Montrose n.k.j.v. . Local Christian radio for the western slope. Good afternoon it is 3 o'clock now Friday. And coming up this hour as usual we have money wise the $330.00 and today. They talk to a woman whose husband at the age of $27.00 has just inherited a quarter $1000000.00. And what to do we find out in a half an hour right now it's time for Charles Stanley furnished by in touch ministries on k j a well. Every single time you learned to be obedient to him he's going to see you through it not most of the time every single time. And here's what I've discovered the tougher the more difficult the more trying the more painful the more hard a the more hurt the most the more tears is what happens when he walks you through that you take these giant leaps follow your relationship to him. Most Christians want to have confident faith in God but the process that develops this faith can be daunting today on in touch with Dr Charles Stanley to be reminded of a way to close friendship with God is through adversity because it's through difficulty the believers are motivated to him I completely on the whole. Here's Dr Stanley. And all of our life comes seasons of difficulty hardship pain suffering trials sorrows and some others as well if God is this good God you're always talking about it was that true because that's just the nature of life since the very Fall of Man In The Garden of Eden has always been difficult the hardship trials suffering pain sorrow and all the rest how long will it be until Jesus comes and takes his out of this life it's always going to be here if I understand what God is up to in my life it's a whole lot easier if it's difficult there hardship trial and suffering and I understand what's going on what's happening here it's much more difficult and oftentimes causes people to doubt so what I want you to see in this message 2 things primarily what are his purposes for allowing us to go through the things that cause to. Years and heartache and pain and suffering and sorrow and secondly if we understand the purpose then what's the process by which he uses these things to bring about his ultimate purpose in our life so let's begin with this whole idea and think about in terms of the purpose God's primary purpose for allowing difficulty hardship pain sorrow and all the rest is primary purpose is to conform you and me in a very character in our personnel to make up to conform to the lightness of his son Here's what he said he said he predestined his children to be conformed to the light is of his son does that mean we're going to look like him physically though but we have to look like him on the inside that is his spirit his humility his faith his courage his commitment that is God is working to conform every single one of us into the likeness of his son and when people draw a line in their Christian life in many people do they'll tell you. Well I go to church and I give a little bit I read the Bible and pray but I don't ask me to I don't know what you mean by this commitment this dedication to Jesus and this being sanctified and this living a holy life and God I just know but I'm happy going to church and listen to sermons and applying some truth and giving him money and praying and so forth but when I get so he had to Gondolin this and righteousness and being used that God that's not there let me tell you something it is a dangerous thing to draw a line to God and tell him what you will and what you will not do listen you and I belong to him he says we have been purchased by the most powerful awesome that thing that ever existed when it comes to purchasing anything and that is the blood of Jesus has purchased every single one of us who is a follower of him we are His children when you trust the Jesus Christ as your savior nobody probably would tell you but you gave up all rights to yourself now you and I belong to him with the slaves of Jesus Christ and to be a slave of Christ is the be the freest person I can possibly be and so what's his ultimate objective What's his ultimate purpose his ultimate purpose is what but making as rich not making as necessary to happen not making as famous not making as things that oftentimes we hear about today his primary objective is to conform most of the lightness of his Son So the question is What does it take to do it it takes difficulty hardship pain and suffering and trial and sorrow and disappointments in life Listen godly men and women of men and women who not only have suffered do suffer will suffer situations circumstances it may be just somebody else's rejection can have an awesome effect in somebody's life which brings me to the whole idea and that is. We say that God has a purpose in allowing all these things well and his ultimate purpose is to bring is into the character of Jesus Christ in our life which means what it defects their character our conversation their conduct all of their activities in life there's no aspect of your life and none that he's not after the shape and to mold and the purified to make God in it that's what he's up to making godly children out of all of us because when you were not was saved we had a lot of rough edges so what's he been doing all these years sanding Sifton sometimes as a chainsaw because we want to resist what god's up to in our life and he's in the process of doing something awesome So now the question becomes will if that be true what's what's the process where the process is really very comforting because is the 1st thing I would say if I don't understand the process now I'm going to murmur I'm going to get confused I'm going to be frustrated I'm going to doubt God I'm going to question him but what's the process. And I think about how what he says in this passage he says for example the proof of our faith he talks about fire and all the rest so what's the process here well these things are very encouraging to be number one here's what you can count on you can count on that God will control. It is that he will control the trials the heartaches the burdens the difficulty in your life he's going to control them. That is it's not going to happen to one of his children just haphazardly he's in control does he not say. That no temptation no trial is common to man except that is everybody experiences these things but God is able who will not allow you to be tested and tried bore than you can bear he knows how much hurt how much weight how much