Well for the new year the title of the devotional book is a greater purpose as I've described it to you before it's a 10 leather beautifully embossed with gold letters and embedded in the cover is a beautiful picture a mountain landscape and then inside in between each month there is a beautiful portrait and each page is adorned with color and most of all each page is filled with spiritual truth encouraging stories and motivation to help you get started every day this beautiful devotional book is our way of saying thank you for your generous gift a turning point as we end the year together as you can well imagine the month of December is critical very important to the ministry of turning point this is the month when we make up for some of the lunar months in the year and so it's really important that you remember us and and take into consideration how God may have used this program in your life over the past year we hope to reflect upon that and then do your very best to make turning point in part of your year and giving and when you send your gift be sure to ask for your copy of greater purpose we'll get it to you just as soon as we can right now we're going to go back and pick up where we left off yesterday as we conclude our discussion of growing strong in your faith . I find it really interesting that when I tell people we're at war as believers they look at me with a blank stare you know I'm not at war my friend if you are at war. You may not even be a Christian I don't think it's possible to be a believer and not be at war in your heart there is an enemy out there was trying to destroy you there's an old nature that didn't get eradicated when you were saved that's in there trying to undermine everything that God does so one of the positive signs that you're a believer is that you're going through some of this struggle and you don't need to be comfortable being in the struggle but be aware that you're always going to have one and to. You get the glory you're going to win most of the battles as you go along but you're going to have some struggles I have them you have them we all have them. So Paul is saying you start out as a baby and Namor it with forgiveness and then you become a young man and now you're involved in the wars of the Christian faith. The special privileges young man is overcoming and the special purpose for young men is to know the word now how do you fight the war you still go out in your own strength if you do that you're not going to be victorious you're going to be a victim you will not be a champion you'll be a casualty. If you fight in your own strength but notice how carefully John has preserved for us this truth go back and read again what it says I write to you young man because you have overcome the wicked one now the 2nd time he says I have written to you young men because you are strong and the Word of God is in you so how do you overcome that we could one you overcome the wicked one who is Satan through God's holy word Philippians 413 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me now these young men are strong in the Word of God because the Word of God is strong in them. You don't get strong in the Word of God by bringing your Bible to church then work or throw it on the back of your seat until next Sunday you get strong in the word by letting the word abide in you richly and begin to develop some resources in the Word of God I wrote down just to 2 or 3 things I want to remind you guys of and this is true for us both physically and spiritually the Word of God is the young man's source of strength and you know that Hebrews $513.14 says Everyone who are takes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but solid food belongs to those who are full age what is solid food it's the meat of the Word of God if you're still on John $316.00 you probably are on the meat of the word not John $316.00 to me passage but it's usually the 1st passage everybody remembers. And if you are past that you haven't yet gotten off the milk you're still on pablum you're still on formula. So what the Word of God says is that the Word of God becomes your source of strength it's this solid food that you take into your life secondly the word of God is the young man's secret of purity How do you stay pure in a world where you are always at war notice Psalm 119 verse 911 how pointed these verses are how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to your word your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you while that's it and then the Word of God is not only our source of strength in our secret of purity but in this passage we find out it's our sort of the Spirit. The Bible says in $617.00 take the helmet of salvation and those sort of the Spirit which is what class Word of God Now it's not low gossip word it's Ramo word you know what that means is the word you speak out of your mouth based upon what you learned from the scripture. And this is what it says. That you speak out of your mouth the words that are in the scripture. Let me give an illustration when Jesus was in the wilderness and he was being tempted by Satan Matthew for if you want to look it up but saying take him out a will or should be an attempt and the Bible says that when he was tempted by Satan Jesus said it is written and he spoke a passage from the Old Testament into that situation that gave him victory 3 times he did that and I don't remember the 1st time I looked this up to find out where those passages came from the Old Testament you know where they came from class from Deuteronomy that was the last time you did your devotions in Deuteronomy. Well Jesus knew there were passages in Deuteronomy that would be affective and he used the word of God and I love the end of that passage that says and the devil left him alone and went away you know how to use the sort of the Spirit in your growth as a young Christian you take God's word and you learn the word and you learn how to apply it to every situation in your life you build some armories of verses in Scriptures so that when the enemy comes in you're fighting that war and your growth maturity pattern you begin to know that God's word speaks to that issue and you know what God's word says or you can find it and you use the word of God as a sword of the spirit against the enemy of your life that's what the Scripture teaches. John says sometimes we're little children and all we can talk about is I'm forgiven I'm