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The you know what the function of the Holy Spirit that grew up cockeyed dashes in Scripture and in your life if you feel like you function more in the flesh instead of the spirit and can you discern the moping and the working of the true Holy Spirit 1st this poem care at all. Well stay tuned as we look at biblical ways to learn to discern the numerous functions of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer Welcome to the May 10th 2018 edition of golden revelation this is Danny golden and my ministry is to help you learn to discern truth from error it's for those who want to know how to worship God in Spirit and in truth for those who desire to walk in the power of God through repentance and humility and for those who desire to be transformed for the world we live in today and prepared for the world to come let those who have an ear let them hear what the Spirit has to say to the congregation as always we just want to give a big thank you to individuals who partner with us who support us who pray for us more importantly But your support always helps It's an encouragement and help keep the programming on the air and if you would like to send a love offering you can do so if this program has blessed you if it's help to navigate today's difficult world and prepare for the kingdom to come and how to heal and grow and walk in the ways of the Lord consider love offering to help keep us on the air you can send a check or money order to the Golden and in any any amount and put a prayer in there for us to we would love to see what you're praying for us and you can send that to p. O. Box $6.00 to $6.00 Johnstown Colorado that's p.o. Box 626 Johnstown Colorado 80534 you can also e-mail us at Kate h. And c. Radio at Outlook dot com Kate h. And c. Radio Outlook dot com. Well we've been talking about the ruach hakodesh the Holy Spirit and we've talked about the forms that the Holy Spirit took in Scripture we've talked about its relationship to God's calendar and with the upcoming feast of shovel load or Pentecost I would have to ask if you are a Christian believer Do you fully understand your Judeo Christian roots and history do you comprehend and grant us that you should Jesus was a Jew and because he was perfect he was in error and he did not sin but he kept all the Torah all the law. And do you craft that the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit was sent to us based on love the love of the Father and that this is your key and my key to living every day life in a successful and overcoming way are you biblically literate enough to understand how to please God Well we can do that by not only confessing our sins are and confessing with our mouth and believing in our hearts that. Yeshua is God come in the flesh and that he came to offer forgiveness of sins for those of us that are willing to humble ourselves and do that and that our salvation Luke is through the death the burial and the resurrection of you she was she out to this Christ and that we were given the Holy Spirit so that we would not be left without a comfort or a counselor that and those aspects of the Holy Spirit that helped us do with that wife. But I have to ask you one more question has spirit mysticism crept into your church into your life or into your belief even the New Age movement I have a Holy Spirit they call Spirit or Holy Spirit as a supernatural being often but not exclusively a non physical entity such as a ghost or a fairy or an angel they believe that the concepts of a person's spirit and soul often also overlap as both are either contrast it with or given ontological priority over the body and both are believed to 35 bodily daf in some aspects of the New Age and spirit quote unquote can also have the sense of a ghost just as it is then used interchangeably in Scripture and other words it can have a manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person. And other words when we look in. The Spirit. We know in scripture that with a capital s. Clearly denotes the Holy Spirit where as in. Mysticism if used in a metaphysical way or a reference to the consciousness or a personality it's also known as spirit. To be a participant and desire for a relationship for a spirit in the New Agers and many practitioners of New Agers have described themselves as workers for Spirit expressing their desire to help people learn about spirit and they understand the various material signs as marking the presence of spirit and they also look for and have unexpected appearances of things such as Father new agers often call upon this spirit to assist them in everyday situations for things to ease the traffic flow on their way to work now I just got some of that information off of Wicca Pedia It's not hard to do that if you have a computer and to not spend very much of your time doing that because you should be spending. Really your time in a way that honors God and gives you growth and that is by being in your Scripture and that is why people like me who have been called to go on to the radio and given that opportunity and that blessing and responsibility to maybe just bring it to your awareness and provide the contrast in view or to help you just Cern and understand that yes. A very large percentage of mystical or false spiritual beliefs I can promise you has crept into the majority of Christian churches and Christian thinking I hear it from people all the time so again I don't encourage you to spend a lot of time but maybe you're concerned that some of the teachings that you've gotten. From the radio or certain communities such as. Bill Johnson's baffle. There's also. Rick Warren there's so much to