That's released from previously secret interviews with the committees from Undersecretary of State David Hale and David Holmes the counselor for political affairs at the u.s. Embassy in Ukraine but the least one Democrat expressing regret expressing doubts that is about impeachment l. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has written House Democrats to say they cannot afford to leave it up to the voters next year to decide of President Trump should remain in office about the speaker's suggest to move the president come to Congress and testified President Trump responding to that invitation from Speaker Pelosi on Twitter writing even though I did nothing wrong and I don't like giving credibility to this no due process hoax I like the idea and will in order to get Congress focused again strongly consider it Alex a job Dekker the White House guilty in Colorado rancher Patrick Fraser convicted Monday on charges he murdered the mother of his daughter and them burned her body Kelsey bear authentic last Thanksgiving it was a sweet day in the sense that justice was brought to Patrick phrases for this brutal gruesome senseless murder of a prosecutor Dan Maes said it is also a sad day because Kelsey Berra isn't with us with us Fraser gets life in prison with no parole Police in Fresno searching for to govern who opened fire on a backyard party Sunday on killing 41 digs 6 records on Wall Street Monday the Dow gaining $31.00 does take up 9 the s. And p. $500.00 up a point to half America is listening to Fox News. But that is Sam winner on the dot com. Nearly $40000.00 p.g. And e. Customers in Sonoma County slated to lose their power windows day that's in the name of Public Safety the kill it he says the windy fire weather in the higher elevations is forcing them to pull the plug on about 264000 customers across portions of 22 counties the San Francisco Bay Area down money to new list of the nation's most expensive zip codes real estate site Property Shark says Atherton's 94027 is the prices for the 3rd year in a row with a median of just over $7000000.00 for a single family home prices for Golden State Warriors tickets at San Francisco's Chase Center dropping tickets that typically average over $200.00 can now be found for $50.00 that's because the team is $2.12 and top players like to time in the to carry along with fellow splash brother Klay Thompson out with injuries that's the news I'm. Phil Farrar more than 4200000 young adults experience a form of homelessness every year from couch surfing to living on the streets youth homelessness is increasing at alarming rates this November thousands of people will sleep outside to shine a light on this crisis join Covenant House asleep out movement at a locally organized event or from your own backyard on November 22nd everyone deserves a safe place to visit Covenant House. To learn more that smart understands that sometimes your Pet Sounds like this when you want them to sound like this we recommend giving them this. Delicious and nutritious Merican Canaday 2 of the latest arrivals to Pet Smart selection of natural foods give your pets kibble with food and treats for American candidate you want to. Wear Pet Smart save up to $2.00 on American candidate dry food in-store only while supplies last see store for details at a time of year when most families will gather at tables filled with students here we want to make sure that every family in Santa Cruz County will have food on their table the proceeds from 2nd Harvest Food Bank Holiday food and provides healthy food all year long to children families veterans the elderly and others in need in our community every $1.00 Johnny it is turned into 4 healthy meals the hunger hero and fight hunger with us is now at the Food Bank dot org. Hey there it is Ryan Seacrest I are radios teaming up with You Tubers from around the world for hash tag team trees help raise $20000000.00 to plant $20000000.00 trees by January 1st this one of the biggest community driven campaigns You Tube has ever seen with u 2 creators coming together to do something positive for the planet and ending the decade on a high note here's how it works $1.00 equals one trip to the hash tag team trees campaign team trees dot org and upper dissipating You Tube channels using the donate button visit team trees dot org Today Good evening everyone breaking news Lester Holt are you afraid to run. And it's playing with fire the most trusted t.v. News anchor in America here in Normandy hundreds gathered to honor the heroes this is the way it means to be American evenings on your local n.b.c. Station our talk 1460 in one a one a family and I heard radio station allusion with this central merely right around the corner office or the 1st season we can actually bring out the last thing out of the following spring. Break. Seductive streams we so much Atlas gaze upon the. Street much like you're doing right now to. My clue is and there is ground 0. Never called the night 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 according to The Washington Post. President trumps Dr Sean Connelly made a comment about what happened over the weekend President Trump for those of you who don't know made an impromptu weekend visit to a doctor. At Walter Reed. Was a lot of a speculation that he had a medical emergency the Hill reported that he had. Chest pain. Or did they say something upper chest discomfort they said. Of course this is been a big secret whatever happened at Walter Reed been a secret for 2 days a present