burden how much pain how much slack he knows all about that and the wonderful thing about God is this in creating within this godly character he is going to put a limitation he's going to limit he's going to control absolutely perfectly everything that you cannot deal with in life a 2nd thing he's going to do is this he's going to design God designs listen the difficult in the hardship and the pain according to us personally Now think about this for a moment God is not going to place on you something that you don't particularly need He's not coming out to some area of your life which is absolutely obedient So think about this whenever there's an area of life in which you and I found ourselves in pain of suffering a difficulty hardship remember this guy is after something. He Tayla makes the difficult in the pain even though it may cover a lot of people for us we had to respond in a certain way it may be to strengthen f.a. It may be to sift out as we said something alive that should be there but whatever you're going through in life at this moment he's controlling it secondly he has made it so that it fits you and me at this moment let's say that you go in through particular situation and very painful and when you begin to ask God to show you what he's doing in your life you know what's going to happen he's going to show you and you're going to realize guy. I see that you're using this and model life at this time even though they've used it before he may use it again he knows exactly what it takes to get your attention and my attention and the area in which he is working in a life he's always listen he's always directing it towards something specific does that mean that he only works in suffering and you know sometimes it's joy sometimes it's a pleasure sometimes it's prosperity God knows exactly what it takes to get out tension so he's got them all a control they're all designed and not all that he uses to primary things we could put them in this category sometimes he uses discipline that is he doesn't punish believers he disciplines the blue because punishment is the vindication of God against something or somebody because of their sin discipline means that God works in their life in such a way to do what to build us up to get us back on track in the make as he wants us to be so Sometimes God will use disciplined to bring about those issues in life sometimes person because of sin then he allows things now I'd have nothing to do isn't whatsoever. It's something that somebody else does that affects you somebody in your family or somebody in your job or want to give my Has nothing to do with sin whatsoever God uses listen he uses discipline in their life when we have sinned against Him He uses difficult and hardship in our life has nothing to do a sin in order to do what you know to bring is in the Oneness with him sometime to show was his will sometimes person to increase faith to increase our courage so that we will be obedient to Him because He knows that some things he requires of us are very very difficult and I remember one of those tests that mound life that the and the truth I resisted it just to be honest yes I did I'd pray until God all the reasons I shouldn't do it. I did my best to convince him for months they had the wrong person and unnamed several people that I thought would be much more capable and much more gifted and a much better at the whole issue no words I could just help him out all he needed he just asked me but get off my back because I know our kid knew and the truth is I was afraid. Patient God. When morning I gotta walk to the door of the hotel getting ready to walk out I can still see that door so I God said to me Don't put your hand on the door knob until you want to do what I say drop it into the big crime weeping. I resisted him out of fear genuine and I had lots of reasons I could tell you the reasons these are very convincing surely you're going to listen to this and he listened but then he put me to the acid test. Don't put your hand on the door knob to walk out of this room until you are willing to do what I say and trust me I can look at it several times in my life when the situation has been just that crucial and I want to tell you the best of my heart's knowledge every single time you say are you afraid yes here's what I'm afraid of I'm afraid of disobey God when he makes it so crystal clear the think that I would have to disobey him and then have to live and remember what I did yeah I'm afraid. I fear him because I reverence him and I know that what he wants in life is the best for every single one of us and if I want his best I must be willing to be obedient when I'm afraid when I don't like it when I don't want it whenever hurts too much when it costs too much will make needed to lonely up to this or to that or whatever but that's not the issue the issue is this what's got to go What's his purpose and you see once you get back to the purpose and realize that his purpose is all for my good and that whatever's going on in my life it's going to be from our good then whatever the issue is. That is that step sometimes we take and i can they sometimes it's like we just fall off. God I'm going to have to trust your I can tell you this you know how far you fall when you fall oh and obedience. But I have a 16th of an inch. You know why because he has never let us. Fall and fall when we'll be he's up to something good in your life don't resist the difficult in the hardship and the pain listen and if you find yourself resisting remember this Ok so you're resisting but ultimately deep down inside can you honestly say I know that I don't like it in God I'm resisting in fact sometimes you can just sort of enjoy say no 0000. Because you know deep down inside when the final test comes you're gonna say yes God yes yes yes no matter what I'm willing. Another thing I want you know this is this is that his trials listen are progressive Is that what you mean by that well I hate to tell you this but that's the truth. But progressive around me when you and I walk through a trial here because he wants to make us more like his son and he wants to grows up you can expect a little difference in the next trial or a few trials and here's what God does in his trials and difficulties and hardships in life. What he does he increases the weight of the burden he increases the temperature of the heat and he increases listen he