This is the line k h n c 1360 am sound Denver. Or . I. You're listening to the line 10001 inch inseam 1368 Johnstown in. But if it's against God's purposes and plans it's evil and here's another important truth what's the motivation is it may be doing this the motivation for that is that it pleases me they gratifies me it's what I'm trying to accomplish it lifts me up that is evil it is only when we submit and we bring ourselves into obedience to the purposes of God admitting to pursuing his truth then that is good so when we look at the scripture it says look again in verse 20 for all who practice evil what they hate white hate the like they don't want anything to do with that and what do we know about the Book of Genesis and chapter one and like like it was the 1st thing that God created in order to begin to bring order into his creation so here's the key what we comes down to is do we want God's order in our life or not and that's become very very practical and I pursuing and I'm thinking God's Word or in my life or my order many people today they pray but they pray for their order to be received by God and God is not going to do that and that's why people are frustrated people seem to think that God distant and many people just turn away from what the light that is the truth in order to pursue their own terms and their own thoughts of what's good and what's wrong and what's right and whatever so they set up their own standards of these things rather than living to what God has done so verse 20. For the one and it's everyone who practice is evil they hate the light and they do not come to light because they do not want his works that is this one does not want his works to be what should be exposed or what it could be reproof they don't want anyone to say what they're doing is not right and that's why I often times people don't judge me you're not my judge when they don't want any judgment other than themselves so they don't want to be put under reproof they don't want anyone to expose the truth about them which is they're not living in accordance with God's order and purpose but look at verse 21 but the one who is doing truth very important that all of a sudden that word appears in the passage that word truth one who is doing truth and how can we understand that well we might say the one who is actually size in faith I want you to understand that there is no difference in essence between the one who is acting in faith and the one who is doing truth that's what a faithful follower of Messiah sure does he practices the truth so we reach here and the one who look at what it says and the one who does truth he comes into the light in order that his deeds might be manifest that there is nothing hidden in his life there is nothing that he wants to do to our conceal what we find about him is that he is a person that wants to be very transparent he's very open he has nothing to hide and let me tell you something when we had that attitude where our lives are transcript transparent you know that produces it produces a piece when we're someone who's trying to conceal things and we're always concerned that this may get out. Someone may find this out we're not going to have that inner peace and that inner peace is related to as well surely or contentment So here's the truth when I walk in obedience to the purposes and plans of God when I am asking for as David God you know put your light on my life and then a face everything there why those things are praiseworthy I want them to praise you those things that are in conflict with your purpose and some plans I want them to experience most why so I can deal with them properly so I can put them in under the blood of Messiah that I can confess them at cent and that I can receive your grace and remember Grace has the power to it and that power brings about a transformation to the purposes and plans of God So Grace is what we need to see a change in our life from those things which are apart from God's order and to bring them under the submissive plans bring them into the order of God So he says. And the one doing truth he comes into the light in order that his deeds might be manifested and then look at the in the verse $21.00 now it's kind of awkward in the Greek language. And many different Bibles translate it differently but what it literally says is that because in God it is and that it uses a word that speaks about something being done or work being achieved or an outcome being realized and what is simply saying is this I would translate this way translate it this way in God He understands that the only way a good can come about that is works can be praiseworthy is that there are done what if there are wrong maybe an old English we have seen it if they are produced if they are are done in God now. Why is that so important because this concept of in God or sometimes we say in the society Paul mentions that many times that is the basis for change taking place in our life it is the reason why transformation comes when we get in God Now that expression in God or with God however you want to translate it is really the objective of redemption so whenever you see that expression in Christ or in God or with God or with Messiah whenever that's been displayed in the scripture it is a reference to redemption because the power of redemption is that it brings us into our relationship with God It brings us into Messiah and then what can be the outcome while that's when it's with God or in God all things are possible well let's move on to the next section of our scripture look now to chapter 3 