Matters. Has become Paul Ryan says the big Republican tax bill is about jobs and thinking wages and capital preaching to me Ryan called the Federal Tax Code outdated and said the g.o.p. Legislation will make it more fair Senate and House Republican leaders are rushing to get a final bill passed by both bodies next week President Trump has said he wants to sign a sweeping package of tax cuts and reforms before Christmas Republican Roy Moore is still not conceding defeat in Alabama a special election for a u.s. Senate seat days after Democrat Doug Jones claimed victory in a video posted to You Tube on Wednesday night Moore says his campaign is still waiting for the election results to be certified by the Alabama secretary of state more notes in the video that military and provisional ballots remain to be counted ballots from overseas can continue to come in until new next Tuesday election results show that Jones defeated Moore a by 49.9 percent to 48.4 percent a show of force from u.s. Stealth fighters against the Russians Lisa Carter reports u.s. Officials are confirming American fighter jets intercepted Russian fighters over Syria the Defense Department tells n.b.c. News is that it happened earlier today over an area that officials consider to be controlled by the u.s. And its allies to us have 20 shoes were scrambled and fired flayers toward the Russians to leave the area and state news thousands of Arizona will be getting a check in the mail it's part of a settlement in a lawsuit that the state filed against the company Theron knows Investigators allege between 20132016 there are no sold about one and a half 1000000 blood test to thousands of Arizona and while quote misrepresenting and concealing important facts about those tests the company admits no wrongdoing but more than 4 and a half $1000000.00 in refund checks will be mailed to every Arizona who purchased if their nose blood test the average refund is about $60.00 more than $76000.00 checks will be mailed tomorrow now look at your money from the c.m. P.c. Market we. Poor brought to you by Grand Canyon planning stocks are trading lower today as investors exhibit some apprehension about a final tax bill from Congress the Dow Jones reached an all time trading higher early but dropped $77.00 points a close the s. And p. 500 was down 11 points to 2652 and the Nasdaq fell 19 points to finish at 6857. The. Tina Smith named on Wednesday as a replacement for resigning Democratic senator Al Franken in Minnesota was praised by the state's governor but as the Washington Examiner reports she was also a well paid lobbyist for abortion giant Planned Parenthood last decade after working for General Mills Smith launched her own public relations firm and served as v.p. For public affairs or the top lobbyist for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota in that time according to news reports she lobbied against informed consent laws for mothers and one day waiting periods for abortions during her time Planned Parenthood was Minnesota's abortion leader aborting 10 unborn children per day Planned Parenthood of Minnesota continues to thrive as revenues from abortions and other services hit $25000000.00 last fiscal year supported by more than $5000000.00 in government grants this report is brought to you by Staples Staples has great prices on tech solutions to keep your business running all season long look for hot deals on laptops and software accessories like your buds routers and modems even services like p.c. Set up and repair all for less at Staples. Or an accident blocking the traffic intently southbound on the I Want To lot of printing Southern ave that one right now sitting in the car lane going to happen to get around it heavy traffic right now back up the hill to Red Mountain really because of that letter and that's the only continues on to the last 60 transition I'll be watching for out on the one on one between 27th Avenue and 51st Avenue I'm Corey O'Connor 963. Hey 2nd leaps in here let me tell you about a new health Russian I'm using get the t. Dot com If you're feeling sluggish not energetic older than your age I have your solution get the tea dot com get the tea is an herbal tea that detox is the chemicals and toxins in your body leaving you feeling brand new younger more energetic get the tea is all organic with no fillers it's g.m.o. Free and it's made right here in America your health matters so if you're not feeling your best visit get the t. 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Dot com special interests and their friends in Congress just took a step towards opening the cork Dick National Wildlife Refuge to destructive oil and gas drilling even though American said no the Arctic Refuge is a national treasure and I'm one of the most special places in the world we must stop the irreversible damage to America's sacred public lands and protect the wildlife who call it home find out how you can help text protect Arctic to 5 to 86 to learn more paid for by the Wilderness Society Action Fund we all play a role in keeping our community safe every day we move in and out of each other's busy lives it's easy to take for granted the little moments that may come our every day some are good others not so much but that's why it's when something doesn't seem quite right that it's time to pay attention because only you know it's not supposed to be in your everyday protect your every day if you see something suspicious say something to local authorities. It sets a lead singer Chris plus court to its principles and policies such as the Sat that Chris show is on now. I am Chris bus Kirk This is of course the set and Chris show penultimate hour of the ultimate show in the valley and before we go back to Paul Ryan which is what we're discussing at the end of the last hour what's going on 2018 going to take your