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K K N T Phoenix where intelligent talk a lefse 960 patriot a service of Salem Media Group Nasdaq symbol S N L M. Here is 960 new. President says possible progress is being made with talks with we North and South Korea officials from the cell said today that North Korea's leader Kim Jong un is willing to start negotiations with the U.S. On abandoning that country's nuclear weapons program but President Roh warned it may be called false hope and so the U.S. Is ready to go hard in either direction G.O.P. House Speaker Paul Ryan is trying to convince President trying to modify his approach on imported steel and aluminum Mr Trump wants to slap tariffs on those imports clearly there is overcapacity dumping in tranship ing of steel and aluminum by some countries particularly China but I think the smarter way to go is to make it more surgical and more targeted critics of transplant of war that it may prompt a trade war. President trouble yet again saying the Obama administration conspired to start an investigation into his campaign in an attempt to help Hillary Clinton Mark Mayfield with more on twitter Trump accused President Obama of doing nothing about Russian meddling while investigating the Trump campaign he said Obama wanted to discredit Goodwin unprecedented bigger than Watergate Trump again insisted there is no evidence of wrongdoing by his 2016 campaign team well a conservative Hollywood actress yes they do exist not many of them but they do exist may get some competition running for Congress in Southern California we get the story on this from Jason Campbell Donia Stacey Dash has filed the proper paperwork to run for office in the Compton area T.M.C. Is now reporting that Compton mayor Asia Brown will announce on Thursday that she's running for the same seat against the actress apparently Brown had no intention of running for Congress until the clueless actress tossed her head into the ring and she was urged by several of her peers the district is very pro-Democrat with a majority voting for Hillary Clinton last presidential election the Arizona Board of Regents is fighting attorney general Mark Bird of it over to Asian rights for the state's 3 universities the Arizona Capital Times as lawyers representing the Board of Regents told a judge Friday bird of it has no right to challenge to wish and the board sets or even question how the board goes about setting the rates the A.G.'s office has the board has raise tuition over 300 percent since 2002 in violation of the state's constitutional mandate to base to ition solely on how much it costs to provide instruction overlayed it issue that's being examined concerns whether dreamers or entitled to the less expensive in-state tuition rates and it's ago the Higher Learning Commission just greenlighted Grand Canyon University's request to revert to nonprofit status the Phoenix there's a journal says the blessing is just the 1st step there are additional hurdles the university must now win approval from the U.S. Department of Education and the state board for private post-secondary education reverting back to nonprofit status puts the school on a level playing field with other schools in terms of tax status and being able to receive nonprofit contributions. For $960.00 the Patriot. Hi this is Jim Clark C.E.O. Of republic monetary exchange you've heard me say for years that we offer the most competitive prices around for all gold and silver coins and 1000000000 but did you know that when selling We also pay the most even if you didn't buy from us so whether buying or selling tickets out Republic monetary exchange located in the Arcadia area on camelback just east of 40th Street or call 602682 gold that's 60 to 68 to gold or online are in me gold dot com The year is 963 and the famous British author C.S. Lewis is hosting a group of American writers at his home near Oxford recalling the people and events that shaped his life his vacillating stories captivate them with spontaneous humor and in gauging way to see as highlights why he nearly abandoned the Narnia Chronicles how he came to embrace Christianity and the American woman who turned his life upside down want to go back and experience this night for yourself coming joy an evening with C.S. Lewis and in trawling theatrical experience by actor David Payne described it as extraordinary a must see come discover the impact of one of the 20th century's literary giants this funny and heartwarming it will bring you closer to the man who wrote classics like The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe to Phoenix shows at living stream church on March 15th at 7 pm and a generation church I want to keep on March 16th at 7 pm for tickets visit 960 the Patriot dug up. Welcome back to the dog show up next we have Satchmo Satchmo who's a member of the shelter pet group that's right a new especially for their coach snuggling ball chasing face looking tail wagging backyard and of course companionship and what breed good you say Sasha as I did have to do with maybe a lavish tell you how into our looking kind of mix tremendous stuff I'd also like to point out Sasha was coloring