After yesterday's selloff the Dow is down $454.00 points right down now that's nearly 2 percent it's that in just over $24500.00 an oil prices have now Dept under $54.00 a barrel. This is. Matt Wood from Holy smokes barbecue in catering and once again Thanksgiving has crept up bottles were taking orders because of smoke turkeys hams briskets and prime rib purchase a giving meal including Turkey mass taters corn green being casserole dressing cranberry sauce gravy Oh yeah rolls of pumpkin pie then a starter $15.00 cup more to fight $8400.00 way to a one north and have a happy face give them holy smokes back. To me. Today sunny beautiful 46 clear overnight 29 percent China Wednesday back to the mid fifty's. Clear 33 Thanksgiving sunny 57000000 of those Black Friday deals Thursday night early Friday morning take a number 3939 but arrange back Friday that h.b.r. Network weather responsible radio a responsible citizen. No . No I am not. I'm not going to talk about a sunken Trump e-mail on till. It is probable that she created this secret e-mail server and put it in the home of. Her family in the bathroom. Pay for play scheme. And then trying to destroy it when subpoenaed I'm not going to talk about among the trumpet her emails till somebody shows me that what she did got anywhere even close to what Hillary Clinton did and Hillary Clinton has been exonerated the f.b.i. And James Komi exonerated Hillary Clinton for trafficking in classified data over an unprotected server with the president of the United States and everybody else who lied to the American people about when he knew that Hillary was using that server he said he only found out about it what everybody else did in the news which was a lie and rooted in hate because Obama was emailing back and forth with her via her private server that was unprotected you know to hell with this Democrat dream of a 2 tiered justice system we can talk about a vodka Trump after Hillary Clinton's trial but I'm not going to get sucked into this. That was my whole point in the 1st hour these 2 situations have nothing in common. And I'm not going to get sucked into treating whatever market Trump has done is somewhere similar to what Hillary which is what the Obama media is trying to do out there they're trying to exonerate Hillary a 2nd time while convicting him who hasn't done anywhere near so no I'm not talking about a Greetings a welcome back Al Rushmore here at 802822882 Thanksgiving week on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network you know ladies and gentlemen was that long ago you may remember this when I say not that long it was at least 20 years ago and you will remember this those of you who were with us then will remember that all of a sudden teachers in public school middle school high school had to stop using red markers to grade papers because the red intimidated the students it made them nervous Red was a color that denoted problems emergency your wrong you've done something illegal and so they had to stop using red. Well now the little helpless tarts and snowflakes have made the end additional demand in this one is in academe university lecturers have been told not to use words in capital letters when setting assignments because it might frighten students into failure. This is a journalism school in England I'm talking about here and the teachers at this journalism school have been instructed not to use all caps it's too intimidating it's too scary and it makes the students feel like they're being yelled at staff at Leeds Trinity's School of Journalism have been told to write in a helpful and warm tone avoiding officious language and negative instructions that is a quote from the guide book this is from the Express newspaper the u.k. Staff at the Leeds Trinity's school of journalism cannot use all caps it's too scary it intimidates it frightens the students think they're being yelled at instructors have been told to write in a helpful warm tone avoiding officious language and negative instructions the move has been blasted as more academic molly coddling of the snowflake generation and enhancing student understanding. In gauge went into achievement memo lists the do isn't Don't swith do indulge among words frowned upon the original it was even use those words course leaders say that capitalizing a word could emphasize the difficulty or high stakes nature of the task so they have been instructed to avoid using capital letters for emphasis the over use of the word do and don't use that that's to come mandating like issuing orders and they are especially instructed not to use the word don't it's to punitive. It's to authoritarian. Inmates are running the asylum 1st you can't grade papers in red because that scares the little kids and now all caps can't be used because. It makes the little kids think they're being yelled at Does the name Omar you know him or Maher ring a bell I did not talk about this woman during the campaign. She has 2 wives or 2 husbands or something and she won election to Congress from Minnesota Ilham Omar she's got 2 spouses I don't I don't know the gender I don't think of a John has or not I don't know if they've been to see the Vagina Monologues before the production was shot down in eastern Michigan I just know that she's also the reason why we laughing at it's I'm not making it in this up Yohimbe O'Barr