from state away from the public eye and the White House dodged a lot of questions about what happened over the weekend a memo released by the White House late tonight trumps Dr Sean Kali wrote the Trumps interim check up over the weekend had been routine and was only kept secret because of scheduling uncertainties I don't buy this by the way I don't buy any of this despite some speculation the president has not had any chest pain nor was he a value way to treat it for any urgent acute issues now what's odd is that the other number things are odd about this one is that the only thing I got over the weekend about the president's condition was the upper chest discomfort I could be upper respiratory problems it could be anything I mean hell I've had some chest discomfort because I've been having this course of this horrible cough that's been going on and. So yeah it's been it's been hard for me abs make me exhausted but the thing is that. It would have been anything if it weren't for that damn we g board show where we were talking about well we had Aaron Duran and Christy Williams in the studio we were doing that we do board thing in October and the last thing the board said the last thing the board said before before we close the show and you hear the ending of this is going to play right now hear the end of this they said Be sure to you know in November 20 Be sure to pay attention the president's help each he a l t. H l the president's health yeah some run with President help there on the president's health. So you know the president shall die I thought he could be anybody could be Jimmy Carter for example he went to the hospital to have I think to have a hemorrhage in the brain taken care of he had some little bit of brain bleed and he was in he's in his ninety's so obviously his health would have been. Most certainly something that we need to look at but with the president speculation going to Walter Reed one of things that's most interesting about this is that I was willing to just go with the idea that the president had some chest discomfort but then somebody had taken me aside in the studios today and asked me about not only the IJA board show and whether or not the president's health probably was a direct hit but they asked me about something that Jack from San Diego it said and that is that he worried that the president this weekend would be poisoned just like you do with. That which is why Trump should be very frightened tonight because. You know they have other plans I'm sure they're plotting to assassinate the president maybe in an unconventional way it may be by point. He's had a heart attack and died from natural causes but he would really have been poisoned I mean they have very sophisticated ways to eliminate people today. Now I would have thought anything of that but then Alex Jones published something from my dad I'm so they claim the president's food testers gravely ill because of the legends that probably President from got a hold of something made him a little sick and so according to Adams Fox which you can confirm that trump needed tests which are not available at the White House clinic facilities saying several experts familiar with White House medical procedure said that Trump can get routine lab work done at the White House on site clinic indicating from new tests that could be done there and you know and we were looking into this thing I come on but then we're reading about the president's paranoia about food. And how he does have a test and how he eats a lot of fast food because of it and he has food paranoia I have food paranoia I've talked about that before many times so I was getting into this idea you know since we're you know getting close to Thanksgiving you know there's so many things that you know have been attributed to poison food back in the back in the past they looked at food and they said well you know there are demons sometimes and infiltrate food they call that demonic tattering of food the element area tattering of food by demons I mean if you look at the Book of John Chapter 13 we find the account of the Last Supper and what happened is Jesus took a piece of bread and he dipped it into animal sop so. Aesop up the bread with animal sop and he gave it to Judas and apparently you know I could be reading the Scripture wrong but I apparently the sop was possessed by Satan or it was disease it says here Jesus answered he it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it and when he had dipped the sop it's a bread piece that dips into the sop of the of the juices of the the animal says when he dipped the soppy gave it to Judas Iscariot the son of Simon and after the SOPs a church Satan entered into him been Jesus said unto him. Do it do quickly what I would do is to quickly so some reason the the devil entered into him from eating sop it was that more so that morsel of food caused Judas to go into a frenzy and he later betrayed Jesus now anciently when you go back in time you look at the waters of the sacrament the baptism had to be exercised before the ritual also besides a rendering of thanks you say the blessing over the food right it's a before meals because it's understood since the ancient times that it's kind of like you're exercising your food from demonic tatter is a more but tattering demonic tattering of food. So when you look at packed patristic thought the entire world is out of the power of evil and of evil surroundings of where the food for paired could also enter into the food and that's why