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I'm Jake Goodman overnight cloudy skies a low temps are down around 41 degrees we should clear and become sunny for your Friday afternoon with a high near 65 degrees Friday night increasing clouds and loads him from 46 degrees Saturday showers and thunderstorms are likely the high near 60 degrees and Saturday night showers and thunderstorms are likely before 1 am in showers overnight with a low around 44 the weather has been the service of the h.b.r. Network mountain Talk 97 is responsible conservative radio some like get stuff for free the print. Statement. I'm see in Santa Claus. Brain is a made basically out of what fish oil is. So we don't make a big profit off the you know as I just obsessed is whatever the best is we've got I just can't lie to you I just can't go back. You. See how would you know your host. What's. On this live edition of the Alex Jones show I'm here just for this segment to go over the laces Julius on his knees which obviously David has been talking about length new developments since his arrest obviously this morning at the Ecuadorian embassy in London x.e. Also reports Julius on charge by us with conspiracy to hack government computer so now that basically trying to get around this idea that he was arrested for journalism which he was if the zoom out and look at the bigger picture this is basically the culmination of a one decade plus almost revenge campaign by the deep state against Wiki Leaks against Julian us on. But now they're claiming because he encouraged Chelsea Manning to collect information from hacking a computer which again punish the leaker don't punish the publisher that's why this sets such a nightmare precedent for freedom of the press because they're punishing the publisher the journalist in this entire scenario of course that causes no concern whatsoever to the mainstream media because they're never going to get into trouble for that because they never criticize the deep state in fact they pirate the deep state at every available opportunity. And to luck point the a.c.l.u. Row earlier today quote be a sale you actually being good on an issue for a change any prosecution by the United States of Mr Sonner Wiki Leaks publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional or that open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations the reason other news organizations aren't concerned about that and the reason they're celebrating in applauding the arrest of a songe is because those news organizations aren't interested in telling the truth they don't only ignore the crimes of the deep state they parrot their talking points on a regular basis so that's why the likes of c.n.n. M.s.m. B.b.c. And others are not concerned about the impact on freedom of the press on freedom of speech because again they're never going to take up risk of public publishing information which offends or criticize as the deep state as you see the only time when the left the establishment left gets fully behind any action by the Trump administration is when it serves the interests of the Deep State happened with Syria twice during those 2 instances of military intervention isn't by the trumpeter ministration again going against what Trump ran on those were the only times when the likes of Rachel Maddow now anyone and c.n.n. Anyone m.s.m. B.c. Actually supports a Donald Trump and his administration when it serves the interest of the deep state you've also got the wider perspective of this happening in the United Kingdom obviously he wasn't just arrested for skipping bail back in 2012 now we have learned and it now official that he was arrested because he is about to be extradited to the United States of America where he could disappear into a black hole for the rest of eternity. So you have a situation in the United Kingdom where it's literally a country that ignores and eventually looks like it will an old the result of the Democratic vote with rags it still hasn't happened and there's been yet another delay they've kicked the can down the road now to the end of October we were supposed to leave the European Union based on the Democratic vote that we had nearly 3 years ago we were supposed to leave the European Union at the end of last month now at the earliest that's probably not going to happen until the end of October if it happens all because they're just going to keep on kicking the can down the road so you have a country that ignores the results of Democratic votes and we have a country arrests journalists and whistleblowers in the case of Julian Assange in other words it's not a free country you also have the point Donald Trump's just tweeted about drugs it just flashed up there. At least he's on the offensive on the. We also on the point that most of the people celebrating justifying the arrest of Julian Assange is today are the exact same people who blathered hysterically about Russian collusion for the past 2 plus years and were proven spectacularly wrong these were the same people playing the Trump and ministration was protecting Julian Assange is from extradition because again he was part of this grand conspiracy with Russia to hack into and release the pedestrian mails no evidence of which existed for that so again they wanted their cake and they wanted to eat it they said that Sanchez part of the Trump Russia collusion conspiracy now a son showing not being extradited under Obama for years and years has been extradited basically on the orders of the Trump and ministration at least the deep state which stands behind it. No What is it to be you know they've been