is also the reason we had a story we touched on it yesterday 181 year old rule in the House of Representatives says no religious headwear may be worn she's the one challenging them she wants to wear that he jabbed on the floor of the House of Representatives and she's petitioning the House leadership to overthrow this 181 year old rule What do you think's going to happen a rule is going to get overthrown folks and we're going to see religious headgear throughout the House of Representatives on television now and I don't have to tell you what the impact of those pictures is going to be on the population at large do not have to tell you you can imagine what it's going to be yourself don't make me verbal If I verbalize it the Drive-By is going to be coming at me from all kinds of allegations but you know exactly what connotation the pictures are going to present anyway that's not the story about you'll hunt Omar newly elected congresswoman Johann Omar thinks that all white men should be in chains because white men will not submit to Islam. White men who refused to submit to Islam should this isn't a video I watched the video I clicked on the video I don't I don't have a sound bite of it I didn't maybe cooking can find you even think about getting it for that usage because it's not the point that I want to make the point that I want to make don't men already enslave women in Islam I mean after a fashion it women can't drive they can't show their features in public they can't show their faces they basically can't do anything without their husband's permission if a woman in Islam is raped she is the one punished for it and yet here comes Ilham Omar thinking all white men should be in chains because they would never submit to Islam something doesn't connect here but this woman was just elected to Congress from Minnesota and is spearheading the effort to overturn a rule that says religious hats head wear cannot be worn in Mauser Representatives I have a story I want to share with you from one of my tech blogs I should tell you in setting this up Bill Nye the Science Guy is considered a hero among the Lenny tech people now Bill Nye he's described a little dude wears bow ties that way he wears a white lab coat everywhere he goes and he has a feature on p.b.s. Where he explains you know why water evaporates and why water runs downhill things like that he's considered a great scientist Bill Nye the Science Guy He explains common ordinary everyday scientific things but he's not a scientist he's an actor he's got training in the performance arts he's not a scientist but millennialists think that he is millenniums think that Bill Nye the Science Guy is as accredited a scientist as there is any other physicist in the world. And he's ticked them off another thing I need to tell you you got to trust me on this doesn't know you don't read these blogs like I do these people all believe that we're going to have to go live on Mars if humanity is to survive because of climate change on Earth and they literally believe that it's possible you know Bill Gates talks about it that means it can be done in one mosque says he's going to develop Mars and these people think it's going to happen and they believe it they all believe I mean it I've never seen a bunch more apocalyptic people that is that vampire show or that zombie show The Walking Dead that's what they think the country is a bunch of zombies the walking give a zombie The Republicans are out eating everybody in it trying to take over her body and we can only escape and survive by going to Mars or by colonizing an asteroid that might be flying by or maybe the moon they really believe this stuff Fox I'm not just making it up they've been scared to death that the planet can't support them. Within 40 years or 30 when they hit 65 anyway I had a story from one of the tech blogs and they headlined Bill Nye and the buzzkill guys says we'll never live on Mars and this blogger is livid all build I may be for the 1st time in his career as a so-called scientists is told somebody did something it's actually true and now these young tech bloggers are outraged me read a little bit of this to you I mean and this is it to me it's important what we're up against we're up this kind up against this kind of now education on education propagandizing indoctrination young people who are journalists and who are writing about how Apple sucks and the iphone sucks and all of that are the same people that believe we only have one hope and that's getting to Mars. And it's going to be done within the next 10 to 15 years because Iran Musk says so and along comes Bill Nye to put the kibosh on it if you've been paying attention any kind of space news over the past few years you already know that the race to Mars is heating up in a big way human Musk in space x. Regularly talk about the possibilities not only traveling to the red planet but actually making it livable for humans NASA is slowly piecing together plans for the very 1st manned missions to Mars it's an exciting time as long as you're not Bill Nye apparently in a recent interview with USA Today the long time science guy. Shut down dreams of humans on Mars in intense fashion Bill Nye told USA Today this whole idea of terra forming Mars I mean look as respectful as I can be are you guys high we can't even take care of our earth