increases sometime the length of the trial whatever it might be what is he doing is God being unkind is he being ungracious is he being on loving is he just being thoughtless No in his what he's doing he's making us who we really and truly want to be we just don't like the way we'd rather read it in the book or something that's not the way it happens. And so because God loves us so much because listen he sees the potential You don't see what your potential is you don't have an there with you potentials but God Yes And so what does he do he says well if you get rid of this in your life and so he sends some trials some difficulty some hardship some pain some sorrow something that you think would absolutely break you forever God's not in the us he was he does want to break your spirit but only your will do be submissive to him and the truth is sometimes we think God this is far go this is it God I can't handle anymore and you know what he does. He just pushes that much further you know why. He is what you find yourself doing thanking God he didn't listen to you. God loves us too much to leave us where we are and so he's going to be progressive that is there's some things that think about this is this some things have God tested at the age of 18 we can add to their words he knows exactly what you can handle at which age he knows exactly what you can handle because of your temperament your personality he knows exactly what your spiritual gifts are he knows exactly the strength and the weakness he knows the areas of weakness he knows the areas of strength he knows exactly how to tailor your life in man in such a fashion that what he desires for us he will work out in our life but it requires submission to His will. And it requires the attitude that we find here in 1st Peter and that is listen here's what you have here's what he's doing he's testing us and trying us and growing as a and so the question is how does God measure agro eunuch in looking at ways encourage people to if God made the scripture in your heart put a date down by a word or 2 that describes what he was doing and the truth is that bibles ought to be thou devotional Bibles what have you read ought to be sort of a living written biographies to some degree of how God worked in your life. Because the truth is we ought to be growing now listen carefully God measures our growth by the way we respond to difficulty hardship pain suffering loss and Sabra disappointments how we handle temptation that's the way he measures it why because you see what you yielded to today or yesterday you would not yield to tomorrow. Because of what he's done in your life what you thought you had to have yesterday not even an issue today what you worried about yesterday doesn't even phase your day why it isn't because God is in a different it's because he's growing up so you have to decide John want to be just one of those floating Christians who goes to church and read the Bible price or do I want to be a godly Bannan woman. What makes God live men and women who empathic the lives of others of those who willing to take advantage of the heartache pain suffering in trial to learn to trust him to walk in his way and watch what he does in your life. Thanks for listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley when trials come believers can feel abandoned by God but difficulty and hardship can actually be evidence that he's working in you to make you more like His Son Jesus Christ. If you'd like to get more of God's perspective about adversity take some time to visit him touched Gene download Podcasts stream archive radio and t.v. Programs and access a list of articles all intended to help you know Christ and live for Him and log on to our online bookstore to order a copy of Dr Stanley's complete message life's trials explain again that's in touch or gene or call 1800 in touch if you prefer to write our address is in touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. Have you ever prayed for God's guidance and been sure you followed him and then the results didn't seem to make. Dr Stanley answers an email about that coming up in today's moment with Charles Stanley at some point we find ourselves wondering what happens after we die as believers in Jesus Christ our Hope is heaven but what will heaven be alive in his book The Gift of heaven Dr Charles Stanley shares with the Bible promises about God heaven and eternity this beautiful book is a thoughtful gift for any believer or nonbeliever who wants to know more about heaven to water the gift of heaven call 1800 in touch or visit in touch dot au argy . Are you living a life of preferences or one that's based on God's word to enjoy a strong life one that makes me turn a low impact we have to break free from the factors that make us weak and Dunker trial Stanley's new book Standing strong believers will find encouragement to construct a life based on the strength of enduring Frank built on compromise to Biblical convictions to preorder your copy a standing strong call 1800 in touch or visit in touch doco argy. From the pastor's heart is Dr Charles Stanley's personal letter to you each month you'll enjoy biblical insight encourage men and inspiration to receive from the pastors heart each month call $1800.00 in tax it can be difficult to handle circumstances we don't understand with encouragement for believers Here's a moment with Charles thing. We get lots of e-mails from people who ask questions about situations that they're going through and I want to read this one from Rebecca and she writes about 2 and a half years ago my husband of 30 years died suddenly last year I sensed the Lord telling me it was time for my daughter must have to move God opened every door in spite of times when the pain of leaving my home family church friends and job was so overwhelming we moved about 6 months ago we've been attending a new. Church and of develop some press support but no friends to have any kind of a social life we are very lonely did we miss the Spirit's guidance not necessarily You see sometimes I'll tell you why God sort of keeps sister in cell if he knows it's you and on the to learn to depend upon him if he knows that you and I need an intimate fellowship with Him then oftentimes that's what he'll do he'll just car about everything else leave you to himself till that is developed in your life and then he begins to bring these friends into your