calls going to some people on the phone or sorry on the on hold right now we're going to go to you in just a minute but I want to take just a short detour so bear with me if you want to be a part of the show call us at 602-508-0960 alternate cadence 602508960 so if you will remember that about a month or so ago maybe it's 2 months now Seth and I were given a listener sent to Sam a couple of cut in 1987 copies of national reviewers we're paging through them looking at them and just they were just having a ball really just remembering things from that era and some of the it you know secrecies of National Review at that time they were all they were all great one of the things that I noticed which some of you will appreciate. One of things that I noticed I was looking for I can find it in the break when it but one of these I noticed was an advertisement in The National Review this is from 1907 some 30 years ago in advertisement in there for a conference it was a Christian theologian type Well I don't know about the base it was something I believe was sponsored by Chuck Colson prison ministries and he had some other he had some other sort of rising stars guys who were going to be speakers at the conference just a pastor named John MacArthur some of you know he's been a prominent Christian pastor where well known for decades now this is 30 years ago who else r.c. Sprawl Dr r.c. Sprawl was originally ordained a ruling elder in the United Presbyterian Church left the Church of the Presbyterian Church in American 1905 and was the founder of something called Ligonier ministries has had a radio ministry for I don't even know how long but decades and decades. And has done a great job became known as a as a Christian apologist and as a defender of the Christian faith repelled Jadick so using both reason and revelation to explain these things to people had a huge impact on the culture on the church on the United States and in a number of different realms a very very accomplished guy he passed today and I just want to take a moment to to honor his memory and and his work he is many of you will know this on of on our sister stations his radio program has been carried for a long time on our sister stations. Kick 60 and I think that's the one that carried it in the right. This is how they eulogize him in brief because he has just passed a day on on the site Ligonier or admits the ministry that he runs l i g o n i e r dot org says Dr r.c.s. Parole went home to be with the Lord this afternoon around 3 pm surrounded by his wife and family in his hospital room and all to Mont Springs Florida he was 78 he died peacefully after being hospital hospitalized 12 days ago due to severe respiratory difficulties exacerbated by the flu and complicated by c o p.d. Known to millions of Christians as simply r c He was used of the Lord to proclaim to teach and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness through his teaching ministry many of us learn that God is bigger than we knew or seen as more deeply rooted who we imagined in the grace of God in Jesus Christ is overwhelming God called r.c. To proclaim the gospel as many to as many people as possible r.c. Did this knowing that the Lord did not need him in fact he wanted people to know the enduring faithful witness of God's servants throughout church astri kind powerfully used ministry in the 20th and 21st century is to awaken people around the world to the truths of classical Christianity it belongs to others in the days weeks and months and years ahead to assess the impact of his ministry in the history of the church in this moment we feel loss immense sadness and profound loss the loss of a pastor a teacher a leader a brother in Christ our friend. It's it's very moving eulogy and to somebody I just thought that a lot of our listeners knowing our listeners as I do is somebody that I think a number of you know who he is and that he's been. You have benefited from from his work so I want to pass that along and just take a moment to honor the work of our city sprawl You can also find you can find out more about. This eulogy at the link in your dot org or at our c sprawl s p r o u l dot com So you know a sad moment. But when we move on that's the way he was would have wanted it now back to the phones 602-508-0960 Let me go to Rick in Phoenix welcome rec Yeah I Chris thanks for taking the call. So I'm going to kind of go out on a limb here and I'm going to throw in your name and or sets a name as a possible candidate for openings that come up either in the House or the Senate and the reason for that I'm Ok I've got to tell you I'm relatively new have only been living here in Arizona from 6 months I come from under Colorado Ok but in line with draining the swamp. Ok you gotta let the water the dirty water out the bottom but you've got to put fresh water in at the top I do it when you started to say that I thought I knew that's where you were going to go yeah you're right you got are you going to bring out the bad stuff or into that out and then fill it up with something good yeah so we need new blood we need to cast lines out into the heartland and and bring in some new people and so. I've been listening to you but you assess since I've been here and I would. Wager that you guys have the intelligence and wherewithal to do that job well I very much appreciate that you are a few people have mentioned that I will tell you I least at this point in my life don't have the desire to do it though I can speak 1st can't speak for South on that front will have to bring this up with him when he comes back but yeah it's. I do wholeheartedly agree with that I really do appreciate you even saying that I take that as a huge honor my view for myself anyway is that at this juncture I can be more of more use doing what I'm doing right now and trying to support others who