proven spectacularly wrong time again time time again about Russian collusion for the past 2 years plus now they're celebrating and justifying with legal ease Giulio songes arrest and we're supposed to trust their judgment no I'm not going to trust their judgment of course the reason most people on the left who have been infected by it from their arrangements in Rome are celebrating and cheering us on as the rest but the crime of doing journalism is because they're still bought her about the election through an r.v. Years later still bought her about Hillary Clinton losing They still blame Julian Assange for his defeat all concerns about freedom of the press about journalists being arrested an extradited and potentially tortured in point a hole for releasing truthful information goes out of the window because again Trump derangement syndrome eliminates all reason in fact Michael Tracey tweeted this earlier one of the few honest people on the left with principles he said he cannot adequately express his burning contempt for media hacks and Twitter charlatans who spent 3 years pretending to care about Trump's attacks on press freedom by which they mostly men his sarcastic quips the Jim Acosta but cheer the arrest start of course that's the narrative we've had for the past 2 years plus democracy dies in darkness from prison cell to free press by being mean to Jim Acosta when a natural journalist gets arrested and faces torture and faces being a whole for the rest of eternity the rest of his life now that's just fine because Hillary Clinton again they've got no principles whatsoever you got Malcolm Nance over m.s.n. B.c. Applauding with let's roll handclaps and his tweet the arrest of the journalist. Glenn Greenwald tweeted this the security state agents for n.b.c. M s n b c cheering trump an inspiration for us in a stance because they're offering Terry ins who only pretend to care about press freedom when adventures that part his own interests this is what happens when news outlets merge with the us government but it's not just media outlets on the left that are applauding this basically apart from Judge Andrew Napolitano who rightly called stange a hero and said that this was from top phony and ridiculous Fox News for the past 4 or 5 hours this had commentator after commentator trotted out cheering this arrest once again so again they have no principles whatsoever as soon as Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange it's not useful to their partisan agenda any more on the right they dumped him and fact there was one Fox News commentator who was literally calling him the rapist even though those charges were completely dismissed lying about him from wall to wall The Daily Caller and whether this was some idiot staffer is going to be fired or whatever or whether they're going to delete between they haven't deleted it yet they basically made a big joke about it and said that Julian Assange because he did look like a prisoner of war because he's been mistreated his health concerns haven't been attended to for past 7 years he's barely seen sunlight they were joking about him not knowing what year it was and now they're getting ratio on Twitter for that incredibly dumb tweet out fully It was just some idiot staff of it if that is the position of the Daily Caller and I lost all respect for the Daily Caller because like Fox News like n.b.c. They also have no consistent principles So in summary a songe expose the war crimes committed at the behest of neo con warmongers it was those war crimes it was the deliberate targeting of journalists in Iraq and other countries the harmed America's reputation not Wiki Leaks. Now the exposure of those war crimes is perfectly in line with the normal interventionist military adventurism America 1st policy that from 1st ran on now the only conclusion and this from why I've seen on Twitter and elsewhere is the consensus opinion amongst trumps base is that most Now Paula didn't Julian a song will trump side with deep to sabotage and undermine his presidency for the past 2 years plus or will he side with his face his supporters and pardon Julian songs and do the right thing is going to wrap it up for this segment David Knott will be back in the next I can use it in. 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I will tell you this Russia if you're listening I hope you are able to find the 30000 e-mails that are missing I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press Let's see if that happens that will be next yes or aging a lot more than 7 years looking like a hermit who's been locked up for most of their life in the solitary confinement a defiant Julian Assange was carried from the Ecuadorian embassy where he's been for more than 7 years into a waiting government black bag family that disappeared so that the u.k. Government can extradite this hero to the United States. 