Best for son of folklore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of got in spot the coup in Providence impoverished and squat grow up to be the scholar of the 10 founding father without a father got a lot of the child worked in the lot harder by being a lot smarter copy in the soap star to pull teeth they placed him in charge of the Alexander Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton. As you can see it was all the. Way. Was to. Get. Sick the so thick woods was cool but. He would have to just. Good movie oh we've. Done it for him. To the end. Of that damn fool out of the flu exists. it's time for. The can not be. Eternally cool. It is 3. As you before that we heard. Some from a musical called Hamilton That's the overture that's where they lay out and sort of gloss over his entire youth which was. Orphaned at a young age hurricane destroyed and got sponsored by pretty much random strangers from the island and sent him to New York for free. So that he could make himself better just like put all that into one song. And I'm sweet spirit before that was. A song called The Power and the power is inside of you. Programming are supported in part by the Art Center catering to the artist in everyone and featuring a broad selection of art supplies plus custom framing centers located on the plaza It also has a frame shop and gallery at 616 2nd Street old town Eureka. And her sorry will fix this and post Hirsch hubcaps is proud to support cage as you open weekdays from 1030 to 5. In our Hershey offers thousands of new unused hubcaps plus supplies more information can be found at Hershey hubcaps dot com. This is for our 955-019-5503 listeners. Has this program you know those utility boxes that you walk by on the street or you like bump into him if you're staring at your phone too much 1st of all you deserve it but there is this program where they're going to artist 500 bucks a pop to put little mini murals on those utility boxes so Art will then sort of randomly pop up as you move through the streets of Eureka. Cool Right Yeah exactly exactly so make a canvas where there previously was not one. Go Eureka however. As everything does this is triggered a backlash. And there are people who are standing in opposition to this public art. And. I don't know about you if you've met some of these people but they tend to be ironically artists. Why are you taking a stand against art and public art why on earth would you do that I don't understand . I respect your opinion but come on like we've got real problems in this world. You don't need to fight meaning year olds. Like what you like and this song is about that it's about those crummy songs that you feel ashamed for loving but you know it's fine love them anyway. You don't get to choose what songs you like the jokes you find funny. It is sometimes And you. See. The counter. And. And instead. She does. She says. She's. Jim James. From his new album eternal even in that is not the song we're going to play we're to play the song instead. Demos called here in spirit Jenny Oh before that and back many years that was well Ok honey we heard Suzanne Vega. Diner Suzanne Vega the mother of the m p 3. That's true. Zakhele before that that was called Joy goodbye guilty pleasure for all the song I love all the songs he talks about in that song it's a song about other songs that he feels bad about enjoying. And then he's like No let's love these songs you like what you like you love who you love you love what you love. Like I've tried to like. Like house music like I've tried really hard to like house music and there's so many people love house music I sit there listening with headphones on focus and focus and try to find. Stuff for me. You like which will. Love you house music fans love you. As you include pure water spas selling and servicing hot spring and Sundance hot tubs specializing in energy efficient and low maintenance hot tubs 986 they display traditional and infrared saunas from Fin Layo pure water spas committed to the local community since 1906 located at 3750 Broadway and more j. Suter dot com. Donors also include a credit union whose staff and management are dedicated to giving back to the community through personal volunteerism nonprofit sponsorships scholarships for local students and community investment program that provides numerous grants to help with local needs. So maybe you've heard there's an eclipse. And the 10 day forecast is not looking promising for at least people in the Bay area coastal folks are called for partly cloudy 7 days from now with late morning clearing So basically like what we saw today is what they're predicting for the clips day. So if you want to see it you got to. Where you want to go blue lake. Forest Mountain low hill. Summit. Going to get above the clouds Neil and. As a public service announcement from all your star staring friends but I don't actually stare at that thing in a mess you up and you know. It's not. And she. Told him. She. To me the way that I can just play before the stars. This song is called Hold on when you get love and let go when you give it you can find all the songs from today's show over it cages you down or yours will reach it on the right side the chose the songs that is a service we provide Chris Stapleton before that dark side of the moon that is for everybody who's