Weeks have been flying by like I would leave on a Tuesday morning come back on a Thursday night weeks over start you know it's nuts. All right so Jacqueline mills and Anthony waits and more than a dozen others including 2 d. H.s. Employees are accused of or have admitted to stealing more than $12000000.00 from a food program designed to help low income children in closing arguments prosecutors told the jury that feeding numbers were greatly inflated in bribes were paid to d.h. As workers who didn't approve the inflated figures prosecuted say some such prosecutors say some sites were fictitious and federal funds were collected despite no children being fed at all but Bill James attorney for defendant Mills argued those testifying against his client had 1st been intimidated by investigators and then later cut deals with prosecutors so it we do have a federal jury found to Arkansans guilty of this scheme and you know it just goes to show you. The scope of human depravity are just one. Aspect of it subprogram to feed kids and you're taking advantage of people who are of course feed to kids and you not feed the kids but you're getting reimbursed for feeding kids it's crazy. But you know anyway. Some form of justice appears to have been served we're going to we're going to be here tomorrow tomorrow is Friday right so Johnny Cash Friday are great listening audience at Montauk 97 you guys have one more hour coming your way next the rest of Arkansas thanks for listening be safe. Fox News is next a service of the barbershop mountain Talk 97 these are cage Calico Rock Mountain Home. Cuts News Radio I'm Kathleen Maloney after a deadly chemical attack on dozens of people in Syria Secretary of State Rex Tillerson no longer feels the fate of the Assad regime is in the hands of the Syrian people Assad's role in the future is on shore. Which. Actually. There were there would be no role for him to govern people Tillerson also warning Russia that it should carefully consider supporting the Assad government he says the images of dead women and children horrified all of us and attacks like that cannot be tolerated during the campaign President Trump talked tough against China tonight he's hosting that country's President Fox's Eben Brown is live in Palm Beach Kathleen president and 1st lady Trump are dining tonight with President Xi Jinping of China and his wife the 2 leaders are said to have rounds of discussions on a number of topics but President Trump has said specifically he intends to discuss trade matters the president has long contended even back during his election campaign that current trade deals favor China and hurt the u.s. Economy the president also plans to discuss North Korea's nuclear ambition the nation is often protected by China but has been testing long range missiles in blatantly aggressive fashions Kathleen thanks Abend the past is paved for Judge Neal Gorsuch to win confirmation to the Supreme Court Republicans exercise the so-called nuclear option to change Senate precedent to allow confirmation by a simple majority vote strong reaction from the Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer instead of the Senate forcing us to change senators have decided to change the Senate and I worry a great deal about what that means for our future a confirmation vote for Judge course that is set for tomorrow evening You're listening to Fox News Radio fair and balanced. Geico presents a voicemail from your friend bicycle. Hello it's your bike here so moved out last night sorry I kind of just ran off with that bike thief I just want you know it's not anything you did and I'm not trying to make excuses here but I do have wheels. Anyway hope you're insured. 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Player Aaron Hernandez Aaron Hernandez attorney Jose Baez during his closing argument told jurors the testimony of a witness with immunity isn't enough to find the guilt he said the prosecution is seeking a conviction not on evidence based on prejudice they want to say to you he's got tattoos he's different than us prosecutor Patrick Hagan says 2 men lost their lives by Hernandez actions alone killer was motivated by no logical sense this belief of being disrespected Hernandez is already serving a life sentence for a 2013 murder he could get 2 more life sentences in this case going all Scott Fox News the 1st American to orbit Earth has been laid to rest John Glenn was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in a private ceremony he died in December at the age of 95 Ohio's latest effort to resume executions fails in federal courts the 6th u.s. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has sided with a federal judge's ruling in January that Ohio's proposed a use of the controversial sedative McDowell's away am it's unconstitutional they also ruled that the state's decision to use 2 other drugs in the process that Ohio abandoned years ago prevented. The reintroduction of their use that ruling is a blow to the state which is struggled to resume executions following several botched lethal injections in several states Ohio is now looking at its options including a possible appeal to the u.s. Supreme Court Jeff moon also Fox News the sounder of the progressive metal band Trans-Siberian Orchestra has passed away at the age of $61.00 Paul O'Neill was found dead in his room at a hotel in Tampa Florida in a statement the band says he died from a chronic illness but the medical examiner will determine an official cause I'm Kathleen Maloney Fox News Radio. I'm Shannon Riley for tonight clear skies with a low of $37.00 degrees a frost advisory will be in effect sunny on Friday with a high of $85.00 Friday night mostly clear low $44.00 Saturday sunny high 75 clear Saturday night low 57 Sunday mostly sunny skies with a high of 76 degrees here weather around the clock on this h.p. Our network station thankful for our listeners for those listening online cling to receiver so find out what it takes to land to misapply