Area since 1992 our systems rely on the sun to help make you self-reliant for your power any solar energy can be scaled to fit any situation from complete power independence to backup power for the short term our expertise focuses on stand alone power but we have extensive experience with utility interactive systems as well custom tailored capabilities as modest as emergency lighting all the way to commercial scale power Great Plains power is a full service company we service everything we sell we provide and design turnkey packages custom designed system and parts for do it yourself with more than 20 years of specialized experience at your disposal let us know what your power concerns or goals are free just by phone or the Internet call 303-239-9963 s 303-239-9963 or go to Great Plains. You're listening to the lines in 111368 in Johnstown. And we're back this arraigned. Stinker Randy Avera. And his to free America radio show here in the American Freedom Network nesters. The. Norm Show this is Randy Cook president of no one national organization for materials to my guest Tom is there and we're surveying the economy and national policies and. The problems with our our money system our economic system and our agricultural system our basic wealth production system and what to do how to fix that. I guess in a time I think that we are looking for answers rather than trying to be real complainer. When we haven't any other planers. That's right there in that line. So be it in the next number of weeks there's going to be sheer iest. I'm not sure debate is the right. Term of the discussion about the new tax proposals that are coming out of Washington. Kerry and how they're going to how they're going to work and they're not very clear as yet and I think some just were released today. When you looked at some of the. One of the things that strikes me and has for a long long time is. As bad as tax policy is depending on how it's affected you. Tax policy does not create an economy nor make it work. That's pretty much a mirror. It is not the governing mechanism of an economy. And have a serious impact but you know if we need all the goods and services that that we claim as a society we need to you know we need to take care of our infrastructure our schools the wall of these things that we take for granted every day but none of them can be for free show the idea that we can reduce taxes. And that will create enough economic activity shows that we can get all these things for the less is not very sound thinking to me. I understand their logic and I understand what they're using to prove their points but. Again. You're talking about a finite about of money. And how you're going to reshuffle who pays what. And presumes the fat will fix things. And to me that's folly that can't be that doesn't increase the amount of money available in the economy for citizens to purchase goods and services. Those remain static it just whose pockets they're in and whose pockets they get removed from to pay for all these things when in fact experts ever really even have anything to do with paying for government services anymore don't you know it really doesn't that we were composed believe that but it really doesn't then like most Americans I'm pretty similar I know what's the best tax the one that I don't pay. The one that tells me over and he pays it that that might be Ok but the one that I don't say that's the best one you know and then I could find somebody who's not paying their fair share and I'm taking too much well while there is always merit in a little of that is not the basis upon which an economy or a nation is built nor can it be ever never has been. So we're kind of sold a bill of goods by the political leadership of this country that these things are a big big deal # #. Yeah well they've always tried to still have that really in the truth taxes are only a simply a means for government to drain coverage that's going to provide the services it's called upon to provide run across if I've asked a guy I don't. Oh you are here well I hope so good we're going to you for years. Are you familiar with the criminals committed to live them but it is. Criminal Syndicalism. Well I can imagine one of them said they were going to get specific but. It's very interesting it's down lined in. Corpus jurors to kind of. Basically. What you gentlemen are talking about. My mom police basically being put together by. People over a long period of time probably 15200 years at least in America maybe they want. To conspire to overthrow the government and the people of the United States the interior of the type of government and it's outlined pretty well what the people can have the government do that's you know outlined in those I think it porkers 2 years to kind of 16. $22.46. And there's a clear to me there's a clear effort that's gone on for a long time considerably by Carnegie Ford and Rockefeller mostly foundation and probably others at this stage to replace this form of government with a collectivist I guess you'd call it a socialist Marxist government. As is talked about on this station and other stations if. It's primary. To control and ownership of the financial credit generation what this could be called money the money. You know you do. To me until we deal with that. We try to do something to give us an honest money system I think you get online or in a. You know all people who are in the natural resources field to some degree is your natural resource management probably do you work you work and. I think you're in a position where they can continue. Farming and ranching and many other sectors. And transfer. What is generally considered to be an economic 80 to 85 percent of the value of anything is more eager transferred back to themselves. To become not just billionaire betraying their families. Until we deal with their I don't. Know yet. Ladies and gentleman Mr Tom Phillips founder of the greener how many times have you gone into a health food store and are confused as to the many