a white gray brown black simply marvelous you know it's such a treat to Washington like this that's. Actually look how he makes eye contact with his passenger that's actually known as the treats to how intuitive. And now he appears think syphon are turning in circles happy dance so common with this group and finally the nothing Facebook breakup just gets in there and well looks fantastic but really the best way to know an amazing shot a pet like Satchmo is to meet one was at the shelter pet project or today adopt by now he's found the Humane Society of United States in the Ad Council don't miss a thing with the all new Patriot Act just visit your app store and download today. Well hello everybody great to be with you today I'm going to chipper mood really mature so I don't know why I mentioned that so I guess it's cheaper than usual get us into this Planned Parenthood. Tweet. Are you ready. We're living we're living in a bizarre time it's a great it is truly well sight exactly the best of times and worst of times Dickens writes about his time in a Tale of 2 Cities it's very famous. Couple of sentences now one sentence from a Dickens because it's not the worst of times but it's very dangerous time and it is however the bizarre wrist it's the best and the weirdest but it's not a good weird it's not like people or have decided to walk backwards for example whenever they cross the street that would be weird but it's an innocuous weird we have we have noxious weird Planned Parenthood sent out a tweet I will review the entire tweet then forgive me ready here goes some men have a uterus some men have a uterus some men have a uterus some men have a uterus some men have a uterus OK and it goes on the same number of times plus one that I just read to you see 2. $36911.00 times that's that's that's their tweet. So what does that have to do with Planned Parenthood own thing how they now of giving abortions to MEN No they all actually you have a uterus to. Go are really going nuts OK You know that's what we call too much information that's of the label of T.M.I. Yeah so why this is a very important question why would Planned Parenthood which is theoretically in the business of women's reproductive health the a euphemism for abortions and we have we have a video on what they actually do how much of their business is in fact abortions and and other aspects of women's reproductive health as they put it OK what does that have to do with if some men have a uterus. So the answer is and I have known this for a quarter of a century because over 25 years ago I wrote this. So I saw it coming and it's not to tell you I'm a prophet it's to tell you that if you are aware of the larger issues which is what I concentrate on these things become apparent early the there is a concerted effort to destroy them and woman distinction I have characterized the great battle in Western civilization within Western civilization. As being is that of the the biblical world view versus the leftist worldview. And people are very uncomfortable with being saddled with or having anything to scribes biblical I mean in a positive way you can say oh that was a flood of Bill proportions that's OK to say but where it is referring to one's value system people are embarrassed it is an embarrassing thing to say I I think my values from the Bible it was not embarrassing for Abraham Lincoln to say that or for any American to say that until the $196070.00 he's when it all crumbled and we are living with the feed to Pre which And it continues to crumble so Planned Parenthood is part of the list larger issue what does it mean some men have a uterus that means that women who identify as a man or a man but they retain the the sexual organs of one of the woman. Let's it so they go some men have ovaries. And the like. WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood but it has to do with the larger campaign of the left not liberals of the left. To destroy the male female distinction and you know the distinctions the good and evil that distinction has been destroyed because it is all relative right like one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter the United States was the moral equivalent of the Soviet Union Israel is the moral equivalent of the Palestinians the West is the moral equivalent of the Islamic world etc So there's no good and evil ever it's all relative and everything is equal to everything else in any event . And that's one of the distinctions the man God distinction has been buried that will mark Sperry that in the 1927 man is God and that is exactly what has happened who was God the one who defines good and evil their god that's that's what that's called business but it has become. 