7 years of solitary confinement for exposing the giant illegal surveillance state that the deep state has been using to dominate and control the American people not giving up u.s. Secrets that hurt any of our real operations No but exposing the treason of the Democratic Party working with communist China and others to surveil and spy on the American people now let's remember something political of the moment President Trump famously about 4 months before the election of 2016 said I don't know who has the rest of Hillary's 40000 emails but that's not the issue it's the fact that she had to be legally on a server and that she was letting other governments get on that server so I don't care who has the emails whether it's Russia and Russia has got them or lease them he's absolutely right she's committed the crime she's been exposed and so she now needs to get in trouble but instead she's a member of the establishment like Clapper and Brennan and all the rest of them who illegally spied on the Trump campaign then lied to Congress about it well the whole time illegally leaking the twisted classified information something they accuse a songe of doing if you look at the compendium of what the only response was done a Wiki Leaks has done since then it's been a clearing house for intelligence agents and others in our own government that are upset about vault 7 and all the other incredible revelations that have come out of the CIA planting things on people's computers of the government trying to create race wars of all the things we see carried out every day on c.n.n. . Wiki Leaks gave us a backstage pass to see what the swamp was up to and we owe much of the freedom this country is now beginning to enjoy and me criminal referrals of the deep state that congressman has put forward and Trump openly talking about how they need to be indictments and criminal charges against the people that tried to engage in a coup against the president and against the people so yes President Trump must must give Julian a Sondre pardon the grand jury that we know indicted in years ago and the courts need to absolutely reconsider what they've done because you can't have a president saying I don't care who's got the e-mails I don't care who's got the evidence of criminal activity it's basic whistleblowing to override the system of the systems using secrecy to expand their criminal operations the checks and balances out there our brave men and women that will release information like Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers the government knew Vietnam was lost they knew we weren't allowed to win it and it was Daniel Ellsberg releasing that information that allowed that war to come to an end and of course he did it with authorization of large sectors of the intelligence community just like in the last 10 years Assad has done the same thing the truth is the leaks are coming from the Russians ladies and gentlemen they're coming from people inside our own government that are patriots William Benny technical head of the n.s.a. He never leaked information to the public no he simply went testified secretly to Congress legally lawfully they swat team game they poisoned game he lost his legs and the list goes. On and on and on Mr Drake and so many others are heroes and we should realize that and understand that and everyone this take action against the deep state has spoken out against the Clintons and their crimes and the kids are heroes as well all the listeners that if spoken out and spread the word of church and school and work in the streets who've been persecuted and yelled at and in some cases fired you are not victims you are targets because your affective are telling the truth you are active in this country this world may get a better place so I'll say it again Julian a son is a hero but every yardstick and I know that the cold intelligence communities are worried about illegal leaks in the future if we hold up leakers as heroes but the truth is each leaker will be judged according to what it is they brought forward or they just a leaker for political gain or power or money or they people that had a conscience and knew that was going on was wrong and stepped up to the plate to make the world a more open free society because the real crime is the deep state and big tech working together with the tri comps and others and Google disrespecting our government our people and our Pentagon so much that it's openly move to China and throw its lot in with them these authoritarians don't respect us ladies and gentlemen because they've used our open free society to borrow when to destroy us from within and if we persecute the heroes of ours decided to do the right thing we don't deserve to be a free nation we don't deserve to call ourselves Americans President Trump has no choice and we've seen mixed signals out of his lawyers and others some are you know saw it as a hero some argue a songe is a criminal the problems of the Neo-Cons they'll throw the key away after that door slammed back on Julius thought. The president from could easily look at the case point out that almost all of it was actually legitimate whistleblowing point out that it wasn't criminal leaking and then find a few areas that perhaps should have been released and say Time Served Assad has already spent more time in prison then Bradley Manning. They say Kelsey Manning and again it's time that he be released and given the hero's welcome he deserves. Doesn't have a choice if Trump doesn't do this how will anybody else in the future know that I do the right thing are to go through hell the good people good and will stand by them the good news is despite he really aged and looks like a hermit the man from the high tower the man put in solitary confinement the man of well really solitude Julian a son was defiant and was speaking out and if you listen as he shouted the way and he's talking about Trump. Julius Saunders did not want to be an island unto himself he's been made that he's already been in prison it's time we let him know that they would die oh sure though I broadcast. But I've Talk 97 Talk Radio dot com Washington Post reports some White House officials wanted to release migrant detainees into so-called sanctuary cities to retaliate against political opponents Post reporter Rachel Bay came right after the election at a time when the caravan they had just reached the border. With pushed it down now by the White House on ice in February right in the midst of the stocks for Democrats are saying they didn't want to give it to numbers to Republican to the trumpet this race and Tony for Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange say he'll fight extradition to the u.s. Following his arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy in London correspondent Isa Soares on the question actually this is a person that's is now moved to name the 2nd that when will he read that you will be extradited to. Oh no it's from now until then he'll have to make appearances every week for the wavelength just ahead of Friday's opening bell on Wall Street don't futures No 48 a 1000000 Francis. 