life you say the truth is God wants us to have friends but above all he wants to be ab best friend God wants to be an intimate friend to you and if those friends are not there for the moment just trust God Lord I know that you open the door at the right time at this point in my life I really want to focus on my intimate relationship with you and then I know that as that develops you will draw all the people into my life that you know I need to have as friends. God has provided us with access to his friendship guidance and assurance it starts by accepting his gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ learn more about salvation when you visit in touch Dato Margy. Would you like to review today's message you can replay it at our website you can also stream previous programs or download Podcasts find us online at In Touch dot Margy and if today's program has motivated you to get to know Jesus better we'd love to hear from you. There are a lot of religions that mention Jesus and talk about God but they aren't the same as Christianity if you're not sure if you know the difference join us next week as Dr Stanley challenges you to know what you believe that's Monday. I'm in touch with Dr Charles Stanley. This is a presentation of In Touch ministries have one of the Georgia and remains on station for your faithful for. The preceding program was furnished by in touch ministries on k.j. Oh well local Christian radio for the Western Slope heard in Grand Junction and 99.5 f.m. And wherever you listen thanks for mentioning k j o Well whatever you contact in touch 32325 now Friday afternoon on a community calendar Christian based dance classes will begin this Saturday at the Rock Church in Grand Junction for girls ages 3 through high school will be taught interpretive dance so they can add to the worship experience. There's a suggested minimum donation of $5.00 a week plus the cost of individually made uniforms call Misty at 216-7766 or c.r. Community calendar at k.-j. Aol dot org. I am drawn from the original the legacy moment many years ago I learned a very important lesson on how not to correct somebody this may have worked for Christian organization and he'd done some pretty bad things he needed to be confronted and corrected his boss wasn't very compassionate he was upset about what this employee had done so he called the Employee in and commenced to chew him out in no uncertain terms embarrassed and angry the employee walked out of that office never to return to that organization now he needed to be confronted but I learned as I watched the boss was equally wrong the substance of what he said was accurate but his total lack of compassion and love drove that man away from that organization so you can be right and wrong at the same time but Corrections goal is to win the heart not just to address the behavior 2nd Corinthians Chapter 2 verses one through 4 have something very important for us but I have determined this for my own sake that I would not come to you in sorrow again for vi then cause you sorrow who then makes me glad but the one who I made sorrowful and this is the very thing I wrote you less when I come I should have sorrow from those who ought to make me rejoice having confidence in you all that my joy would be the joy of you all for out of much affliction in anguish of a heart I wrote to you with many tears not that you should be made sorrowful but that you might know the love which I have especially for you Well here's what I want you to remember to day when it's your turn to correct someone ask God to fill your. Heart with courage and. Courage to speak the truth and to embrace the person more information about the ministry of Crawfordville risks can be found online at leaving a legacy. Taking just a very quick break for an inside report this is Candy Andrews manager of k j l Well and 1st these last several days of September it's very important to have a strong finish so please pray and share and invest as God would lead you to do that we not only need to meet our goal for the month but hopefully exceed it and retire more of what is a very significant shortfall from the spring that we've never caught up on so please pray thank you for your generosity as well and if you would like to donate by credit card or debit card just go to our website k j o o r g you'll see the blue button only takes a couple minutes some folks have asked about recurring gifts words automatically taken out every month we can help you with that and just contact me if you'd like help finally we have ordered the equipment for our Delta Project the translator there it's coming into step of faith trusting God Hopefully the next 30 days that'll be done our address 1354 east sure would drive Grand Junction 81501 and important meeting is about to start but the main speaker is missing the house the. Next adventures in a rainstorm changes Jason's plan this my car is stuck in the blood I was wondering if maybe I could just use your phone will it also change his life. Next ventures into. The best laid plans the day my Sandman. About the mice but. For the man plans aren't going the way they planned see what happens on adventures not to see at 4 o'clock also the plugged in movie review the new Lego Movie. Jaago and 16 ninjas attempt to protect their island from villains and monsters the 1st 2 Lego movies I think were really good is this one Bob Bob has a couple concerns which he will explain in the budget movie coming up during adventures not to see at 4 o'clock. Checking the weather forecast for tonight partly sunny actually today Ok tonight not not too not too sunny mostly cloudy with. The forty's and fifty's chance of rain 20 percent tomorrow part are mostly cloudy with a Chance of rain 20 percent eyes in the sixties and seventies then Sunday and Monday there patrols in the fifty's and sixty's right now rifle 76 Montrose 73 Grand Junction 74 I am for moneywise on k.j. Oh well you know you're famous when your words all live you of course at that point you're not around to appreciate it and mute can quote me on that. Today and moneywise some thoughtful even humorous quotations about money and then we open the phone lines for your calls questions ideas or suggestions at 180-525-7000 you're doing the heavy lifting as always is financial teacher and the president of the kingdom advisors west again our number 805257 welcome to our daily Friday edition of moneywise