100 percent human centered the distinction between man and animal we are just another animal right. Peter of the largest of the Ottoman rights groups argues you cannot kill a pig to use it's hard valve to save a human being because a human is a pic or a chicken or what have you I even asked the head of PETA when she was on my show many years ago Ingrid Newkirk is a cockroach the equivalent of a human and she said yes this is this I'm going to have one of the leading if not the leading secular philosopher in America today Professor Pinker of Harvard on going to raise these issues with him because he's a big defender of the secular order and he's a courageous guy I actually admire him and he'll you know tell tell you why when. Well I have amounts of this that should be a very powerful dialogue in the 3rd hour the ultimate issues our today. Thieve if the adult child distinction is being eroded another distinction that's why the left wants 16 year olds to have the folk as I read T.V.'s today from a professor at Temple University in the New York Times adolescents are no more wrong teenagers are no more often wrong then middle age people so that's that's their view there's no greater wisdom and they're right they are teenagers in terms of wisdom this is it's like when they say all whites are racist when a White says that the white is telling you I'm a racist when the middle aged man tells you that teenagers are just as frequently wrong or are just as frequently right if you will has middle aged people he's telling you I am a teenager I have no more wisdom than I did at 16 so these are and of course the man woman distinction. That's the battle if I had to counter characterize the battle in philosophical terms that's the battle today the biblical leftist battle. Who was it was who was the go that was a woman. Was it did Meryl Streep speak at the Oscars. You know. I have I want to know I never try a obviously never want to attribute everything to someone if they didn't say it but somebody was talking so well it was a woman who was an actress talking at the Oscars. And who in passing I have to find it for his fascinating spoke about the violent Old Testament God. So it was an amazing amazing moment. Because there was that. The left doesn't like the bible new or old testament but they have a particular anger at the Old Testament which is why among the many reasons my. I think that if you know the Old Testament you will understand the battle today best and that is why I've worked so hard and devoting my life for the last so many years to my commentary on the Old Testament on the 1st 5 books April 2nd the 1st volume comes out I think it is just been printed I haven't seen it yet. And it's a massive work to explain why this is the greatest book ever really really I'm asking you to get it and I want an author says if you think money I didn't write this for money nobody writes a biblical commentary to make money could have written another Happiness book should be wonderful Bale female book my autobiography. Well things I would like to write but this is the number one it's called the rational Bible you can preorder it by the way I was on the rational by boy and if you understand those 1st 5 books you will understand. The battle in civilization today that is why Planned Parenthood which has nothing to do with this issue sends out a tweet saying 11 times. The words some men have a uterus. All right is a great deal more to talk to you about. And you were listening to the Dennis Prager Show 18 Prager 776. Morning. 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The Seth and Chris show where it's principles and politics evidently movies for a thing last night if you didn't know about it that makes me happy I didn't watch audience was down nearly 20 percent the lowest viewership of the Academy Awards since Nielsen starts I am not a lawyer look at your lowest dealership What is this Academy Awards you speak of week days 3 to 6 right here on 960 the Patriot. A new owners and those attempting to buy an annuity please listen to this very important broadcast annuities are not created equal and certain annuities may have a serious crisis in American education. Students aren't being taught the fundamentals of our American heritage what my friends at Hillsdale call civics education and the result is more and more young Americans are rejecting America's founding principles. That is so true says that's a crisis in this country. A recent survey starkly highlights the danger for the 1st time more millennial would prefer to live in a socialist country than a capitalist one or 2 we do Hillsdale College believes the answer starts with a proper civics education that's what it is you know what they want you to do is know about them go for prayer to prayer for Hillsdale dot com and now they have a very interesting thing you can get your own copy of hills else pocket Constitution to keep or give away. Again they're not asking for money when you know that prayer for Hillsdale dot com You're free pocket Constitution and that day you help send that to. Kids around the country. College fics reports dozens of students pose nearly nude for campus newspaper at the at their Washington University in St Louis by the way Meryl Streep did not speak up so I said I wasn't sure and I have to find that played for you it was just in passing but it caught my attention the reference to the Old Testament God. And if any of you know what I'm referring to be a big help because I'd like to be able to just pinpoint when it was said if any of you heard it even may have may have been if it's possible it was a pre or post Oscar