in verse 22 we see that we're going to begin to focus more on the ministry of Messiah Why do I say that look at verse 22. After these things and his disciples they came to the land of what the land of Judea Now that's her Judea remember a very important passage in the book of Genesis in Genesis Chapter 49 we see that Jacob is giving prophecy he is telling what's going to happen to the various tribes of Israel and he gets around verse 10 he begins speaking about Judah and now we're speaking about the land the allotment to the tribe of Judah and we see that that land is uniquely related to the kingdom purposes and one. We find sheer will look at him and says and after these things. And his disciples they they they came to the landed you dear and there and that's in fact they want to emphasize that place a place of promise and there they remained he remained with his disciples and He baptized for we find here that John also was baptizing in the same location where but a place called I known which was near Alan then now why is it important because this gives us and his store a cool indicator this is not just some story that we're reading because it gives a time and because again a location a very pinpointed location and one that has a reason behind it what's he doing there he's damn Tyson and why is he doing it at that location was because there was much water there so there we find in Judea baptism is taking place why is that important what I understand the whole message of baptism that isn't is preparation but baptism is also changed so Messiah is beginning his formal ministry we are just talking about who he is but we're now talking about him the gaining in a very very strict teaching manner his ministry and the 1st thing he says is bad tism why well because that is a think of a transformation from that which is dead to that which is life and that is and also speaks of preparation for the service of God So we read here that he in this location there's much water there and we read and they came and they were baptized in who's that well the disciples of John why do I say that because we read . For John had not yet been cast into prison therefore and here's important packed this important fact is it was that this time as they were baptising noticed was therefore there came about a and we would use a term in Hebrew local a contention a dispute a dispute between the disciples of John and the Jew Givens concerning purification now we're getting into a very important part of our study for this one we're talking about immersion and what is being spoken of cleansing purification and it's all for the purpose of that which is to go to be used by God and we see here that the Judeans and that's the Judeans perhaps your Bible simply says the Jews and we need to to pause for a moment because especially in the book of John this term the Judeans or oftentimes is translated simply the Jews is misunderstood we're not talking about the Jewish people in general when the Scripture uses the term especially the Book of John the Jews or the Judeans as speaking about a group of leadership that were based in the land of Judea these in the visuals they had turned away from the commandments of God they weren't racing what was known as the most sort has a name which is a hymn breaker which means the traditions of the elders so it's not surprising that based upon these Judeans what they were seen as the message of God their own message one that train up through the eldership The problem is it wasn't rooted in scripture so there was a contention concerning. What purification purification with a purpose and what was that purpose preparation for the purpose of serving God so. They were confused about what really brought about this transformation what was acceptable in order to buy one for the Kingdom of God That's what this passage is trying to tell Well now move on to verse 26. And they came and they said to him Rabbi Now this group of people are not the Judeans rather it's the bulls of John so his disciples come to John and those what they say they say Rabbi very important are talking about John but they call him Rabbi. Who was with you on the other side of the Jordan remember they were baptized in there and came up gospel sellers that he came up and was baptized by John and John spoke to him. This one who was with you on the other side of the Jordan the one who you had witnessed about and he did remember he said Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and says this one look again this one is baptizing and all are coming to him So what they're saying is that you know something's wrong you know you are John and John was seen by all the people as a prophet a unique prophet of God one that was high to a kingdom reality and they're saying you know we don't understand something because the one who came to you that you emerged Well this one is very near by us he's that ties in and he's baptizing more everyone is coming to him and that is how John respond John responds with great anger he's very insecurities jealous is that what the Scripture says Not whatsoever we find. Has a mosaic what I mean mosaic I'm talking about Moses he is like Moses in the fact that he's a humble man and say well verse 27 and John answered and said No man is able to receive something and we can receive nothing unless what. Unless it has been given to him from the heavens so he thinks this term heaven now just saying god that's one of the interpretation we can say you know he say no man receives anything unless God grants to him but what he's saying is he uses the term