of your won't work and the witness who. Went to the witness either got down on her knees on the floor or she lay down on the forecheck member which but she got there if you could hear the gunshots over. Yet open that you were here in the good guy wanted and afterward all over the good guy taking out one of Robert and that woman after it was over the witness. And he couldn't were at the enough how great he was that he was that he was on the take care of the coil and there could be a 2nd Amendment in action and one of many on the way but a beautiful one it doesn't get any better than that you are Hawkins a bright bar news you know we're going to get up and do it all again I know you're very very busy you've got a lot going on a bright bar you have had all day even into the evening thank you for everything you do a dub you are Hawk of will talk to you next week 8 of you are Hawkins on bright Breitbart News follow him. Look him up you'll see him everywhere you know he's going to be back we'll be back with Brandon Martin right after this don't go away. There are reasons proudly serve our nation and they have earned our deepest respect and gratitude but there's selflessness and valor comes with a price veterans are uniquely susceptible to problem gambling isn't fixed and that waits up to 4 times the national average for time adjusting to family and civilian life and employment relationship struggles post-traumatic stress disorder all play a role in veterans becoming problem gamblers at such an alarming rate but there is help available to keep it from happening the Arizona division of problem gambling they can connect veterans with resources and expert counseling that will give them the power to win their battles with problem can call 1800 next step or 2. Next step to 53314 any time let the Arizona division of problem gambling help take you out of harm's way if you think you need help on 1800 next step or text next step to 52342 and start solving your problem gambling. This week in the town hall we're here with you here at Broadmoor in partnership with the Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and the Alliance of planning freedom special counsel Robert Muller go before the House well analyze the results they would have gotten the best out of it might have been a different model or join us for our program and sign up for our podcast or turn all reviewed our com Sundays at 7 pm on keiki n.c. 960 the Patriots. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids in the ad comes British is just really really good guy the term good egg isn't enough to describe but he's also certified organic and free refill. Rich puts the cap back on everything the toothpaste the olive oil the shampoo of fried fish he lets his 10 year old nephew feed him it for Jewel tennis even though he can straight up slay just 10 your nephew in future use when the toilet paper is running though rich replaces the role of the actual holder not just on the back of the toilet reaches Around the pool exploring to give Air Force Reserve. A place where powerful ideas and principles thrive every day 916 the Patriot. They welcome back this segment of our American radios being brought to you by. Armed American radio's monster cast segment 3 continues right now another special guest with me here today you've heard him on the program before back when I was out my favorite neck of the woods to stone Arizona just a few short weeks ago and that is Brandon Martin running for Congress in Arizona's 2nd district we were just talking with a w.r. Hawkins about Arizona so funny how that works we were talking about Governor. You see pushing red flag law which is a confiscation law and quoting David French the never Trumper anti-gun are in an effort to push that red flag law none of it makes any sense but then again we're living in an upside down world where the Democrat Party is now leaning towards communism and I mean I you heard me say that it's almost beyond socialism I will be back out in Arizona on the 8th and 9th with this next guest of mine Brandon Martin running for the 2nd district for Congress in Arizona which is Cochise County and a. Big portion of including Tucson which is the biggest portion of people County Arizona we're going out for a campaign event Hawkins will be there and Curt Schilling will be there Brandon welcome to the show Welcome back how are you meant I'm very Mark are you and I'm doing wonderful brother so good to talk to you and we're going to be out there again on the 8th and 9th I'm really excited to tell people what we're going to have going on Heck you tell me what am I going to be doing when I'm out there well we're going to slowly a few are having an event today until it needs we're going to be talking every day and been in the amendment we're going to have a new Dr Hawke and Curt Schilling were having to in there and we're going to have people come and ask. A question and question and we're not going to talk about everything going on you know you mentioned the governor and everything you know. People trying to grab our guns and we need to address on the people how we let's talk about your district in particular the 2nd district that you're running for Fitzpatrick now holds that seat correct. Kirkpatrick in the car and not a factor you are Patrick excuse me I'm a little bit of a brain thing there you know where yanker character can only hold. A democrat make that clear it's a Democrat I can you know bring in that really blows my mind no Democrat should have a seat in coach he's County in Pima County that rugged beautiful that that whole area was built on the gun it's just it doesn't seem right to have a dump a Democrat in that area what's happening there and how did that even happen was to Sun the population so. It is it on but there are so many more things that go into it Republicans didn't show up in the last election. I've broken down a number that. Every single precinct and in 2001 president. We were and are plus 14 districts and from $16.00 to $18.00 we had a $23.00 point swing and are now again plus I was let's let's break