we can't take care of the planet we live on a we're perfectly suited for it here let alone another planet and the tech blogger says well you know he does have a point we humans are suffocating our home planet has got one point that we're suffocating earth not that we can't get to Mars now that's absurd that's crazy guy is wrong but he's right we're suffocating our own planet we're not suffocating our home planet we're not choking it we're not killing it we couldn't we couldn't we could we could hit once every nuke missile we've got we could detonate every nuclear weapon we have and we would not destroy this planet. This is this is 6 year old common sense 101 but these people. We're suffocating our home planet and while there's a lot of concern over the sustainability of the path that we're on the vast majority of people seem content to roll the dice and hope future generations find a way to fix what we've ruined. Ruined anything the earth has been never been better place to live life expectancy has never been higher medicine life extending medicine has never been better but look at what these kids believe are talking 30 year olds here we're running out of ways to fix what we've ruined who's been telling them this when you know as well why do leftists media leftist scientists leftist professors leftist media heroes we hope future generations find a way to fix what we've ruined this is you know we laugh at it properly so it's kind of really disappointing that we've got young people with this apocalyptic version of the here and now in the future when they live at a time when wife standard of living has never been higher it's never been better the earth has never been cleaner the air and the water are constantly improving because these are programs we've all instituted in the name of self preservation and increasing the standard of living and yet look what these dunces believe however however Na is criticism of Mars habitation goes beyond our ability to clean up earth he has a few things to say about how difficult it would be to make Mars comfortable not this only has an impact if you actually were believing we could get to Mars colonize it and basically transmit a whole country of people there. Bill Nye is quoted as saying nobody is going to go settle on Mars to raise a family or have generations of Martians it's not reasonable it's so cold there's no water there's absolutely no food and the big thing I just remind these guys there's nothing to breathe there and the blogger says yeah that's all true I guess maybe Mars really doesn't have an answer for how we'll find the things we so desperately need to survive recent research has shown that Mars soil might be just enough to do a bit of farming in but that's just one piece of a massive puzzle that we haven't even begun to solve and it goes on again rip into Bill Nye for ripping people's hearts out it's not satire it's genuine colonizing Mars. Anyway I think a break my friends will do that we will continue and be No no no I just you know when I maybe I shouldn't care if a certain segment of population youth or otherwise wants to totally run around and be brain dead stupid fine leading to it I just actually believe. It's one heck of a resource to waste the corruption and pollution of all these young minds because these kids are going to grow up someday and there are bunch of Alexandria Ok So Cortez is out there going to be in leadership positions of day we are in big just was in a Rush Limbaugh's award winning radio show and time just download that Rush $24.00 seventh's up at the store or Google Play get the only podcast but watch all rush for all the good Ok whatever or wherever you would like and there are lots of other goodies that you can access there too it's just a pervert it's an encyclopedia You're listening to. Talk $97.00 is responsible consider. Admit it you probably want to eat healthy but getting enough organic fruits and vegetables into your diet every day is not only time consuming it's expensive that's why it takes a super food we've created a blend of the best u.s.d.a. 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I think American time correction time people are telling me that the Weekly Standard did a fact check and then you'll have no Mark did not suggest that all white men should be. Ok so if the Weekly Standard did a fact check then I will retract the claim even though I saw the video I'm not going to I'm not going to make a stand on it because I think the woman married her brother I was wrong when I said she's got to say she married her brother to get him into the country legally in some decent situation she's the one that's now pushing the notion that they ought to be able to rewire religious headwear on the floor of the House of Representatives Here's Cody in Portland Oregon as we get back to the phones I'm glad you waited. Testing 123 Coney are you there oh I guess Tony thank you much but it's not not there who's not Jane in Toronto are you there by any chance I'm there Rush thank you great to have you with us how are you very well I want to make my comment I move on for some an officer Ok theer I work for the cantor Border Services Agency these are my opinions and I'm giving you not the opinion I Mr Public States you are the head of Border Services Agency I want to say that I believe in the rule of law Ok and