cold temps this week on the revolution in. January so weather can be said to shoot the polar vortex full test a media creates a false Welcome to the program today thanks so much for being with us My name is Paul you have found the intersection of conservative ideas in reality where we are building a liberty machine we want you to be a part of that liberty machine one of the ways you can do that is to call us or text us today the phone lines are open 870-275-9799 that's 870-275-9799 scream willing. Right before the program because it just dawned on me and you know confession I forgot to go and find that one clip that I was looking for yesterday and how we're going to find it because we're we're on top of it but. I want to start the program today by something we missed last well I guess yesterday. You might have noticed are you following me on Twitter at Paul Harrell 776 I tweeted yesterday was a retreat but I quoted it you know and I just said. And it was a retreat of governor races Hutchinson governor race and Hutchinson. Tweeted that he was pleased to sign h.b. 2132 into law establishing a Freedom of Information task force to strengthen Arkansas' f o I a laws. To strengthen the laws hashtags c.c.l. That's what I would say to strengthen the laws. So I got just a little curious decided to go look up. House bill. 2132 that passed overwhelmingly out of both chambers this was a bill by state representative rushing lot Laurie rushing. An act to create the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act taskforce in order to evaluate and recommend changes to the Freedom of Information Act of 967 now we've been talking about this a little bit already this session because of a bill by Senator Bart Hester Senate bill 373 that did not pass it when it went by the time it got back I think there was enough people that were really had gotten wind of this was not a good thing to do it this was going to a mynd government lawyers from having to comply with the Freedom of Information Act just with the threat of litigation meaning in order for us to get certain materials we might have to wait until the statute of limitations runs out on what on up potential lawsuit having standing which could be well taken obviously very. And the reason being was they said well we're at a disadvantage the government attorneys are at a disadvantage because you know we we don't want to discuss our strategy via e-mail because that could be FOIA bowl and you know sometimes people are trying to you know get the scoop on us before we go to trial and that sort of thing and look that very well may be true although Mr Dan Greenberg over the Arkansas project certainly cast I think a lot of doubt on whether or not they have the problem that 373 was going to address concerning our FOIA law actually existed at all. Sounded a little bit like. The government the people that you know got Senator Hester involved on the Senate side and Bob Ellis are doing some amendment work on it although his name is not listed on the bill over in the House side it's just a piece it sounded like there was some injury of course not to mention the the c.f.a. Article that was written that raises some very interesting questions as well and Bob Ballenger to his credit came on the program and addressed those but look. Just say this and I say this as a conservative. If our Freedom of Information Act law is which is the best in the country and it's been around we've been doing this for decades. If it's giving government attorneys that technically work for me I am their client let me say that again as a taxpayer I am who they are representing I as their client have a right to know everything they are doing that sounds pretty conservative right does that sound pretty conservative to you now he was a known or a little pol that it's a government attorney but you know but they're representing the University of Arkansas or they're representing Arkansas State University here yeah they're representing me because I'm a taxpayer and guess what Any time I should have the right I'm sorry if this is a disadvantage you know what one disadvantage for the government is not going to hurt them because they have almost every advantage over us. They have almost every advantage over us and most of the time this why does Governor why does why do it why do why do your ocracy have lobbyists. Why do bureaucracies down there working for us have lobbyists to make sure that their funding gets gets through to make sure that they accomplish this or they accomplish that what was the agency before the session that wanted to accomplish something. Oh I can't remember I was in public health one of the 1st meetings is just coming home to trying to there were some and I talked about I did a segment about some head of some bureaucracy was it had to do with public health but it wasn't v.h.s. It was something else they came to the end of the table and said what they hoped to get accomplished legislatively this session and I just like this is not this you have no goals that you should have no you work for the state you should just butt out of it completely and we'll ask you to come to the end of the table when you want to mislead us when we're asking how this affects your party your department then then you you can come to the end of the table which by the way that happens so many times down there so we're talking again. I want to reference that was that was s.b. What I was talking about just now with the f.o.i. That was s.b. $373.00 didn't go anywhere. But this bill did it was signed by the governor House bill 2130 do 32 so they didn't get it maybe they didn't get the specific f.l.y. Change but they did get a task force established to recommend changes. Again let me go read let me go read governor race Hutchinson's tweet again he said he's pleased to sign h.b. 2132 in a law establishing a Freedom of Information task force to strengthen Arkansas' FOIA laws and the operative phrase there is strengthen Arkansas' Freedom of