times. It's been a while since we did this so I thought we might revisit some financial quotes that are memorable for different reasons and get you to comment Ok I like it sounds like a plan and of course it's Friday so yes you never know you never know Ok here's a 1st one the number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy and that was from Alan Greenspan former head of the financial reserve board would you agree with that oh absolutely this is a huge issue and you know it amazes me how many students graduate from college let alone high school with no. Standing of personal finance and for Christians no understanding of what the Bible says about money so it's a it's a big big issue all right I'll take one this comes from Benjamin Franklin money has never made man happy nor will it the more of it one has the more one wants. Inside it sure is all right here's another one and this is from old Ben himself again watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves yes that's a good one here an important lesson if you establish a budget you control the flow of money in and out in the daily Monday in areas of life you spend less than you earn over a lifetime you will have much to show for it and that's what he's tapping into there all right here's another one The time has come for all evangelists to practice full financial disclosure the world is watching how we walk and how we talk we must have the highest standards of morality ethics and integrity if we are to continue to have influence and that comes from Billy Graham and that's a good word you know how we manage money is a testimony to the world I heard in the Stanley say recently that when he was 1st starting his church Northpoint Church in Atlanta he was counseled to handle his finances in such a way that if they were printed in The New York Times he would have no concerns and we know people are watching how we spend and how we handle God's money and so it's a part of our wit and in a sense we're all of Vangelis people are watching us to see if how we live matches up with the things that we say and that includes our money and our finances All right here's one he who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything and this is from say mill Johnson like that the small things matter Ok if you think nobody cares if you're alive. Try missing a couple of car payments. I think that would speak for itself yeah he'll start getting phone calls from people you'll have that you never knew you had. 8 years one of my formula for success is rise early work late and strike you oil. As from j.p. Getty and I guess you struck oil more than a few times like that and that reminds me of cautions 323 whatever you do do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men and I think that applies to all of our work very good all right quote from an unknown source Steve my favorite Some people go into debt trying to keep up with people who are already there. Yeah that's the comparison trap you don't want your neighbor and want all his stuff because he may have gotten deeply into debt just trying to obtain all that right that's exactly right here's one you'll recognize this person you can tell more about a man by looking at his checkbook than any other way that a quote from our great friend Larry Bearcat Yeah that's a good one money is the great reveal or of the heart and that's what Larry was keying in on there Ok Financial Peace isn't the acquisition of stuff it's learning to live on less than you make it's our friend Dave Ramsey good guys both of them all right greed is not a financial issue it's a heart issue and this from someone you just mentioned Andy Stanley pastor and author of the Stanley Yeah and it's such a good point you know so much of what we talk about here on money wise we're drawing principles out of Scripture but we're recognizing that there are hard issues behind the way we spend and choose to spend our money and when we key in on that it makes all the difference let's go let's go deep here with the next one Robin here's a maybe a theologian someone make them yeah yeah the theologian Yogi Berra How about that. A nickel ain't worth a dime any. More. Rob what about a favorite of your own yeah. I give you 21 from Ron Bloom who is a mentor of mine and an author he says do your live in why you're given so you're knowing where it's going. To like that one and from Randy Al corn my friend I'm the author of money possessions an eternity he says God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving who've always really appreciated that quote boy and that is so biblical that God may indeed bless us and prosperous but there's a reason for it and most likely it's not a bigger house a bigger car more stuff but to minister to others and expand his kingdom Well it's amazing to think about think back maybe 5 or 10 years ago maybe you're 30 and when you were 20 or maybe you're 35 when you were 25 and you thought if we just had $10000.00 more dollars in our budget if we just had $10000.00 and more income and now you do and you have no idea what. Because it just gets swept up in lifestyle and our level of spending will always rise to our level of income unless we do something about it was we protest to the contrary so this is a good reminder Well here's a reminder our phone number is 180-525-7000 if you'd like to chat with Rob West today about anything financial going on in your life that's why we're here 180-525-7000 Also you can send us a brief e-mail if you'd like if making that phone call is inconvenient you'd like to send a one or a 2 line e-mail so that we can read it on the air the address is money wise a compass one dot org Money wise at compass one dot org You know when Howard Dayton was our host Rob We used to refer to those as Hey Howard e-mail. I'm thinking we need to come up with something catchy I mean I haven't worked a lot on this by I'm thinking something like Rob retorts or Rob's response or something like that so what do you think. All End and I'm a leave that up to you because it sounds like that's right up your alley behind I'm going to pray about that you see if I don't meet me in that alley. 