are who are putting themselves out there and that's at least for at least for right now that's where I want to be Ok no that's fine I know you've got to really kind of gird your loins if you're going to jump into that arena but it is look it is tough work I mean there's that show in cable dirtiest jobs why why has he never gone to Congress I mean it's a tough for even the guys that you really like and respect and are solid Yeah it's a sure yes it is thankless Tyrell tiring work but Ok I'll leave it at that but I just Ok I'm just plant the seed this put it out there Ok I appreciate it Rick thanks thanks you bet. Paul in Show Low Paul how are you welcome to the something Chris show. The pleasure I just want to. Kill the war yeah we've posted her many times I believe this was a couple weeks ago at the pump. And I'm very much the pres are you familiar with da. The law Yeah yeah yeah and I member because I've had some conversations with their own I asked her the one question and he said to ask anybody running for any any photo office member what that is why did you go I did say. What is what is. The function and purpose of government and how do you fit in with that. It's a great question that tells me a lot of somebody answers that yeah and how they had to determine that I asked that of anyone running dog to test because Senator and so he she did the right answer right off I'm very impressed and we're all we're worst importers of her up here in the well that well you can tease us like that Paul what did she say. And the president that purpose and function of government is to secure our liberties so that we might pursue the life liberty and the Declaration of Independence. And how did she see herself fitting into it. Yet to try to I'm trying to remember because there was a while ago when he came up and talked to their Lincoln Day dinner and I can't remember exactly what he said but it was you know it was you know it was and to to regulate to save us you know the typical day like you know. Democrat and to protect those who were right so it was it was it was pretty good yeah we're the only thing is to you know we're having the state the state elections this year and I'm going to have a. Peer in that district that because this will be. The current incumbent and we're having the real issue here in the whole county public and party. Oh interesting well you have to keep us posted on that. And I do wonder. Why we only think but still we think Ok Well looks like yeah I don't know I mean she has not officially declared yet though she's going around telling people that she's going to run there's been some reporting out there on that but as of this moment in time Kelly Ward is the only officially declared candidate but I don't know all I can like. I think there is going to be a primary we just need to be prepared for to make sure that it is carried out in a way that does honor and justice to the people of the state more than the candidates themselves right and that's what needs to be from the side of the people of Arizona the citizen sovereign state and what we need Paul thanks a bunch for the call appreciate it got to run to a break if you want to be a part of the show call us 602-508-0960 We'll be right back. a on intelligent talk 960 Ok Tory. 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And during the course or 2 we need to pray for him that we don't waste them killing yes he had a heart attack to me was about 73 years old these little older than r.c. a Thing I didn't realize I had I think he's done that much. But I might just be you know a couple of years maybe and maybe I'm wrong on that even you can look it up but I think that pretty close to the same age says and it seems to me that you follow red thing for r.c. Sprawl had had written you have I guess listened to his radio program probably over the years what what what was it the you thought that marked him out as being distinct and distinctly different. He is an apologist that he teaches and. Teaches one out of the holy Yeah that is his biggest thing the holiness of God and how we we can strive for example mostly we need to pray that God helps us a lot of the way which he's doing any now right and. But to read about God filling it in the Bible to read what it means to be whole that that was the biggest thing I think and. Just. Man the love of God. Yeah he was our friend and I believe I'm sorry say it again by being discipled you know just taking so many different aspects I just I cringe people who have not heard of him to to get on the leader site and learn or even just type in his name and bring it to all the information about him I just know so much about him I went to her name when he came into town here Aaron. Well he were you know I heard that he. Interested or maybe erred on the radio. As I can't remember but that he was hospitalized for 12 days I did say that he'd been hospitalized for the last 12 days and just you know he just can't be seen or heard any and he had the flu and he had some other lingering health issues and then he you know at the stroke several years ago I write go to mine was much more there than yours and he's a. Amazing he is so well and I'm just so thankful that you gave us gave him to us for a little longer Yeah you know Susan I am too that's a wonderful testimony thank you so much for the call you are says Paul was just had an impact on so many people I thought that's why that's why I mentioned his passing on the air today I knew that it would resonate with a lot of people who listen to the show. He was fluent while he's a well known apologist who's fluent in both in English of course but in in Hebrew and in in Greek I think in Latin and pretty sure in Latin as well but I'm not positive author over 60 books and just cast a very large shadow by his. You know by his diligent efforts over many many years