going to take a little drive in trip to go see the eclipse in one week we're going to get 89 percent of the total eclipse but our friends in Los Angeles are only going to get 60 some percent. What a difference a state makes Jim James here in spirit Bill Withers a no sunshine it was all on there. Were plays music from a local band an excellent local funk band called object heavy work and play that in one song from now but 1st we would like to wish a Happy 7 d. 30. Second birthday. To Steve Martin at the birthday Steve Martin. Thanks for being a force for good. You got a 4 year old. All right this is called Grandmothers song. Folks. When I was a kid I was very pleased. And. Choose to sing a song to me when I was a certified it's always meant something to me and. I like to do it for you right now that it does have a meaning into this world even though all these years you know this even during the hip drug days but is was be so cool earning a double meaning in this little simpleton would keep coming back to me I think it kind of guided me through those years. I like to do this song for a ride on could. I have a little meaning for it to. Be courteous kind and forgiving. Be gentle and peaceful each day. Be warm and human and brave. Have a good thing to say. Be thoughtful and trustful and childlike. You will be unhappy in. Be honest and love older neighbor. The obsequious purple and. I be pompous obese any. Job done boring and on the present. Criticize things you don't know about. The oblong and have your knees removed. Be tasteless rude and offensive. Live in a swamp and be 3 dimensional. Chicken in your underwear. Get all excited and go to a yawning festival. Ok everybody. Be courteous kind and forgiving be courteous kind. Good Be gentle and peaceful each day. Peaceful. Be warm and human and grateful. And have a good thing to say and. A thoughtful and for a fun time like everybody on this. He would be unhappy and wise he would. Be honest and love all your neighbors. Be obsequious purple and clairvoyant lot of money outside. The POTUS obesity talk doesn't mean anything be able. To be dull and boring and omnipresent all. Criticize things you don't know about. The oblong and have your news removed Oh. Ladies only be tasteless rude and offensive. Now the men live in a swamp and be 3 dimensional. Everybody put up a chicken in your own no I. Go into a closet and suck eggs. I think. At the. Local music. Objects heavy. Back stage. Can't say. That a really pretty album. Would get in the way. Let's make. And real quick if you're a dog I'm over it in the area you might be stuck in traffic on Highway 101 this is because according to the last goes down post that there was a crash on the Safety Corridor we just got a call from somebody who's right by John's auto wreckers she's been stood still for like 10 minutes what appears to be happening is that they're going to flip you around and send you back to Eureka and then have you head north on presumably like Myrtle old Arcadia what seems to be happening but it looks like a very very bad rollover crash in the Safety Corridor right around you know like mid city in that zone anyway if you are heading north from Eureka you just save yourself a bunch of time and take an alternate route go maybe over the bridge maybe maybe the back way. Yup that's. On k h s u they are huge they are massive and that is I think Yemeni I believe. I should know that all caught up in a car crash fever again if you're heading north out of Eureka you really just maybe postpone or take a different way. Or Blake I don't know if that's safer but at this point it seems like it would be faster. You can do or cater to Eureka you can do that and. 25 minutes if you hustle and that new trail is looking so great are you seeing that on the northbound side or sort of the southbound side on the west side of the road arcade is really pointed together nice job can't wait for that new bike trail. Donors to cages you include d.z. See archaeology providing professional cultural resource surveys in support of permitting and compliance processes for agriculture and construction of the e.c. Can be reached 870-759-9942 donors include cafe featuring freshly roasted coffee chai tea pastries and wedding cakes plus sandwiches salads and soup in 3 Eureka locations plus in wild berries and the. In the Village Shopping Center has a kiosk in the arcade a mechanical airport featuring food beer wine and table seating. Before the. Levy and you can find a link to that over a cage as you. We heard object heavy and they have a show coming up. That show. There is an object that they. Lost all my tabs I know not an excuse still unprofessional. I'm just going to leave you to Google and I apologize unforgivable you know full refund Steve Martin before that that was grandmother song Happy Birthday to Steve Martin this is listener supported diverse public radio for the north coast of California and the south coast of Oregon this is cages u n k h s u h d 90.5 arcade of his are in any 1.9 Crescent City. 89.9 Garberville so much goodness coming your way here on Cage's you've got this Mozart's music box we've got the world with Marco Werman coming up in just 2nd so you guys have a great one be safe try to leave the day a little cleaner than you found it and I'll be back next week he's. Calling out evil today on the world.