Christians pray over food that's why a lot of people pray over the food poor firey called the most learned of all the pickin philosopher said but demons like to attach themselves to the dwellings of men and they most certainly want to attach to your food that's how they enter and he writes this he says every house also is full of them and on this account when they are going to call down the gods they purify the house 1st and cast these demons out our bodies are also full of them for they especially delight in certain kinds of food so when we are eating they approach and sit close to our bodies and this is the reason of the purification is not chiefly on account of the gods but in order that these evil demons may depart that's a fiery learned pagan philosopher said something like that you know most people you know they they they just be they don't think about it they eat a President Trump has food paranoia he doesn't want to be attached and that's why I don't know let me just ask you flat out do you think the president's in danger I mean do you think. That maybe his food was tampered with do you think that this this whole hospital thing was not a routine check up or do you think it was a routine check and you think the president and troops are using they're covering things up some people even said that they were worried that maybe President when Roger Stone was arrested and tried and on all counts was convicted the president troubles having a panic attack over this I highly doubt it but I don't know though this food thing has got me really perplexed because not only what the IJA Board said well what Jack and said and that you know maybe we should be a little bit more aware of those who are trying to attack our president and that would be I mean I know a lot of people don't like President Trump but you know impeachment or assassination aside this is something I think is very important not only that we need to be very aware of the foods we're taking in this Thanksgiving because there have been a mountain of food recalls and this tells me something about our food supply this tells me something that you know we could be seeing listeria outbreak in the next few weeks. And you know I'm just saying this because you know just just it feels like this is going on I mean if the food if food paranoia is raised by the president if the idea of him being poisoned is raised if the board says let's watch the president's health and if you know Jack was in on this idea say that maybe someone's out to harm the president what is someone else is out to harm the food supply for the eggs giving I would be very very cautious you know be very aware of how the food is prepared I mean Very where all are Ok because not only that they're looking at mandatory ways to change the way we eat foods the way we prepare our Thanksgiving meals and this is going to be put into effect in 2050 I was just reading the Lancet health advisory for this year and it has me a little concerned about Thanksgiving as me a little concerned about the president has me concerned about food paranoia and I'd like to have your thoughts on this 87773310. 11 that's 877-733-1011 do you think the president's day Walter Reed was something for a check up or do you think it was something else do you wonder about whether or not food preparation is going to be of the utmost importance this Thanksgiving because we've had a lot of food recalls we've had dairy companies going out of business or at least filing for bankruptcy a lot of strange things happening with our food supply right now 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 I'm quite Louis you're listening to ground 0 it will be back. When you listen to him and he really starts to lay out the problem tomorrow morning and then he presented the solution our top 141-6101 f.m. . 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Cards issued the process to impeach the president is underway but who is it really hurting for the latest opinions direct from this effect Here's Christine Oh yes it is definitely happening it's very real a lot is it polls about impeachment so let's get to it at this point do you honestly think the impeachment proceedings are justified 84 percent of those polled say no do you believe that the general public understands how serious the process alone really is and how much it can affect future administrations at 79 percent the majority of the polar say no to most it's just entertainment based off of what you've seen into the proceedings expose the bias of the Democrat leadership in the house or do you believe their cause is noble a whopping 96 percent say the bias is obvious still 4 percent believe it's not biased it's their jobs and this commuter in New York seems to be fed up. Freakin bridges and get on the train right now going to 110 year old tunnel and we're talking about a phone call to Ukraine would you rather your tax dollars be go into improving roads bridges an energy grid or paying Congress to investigate all day 95 percent of those polled. Paul would rather their tax dollars being spent on infrastructure and should the f.b.i. Be doing that anyway thanks Christina download Cipel USA you in your favorite app store today share your opinions and make sure your voice is heard will have poll results every day on the trending topics taken directly from this effect paid for by sip polls USA Do you have a message event or product that everyone needs to know about and you have to check out i Heart add Builder dot com I heart ad Builder dot com is that he one line solution that gets your audio ad on the radio all you have to do is answer a few questions on line and I Heart and Builder dot com does the rest you can even advertise on this station if you want to get your business on the radio and you don't have the time or he'd help from a professional checkout I hark at Builder dot com. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 am back alive Mark Levin our top 406101 f.m. Were. Science tells us that the great Louis passed your age and I laid in the belief that there were demons in our food he said that there were no devils or demons in food only germs However contemporary pastors name and Beauchamp actually strongly maintain the germs would absorb any and all influences that existed in food surroundings and this included toxic backgrounds negative energies chaotic atmospheres he believed in food respond negatively to loud noises and negative human emotion. You also maintain the microorganisms would be channeled or conjured into food from dark areas anyone who ingested the food tainted with possessed microorganisms would become very sick and their bowels would be turned to water it was maintained by both past year and Beauchamp that dairy products mainly milk even after past arising were unfit for the human spirit milk would be known to putrefy in large intestine and give rise unpleasant microorganisms that appear to cause a form of trance or possessive state many people today have actually sworn off Bill products and there have been many alternatives on the market of people who chose and shunning dairy It was report of the weekend that Dean Foods America's largest milk producer is filing for bankruptcy companies 94 years old some people are telling me the reason why is that they've stopped selling a Wal-Mart but apparently we look at Americans drinking less cows milk 29 has been particularly brutal a company sales tumbled 7 percent the 1st half of the year and profit fell 14 percent bean food stock has lost 80 percent this year we have a group of disgruntled vegan fast food diners that rallied together to file a lawsuit against Burger King after the company was found to be cooking their meatless impossible burgers on the same grills or beat that he's a class action lawsuit was filed by Philip Williams t.m.c. Reported that Philip Williams claimed the chain advertises their impossible burgers as a beacon alternative to its meat products. However there are all cooked on the same grill William says as a result of Burger King's cooking methods he's supposedly meat free meal was contaminated by meat by products but burger in question said to have been purchased at a franchise in Atlanta Georgia to the lawsuit Burger King has no disclosures on its menu that would notify a consumer prior to the purchase of the impossible whopper but it was cooked in a manner that would result in a meat byproduct on the burger Williams also cites several other similar complaints from vegans on line who claim to have had their impossible burgers cooked alongside regular b. Patties as a result Williams is seeking an unspecified amount of compensation in damages and is also urging Burger King to stop cooking the impossible burgers on standard girls all together you know even stories they were people have actually been confronted when they order a steak in a restaurant where other big and patrons get in the face of those who wish to peace they say things like you know you shouldn't be eating that I remember when I used veal that happen to me because they are you know they have veal and they're not shaming you for eating veal but now they're shaming you for eating steak and you know climate activists have been particularly relentless and here's the thing even the pope is getting into the into the act the pope is it clear that he may add another sin. To the 7 deadly sins that is the ecology sin where doing anything that is not in harmony with the environment will not be tolerated in the Catholic Church and this would include eating meat 2016 the pope at environmental ism or care for a common home to the Catholic Church as traditional 7 works of mercy also added to the Beatitudes. He added to the added to the beatitudes that he added to the core set of Christian ideals such as meanness and mercy and none seated by Jesus in the Bible saying bless it are those who protect and care for our common home meaning the Earth on Friday he said that he was considering all that going further he said quote We must introduce We are thinking into the Catechism of the Catholic Church the sin against ecology the ecological sin against the common home because it's a duty that's what the pope told an audience of legal experts of the Vatican you noted that bishops from the Amazon region meeting at the Vatican October had defined ecological sin as an action or omission against God against others became unity and the environment it is a sin against future generations and is manifested in the Acts and habits of pollution destruction of harmony of the environment so that I shall not be a climate change denier and since cows are contributing to greenhouse gases that Rosie are going to be cooking all in church will have to be replaced by kale and Brussels sprouts. Pope Francis has stressed the importance of environmental protection since his election in 2013 he dedicated entire and cyclical sea publisher 2015 to the topic of environmentalism but it looks like if you want me meat is for sinners and things most disconcerting