and by his good nature people who knew him liked him a friend was a friend of mine was in seminary with him and had they had known each other for a long long time so this is a sad day for him on a personal level as well so. Susan thanks so much for the call appreciate that want to watch turn to I guess to back to the to the more mundane. For the moment. And think about what we have coming up for us next year with Paul Ryan kind of keep getting distracted from this Paul Ryan story though I think it's important. For for 2800 tells us something about it tells us something about where the Republican Party is today as well and where it's headed and I think it's headed you know I am cautiously optimistic I guess I would just put it that way I don't want to be so strong to say I'm happy as to where it's headed but I'm happiest where might be headed where we I think we do I think we do have a good chance of reforming the Republican Party and if we can for reform the Republican Party than what well then we can reform government to it has to be it almost certainly has to be sequential in that way the Republican Party has to get its own house in order before it can be truly effective on the national stage. Amazing if you look at the Republican the state Republican parties across the country you know over the past let's say 20 years have been so much more effective than the national Republican Party in terms of policy right we have got we've got all of these states that are I 33 states that where we have unified government right where we're where we have Republican governors we have Republican legislature Republican majority legislatures It hasn't always been that way but we've been building to this over a long period period of time and you look at the reforms that have been implemented at the state level by Republicans to make a huge have made a huge difference I'll just give you one example just one just want a lot of you I know have experience with this either directly or indirectly about charter schools how much harder schools. Arizona has been a leader in the us for many many years but in Arizona we were we took the we took on the mantle of school choice early we did it right and we have been a leader in the nation forward and we have wonderful charter schools here in this country now that other states look at and say we want to think about 2 internal schools or we're just have been doing it for a few years what's the right way to do it I got an idea let's look at Arizona they've been doing it a long time and they've been doing it really well so we've got great charter schools here just to name a couple of them we've got a great hearts Cademy which is I don't know I don't know how many that are up to it they've got a number of campuses all over the valley. Wonderful system of charter schools we've got the Basis schools one down in Tucson we've got the one I guess where maybe there's 2 appear now but again great charter schools there and we also have a system here in Arizona that a number of you will be. Familiar with where we have something called s t o student tuition organizations which allow people to make a donation to one of these s t O's to benefit somebody in a private school and often a parochial school whether be Catholic Lutheran or nondenominational Christian school and it doesn't have to be Christian but it could be in a Jewish school or whatever and they are able to take a tax credit I mean not a deduction but a credit a dollar for dollar reduction of their of their state income tax bill so you make a donation to the s.d.o. They turn around you nominate somebody maybe a niece or nephew or whatever a friend's child and that person will then get the s.t.l. Will then process a tuition payment for them and this helps more people go to more kids go to private schools Well what's happened as a result of that well we've had this blossoming really this renaissance in primary and secondary education in Arizona through the charter schools and through the private schools to I have seen I have seen it also occur in some of the public schools were responding to parent needs funding to parent wishes and I think frankly responding to competition have done very very well I've got kids who've been who've been in private schools or been in public schools they've had great experiences and you know Arizona doesn't do well in the rankings of for education and primary secondary education my experience is actually quite good quite good but that is one of the places where it has been the Republicans at the state level they have enacted policy that really has improved things for their citizens. We could really use it if Republicans at the national level would would take a lesson from that and become even half as effective hopefully hopeful as a fact about at least half the at least half the way pick up on this on the other side of the break we'll be right back. To 916 years that matters with Tori Gokhan the top expressing Hopkins despite Republican defections on the field. Still Florida Senator Marco Rubio says he'll go no less a larger expansion of the child tax credit is included plus they can figure out a way to do the 11 under for your. Support at the White House today Trump said he thinks Rubio will be there when the final vote happens he also called Rubio a great guy and said final votes on sweeping tax cuts should be held in the Senate and House very soon Republican leaders are working feverishly to get a bill to Trump's task by the end of next week. The. Deputy Attorney General Ron Rosenstein refused to say on Wednesday whether the f.b.i. Paid for the infamous trial dossier Rosenstein who was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee suggested that he knew the answer to the question which was posed by Florida Representative Ron to Sanchez but said he was quote not in a