forgiven that's great I've got a fellowship that's wonderful but if you hang around long enough you're going to get into a war and the war will be determined on the basis of whether or not you are strong in the Word of God. That's the special purpose of young men now what's the special problem for young men notice the special problem for young men is the wicked one and both messages to young men we are told that they have overcome the wicked one now pray tell who could that be who is the wicked one he is none other than Satan in fact in the Lord's prayer in John 17 he says I do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one the evil one is Satan Here's what John is teaching us and I think this is profound because I found it to be true in my own life you go through the 1st stage of coming to know Christ and you're overwhelmed with the joy of it you get into phase number 2 and you're a young person as a Christian and all of a sudden you begin to have all of these challenges one of the 1st ones usually is the assurance of your salvation how do I know I'm sure Satan begins to sow doubts in your mind the evil one does everything within his power to try to take you away from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus in your faith. And if you don't take the word of God is the sort of the Spirit you will become overwhelmed and discouraged and many of our counseling appointments are made up of people who got into that situation and were prepared for the issues that they were going to face and so they kind of stalled out at this point in their life and they never go further the wicked what the Bible says the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and you know what he wants to devour he wants to devour your testimony your influence and your joy and he will do it. With all of his might. Here's the key to the Conquest you are strong in the strength that is yours because the Word of God is at home in you. And that's where you start that's why discipleship is so important to just stop here and make a point for some of the ministries in our church I don't know of any church that I'm aware of that has more opportunities for people like this through the women's ministry there are incredible men's ministry all kinds of Bible studies and personal one on one and mentoring my friend if you're in this church and you're stalled and you're not growing you don't have anybody to blame but yourself because there are hundreds of opportunities out there just waiting and if they knew you needed help they'd be on your doorstep you need to go and say I need to get in a Bible study I need to get started in discipleship I want to be in the new members class I want to be in the New Believers class there's always some place for you to get involved to build the strength of your life and if you don't do that it's not a matter of if it's just a matter of when the enemy's going to come and be victorious now let's go on to the 3rd category as little children were known for our fellowship as young men who are known for our fighting Now thirdly as fathers were known for our faithfulness and I love this passage of Scripture verse John 2 13 am 14 a I write to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning. I have written to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning what is the special privilege of the father and he's talking here about somebody who's been in the faith they started out as a child they went through the youth stage and now they're mature they're the mature Christians in the church what is their special privilege Well it's their experience . They've already been through the flights they've already seen some victories and some defeats they already know what's going to happen and so when you get to that place that experience is wonderful to know that you know. The father's can look back over a long life of experience of following Jesus Christ and one thing they know for sure he's been a faithful because he's never failed anyone and they can pull out out of their experience bank out of the computers of their mind they can pull up the experiences where God is walk them through the tight places and they can use that experience his confidence will whatever they face in the future if God has been with me like this in the past will he be like that for me absolutely. I read a definition of maturity this week you know of a turkey is. Maturity is moving from soft skin and a tough heart to tough skin and a soft heart. That's pretty good in that maternity is moving from soft skin and the tough part to tough skin in a soft hard. And the beauty of being mature in the faith and having a walk with the Lord for a number of years is the fact that you can look back over your shoulder and realize that God has never failed you he's always been with you and he brings great confidence to your heart and you can be filled with joy because the God you serve is a God who never fails. Now what's the special purpose of the Father's there to be faithful the little children know him a spotter the fathers have come to know him as he that is from the beginning he is the immutable God who does not change as men change over the years in. You get to know him and his faithfulness you know time just goes on and hurries as we get older time goes faster that's what they tell me and I think that's true. But isn't it interesting that we serve a God who never changes Psalm 90 says it this way Lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth where ever you had formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting you are God and Malakai says for I am the Lord I do not change. There are many in our churches who are bent with the weight of years whose Christian experience is still in the kindergarten What a tragedy that is and what a joy it is to see it the other way and thank God for the many godly men and women we have in this congregation whose hair is as wide as mine and who walk with the Lord for many years and are still faithful to him through the ups and downs and difficulties of life. That's the goal you don't want to be a children or your life you don't want to stay in the you thing or your life you want to grow to maturity so that you become one of the mature people in the church and in your walk with the Lord What's the special problem for father's Here it is it's complacency isn't it you know there aren't any plateaus in the Christian life and you know that if