different brands and prices on the same herbal supplement you want to buy the cheapest but you are afraid that quality is less so you buy the most expensive truth is the cheapest may be better greener top most or all manufactured in our wheat rich Colorado plant 4565 Kipling street using the highest quality herbs that we sourced from all over the world 150 different herbal supplements are the most potent and safest in America our guarantee is your money back no time limit just return the bottle into your fall no questions asked so when you come to our new location look for a new name Nugent's is help our caller said 888765 are that's 888-765-4372. Now this is the testimony of John when the juice and priests and Levites from Jerusalem. Who are you confessed and did not deny but confess I am not the Messiah and they. Are you a lie just said I am not are you the prophet and he answered No the Gospel of John chapter one verse 19 through 21. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the governed this is the American news network. I guess time as great you were talking with her about I'm going to go to callers and. I have. A couple of minor comments I can make your wanted. And make the 1st foundation was going. Yeah well I'm glad to hear you know that they've threatened a man and his family if Granny became one of them. That before. And they forgot or became one of them did the you know that's a good thing what. I am Lee has altered over the years as most of them if you bring up some really interesting points and not an aside is the power that we've granted to these foundations. To operate autonomously outside of government and figure ethically to do good but I think as you were mentioning to the power that they have is not something that's. Why I think it's not acceptable in a free country they have too much power they're not elect they have far too much power and yes whether or not their goals are the ones that you mention. I'm not absolutely sure is is the relevant part although I do think one of the things that's come to me over the years is that. The allegations about the Marxist Leninist socialist communist ideology. Is not very far from the ideology that those who claim they're the opposites the neo comms that. Wander around talking about being a homebody but they're very similar in the final analysis. There are they're about control and they're rights and we're wrong and. They are going to be the they're going to fix their is the antithesis of the American system in the American principles that we were built on. They're always chipping away at our freedoms and the constable. And I think they've made a lot of progress at our expense of this really hard today too. To take back the power that we surrender to them. Over polarization resized through the money system through the credit of the song absolutely right because she was. Hypothecation of the money all right and I don't think I disagree with you as far as when it began because I think gander Hamilton. The very 1st. Money Bill the. Private issuance of money was brought into our system of law in this country right at the outset which is. And to have directed even the Federal Reserve System is a. Suppose at the alternative simply concentrated in more private hands and has been ever worse ever since. We were traveling fallow. Well we keep a sound money system in how to make it work and you're quite right you know it is it is the money power in private hands and what it allows them to do is to amass. Mountains of purchasing power that rival the power of government and we cannot tolerate such a situation but we admire today with all. But the monetary is just a business Country and The Who controls that is really of the crux of the issue of there's a lot of sub issues that flow out of the that's kind of world we're talking about at the creation of sound money while the Constitution to overcome these people without having to go to direct war with their behavior our constitution provides for self money. If we adhere to that these people will have their power taken away. We failed to do so for a long over the original money as god like power to raise the nation and destroy them in a matter of fact God like power to destroy civilization. And once you have that in private and they are really unaccountable to really anyone other than the well and you know people are an accountable they basically go roughshod over everybody. When they really become many demigod that can do like they've done to Venezuela which has more natural resources probably than any place other than Russia and South Africa they basically have got them in so much debt that the International Monetary Fund they simply cannot feed their people they don't have the money they're paying all the money for interest and pay back the day that they were in there that that's coming to the United States I'm afraid. Until one of them being an IOU not a long time ago with those process began here we're just doing it very slowly I thought that's now where we're the ones that are backing the i.m.f. To be asked you know the globalization is nothing more than the international banking cartel right so globalization has Yeah that's that and we are the service of yet today that's why we would be the last to be visited with the consequence of . But probably you know that the reason gentlemen they created the welfare state you understand why we really have a welfare state sure they go. Look at the well they created a 3rd call on people that would be totally dependent on them financing the welfare state through the government so that it would create a disruption a basic demand in every time you turn around and I seen this through so many hurricanes and thank goodness the federal government going to do well the federal government is going to do what it authorized to do that is to try to help the fund and do something about getting you know the problems per. Day you show you create wealth to do the same thing when the nation was the product of