position to answer that question to Sanchez asserted that the judiciary panel has quote every right to the information about payments for the dossier congressional Republicans have long questioned the Justice Department and f.b.i. Over whether payments were made for the Trump dossier which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Clinton campaign and d.n.c. This report is brought to you by a Business Roundtable American companies and workers are at a disadvantage under our current tax system the tax reform can make us competitive again meaning higher wages and more jobs call Senator John McCain and tell him to vote for real tax reform I. Think a lot for example out on I 17 and the I can split transition into the transition ran to the east around 10 it's off to the right ahead slowing there right now to traffic back a very hectic 7th Avenue the president downtown to be watching for some of the travel westbound on the 10 between the 2 to be stacked and about 59000 for your honor 968 for you sherry with professional escrow resources with the sherry that you do well for people that own real estate and want to do something close. 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Patriot Patriot Act it number one not only is the Patriot Act great for streaming our live programs you can access all patriot podcasts click on the upper left hand corner and select podcasts to find all our great weekday and weekend programs download the Patriot app that your app store today. You just. 2 2 heard got a question. Got a question maybe I don't know somebody can somebody should be able to to help me with this one I hope I hope somebody can anyway because this is 11 that has been. Confusing me for a while for about 2 years right now who is all my Rossa why and why do I care I don't understand i just that this is one of these things I keep hearing this name all my bills shaking his head he doesn't know either I hear all morose to leave the White House I hear Omarosa to join the White House Omarosa on the campaign trail of Donald Trump lyric I'm going I'm going backwards now in time now I see Omarosa calls Robin Roberts by Felicia remarked Patty after disputing reports of White House exit. What I have I feel like I have missed something in pop culture here because I don't know who Omarosa is I know she has something to do with Donald Trump in some prior business venture or something and she has an unusual name so now we just know her by her by her 1st name she's like Prince or Madonna or or something but why why do I care that's the big question Who is she and why do I care Omarosa trip white house alarms after being fired according to the Hill the honorable Omarosa all the drama after after her after her extended White House ouster that's People magazine Omarosa ousted by Kelly in White House situation room despite her denial that's from Fox News 12 minutes ago that was posted. Ok. Yes that's fine. Do we can we move on from Omarosa Now I don't didn't know who she was I don't know who she is and I'm generally of the opinion I don't think that I would be edified by finding out feel free to call and tell me if you want to but it seems like one of those pieces of information where I'll be just fine if I never ever find out the answer imperiled maybe you will be too. And I want to just tease one thing coming up at 5 o'clock Victor Davis Hanson will be joining us a lot of you know Victor Davis Hanson Professor Hanson he is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford he is he is a regular columnist a weekly columnist for American greatness he is also and this is not hyperbole this is not exaggeration he is also a national treasure he has a great book out that we. That we had it with that we discussed with him a couple weeks ago it just came out it just came out last month called the 2nd World War as it is a it is a monumental. History of the 2nd World War He is the reason it's called the 2nd world wars plural as he takes a look at the basically the different what he calls the different wars their wars within within one grander war and what kind of discusses them Walker It's about 800 pages but it is a very readable it's got a great narrative has a wonderful lively writing style and it is highly recommended but the reason that I have him on is his book filled with fields without dreams defending the agrarian idea which he wrote 20 some years ago now and i'm just have just read recently and find absolutely fascinating so that. That's something you will definitely want to that's something you will want to know about as opposed to I don't know who Omarosa is for those of you following the tax bill we have reports coming out of Washington that. That little Marco Rubio the reason it's called Little Marco a little Marco is saying that he won't support the tax bill will not vote for it he voted for Prop before he says he won't. Support unless there is a larger tax credit for I don't know what his pet group is right now some sort of some subgroup of American citizens he thinks need to have a larger tax credit or he won't vote for it this is the bad side about to about dealing with the Senate when it comes down to these situations every senator thinks that they are a king. It's inappropriate in this circumstance it is absolutely inappropriate there was great play piece of audio we're trying maybe trying gravitas just about maybe 4 seconds where we're Rubio describes you know I want this tax credit or I won't vote for the bill except that I just said it about a 1000 times more forcefully and confidently than Then he did it it was more like if I don't get the if I don't get the credit I. Won't support the bill. Did not exactly exude confidence this is how you wind up getting called Little Marco So we'll see I mean in response to that one of Donald Trump say he said I'm confident Marco will