you think you've arrived you haven't. You have not. You have to get to the place where you understand that no matter how much you've grown or what maturity you have in Christ you can never get comfortable with that you always need to be going forward I think about Paul who was one of the great saints who ever walked on this earth in his last letter he wrote one of his last letters he said I do not count myself to have arrived but I pressed forward for the call of God in Christ Jesus there always needs to be a little bit of discomfort in our hearts no matter who we are where we are with the walk of the Lord that there is still more for us to learn and to go forward 1st Corinthians 1012 says therefore lead him with things he stands take heed lest he fall very easy to fall. Now as we bring all of this to a conclusion I want to try to make it as practical as I can before we say our final Amen here and I want to just give you 4 words or say something about 4 things that I think you need to be aware of that will help all of us kind of get in the comfort zone because when you do this if you're not careful you can just feel awful guilty and why am I not where I should be and all that don't know that's not it it's about where you are. And about how God wants you to move forward somebody said it this way God loves you as you are but he loves you too much to leave you as you are. A man and that's the way it should be for all of us God loves us as we are if you're in the child's face that's all right God loves you as you are but don't want you to stay there you think my friend in Van Wert Ohio would have given every dime he had if he could have caused his little girl to mature and become normal you bet he would. That's the heart Almighty God has for all of us he doesn't want us to stay in the infancy stage he wants us to grow up and become a tour in Christ let me just say a word about pursuing spiritual growth is proactivity. It is not incidental it is not natural it requires your attention and your willing participation you say well if I'm already born into God's family when I just grow. Because you can't grow without food you can't grow without exercise you can't grow without discipline all of those take some initiative on your part you need to exercise yourself to godliness so if you think this is just going to happen naturally I want to tell you it doesn't and I had to come to that in my own life and I want to tell you about that a minute. And then I want to talk to you about a word of patients spiritual growth is a lifelong process the war is long and the battles are many don't let one battle discourage you a word about persistence don't let the last battles keep you from winning the war Satan will always have 2 strategies for you as you fight the growth cycle number one 1st of all he'll tell you you can't go there and once you get there he'll tell you you can't stay he will try to discourage you from taking the next step of growth and once you take that step he will tell you well it's just a matter of time until you're not going to be here anymore don't you let him do that to you don't you let one battle that you lose I used to think well if I miss one day reading the Bible Man I got to repent with sackcloth and you know what I do now I understand that my God as a father and I just say father and what happened yesterday I thought I had this all together and it didn't happen the way I wanted to but I love you and I'm going to pick up where I left off and go forward say want you to get so depressed over your failures that you can never have success that's one of his great strategies a word about patience and persistence and that a word about priority. Your spiritual growth is your most important pursuit as a believer God loves you so much that he wants to take you to the. Place where you're going to have the greatest joy. First Timothy says oddly exercise prompts a little but Godliness is profitable in all things having the promise of the life that now is and about which is to come and 1st time of the 416 when Paul was writing to young Timothy Listen to this I have this in blazoned in my heart because I'm in the ministry as Timothy was this is what he said he said Timothy take heed to yourself. Take heed to yourself. And then to your doctrine. Well I tell you what that is something that ought to guide every one of us who serve the Lord in ministry before you prepare your message before you prepare your song before you prepare your Sunday school lesson you better prepare yourself and the way you prepare yourself as you get before the Lord you read His word and you confess your sin and you deal with your own heart because no matter I hold hard you work to prepare a message if it comes through a dirty vessel God can't use it. And every day when I go into my office there's this temptation I have met I'm all excited about my message and I want to get into my books and start studying and I hear this voice in the back of my head take heed to yourself and then do your doctrine. Make sure you make sure that you are were you ought to be and where God wants you to be so that God can use you in the way he wants to use you. Somebody asked me the other day what's the most important thing you ever did in your walk with the Lord to help you grow and I don't have any question about that I want to tell you about it I almost brought an illustration but I was afraid it would be perceived. In the wrong way so I didn't so I have to describe it to you. Since I discovered I had cancer back in 1904. I had developed this discipline of journaling. And you've heard me tell the story that I never journal before because I thought it was for women and mystics reasons and since I want a woman or a mistake I was going to do it and then I heard a tape or read a book by Gord MacDonald in which he said he journal in his computer and that's something to me so I thought of you know that was something I could do I would do that so I got my computer out and I started kind of and here's what it is I don't know how profound this is to you folks but I just want to share it with you. It became kind of a record of my journey with God. It helped me get specific about my life it helped me get specific in my prayers I took out all the pages of my journal which I should organize a lot better but I do it and then I printed out and I just stick it on a shelf I'll tell you I pulled one sheet out of the middle last night. And