The slave. To the. Grey do Christmas music from Los Lobos it is a couple minutes after 10 o'clock now and change gears a little bit after this break from it's a short one short short short break so. It's Giving Tree time each holiday season funny break Animal Clinic hosts The Giving Tree fundraiser to raise monetary and other donations for worthy animal care organizations within our community this year's beneficiary is the Korean humane society please stop by Sonny Brady Animal Clinic facility on buttermilk lane Archita between 7 am and 7 pm 7 days a week and make your donation money is always appreciated of course but so are donations of kittens cats puppy and dog food pet treats non clumping cat litter blankets office supplies pet toys and bleach contact sunny very animal clinic for specific wish list items all proceeds will benefit Sequoyah Humane Society in Eureka on behalf of Humboldt County animals thank you very very much for your generosity. Where can you turn for the latest news and commentary in Del Norte and curry counties to the brand new Wild Rivers outpost online at Wild Rivers Outpost dot com The Wild Rivers outpost is the home page for the Wild Rivers region of northern California and Southern Oregon the Wild Rivers outpost is your go to resource for all the breaking news commentary and in-depth analysis on the issues that affect your life in Northern California and Southern Oregon interact with your community and share your thoughts in the comment section for each article stay up to date on the issues that matter to you and your community with the Wild Rivers outpost online at Wild Rivers Outpost dot com cosmos are back with you on the radio. A friend of mine posted a thing on line believe it was Saturday. He was listening to the debut album by a group started in San Francisco called the flaming groupies back in the late sixty's and he was listening to that because the lead singer and guitarist one of the songwriters for the groupies passed away on Friday in San Francisco civic Medical Center at the age of 73 and they were famous groovy as you know it's not a well known band. They made a number of records so basically between like the late sixty's and maybe mid seventy's has some reunions in years past but what people don't really know much about them. So I thought I'd play something written by Roy Lonnie He later had a band called. Roy Lonnie in the phantom movers which was a great name for a group they were going to hear something from I believe this was their 2nd album called teenage head features Jim Dickinson on piano and this one tune written by. Roy Lonnie and Cyril Jordan flaming groupies high flying baby and radio that the rules. That's accordion. Fan the the 1st of the the flame. Did not have an accordion player in there been here it is. Oh good. a goal. Is to bowl. And get. Old above. Molds loosely playing just to keep. The. Good mood or Pleased. To. Say. A. Gimme. with. Eric Clapton. For Massa Square Garden New York City February 2008. They did for concerts that was it they released it as a live album The following year 2009 that's the old traffic tune Pearly Queen beautifully sung by Steve Winwood is still sounds as great as their I saw 4 years ago 5 years ago opening up for Tom Petty and. Voices none of it's clarity and power and. I don't know how old he is he's probably got to be 70 ish anyway started that set out with the flaming groupies in honor of Roy Lonnie passed away Friday I thought. A little tweet from his girlfriend said that he was born on Friday the 13th and he died on Friday the 13th of this year Friday it's the age of $73.00 and she says. You can't get much more rock'n'roll than that pretty cool high flying baby by the flaming groovy we heard new music from the late j.j. Cale been gone for a number of years released an album in 2019 called stay around we heard a. Winter themed song called winter snow coming up on 1st day of winter in a few days and then we heard Bruce Coburn from his. Christmas album came out in the early ninety's a little town of Bethlehem. Peter Case and Dave Alvin did Monday morning blues. Hopefully you did not have them this morning but but you very well could have and it's from a great album in tribute to Mississippi John Hurt called Avalon blues. And we heard Raina Gellert vocalist and fiddle player used to be in string band all female string band called Uncle Earl played around here a few times for the title track of her record working too hard and island jewel from. Album came out a couple of years ago with hers and bluesy number called it's your voodoo workin and then Eric and Steve Winwood it is 23 minutes before 11 o'clock Mozart here with you on a chilly but clear Monday night I think more rain is coming in next couple of days . But right now it's just clear and cold. Going to take a very very quick break in the back with more Christmas music but not exactly what you might think. Stars are they heard. They're going to refer to. What's rugged over feared. Or think of yourself alone it's good. To go with her through her doctor told the center do pleasant her. Marty in the crew at 6 rivers up to go have a huge selection of frames for you to choose from and years of experience to ensure your new glasses fit right make you look your best on Harrison in Eureka across from a hospital to 6 rivers obstacle to the life of the info. With the holiday season here it's a time of social gatherings with parties and holiday dinners that means more dinners and great desserts especially if they've come from Ramones bakery and fresh pies made by hand using only the freshest ingredients sweet butter cracked eggs everything made from scratch there's the classics of course pumpkin bourbon pecan Blackberry apple cranberry cherry and strawberry rhubarb a lettuce top braces some pies while others are completely encased in a delicate shell brushed with cream and generously sprinkled Michigan to give them a shiny place also has a selection of unusual offerings like chocolate silk pie Huckleberry Or how about a slight twist on the classics like pumpkin with a ginger wellness truthful topping for a chocolate pecan pie for those of us who just can't get enough chocolate you may want to try creamy pumpkin cheesecake or Richmond buttery cranberry crumb to. So leave the baking to Ramon's this holiday season surprising everyone with a delicious dessert for Moon's bakery in Cafe your personal pastry shop. Since the inception of chaos times have been important part of the work we do hear from both the Wonder Dog. And by hanging out at the radio station our dogs have gotten a really great taste in music Join us weekdays 3 o'clock. That's right our dog gets to pick a song and we want to thank the sponsors of Penny's picks blue sky route for North Coast child support and Redwood natural path family medicine so join our dogs for their taste in music weekdays at 3 right here on Cape radio without the whoops. I don't have a dog so I can't do that on The Music Box I don't even have a cat right now but that would be pretty fun. I may have a bird sometime soon so we'll see if. We do I probably wouldn't be bringing buddy down to the studio so. Oh so anyway so I said you know more Christmas music this is actually the holiday well winter songs I guess and. You hear this short piece it's Romanian in Origin originally and this is done by a all female vocal group choir is she kind of thing it's usually a 9 member group they're called Keith and they're from the Bay Area and they are going to be performing this Friday night at the arcade a playhouse at $730.00 doing a program of Winter Songs for the season and. They are really amazing singers and they also play some percussion and things but they don't they don't play any traditional intervals Actually I heard I heard that maybe they're going to employ a harmonium but most of this music is from Eastern Europe Georgia Bugg area lot Serbia the Ukraine Russia. Beautiful beautiful music so we're going to hear a tune from Keith. That's playing this Friday night at the arcade a playhouse just an amazing place to see music very in cement great sounding roof and. Keep has been there a couple times before and it always is full so if you're interested in going get tickets to see this incredible vocal group of women this is from their album came out last season late fall early winter it's called Evening Star and as I said this is the Romanian tune called Do I. Keep. I. Was I. Was. I. Was I would say. I was a law and I was followed he and. I followed the moon. Was a little slow down. Close. Was Cool who. Was. It was the low. Low that I. Told. Her was a quote I was. Close i was a A was. A was. Was the was the. Lowdown. The Hello the loud and loud. The the. You're in tune to Cape h u m one a 4.3 and one of 4.7 Eureka arcade cut in McKinley Ville Shively streaming on the web and cage 2 am dot com Erick if you're listening glad to have you with me tonight. Way down there in the southern part of the state here's some. Kate Bush. The Current. The name. Game.

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