statement I think but I'm almost certain it was during the Oscars which by the way had the lowest rating of any Oscars event they keep going down in my opinion it doesn't bother a lot of the activists in Hollywood and I'll tell you why are you ready this will and I'll get back to this this is an important thing about the Washington University but. I got to I got to report to you something movies. Made for parents that they only wire. Reported this here it is perfect this is this is fascinating from the Daily Wire from Ben Shapiro. Jimmy Kimmel we make films to upset Mike Pence that was that was one of the truly. Honest and open and revel of Tory lines we make films to upset to Mike Pence That's correct just as all those college presidents that I've called a tea were over the years who said the purpose of a college education. Is to challenge your father's values so the pub purpose of a college education is not to teach you want it's most true and most beautiful and most supplying most uplifting and most elevating. The purpose is basically to challenge your father's values we don't make films with the intent of appealing to a broad audience we don't and certainly forget to pursue truth and beauty and the elevating we want to upset me said It is a joke but what jokes have to reflect something. Or other. If he said we make we make films to upset you know all the the president of Liberia nobody would laugh because it doesn't doesn't comport with anything that they can relate to well it could just be funny that's right but I think that this is true they want to upset who is Mike Pence Mike Pence is that part of America that is religious and especially Christian they certainly can you imagine them saying We make films to upset the mountains you know but Mike Pence embodies the Christian conservative for whom they have the most contempt because that's the last obstacle to a left a leftist country or people like Mike Pence So that was a giveaway back to our Washington University in St Louis. It's a fascinating thing that that's what they have done there dozens of students involved in campus groups at Washington University recently pose nearly nude for photos featured in the campus newspapers the campus newspaper if they did it on their own I wouldn't report this to you. So here's the here is the thing that is going on the left has sexualized the university beyond anything that a person who went to university prior to this could even imagine as Whenever I speak University we're not whenever a theory often when I speak Barbara speaking at S.M.U. So the most University of Dallas. On Thursday night today's Tuesday so in 2 nights will be speaking of us I mean you will be speaking at Berkeley and in a week or 2 incidentally that should be very interesting interesting well keep you abreast of that if you know anybody at Berkeley and they should become aware of it . So on the one hand they profoundly sexualize the experience of going to college remember you went to college at 18 years of age or you're leaving high school which is somewhat of a cocoon and your parents' home which is almost definition only a cocoon and should be. And then you go to this place he or he may be joining with somebody of the opposite sex you might certainly have them on the same floor as you you might share the bathrooms with them and they it's a it's a radically sexualized experience and then they yell rape culture the same people who thoroughly have sexualized the university scream that it's a rape culture. If there is a rape culture is there anything that they have done to foster it now. Was there a rape culture when I went to college nobody claims that there was something must have changed right all young people morally inferior to my generation or has something changed at the university so the photos were published in student life the student newspaper at the Washington University in St Louis is part of its annual sex issue published in mid February. Ella chalk Trek. And so often by the way a female who was the editor of the space it's a very interesting thing the sexualization I mean women have always obviously been sexual beings but this does not comport with the this doesn't comport with female sexual nature as we have known it so you could say well this is just now finally women are free to be as sexual as men over at least so and anonymously so and so on or. There is a sort of political statement being made that more than really reflects their nature I think it's the latter. Anyway that's the latest from our universities. We shall return 18 Prager 776. You are listening to the Dennis Prager Show. In 60. 