that down for a 2nd why do you think that is did people just stay home because they felt Ok trumps in office it's apathy What do you think that's a significant swing there. Well I think I think some of it may be that but Republicans definitely stayed home and I think what happened is a lot of the down ticket races just didn't have the same. You know enjoy all as the big ones if you look at what the numbers the governor do see received and his vote total he outpace everyone and it's just we and our general elections we had. Some riles some very weak conservatives are really weak Republican and they didn't Speier people to go out and vote and I think that's going to change this time because we've seen what happens in these years with the Dems in office and you know they've been doing everything they can to keep our country from being great and this is a border district I got to point this out listen where we're going we're actually going to be not just in Tucson but we're going to be shifting down on the 9th to the john Ladd ranch which listener you may very well seen on a number of news outlets including Fox where there have been quite a bit of coverage down there his land is over $10000.00 acres and stretches across that border for a significant stretch isn't it Brandon. It is. A lot of land right there on the border so what I set up is I've invited. Different candidate from around the country that are running on the Republican ticket and I'm inviting the media and social media types and we are going to go down to the co-chief County Sheriff's Office and where everyone is going to receive a briefing from one to 3 pm on what's been going on the border what the sheriff's office has been doing to keep the people here on Cochise County State how much help they need from the state and federal level so I want everyone to get a good education good picture of what's really going on the border and then after that we're going to do it tour of the border and then that night from John labs ranch we're going to have a lot of discussion people are going to be live on Facebook Twitter and we're just going to try to read and make people and educate the folks on what's really going on oh my gosh really excited to participate and that's big in this because I know Mark down all you're talking about Cochise County Sheriff Mark down all Mark of course appeared with me Curt Schilling you were there Brandon. Organ Brittany and many others in Tombstone a shuffling hall mark was kind enough to show up sheriff down all and give us the true read as to what's happening on that border brand I'm going to reiterate this again i number of years as you know I get down to that area quite a bit very frequently over the years over the last 26 years to be exact I've this will be the September will be my 4th time out there in one year let me put it that way so I get out there a lot I know that area pretty well I love it I I take it to heart. I was in Naco Mexico a number of years ago when I was crossing the border I had some food I brought back with me in the border guard so would bring back some food I said Yeah he took a look at it because I wouldn't and I said Weiner said Haven't you ever been there I said was a quaint little town he goes never been never would wouldn't waste my time and he was angry about in a wasn't until I got back home about a day later and I started looking up Naco Mexico it is one of the most dangerous border areas with a 50 mile stretch of unprotected border and that's when it dawned on me I did not know that at the time I had no idea how bad that air that's we're talking just outside of busy just south of busy Arizona right. Yeah so it is very dangerous and actually just and you know. Many people will probably remember right across the border we have a cartel shootout right in the Mexico border and it was a very big shoot I was actually in d.c. . We had we had cartel member coming across the border. You know resulting from the shoot out it was very real it's always in. My district and the people that live here and of course the spillover not just from the human and drug trafficking but from the cartel I directly affect the people here and we need a secure border and the government has failed to deliver that and last 26 years you know interesting that people do not understand that that border land that's private ranch land what I thought I don't know I forget how many but suppose couple miles of that border land is John lads' ranch if I'm not mistaken and even these people live in fear how many crossings you know we did the numbers when we were in Tombstone and I forget what they are now but it's in the hundreds a week that they're pulling up off these it's just it's astonishing that this is happening in the United States and there's a process. A member of that party Brandon in that is running that district from Congress now Patrick that for whatever reason is fighting Trump on the border issue I just makes no sense to me if she is weak on the border as the rest of the Democrats are being from that district she is soon Luly one of them to you know an m.p. Floated down here in the District last election fundraising Branker after she she is just a puppet and you talking about the number of people that come across the border. This month I was looking at some numbers and Cold War apprehensions for f y 19 our 67300. We we are the number coming across the border and we haven't seen in years and you know the thing is. The president struck all this what if you call that we have a border crisis and I'm sure you remember that and he I'll go a step farther out of order I have to stop here because we're getting ready to take a break but I'll call it what it truly is it's an invasion of our southern border and it directly impacts your district I'm looking forward to come out there and to coming out there in just a few days and helping you out can't wait we'll be back with Brandon Martin right after this. We've all put ourselves in a potentially situation whether it's commuting at a park in the car in that garage or taking that. Is Here to help you approach every day with confidence back up if you ever need with an effective safety distance of up to 50 feet delivering a 32nd cycle of. Even more safety features. To dispatch emergency services. And help protect yourself and your family. Technology tazers visit. The. Consumer device. With. The women's appendix with softer leather. The women's appendix. 