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Network if you've ever stood overlooking a bluff on whether the buffalo taken on reserve the miles of Delta farmland or even witnessed a brilliant sunset from your own backyard you know Arkansas' full of beauty naturally that leaves no room for trash good litter out of the picture. And keep Arkansas in its natural state clean and green is a key part of some beautiful dot com to learn more a message from this station Arkansas Broadcasters Association and the keep Arkansas beautiful Come don't risk it when you can take charge of it. The audio technical crew at m 4 wars has slowed down the audio attempt to isolate it as best we can and with about 95 percent certainty you can hear Julian a Saunders repeating over and over again resist the Trump administration the u.k. Must resist and then the he either says is being shoved in the van is this what the trump of the Us Treasury has come to or the Trump administration must be resisted it's not exactly clear but he's obviously saying resist I'm talking about the trouble administration so a lot of times biggest allies a darling of the left is press when he was exposing George w. Bush is now facing extradition United States after 7 years of self-imposed solitary confinement Let's go ahead and play that audio at regular speed and then slow it down and then David not will be able to comment on them coming back in the next hour remember 2017 c.n.n. Said that the source of the Trump was using that he was being illegally spied on and the legal data was used to get Pfizer warrants was Alex Jones and enforce not com Well turns out as usual we're right so it's next year's news today that's coming up at the start of the next hour go back to this audio video and David night . All right welcome back I'm David night here in the studio you just heard Alex Jones commenting on the arrest of Julian a son John I've been commenting on that all morning. It's absolutely amazing to me to see this happening because as we understand have been watching this for years you understand that what Julian Assange is dead with both the leaks that came from Manning as well as with other. Things that happened in the interim what he did was no different than what was done going back to the Pentagon Papers what the the Hollywood establishment after doing a character assassination on drilling in the sun while he was in the embassy they patted themselves on the back and the movie done by Steven Spielberg called the post they talked about the Washington Post about the New York Times they were handed information from a whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg they published classified information and at the time we had an American government that respected the 1st Amendment the freedom of the press that came after Daniel Ellsberg he got off on a technicality or whatever but he did not go to jail nevertheless they said we're not going to come after the press for publishing information that was turned over to them and that's precisely what Wiki Leaks is doing the New York Times lawyer has come out and said as such said that that is a very dangerous precedent that is being established we understand that the u.s. Is behind this this is not something that's being done by the u.k. This is not about bail this is not about Swedish rape that particular case was a lie a honeytrap that's the way these guys operate in the same way they did with the fake dossier with President Trump It is the CIA working with British intelligence as they do with the 5 Eyes u.s. U.k. Canadian Australian New Zealand intelligence the 5 guys working together conspiring together this deep state this broad state this dark state. Creating lies about people the most salacious nature projecting their perversions on other people they came out with that one month after the tapes that were released with. Manning's release of the data and so they've been coming after President Trump that entire time and so this is just the latest development and something's been rolling out for a long time but understand as I said earlier today we're seeing the attacks on free speech and free press metastasizing around the world and accelerating and both the frequency and the severity of what's happening and now this latest attack against Julian Assange it's interesting to look at the response from the Guardian always a servant of the establishment the u.k. Guardian now at one point you know they were being used to put out the Snowden papers but then evidently they've been turned perhaps they were threatened I don't know but we look at what the Guardian is saying how Ecuador lost patience with house guest Julian Assange Are you kidding me this is something that's being put out by the b.b.c. Oh by the British government how Ecuador lost patience with their house guest What a bunch of nonsense