960 new. Teachers strike in West Virginia is over Republican Governor Jim Douglas says all state employees will receive a 5 percent raise which is what teachers were demanding teachers could be heard screaming in applauding of the state capital in Charleston when news of the deal broke President Trump says he may visit the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem but it opens at midday very special to a special country special people and I look forward to being there during a White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday Tom praised his decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv and declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel he said the U.S. Continues to work very hard to secure a peace between Israel and the Palestinians Mr Trump argued that the Jerusalem issue has been a big impediment to peace and that it now is off the table a Maryland judge storing out a challenge to President Obama's decision in protections for immigrants brought to the U.S. Illegally as children the judge tossed the case to keep the docket program in place saying the court cannot set immigration policy other federal courts have allowed some parts of the Obama era program to stay in place even after President Trump rolled it back in state duals a Prima county corrections officer is on the inside of a jail cell Jason Campbell explains Martin Lopez was hired less than a year ago and was arrested last week the 27 year old is accused of bringing drugs into a jail. In Arizona and promoting prison contraband officials with the Pima County Sheriff's Department Office of Professional Standards says Lopez was busted after a week long investigation and it appears that he acted alone the investigation is still ongoing this will pour brought to you by Walgreens looking to save money on your Medicare Part D. Prescriptions as a preferred pharmacy Walgreens offers co-pays as low as 0 dollars on Tier one generics on select plans so that your prescriptions and start saving today Walgreens trusted since 90 no one that's a look at news of Bill Nash 4960 the Patriot Hi this is Jim Clark C.E.O. Of republic monetary exchange I've been saying for months the secret to making money in the financial markets is to buy low and sell high with the current record volatility mostly down in the stock market now may be the last best time to sell some stocks and buy gold and silver come by our offices on camelback road just east of 40th Street in the Arcadia district or call 602682 gold that's 602682 gold or online at our AM e gold dot com Dennis Prager here for American federal rare coin and bullion I've always been a strong believer in precious metals investment and I've always been fascinated with rare coin collecting I love coins but owning their own callings and only making dealers a lot of money can hurt your investment portfolio American federal rare coin and bullion specializes in taking people out of non-performing coin portfolios and turning them into gold silver or platinum bullion they tailor report folio based on your goals and not what they want to sell you will never experience scare tactics or misleading hype or high pressure sales from owner Dick Rover and his very intellectual staff they'll evaluate your portfolio show you how your coins have performed and take the time to educate you on the ugly industry practices so that you can make an informed decision smart people can make very bad investments when they're under pressure and lack the facts call my friends at American federal rare cloying and 1000000000 for a Delphi for. 35282 or even though 553-5282 American federal dot com. Be a part of change and the solution to making America great again make sure to attend You That's all you have I'm sorry. Right but then she continued I believe not the God of the of the old test that was the point that I was making so if you have anything further in that that would be that would be helpful my agent Kevin you may know I'm God Harvey Weinstein I. Punish your. Old Testament I guess they got all right. I thought I was it that's it so I was right yes God the God of the Old Testament is the publisher. Yes he does punish by the way that by and that I thought it was a revealing comment some of you may think it's just a joke and it was is meant obviously a like way but it and Harvey Weinstein is God as well but that is what really annoys people who are angry at religion and judeo christian religions and it really is a big part of it is that God punishes that's very disturbing God should just be unconditional love and doesn't does not punish that's that I consider Look everybody has throwaway lines that it just are worth throwing away I understand that but I think that was rebel Tory My point is not Meryl Streep I think it is that that comment which is now made about 6 years ago was very is very telling what was a 2012 or what was the year that yeah OK Golden Globes right but. You know that God rewards and punishes That's right that's why by the way that is the reason God is loving because if the bad were not punished what kind of god would that be clearly and not a just and if you're not just you can't be loving Well that's my view there are people who would say that loving never punish someone like parents who are a spoiled kids. All right. That with that solve that issue so we have. A very interesting. Texas primary taking place here 1st 2018 primary. Is it said today the midterm election season officially kicks off on Tuesday that's today when Texas voters head to the polls for the nation's 1st primary of 2018 so the Democrats are really revved up. And they vare hoping that that will have such a massive turnout that they can retake the House of Representatives