heaven why as we talked about last week and has a connection with the kingdom he is saying all of this has a killing them purpose God behind it God is functioning to bring about his kingdom and therefore this is all related to the kingdom so he says No man is able to receive anything unless it is given to him from the heavens for yourselves verse 28 for yourselves testify concerning me me me that I said that I am not the Messiah so what he's doing is once again in a very subtle way. Saying this one whom all people are responding to within that context the coming out to the does of you sure to be immersion people are turning away from John and embracing you show and his disciples he says that should be expected why he said yourselves testify concerning me that I said that I am not the Messiah but simply one that was sent that I had been sent before this one and notice he changes the context he begins talking about what he begins talking about the bride the groom the wedding why well we know we look at the scripture when they kinda begins the 1st thing that the Kingdom is going to reveal to us is a celebration and it's not by accident that this celebration is a great wedding thank you why because there will be speaking there is an inherent relationship between. I mean a wedding and joy and that's exactly what we're going to see in discussion look again he says in verse 29. The bride groom is the one that has the bride so the context is the people we're speaking about Israel who are responding to issue and as cycles come into their immersion saying this group is the bride and the bridegroom The groom is Messiah so it's only right for this to happen and what is John's our role in this and what is his response all of this well knows what he says he says but Verse 29 but the friend of the Bridegroom the girls close friend he is put in that position why because he's trustworthy because of this relationship they have a friendship and that word is one of the words for love so the friend that is the loved one of the group he is going to be what he is going to be with the groom and verse $29.00 for the friend the groom he stands and he listens to him listening for what the groom to say let's get married let's bring about the conclusion of what we've been working towards this wedding and when that happens notice and says that the friend has what he has great joy on count of the voice of the groom he rejoices he's not feeling left out is that feeling jealous no he wants that why because he loves his friend and he wants what's right he wants the fulfillment and that's what John same he delights in the fact is that jealous he is that insecure he is the light in the fact that God's purpose why John we see the. Cause to prepare the way and now his work is coming to an end his task is being completed so he has great joy and he says Therefore this joy of mine is complete and that one must increase and I must watch decrease and that message is true for all of us here's the problem today in many people's understanding of the gospel is that I'll receive the gospel so that I'm not going to be punished and when I die I'll go into heaven and now I have a relationship with God for what purpose so that God can help me and when I want his help when I needed help when things aren't going the way I want them I can turn to God and he'll make my will a reality for me no that is what I call Christian idolatry that's not the purpose the purpose is that we must become less that is all of my dreams my shrink all of my desires must evaporate I must become less That's what he. Must become more for every believe he needs to become more of who we are and we start understanding more and more of His purposes and his plans so that they can become our purposes and our plans and his reality because the truth of our life the passion of our very existence Well look gone to version 31. The one from Bob of speaking of assiah the one who comes he is above what the one from above he is above all things and we read but the one of the laying He is of the lame so what he's making here is a dichotomy here showing 2 realities you can either be of this world or you're going to be. Of the heavens in let me put another way you are either to be kinda driven purpose or you're going to be of a earthly purpose that's going to end in destruction. The one being of the earth is of the earth and He speaks concerning the earth but the one from the heavens it says this one who's coming is above all and the what he sees and what he hears this he testifies and he's speaking about the messiah here the Messiah from the heavens and he's only testifying only speaking of that which he is seen and heard from the heavens and therefore what here's the problem no one receives his testimony that's a problem but the ones who do receive his testimony they are sealed by God for what the true God they are still by the true God and the whole purpose is why is it mentioning true God because this concept of truth we're speaking here about the things of God that they are going to be real when we submit to the testimony of truth we're going to find God working in our life to of knowledge us and to put his power his identity that is that we belong to him he's going to make that a reality in our life so he says here we're going to verse 34 he says for the one that God sent to do it says the Word of God He speaks so important why because this word translated here the words of God he speak this phrase the word thinks about not that purpose is of God but rather the word the power that brings about the purposes