where. This has been so mixed. That. The problem lies in the fact that many people are this politically illiterate. And I'm not trying to be mean or harsh but what I'm doing is hoping to call your attention to the need to know the Word of God the accuracy of God The character in the nature of God and His Word and the Holy Spirit and Yeshua. So that brings me back around to just to I guess put a bug in your ear if you will that we need to be conscientious about those things. So we've looked again like I said is the Holy Spirit in our lives and what form that it took in Scripture and and and it would have to lead me to believe that why do we even keep holy days well because the Holy Spirit enables us and prompt us to want to be obedient to God Many of you celebrated. Easter on April Fool's April 1st but maybe you're missing out on Pentecost more also known as Shiloh in Hebrew. When we look at Vic is 23 God described his many feast and his Sabbath as being his. And I'm part Jewish I'm married to someone who's part Jewish and I am not putting the Jews down as a matter fact I hold the fact that we have the dead speak scrolls that we have that the Word of God today because of the blood of many Jews who protected it and the obedience of those Jews who kept it and I got there for we Christians are the ones that now believe in Christ or Messiah or Yeshua how much the UK or we have the scriptures and as we look at that we have to grasp that it's not just the poor Jewish holidays Luke if God Himself says them proclaimed these are my peace then my encouragement is that you take off any anti-Semitism that has been planted in your mind to your thoughts. And to break that paradigm maybe and consider looking at it in the light of just scripture and therefore asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand. As I sat here and started thinking about what are the things that come to my mind. About the Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit does for me and as I started writing it down I ended up with an extensive list that I guess made me really excited because I don't know that I ever sat down and tried. To just say you know what is the full function of the Holy Spirit in my life. Well I know that the 1st function of the Holy Spirit in my life and as my brother my oldest brother who died 5 years ago and on his deathbed looked at me and he said I would not have I felt nation for my knowledge of God without the Holy Spirit let alone to die the way that he died in a horrible death from cancer just eating his brain and his lungs and his bones away . But just to hear that was just so reassuring to me. And so yes that Holy Spirit whether we have accepted Christ Messiah as our salvation your shoe a means foundation. Or ability to save. That that would be in everyone's life who's the believer the 1st function because that's what's leading us to our salvation and it also says God's kindness leads us to repentance and that would be the next step of the Holy Spirit is leading us into repentance so that we acknowledge our sin and that's something it's not popular anymore that's why people want to do away with the Old Testament they want to do away with the commandments of God and they only want this cheap grace that I can kind of do anything I want to do and I don't have to feel beating it to God I just have to have salvation Well that will be wait. There is a day where those things will be weighed and I don't know about you but I would like to have a couple crowns not because it's superficial but because those crowns are things that you lay down at the feet of Messiah you give back to him in honor and in worship and acknowledgment of who he is and his authority. So as we go through that and we have that salvation in that salvation is the acknowledgement of who God is and who the Messiah Jesus says and and that Holy Spirit helps us have that conviction of the Holy Spirit helps convict you and help to acknowledge and recognize sin and not only that it helps you understand the character of God and how God sees sin. So it's helping us to take responsibility and to hopefully avoid the error of Adam and Eve to where there was no responsibility taken initially at all for sin and Adam blamed the woman and Adam blamed God and we can have that be something that's functioning in our life we can blame our circumstances our birth parents our boss our teachers our siblings our spouses and what we really need to do is lean on that Holy Spirit in order to. Do what pleases God the most in all circumstances and that is humble ourselves and submit to God and to be a servant if the New Agers desire to be servants and they don't have a true spirit that is this is a false spirit that these individuals believe should we not as true believers with the Holy Spirit that will lead us into all truth and righteousness desire to humble ourselves to submit to God and to serve him to put our flesh to death and it and then execution a very form and to seek out his will and get rid of our own will and that Holy Spirit allows us and helps us to hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and Order to what open day. So we've we've gotten the repentance and we're going to grasp that humility and that repentance and and we're going to be able to then I believe again the fear of God that word fear isn't the same fear that you would have if somebody came to your door with a gun what it is. As the fear is an off it is a reverence it's a respect and honor for who God is and it would be more so. As if you contemplate the kingdom to come and having to stand in judgment where every word and every deed is going to be weighed there's a difference of that So looking at my