and the Senate . And I understand that hope and here's my word to the Republicans which is never listen to me and I and I'm till I have delivered this to so many Republican congressmen personally. To no avail I mean. I'm just acknowledging it it's my failure but they don't go on and off since. The lefties are always on the offense we got to I got to fix this here. But the left the left is always on the off chance the Democrats even whatever it is you are fashion or 6 or your deplorable you or 6 Service sex is not an easy difficult Folkestone phobic racist bigoted and that is their That's the offense and now the bigger offense you're supporting this terrible vile Russian colluding fascist in office and what the Republicans do Republicans will even talk policy or tell will. Defend the president or but they're always on the fence. Nobody saying I want you to understand what this vote your vote is about the Democrats are ruining the United States of America because they are now a left wing no longer a liberal party I wish I were running against a liberal I'm running against a leftist they believe in racial segregation they believe in a weakening of the American military they are quasar of pacifist. They have they they support universities that or the teaching your children almost nothing. That's that's what you have to say but they don't. 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Celebrities have become steeped in leftist politics witness the Academy Awards but we really care what they think about the issues of the day Candace Owens has the answer in the new video from Prague University see it at PRAGER You dot com where we teach what isn't all. That bad. But. She was all along one of the hello everybody listening to the Dennis Prager Show them that. The. National mayor who had affair with bodyguard resigns after pleading guilty to criminal SAFF she apparently wants an $11000.00. Anyway. I feel bad for public CHRIS She's a Democrat I'm sure I agree with her on the most nothing but it's. I think it. Odd Lee enough that the media are are more unforgiving to the public on these matters. How many years ago did I write I must be thinking 25 years ago at least that I wrote a piece and told 3 and politicians and politicians and I I am not interested I don't want to know that's my few the purity of the inner life of others is not my business it's God's business it's the business of their families. Their business obviously but it is not my business are we better off knowing these things is what I would like to know let's say the people of Nashville did not know . They elected this woman to be mayor she's either doing a good job or a bad job or a mediocre job but whether she had an affair with a bodyguard or not is. I don't know why the public needs to know it. Would we have been better off knowing I mean in this John F. Kennedy I mean he hit his he rented the White I mean this was a different story perhaps but I'm happy that when I was a kid and I was a very young kid then you know I'm entry school but I I was happy in retrospect I'm happy that I didn't know what John Kennedy was doing in the White House that I could have a sort of idealized vision of the president and by the way I said this with with another Democrat named Bill Clinton I said at the whole the whole time I don't want to know about stain dresses I know I don't want to know why of mine why is the public better off knowing this but there is no there's no sense of that in the media if we can report and it's salacious and particular Well we'll just have more viewers more readers more listeners because I don't know what I know better about anybody why why it has served the public interest to know about this. Serious or if if people listening agree with me I want to let some lines go and thank you all for protocols here. But I I would be very curious. If I would be. These are these are the moments where I love a referendum I am the only thing we have close to a national referendum. Is of course pulling national polling but I don't know how I don't know how precise there but even so I would like a poll on this I think in this regard people would tell the truth the pollsters how they feel about President Trump I think people are loathe wary about saying that they support him so I don't know but I don't know how polls with regard to that but are we better off knowing the sexual sins of public figures. If that's the question particularly adultery I mean you know. There is stuff that. If you send a picture of yourself for your private parts you know if I Instagram or some other way. That's a that's a bad sign. It's you know you'll say well isn't adultery a void sign from Eve before I was ever married I knew not to judge adultery I mean I'm not talking about serial adulterous I knew I knew that there was too much complexity in marriages to just facile ego Oh that's a bad person we don't we don't know the inner workings of any marriage and why something might have happened what if somebody is just truly mistreated or or ignored for years and then falls into the arms of someone who treats them well but they stay in the marriage for the sake of the kids here