be he's a great guy I'm confident he'll be confident he'll support the final bill he well it's posturing this is you get these guys this is their time to shine to feel like they're important that they am somebody as we say I am somebody and Marco Rubio wants to feel like he am somebody to so now he's he's playing his role as a little extra well on your plate at the getting at the rain it's ridiculous Republicans need to do one thing get together as thick as a caucus get together as a conference get together as Republicans in the Senate in the house and then push the ball forward politics is a team sport we do not want to have 52 soon to be 51 free agents as Republicans in the Senate these days and to agree on things Marco Rubio Bob Corker Jeff Flake etc These guys need to get on side we'll be right back. Larry Elder is continually dumbfounded by the media the Harvey Weinstein scandal is now being used by the left to say well done to come to the same things we've elected Donald Trump we've done the Harvey Weinstein the issue is really really really not just what's going on in Hollywood the issue is Donald Trump The Larry Elder Show weeknights. Tonight on intelligent talk 960 The Patriot. Fisher do it for townhall dot com The Washington Post recently reported that a top f.b.i. Official Peter shows like who had previously been assigned to and then removed from Special Counsel Robert a smaller the 3rd investigation had quote exchange politically charged text disparaging President Trump that supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton end quote and that Stroh's it was also quote a key player in the investigation into Clinton's use of a private e-mail server end of quote This is a blockbuster revelation carrying the possibility of shattering public confidence in a number of long held assumptions about the criminal justice system generally and the f.b.i. And the Justice Department specifically the Justice Department should appoint another special counsel this one to investigate Stroh's its actions as soon as possible the special counsel should conduct an inquiry bring any necessary charges and make a report and it should come from someone without ties to the president or his opponents they do exist such men and women former federal judges make excellent candidates and Hugh Hewitt. 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The 2 I don't know I don't even have a hammock but that will. To that song makes me want to buy one for the last time I slept till noon I don't know I think I was about 14. But it sounds like it could be fun I don't know maybe I'll buy a hammock maybe maybe I'll get one a Christmas I'll try it out we'll see I I wanted to talk about I've been wanting to do this for that during the whole show actually and for a lot of the week but we have not been able to until now which is the tax bill so when all this talk about the tax bill look I have played audio excuse me I played audio last week I was on n.p.r. Last week discussing the tax bill I said at that time I said I thought it was like a c. Plus but that I supported it I thought that it should that I thought it should be passed I would it with the conference with the with the conference bill that has now been agreed between the House and the Senate I upped it to a b. Maybe even a b. Plus and still say I would support it whole heartedly I don't have to everything doesn't have to be an a or an a plus I'm reminded by the fact that Ronald Reagan in the eighty's the great tax reform or the great tax cut or the Gipper of all people it took him 3 bites at the apple in order to get tax reform right to get the way to really get it the way he wanted you don't always get everything in the 1st go round this is a major tax overhaul bill and in general it's quite good there is that I have quibbles gets everybody has quibble so what it's a good bill it will improve the lives of Americans it will improve the tax code it will improve it will improve life for the middle class why because it'll make American businesses much more competitive and it will in fact it will empower and incentivize businesses both American based businesses and businesses from abroad to come to America locate their businesses and what does that mean it means more camp alongshore in the United States it also means more jobs for Americans I strongly believe that the key to the future peace and prosperity of this country is growing and strengthening the middle class period end of story. More people in it a stronger foundation in the middle class that's it so look Reagan took it took him 3 tax bills he had a tax bill in $81.00 he had a tax bill in maybe to slash $83.00 and then of course the big tax reform bill in $86.00 which is the one everybody looks at as a high $86.00 tax bill did x. Y. And z. There were so that by the way there was some fallout from the $86.00 tax bill too but they took their time and over the course of the presidency accomplished quite a bit and we we are still in 2017 we are still experiencing the positive effects of what Ronald Reagan and the Republican Congress did back in the eighty's so let's let's give credit where credit is due with with this bill but what's in it that's the big question let me just run through it so people understand why they. Why why they should support this bill be happy when it passes and by the way where you should get recalcitrant Republicans in particular Marco Rubio and Bob Corker I mean these are these are 2 guys if you want to know what they're going to say just it's going to be with the opposite of whatever Donald Trump's as if he says up they'll say I doubt if he's as black they'll say white he says yes they're going to say no well Ok you know Corker has gone out of the Senate after this term not a lot to do with him Rubio theoretically wants a career in the Senate he needs to get on