agriculture in 1933 so you're in a different position we're all part of I guess beneficiaries to some degree of the well 1st day I remember reading a quote. Way back in the 89 he said somebody said that we were going to have the same system that Germany had. Of welfare at some point in the future and. To have that 5th and you had to create a depression you had to create. And it is a conspiracy and to damn think of syndicalism is a conspiracy to defraud that's basically what it is so and so until that of the people of this country realize where their checks stop coming or there's no value to their checks that they get it or whatever they want to even understand it I don't think then because the mind control these days is scientific it is not hidden It's very scientific so I'm going to go with my view until you know we're under judgment and under judgment God uses the his enemies to chase the nation. That's all really we're under right now and it's sad but it's necessary if we leave you like but I don't disagree with you. No less you guys thanks for your program. Joining us thanks for calling and getting the call by by the same person with your comment. We can argue about whether it's been created before and it is just being put into action all kinds of things but one thing I do know or even the magnolias see it although there are there are some of the same argument about that but the level the mechanism by this is where I was trying to get at is that this is the way things when you when you. If you take. The fundamental level the values the commercial world the community values deliver to produce the necessities. When you have pirated dead value. Stutterer in it and that's. As we are suffering today flow from that. And so it doesn't have to be created before abandoning the plane doesn't have to create a before and if that is the basic error that people accept because all rest of the old flow from it and so it's it's just part of the working and. The less we are aware of that fundamental flaw the easier it is to. Into the ditch. Well and we're also going to see by the media and viral political system to find somebody to blame in the classic welfare state that the exists in every state. A large and growing group of people that are dependent on welfare to exist food stamps housing you name it the more dependent they get well there's a large body on the right if you will that say the that we've just created this group of people that are no longer willing to work and we need to take that away well that there is always some truth to that the high I base my analysis my close connections with the Indian reservations of here the Dakotas. They have become dependent and can't find a way to become self-sufficient Biggie's thing to do is to blame them. And rather than them saying what are their alternatives how could they get free from this you know that's been tied around their neck and produced on the face of something on their own so that they could be self-sufficient well. Technically the government of this country will not allow them to become self-sufficient we will have even there if you. It is just is so both sides of these arguments have some merit but there are also missing in the To me the bigger picture. And I think most people would prefer to be to work and to be paid adequately for the work that they do and take care of their families so leave they create their own business there's a disincentive it's do we you know we're just incentivized to pay for the takes people it all into their crap of welfare the way out is not nearly as simple as we're led to believe you just pull yourself up with your own bootstraps and go to work well you go up well I see how it works you know. I still contend that any community can have a prosperity that may be an isolated pocket but any communicant of prosperity if they choose to establish their own values for their own labor. Now depends on how self-sufficient you can be. As far as the products required for maintaining life you know. Whether food shelter and clothing. On that basis if you are no established good community value for the pricing of those things in exchange. Then essentially what you're doing is issuing your own money at your own community valued rebels and you can establish prosperity locally on that basis everybody anybody can. Think a lot of members of. The pension becomes how high was self-sufficient can you be and are you violating the law of the larger community in which you exist by issuing such currency or money or exchange goods or whatever you want to call it. And it takes a lot of courage to because of that a lot of thought. Eventually that may be what has to happen because the federal government becomes less responsive. But you know I've tried to bow before her Ira. All I can public services saying are Adams I know I'm Southern 133 b.c. Cards degree from Harvard University. And she turns the question that he could have been changed and status was an examination not a word she was. A virus to question the research to question and he was offered and stuff up for examination by professors on the subject matter. And it was defense of French question. Evaluated in order to organised a very. Special. And. How do you ever thought about having your own backyard. Certified Organic. Chicken feed. Even the liver or you can call me at 30395948 or go to happy pricing and agree that happy. Happy. Or call us at 303-5948 this is Michael in the control booth of the American from the works to use in Johnstown the American needs your help please call 180-205-6245 that's 1800. 645 to make you are going Asian. Johnstone Colorado. Or the 1750 Johnston Colorado. For the voice of truth and freedom on the year and thank you. Hundreds or thousands of dollars that may or may not work if you're a professional athlete or just looking for a nutritional piece of mind because you found. 100. Special forces you need for Optimum Health. 