of God to a reality so he says this one who speaks the words of God is. God gives him the spirit how without measure and why do we come back to this term spirit because there it is in here really relate it remember the book of Genesis the spirit began to move up or above the waters for the purpose of what order God is without measure for those things that are courting to his purpose well I'm out of time until we continue on and enter into Chapter 4 next week. Well we hope you will benefit from today's message in spirit with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love is real but again to find out more about Lisa visit our website love Israel. There you will find articles and numerous other lectures by Brew these teachings are in video for me download them or watch them in streaming video until next week May the Lord bless you in our Messiah that is Jesus as you walk with Shalom. Shalom and welcome to the us royal. Race which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes is our teacher Dr Bruce shares expiratory teaching from the Bible Dr Bruce senior lecturer at the Institute based in Israel although courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute Dr Brook is please share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel dot org That's one word love Israel dot o.-r. G. Now he's broke with today's western. We have a generous God when we concluded our study last week we were speaking about the fact that those who speak the purposes of God Those who are about the. Plant those God gives His Spirit how the scriptures without measure now God doesn't hold anything back when we are told out for him God will provide us everything that we need so that we can serve him and let me tell you there is nothing better than serving the little living God So we see here let's go back to where we were John chapter 3 and look with me if you would to verse 35 it says in this passage and the one who the father loves who is that the Son The Father loves the Son and why does this speak about some Shapiro very simply because . Of the servant the purpose of the Son is to bring honor to his father and therefore want to behave in this way God is going to provide how it says God the Father is going to provide with out any limitations Barrett in order that God's order his purposes his plans can become a reality. And all things to give into his hands 36 for the one believing in the Son has eternal life what's that well remember over and over in this 3rd chapter we come across this phrase eternal life and there's 2 things that we need to emphasize about this concept eternal without. Mean once you receive it it is a reality that cannot be changed the 2nd thing eternal life that weren't eternal talked about it many times when. Relating to the kingdom so we're going to have a life what God is doing in your life is that he is working he is moving his empowering he is teaching that you might have a kinda experience in this world and that you might be demonstrating that kingdom experience that kingdom truth to others that they might be called in moved by the glory of the king and that is manifested in through you so we reach here and the one believing in the Son This one has eternal life but the one who does not believe in the son he shall walk he will not see life but I mean member how life is related to the kingdom we talk about that that term he's not going to see life he's not going to see the kingdom but what is going to be his reality but the wrath of God will remain upon him and that word remain means in an eternal way so here's a choice that everyone has You're either going to be the recipient of God's love and the outcome of that love is a kingdom a life don't miss that. God's love produces a kingdom or life a kingdom experience that begins when the moment you begin and as you mature and grow in your understanding of the truth of God you are going to be a better individual in manifesting God's Kingdom reality but those who do not believe and this were do not believe has a concept of rebellion to it so those 3 delegates only they got what is this a fear that they will not see life that is they won't have the kingdom but the wrath of God and I want something many people are wrongly teaching today that God is only. God of Love God loves God is Love but don't think that he's only love in our way of understanding love many times I point out that because God is love and he loves righteousness and holiness and truth that love also has a manifestation of what well if he loves good will hate evil if we reward faithfulness he's going to punish unfaithfulness and that's what it's saying here but but there comes with a very important message he speaks not just about judgment or probably the nation or displace or he says here really carefully he but the wrath of God There is the wrath of God and a use is in the next phrase will remain remains on him that is it's ongoing it's continuing it's not something more your punishment is this and now it's over you know it's ongoing So after 3 with a very important message concerning the reality of the wrath of God the eternal wrath of God and that should cause a big change in our life not just in how we behave in regard to ourselves but but if we are Torah minded Why do I say Torah minded Well when we look at the Torah what we find is that there is an inherent relationship between Torah truth and the concept of love why do I say that because when we look at the 2 greatest commandments of the Torah and that is say this when we look at what the commandments of the Torah expresses