I follow and I do my best to follow now when the rule of law is not. I did by when they are trying to overthrow your president with some sort of Town Focus they don't like the outcome of the election when they make up things about a justice of your Supreme Court when the stuff that it boxes with weak dollar. That is unacceptable that's not the rule of law and. I'm not I'm not making a call to arms I want to be more cerebral and more intelligent but you guys have to rise up against that they've declared some sort of war on you and you must fight. Well that a lot of people think that that's what Donald Trump is and that the election of Donald Trump was. And it represents on going. A lot of people have also depended on time moderate institutions that you can seek out like you mentioned law enforcement to. Address some of those and even those have been taken over so it's an ongoing battle the point the news this hour is brought to you by the scene team and Century 21 lead Magriel to list your home business with Nosy a team. A man has died after a boating accident on Lake North Fork now with your h.b.r. a News update on train Westerberg Baxter County authorities say Adam James of Melnyk home died after Friday's accidents deputies responded to a pontoon boat that was circling in the lake and appeared to be unmanned they found June seriously injured on the shoreline nearby and took him to the hospital where he died a governor in sin has tempt the current director of the state's Alcohol Beverage Control administration to be his new chief legal counsel on Friday Hutchinson said that Mary can seal will serve as top legal adviser calling her an ideal choice for the role Arkansas is looking for alternatives to fund and I 49 construction project the funding for work on a 14 mile stretch from Crawford County to say Highway 22 is not available according to a study construction for the project as a 4 lane route is estimated to cost $776000000.00 fine train Westerberg Listen next hour for more h.p. Or a new. 20 minute. Time and here is the money. Focus on. Getting. Treasure and thank God people will light special thanks to God. And I kind. Car seats for your child car crashes are children. Protect. For information for your child visit safer car. The right seat sponsored by the Arkansas Highway. Broadcaster How do medical treatments and equipment get developed what about new vaccines and medical breakthrough research. Thanks to thousands of Arkansans who have participated in research programs that year A.M.'s innovative research has been developed in cancer heart disease mental health and others and scientists are grateful thanks again. Research at u.a. Amass has also led to $296.00 patents and created $46.00 health care related companies with over $26000000.00 in payroll jobs for hundreds of Arkansans would you like to be involved your participation could spark a new discovery find a cure for a dreaded illness or develop a new treatment to make someone's life much better. Translational Research Institute encourages you to visit research Match dot org Thanks again. Sponsored by the station the Arkansas Broadcasters Association and the USA amass Translational Research Institute. Beautiful. Clear overnight. 50. Clear 33 Thanksgiving 57. Black Friday deals Thursday night early Friday morning take a number 3939 but back Friday that. Mystery written to a. 5 star dining hall into a relaxing lunch a Grammy dinner with friends and family this rheumatiz now taking reservations for holiday special. As it is at the grow your office bring home brew will take care of it all spring with his open new round through Sunday from 11 tonight. Only 15 minutes from now I'm home in the north. Saturday morning. Continues a household name in all 4 corners of the world your host. Rush Limbaugh surfing most days below the media radar. But that all changed over the weekend and it since since goes in cycles but all of a sudden over the weekend you know yesterday we had these nine-A audio sound bites featuring your host on the upshot of all of them there were 2 different shows one was an n.p.r. Podcast and the other one was the Accord accuracy with a new book trying to explain the modern partisan divide and I your host them now in 2018 being blamed for all of it the show starting in 1988 busting up the news media monopoly and then getting Newt Gingrich and a Republican Congress elected for the 1st time in 40 years in 1904 and then providing great opposition to Bill Clinton during the late ninety's and basically causing there to be a gridlock and division and a partisan divide and none of it would have happened worried not for me and this program starting and I was asking yesterday why now I mean this is been known for a long time and we've known that this is what they think for a long time. But it's generational all of this stuff that they're complaining about happened 25 or 30 years ago that's a generation ago so why now are they bringing him up I was asking it all day yesterday I can't tell you the number of e-mails I got from people who warned me to be careful you realize what this means your back on the radar some reason they have repainted bull's eye on you I had people say it's because you did that trump rally it's because you introduced Trump you know they've now they've got it they've got to realign and take you back out again