180-525-7000 Chicago Illinois w m b I we welcome Diana Diana we're so glad you called today how can we help being so much for having me sure so my husband and I we have a question regarding him and Harry can but he is in the process of receiving Ok a couple years ago his grandparents and his father all died in one here adult leaving him the entire inheritance. And so. We just got married 5 months ago or 26 and 27 years old. We currently have a housing provided by my husband's work so we have no expenses as far as rent goes or utilities. And he just finished paying off all of our student loans and a car payment and a credit card and so are currently like in a really good position to receive the comparisons will be coming when he is I believed 30 years old and the next round will come when he's $35.00 so he thought I'd be wise at how are starting out and. Kind of figure out what we should do with this inheritance when we receive it yeah wow that's great well 1st of all I'm sorry to hear about the passing of his grandparents and father I know how hard it is having gone through that myself losing my own dad. And also recognize that this is a blessing that the Lord has been added for you and your husband to be able to start out debt free and to be able to stay that way How amazing would that be if you were able to live debt free from here on out maybe you decide you want to get a mortgage as. Some point but to live at or near debt free would just be incredible how much do you expect to receive Diana so we receive $200000.00 that is r.t. Currently invested. And then when he turns 30 he will receive $25000.00 and then when he's $35.00 will receive another $25000.00. You know it's kind of split up like that. Great so you'll have 250000 in investments and do you have a financial professional who's looking after that for you yes me and Ok great well so I think you know really the next step is for you all to really just spend some time on your knees just praying about Lord what would you have us to do I would encourage you to come alongside this financial advisor not just to understand how it's invested and what it's invested in and how much risk are you taking in are you diversified and all those things which I think you should know but also really going through exercise to that really begins with prayer where you're setting some financial goals what are our goals and answering the question how much is enough which is a question that often we don't ask you know we we often find ourselves in the situation where we're just saying well we just need to continue to accumulate as much as we can over a lifetime because we'll never have enough when in fact we can prayerfully prudently with wise counsel determine what an appropriate amount amount is to draw finish line that and to really not only give now but to even accelerate our giving down the road so you're in a really unique situation where if you keep your lifestyle low you could live debt free you could have a blast doing some incredible giving you could keep ultimate flexibility over where the Lord might be calling you along the way and so you wouldn't be encumbered you'd be free to respond to that and if the Lord provides and you all want to start a family you could be well planned there with regard to college and those kinds of things so I think really it's just a matter of you all over time beginning to to write down what are our values what are some things that are important to us what are our goals and then what do we need to do to make sure that we are appropriately saving toward. Those goals but also allowing the Lord to use you right now to give to those things that are on your heart and to be free to do you know whatever ministry he's calling you to but I think in this case you've done the right things you've paid off the debt you doesn't sound like you're increasing your lifestyle dramatically you put the money to work for you and you're seeking wise counsel those are all the the right things to do now we just need to maybe begin to clarify or goals and where you're headed. In the 1st time I think though you know that when you receive something like that. Is that mainly like a prayer thing where you asked the Lord how much you should tie it off of your guest or. Yeah it's a good question clearly you know if we follow the model of the tide from the Old Testament we would see the tide would come off the 1st and the best so we would tithe off that the gross of the increase all of this inheritance I would consider increase now how you go about that I think is up to you you're going to need to pray through that one option would be just to go in and give it you know right to your church all in a lump sum you could for additional giving you could set up what's called a giving fund or a donor advised fund at somewhere like the National Christian Foundation a national Christian dot com where you would open almost like a checking account but where you would already give the money away and then you could disperse it at will to whatever's on your heart whether that's helping somebody in you know in Texas or giving to a ministry or giving to your local church whatever it might be but yeah just kind of generally speaking on the principle of the time I would set aside if not give right away 10 percent right off the top. Diana if you choose to take any of Rob's advice that's up to you my 1st thought is pizza go for a large pizza and just throw everything at it. Chicago you know that's going to get him back. There Diana God bless we appreciate you thank you so much thank you Diana. And a great piece of this and tell me a bit more about the national Christian foundation what is it they do oh yeah well they do a lot of things basically coming alongside Christians to help them give wisely to be smart givers and so that could look like complex gifts like giving away a portion your business or giving appreciated stock or real estate or art but often times one of the things that they do that I love and I think every one of our money wise listeners should take advantage of this is they set up what's what are called giving funds or donor advised funds have essentially you can fund your donor advised fund just like you want a checking account you go ahead and get the deduction for it you realize the contribution at that time and you have in fact transferred ownership but then online through their smartphone app or through their website you can direct those funds to whatever ministry or charity you would like and so out of your giving fund you're giving checking account you could you know directed to your church you could directed to whatever ministries are in your