Thank you thank. You. Thanks to our. Thanks. The wake up. Because this song is about coming. Home town for the water no doubt supposes a net cop man that went out and killed him. When I. Called. Him tough give a damn. You Babe. Male. Male. Oh well. Cargo lay in. Ways. That road is long. And has some good coffee. Creamer on it there's some lack of dog is not. Like. She all is right. Love the song milk and sugar which hate fits perfectly into what I'm doing right now which is collecting food and funds for food for people we are into our last hour which I kind of can't believe and where are we at and our goal we're up to $746.00 pounds slash dollars. There it's true it's been a little slow and here we're kind of in an odd spot so people might not even see it so I'm surprised that we've made it up there even this far today you know especially given the weather the winds howling like crazy rain is pouring down so. I can understand people not wanting to come out on a night like this when earlier I did the weather report like it sucks out I didn't realize I was even thinking it was 430 and it looks like that it's 5 it's $512.00 it is pitch black. It's absolutely raining every time the door opens like newspapers go flying so anybody who is out Godspeed right now it's a little bit insane but if you do happen to be coming by the Murphys and go ahead and say hi and if it's to give us a donation that's great but if you just maybe try to find out about someone tearing up a. Basis here to talk with you and. Everything and we don't often get out and meet the people who support us and who want to know more about what we do so this is this is really. On and they could hear. We're here having a good time. I will not leave again but since I did it I'm glad that they got a little sneak preview as to what it is that we're doing here so yeah definitely if you're out around like right now we've got a donation coming in right now super but she. We. Market we're going to. The heart of. The heart of humble to pick up. The heart of one stop shop for all your. Everything is done with. Investing in property. And I have been active in the community. Property. In residential commercial. And with my connections knowledge of. This process. As a. Result. When you. Know. Here with. Under the tree to make your holiday. The best. For delivering cannabis products no reindeer necessary to the tree try talking trees and. Paths to wellness. Forget how when the power's out Satori is open have a happy holiday season from the Satori. This is Joe with. Harvest season is in full swing trucks full of black and yellow as are leaving Costco and you can Spanish Italian Portuguese every local bar one changing source it's our new flower of fish and in downtown l.a. This means large buyers have immediate access to quality hard. Batsmen tested and sealed material being available for sale at all times 50 pounds come in visually check for mold and submit a sample test boxed up and sent to the wholesale cultivator set the price point and c.c. Will report all offers made back to the farmers this deal is set up to move volume and allow farmers to convert the cash easily and safely give us a call today and get the ball rolling so we can get those totes off the phone call 707-4753 that's 8833 and check out 6 tracks that it's extracts dot com Oh yeah we also. Have. This chat with you looking for down home blues or hip shaking I've got to cut the tunes you will hear anywhere else Friday nights. Sponsored by anyone cleaning service and bedroom or brewing come check. Every Friday night 7 to 10 pm you can find. Radio your computer or mobile device See you there. I. You. Can. Call. Get. Any. Money. You. Can. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow Wow. 6 different ways by The Cure love that song Love the in it too I believe it was in the 2nd it they put it over montage of all the kids cleaning up blood. And all that was gross it was actually great for it so I don't know now I'm going to put that in your mind probably shouldn't have it's 524 you're listening to that's radio without the rules and we have good news. Oh my goodness this is just been amazing in the last since the last break we are now up to $1007.00 pounds less dollars and we made our goal we did I know how exciting and it kind of seems to be that way it's like a private clock our people get off work and they asked are given Yeah I mean one gentleman came in and he made a special trip over here. To come over and make a donation and he said he used to be on the radio in Michigan you know and then yes he said he had to quit because the wife and kid I said well I don't have a wife and kid so I can still do this but he also then wanted to volunteer which was really cool so he came in don't have the money and then also signed up to be a volunteer really love that yeah you know he'll get to know a little bit more about the organization on the inside get his wife's a doctorate opened or. Certainly worked with a lot of their folks and partnering with them and then we had a wonderful lady who comes every year during a home week and she's worth the clothing Doc humble furniture and she made a generous donation to 0 thank you thank you yes but I like the repeat offenders