is at least one in 5 people their new science. Study came out one in 5 people are not going to be able to afford science's ideal diet designed to feed 10000000000 people without hurting the planet according to a study that recommended people double their intake of nuts fruits vegetables and legumes eat half as much meat or no meat at all half as much sugar and they said that will all cut greenhouse gas emissions and preserve land water and biodiversity see this is I don't buy this nonsense I don't buy it cut your sugar intake and cut your beef intake they're trying to tell people how to eat and look if I want to eat crap let me crab I'm not going to do a lot of sugar anyway but still I mean when you look at. When you look at agriculture and forestry they say that that's accounts for about 23 percent of the nodal net net manmade greenhouse gas emissions and they were figuring that in from 2007 to 2016 they're saying now 37 percent of manmade greenhouse gas. Post production activity you factor that in to farming and cows and that's a whole lot of greenhouse gas. So they're saying they're going to make the ideal diet project mandatory by 2050 and that would keep people in Planet helping corn United Nations plan but they say it would cost an average of 2 dollars $0.84 per head per day and that would be about the billions here. And that's from the International Food Policy Research Institute in Friedman school nutrition science and policy. At Tufts University that's 90 percent of households daily per capita income in poor countries pushing for the regime to move beyond reach of $1600000000.00 people mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia that that's what they need to feed them. About $242.00 day $24.00 day I mean this is insane they want to make these things mandatory I would say that's probably going to happen a lot sooner than that Ok a lot sooner than that especially one thing of Thanksgiving as well 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 will be back. To say Armstrong and Getty show how obsessed is the media with Donald Trump the numbers are absolutely astonishing from a study of many of the mainstream media outlets we all watch and look at also the future of fireworks is not fireworks it's school stuff that all the news of the day and the next Armstrong and get a show Armstrong you get a weekday morning 6 to 9 here on power talk 146101 f.m. . News on Carmen Roberts this was not a random act the police chief of Fresno Calif. Fornia Andrew Hall says they're searching for the 2 gunman who fatally shot 4 young men and injured 6 others at a football game viewing party on Sunday it appears that this incident was a targeted act of violence against this residence halls as they cannot confirm the shooting was gang related however they are forming an Asian gang task force aimed at stemming more violence the Drug Administration says it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be a violation of international law that reverses 4 decades of American policy and from Jeopardy. 3 top money winners in the show's history will compete for a share of $1.00 and a half $1000000.00 a.b.c. Says Ken Jennings Brad Rutter and James Holmes Howard will be live in prime time in January America's listening to Fox News. That smart understands that sometimes your Pet Sounds like this when you want them to sound like this we recommend giving them this. 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Delicious and nutritious American Canaday 2 of the latest arrivals to Pet Smart selection of natural pet foods to give your pets kibble wet food and treats for American Canaday you want it we got it where Pet Smart save up to $2.00 on American Canaday dry food in-store only while supplies last see store for details as we watch the suburban garden gnome carefully through without stepping it he noticed that it moves like the tool it's in animate and utterly without brain function but despite that when it got Unknown his about how Geico not only save people money but also gives them access to licensed agents 247 online and over the phone it's clear to them you should switch because yes switching to Geico is a no brainer but on 2nd thought maybe don't watch garden gnomes too carefully people might talk to our talk 1460 in 101 a family and I are great station. People Where you don't. My menu can be mixed Mexican continent. Lose your listener ground 009-877-7331 extension 011. 677-733-1011 we go to Dana calling in from New Hampshire identity wrong Ground 0. Florida are you going to your Chance thank you ma'am appreciative. Yeah so. I've been listening to that out for a year pretty much but at the show. Yeah sorry I tried plus a lot. But anyway thank you well. All this was. I'm trying to. You know. Yeah. I just told that people or you. Mentioned that checked yeah I did and I've spent a lot yeah there is a part of my. Yeah just sets the stats with them but you know. They are do you know you there they know you there they know what Peg. Gone he tried to say something got cut off. He's trying to tell us that's too weird is just too weird let's get out to Teresa in Indiana hi Theresa you're on Ground 0 I kind Hi there you are I just wondered if you were there or not we just lost the color it was kind of weird but there you are going you're on the air. Well I love this thank you every night of my drive home from work so thank you for going there well thank you for being here with me. I just love listening to everything that you talk about is like are