and you're doing more t.v. Appearances are you where you've been them the radar they haven't cared about your for a while but now all of a sudden and I read all the stuff with amusement because the way people think fascinates me no matter what they think it fascinates me I'm fascinated by thinking I'm not fascinated by mimicry or mental laziness but the way people think Besson it's me and a lot of people get very protective of your there there's that new up here for some reason they want people to hate you all over again you got to be careful about this they're trying one e-mailer said it's just like what you said Clarence Thomas rush h.b.o. Doesn't a movie on Clarence Thomas Anita Hill 20 years after it happened so that young people who were not born or were too young to know what was going on then still end up hating Clarence Thomas and still Ed Vance in this whole idea that men mistreat women and so forth and they're doing the same thing to you they're trying to alert a whole bunch of people that weren't alive when you started what you did and what your responsible for their trying to make sure that this new group of young people doesn't like you and I thought well now that makes some sense. But then I aim to that can't be the only reason why this stuff is being revived I have to say I think I found the answer in an Oreo sound bite from c.n.n. Last night the Senate let me review what I said yesterday after playing all those sound bites about all the things I started in the ninety's that I know people today are being told that I am to blame for here's here's the review so let's review I'm responsible for the Clinton Lewinsky affair I'm responsible for Newt Gingrich and the Republicans wanting the house and $994.00 and now I'm responsible for the creation of Fox News which makes me responsible for everything the left hates today makes me responsible for all of this I'm the one who did it therefore I am the reason in the architect for today's partisan divide for today's political divisions for today's gridlock none of it would have happened had I not come along the Democrats would still hold everything they still have their media monopoly there wouldn't be any alternative disavowed that's what they think it's amazing I mean some lot of the radiance of every soundbite here have certain elements that are totally right that I've never heard them express before absolutely asking myself why now I mean no conspiracy no mystery no I'm just I'm going why now this is a curious question in a fundamental element of this is that in this review in those sound bites and the 9 yesterday it could have been 19 there were 10 more but kooky didn't give me because you know we wouldn't get to all of them but there was an element of truth in them that has been absent before an element of. Respect along with the blame and that's that's what. Got me curious anyway I think we've got the answer in addition to I do think there's a lot of proof lot of truth in the idea that they are trying to inform new young generation of people who I am and why I'm a bad guy like they tried to do with Clarence Thomas in the movie and they any do that with any number of people on the right and issues you know make movies about their doing that Roger Ailes is a punter Roger Ailes movies are not going to do everything they can to poison people's minds about him. But last night on c.n.n. David Radom a good get was not talking about me but what was on Anderson Cooper was being filled in for by John Berman and Gergen was asked this question the lack of White House decorum in general it's nothing to make light of how Should Democrats handle it what's the right way to handle it everything from the sliding scale of the comments about Adam Schiff Well the way the evocate runs e-mails what are the risks and the pitfalls for the major risk is that of overplaying their hands when the new Congress is voted in from their party there's a tendency to sort of want to push forward on all fronts all guns blazing you know take down the president if you can but as we saw as far away as new Congress coming into power in 1994 when Republicans swept the house he overplayed his hand and really want it done she not only him but the body itself and this case what the Democrats need 1st and foremost to do in the next few days is that demonstrate they can come together bridge their differences on this choice of a speaker and on who's going to be doing what within the house so I saw that I said Well now this could be part of the answer. Is that they're receiving all of this history Bob in this program from $88.00 to the present and using it as an illustration for Young Democrats of how Newt and the boys in the House are example rate Lee misunderstood what their election meant even though I pointed that out after a while I made the observation that the mistake that the conservative leadership in the house made in 1905 was assuming they won the election because the country had gone conservative and therefore if they stopped teaching or explaining conservatism as they propose their ideas and policy legislation began to employ a minute they didn't explain why they didn't they didn't give just the cation for it because they assumed everybody understood that that's why they were elected to implement quote unquote conservative policies Well I mean even demonizing