list I you know I'm writing all these down to serve God to submit to God to be able to hear the Holy Spirit to obey the Holy Spirit and to please God to to grow in wisdom and knowledge and understanding and might in the counsel of the Lord to fear God to be able to act on the right just things to be able to repent to be restored and renewed. To of be able to worship God. To be able to walk in the annoying thing of God to be sanctified and to live a godly life. I wrote down to be able to be kingdom minded and that is for the kingdom that we live in now in bringing the kingdom come thy will be done On earth as it is and heaven but the next Kingdom to come to be prepared for Messiah's return to be able to comprehend the times and the season to be thankful to be able to discern all things that Scripture tells us to do and to even be able to hate what is evil as cause. To be able to live and to move and to have it might be to be able to understand and grasp the true grace that grace that was intended to help us understand what Godliness is and to turn from it that's what true creates it. That the Holy Spirit helps me to be able to forgive people to be able to forget those things to be able to walk in unity to be able to understand prophecy. To be able to understand like God is also a God of judgment to be able to understand why God correct me even though I don't like it to be able to. Be a ready bride for Messiah to be able to have the joy and the love and the peace and the patience and the kindness the gentleness the maintenance to be able to rebuke the evil one. So that's just not quite all of everything that I wrote down but. One of those things is to be able to walk in obedience to God to be able to walk in obedience to God's word to understand the value of his feast days and because they are filled with the move of the Spirit they are intended to come and change us to transform us so that we can be those individuals and the only way that we are going to be able to grasp. That we need to live and move and have our being in Messiah through that Holy Spirit is to be rid of the pride and to be rid of false and accurate teaching where as many just say Ok you're a Christian you don't have to keep the feast but knowing no one not knowing about him can enhance my faith Well I believe it's more than that that might be the 1st step and that's what I'm doing kind of here spirituality one o one or 102 and that is let's at least acknowledge. Some of the things that I talked about in the opening of the show that Jesus was a Jew and he kept the Torah perfectly he kept all of the feast and that if he did it and he didn't do it for salvific reasons then why can't we look at them because each one of these that God put in place if you go through them you will start contemplating and understanding and growing spiritually in the specific times and seasons that the father put in place because he says here's this holy day here's what it's called Here's when you celebrate it here's how long you celebrate it and many times there's specific instructions as to what you do during that time period now is that going to bring you salvation no but is it an act of obedience and humility to look at those as really gifts as precious understanding of grasping the character of God and also grasping what he has in store for you so I believe it is more than just being aware of them. And being willing to accept that our Lord kept every single one of them without fail and he kept Passover to his very last night and I believe that they are still significant today whether you've been taught that old testament is dead and gone that's like saying there are 2 different Gods who who act different who believe different who did one thing one day in one way and then another thing different in another way and that's a lie because we know clearly Scripture says God is the same yesterday today and forever. So again what my hope is is that if for some reason you have. Innocently and willingly accepted teaching that is not accurate I'm going to encourage you get into the scriptures pray to that holy spirit that ruach hakodesh that breath of God for an annoying thing to understand the Scriptures more clearly and let the Holy Spirit start working within you so that you know that you you do hear and that you do obey I mean should we not have a far greater testimony and witness the New Agers who believe that this could just as well be a fairy or a feather or a false angel we must be far more intelligent and far more discerning and far more careful. To know the difference and to know how to live it to help poor so I just want to encourage you again look at some of those feast list and. In Leviticus 23 because it's named the Sabbath day as a weekly feast Passover that we just celebrated I don't have it in front of me but I think it's about 39 days ago and I read the book of John if you don't think Passover is a valid thing for us to observe and to understand because Christ disciple kept passed over is that not enough in the New Testament setting to prompt you and many churches are actually starting to move towards some of that and then we had unleavened bread that started the day after passed over basically could be considered sometimes as that evening and then we have the 1st fruits. Pentecost which is also shallow and many communities and churches are starting to keep that and then the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Atonement Those are all basically. And then you're getting into Tabernacles you're getting into fall feast we have the spring feast that we're trying to focus on right now so do you want to keep God's calendar or man's calendar do you want to do cheap grace