Yes it's nice they do it each year they do a little tithing or whatnot that's nice so everybody still has just about 35 minutes to get down here and hopefully. To help out I mean geez I'm just shocked that in the last few minutes we got up to $1007.00 pounds dollars going mazing and and if you don't want to drive in this weather and I can certainly understand that it's pretty wet and wild out there then you can always make a donation online and it will be credited to words today's moment Yes So they've got 35 minutes to do so yes yes so come on down and either well. Maybe don't come on as pretty gross out maybe sit in the comfort of your own home and click your way over to food for People dot org and see what you can do over there maybe check out some volunteer opportunities as well or just educate yourself on all of the great programs that food for people has here in humble County they make a big difference so it's 526 I've got a few minutes left before I need to take my next break and I think that it's a perfect moment to play a little valley June as for you you probably didn't know that you love a stony and pop music and tell you hear the song stops a school eyes. Insult . To tell you the police. This is sleep coming touch. I am little you don't see the place to. Come a little closer to me sleep. This a school I meet all of them they come and see you can't. Say So call me Dad let me come and see if. They do believe me to believe only love. Those we don't hold or love. This east along with the police told. To the Grand Ole sun will Miss Ellis only. See mother. You see one of those ladies does come all. Say still call me club it may calm him. Down and. Say he spoke. Of it maybe come as he. They believe me believe. Me say schools need God with names and documents. I am amazed. To. See. The names and comments made around me. To leave me to leave me to leave. Leave them to. Go to the scheme. Come you didn't believe the pines all. The. Saints Call me God that made comments he will not be. The same school need not have a name Thomas. Hamill me. To leave made him leave. The. Safe. Place to his feet the maid leave. The name Thomas he. Believes they believe may believe. The. Same. God that may. Believe. That it needs. To be. Made to be. Made to be. A few. Feet. Long see. RINGBACK Me. At least. On the. Other damn. Easy for you to. Anyone see. This is the. Least a. Long . Long. Haul me I. Come. On was. Not just a pop singer she was also an Olympic skier. Rider. School teacher. In 1988 at the time and then after that one I don't. Actually know the name but it was such a pleasant groove. Of. Music from 1980. Other than here. Without the rules it's now 5 minutes Well it's about 5 minutes after $530.00. 535. What are you asking Santa for tickets not cracker can I come to yes Northcoast dance invite everyone to The Nutcracker playing at the our glee Center for the farming arts December 13th to December 18th I love to dream with Clara as her not conquered all turns into the brave Prince and those who see the land of sweets and surprises Don't be scared dad the evil rat king is really just a dancer costume Ok as long as you're there with me of course and every performance of The Nutcracker features something special like complimentary cookies for me and champagne for you I want to get my picture taken with the beautiful dancer after the show me to the north coast dance presents the net record December 13th through December 18th at the arc Lee Center Good tickets today at North Coast dance style or call for 4 to 7779 north coast bands in that crappy lives. Tell me they're hosting a holiday December 6th and 7 there will be cookies and. Santa will stop by the 2. Locally made products they have year round in the gift shop. Jams chocolates. To mention a few and don't forget the power shop you can find great ideas in there too Saturday the 7th millers is also having their 2nd Greek making workshop for those of you. Class starts at $1130.00 the $30.00. Extension. If you pay or receive child support and you're having trouble making ends meet then Northcoast child support has options for you with access to free and confidential financial coaching and help getting right sized child support orders they are here to work with you turning your challenging situation into a path if you have an open child support case and would like access to free and confidential financial coaching services in a professional and judgement. Child support can help to open a case by phone call 32 or you can visit Humboldt. Child support to learn more reach out to resolve critical child support matters so you can keep focusing on what really matters. Are you tired of paying so much for your electricity. Business With brings huge savings on your power value to your home and don't forget the fully funded tax credit that will expire at the end of the year already have at battery backup to a new or existing soul grid connected says. And receive an additional rebate from the States as g.i.p. Program green wires professional installation and exceptional customer service have made it the solar company that shines above the rest on the north coast just ask your friends neighbors businesses and local schools Greenlight is now offering