and lies and spin from the Guardian but isn't about that at all quite frankly you know we had statements coming from Ecuador's president and then Marino saying that it was discourteous he was aggressive well is that what it's come to now we're no longer accusing people of being hateful or hate speech we're now just you know it's kind of rude and then putting out the statement saying well last year you know we had to revoke his internet access privileges he had poor hygiene habits. You know what he did was he exposed the money laundering of Ecuador's president by exposing the Panama papers not the Pentagon Papers but the Panama papers we keep Leaks has always told us the truth about the corrupt criminals running our government all of our governments and we need to have that that is part of a vibrant open free press we go back to the case of Peter Singer. He was put on trial for libel or slander or whatever I guess libel because he had printed information about the then governor and. Were going to be allowed to say things. You know about the government but that is no longer being honored by our Western governments now they've You say things that are discourteous aggressive if you have poor hygiene habits then we will shut you down now the reason they shut him down was because he exposed the lies a year ago about the false flag attacks that Nikki Haley and Theresa May were trying to use to get us involved in a greater extent in Syria a greater extent than we already secretly were that's now come out more than a dozen military bases there for airfields we had thousands of troops who knows how many they never got authorization for these secret wars but they kept trying to push us further and further in this was something that they had announced they had decided even before September 11th they decided that they were going to go through this list of countries and later we were told what the list was. And they're going right down the list. Why after one country after the other but it is the corruption of Merino himself in Ecuador as well as the pressure put on him by the u.k. And make no mistake about it Pamela Anderson was absolutely correct she said the u.k. Is America's bitch Theresa May is America's bitch quite frankly for you color which she has now over thrown the election the brags that election to Halloween so yeah maybe just color a witch little bit more polite right maybe not you know Julian Assange talked about how the e.u. Overthrew the election in Greece he said here in the heart of democracy where democracy was 1st practiced in Greece the e.u. Has thrown out the election. And they put in a Goldman Sachs banker to rule over these people will now be the u.k. Has done the same thing for the e.u. You have the intelligence services conspired to lock up tried to do the same thing the president didn't happen the president needs to not play along and try to appease these people he needs to go forward and strong against this kind of censorship this global dark government fellow patriots My name is Todd savage founder of Black Rifle real estate dot com Like you I was a prisoner of the old left sanctuary state until one day I chose to be my family to freedom today we live on a sustainable 20 acre homestead where we shoot and garden and homeschool our children without the tyranny of the nanny state looking over us if you're ready to flee the city to the freedom of Idaho or Montana our Black Rifle real estate team is here to help go to Black Rifle realestate dot com That's Black Rifle real estate dot com. Know someone with a drinking or drug problem learn how to. 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And the Ad Council engaging radio commercials produce 8 times the results of gauging radio commercials a few examples a woodpecker. Engaging. On your. Very big train. Not engaging a train barreling through your living room. 5th very engaging me. To this morning absolutely amazing as I tweeted out this morning there are dark days ahead folks this picture we see of Julian Assange. Being let out in handcuffs I really do believe this is going to be an iconic example of the tyranny of the 21st century in the same way that square in the picture we have of that one individual standing up to the tanks is an iconic picture of the Chinese tourney but the Chinese tyranny just keeps rolling doesn't it we've got now reports that China is going to find Facebook on the phone of people there in China because you know that's the way to get around the Great Firewall of China if they find Facebook on your phone they just haul you off to the concentration camps. And it's a little bit easier than that for them quite frankly they've got their partnership . With Apple and with other companies Tim Cook and Apple have said that they are going to take off of. Apple music they're going to take off or Apple play whatever they call their service that they just rolled out they're going to ban any songs about him and square How convenient all this is happening on the same day that Theresa May shut down the brags that election it was supposed to have a deadline of Friday she's now says the which says we're going to make that Halloween Yeah not going to be a treat it's going to be a trick and we've seen this trick running for a long time she has been the shell for both the e.u. As well as the u.s. And these same people who work together an attempted coup as President Trump said an attempted coup by dirty cops it's an attempted coup not just by dirty cops it's not just the f.b.i. And the Department of Justice No it's really coming from the intelligence services it's really the dark