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Hi It's Mike Gallagher You're listening to our American radio's monster broadcast now back to Mark Walters I welcome back inside armed American radios monster cast studios the cross-breed holster monster cast studios what a program we've had so far been to continue the discussion with Brandon Martin down in county and Pima County running for Arizona's 2nd district who I will be out there with Hawkins on the 8th and 9th my dear friend Curt Schilling on the 8th and 9th Sheriff Mark Danner we're going to get to spend some more time with him down on the border and of course with Brandon and many others we're going to start off in Tucson and work our way down to that actual border ranch brand in the numbers that we were just giving us I'm sorry I had to cut you off on the break but my gosh those numbers are just astonishing to me and what really hurts me is because I've been there I've seen this with my own eyes I've seen the Naco police chief be protected by swarms of armed military as I was walking through narco to get back across the border and when I saw that happening and I realized he was being protected against potential narco hits I couldn't get out of there fast enough man I mean I've seen the stuff with my own eyes and I know it hurts me to see an American of any political party that would participate in this terrible rhetoric that the Democrat Party is engaged in when the nation's security is at stake like that because I'm going to guess it's not just Mexican citizens looking for a better life coming across the border I could be wrong but I don't think so. Yeah you know it is dangerous down here you're talking about. And I go I told you about the cartel gun fight that happened just. You know. Look at all along the border and the cartels you know they they operate all across the border and up into the United. They're looking for an opportunity to partner their criminal enterprise and push north up until they make money so it's a real issue and like you call it. And we have to we have to take that area and the Congress need to take it and that's what I'm going to do for the people here in my district I can't wait to help you out in that endeavor I really can't wait to help you out and I'm I'm really looking forward to this event let's push this back over to the to the gun grabber issue Kirkpatrick Democrat we know what party is the party of gun control Hawkins reminded us in the previous 2 segments that gun guns and ammo magazine ranks states by their gun friendliness they have been they've been doing it for years and for the last 6 years Arizona ranks number one but let's face facts here your state's demographics are shifting there's purple in your state now in large measure because of Californians fleeing the policies they've put in effect themselves how concerned are you about this and in Arizona now. Very concerned and you you hit it directly we're having a lot of people come here from California because they're trying to escape a policy that has been put in place there but unfortunately a lot of them they're not leaving those policies in California they're bringing the same type of mentality with them and trying to implement it here in Arizona and within a huge huge push. As you call purple but really just the Democrats they're coming over here and you know not realizing their their way and we have to educate these folks we have to reach out to them as they're coming in here and they're registering and becoming you know residents of Arizona we have to say look there's a reason that you left California there's a reason that failed over there and you know you have studies where people are living in tents on the street using drugs you know all these things on the street you need to leave that over there in California if you want to come here there are no this is frustrate you that you have to because I sit here listening to you and I'm thinking I got this visual in my head of shaking someone at the shoulders and their head gone argument. That you he has to tell somebody Ok Was it to be carefully now those policies you put in place in California that forced you to want to come here we don't want here because we don't want you to have to flee here we're a free state don't they get it what kind of level of stupid are we talking but I have to ask the glad Well unfortunately many on the left. You can't you can't speak logic you know you can't talk logic if you think it's common sense you would think that they see that you know this is what messed up here and we don't need to bring that there's on a but unfortunately that's not what's happening and you know minutes I'm going to I'm going to challenge everyone started in the Pentagon challenge everyone here in Arizona because we can't sit back and let this happen. We have to be very proactive we have to go out there and we have this because. Everything that pushing right now of the extreme right we need we need. To keep our state red you have one of the best pro-gun rights groups in the country and you are a member of it I know you are Arizona Citizens Defense League also known as a.z. C.d.r. I'm a life member of it and I love coming out to the annual meetings as often as possible I've made 3 or I think 3 out of the last 5 and it's just it's family to me I've drawn there have been for years and years I consider Arizona I don't know it's I'm I'm something in a previous life leads me there there's no doubt in my mind a great affinity for that wonderful beautiful state you call home fortunately and it. Member listeners that you're listening and Kay you Kingman Arizona beautiful king Route 66 baby Bullhead City Phoenix you're tuned in Tucson you me you're