or do you want to walk in obedience and be pleasing to the Father and we want to look at these things and we want to try to be able to not just think that they're interesting but to be obedient and see what Messiah and Father God has for you. Beyond Passover that feast of salvation and redemption and see what else that he can do for us and what we can bend and return out of obedience and love do for him because the relationship between commandments and love is clear throughout Scripture and what allows us and empowers us to keep the commandments of God is not just God's law that's key if you love me keep my commandments God said but we're looking at being able to. Please The Father. So let's look at scriptures in regards to the Holy Spirit and I'm not going to get. Through all of them. By any means but we at least want to. Look and see what they say Exodus 3521 says then everyone came whose heart was heard and everyone whose spirit was willing Now that's a little s. And know the difference between capital s. And a little s. In Scripture when it's a little s. You can refer to just your spirit or even an un clean spirit versus capital s. And many times followed by r r preceded by the Holy Spirit so this is talking about people's spirits were willing and brought the Lord's offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting. But you had to know that somehow that string of the heart also includes the ability. For. God's work and your heart right and that our spirit is responding to his spirit what about in the film there's many unsolved but one of them that I've always thought is very very interesting and I love Psalm 51 and I've gotten entire show or a couple of shows on that it says Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me that's another instead of this good translation being the Spirit is this Holy Spirit that set apart spirit of God that we talked about last week. I always thought that was interesting because back then. It if it was an act of God could be able in many ways for the Holy Spirit to. Come and go. There's I's $112.00 it says the spirit of the Lord will rest upon him. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding and counsel and might and knowledge and the fear of the Lord and I believe that's clearly saying these are attributes of God and these are ways that God functions but it also was clear that that came upon Messiah you're sure and we are told if you read foamed or proverbs at all it's of the good wisdom get understanding pursue it you know the spirit of the Lord will rest on him and that's talk in your shoe of wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge in the fear of the Lord and the spirit of the Lord how important it is to know all these different and tributes Isaiah 5715 says for theft as the high and lofty one when habits eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him who has a contracted and tumble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contract once and I see that also as instruction that boy if we have a contract and humble spirit many times people reject us and and and don't want to be around us when we're broken and hurt but this is saying that he is going to be with and come to those who with their. Self. Control humbled their own spirit or through their circumstances have a contract and humble spirit and then we will be revived it says and to revive the heart of the contrary one Isaiah $63.00 says 10 says but they reap belled and grieved his Holy Spirit. And so what's the response when we don't understand the Holy Spirit when we do greet the Holy Spirit when we are following false spirits or understanding an act of God as it being the Holy Spirit when it is not that set apart Holy Spirit you know what hey love hate at all. Or if we just are really functioning in our flesh and we think it's the Holy Spirit it says so he God turned himself against them as if an enemy and he fought against them now many people this is not popular No God is good and he's loving and he's kind and he's Mars the full and well I would say then and challenge you to read more of your scripture and understand the characteristics of God then aren't so pleasant that he's a judge and that he says here when we were Bill and grieved the ordinances of God that we are turning our back on him and we are grieving the Holy Spirit and God's response. As it says he turns himself because he cannot have a relationship with sin that's what and why you show how much you have to use Christ came and shed his blood at Passover for. Is then as he ascended into the heavens and sits at the right hand of The Father gave them that Holy Spirit unto us to lead us on into all truth and righteousness he remains at the right hand of the Father and it says he intercede for us day and night against the accuser of the brethren. But that doesn't mean God's character does not remain the same yesterday today and forever Isaiah 63 says that he remembers the days of old Moses in the people saying where is he who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock where is he who put his Holy Spirit within them so this would also tell us as we're seeing scripture in the Old Testament the Tanakh that the Holy Spirit is active and it's active in the lives of believer and that Holy Spirit has been in existence all along with. God you know it he was a hi Sam however you want to address him with honor. With the Son You obviously have to use it's Christ and the Holy Spirit the 3 have always existed it didn't one came about at this time in the other they have different functions and they come in different forms and hopefully your understanding that let's look at Daniel. But it lasted this is Daniel