Information Act requests Ok let's actually read what the bill says Challis. Here we go. Arkansas Freedom of Information task force there is created the Arkansas Freedom of Information task force for the purpose of reviewing evaluating and approving proposed amendments to the ark and saw Freedom of Information Act of 967 no later than the 1st day of November and then and completed a study of proposed exemptions listen that complete a study of proposed exemptions. That leads me to believe that this task force is going to be proposing exemptions meaning people who don't have to comply with the Freedom of Information Act which was specifically what s.b. $373.00 was an attempt to say hey government attorneys don't have to comply with this then this task force is going to report to the General Assembly its recommendations concerning proposed exemptions and I'm sure they'll have all the studies and they'll get the votes before anything even happens in the taskbar shall consist of 9 members as follows one member from the governor's office one to the Senate pro tempore one speaker of the house one member appointed by the Arkansas Press Association one member appointed by the way Arkansas Press Association I am available for that appointment. He could like one member appointed by the Arkansas Freedom of Information coalition by the way I would I would refuse I'm just. I'm just say no. Because the whole process to me. Is a joke and a lot of times. People the. Times these people like you know I'm going to do some good no no no I mean you know one person without you know it's just not Anyway one member a point about Arkansas he goes on and on and on blah blah blah blah blah but can you imagine let's see here. They're going to recommend these changes and. Notice your governor Hutchison's tweet here strengthen Arkansas FOIA laws I see nowhere in this bill though that it mentions making FOIA laws stronger I do see where it says they are going to review evaluate and approve proposed amendments to the Freedom of Information Act. Where the word exemption go here we go reports concerning proposed exemptions I do see where it talks about proposing exemptions to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act But I do not see where it's talking about making it stronger but you know exemptions is a much more specific word than making something stronger those you think I mean Governor Hutchison could argue that the exemptions are are what are going to make it stronger. I guess strong according to his definition exemptions is much more specific as it means people who have to comply now but won't have to comply after they're done with it. And. With all of this. We haven't even begun to talk about how this this governor. And this legislature is afraid of the constitutional process of legislating and really just governing in general. What does it say think about this for a 2nd. What does it say that s b 373 the bill to change the FOIA law specifically with one specific exemption What does it say that it that it failed and that yet we still are going forward trying to change in the future paving the way for a change in the future. What does it say when they debate something and then it fails I I guess I have just a problem with this because it's just if we don't get it on one try we're going to get it on another it's the one Obamacare passed in d.c. I mean they they tried and for a while and they they just kept on and kept on going when they passed the private option here in Arkansas they had many votes where it failed and failed and failed and they have intially flipped and enough people and some people say they were bribed I guess my point is. Why can we not govern with the 135 member body legislating in freedom. Why can't we do that more and stead of any complicated issue Governor Hutchinson slams on the brakes so that he can control the outcome the task force. And I'm sick of it you know it and. I know many of you are to this this this task force on taxes Joe were you going to say something yeah you're talking about legislators running the same bill over and over again until they get it passed or and it just comes to the end of session I think sessions like our legislative session will be cut almost in half if people would stop running the same bill over and over and over again until they get what they want. One because people people start passing bills after the 8th time of it trying to run because they're sick and tired of hearing the same things over and over again because I just get this out of my face we're going to pass it just to get out of here which is not a good way to govern anything. But the legislative session would be much shorter if they had if President if they were able to run bills multiple times if they had a limit on how many times they could run a bill maybe 3 times after the primary title or any other is that there is a there is a limit in committee but then you can then you could if you have the vote expunged that's how they bring it back up so after it fails then you have another vote to expunge it in the case of the Internet sales tax and to me that's how they were able to run it so many times because they. The Democrats wanted the bill to pass in some form. They just didn't want it to pass and it's the form they were trying to do it in you know. Specifically in the house revenue and tax committee I just understand why they could expunge a vote just so that way they could run it again yeah I just don't there is a certainly a psychological part of the people get exhausted and I'm just tired and for once I would love I mean if I was the Democrats would just stood firm on and I know s.b. 140 eventually failed anyway but I wish the Democrats would have just because they went in there with a bogus strategy State Representative Democrat Greg letting through his own party the Democrats under the bus where Vivian flowers actually stormed out of the room on that vote because they had the votes for their amendment and when it