they can be summarized in this way Love God how with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself that's the purpose the objective of the Torah so if someone says oh the tour is not good oh the Torah. Is done away with well there miss understanding what God has said the Torah is not going to be done away with until there's a new heaven and new earth that's what you show us in Matthew chapter 5 now we're not under the law but the law so has relevance to last till it reveals to us that which is right and that which is wrong that which is good and that which is evil so in this passage of Scripture we see that there's a real consequence when we're not walking in love that is if we're not seeing the truth of the Torah here's the message when you receive the grace of God When you act in faithfulness to the gospel you are going to find a true or a purpose being revealed in your life and what is that or purpose very simple it is love those who walk according to the message of the Torah are going to be walking in love that is is made evident by their behavior and that love is going to be aimed at 2 directions at God at God's creation that is at their neighbor as are fellow men so this is how chapter 3 with this reality that those who don't have faith they are going to experience the colonel wrath of God Now let's move into Chapter 4 Chapter 4 is very unusual what is taking place here is out of the ordinary a Jewish man wouldn't do this but we find that you sure that is Jesus of Nazareth is not your typical Jewish man he's a Jewish man but he's also the only begotten Son of God and therefore in a very unique way in a very powerful way he displays things that show us the purpose and the mindset of. Our Heavenly Father look with me to chapter 4 we read here. Therefore when the Lord knew that the fairest heard that you sure was was making more disciples and damp sizing then. In spite of the fact that you sure himself did not that eyes but his. It says he left Judea Now what this is Speaking of is the fact that you sure was coming on the. Radar we might say the fair seas worthy. Of what I would call a a Old Testament replacement theology Why do I say that well replacement theology today is very evil it is very unscriptural it's the theology that says that God finished with Israel he's replaced all those promises and all those prophecies concerning the Jewish people he's replaced that with the church and he's done with Israel now the church has promises the church grafted into those promises but they do not replace Israel when we look prophetically there is much to be said about what God's going to do with it as with the descendants of Jacob in the land of Israel in the last days in fact the Bible says he must do these things before he establishes the kingdom in fact you sure himself taught as much so what we're doing here is that we're seeing how in a very unique way that God is of firm in his promises through His Word the promise is that the proper problem is this the therapist had what I call the Old Testament replacement theology which is a they in essence replace the commandments of God The revelation of God with what as I talked about last week with that concept. Which is the traditions of the elders and in Matthew 15 for example we find and in my size very clear about this the traditions of the elders causes one to turn away from the commandments of God and. That's was exactly what the fair cities were doing they were turning the people way from God's truth in order to bring them under bondage to their leadership and that's not God's will and because Messiah is purpose is his plans were against that he wanted people to be brought under this easy and light yoke in Burton of God that is placed upon us and leads us walk beside the still waters leaves us in the past way of righteousness leads us joyfully and a praiseworthy life that's what the 1st were not about and because of that there was going to be conflict between then and you sure well he wasn't running away from that reality but it simply wasn't the time Secondly the scripture says that the light of Messiah that is his revelation is going to begin not in Judea but when we look for example to the prophecy of Isaiah the revelation of a science must begin in Galilee So this is why when the Fair see if they became aware of the fact that that you sure was baptizing more than John but as a scripture says was unusual himself but his disciples who were doing that what does it say well look on to converse. And he left Judea and he entered in again to the Galilee and once again that concept Galilee is for the purpose of Revelation so we're going to carp on a piece of scripture that has a great revelation for us it depicts clearly what the purpose is what the objectives are of God sending his only begotten Son into this world world so we read here that he left you dear and he entered into Galileo. Verse 4 for was Miss is very for him to pass through the Mary or what we were saying he grew day. Now there's something that at 1st sight doesn't make sense what the scripture is telling us. He's leaving Judea and he is returning there to Galilee last thing we heard is that he was by the Jordan River and him and his disciples primarily were baptized all people were coming people were learning about him and what did he do he departed why well his hiring for conflict with the fair seas and the Judea that is the leaders of the Jewish community there were based in Judea Jerusalem at the Glee though there wasn't time for that plus the prophecy that he had to begin his ministry