heart and the nice thing is that you don't get all of these statement contributions statements from 15 different places you literally get one statement at the end of the year with all of the giving that you've done and it just really simplifies your giving in a sense like online banking does the money earn interest if it's sitting in one of those funds the way it would earn interest if it was still sitting in my checking account and well maybe not my checking account my my own Ira or something like that typically it does not unless you get up into larger amounts and then actually your investment professional can actually manage it inside the giving fund which is pretty cool to think about but yeah. It is a very efficient and effective way to do your job and you know have the military you are l.d.s. I do national Christian dot com All right good. Point let's pause and take a break and then we'll come back and speak with Sharon who's calling from Cincinnati Ohio more money was with Rob Weston after this. Are you tired of working day in and day out just to barely make ends meet sick of feeling stressed out over money do you want to be able to pay your bills without worry enjoy life and give freely to others well that's what God wants for you too that's why there are well over 2000 scriptures about money before the world was formed the Lord knew exactly what your finances would look like at this very minute and he's already given you the answers in how our date is booked your money counts you'll discover how the unlock the power of God's word by learning what the Bible has to say about your money and applying it to your life you'll learn from the true stories of others who have overcome the challenges you're facing now to achieve true financial freedom you'll be challenged to make tough choices but you'll also be filled with hope as you begin to realize that you can become financially free order your money counts by Howard Dayton today and the online store at compass one that's compass one dot au argy. Good to have you with us on this Friday edition of moneywise Cincinnati Ohio let's talk with sharing share and we're delighted you called today how can we help. We have I have a retirement with the t.s.p. Account so I work for the government and we have a lot of solicitations about taking our monies out of the t.s.p. Account and letting a private investor invest that money for us and I want to know your thoughts on that. Yeah it's it's a good question to ask are you are you still working I am I pray and I'm 68 I plan on working 2 more years Ok And so you're talking about whether you should roll it out when you get to that point where you separate Yeah Ok yeah and that country Yeah very good well I generally agree with pulling the funds out. You know for one K.'s are riddled with fees the t.s.p. In particular though is not as bad also the fund choices offer a pretty broad and inexpensive investment options that are index based and so inside the t.s.p. For the benefit of our listeners there are several different investment options one would be a bond exchange traded fund typically one would be you know an international fund small cap and then kind of an s. And p. 500 option then there's a money market cash option and and there there are very good index based investment choices and again the the costs are very low so it is possible to leave it there but the reason I like to roll it out is that you can get professional financial counsel somebody who can come in there and build a portfolio taking advantage of the full gamut of investment options and in particular building a portfolio that reflects your goals your risk tolerance your age the stage of life you're in really making sure that you're able to cover you know the the income needs that you have off of this wealth during that season where you're no longer working typically the rule of thumb would be what they used to say 100 minus your age gives you the percent for stocks now because people are living longer most financial advisors say 110 or 120 minus your age so if you're 70 you know you take 110 minus 70 you'd want to maybe 40 percent in stocks the rest in bonds and. Cash equivalents but I think generally speaking I like the idea of rolling it out I think the key would be that you find a financial professional you know you interview several of them you find somebody who's a real good fit for you that really is is going to become a student of you and your goals and what you're trying to accomplish that is not trying to sell you something but somebody who genuinely wants to get to know you and somebody has obviously a lot of experience in you know in investments and really can. Have the heart of a teacher really teach you what it is that he or she is doing with the funds so you can go either way there's not a right or wrong here Sharon but just generally speaking I like the flexibility and and options that you have when you roll it out I appreciate that advice I had. Had a small annuity from where I had worked for a previous employer and then I rolled out. For a one k. Monies into a private in a day which has matured and I'm just kind of left that there. And spend Ok and I had wondered about combining them and the next couple of years. My husband I were completely out of debt and great. You know we have a moderate lifestyle so. We're just looking to make sure has. That there are 5 or has enough to live on right and the matter what medical problems I might have there and why sure sure well I think you've made good choices here I typically like long term care insurance although you're getting to an age where it could become cost prohibitive but you still may want to look into that beyond that though I think you know the benefit is you have these assets that you can rely on long as they're managed properly you keep your lifestyle low you obviously remain out of debt. Long as that annuity isn't a qualified annuity you could combine it inside an ira with the t.s.p. Proceeds and if managed properly with a focus on income and capital preservation this could last you a lifetime you know depending on what your lifestyle needs are so I think you're in good shape the Lords obviously given you provision and so now you just need to continue to be a good steward Sharon thank you for calling in today we hope that information helps you thanks so much have a great weekend Rob How about a quick email before