conservatism all over the place then like it does now and with the absence of Newt and the boys giving a. Constant history teaching lesson about why they're balancing the budget and why they're doing this and how it relates to conservatism and this is why you elected us they just did it and they made targets of themselves and in a putting Newt on the cover of Time magazine Mandvi year with 2 days a growth on his face and that stubble photo then they had him on there is the Gingrich that stole Christmas as they defamed conservatism So did what good can here is suggesting is look don't make the mistake that the Republicans made 94 of thinking that the country voted on and because they want everything that's being done right now reverse don't make That's what he's doing it Democrats need to come together on this big He's also making the case here from Palosi speaking of that an increasing number of House Democrats is going public with their I mean victory are like opposition to this woman. 16 of them have signed a letter I find it interesting I can't find the names of the signatories of this letter in any of the stories about this letter the letters are published the signatures of published but the translation happen figure out whose names are being signed I can't find a story that actually names the 16 who signed I'm wondering if Alexandria Ok still can fix for example sign this letter so Gergen wants him to come together probably reelect Palosi once the young with her snappers to take the back seat like they should like every other young person doesn't feel is their time and he's worried that they're going to overshoot is worried are going to overreach worried that they're going to really cause the people of the elected them to regret it and I think that could be. One of the reasons why all this stuff was happening over the weekend regarding recounting the history of this program. Work. By your friends to Regional Medical Center or more shopping online more booking travel and all that activity while using your device leads to online identity exposure your personal information is going to be at risk and if that information ends up in the hands of cyber criminals you're going to have a bigger problem than an online store running out of a gift you promised your oldest it's a good thing your life lock with Norton to help keep your holidays happy lifelike helps with threats to your identity why someone opening accounts in your name and Norton security protection devices against cyber threats like not where now no one can prevent all identity theft or cyber crime where I monitor transactions and all businesses but if you've got Life Lock with Norton you've got comprehensive protection for your identity and your devices had the wife locked up common use the problem called rush for an extra 10 percent off your 1st year and a $25.00 Amazon gift card with annual enroll that terms apply. To me. But millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States hundreds of thousands move on to the flood across our border each year never me. Because of broken immigration. Conservative Congressman Kevin McCarthy is taking this to build enforce the law on what this is about communities our children protecting them from fat not protecting them from gang members our communities will not be safe if you can't secure your. Car build the rolling force the full phones President border will expand to penalize criminal illegal immigrants and cracks down on sanctuary cities. That's. For the. Congress to pass. These. Paid for by state Tea Party Express. Sun slowly rising cradling a cup of coffee the smell of bacon says. Last night. The days. But 1st. There were 50. Joined. By the station and the Arkansas broadcaster so she. Knew him let me say I really knew. He touched my heart laughing he repeated that story you told. Her. Talking about. Research. Into the consumer than any other medium letter station a member of the radio. Show you. Drive By Media today the big new the federal judge in San Francisco telling Donald Trump to go to hell on his latest executive order regarding the applications for asylum among those entering the country illegally or b. Of a caravan we have somebody Mike in Jacksonville Florida wants to talk about it welcome we're finally getting to the it's you know are you. Her us under Well thank you yeah I wanted to ask you directly what would happen if a federal judge does happen and some comes out and says well this is the law that supports the framework for my thank you to order it's legal therefore I intend to go through with it it's up to you on your side to take this up the legal chain will believe in spring court and then at the Supreme Court says I can't do it then I'll stop well because that isn't that isn't the legal procedure that I mean if you want to preserve the rule of law as was discussed earlier I understand the temptation to tell this judge to go pound sand because what this judge has done is simply insert his own political policy preferences trying to protect the Obama agenda making sure the Trump doesn't get unravel it trump included in this executive order the legal justification for it from a previous Supreme Court affirmation of his travel ban the included the Trump lawyers who wrote this executive order included the previous Supreme Court ruling in this executive action explaining in justifying this one and this judge still said I'm going to stay on this you can't do this and the judges then forcing this up the tree of the legal system now you want the president just a tele judge screw it I'm going to do it anyway and you go to court and stop me but that's not that's that's not how this is this is going to happen actually this took a little longer to happen than than I and some others thought I would have I thought the judge would have been found the very day last week that trump issued this exact executive action now the judge in this case is somebody named John Tiger t.