for 8 Daniel came before me his name is Bill Bell touches are according to the name of my God in him is the capital s spirit of the holy God So again we see that spirit capital s. The so she added with the Holy God So we have the Holy Spirit we have a set apart consecrated spirit which is the spirit of the holy God the set apart consecrated goddesses and I told the dream before him saying now this also would tell us. That. The chief of them is magicians because he says I know that the spirit of the holy God is in you and no secret troubles you Daniel for knowing that you explain to me the visions of my dream that I have seen and its interpretation and the Holy Spirit will give us accurate interpretation of our dreams many people pay weird and strange and I'm godly people on the web to interpret their dreams and the persons doing it for money and more than likely they are not true holy people set apart people for God's purpose but these scriptures will tell you as you go through Daniel 4 to understand that it is the Holy Spirit that number one Daniel is known for his Holy Spirit He was also known as the ability to interpret and explain visions and dreams. And to do it accurately. Our help in doing this because I believe God. Is a God of miracles I believe he's divine and supernatural I believe he works in our life in those ways and I believe that there are divine supernatural healings dreams visions and and and functions in our life even today but we have to be able to know what are the accurate and true ones and not be deceived and not be under a spirit of stupor or deception by knowing scripture I know that before I go to sleep most nights I ask God to protect my sleep and protect my dream because there are a lot of evil people who hate me and because of what I do on the radio and because I'm willing to talk out boldly that there's a lot of demonic attack in my life and so I'm always praying and God is faithful he is faithful to keep my enemies far from me and if you read I encourage you if you have a lot of demonic oppression and attack read some 35 man it's the talk about God basically punch in your enemy in the job breaking their teeth and sending the angel of the Lord so after them and praying that they would fall into the pit that they've dug and I proclaim those things every day because I know who when and I know who is stronger and how do I know that I know that because I read the Word of God in the Holy Spirit helps me live that aspect of my life out but anyway I encourage you to look it. Praying about your dreams and having an accurate. Interpretation of those dreams let's get Matthew Matthew when 18 says now the birth of you show how much she of Jesus Christ was as follows after his mother Miriam and Mary was patrolled to yourself before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit Now that's a one time event. To be impregnated by the Holy Spirit now the Holy Spirit can inhabit. The baby that is what the new even. As as it did because Mary was pregnant. And my Sorry my brain is going blank right now. But another was got pregnant around the same time and I believe that it was John the Baptist she was pregnant with and it said that that baby left with the Holy Spirit within her so we're again we're looking at these different ways that that holy spirit functions Matthew 120 but while he thought about these things behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying Joseph son of David Do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit Now here's some x. That we were talking about of the Holy Spirit Matthew 311 it says I indeed baptize you with water on to repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I who sandals I am not worthy to carry he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire Matthew 1232 anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man that's usual it will be forgiven him but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit it will not be forgiven him either in this age or the age to come and that is the last meaning is another translation of the Holy Spirit and I believe one aspect of that is through false prophecy and false signs wonders and miracle and again I believe prophecy is alive and well as long as it lines up with Scripture and nobody is adding to or taking away from anything scriptural I believe that there are signs wonders and miracles alive and well from the hand and the grace and the Mercy in the love in the power of God today but there are also false prophets false teachers false signs wonders and miracles and we have to know the difference and that Holy Spirit with. Anna Shalit if we have not grieved that Holy Spirit if we have not silenced that Holy Spirit if we have not ignored and pushed it down. For many people that are out seeking the signs and wonders if they would just repent and ask God. Through Yeshua for forgiveness and ask have I believed anything false am I following a false teacher and my absorbing false prophecy and my believing in false angels and check yourself then we can come back away after we repent of grieving the Holy Spirit into learning a new foundation through that Holy Spirit because if you're sitting in the church and there is false things going on your spirit that set apart holy. Spirit within you should start sending you some signals that something's not right I've seen the converse true where people are so full of so many other spirits that when they hear the truth of God that that conviction comes upon them that they think it's evil and they run and hide I mean I've seen all kinds of really weird responses then and it shouldn't be that hard. Sometimes we make it hard we muddy the waters because we're