the same things that I think about and I see happening and then folding and. When your guest says something at a night about the president possibly getting place and it struck me because I had just read a few weeks ago I was reading that among Mrs think the child who overcame years you know a lot and he had said that. The president you know 2020 whatever he said he would survive and attempted assassination attempt to go want to be reelected and then successfully made it in the 2nd term and as a battered marriage as I've read that because a lot of Nostradamus's that you know some. Kind of unfolded right though when your guest just said that it just struck me as I know I mean I heard you know well I mean and yeah he said and I was like thinking Well Ok fat chance of this and I've got yet no I mean of course he's got a lot of enemies but when anybody attempt that and then when he had to go to the hospital I'm taking it well I read it on the Hill you know it was I was reading the hills website they were just saying he went in for chest discomfort I mean a lot of people say no no no no no this is something that happened it's a lot a lot more detailed he may have been poisoned I get what you get that now I saw that Mike Adams wrote this is on the Alex Jones. Web site I'm thinking I'm thinking Ok well you know that that basically fits what it fits what jacket said but also fit with the Borders said we should actually pay attention the president felt the November 29th team so maybe the president's health is not doing well right now and that you know sure they'll get a good if they don't happen to be Clinton was showing herself being sick people just were all over or they were just you know they're just kicking around saying Oh she's too old you sick she's always copping she's always got Larry Jite it's. And so you know the idea of any pain and that she would wear the big huge. Yeah yeah they were worried that something was underneath there like you know some sort of a I don't know that maybe she had cancer so I don't know there's a lot of rumors going around that maybe she had a colossally bag or something weird like that but I mean you know that really I mean help you know you look what they say about Joe Biden whether or not he's mentally fit to be president of the senile I mean that that's the kind of thing especially when you have a president 74 you know years old I mean another year we pushing 80 and you have a president already that's why you know talk about Bernie Sanders when he had a heart attack wondering if he has a heart attack what's going to happen to him so I mean this is very important for the president. What's out there with l I don't know. You know well it reminded me of the time when George Stephanopoulos asked President Trumbo how he felt about U.F.O.'s he was very very nonchalant he was very off issue about talking about it and I realize why was because I could just expect you know the media digs a well President we had to order it and valuation of his brain because he believes in U.F.O.'s that would have been the biggest thing that would have been talked about and not his policies and what he wants and that's I think that's the thing that a lot of these candidates worry about is that if they if they have something going on with them that nobody understands that's going to hurt them will it politically I mean you look at Mitt Romney Mormonism hurt him I mean nobody understands Mormonism and so therefore you know the fact that he's a Mormon probably destroyed the fact that he destroyed his chance of being president United States. So I mean the president is sick but you know that's the thing of the president was attacked with a poisoned attempt or a poisonous assassination attempt that's another story. Yeah and also they were talking about the pope earlier and they say you know it said things that you know I always have in the back of my mind that there was just something about this pope when he was put in to this position just something didn't seem right and I remember revelations saying that they would be there if false pope and all that and then I started saying how his outlook on things like homosexuality things that the church has always been really against the softening on bat oh yeah so other many strong Catholic stance he's a softening to it and it just makes me think is he. I felt well a lot of people wondered that a lot of people wonder if he's the last public as there was a guy by the name of Maliki more rare who was an Irish Catholic who made some predictions and said that he would be the last pope when they called him Peter the Roman and and so this isn't the last pope would be you know kind of putting the put the church in jeopardy and then there would be no more pope's And that would be the the indication that the 2nd coming would be coming soon so I mean we're pushing we're pushing against the wall here I mean pretty soon we're going to get it plain right in front of our faces that something most certainly is going to happen is most certainly going to change the way we think of ourselves and others trees I thank you for the call Thank you for calling go to David in New York hi David you're on Ground 0 finally somebody is covering this besides Alex Jones I caught Alex this afternoon and shortwave he was talking about all of this speculation regarding Trump being poisoned now they say of course I mean before Trump was even a non curated Senator Chuck Schumer our esteemed senator from the state was on every holy night talk show