military industrial complex and the intelligence services that are at the center of this conspiring and working with people in the u.k. To contrive a false case against present as they're doing against Julian Assange. And then using the circular logic of saying we have a Pfizer a court warrant and so forth you know they. Concocted a bunch of fictitious salacious sexual shenanigans about President Trump in the same way they did about Julian Sondra they did it with Julian assigned a month after the massive leak of information and one of those pieces which I've played over and over again on broadcast here in 4 wars is the collateral damage piece which shows the cold blooded murder of people you could easily see weren't carrying weapons but carrying cameras. And then as they shot those people they pulled back and waited until the ambulance arrived and then you can see them laughing about the fact that they're shooting up the ambulance that was very damaging it was also damaging what he exposed about Hillary Clinton and what do you suppose there are some of the clips about collateral that collateral damage or I forget exactly what the title of that was but that really got the military industrial complex angry with you in a staunch and as we see the Guardian they they like to point out Well you know we helped to publish some of these papers they helped to publish some of the Snowden leaks now but they've now been turned quite frankly. Esther Adly you should be ashamed yourself you're the one that has your name here on this article How would your lost patience with house guest Julian Assange core Ecuador or Ecuador not have anything to do with their president being a cause as a corrupt criminal laundering money as part of the Pentagon Papers has nothing to that has nothing do with the fact that Julian Assange exposed along with us we're talking about of the same time what Nikki Haley and Theresa May were trying to do the lies that they were trying to sell us the absurd lies about Novacek poisoning of scripts all you had to do something different for the 3rd year that they had tried to concoct a narrative about gassing of civilians in Syria as Syria was winning they're going to come out and they're going to gas people and the 1st time they tried that remember we pushed back very hard about against that here in 4 wars we had people in the armed forces holding up signs saying We are not going to be all kinds or force and eventually you had American intelligence joining with the u.n. Joining with Russian intelligence and yeah that wasn't. Something that came that wasn't nerve gas wasn't tearing gas rather the time that was the gas of choice that they were putting out there that I wasn't there and gas that was coming from the Syrian government but they kept trying to do that every year so then the 3rd year they decide to do something different they concocted a nonsense narrative about a nerve gas not a truck bed if true I mean it's 8 times more potent than v.x. Nerve gas that we have here in the United States is Putin laughed he said doesn't that they'd all be dead there was a nurse a doctor rather female doctor who worked for a half hour on school Paul and his daughter that it looked like opioid poisoning or something opioid overdose but if it had been not a truck they would have died she would have died but we've continued just absurd charade now for over a year they've played games with the house and all kinds of things like that no. It was not that as a matter of fact when they finally months later when they finally did turn samples over to the one of the few labs in the world that is allowed to do testing for the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons they found a substance there that would be consistent with opioid like symptoms that was I think a level to prohibition chemical weapon it wasn't number one like nerve gas or not a truck would be and then they said and we found a pristine sample of Novacek in there as well kind of throwing that out there for all of you who want to pay any attention that after months it would be a pristine non degraded sample of Novacek In other words it was added it was added by these people and so as we look at this we've got the Guardian saying how Ecuador lost patience with his house because Julian songe as he exposed maybe the crimes of their corrupt president. They are very concerned with the leaks is they have u.n. Envoy on torture talking about how they want to or they're concerned that revoking his protection and this is what they were saying before he was arrested. Would be a violation since he could face torture and mistreatment should he be extradited by the u.s. Now why would you think that be the case would that be the case because president promoted our torture in chief at the CIA He was exposed by John Kiriakou remember when John Kiriakou exposed you know hospitals torture program he went to jail now the people who actually did the torturing went to jail no it was the whistleblower who went to jail just like they came after the whistleblowers at the n.s.a. William Benny Thomas Drake and others it's always the people who are telling us the truth that are going to jail that are being purged off of the Internet and as I said this is why this is such a dark and dangerous moment that we're entering in here anybody who tells the truth about our corrupt criminals running our governments worldwide is a threat of either being taken out the platform band or going to jail but being executed or being tortured Yeah good hospital was rewarded for what she did much to the shame of president I will never agree