791. Of the nation's to nothing. People. Count. For the plans of his heart generations. Is the nation. Is. The people. It's 33 versus. Sobran because National Organization for all materials. And I was going to talk about Samuel Adams and some of the degree. It's true it's important here because it applies to the idea of a local community trying to establish its own currency. The same Adams question that he chose to study was this. To a point to lose the supreme magistrate if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved. In other words. Establish your own money system in your local community preserving the Commonwealth. When you are in opposition to the Supreme and just straight if the president or the court or the Congress instead of trying to the Constitution which is the supreme magistrate here. In. Your community you are wrong you are illegal you alluded whatever this statute or that statute by establishing your own money system. The question becomes as Adams talked about in his in his thesis or argument it was daft left is it lawful to oppose the supreme magistrate if the Commonwealth cannot be otherwise preserved. Sam Adams mantra that it is lawful. Would be my my take as a matter of fact not always lawful but it would be mandatory. That's correct me preserving the Commonwealth is the point to the civilized organization of people and if that has to boil down to my community. She will be and that's where it started as we're going to do an agreement with to have that be broader that we have that as a national government but if you do that I have to think in my mind at the detriment of local communities correct. Seymore the cleanliness of money system. The money system it has been advocating the money power that has been advocated by Congress they have failed to fulfill their constitutional obligation to establish and maintain our monetary system while course they have it and. They had they had no constitutional authority to do so but they had no constitutional authority to establish a different money system and what Constitution glow. They had they didn't have the right to surrender it to a private sector business or even to qualify government entity that's right it's not contemplated it well it was kind of played when they wrote the Constitution sure you're not going to do it. With Up in fact to give and take up until the Civil War when the when Lincoln issued greenbacks it was supposed by nearly everybody in the entire United States at that time that. The. The only money that could be authorized by the Constitution those gold and silver. Banknotes were simply the. Promises of any given day that they were side of rent and which you could use to pick does a paper to exchange for the grow that you mean on the bar that. Well tile going to be missed you had vast happens when you go and follow of the original constitution now you can change we could all get together and change it to do all those things we could be banned those early premises. But I don't think we could do that by the Congress changing get it tested to take a cost to shill. Amendment. I think for instance the power of the Constitution grants not just power but the obligation for a declaration of war which we haven't done so citing 41 nobody can argue about the mischief that has occurred but we gave the power to the president. Put aside for. Now again the rain if he has the wars or just or or on just or we shouldn't over we should or shouldn't we can have those arguments forever but we shouldn't argue that every one of those acts by a lated Constitution have the constitution been no different Athan history would have occurred right and that that's should be the point we don't know the outcome but we do know that the Constitution was violated then we can also say that it had to be determined by those who represent us in Congress you and me who represents us to make that decision not the president. You know we have had. The not only the draining of our treasury but the shedding of inordinate amounts of blood will we do the same that I labeled clicks by knowing Yes that's exactly right the bad part but the reason why it was violated the but again those are responsibilities to the Constitution and granted to Congress for a reason and we're supposed to hold them to it right and we have pretty well chosen to ignore it because it's hard Well I would say the quality of the men and women that we have selected to service are the problem. They did not hold their duties they let it slide it took an easier softer path was convenient to do so if they knew that their obligations were Ollie's for certain for certain but you know there's consequences of these things. And we're living in the consequences so it's you know we make a decision that it's that it's time for fundamental change we're continue to bear the consequence so large older than our grandchildren the mighty concern is that there be enough consequences of the very functioning of our republic is a direct. There's no wall that says America has to survive. And the less we follow the rules all right and do our part in our generation. Will it there's the question. Though I know of my grandfather's generation did they did have my father's generation that fought in World War 2 and always they . Are Ours I'm not so sure correct. I'm not the you never in the end Well I think these are the questions that we need to have to decide upon. Today I mean this is this is what we should be talking about a tax cut plan we should be talking about the money system we should be talking about the justice and the for due process for agriculture. The. Girls are going to have people on. The streets of this country. Well as I have another example you can have fundamental discussion of health care of this country. Fortunately nobody here today can afford health care on their own . Separated the cost of health care people ability to pay for that universal. Except for a handful of 1000000000. How do you read restaurant and really reminds everyone the difference between a child safe at home and a child missing can be as little as a few simple rules on how to return home a curfew for your child had been routinely called to check in with you this reminders from ranch restaurant said unfortunate street in Greeley a perfect place for lunch call ahead for orders at 970-356-1411 that's 356-1411. 