saying that he would oppose anything this president proposes before even hears about it and then he said I think it was Rachel Maddow Show the intelligence agencies have 6 ways to Sunday to get this guy and you've got Phil Mudd former f.b.i. On c.n.n. Making the rights also brought in in Clapper also correspondents on various networks they say of course. Yeah I think a lot of people are wondering but the question would be if it were an attempt to harm the president why would the president talk about it why would the unless they are they really advise him not to but I don't know why he wouldn't I mean that's why when I used to go ahead and just crazy food poisoning all that's just crazy paranoid Well we use food paranoia we know that I mean that's why he does what he does he's very paranoid of what goes into the foods and I mean and ironically he's having Donald's I think is weird I mean then again these type of phobias are not I mean they're just not they don't have no rhyme no reason you know I'm saying it's like you know you look at how you Mendell the way he fist pumps people but then he does other things you're thinking well why does he fist bump people he does this it's an irrational behavior that you know that you just have certain rules I know I have mine with food paranoia I have my own rules right say no no no but then I'll do something else and say well don't you have food paranoia about that like if something falls on the floor or right depending on what Florida is trust me I would think I know why I think this but I think some floors are cleaner than other floors and so I do the 5 2nd rule sometimes. Fall on the floor I don't think you know what's that in his situation it's totally reasonable because everybody around him is right. If he's not crushes. That makes him crazy I would say that you know I would say that you know but I think that you know most people with food paranoia are not rational people and when it comes to I'm not rational I don't know I think I'm not pretty rational in this case my goodness well maybe you know like I said the irony is this I mean he says that he's afraid of what foods might what may be in his foods yet he eats at McDonald's because of that. Fried chicken those ranch random visits. To those various places so they can't the food Exactly that's what he reasons they will not take my food if I order ahead of time anonymously that's what he thinks they won't take my food at the White House you know that so they would eat the White House food so yeah he has his reasons so it's kind of like when I was a kid I used to think that if I took myself really good at night the demons one crawl up and get me in my sleep you know and trust in Washington no one I know you're saying yeah you can trust you know I don't think so you know it's it's a really a bad time right now and I don't know you know and that's why the whole idea of what Mike Adams and Alex Jones the said tonight this makes it strikes a question could this have been to happen did this happen and if it did you know is the president's life in danger that's the question Dave thank you for the call I mean I'm sure many of us are thinking about that tonight. You know with all that's been going on in politics and all that's been going on maybe a conspiracy theory floating around about the president's health something that the board predicted in something that even Jack from California said he worried about whether the president's health will be in jeopardy 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 I'm quite Louis us and Ground 0 and we'll be back. In that at what point do we stand up and say we're all morning at 9 I don't think I want to play this game anymore our top 1460 and 11 of them. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender Let's talk credit card debt for a minute if you feel you're carrying too much of it you're not alone the average household in the u.s. 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So touchdown there should occur from 21 yards out the zip for the 2nd time tonight at the Spartans are right back gods up next step for the Spartans San Jose State heads to watchmakers for November 23rd natural with the rebel spirit Tyler's 12 30 pm and sporting footballers brought to buy gold store Motors cornerstone wellness and you Monterey County girls junior salty and power talk 1416 am. My. Lips 777331011 John in Virginia hi John you're on Ground 0. Talking earlier about the. President. You know it possibly be and something to do with him being poisoned or something like that I don't I don't think that's got anything really to do with neither does Washington d.c. . Well I know plenty of people in the seventy's who go you know have to go in to get there are checked out and stuff well no one was worried about what happened to the president according to Washington d.c. Go in for just pay. For an unscheduled visit to a hospital on a weekend when it's not even in the schedule for him to go in and have a checkup. I just I just think you know it's just older I think they're Ok with you I agree with you I agree with you but why does Washington see did not. Have enjoying a why are they denying it. I think they're trying to get people talking about it so they can cover up for other stuff so they're doing like try and. Expand like a Patriot Act and stuff like that like. They're not trying to expand anything right now that impeachment is what's going on right now Ok so they're not distracting anybody they're not distracting anybody