side with the Republican Party and by the way with his constituents too but here what's in the bill let me just do a side by side comparison for you so then the current law this is a very helpful law graphic by the way that political put together in the current law the top corporate tax rate 35 percent now applies to taxable income over $10000000.00 a year the same for corporations there are 3 other corporate tax brackets 1525 and 34 percent under the conference agreement sets a single corporate tax rate at 21 percent starting in 2018 up from 12 a 20 percent rate Ok so basically we go from a top top top corporate tax rate of 35 percent to 21 percent Ok fine. Good by the way that's very good for business in a way and it is done in such a way that it's good for the middle class to the alternative minimum tax the current law is the Mt Is effect is basically a minimum tax on the wealthy so they can avoid paying no taxes get to a point where they pay no tax on the individual side however it can affect joint filers with incomes of just 78 $1000.00 not so much in the conference agreement it ends the a.m.t. For corporations but keeps it for individuals while boosting the exemption to $500000.00 for single taxpayers and $1000000.00 for couples this is a good thing I'll just tell you that a lot of a lot of kind of middle class people got stuck in the a.m.t. In the Alternative Minimum Tax It was not it was never meant for the middle class was basically meant so the very high earners would always wind up paying some tax so that's a good one individual tax rates there are now 7 individual tax rates 101-525-2833 extension 3539 point 6 percent there's also a standard deduction of $6350.00 for single filers and $12700.00 for married couples and combined that actually does create a 0 percent tax bracket the Quite a lot of people quite a large percentage of people actually fall into. Under the conference agreement the top tax rate would be set at 37 percent. There is a hidden tax rate by the way that's basically back at about $39.00 and a half percent so that's a little bit of a slightly misleading the standard deduction would be doubled so in other words 12 $1700.00 for single filers and $25400.00 for married couples the number of brackets and income threshold for each were not are not available yet but basically that's the idea increase the standard deduction and flatten the brackets and reduce the the rates here's a big one this is actually a very big one the Affordable Care Act Obamacare the individual mandate guess what happens with that under the current law Obamacare requires individuals to buy health insurance or pay a poor pay a big tax penalty we all know this we've all had to fill out the forms when we file for the past guess that since 2011. In the conference agreement it repeals the individual mandate. Get it their individual mandate the perhaps the most offensive single part of Obamacare gone gone if they pass this bill and I think they will I hope they will this goes a long way to fulfilling a couple of different Republican promises on tax reform yes that's good it's good for the economy it's good for the middle class but also on Obamacare repeals the individual mandate which tears the beating heart out of Obamacare they're going to do something afterwards to to quote unquote try and fix try and shore up the exchanges like this is a big state this does not completely dismantle Obamacare but this is a big big step forward in. Undoing the atrocity the abomination that is Obamacare I have mentioned it on the air but I'm in the process right now of doing my own health insurance it's and individual health insurance there is a total of how many. Individual insurers America County one if I go on to the Obamacare exchanges for my family and I get the quotes my if I if my for the for the I guess the most robust plan I think they called the gold plan or whatever . The premium that I was quoted is almost $30000.00 just shy of $30000.00 even for the gold plan it's like $2425000.00 a year that's that this is under something called the Affordable Care Act health insurance for a family 30000 dollars in case you're wondering well do you have any weird preconditions or things that are expensive No quite healthy thank God quite healthy and we're very thankful for that 30 grand 30 grand if we want to get insurance on the Obamacare exchange type to end and I'm and I'm so tired you know when I have this experience I'm very tired when I hear these congressmen and senators say oh people are going to lose their health insurance be you know this would be bad for people really not for me anyway you're right back. 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For a little just for a couple last items in the in the tax bill I thought you know as I look through this I think this is this is a good clean up taxes you know it's tough to get too excited when you're listening to the tax bill and it's complicated very often complicated but one of the things this does is it makes the tax code less complicated more understandable that's a good thing could still be much less complicated and that as I say you can't always achieve everything the 1st time around but at least this is a good faith and a meaningful step forward as a 1st as a as a strong 1st step how so how does the how does the tax bill treat passthrough business as we're talking about partnerships as corporations sole proprietorships they basically this is something that affects primarily the not exclusively small and mid-sized businesses the type businesses a lot of people that listen to the show owner or maybe work for I know this because you guys tell me this business income right now from those types of businesses is taxed at the individual tax rates under the conference agreement there's a new 20 percent adoption for a pastor businesses state