2 or construction is pleased to help support the American Freedom Network by offering and I quote accustomed construction services established in 1990 square we construction has been building high quality direction and other types of outdoor living projects all along the northern front range we are licensed insured and have all the experience knowledge and skills to help you create the outdoor living always use of your dreams for your free consultation in no obligation quote give Doug a call its real 35.7874 do or business on the web at Square reconstruction dot com How do you folks have you ever thought about having your own backyard chickens now you have a source for certified organic no g.m.o. No story chicken feed. This can even deliver or you can pick up call me term at the real 38295948 or go to having him stop this repricing and agreements and have him stop this we love happy hands or call us at 303-829-5948 sick of playing the guessing game with your vitamins tired of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for supplements that may or may not work if you're a professional athlete or just looking for nutritional peace of mind look no more because you found bio super foods the next generation supplementation 100 percent natural bio super food packs all your essential proteins vitamins minerals antioxidants enzymes and many of nature's special forces you need for Optimum Health by a wager 87728891168772889116. Sacks this Israel has former National Organization for long term also. Talking about the political decisions we need to make here. We have. A bunch of. Us we've got a national economic stability act that tries to propose a. Solution through both our money problems are a cultural problem for basic Well industry. It's not an industry. So biological process tag or culture of. Signature will be thought of as an industry that's one of my pet peeves. It's something that we need to price properly in order to provide a national soul them and we have failed to do it for 65 years now. And we're just sucking wind as a result of it and these are the questions that we need to. Be dealing with international political debates but one of the interesting aspects of what you're just describing. If the calculations that you've done with the spreadsheets indicating the economic loss to America based on data these are just pure math since the harvest of $153.00 through 2016 is nearly the equivalency of the national debt. Has there's a relationship between how much money this country owes and what we have failed to pay to the people that have done the work. Which seems rather strange and hard to grasp by most people it seems but there truly is. If you don't have enough money to buy what you need in cash to consume it. Your alternative is to forego it or to borrow. That would be the. Economic terms I would be the using of your credit card rather than writing a check on your bank account. If you want to do that that's fine or if you do you have to do it. Quite a difference between the 2 that's right and that seems to me to be kind of where we're at we don't have options anymore. Running the system. No we just not running the system in a way that can provide those options for average working folks in this country. And to the people that have small businesses and. Create a local jobs and local communities they have suffered. Tremendously under this system also sure that not everybody should be expected to go to work for a giant make corporations. At the expense of of local free enterprise small businesses whether they're family owned or partners or whatever they are certainly out of fashion today. From my perspective that's not healthy for a country like ours we need more of that. Right just due to the economy h.l.v. Going to run a small business correctly the economy the public will tell you whether you're doing a good job or not. They will go into the market can work. Yeah it puts everybody in the position of knowing something about the current the balancing the company books about tricking your employees properly about. Much inventory is required to conduct your business. More people know such things when you have a bunch of small businesses. Experience if you will. When everything is just an office drone or a bureaucrat. I thought of this is an idea and I won't name any of the big boxes mega-corporations and most cities today but just pick one that you can think of where you may go to buy groceries think what. Then ask a 100 people at that store the question are you here because you like the service or the quality or the convenience or are you here because it's cheaper. And you'll get about a 99 percent response cheaper. That's been assessed a dated our own family budgets demand that we do that in spite of the fact that it's not good for our community. The money leaves the community the jobs are not up to standards. We lose that income in the community for ever. For the sake of being cheaper. And that's that's what happens in all of our communities I don't necessarily mean that the corporate powers that are running them are evil or anything such as that you know they're just taking advantage of a system that they helped create they may be just of the may not be but it's that's not the point that's right but you know if I have a local businessman the stew in a lousy job providing me a service for putting tires on my car I have a real simple solution I just go buy from somebody else. That will take care of that very quickly. Very quickly but if I don't have an option because some mega corporation that bought all that stuff in China is there how does that help my community and to me that destruction that's happened in America is community wide and for. The children's dogs family. Asked