I began to read it back on that sheet of paper where the prayers that I prayed. For my younger son. Who graduated from college and said all kinds of records in the football world and then got stalled in the recruiting process in a Didn't look like anything was going to happen I remember the defeat in his heart in the discouragement that we all felt and I cried out to God Why are you letting this happen this is a good kid why would you let this happen to him. And then he looked back to that point and see how God took the poor and he just watched growing all the way through and so were Daniel is now doing what he loves to do with all of his heart and God has been in it every step of the way. I could trace my walk with learning in my own personal life I still have the prayers I cried out to God when I found out I was sick I can't read those because they're so emotional and personal I want to tell you something friends if you want to get serious about getting out of child hood and into the young man status or out a young man into maturity one of the best things you can do is get yourself a spiral notebook. And begin to take note of what God is doing in your life you say Pastor what I put in that. Put your observations about what's going on I sometimes just come in a sit down turn the computer on and I onload on God charity or God before I do anything else here's the 1st 10 things that you don't understand about where I am right now and I do it and that's why you're never going to read your. Last night if I died shred it. But I want to you know I love you people so much. I want you to grow I want you to go on and know what God wants for your life some of you are settling for so little when God wants to give you so much. And is just waiting for you to take the next step and. More than halfway help you go on to majority Amen amen. And when I say to my congregation I mean exactly for all of you who listen that's the reason we do what we do to help us all grow in our walk with the Lord and mature and become more faithful servants of the one who gave Himself for us we serve the Lord Jesus Christ together and every day as we open the word and as we listen to the teaching we are made more effective servants that's our goal and I hope it's working in your life don't forget during this month when you send your gift to turning point to ask for your copy of greater purpose it's our brand new devotional for the New Year this beautiful leather covered devotional is in the new bit larger size so the prince much bigger and much easier to read and you'll want to keep this by your bedside or on the coffee table where you sit in the morning to have your coffee and maybe read the paper instead of reading all the paper read a little bit of it and then read this book because it will fill you up with spiritual truth encouragement that will get you started. Right for the new day there's one devotional reading for every day of the New Year 365 devotionals and they're all bound in this beautiful book that you'll be so proud to have in your There's your marriage same cold and distant would you like Ford to be warm and caring Dr Gary Chapman with a lot of language minutes in my book The 4 Seasons of marriage I give 7 strategies for developing a marriage that looks like spring one of those strategies is discovering the also power of empathetic listening few things are more powerful than learning to listen to your spouse most of us are not good listeners we often respond to our spouses ideas before we fully understand them we end up in an argument that leaves both of us frustrated learning to ask Are you saying and letting your spouse clarify leads to understanding once we understand we can make an Inform response when tr turns to spring. Dr Gary Chapman is the aren't there at the 5 Love Languages more visit 5 Love Languages dot com. Here's today's key for unlocking the Bible with Pastor Paul Smith be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one and out there as God in Christ forgave you if someone has hurt she injured you are wrong too and some way don't be surprised if at some point God puts you in a position where you have the opportunity to get them back that's what happened to Joseph his brothers wronged him terribly but God blessed him and he became the prime minister of Egypt then one day the brothers needed food and when they came to Egypt Joseph had the man is power what you do when you have the opportunity to get even will be the most revealing thing about Joseph forgave his brothers that's what Jesus does and that's what he calls us to do this comes from Pastor Collins book Moment. At a walk in the Bible died for. When I think of The Grinch trying to steal Christmas cheer on the who's down in Whoville who don't shed a tear when their toys and their gifts and their cards are all taken because their faith in Christmas just can't be shaken I always come back to one question real snappy what made those who was down in Whoville so happy now many of claim that the salsa they began from being with loved ones their friends and their family although that can bring some peace to a soul there are many who still have a huge gaping hole despite all the loved ones that gather around there's still something missing that hasn't been found it's not a thing but a person you see he was born on a go when he died on a tree he did it for us we wouldn't have guilt for all sins those bad things that make a heart will but it didn't stop there he defeated death to his offer to give just for me and for you to learn more about Jesus who can feel the dog who will call a date meet him he's great for your soul your choice you can simply ignore what I've said or you can call a date medium instead just like the Grinch when his heart burst so wide now you have a moment to think and decide. Today on a high point with. He can only read your behavior and he is a great study or any He's been watching for a long time I thinned out I'm telling him the person that knows you the best that you think does and I'm telling you he the enemy knows him you better than him because he spent more time. With pastor of High Point church in Naperville Illinois I'm Steve Smith and we're in a series called d.n.a. Of a disciple maker and Ron I have a feeling today's message as going to be a little bit sobering isn't it it is and we're right in the midst of Jesus being tempted and sometimes the devil can offer us what we believe to be True Lies and we want to dispense that we want to move past that we want to we want to know how to fight against that and Jesus is our model to fighting the difficulties that this world brings specifically spiritual warfare that's what we're talking about way too often we gloss over this passage too much in our readings and we forget how deceitful the anime really is how he misleads us we want to take care that we want to understand it we want to grow in it as we continue our series d.n.a. Of a disciple maker Well this is a message I know we can all benefit from Supreme heart listen in here's pastor run some of you may be aware of the tragedy that. Occurred very close to here in the neighborhood down field road right here in Naperville and. There was a mom who. Brutally murdered her son and a 5 year old and if you can make that worse. 