came time for Greg letting to vote he just stayed silent he was in the room it was amazing as I had 10 votes and he would have been the deciding vote name him it would have been adopted. Course we know we're in a budget crisis likely and the governor doesn't want to direct that money anywhere so that's that's kind of where we are right right now but I guess I just wish the Democrats went in there with one last effort to get the amendment they wanted and they had already cut a deal that if the minute that they wanted didn't pass they were going to go ahead and vote for it. As it is and I just feel like that's kind of sit it's kind of showing your hand a little bit. You've got to be willing to do nothing you've got to be willing to to you know to go to the mat and. The Democrats in the house reading tech surprisingly weren't. They let it out of course it failed anyway on the on the House floor and the governor now says there may be a special session to try to revive it. So revive Internet tax now anyway but the one thing that I know we're going to break with the one thing I was going to talk about you know Mabel time when they get this back to governing on the a task force is just it's got to stop you know it's got to stop and it has to stop because any one thing if we had these task forces going on when we were in session but you don't and you create a task force so you don't have to go through the normal committee process they create a task force when they don't like the make up of the conservatives that could throw a wrench in their plans that are already on standing committees it's a complete fraud such as look at the list of people that are eligible to get or be part of the committee or a part of the task force a lot of those people are in the governor's back pocket already Yeah well yeah they're friends and we're going to be able controlled so it's exactly what I said the happiest person at the session is over say so because he still has power and nobody else does everybody else goes home he's down there every day when the task force meets he's able to you know that there are less people down there actually making day to day decisions and deliberations and debates it's all the Comes a bubble at that point and then you can control what the recommendation is and then you control the rest of the folks and they come down there it's not any way to govern especially not a way to govern can say it's a way to govern a Soviet style. Go look up the definition of the word Soviet. People don't like to admit this but that's that's how that is that by definition that is how Gov Eisa Hutchinson solves problems he does it via Soviet style committees that meet that have a pre-determined result before they ever meet on what's going to happen but they try to make it look like something unique and that it's actually something good and that is why the full $135.00 member body is much is much more desired. All right folks I know you've done it before you've driven by and you've seen a real estate side and somebody started Look I just went through this I just bought a house and sold a house. Not the order you're supposed to do it but but it worked out. But you see those signs in the front yard and you think hey I want to get lease I thought you know what if I could sell real estate I want to be if I be good at it that sort of thing but that's as far as it goes and I want you to know that you can become a licensed real estate agent you shouldn't put it off any longer you should contact the Northeast Arkansas real estate school they make learning the business easy they teach fun interactive classes based on real world situations you can do it all with only 6 days of class they will travel anywhere in the state of Arkansas set up shop and teach you the business and you know what you can earn a little bit extra income start slow down could become very lucrative for you and your family tomorrow go to any a professional schools dot com and start the process of earning extra income that could become a lucrative tomorrow they have financing available you can even take classes online plus if you mention my name Paul you'll get 10 percent off call them 870-336-4155 that's 870-336-4155 or any a professional schools dot com. Arkansas small businesses are tired of taxes that are too high and regulations that work is obstacles to small business success if you want to small business it's time to take action now I'm not talking about the local chambers of commerce I'm talking about Welcome to common sense and liberty. At a press conference from the campus Kerry. Has just called the 2nd Amendment a privilege that has to be the window to the 2nd Amendment is a right to sit down by our creator. As privileges and rights mixed healthcare's privilege the 2nd Amendment to survive for common sense of liberty I'm gonna kill you. Do you need to advertise your business product or service but not sure what the best choice is folks allow me to introduce you to talk radio you're listening to it right now talk radio is one of the most unique mediums in all of advertising because it actually works it gets the. Information you want to the people you want to get it to and by the way those people are educated well informed decision makers of the household and most of them have disposable income if this is a target audience for your business then you have to consider advertising on my show Paul Harrell program we have options for most any budget and can provide you with exciting opportunities to grow your business we can put your message across the state or we can help you locally call 870-275-9755 if you have any questions that's 870-275-9755 or visit my website Paul Harold dot com and click on advertise. a blue ribbon legislative task force to be created and driven and directed Yeah and that's how we govern so. Fair and balanced with Fox News at the top of every hour I'm Shannon Riley for tonight clear skies with a low of $37.00 degrees a frost advisory will be in effect