-i g e r. San Francisco based federal judge appointed by Obama he issued his order last night barring the trumpet ministration from enforcing existing asylum restrictions that Trump announced on November the 9th they are entirely constitutional and they are based on a framework and foundation of a previous Supreme Court ruling affirming Trump's right to have his executive order or action on the travel ban Now these are the same judges and this guy Tiger in Sampson these are the same federal judges who are trying to in shrine and Obama's DACA program which is an actual presidential rewrite of congressional law DACA is unconstitutional Obama just wrote it because of race nobody had the guts to oppose him on it so Obama actually really wrote legislative law and put it in Executive Order any same judges stood aside and let it happen here Trump is affirming an existing federal law on asylum and a judge is stopping it this is pure politics this is not even legal this is not even judicial this is just an Obama judicial a leftist activist that's been named the judge essentially now this judge claims that by temporarily prohibiting illegal aliens from seeking asylum and by requiring that asylum be sought at official points of entry that the president has imposed conditions that Congress has expressly forbidden it's the exact opposite people are pulling their hair out Trump was acting pursuant. To a sweeping grant of legislative authority of the immigration law which the Supreme Court held just 5 months ago that does vest the president with power to suspend entry and impose entry conditions when ever he wants this is an existing federal law the president already has statutory authority legislative authority to keep anybody out of the country or let anybody in based on what his view of their threat to national security is there is nobody that can pardon the pun trump the president except this judge has it's an open act of legal defiance it is an Obama leftist hack installed as a judge saying if you do Donald Trump we're not letting you do this we're not letting you on Robbo Obama policy now this is going to appeal to be appealed to the 9th Circuit which is also run by Obama judges they will indorse what this judge has done and this will end up back in the Supreme Court where it will be tossed out for certain now with Kavanagh on the on the court but for Trump to tell the judge to pound sand and just implement this anyway I think the White House knew this everybody knew this was going to happen everybody knew that this was what the left would do they would find a judge issue this injunction. I think there is. An effort here causing these confrontations which are thought to be informative and educational for the American people I had I don't know you know how many people are you I can't believe these Democrats I don't believe these Democrats I don't know how many Americans are actually having that reaction I think we do media covers this most people not most but it. Sizably Unfortunately a large number of Americans are tricked into believing that Trump is trying to pull a fast one because he hates people of color you know that's that's how they're trying to portray trumps rules on asylum but the rules on asylum have been very simple for a long time and you have to seek asylum at the 1st port of entry of freedom you come to will that would be Mexico for these people in the Caribbean or coming to America Number 2 if it wasn't Mexico if it if they if America was the 1st place in order to be granted asylum you have to have arrived here legally and we're not even talking about legal immigrants here. This is a I mean it's a bald in your face move by all Bamma era left us tax to destroy us immigration law essentially We'll take a break and be back after this. The week. Mornings at 7 in the morning showing. 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Stiefel Nicholas and Company Incorporated member s.i.p.c. N.y.s.e. . President Trump will not take action against the Saudi crown prince for the killing of journalist. Even though u.s. Intelligence says Mohamed bin so the hit correspondent Pamela Brown of Santa White House doesn't even receive the report from his intelligence team. From the CIA according to our reporting. The murder of The Washington Post reporter. In a statement released by the White House the president says Saudi Arabia is too important an ally to the u.s. And finding Iran to rattle the relationship stocks are down for the year but White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow says the economy is healthy economy the basic economy has really awakened and it's going to stay there but traders say they see signs of a slowing economy the Dow down more than 500. S. . 