100 times she stabbed him. And then she stabbed. The 7 year old that she was babysitting because this girl had witnessed. What she had done to her son and she stabbed her 50 times. That's down the street. And if you're like me you might think to yourself well what what causes a person to do such a thing. And I say the same thing that causes a person to abuse their spouse the same thing that causes someone to molest a child the same thing that causes someone to do to neglect God's ways to follow their own. Path instead of his one word. Lies. These lies that come out us these lies that we believe these things that assault us that we don't know how to fend them off many don't and these things I'm not going to say that that's the only cause but that is certainly one of the primary things that we listen to whether it's in our head or through our circumstances or because of our surroundings there's all these lies that we believe and they bring us to a point of decision where we do things we regret I don't think I'm the only one. And so how are we to defend ourselves open your Bibles please chapter 4 and what I want to do is I want to give you today 3 there's a lot of them but 3 of the most common lies that you and I believe this bar has I'm going to pray before I get into God's work. Father I call out to you with a heart that's filled with sorrow over the things that have occurred over the last several days and I just asked the people that are in with my within my reach the people that are within the sound of my voice Lord that you could help us to help other people I pray your spirit would speak to us that we would bind the enemy from this place for this time that your word would go forth May we learn from the one who defended himself against the evil 1 May we teach those who you've sovereignly placed around us I pray this passage would speak afresh to me I pray that it would speak a new to those that are here if you agree with that prayer same. 3 common lies the 1st one you're going to see it shortly there right here in this passage look with me at Luke Chapter 4 verse one and Jesus that's who we're focusing on this morning he's the one that the story is talking about he's the one this is before very important understand the context this is before he is starting his public ministry he did something unique it says he was full of the Holy Spirit that's d.n.a. Strand number 3 we talked about that and he returned from the Jordan he was what he was led by the spirit where was he in the wilderness verse 2 tells us he was there for 40 days who is he being tempted by you tell me the devil so there it is just put our finger on it go ahead and circle it in your text that's where we're going that's what we're talking about spiritual warfare here the devil literally that word means false accuser remember in Genesis Chapter 3 he showed up in the form of a serpent and what was he doing he was lying to Adam any so that's within his d.n.a. That he is alive or if he is a false accuser and the Hebrew word. That's where we get Satan it was yelled out in the audience and it literally means this that word means your adversary So that's your enemy whether you recognize it or not he statement so let's get into the story I want to get you to lie number one look what happens here Jesus is hungry how do I know that this is the universe to it says he ate nothing during those days how many days 40 days so he's ripped the fridge the door of the fridge off hungry that's how hungry it says and they were ended and he was hungry in the double said to him so you get the picture he's like starving and so the devil says to him the liar if you are the Son of God command this stone to become bread how many people agree with me that if Jesus wanted to do that he could of show hands he could've done he did there's a reason we'll get to it look at he says in verse 4 And Jesus answered him here it is it is written so what's he doing he's quoting scripture Boy that's the interesting thing so what he's doing is right this phrase down he's identifying the lie and he's inserting the truth there's the strategy for us identified the lie insert the truth what's the truth he pulls out of me and this is Jesus he pulls out Deuteronomy Chapter and Verse 3 it was. A look at it does mention that live by bread alone and he didn't even finish it if you go ahead and look at verse up it says that man shall not live by bread alone and he says that every word that comes from God So it's Jesus teaching the devil he said to him that God is sufficient for me and so it's amazing because. He's going to lie to him again but what was the lie that he was going after as I've thought about this I think it's the same one that we buy into he's trying to get Jesus to doubt God but what he's trying to do is it's like God doesn't care for you man God doesn't love you if he did he would have provided a smorgasbord for you right now because you're starving and that's a lie that many people buy into that God doesn't love me some of you have believed that lie. Summer you are still believing it because he's not showing up. At the time that you desire. And so what did Jesus do but he just you see what he did he just inserted the truth mantras like this is just like a man should not live by bread alone man tell you my father what he's saying is my father is sufficient for me. My father sees me my father knows me my father doesn't bail on me. Life. So what's the truth and that's the point of the message identify the Why insert the truth. You're listening to high point with Ron's Zappia and a message called True Lies asked