sunny on Friday with a high of 85 Friday night mostly clear low 44 Saturday sunny high 75 clear Saturday night Los 57 Sunday mostly sunny skies with a high of 76 degrees here weather around the clock on this h.p. Our network station. News Radio listener hints that action may be coming against Syria President Trump again calling this week's chemical attack an affront to humanity and I'm told that a lot has gone into changing the president's thinking and it's not just the the apparent sarin gas attack against Syrian civilians but really a pattern of escalation that's occurred over the last week ever since Nikki Haley said publicly that regime change wasn't necessarily the top priority when it comes to Syria Fox's John Roberts the Senate will vote tomorrow morning on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court after a contentious maneuvers in the Senate today nomination to sit on the Supreme Court has taken another step but Republicans had to change the Senate precedent the so-called nuclear option to get around a filibuster by Democrat Fox's make a manual at the Capitol Fox news we report you decide. Time for mountain talk radio brought to you by high plains radio network. Arkansas to execute 8 inmates in a 2 day period this month now with your Each news update Westerberg the state's parole board however has suggested clemency for one of the Arkansas adopted celebrated scheduled double executions only it will 17th 20 of 24th and 27th because a key chemical component that it intends to use in the lethal injection expires April 30th a judge ignored. West Arkansas has delayed a sexual assault trial citing a display placed outside the courthouse display features hundreds of pinwheels aimed at raising awareness about child abuse prevention defense attorney argued the display could influence the jury and the judge agreed governor Hutchinson has vetoed legislation that would ban state Alcoholic Beverage Control officers from enforcing gambling was an ark and saw vetoed saying it would require law enforcement officers to ignore illegal conduct and would ban the state agency from enforcing state law I'm trying Westerberg Listen next hour or more each. For a limited time enjoy the biggest savings of the year on King in queen size mattress said set sleep Mark hurry to get the king mattress for the queen prize choose the queen matches for the full price and save up to $800.00 only and sleep more home of the 365 day year military discount don't have the cash right now no problem finding . Credit the savings going on for a limited time at sleek Mart Highway $62.00 East. Pinball dot com present sports. Reporting for h.b.o. Our network sports those cardinals and the Chicago Cubs had their game Wednesday postponed due to weather the. Stadium it's the rubber game of the series with Lance Lynn getting the start for the Cardinals. John Lackey St Louis outfielder Stephen Scott he was hit the head with a thrown ball on Tuesday night has cleared the Major League Baseball concussion protocol the Arkansas Razorbacks to be a Grand Canyon in 2 games on Wednesday 112-2621. In the game one victory. To. Carson shady homered in the game to victory for the Razorbacks and. Arkansas State fell to Southeast Missouri State 10 to 4 as the team split the 2 game series reporting for h.b.r. Network sports I'm Tony. Thank you so much for being with us I want to get to more of those this is a flashback this is on January 10th This is like day number 2 of the session. Immediately shut down. 135 member body to me to do something. The number one thing that we send him down there to do as conservatives is to discuss how they're going to take money from us and he says nope do it my way and then I'll form a task force and then we'll figure it out later but many of you advocated for this an economic growth focus in the plane is to reduce the high tax rates in Arkansas. So on this very thing Governor Hutchinson he said. When he was discussing the military retirement tax cut that we had to pay for we were going to cut taxes but we had to pay for it they refused to shrink government. Matter of fact later on after he signed it he called that the un conservative approach said that would not be conservative to absorb a tax cut into government so the. The thought process then or the speculation is what do you really think going to happen with his blue ribbon task force what do you think is going to happen with it what kind of ideas does he really believe in well I'll tell you this much he said that it's not conservative to absorb tax cuts into the budget. So I don't expect for governor Hutchinson to want to cut a dime at the same time we look at headphones I'm sorry we look at headlines that say that the budget is $163000000.00 increase over what it was last fiscal year 163000000 dollars more how in the world are you supposed to cut taxes when you keep spending more money every year which governor has and has I think to the tune of 121st year 133 the next year now 163000000 more every year he's been there at what point do you start to say wow I mean he wants to sound like a conservative and talk about cutting taxes but he really actually isn't cutting anything because they tried to actually increase taxes this year Scott flip always on the program yesterday he said well we increased taxes that's what we did we went down there increased taxes massive Muppet Republican majority went down there increased your taxes so that Eisa could say that he lowered them for people making less than $21000.00 a year and many of the tax increases take away any of the gains they would have made you know that the lower income people would have made it's a wash. And I feel like I'm the only one of the points this out but I really do I mean. I feel like so many people are like that they don't even deny you they're not paying attention at all it's pretty frustrating and on telling. Here's an example so Arkansas has a. Lot of the winner Joe have you heard about this some did one like $120000000.00 and they still according to let's say this was the Stuttgart Daily Leader This was yesterday the suspense continues for the winner of last Friday's $177.00 Mega Millions jackpot to reveal who he or she is the lucky winner has $180.00 days to claim the prize which is the largest jackpot to get ever sold in Arkansas now. You know. Lottery Director bishop. Was Lee is encouraging the winner to call the lottery headquarters prior to going to the claim center and Little Rock to collect the prize money so no one's done this yet and the question is does this person know that they've won I can't I can't get it out of my maybe they're like Ok of what I mean this money you know I want to I don't want to you know does this person even know that they've $177000000.00 What if they're like What if they're afraid I want to for somebody that like. Has friends that think the lottery is bad everything about that Joe or what if they owe someone a lot of money they're like oh no they don't ask for more now I don't know maybe maybe I seem to think they got some game billing they let me just say this I look forward to the day to the day that a lottery winner when asked what they do with the money says I'm going to start of a pact to end state sponsored lotteries. What do you want to take down the well you know I'm going to give this money to politicians so that they'll vote to stop the madness no more and. I guess that's what they could do honestly I would encourage them if our little. It was still it was it was bought at a stud you know convenience store and so for those of you listening out of stud cart. You know on k w a k. That's you're out if you're if you're somebody that maybe should have but you're like I should have bought this is a thought someone wins the lottery what is it like when's a big prize like 177 $1000000.00. What are you going to do with this money I'm going to pay the rest of Arkansas to pay to play Arkansas State Oh well you know that you're old now you're talking that's the era see that would be crazy if someone actually was like I'm doing this so I can do this well you know what's interesting about that is the. Man the people talk about economic development you know I mean that's a that's a no to me it's always just on from an economic standpoint of. You know keeping the money in Arkansas to me it was always a no brainer on that on that front are so. Hang on a 2nd. So you have this lottery God this is intriguing to me though but here's the thing what if this guy doesn't know he's one. Is that possible is it possible that he bought this ticket she or he bought this ticket and still doesn't know that he won. I'm not going to say it's impossible but if it was me I would definitely know you think it's improbable Oh I guess my point is this when I just said that I you know I feel like nobody but people don't know what I'm talking about on this program you know exposing the hypocrisy of. You know just exposing what their policies are actually doing not what they say they are doing. Is it possible that somebody just is just doesn't read the news at all I mean to the point where yeah I bought a lottery ticket in. I just haven't checked it yet if I bought a lottery ticket for whatever reason and it was like Powerball Megamillions whatever they're called. Yeah I don't own cable television or satellite television I would just I would go to the Internet immediately the night of the drawing and figure out what my numbers or Ok like I don't know I guess I'm just that's just me if if I have something that I would want to know if I one might almost immediately just because I think most people would most people would because I would like to know if I just if my burden in life just got a little bit lighter by own by now having multiple millions of dollars just flowing to my bank account that would be that would be nice yeah I totally agree with you in other news judges now block the execution of one of 8 Arkansas and makes it make schedule to be executed this month we have executions coming up this month Yeah well it's been a whole thing there's been a drug you know the drug that we used to do the lethal injection and you know that people are making it anymore so the whole thing is we haven't executed somebody in a very long time. This from the Associated Press a judge on Thursday stopped one of 8 Arkansas executions set for this month but at least 6 remain on course despite the judge's finding that the state broke some of its rules while handling clemency requests. U.s. District judge d. Price Marshall Jr put on hold the execution of Jason McGee $1.00 of 8 inmates who was set to die in an unprecedented series of double executions this month Marshall said the inmate was entitled to a 30 day comment period after the Arkansas Parole Board told Governor Hutchinson that his clemency request had merit and a 30 day period started Wednesday and will not expire until after Arkansas supply of a key execution drug expires April 30th. Wow. So hang on a 2nd does that mean. 30 day comment period. The 30 day period started Wednesday and will not expire until Arkansas supply of key execution drugs expires Well you know that guy has got to be very happy or did he know that when he asked for it probably I don't know because there's there you know the spirit of think told us though that we'd none of us understand and out of it if you're just guys in for a you would think I don't know maybe not maybe he's well you know maybe he doesn't feel bad about any of it yeah but no like they're there you'd be surprised that some information that I feel like finds its way into a prison Well you know in you've got representation here you know. The judge then rejected stay request from 5 other inmates despite what he said was at times shoddy quote at times shoddy s h o d t y work at the parole board office as the state crunched its timetable for clemency hearings after Hutchinson set for double executions to occur from April 17th April 27th Marshall called