where in the galley so he departed there and then we had this scripture that says it is necessary remember we talked about that word the Hebrew word day in Greek it means that which is absolutely necessary it must take place if the will of God is going to be fulfilled and the problem is that whereas he. Well we've talked about he's in there and the normal thing the simplest thing the thing that everyone would do is simply start heading north through the Jordan River Valley. To the galley it is a great shot so it's not it doesn't make sense we would say it's problematic that the Scripture says it's necessary for him to pass through the myriad why it's out of his way that not only is it out of his way but here's the problem that that the the myriad the land of the myriad Schumer on is up and down up and down up and down so if someone was simply trying to get from the area around Jericho back to his his place called Capernaum Kampar home he would just take in there's a highway today Highway 90 that is straight and is pretty flat and goes directly between those 2 places so it's necessary for him to pass through the myriad makes no sense whatsoever but here's the local tourist when ever there's something in the scripture that us. Human logic in human wisdom doesn't make sense that's exactly where godly revelation life so look again at this text What was Miss is Siri for him to pass through the Merriam well read on we read Ellie comes to this city the Marea which is called Car verse for it was near to the region to the area to the like of land that Jacob gave to his. Job. Now when we're looking at Jacob and Joseph remember an important truth in a unique way of relating. To buy now we need to be very careful and make sure that we're on the same. Direction because of the we know that the promise of a Messiah the son of Jacob is going to be through the tribe of Judah we've talked about how the tribe of Judah is related to the promise specifically the promise of the kingdom and the king of the kingdom Messiah but we are still know from a core standpoint point that when we look at the life of Joseph there is great revelation for understanding the work of Messiah been able to identify him so it's not surprising that we're here at this location this place to car very close to the allotment of land that they take it gave his son specifically just sort of as what and inheritance and understand the connection between inheritance and the kingdom ultimately the name of the kingdom is going to be in its final state the New Jerusalem and that term Jerusalem means to inherit the will of God Shalom so of the connection is very clear so look again. And this place Karr was very near to the region or the allotment of land that Jacob gave to a son Joseph. And there was there and that term there is in fact what was there a well now a well is important because of 2 reasons will speaks of water water has to do with life life is the Kingdom but also we know that in many places in the Old Testament someone would come to a well what would happen well in a unique way a marriage that was certainly true when Ellie is or came to the well and in that risk and she would become the wife of it struck Isaac and we see other places in the scripture well where a well is related to marriage now why is that important to his to be talking about marriage and he's really talking about restoration and marriage and restoration what you come to are my kingdom so he's coming to this place to car insure more own a place of idolatry a place where people had turned away from what the teachings of God and they embrace the teachings of men very similar to walk not the same teachings but in a very similar like the same thing in the fairs so look again he came there and it says in the scripture and there was a whale there the will of Jacob 1st verse 6 it says therefore it was hired from his journey any said presently upon the well now what I want you see is this this term Well it's been mentioned over and over and over and what's there naturally water so once again the emphasis is water water Life Life them he is going to be speaking. A message of. The Kingdom reality that now's the time to prepare for it and what happens well keep green as he was there firstly upon this well what happened well it was approximately the hour when a woman of the Mary came to draw water now this is the vital point there are so many indications here that we can just anticipate what's going to be the outcome of this passage why well there is a well number one and this is close to the land that Yacov gave Yosef Yosef type ology of Messiah we see now that it's also at the 6 hour the number 6 has to do with Grace Grace has to do with the fulfillment of God's will what God provides for the will of God can be a reality in our life and then what's the next thing we see well we see there's a woman coming and when every woman takes forefront of a particular passage the concept that should come into our mind is what redemption what is going to be thinking about redemption so all these things we can anticipate because of the clues that the scripture here in this text is given to us so a woman comes it's the 6 hour and she's there to grow all the water and you verse 7 you show us sister her give me a drink now that may seem just commonplace it's a 6 hour well traditionally according to the Bible the time of counting begins proximately at 6 in the morning with sunrise so we're talking moon time we just said that he has been traveling. Up and down right coming from Judea and he's going up one mountain and