for this message on cd when you call aide for 4 h.p. Radio we'll continue with more teaching in a moment. Jesus is our joy and he's the reason why Christmas is a joy filled season and that's why this month high point ministries of Ron's Appiah wants to get you and the original High Point ministries resource let him in the Christmas Eve he recorded by high point to the music ministry of High Point church this 5 song e.p. Is sure to get you in a Christmas spirit. The month of December for the nation of any amount to High Point ministries what runs out here to send you the new christmas cd let him and $84.00 for a spirit go to receive your copy of let him in for donation of any amount or request this exclusive highpoint ministries resource on line at highpoint Ministries dot com. This is high point with Ron Zappia and morning series called The d.n.a. Of a disciple. Maker for additional resources including audio and video messages go to High Point Ministries dot com Now here's from with instruction on countering the lies we believe what's the truth that we could put in here when I kind of said it like this it's like don't doubt God's love but dwell in it like I think that's the thing I like let that doubt the love of God and you say what I do doubt it well then these are the verses that have spoken to me I want to bullet point 3 verses John 316 if you're taking notes Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 1st John chapter 4 verse done please write those there verses down not only for you but for the person that you're trying to help and try to reach who's doubting God's love because that's damn Oh that's the whole story right there you see I know those verses you're on your way I don't know there was verses that's a problem it is because Jesus is in the midst of a battle to hear me and so was he do then he's not fumbling around. He's quoting it is written get away from me man like you are defeated foe he knows the end of the story he plays an important role in the war has been won the battle still continues it's a personal battle it's an individual battle that's what we're seeing here say in went directly to Jesus that tells me that he goes directly tough Oh I don't know he knows you better than you know yourself think of it. Why are you saying that he knows you better than you know yourself because he's been watching you for your entire life a little truth here insert some truth to the like he can't read your thoughts. He can only read your behavior and he is the great studier and he's been watching for a long time I stand out and tell you the person that knows you the best that you think does I'm telling you he the anime knows you know you better than him or her because he spent more time with you at a distance who is this enemy. Well the Scripture teaches us that this is the fallen angel who is the leader and the hosts of all the fallen angels all the demons and there's a war that we don't see but we experience and there's that internal battle so Lie number 2 is you over see done now he's not done just like we're not done and let's identify the lie look with me at verse 5 and the devil took him up. Every time I read the word devil you just say liar and the devil took him up. And he showed him who the devil who is he's the all the kynges the world in a moment of time and said to him said to Jesus to you I will give all this authority and their glory for his bullet been delivered to me through to the devil . And I give it to whom I will if you then will worship me it will all be yours so he's doing as he says they go came and I'm going to give you the whole thing right now I'm going to short circuit the plan of God There it is I can get you what you need I can fast track you to the authority that you're going to have that God is planning on giving you but I can't give it to you to day why wait that's what we follow and why should I wait to get married I can have sex right now. Why should I wait for that promotion I can do something right now that's going to curb the corner that may not be right but I can get what I want right now why should I wait for a husband or for a wife like God Why is that like why do I have to wait why do I have to wait I want it now I have a plan God you're not fulfilling it what's the lie the lie is very clear to me lie number 2 is God's plan is not best for me God's plan likely he has a plan for you and his plans are not the best it's like you know what I know better and that's what Satan is doing right here is he's trying to say to Jesus he said you know I know you know what the plan is but I can deliver it faster and I can do it and then look at 1st 8 what does Jesus do if he identifies the lie and then what do you do he inserts the truth I mean he just stuck in Deuteronomy many didn't pull that Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verse 13 like was that 1st day he says this you show worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve if you take the time to look up that birth I don't want to see Jesus missed it but it says You shall worship the Lord and swear by his name so that tells me there's some time when we got the truth that our holster and we got all nervous about how it comes out there's a little liberty for those who've been covered by the blood or you hear me and don't get all nervous that you don't say it exactly the same right way just find your begun to get the main message across and he sang this thing you know what in the midst of this I'm not going to doubt God's plan for me I'm not going to reject God's plan I'm going to accept God's plan and so what are the 3 verses that I would give to you the ones that are pivotal to me these are the ones that I pick. To help me to understand that God has a purpose and a plan for me and so these are the ones Proverbs Chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 please if you're taking notes just write these verses down I'm not going to take the time to go through on you pick the law which why are you buying into what spy is the person that you're with that you're helping buying into Jeremiah 2911 I mean. That's I just fired. But just take it down for I have a plan for you the scriptures. How about Philippians Chapter 4 verse 13 I mean pick some verses and get them in your head because Jesus wasn't fumbling around for anything he was able in the midst of the attack to go after him I was thinking of the story of Joseph the true story and I