just not willing to humble ourselves and we're not willing to get rid of the pride we're not willing to execute that flesh and start over and repent and ask God to help us to understand that here's another function the Holy Spirit Matthew 2819 It says Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit the rule conquer dash now if the New Agers and what I was just reading a little blurb off of that if they are out trying to teach other people about their spirit quote unquote little as should we. Are making disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit and I'm going to encourage you folks stay scriptural we've actually had an individual who when we were going to be doing baptisms come up and say I only want to be baptized in the name of the Father in the Holy Spirit or in the name of the Father and the son but not the Holy Spirit or the you know there's no humility . There's no sacrifice in that there's no Biblical accuracy in that and it's so unfortunate that the tail is wagging the dog nowadays when it comes to right just leadership it's all about my flesh My Will My purpose is what I want and you are a bad pastor and bad leaders if you don't make me feel good and if you don't puff me up with a bunch of smoke and if you don't do what I ask you to do I'll tell you true leadership is not going to acquiesce to trying to make people feel good because they have the fear of God in them and they're going to please God 1st and they're going to want you to grow up in the spirit and him a tour and to know what's right and to know what's wrong and that may not feel good I can promise you when the Lord corrects me I don't like it but when I press into it and I find I ask why am I getting correction Why is this going on and I don't just pray get me out of it get me out of it I pray teach me what it is you desire me to change at therefore then that in fact if know if that Holy Spirit is doing one of its intended job. Mark $329.00 it says but he who blasts beams again we're looking at this against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation and really that's a pretty complex topic in the sense that many people do misunderstand they think they've done anything wrong they flashed the Holy Spirit they think if they've lied or done any kind of sin that's blasphemy No those are all forgivable again. Looking at what blaspheming the Holy Spirit is I encourage you you do some work I'm you know I'm done some study on it and share it but I think it's important for people to search out those matters for themselves between them and God and to get it in their soul their mind and their spirit to understand it Mark Boal 36 As for David himself said by the Holy Spirit the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool see there you go again God makes our enemies our footstool and his footstool but Mark 1311 says but when they arrest you and deliver you up do not worry beforehand or premeditate what you will speak but whatever is given you in that hour speak that for it is not you who speak but the Holy Spirit so what we're looking at there is excuse me the ability to know what to say to a how to respond when you're in a difficult circumstance especially being delivered up into. Under a false witness you still have to speak the truth Luke 115 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine or strong drink he will also be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's loam faith sometimes my. Brain doesn't work good it with names and all of that but sometimes I do actually were to member something Thank you Lord. Ok Elizabeth there we go there's the name see thank you brain think you've got what about Luke 167 it talks about Zacharias prophecy it says now is Father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied c that's an accurate prophet. And I have I'll give you a couple of hints about following after Prophet. People who run around and constantly proclaim themselves as a prophet I would say they're more prideful and pathetic than prophet people who have to dress special and people who lie about what heaven is about and lie about the function of the Holy Spirit and lie in things that are not in accordance with Scripture who read things into it who add to grips or and take away from Scripture we have to learn to know the difference a true prophet more than likely you're not going to like a whole lot they're human. But they tend to be more isolationist they tend to. Not be the most popular person in the group they tend to be credibly black and white they tend to be willing to correct and call things out they tend to have you know the type of circumstances that you're not always running after him and they're not. Going to be doing anything that is contradictory to the Word of God nor saying anything contradictory to the Word of God and their primary cause is to call you to repentance and what do we not likely don't like to be called on our sin so. And I will also say when we're talking about whether it's fairies and feathers or whether it's actually the Holy Spirit or the move of a true angelic force I can promise you the times where I have had a divine vision actually on Mount Carmel in Israel where I have felt the presence of an angel or Angels where I have. Been in what I believed clearly was the presence of God and I and they in a way I wasn't. Falling backwards and shaking. But I was in fear and often did I physically shake Yeah but I wasn't I'm conscience I didn't lose my self-control I tend to fall on my face cry shake. But not unconsciously I still maintain my own control over my spirit nothing comes and takes over me in that regard when I've been in the presence of the Holy Spirit and if I've