local taxes this is one of the things that has got some people not so happy tax payers right now under current law you can deduct your state and local income tax Ok if you live in a place like Arizona this is not that big a deal it's nice but it's not that big a deal if you live in a place like let's say Texas or Florida where there is no state income tax it's totally a non-issue because your don't have anything to do that because you're up paying state income tax but it is a very. Big deal in high tax deep blue states places like California New York Connecticut Massachusetts these states have high state and local income taxes so it is it's a big deal for filers there for me for citizens when they're filing their federal income tax to be able to take as a deduction the amount of money that they paid in stating come tax this aluminum it's that but it does it does it actually puts a 10000 dollars limit on it but it so it basically caps that this. Look this this I think is good policy it's tough for people in those states but guess what the federal government that means you and me and by the way the Chinese who are loaning the government all the money to do it the federal government all this money to do these things we are paying to subsidize the bureaucracies the for the prophecy and the extremely high tax regimes that they have in these Democrat states in other words Texas Arizona Florida all these states we're all paying the bills by subsidizing through this deduction program that the high state income tax and in those places This does away with that I think that's that's a good thing the unfortunately doesn't. It doesn't do much on the estate tax right now but though it does double the exemption so that's right I stand corrected that it's not nothing we would like to see then when the nation on the death tax there's a few other little things the mortgage interest deduction unfortunately sets a cap this is one of them that's I have to pay I don't think there should be a cap that the deductibility of mortgage interest for that sets of that $750000.00 so not too bad anyway all in all a good bill one that one that we as Republicans as conservatives as American citizens should be happy to support and that we want to see Marco Rubio get on board of support to the way we're going to go to a break and we'll have Victor Davis Hanson on the other side will be right back. Thinking about life insurance what if you could make one free phone call and learn your best price from nearly a dozen highly rated price competitive companies or that's exactly what happens when you call select quote life for example George is 40 he was getting sky high quotes from other companies because he takes meds to control his blood pressure but when I shop around I found him a 10 year 500000 dollars policy for under 20 $5.00 a month I'm select what Agent dance to be now and believe me if select quote isn't shopping for your life insurance you. Probably paying too much for your free quote called $87148887214888714240.00 or go to short quote since 1985 we shop you say if. It's full details on the example policy it's like programs like commercials or price could vary depending on your health insurance company other factors not available in all states. K k n t Phoenix and online at 960 the Patriot dot com a division of Salem Media Group Nasdaq simpleness Salem we are the page for. $969.00 news that matters with Cory O'Connor Netflix says it disappointed by the f.e.c. Is published in net neutrality today Tom offering explains the streaming giant tweeted net neutrality ushered in an unprecedented era of innovation creativity and civic engagement this is the beginning of a longer legal battle the Obama era regulations require Internet service providers to treat all traffic equally repealing the rules means telecom giants can speed up slow down or block traffic from certain websites and apps Netflix says it stands with innovators large and small to oppose this misguided f.c.c. Order Reddit c.e.o. Steve Huffman says the f.c.c. Has voted in net neutrality is bad for entrepreneurs the f.c.c. Chairman says the repeal is meant to get the government to quote stop micro-managing the Internet President Trump is cheering deregulation for the 1st time in decades we achieved regulatory savings hasn't happened in many decades we blew our target out of the water in a White House event today Trump noted that he has a ministration canceled or delayed roughly $1500.00 regulations in 2017 he said removing regulations on businesses is helping to grow the economy and create jobs trump is pushing his cabinet secretaries to identify even more regulations that could be cut in the coming year according to recently released. Reports former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the Obama State Department that allowed her to take ownership of records that she did not want made public Judicial Watch says Clinton and her then deputy chief of staff you may have a duty or permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim that they were quote personal and classified non record materials the newly released documents show that he allowed Clinton Aberdeen to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules and the records would not be released to the general public Aberdeen for example was allowed to remove electronic records and physical files some labeled Muslim engagement documents in state news Arizona's ports of entry are facing serious staffing and infrastructure problems news reports the Customs Border Protection has over 2100 unfilled officer positions across the board despite a 30 percent increase in the number of trucks and goods coming across the border from Mexico over the last decade the lack of staffing and investment in technology slows down the flow of goods from Mexico to retailers here plus the c.v. .