down another mountain and down now it's the heat of the day 12 o'clock Naturally he's thirsty so he says give to me a drink now that seems to make sense to us but we're going to see how uncommon that was according to the traditions of the people back then and what this passage is going to be teaching is that when we follow the traditions of man we miss out on the revelation and the restoration of God That is what he wants to do in our life so let me ask the question what traditions of men are you following and you are dedicated to then you might even believe that they are scripturally based. Or not these traditions are going to cost you for loss our life our religion our faith must be based upon the truth of God and the traditions of men well as Messiah says Matthew $15.00 they cause us to forsake the revelation of God So he says to her give to me a drink why well it says for his disciples that gone away into the city in order to buy food therefore the woman the Samaritan woman says to him How is it that you being a Jew and asked for me to drink now again just what I'm saying this woman is thinking according to the tradition and the culture of the time she is and it emphasizes that she just doesn't live in Samaritan some area but she is in fact a Samaritan woman what does that mean well it means that she follows the religion of the Samaritans and it was an offshoot of of Judaism and notice Jacob's well was there while they believed in Jacob and they worshiped at that well but they did not think. Jerusalem had any significance any more so their theology was very wrong and because they did the animals see this later on next week because they did not put an emphasis in Jerusalem they weren't going to inherit the promises of God That is they were walking in a good a false that would leave them empty that is the satisfied so you show he says Give me a drink and she responded how is it that you been a Jew speak to me Samaritan woman for she said. Jews don't have dealings with what they don't mix themselves up with Samaritans Burton and you sure answered and said to her if you knew now we have to stop for a moment we remember how I said it is that oftentimes when I bring up grammar people kind of just want to turn off and I think that's so boring and let's get on with the text let me give an example not too long ago I was listening to a message and the person who was speaking this person said that you know you don't need to know Hebrew no need to know Greek You don't need to know how to interpret the Bible all you need to know is God loves you and he has a victorious plan for your life well. Those things help us understand and submit to those plans he has for a life and this is a perfect example of those what you sure are saying to her he says very clearly he said look at again verse verse 10 he says if you knew the gift of God Now that word move is in the plume perfect Why is that important because the clue perfect in Greek shows remoteness in other words. Something which is far remote removed the scholar speak about the quality of remoteness in the clue perfect that means far away so what he's saying is that if you knew the gift of God and she was so far away from that gift of God It was very remote for her why because of her traditions because of her religion let me ask the question Do you know the gift of God or is that guess the reality the truth around in it is it very far away from you look again you begin in the middle of verse 10 if you knew the gift of God and who it is that big into you and saying Give to me a drink you would have asked from him and he would have given to you living water now here again living water is a concept it was known among those who were prophetically literate those who understood the revelation of God then as to the living water had to do with the kingdom and it had to do with the Spirit of God Why well don't take my where you can just look sometime at you cast in several much we're going to be in John Chapter 7 and there it speaks about living water that's satisfies and has a clean them. Aspect to it why this issue is that in John Chapter 7 well because he's speaking concerning the context of Zachariah 14 and exactly right 14 it speaks about living waters meaning the Spirit of God coming and satisfying us with them what a kingdom satisfaction so over and over have to ask yourself Are we understanding the revelation of God and are we prophetically literate so that we can understand these words and respond or are we like that Samaritan woman who has allowed our own culture to rob us of the things of God Well once again I'm out of time until next week and we press on in John chapter 4. And we hope you will benefit from today's message insert with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of Love is Real dot org Again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel orgy there you'll find articles and numerous other pleasures by brute these teachings or in video for me download them or watch them in streaming video until next week May the Lord bless you in our Messiah that is Jesus as you walk with Shalom from Israel. Perhaps. But. Ladies and gentlemen Mr Tom Phillips founder of the green earth how many times have you gone into a health food store and are confused as to the many different brands and prices on the same herbal supplements you want to buy the cheapest but you're afraid the quality is less so you buy the most expensive truth is the cheapest may be better greener herbal supplements are all manufactured in our. 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