solar assessment for homes and businesses from Trinidad to Lakeville interest in financing green wired offers a variety of finance options their customers appreciate the local service and superior workmanship warranty provided by green wired call 707932001 today for your consultation or to schedule a site has it go to Green Wired dot com for more information green wire carry solar ventilation and everything else for independent power systems from their Redway show room green wired on the ground solutions for Humboldt County get Independent get rewired. So whereas sitting here broadcasting live in Murphy's in arcade Thanks screen wired solar solutions and Murphy's 1st sponsoring this and an in-car we were just sitting and talking Our into the bathroom and I came back and he said that you guys manifested a donor. It's a magical night what can I tell you yeah you manifest I was thinking well why don't you guys start talking about a big giant chair or. A pony I don't know I'm sure you guys could use a pony for something but like a giant Jack you guys are manifesting things making them happen like said some magical time here at Murphy's tonight you know we were just sitting here talking about this individual that I met in person for the 1st time at a recent event a couple of weeks ago and Carly said oh I just talked to him today and then he shows up in front of us and then there he was coming to say hi you know the big check is the next thing that we're going to manifest. Exactly although we're doing really well we're at $1007.00 pounds last dollars and it's just been phenomenal as I continue to say to meet everybody and stop by and tell us how much they appreciate what we do it's a good opportunity for that right so you have just about 20 minutes left if you're listening and you want to come by and say hi and see what food for people is all about though if you've been listening in homeless there's probably about an expert like I am at this point I think so I think you cover the bases well. You know if you want to learn anything more in-depth about our programs you can go to our Web site food for People dot org We love to have people come in and give them a tour of the mothership so they have a better sense of what's going on on a day to day basis and meet some of our volunteers and our staff so lots of opportunities to connect on whatever level works for you yeah just because the live broadcast in sedate does not mean that food for people is not I mean you guys are full steam ahead 36. 5 You betcha So again come on by and say hi if you feel like it head on over to food for People dot org any time of the year to see what they're up to andone if you feel like it because we only have about 20 minutes left on this broadcast I'm going to get to some music here the song has been absolutely growing on me every time I hear it I like it more and more this is the Blood Brothers but the song alabaster. In the ears of the. Outskirts of. The traffic. In the town. The city in the subway car. Feels like a shooting star. Never gets so far from. Me. she's got a heart beat and sadder she sees or are a master she. Asked or. And son. Just. Saw come people saying that the man. Where. Banned. From. Home Mother soon club where she. Loves. Love. Love. The any. a. Large . Elective. There's a an. Was Such a perfect way to end out on the last song of our live broadcast here at Murphy's in this week long tour of grocery stores that I've been on with food for people that song was I'm glad by Captain Beefheart from what an amazing album safe as milk so this is like I'm a little goodbye right now I know I'm kind of sad this is been so much fun it's been quite the road trip seriously our tour is in doing today but overall I mean a lot of money was raised it's been phenomenal and it's just we're so grateful to all the grocery stores who have hosted us be. And very grateful to all the people who stopped by to say hello and drop off the donation people who've donated online it's just been a great week and thanks to everybody yeah and it's been amazing how many people have just come by to like mention how they appreciate your organization or they want to learn more about or they want to talk about volunteering and it's yeah you were saying that you're in the office a lot so it's nice to kind of be on the forefront of shaking hands and kissing babies you know. Yeah I get to walk through our pantry and through our warehouse on a regular basis throughout the day but being out here in the community to see that is pretty broad where county wide were serving over 12000 people every single month all across Humboldt County and we couldn't do that without the support of our community so you make it possible for us to be there when we're needed most Yeah so thanks Big thanks to the community for that but it's not quite over yet Katie Holmes live week long broadcast today but there's still a really big event going on on Wednesday yes Senator Mike McGuire's holiday food drive is happening next Wednesday December 11th at the Safeway on Harris Street in Eureka from 3 to 6 pm and this is structured as a competition between 6 local among 6 local high schools and each of them are trying to outdo the other in terms of how