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That's those 3 hours and. 2 of them are already in like. A caller with a musical request coming up which we're going to acknowledge. We'll play the hits and there's a lot of other stuff left here on the stacks of stuff that I want to get through one hour to do what was your calls all coming. To shore financial advisor take the time to really listen to you is your financial strategy personal life for you and your family or your financial advisor or is your life and financial situation change. Your mountain home Edward Jones Financial Advisor where we work together we'll focus on what's important we'll use an established process to create a personalized financial strategy. And resources to help you reach your goal contact at 870500. Or John for a 2nd see. Happy Thanksgiving all this week on the revolution it's a mixed bag of Thanksgiving on 2 pursuits joining us will be Greg Ritz host of the Nestors communications coordinator for federal I mean issues and you'll get to with . Thanksgiving celebration is presented by a. Happy Thanksgiving and beyond to. Talk and talk $97.00. 97. Calico Rock. Makes a stand on Saudi Arabia and Lisa Brady Fox News the president announcing that Saudi leaders will not be punished. By the u.s. For the killing of a journalist President Trump says the crime against journalist Jamal Khashoggi was terrible and says it could very well be the crown prince of Saudi Arabia had knowledge of the tragic event but calls the kingdom of Saudi Arabia a great ally in a very important fight against Iran in a statement the president says the u.s. Intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interest of our country Israel and other partners in the region and help on in Washington the president emphasizing the u.s. Relationship with the kingdom rather than to individual leaders he is expected to receive a u.s. Intelligence report on the show he's killing today last week the u.s. Sanctioned Saudis charged in the crime moments ago at the White House we are now at the beginning of a national period of Thanksgiving the president carrying out the annual tradition of pardoning 2 turkeys in this case peas and carrots using one of them for the ceremony be. Here by a cruel part. Also offered prayers for all affected by the California wildfires 2 fires have destroyed thousands of homes killing over 80 people most around the northern city of paradise where the search for the missing continues been focusing on burned out cars as well as bathtubs and mattress remnants that used to be inside homes and could contain human remains about 700 people are still listed as unaccounted for another big concern is getting students back to school last week California Governor Jerry Brown toured a burned out school in paradise many kids were at school when the camp fire started now some $5000.00 students are homeless along with hundreds of teachers Cowan at a shelter in Chico on Wall Street a big selloff the Dow down over 500 points this is counting. Noted author former chief medical correspondent and Salon pos user Dr Bob Arnot the human body has billions of pain receptors Brok those receptors with the end ascetics. Found in Salon caused by the King plus and you'll have believe the game plus contains 2 anesthetics including the maximum strength light again available without a prescription they numb aggravated nurse for effective lasting relief for Aleve try when I use. The cane plus the silver box with the way. This is an angel's is America's choice in senior home care we believe your loved ones should never have to give up living at home visiting angels provides personal home care up to 24 hours per day including meals and light housework ask about her dementia care at home you'll select your professional caregiver look up this is not com 877374 live that's 877374 l. I'm. Heartbroken at a Chicago hospital where a gunman opened fire yesterday killing 3 people before he was killed the emergency room is reopening a briefing just held Fox is going off Scott has this live only there are some areas of Mercy Hospital that aren't active yet simply because of where the deaths occurred Chief Medical Officer Michael Davenport says there is a lot that must be done still to try to return to normal rule of the police investigation and here we will go to players emergency department director Patrick Connor remember the 1st shooting victims deal as a compassionate e.r. Doctor if I was in extremis and about to die. Take care of the victims were honored at a massacre hospital today thanks Police say the gunman was a Neil's ex fiance to social media giants are having an outage folks in several countries taking to Twitter to complain Facebook and Instagram are down a number of users are sharing screen shots of an error page with the message sorry something went wrong we are working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we. Can website down detectors outage map shows the majority of folks experiencing issues are in the u.s. And Europe though users in South America and Asia are also seeing problems Facebook confirming the outage on Twitter explaining we are aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of the apps we are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible Kristyn good when.

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