thinking about what he must have thought about God's plan for him as his brothers did what as his brother turned against him filming the pit for death right you know the story and it's just like and then they leave I mean are you think it to me like like are you with me here it's like he must have been thinking like God was a god where you got I thought you had a plan for me God I'm looking like this isn't going pretty well I mean the nice coat my dad gave me it's gone. And then if you continue to read throughout the story you find out he ends up in jail for 3 years did God have a plan for me he did and maybe in the midst of your doubt or the person you're disciple wings doubt you need to get this phrase out to them bloom where you're planted turn to the story of Joseph and that's all the praise you got to have bloom where you're planted. And Joseph No matter what trial that came his way that he stuck with it he didn't question John God Why because he trusted in God and that God used the circumstances which were brutal and cruel and mean I mean this Brothers What a bunch of jerks on. Some of us have some brothers and sisters that have been acting like jerks but God uses it to refine who us and he uses the situation that that we can point the finger at them. And the enemy wants to get in here and what the enemy wants to do is to not use it for good and so he'll whisper thing. And we'll believe them I mention this is the start of Jesus his ministry and you know it's pivotal because you know he's like this he's preparing to go forward and that's when sometimes when you're going forward with something that's when the enemy is it is strongest in the attack and I remember. When I 1st became a follower of Christ and so if you can imagine I'm a new Christian you say what's that well that's just I turn to Jesus in repentance and faith I realize that and recognize that hey you know what my life that work and it is it is and so I need something else then that place and I can remember several nights and I don't want to get too Twilight Zone on you but the thing of the matter is this it's like several of the nights I mean it's like you know I said I've seen this in movies I can't believe it's happening to me the same time each night I would wake up in the middle of the night look at the digital clock it's the same and so I thought because I didn't know and I just thought I'd as lief thought I thought God was in the room I thought somebody with their a pastor a friend of mine led me to war and he just asked this question because he was like well how are you feeling what I am so I'm all nervous and I'm scared. And he just said he said Are you sure that you you think it's God and. I don't I don't think so now and so he told me what to do and I just commend it to you is that what happened the next day because it happened again but I got up and I went in the house and I'm looking around and I just did what he said is I did this man I confronted the enemy with truth. And I did the yell and then I won't do it now. But I'm sure I woke up. And I did this I just you know yelled out that the blood of Christ that I am purchased that I am. And you have no power over me. And that was the last night that I got to. See the enemy his presence is strong. And we need to defend ourselves. I tend to find a lot in inserting. Challenging us to replace all lies with the truth of the Gospel You're listening to high point with Ron's Appiah and if you missed any part of this message you can find it on our website when you go to High Point Ministries dot com or on you mention the need to identify lies that we hear and then replace those lies with the truth and really that's what high points all about isn't it it is you know in a lot of times what happens is we believe the lie we allow this to penetrate our hearts and you know it isn't easy it's easier to say it I mean isn't Stevens's Hey let's replace allowed some truth in rationalist move on but in the midst of the hectic day we have in the midst of the trials and the difficulties I'm telling you man it's hard so we're committed to helping you do that through clear biblical teaching and so we know this we know you need to be involved in a local church Jerry we need you to be and for all the local church I'm talking on the teachers the Bible that is gospel centered and oriented but I want you to know too that we are here for you we want to be a supplement we want to help you we're all part of the family of God the Body of Christ and we want to encourage and edify each other we're so glad to be here on your station but we can't do this we can't stay here without your support I'm speaking to you directly when you give your gift goes directly to producing this program and purchase. Airtime so that you can hear that you can be fed to the you can learn about the truths of God's word you're not paying my salary that's done by a church thankfully so grateful to them we're here to do one thing and one thing only get God's word out to the people who need to hear just like you and we need your help join us as we teach God's word here on high point with Ron's Appiah and give a generous gift today when you call aid for 4 h.p. Radio or you can head online to make a donation at highpoint Ministries dot com When you give we're going to savings to you with a special music cd perfect for the holidays it's called lead him in a christmas cd created by the worship team pastor runs church this is the perfect soundtrack for all of your holiday gatherings and we'll send it to you with our banks when you support high point with the gift of any amount give a single gift or become a highpoint partner by having your monthly giving automated as a high point partner you become a part of a growing team of supporters who invest in making highpoint ministries available on the radio and on line call 844-477-2346 or go to High Point Ministries dot com if you prefer to send a check address at the high point ministries p.o. Box 281 Naperville Illinois 60566 that's p.o. Box 281 Naperville Illinois 60566 I'm Steve Smith inviting you to join us again Wednesday as we continue the message title lives right here. With us at. San Francisco Mayor Edward Lee has died that word this morning from the San Francisco by. Of Supervisors president Mayor Lee was not known to be ill no other details released just yet San Francisco Mayor Edwin we had at the age of $65.00 but the voting begins today a special Senate