been praying over somebody sometimes my hands might shake a little bit I tend to see things in the spirit realm or or or look at things and ask the Holy Spirit to discuss them with me so that I can edify exhort and comfort someone. So hopefully that's helping you this is not a prophet is not somebody who entertains you and makes you feel good about your flash I can promise you that. Also Luke 316 to talk about I indeed I've got ties with water but when my 2 years also coming draft I am not worthy So we're seeing the. The. Matthew Mark Luke and John scriptures all talking similarly about the Holy Spirit Satan Thames usual Luke for one it says the new issue of Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. So we too can be led where we're supposed to go what are we supposed to do what about the gifts Luko 1113 says if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. For the Holy Spirit will teach you that in that very hour what you ought to say Luke 11 excuse me Luke 1212 again repeating. The scriptures help her John 1426 the helper the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name he will teach you all things that is to the annoying thing of the understanding of the Holy Spirit on the scriptures and bring to you the remembrance of all these things Scriptures that I have said to you and last week we did talk about like the Scriptures where it talks about the Holy Spirit descending on one kind of looks like a for flames of fire and those different forms John 737 says on that last day the Great day of the southeast right you she was stood and cried out saying if anyone thirst let him come to me and drink this is the promise of the Holy Spirit and John 739 says By this he spoke concerning the Spirit whom those believing in the him would receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because you're sure it was not yet glorified or ascended. But the helper of the Holy Spirit John 1426 and the Father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance John 165 the work of the Holy Spirit he says but now I go away to him who have sent me and none of you ask me where you're going lie because they know they understand it to the Holy Spirit John 2022 says and when he said this he breathed on them and said to them receive the Holy Spirit there are a lot more scriptures on that but you it says beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith and praying in the holy spirit that's Jude 120 and Revelation 2110 says and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city the holy Jerusalem to sending out of heaven from God So here are just some things and I encourage you get into acts it has the most references of all the books of the Bible it has $44.00 minimum references to the Holy Spirit to the spirit and I would encourage you to read through 1st Peter's 2nd Peter 1st 2nd and 3rd John also in regards to understanding how false spirits can operate. So I'm hoping that you have a better idea now of the functions of the Holy Spirit and what those functions talk about in Scripture and that maybe you feel like you're functioning more in the spirit with this awareness than you are in the flesh and that that Holy Spirit will help you recognize that this is the flesh This is pride this is not humility and that we learn to not grieve the Holy Spirit by Oh Ok Lord I need to repent of this and that learning what the Scriptures say and practice seen hearing from the holy spare practicing and praying for discernment as you go and you listen to people who teach or minister prophesied or evangelize that you can discern the moving and the working of the Holy Spirit in a better way that's my desire for you that you would grow that you would change that you would grasp. And that as it says in Romans 89 that you however are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God lives in u. . And that you would have the freedom when you're a parent to be set free by that correct because again if you'd like to contact us you can do so at p.o. Box 66 jobs down Colorado p.o. Box 626 John Colorado or take a trip to radio in our car God bless you and may you have a greater sense of the spirit of this tale by. The love of do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world or by this you will know this constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of the n.t. Prototype machine Boulder Colorado. And of his fullness we have all received and Grace for grace for the law was given through Moses but Grace entrance came through the issue of how much he asked Jesus to Christ no one has seen God at any time the only begotten son who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him the Gospel of John chapter one verse 16. And we the people of the United States. In order to form a more perfect union as stablished justice. Ensured domestic tranquility provide for the common defense. Promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this Constitution. This is the line k.h. And c 1316 am Johnstown Denver. Oh. Oh. Shalom and welcome to the us royal phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher Dr Drew shares his story teaching from the Bible Dr Brooky is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute Dr Brookins Please share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel dot org That's one word love Israel dot o.-r. Jeanne now. With today's lesson. The most important term in all of Scripture is the word the Gospel it is the gospel message that gives life that focuses on the work of. Death varial and resurrection it is only through the Gospel that one will be redeem and be part of that glory. Of God and what it is.

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