to spend we want to complain about the absence of the decline of family life in America we better start right there. That's my suggestion anyway based on my writing. With you you know that's the other thing about that I want to. Circle usage of profits is objective it even all the rest of it stays pretty well in the local community. You know everybody's part of a larger community so yes things to get. Around that's why we talk about national sovereignty being a product. For the culture and other raw materials as well. In front of a national basis. You're not going to we don't grow very meeting our interests. Like I want when I go to the grocery store the. Other hand. Ladies and gentlemen Tom thought founder of the green Earth Well it had to happen when Colorado legalized marijuana most people thought the green herb was a marijuana dispensary also it was legalized on January the 1st 2014 the same day we open our new location a 4565 shipping street one and a half walk south of us 70 there are 83000 cars a day passing in front of our new location Ok every street and most of them thought we were a marijuana dispensary So we changed the name of our retail store to new generation that we kept the name of our green herbs. So when you come to our new location look for a new name Nugent's or call us 888876 Herb 888-765-4370 be sure to listen to the healthy nature show was in the Philippines every Tuesday at 1 pm. The love of do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that you sure Jesus has come in the flash is of God and every spirit that does not confess that you Jesus has come in the flesh is not God and this is the spirit of anti-Christ which you have already heard was coming and is now already in the world 1st John 41. Of the United States waters so for a moment this is. A stab at least just as you through the mystic friends will see the light for the common defense remote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. So I am. Going to take one of your show. For Granted president of National Organization commentary also a comma as bridge and more care about the. The things we need to do to make our country work for us. But I thought we've been pretty serious here session and I feel a little remiss I should have had something to share that with have lightened the show up a little have a little more fun these are really serious thought provoking topics and it can get a little boring to listen to constantly and I sure next time we cry this all I'll do my best to create some more later entertainment to go. Along with this that we had some really good questions this time which is pleasing to me. That people are thinking they're trying to figure out as we are all right it is a process of trying to make it better rather than blaming somebody for the misery that we can get overwhelmed with. Or the downside really we do have a lot to be thankful for with the things we have the right to the ability to make the changes needed to make this country work well there's some specific things I do think Randi over profer inviting us to to host a show I like to thank the American news that. System for inviting us to do the same as well. I hope to the audience has some enjoyment and have learned something of that and. I can assure you I've had a good time to. Enjoy it all couldn't is just fun to talk about ways to make. The country better have to have a dialogue public dialogue has gone out of fashion. In America it seems that way. To the kind of talk radio that's become hot is designed to do political spin and inflammatory stuff rather than informative. Stuff that can really make a difference I don't really want to participate in that. I'm not. It's not what I would prefer no me as well and. I'm not a complainer I'm not a. I'm not a. Getting back sort of a guy then just says no. No and are doing alright you know gauging. Our culture's been leaning is the other way. And we have a has a lot to do with that and the director I would really like you know put the brakes on what a little efforts that we could make do so I would be pleased just not to do that is that's where I may have been just so I just won't do it. You know it's just not something I'm interested in you know it's not productive way to middle wasted their . Well our time has gone by pretty fast. Week for me. See there's not enough hours in the day to to get this around and. So they're doing their jobs of listening to people so that to it becomes a topic of conversation. If. People thought about it. And. Thank you. Again. Now you can reach the American read of that work at our new peel Box 750 Johnstown Colorado 80534 or on line America. Great Plains power has been providing reliable electrical power systems in the Rocky Mountain area since 1902 our systems rely on the sun to help make you self-reliant for your power needs solar energy can be scaled to fit any situation from complete power independence to backup power for the short term our expertise focuses on stand alone power but we have extensive experience with utility interactive systems as well custom tailored capabilities as modest as emergency lighting all the way to commercial scale power Great Plains power is a full service company we service everything we sell we provide and design turnkey packages custom designed system and parts for do it yourself with more than 20 years of specialized experience at your disposal let us know what your power concerns or goals are 3 just by phone or the Internet call 303-239-9963 s 303-239-9963 or go to Great Plains solar dot com. This is the lion cage in sea 1316 am Johnstown Denver. Your sorrows bank your campaign to overturn the controversy erupted over your gayness and well life in America feel like transgenders are in charge findings our real Israel crew you're listening to the American freedom that we're framing live around the world of American News dot com and on Facebook to the floor in real truth stay angry the force is always broadcasting out of the Colorado front range on.