listening in other places around the state Brandon needs our help out here to do what you're hearing him talk about now that stop the invasion at the border save our 2nd Amendment let me make this clear that purple way that we talk about also threatens your gun rights in Arizona apathy to what you know Brandon when you hear me say Guns and Ammo says Arizona is the best in the country 6 years running that has a tendency to create some apathy are not coming my guns I live in the best pro-gun state in the country until all the sudden you wake up one day and perp all is turning blue and do sees now one red flag law isn't coming after your guns because there's a whole new dynamic in play as far as constituents who can are concerned this is a real threat isn't it. And absolutely is and. Not just with the gun issue but used in a lot of political issue you know on the conservative side we just like to have our individual freedoms and liberties only like you know stay of other people's business and back and enjoy life fortunately the left is always always attacking us they don't there's never an off season for them they're always recruiting they're always looking for the next way to get their foot in the door to infringe on our liberties and we cannot any longer as conservatives and Republicans step back and let this happen we can't just we can't make concessions and we can't well it's just the it's just the suppressor just a bump stock or it's just we have to stand up and as you know if you have absolutely no right to do this you have no right to infringe on our liberties and our rights so we have to make a stand and that's what this is all about so great we're looking forward to having you down here we're going to have a great talk fire people up where what I can't wait can't wait to do it and you've got a real tree we missed a w.r. Hawkins in Tombstone not this go around one of the greatest speakers I've ever seen in my life and proud to call Mr Hawkins Dr Hawkins a friend he proceeded you on this broadcast right now and we're thrilled thrilled thrilled to have him there where can people find you with the last 30 seconds we want people to look at and support your campaign working to get you. Brenna Brenna Martin for Congress dot com brand and market. Share page like our page go to our website read about are. And tell your friend if you're even if you don't live in the district I will tell your friend that may live in the District unless. Unless it bears on a red Let's bring veteran and an American hero and patriot Brandon Martin to the 2nd district where you belong this is your disses where you belong that district belongs in your hands and we're going to everything we can to see that that happens looking forward to seeing you on the 8th and 9th with that group I just mentioned Sheriff Mark down all skirt showing a Hawkins and more Brand thank you so much for everything we appreciate it I hope you've enjoyed this hour of armed American radio next one I've got a surprise for you that is going to blow your mind Neil McCabe will be here don't go away we'll be back after this. You just feel your prescription. Armed American radio with more Walters the loudest voice in America fighting for gun rights. What is really going on in the real estate this is a question we get almost every day this is Phil and Josh hosts of Arizona reality measure which airs every Sunday from 2 to 3 right here on the 1980 the page this isn't someone our real estate infomercial Arizona Real Estate Matters covers what is happening today in a real estate market we discuss the current and ever changing real estate facts and statistics that affect the largest purchase that you'll probably ever made so for the most up to date real estate information affecting the real estate market today tune into Arizona real estate matters every Sunday from 2 to 3 right here on 960 The Patriot. Introducing the y.m.c.a. 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Do this hour from townhall dot com I'm Rhonda roster pretty full are dead 3 people were killed that is others were injured when a gunman opened fire Sunday afternoon on patrons at the Gilroy Garlic Festival south of San Jose California Police Chief Scott Smith he said one spot suspect is dead another may still be on the run this is one of those Proscar says you'd ever want to give in your community get it sort of by that nightmare that you hope you never up to live in reality but unfortunately find ourselves in the circumstances where we have to live this day with he says the suspect bypassed metal detectors and cut through a fence to gain access a number of agencies are on the scene processing evidence Puerto Rico Justice Secretary one of s.k. Is set to succeed outgoing governor recorder was seo who says he's planning to resign August the 2nd after weeks of protests against him and his administration but best guess who herself is facing calls for her ouster tweeted earlier on Sunday she does want the job she wants ru sale before he quits to fill the vacant secretary of state post which under the island Constitution is the 1st in line to replace a governor who leaves office talks resume in Shanghai this week between u.s. And Chinese negotiators treasury secretary Steven Menuhin says the new trade meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday will take place in Shanghai where the u.s. And China conducted diplomacy aimed at normalizing relations during the Nixon administration so I take that is an important step but they really are sincere in wanting to move for the White House says this week's discussions will cover a range of issues including intellectual property agriculture services and the trade deficit Greg the White House prices at the pump have been easing just a bit in these 2 weeks the price is down to $5.00 per gallon nationally the new average is to $81.00 for regular grade fuel analysts chill be Lundberg says That's $0.10 less than what we were paying a year ago more at townhall dot com. There's no question you need omega 3 s. 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