the state's work imperfect and at times arbitrary but said the inmates due process rights were not harmed by a shortened timetable these hearings were not a sham they were not pro forma Marshall said so anyway still moving forward what what are your thoughts on the death penalty. Listeners I mean feel free 870-275-9799 that's 870-275-9799 coming up at the top of the hour we're going to be talking with. A young conservative so many in our young conservative segment haven't had one of these in several weeks we talking when this Aaron Hogan from Randolph County and it's going to be a treat you're not going to want to miss this it's a fantastic she believes the chair of the Republican Party of the county committee there in Randolph County chair of there so that's good. Joe let me ask you another question let me ask you why do you think when Governor AC Hutchinson called for a Blue Ribbon Task Force Why do you think he called for it to be blue Is it because maybe need it's true make the Democrats feel better because the state is so red I don't know maybe he's got some loyalty to Wal-Mart. Wow I don't know by that's the 1st thing I thought of Whenever we were because we've talked about this yes we were like Picture night is which I don't like what this could be and the 1st thing I thought it when we were sent to talk is like maybe it's something to do Wal-Mart I don't know because him and Dan Douglas are like best buddies you know the I mean you know don't you when Bill isn't 1st prize a blue ribbon So does it but it depends and on so it depends on where you're at Sometimes it's blue sometimes thread sometimes it's white usually a lot of those 3 coats used to compete in science fairs and stuff yeah I've gotten wasn't always the blue ribbon that wins blue ribbon was like when I was older blue ribbon was it but the elementary school that I went to when I was when way back when it feels way back when. I want to say the 1st prize was red but that was just because our school colors were red and white so we may have had custom colors for ours and participations were green I don't I don't know participation was Green Yeah I know right it's got to make the Green Party feel good hey I enjoyed my participation rate I will let you participate in the election process but just so you know I was never going to get elected to anything I always felt good when I would get a ribbon on my Because everyone got wanted but I always felt good that I had a participation while you did. Dissipate and in a regime it made you feel good mostly because a ration of participation Well that's true that's not good I know provides bad let's get it out of you a lot of your friends are entitled because they always get a trophy Yes sure like as a kid and I played soccer our soccer team was. For lack of better word garbage we weren't very good you're terrible so we got participation trophies every year but it would always suck seeing other kids your trophies until we got ours and it's like Ok cool I got not we're good I'm validated I'm good I got all these practices and stuff for all the all the blood sweat and tears that I've spent on this game Thank you thank you so if those of you that don't know Ok So Joe and I have been brainstorming and actually Joe wrote a great parody we're going to record this tomorrow I can't make any promises but we may have a new p.h.p. Parody for you tomorrow their 1st parody now and now that we're you know now that I'm back in the swing of things and I'm not down to the marble palace all day we're going to do our best to start pumping he's actually got some great ideas and I think it's going to be good for you know sometimes you got to make fun of what's going on down there number one address these legislators crazy to the one that drives in the most crazy is the one that's the most obscure to people that don't know that's 1835 called Perry drives them nuts because money people don't know there's an actual 836 club I got a I got a I got a letter in the mail from the 1835 club the other week asking for membership I was like No I don't want this 1835 club they sent me a letter you mean 836 you know 1835 they sent me a well the real one 0 yeah yeah Ru I think I mean why would you want to go around the people and you know lobby it you know and in smooth with a lobbyist say now that I've said that I got a letter from 1835 go I'll probably get a letter from the 836 club this next week probably Well that is a it's a competitive thing clubs have been warring for each other since 18351836 now they want to start writing their 6 well you have that stats a good point thank you thank you almost you caught me there yet Yeah I mean it was the copycat 1836 copycats is ridiculous because a group of people got to go Ok let's make a club and the other team you know there's another group saying hey we need to make one too let's wait until they make the club and who will say that we estimate will come in it's a classic scenario of just you know. Going to take an original idea and you know slandering us part of me why I think he wants to accept 835 clubs like me getting in mostly because I want to do that because of who go to the moon would be not the only surprise party but but so anyway this parity that we're working on folks it come it basically meant it's all debating as to why Governor Hutchinson decided to make it a blue ribbon task I can't tell you I can't really tell you why. It's blue I asked people for real when he 1st announced I said why is it a Blue Ribbon Task Force and here's why I don't mean they would I don't know I don't know what because I was thinking does this make it different is that some kind of legal term that I don't know there's a lot of stuff I don't know the new color yeah that's what it is. Should add that but anyway. I don't know Wal-Mart might be the best best explanation for why we call it a blue or I got to feel they're going to have some say in what the tax policy is so anyway we got to take a break folks the phone