just sit and judge that person as having done major say in that instance all 3 is a sin you can't knock that out of of the moral calculus of a society I understand that. OK I'd like you to hear Ted Cruz last week in the U.S. Senate investigating You Tube and Facebook and the like. And . I was very happy about something he mentioned this is Senator Cruz in the at the U.S. Senate last week. Oh you know you don't have a you know OK I thought we had that really Anyway I want to when we do I will play that for you. There was an awareness that going up to the highest echelons of the country that we we have a danger of the Internet becoming like the university a place where only left wing views. Can be and can be told. Boris in a massive Virginia hello Boris of Manassas Hi. I'm well thanks but maybe. You are. Not because you are. Right I said that and I know I said that $11000.00 I mentioned that. Right I agree with you I agree and I took your call so that it be clear that I know that I'm just asking the question I said to the public it maybe I wasn't clear. The public I said is more forgiving of adultery and politicians than the presses the press keeps talking about these things and the public is ready to say we forgive you. You've apologized you've even come out there and say you know what folks adultery from adultery. That's not a lot of danger that would be a danger so that was my point but I'm glad it's reinforced back in a moment. Backyards looking great Rob thanks man I was planning on adding a deck to you know one good contractors why don't you just ask Home Advisor home one Home Advisor dot com You just tell me about your project and they match you with local pros that can do the job nicely how much does a cost to home advisers totally free to use plus you can read customer reviews check pricing in the book appointments for free What's the website again Home Advisor dot com or just download the free home advisor at her. Tone but the story from her own brothers entertainment comes I can only imagine when I was 11 years old Life's tough on March 16th discover the untold story. Behind the love song that inspired millions to. Saka. Sorrow the song I came the only connection rated P.G. Travel guide suggested in theaters March 16th go to I can only imagine dot com. 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The bigger story Prager Store dot com is a great place to go to get my books lectures and best of Craig or should I call it a candy store for the mind and visit it often for a special offer for your store come. Right listen to Senator Ted Cruz. With some of the leaders of the. Most important tech places. This was the final question to them from me in the U.S. Senate hearings on the Internet from Senator Cruz what is You Tube's policy with respect to Prager University and the allegations that the content Praeger university is putting out are being restricted in censored by you to. As I mentioned we enforce our policies in a politically neutral way and terms of the specifics of paper university it's a subject of ongoing litigation so I'm not free to comment on the specifics of that case well I will say the pattern of political censorship that we are seeing across the technology companies is highly concerning and the opening question I asked you whether you're a neutral public forum if you are a neutral public forum that does not allow for political editorializing and censorship and if you're not a neutral public forum the entire predicate for liability immunity under the C.D.A. Is claiming to be a neutral public forum so you say you can't have it both ways like yeah it's it's the biggest the lawsuit. Fortunately because they have put so many of our videos that pretty universally they're restricted list so it's it's I want to thank Senator Cruz publicly for raising the issue she was obviously totally aware of it the woman from youtube because this is big and we're making a difference this is March is the appeal month per university all the videos are free because people don't make to us by the way the biggest levels at 50000 dollars I visit you anywhere in the world a $25000.00 you come here and we have lunch or a cigar together and of course most of our donations are normal sums of money we understand that and we're profoundly grateful whatever you can give but we're making a difference with our 600000000 views last year and with this lawsuit and it's costing money these things nothing is free. That I envision this never never it's beyond. It's beyond what I had anticipated. We're meeting a real need so go to PRAGER You dot com Now we have a break now or call 833 Prager you 833 break or you. Just go to the batterer my Web site at tell us pretty good. You will really help the North you want to listeners I'm very grateful. You got a fight and we're fighting help us fight for you to. Just call No 833 PRAGER You can continue with the show when we come back Marcus from raising money for you. Hey at Seth leaps and you know I've tried all kinds of exercise routines recently I tried something I absolutely loved react defense systems where they teach tactical black. 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