many pounds of food and cash donations they can bring in and the winner wins the golden can award and they also get a contribution towards a school dance and a pizza party and so forth so it's really a lot of fun it's a great thing that the senator does to inspire leadership in our our young people and. He has a conference call with them weekly to keep them jazzed and talks to them about the importance of giving back to your community so if you want to stop by we'll be there and collecting donations from the community as well and you have a chance to say hi to your local senator it's true and it's going to be broadcasting live from 3 to 6 as well so we don't quite hear no we don't hear but yeah that's next at the. We were basically doesn't down but we're not stopping taking donations you guys never stop taking donations I know you can do it on line you don't have to dress up and get out in the crazy weather you know for some people it works really well if it's harder if you want to give it a larger amount but she can't afford to do it all in one lump sum then you can become a sustaining member through our full plate Partners program and that the information for that can be found at food for People dot org yes it can so we just we're going to call it at this point we reached our go 1060 pounds last dollars. Very very very exciting Yeah super happy to have been a part of this and to watch all the people come in and donate and ask about information and meeting all of you guys and it's just been a real blast Yeah all the way around all the way around so yes Carly do you want to say bye Yeah come on a big Thank You to all the chaos listeners who came out and supported It's been an amazing week and we couldn't be more grateful Yeah well she got us out it's a singly They're very true definitely churned this Scrooge What do they say that my heart grew 6 times larger. Food for people in the k. Home community has managed to melt this cold dead heart and I appreciate it forever grateful for that so I'm going to sign off now but I will be back with my regularly scheduled program Motown Mondays will catch me at 6 o'clock in the morning it pains me greatly to put those words together but hopefully will ease our way through on Monday morning so I will catch you on the flipside Enjoy your weekend and again thanks to the sponsors green wired solar and Murphy's market for making this possible definitely be tuned in on Wednesday from 3 to 6 for a live broadcast of Sen McGuire's food drive. I've been mid-Jan will be sadly probably for the rest of my life I will catch you on Monday. Not only can you find great gifts for your friends and family but you can do so with a clear conscience whether it's gorgeous Fairtrade alpaca hats gloves or greeting cards printed on recycled paper with we consciously select products by companies that value environmental sustainability and ethical working conditions come take a look at our full line of essential oils and skincare products or our. Vessels made by clean canteen and why factory we also have many gifts for children. And mentally cannot prove have anything you need to put together a Ford chart Koori played basketball your favorite for the month of offering 10 percent off gift cards valued at $100.00 and for anyone from any. December make. And let us help you celebrate. Discover arcade is historic Creamery district for unique holiday gifts warm summer days a home for Hi this is Viktoria owner of Tulip the I've been making beautiful fragrances and other beauty. Since 2007 and now you can come and see the loving care we've put into our store at 339 2nd Street and all Tanya Reka some of our best sellers are tulips a 150 milligram hemp c.b.d. Vitamins are eucalyptus body cream and calming and centering c.b.d. Tincture And don't forget our 125 milligram muscle relief bath bombs made with all natural ingredients to help relieve muscle soreness we are here to help so please come and see us across from Los bagels and all Tommy Rica You can also find our products at wild berries Eureka natural foods the co-op Murphy's markets and satori wellness find us on Instagram at. Or call 27352004 more information to it fragrances body care skin care c.b.d. Wellness jury candles and gifts. The holiday season here it's a time of social gatherings with parties and holiday dinners that means dinners and great desserts especially if they've come from Ramones bakery and fresh pies made by hand using only the freshest ingredients sweet cracked eggs everything made from scratch there's the classics of course pumpkin bourbon pecan Blackberry apple cranberry cherry and strawberry rhubarb a lattice top braces some pies while others are completely encased in a delicate shell brushed with cream and generously sprinkled to give them a shiny glaze Ramon's also has a selection of unusual offerings like chocolate silk pie Huckleberry Or how about a slight twist on the classics like pumpkin with a ginger wellness Trishul topping or a chocolate pecan pie for those of us who just can't get enough chocolate you may want to try creamy pumpkin cheesecake. From tart to leave the baking to Ramones this holiday season surprises everyone with a.

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