election and Alabama has Republican Roy Moore facing Democrat Doug Jones and President Trump bowling for the judge robo call for Alabama voters the president declared he needs more is a vote in the tight Senate calling Doug Jones a democratic puppet will block his agenda every step of the way it's been 2 decades and Alabama elected a Democratic senator But Jones says he's his own man a Doug Jones Democrat who won't simply toe the party line correspondents are going to Gunny the White House says yesterday's New York City subway attack is yet another example of why we need immigration reform the president's policy calls for an end to chain migration which is what this individual came to the United States through and if his policy had been in place then that attacker would not have been allowed to come in the country White House press secretary Sara Sanders noting the suspect a 27 year old man from Bangladesh was able to enter the u.s. Not based on any particular qualifications but rather through a type of preferential visa for people with relatives who are American citizens or permanent residents also Deseret News dot com president from says it's time for America to get back in the race the space race it wants American astronauts to make a return trip to the moon we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars and perhaps someday too many worlds beyond futures up $47.00 points and this is a star a news. A prosecutor says a Cleveland man accused of fatally shooting a Salvation Army worker has been indicted these charges include aggravated murder that authorities are investigating to see whether the slaying and subsequent crimes were racially motivated the prosecutor didn't edify the races the people involved the Salvation Army victim charity classic was wearing his Salvation Army uniform and discussing the Bible with someone in a lobby when William Jones shot him Jones was indicted on Monday after frost reporting the Supreme Court is leaving in place a lower court ruling that a federal employment discrimination law doesn't protect a person against discrimination based on their sexual orientation as Supreme Court didn't explain why it was declining to hear the case but attorneys for the defendant say there were technical legal problems with this whole appeals finals are split on the issue which means it is likely to come back to the High Court again at some point down the road this is a surrender use well if you're fed up with commercial air travel security hassles and such there's an app that could be right up your alley think for private jets and that's the idea behind tab jets the tab Jets smartphone app links you to private jets and pilots launched at the end of 2016 there are 10000 subscribers to the app and over 485 have been flown so far no phoning a travel service or using a broker and there's an option to been on flights planned out in advance bounty or reporting Bitcoin spectacular price rise has some analysts wondering whether that virtual currency is in a bubble the price of Bitcoin has been soaring this year last week alone it jumped from $11000.00 to well over $17000.00 according to the calling desk it started the year below a $1000.00 rocketing level of appreciation smells a lot like an irrational investor mania many of the financial pros for details I guess are a News dot com. Back to Genesis with Dr John Morris author and seminar speaker with the Institute for Creation Research Dr Morris since in the Garden of Eden people were eating plants and certainly insects died there can we say that there was no death before sin Chris creationists insist on the Biblical doctrine that the wages of sin is death and that Adam 3000000000 brought death into a once very good creation which had no death in doing so we must be careful to use the right terms certainly Adam and Eve were commanded the fruit in the garden this implies plant death would also be difficult for Adam to avoid stepping on an ant as he walked around but is this death the Bible never uses the term living for plants or insects It teaches that life is in the blood and speaks of the breath of life thus only air breathing blood filled animals lived or died Chris there was no true death before sin let's go back to Genesis for a perspective on these things Thanks for joining us for back to Genesis. Thanks Carstens many Aussies of Grand Junction business partners of local Christian radio underwriting a portion of the daily expenses of k j o l. Celebrating the reason for the season this is cajeta well as an intro k j y e Delta and k j a well Grand Junction local Christian radio for the Western school. And a good morning it is 6 o'clock am and Dave the 12th day already of December Yahoo's day I weighed in Christmas yeah it's less than well it's 13 days away oh boy we're getting close sunny today high in the forty's clear tonight lows teens and twenty's sunny tomorrow forty's and fifty's and little cooler back in the forty's on Thursday fair skies probably Friday looks the same have Tony right now in Grand Junction it's 10 intel to $25.00 at Montrose $17.00 and pay on the a 14 in rifle 14. Made me care and 7 in Rangely Well it is day number 2 of our contest the mystery in a box contest and we'll have some great prizes I have in my hand for different C.D.'s and including Paul the lost his Christmas worship volumes one into the hope of Christmas from instrumental favorites that really looks good and then there's yet another pause and tales the story of Saul So some good stuff to give away we had a winner from Montrose I see you know yesterday young runners from one ski Yeah so it's going well and we hope you'll take part in it as we. Have Day 2 of the mystery box and sometime around 745 will give you your 1st clue for today hello this is Pastor Terry Hedrick of the Gazan Valley Church of the Nazareth and Delta Colorado and today's good news verse is as a leaven $1.00 and $2.00 h. Shute will come up from the stump of Jesse from his roots a branch will bear fruit the spirit of the Lord will Raz on him the Spirit of wisdom of understanding the spirit of counsel and of power the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord that's today's good news verse from as they 111 and 2. He says God with us the hope for the world Christmas to you from choice secretary at k.h. A.o.l. . I. See a cave. Kate . Bolduan a. Slow slow slow slow slow slow pace.

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