we go Ok let's do it dear compas my company is offering accidental death insurance but I already have a life insurance the prices seem very reasonable should I consider a policy this is from Diane and Dallas Yeah Diane good question I don't recommend this insurance the key is that your family has the proper amount of life insurance period and if you do then you don't need any accidental death insurance so I would say visit with your financial planner or insurance agent if you don't have one you could find one in your area Kingdom advisors dot org get the proper amount of insurance with a good company and then you don't need any additional insurance on your life including accidental death Rob West that concludes today and this week for us has been a pleasure as always hope you in the fam have a have a wonderful weekend and then you and I'll chat again on Monday we already have a guest lined up so I'm looking forward to the Great looking forward. Good as well as t.v. Have a great weekend thanks Rob. Hey if you own a business or you're thinking of starting one you should know that while often very worthwhile and fulfilling it's not always an easy path in fact statistics tell us that the majority of startups don't survive beyond 6 or 7 years and a 3rd of all new businesses only last a year or 2 while there are some things you can do to improve your odds and the very best place to start is to understand what God's word says about running and operating a business and what I'm thinking about is how are David's book business God's way not only is this a book for personal use but it's also a small group study that includes a workbook and a d.v.d. The small study group gives you an opportunity to meet with other Christian businesspeople to encourage and sharpen one another issue strive to build a prosperous business that will serve as a witness to the world so if you'd like to know more about business God's way to contact us today at compass one dot org Or you think call us if you'd like 180525 it 7105257000 plus been a great week thanks so much for listening and for joining us my thanks to our staff who make this sound better than we really are Robert and Michael h. And Richard r m Steve am hope you have a great weekend don't forget church and then join us again Monday will be back with a brand new edition of Money. That's our a new design Keith Peters in Washington Arizona Republican Senator John McCain says he'll vote no want to build a repeal Obamacare correspondent Linda Kenyon has that story Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had said he intends to hold a vote on the g.o.p. Bill next week but Senator John McCain's announcement or. Those plans into doubt in a statement Senator McCain says he takes no pleasure in opposing the bill but he says there are what he terms no reliable answers to questions about how much the bill will cost how many people will be covered by it and how it will affect insurance premiums the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office which usually provide such information says it can't do so and so short a period of time again as a close friend of one of the bill's co-authors South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham u.s. Military officials say it's still impossible to know how long it will take for communication and power to be restored in Puerto Rico brigadier general Diana Holland with the Army Corps of Engineers says the Power remains out across nearly all of Puerto Rico between 95100 percent right now. So it will be. It will you know on and without power then you potentially have issues with water but all of that is still being assessed right now General Holland says that so far they're not aware of any security problems such as looting in Puerto Rico and the aftermath of the deadly 7 point one earthquake that struck central Mexico on Tuesday correspondent Mark Stephens and reports that on Thursday night rescue efforts in some places were delayed by bad weather last night I had to you were a bridge to some parts of capital and cautery are you know. And debris built to the incredibly brave people who are going into the death of a considerable part. Of the people I was here 50 to stop work temporarily on Wall Street the Dow down by 10 points 222350 the Nasdaq rose 4 this is s. Are a new. Mormons don't drink caffeine but you can buy beverages containing at Brigham Young University now a school surprised by posting a picture of a can of coke on Twitter with 2 words it's happening the university never banned having caffeinated drinks on campus but held firm to the ban on sales even when the church in 2012 clarified the church health practices do not prevent members from drinking caffeinated soft drinks the bans been in place since the mid 1950 s. But officials with the school say increasing demand prompted to change the respondent Rhonda Rockstro reporting tensions are running high in Australia where a postal referendum on same sex marriage is being conducted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is urging restraint after his predecessor Tony Abbott was head butted by a homosexual advocate and sustained all swollen lip Abbott was attacked in Hobart on Thursday as he walked with a staffer to his hotel after attending a pro family event altercation is one of several allegations of violence this is a new. Here's the Sri news business very close on Wall Street today new tension between the u.s. And North Korea one of the factors it's weighing on the market the International Trade Commission has found that low cost solar panels imported from China and other countries have cause serious injury to u.s. Solar manufacturers a finding could lead to stiff tariffs imposed on imported solar panels General Motors laying off a 3rd shift at Spring Hill Tennessee s.u.v. Factory as it deals with a slowing u.s. Auto market Wal-Mart testing a new service that lets a delivery person enter your home when you're not there to drop off packages or put groceries in the fridge on Wall Street the Dow fell 10 points closing at 22350 the Nasdaq was up 4 points the s. And p. Ended 2 points higher with business summits Thomason more details that answer News dot com I'm Keith Peters in Washington. Your listening to k j o l f in Montrose k j y e j and k j o Well Grand Junction commercial and listener supported local Christian radio.

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