number to call us or Texas today 870-275-9799 we'll be back in just a moment. Whether you're looking for a small desktop copier printer thinking about adding color to your documents or considering a document management solution total document solutions is there to help in for your total document solutions 5 8. Welcome to the Arkansas Obamacare hotline we would be more than happy to help you enroll in Arkansas Obamacare today we just need a little information about you let's get started if you are disabled pregnant or looking for medical care for your child the program is currently full and there's no doctors to see you please hang up now if you are an able bodied adults please press one if you're currently employed We're sorry but you most likely do not qualify for the program please quit your job and call back later if you don't work and instead play video games all day with your cats in your grandmother's basement please press one if you've never lived in Arkansas Press one if you currently live in another state press one if you recently purchased a home in New Jersey. For 750000 dollars please press one if your current identity has previously been used by another person was created before your actual date of birth or doesn't really exist please press would Congratulations It sounds like you are the perfect candidate to receive Arkansas Obamacare please stay on the line and a hardworking d.h.s.s. Employee will be with you as soon as possible while you're waiting feel free to relax as your ambitions to gainful employment fade away. We said it we found it we were we were looking for it literally the entire this 1st hour. I just wanted to remind you so any Heaney hopes that Governor Hutchinson's tax task force are actually going to reduce the size of government and not just be a giant shell game. This is why I have serious doubts Joe Go ahead please know that the other conservative and responsible approach was when it came to providing the tax cuts that still going through the system for the military retirees that we want to make sure that was paid for so we didn't say well we're just going to absorb that we have to pay for we have to close off exemptions and so there are many that are not many but there were some that were stay and we don't like to have those offsets we don't like to have a paid for we just want to absorb that like into our budget that's not a conservative responsible approach and we took that approach feel very comfortable with it and. I think without a doubt we could absorb this and these will be economic drivers for our state. I mean if he's going to define what conservatism is in the context of tax reform by saying it's not conservative to absorb it. And notice I would I would say I would submit to you that if you were just to cut taxes period and end if there was no you know dynamic scoring and you know a dynamic possibilities of you know cutting taxes actually will give you more revenue because that can happen but if you were just to say we're going to cut taxes and we're not going to worry about the budget at all I would say yes that's that's not our idea but he's not even saying that was what proposed he's actually he is accurately describing what conservatives actual conservatives wanted out of that proposal which was if you want to give the military retirees or the tax cut Ok . Let's pay for it without trying to raise taxes or just to show the most actually shrink the size of government we were only talking about $13000000.00. Flat nothing . And he couldn't do it and then his response is shrinking government isn't conservative I mean it's embarrassing but that guy calls for a Blue Ribbon Task Force and. I'm surprised it's not you know Rainbow ribbon to you know appease the l g b t community or don't give away all right I'm sorry I'm so false Our don't give away off a pretty for tomorrow I'm sorry I couldn't help it but it is you know that would happen anyway so. But the task force if a suggests is that those parameters it's not going to be about cutting anything it's going to be about. Getting the exact same amount of revenue into the government that we have now if not more and then cutting taxes later in the future down the road I mean and for those of you to say no no I've got bold conservative ideas what I can name you one person who will be on that task force who agrees with Governor Hutchinson and that's Charlie Collins State Representative Charlie Collins I mean he's talking all the all the time about how if we want to cut taxes we have to have the internet sales tax revenue we will cut your taxes later if you let us grow government now we promise we'll shrink it later Will it and that never happens that never materializes Anyway it's been a good 1st hour folks we've got one more coming your way next time to talk with. And we're going to have a conservative future and we'll be speaking with Aaron Hogan she will be with us here in just a moment we have had a conservative future in a while. So I'm actually going to have cue up the bumper music Joe So go ahead give me control folks this podcast will be available over at Paul Harrell dot com. Here in just a few minutes so don't go anywhere we've got one more hour coming your way next. 'd to talk 97 is responsible conservative radio c.m.t. Calico Rock Mountain. News Radio I'm Kathleen Maloney the White House is promising an appropriate response to the chemical attack in Syria that killed dozens of innocent people and National Security Council met yesterday at the White House to discuss Syria's chemical weapons attack and tonight the u.n. Security Council is meeting to discuss the situation in Syria the u.s. Delegation is pushing hard for a vote today on that resolution Russia is expected to block it as it has 7 times before which would clear the way for the u.s. To act alone or with a small group of allies boxes Jennifer Griffin the Security Council just deciding not to vote tonight Senator.

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