with that present crimes done some good things but he must not appease these tyrants or you'll wind up being hung by them President Trump it's very important to talk about that that famous quote. When the best of men rotten filthy jails right and it's interesting because that quote and I'll repeat it again I told my audience this morning that quote didn't come from the American Revolution it sounds like it doesn't. But I actually came from a black aviator one of the Tuskegee Airmen he said I had 3 strikes against me that I was black I was married I only had one year of college and they told me they were going to let me fly because I was black but he persisted it was important to him to fight for freedom and he did 48 missions and he didn't die until he was 92 in 2014 it's very important that we understand that the fight for liberty goes on the Dead didn't just happen in 776 and people like him are a good example of this George Galloway is saying Julian Assange expose great crimes and now a great crime has been committed against him and he said the agent of this crime directly is Marino but the ultimate purchaser is the United States that's correct this United States is ultimately behind this and present the same elements that came against you are using the same tactics against Julian Assange that they used against you and this is about more than overthrowing one election this is about overthrowing all future elections if we don't have a free speech if we don't have free if we don't have liberty as individuals we won't have any future elections they will overthrow every election if they overthrow our free speech or make no doubt about it these people who came against you President Trump are the ones who are attacking our free speech everywhere on the Internet the half measures that we've seen talked about if at all in Congress we had Ted Cruz yesterday play a clip to a representative of Twitter and Facebook he said to me mother. Mother Teresa. Saying. People. Uncomfortable with a half measures that are being proposed by the people seem to notice. Most people don't even notice that in the Republican Party I. See what's happening to have heart disease. High blood pressure and. The symptoms are there. Are just a few of these. Pressures . Everyone anybody over 40 in North American. Prevented. By calling 66295. 6629. 66295. Back crunch the Titanic hits an iceberg slow motion we see the Titanic sinking sinking ship get people screaming screaming screaming. The sinking of the Titanic have to do with advertising my party so. Here we go don't sink in despair everything you need for a great party you'll find a party. Going with radio instead I met with a local station there members of the. Girl with access to research marketing expertise stop I have the 3 Tenors singing Row row row your boat in Italian while clinging to the side of the show and with the radio station the r.e.b. I can find out who buys party supplies when they buy how much they spend everything will get by product really. To the consumer like that's important nothing Ok close don't Cape Canaveral a rocket launches into space super for a party that's out of this world and please don't take this personally radio up close personal call the station we can talking with you to deliver advertising that gets results. Not in Talk 97 thank you for standing up for America. G.m.t. Calico Rock Mountain Home. But what are storm hall most over Jack Callahan Fox News it's a drop snow measured in feet not inches on bunch of little one planes of the so-called bomb cycle and storm is finally starting to fizzle it is probably on its last leg it's beginning to weekend and meteorologist marchin art of the National Weather Service says still snowing pretty good across portions of the code in northern Minnesota blizzard warnings will continue through midday Friday in parts of the Dakota and extreme western Minnesota state of emergency has been declared in 64 of the states counties in the National Guard's been deployed federal prosecutors hoping to get their hands on Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange launch on charges he helped to hack into Defense Department computers Assad arrested Thursday and dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy in London after they ended his asylum as attorney Jennifer Robin says they'll fight the efforts to bring him to the United States we will be contesting in fighting extradition we've requested that he now for medical treatment he's been refused medical treatment for the hof 7 Hafiz 70 being without the embassy Hillary Clinton victimized by a hack of d.n.c. At a key staffers e-mails telling a New York audience Thursday morning he has to answer for what he was done and hard Ecuador says it has arrested a Swedish software developer and Quito Ecuador who may have been involved in an effort to blackmail Ecuador's president in an effort to forestall Assad is a fiction for. No execution in Alabama Thursday state attorneys worked late into the night trying to get a federal appeals court to drop a stay that had blocked the execution of Christopher price but at the end of that effort one executioner said there simply wasn't enough time left on the grounds there could be problems with the lethal injection Christopher price wins a $60.00 day reprieve of his death sentence for the 1991 stabbing death of a pastor. You can't get anywhere else new opinion. You can only get by signing up for Fox Nation. Headlines Chappaquiddick. Nation more of the opinion. Documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation. 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