with the president going to Walter Reed in fact they're trying to downplay the fact that he went to Walter Reed. Instead I'm saying other words he could have health problems right he could have just enjoyed he could have whatever White House is downplaying it rumor floating around that he may have been poisoned or there was an attempted poisoning on the on the president there's a lot of things or because of the fact that he scheduled as for that was scheduled on a weekend and it was it was done way ahead of his checkup schedule. I just think with. The poisoning thing if he was really worried about that he wouldn't be going to fast food and stuff like that you know I've worked in fast food it's a lot it's definitely not very. Definitely not as safe as you know making food at home you could. Really worried about the poison he believes he believes and this is why I tell you people who have food paranoia are not rational they don't have rat I don't believe my food paranoia is rational maybe it is maybe it isn't but the thing is is he believes that he goes to a restaurant in order something as Donald Trump somebody would probably try to poison him he believes that maybe there'd be somebody on the staff who would try to poison the White House because they want to wipe him out he's very food paranoid about that so he believes that he can anonymously order something at McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken or Wendy's or someplace go and pick it up or have someone go pick it up for him and he would have a prepared meal that would not harm him. Yeah I can see that it's just it seems like we're. In this type of stuff with you know on the one hand like on and we're talking about it's like you know there's no saying well we have to we have to ascertain why the president scheduled a checkup on the weekend why he did this and they say it was routine why the Hill who one of the insiders in Washington on the Hill said that he went in for upper chest discomfort they didn't say chest pain is that upper chest discomfort that can mean a number of things we operate g.i. Problems in the gesture in hiatal hernia there are a lot of things that can happen on an upper chest can be pneumonia could be it could be out of coffee and I'm having upper chest pain and I because I've been coughing like a fool. So you know could be anything but then my Gavin's puts out a notice saying they may have been poisoned Alex Jones said may have been poisoned and then there's a lot of people worry about the president's life right now. But yeah I'll admit I was a bit of misunderstand on my part I thought it was just a not chest discomfort but either way it just kind of seems just weird timing to me . Ok we're timing one because of the impeachment. Is just that and with some other other building stuff that are coming up for like re-evaluate like what like what there's nothing right now that I know of. I remember reading somewhere and this might have been you know a few weeks or so out a day. That the discussions about impeachment and everything like that were coming up right around the title but to revisit it or something along those lines regarding the Patriot Act and I know that that kind of like me I don't like it that it could. Feel like it might have been like a bit ago that I read but nothing's coming up no I mean even if there was something coming up the impeachment trials would not hinder that he still acts as president and once again we know that if the House impeaches him the Senate won't convict him and he'll still remain a president he'll still be serving so you know that's that's how it goes and that's what I just gave away the spoiler right there. And a lot of people know this and they and I think a lot of other people are said this you know it's Bring it on get it over with because it's how it's got this is how it's done in America 877-733-1011 that's 877-733-1011 I'm quite Louis here listen Ground 0 'd 'd. You're in charge of hiring and indeed has solutions like online skills tests which lead a candidate show that they're the right hire will also have a dolphin chatter excitedly in front of the perfect candidate. 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For transcripts of big release talk of Jack Callahan Fox News from previously secret testability to the House committees probing the president David Hale and undersecretary of state testified behind closed doors that don't want to the troubled ministration or any government channel ever mentioned former Vice President Joe Biden or a solid Hunter as. Reason for withholding aid from Ukraine and that testimony from David Hale a State Department counselor Karim share the details of what he says was a phone call between President Trump and u.s. E.u. Abass under Gordon Sunderland in which he said the president asked about the investigations House Democrats claim the president withheld u.s. Military aid briefly to Ukraine in an attempt to pressure President Zelinsky to investigate Joe $100.00 by a better song it will be one of 9 witnesses to testify in 3 days of public hearings this week he's the 1st witness in the inquiry who's allied with President Trump being both a political appointee and a friend of the president unlike the career diplomats we've heard from so far someone who's had multiple direct discussions with both the president and Rudy Giuliani about Ukraine the Democrats say they're eager to hear his account of why he altered his testing.

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