Or the one who makes salvation and then of course the Holy Spirit and in this gospel of John we're going to see a connection as I've already alluded to between this book and the Book of Genesis and what Genesis speaks about is God bringing order to His creation so we reach here and the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God Now here again when we look at this what's been emphasized is that the minute he is sure we know that Messiah is our savior but what we're going to see is that God Himself took on human flesh and he became a man and he never stopped being God fully God and fully man when we study the Gospel of John we need to understand that John reveals much in regard to theological truth and if we don't understand the doctrines especially the doctrine of divinity and how that relates to Messiah you sure we are going to miss out on what God is wanting us to understand and how we can have a relationship with him and receive the power of God which brings about the order of God in our life in the same way when you look at the Book of Genesis and you see that when God created the heavens and earth initially if you go to Genesis chapter one in verse one you find there was a lack of order things were not as we would expect I mean we would expect a holy God to create a world that was perfect because he's perfect but when we look at the Scripture we see that the world was empty or void formless it lacked order and who brought about this order well God Himself through the Holy. There and we're going to see what John is revealing in this Gospel is how we can have and find the order of God in our life that reflects 18 them truth he says here and the Word was God move on now to verse 2 we see here for this one was in the beginning with God so over and over we see this inherent relationship between God the Father and God the Son and even though most are you sure it was with God in the beginning and that term in the beginning means the beginning of Revelation but do not think because one of the important truths we're going to see in the next few minutes is that we're going to be talking about creation and what the Gospel of John emphasizes is that Messiah was not created here's an important term that you and I need to understand and that is there was never a time that Miss You sure did not exist he is eternal we're all going to also going to see that everything that was made this is a version we're going to look at but everything that was made was made by him so you sure is not a creature that is he was not creation created he is eternal and that's why he is God with us the menu well so over and over in this text what we see is that John wants to emphasize the divinity of Messiah and we're going to see that Messiah like God the Father is eternal so we really this one in the beginning was with got it all things through him were made Don't miss that everything that was made was made through him by. And and without him was late bloomer thing which was made now pay attention to that last phrase because an English we translate at the same way we say all things were made by him and nothing that was made was made without him but here's the point I want you to see there are 2 different options of that same Greek word for being mate and here's the important point the 1st time when he says nothing that was made was made without him that's simply in the past tense but when he tells us at the end of that phrase for all things that were made through him when he uses that term made once more he makes a very important change in the Greek grammar he uses the same word but a different construction and this is what he wants us to realize that everything that was made everything that is being made and everything that's going to be made in the future. And usual alone is a source of those things he is the crater not just the crater in the past but also in the present and the future so he created all things and how is he called here he's called local or the word but here we need to understand that that word that we translate it logos the word has to do with the mind set the purpose of the plans of God So the one who creates all things he is the very one that expresses the purposes and the plans of God So what do we see we see this in character relationship between our Savior the Messiah and the purposes of God and ultimately where do we find the purposes of God in their formless. The answer is in the kingdom of God So look once more at our text we reach here we're now ready for verse 4 we're talking about God's purposes and his plans for creation what does he want to show all right here he says and in Him was life now pause for a moment because this term life is so important what the Scriptures revealing to us is that there's a connection between all life and how logos the word which is Messiah he wants us to have life but remember we're talking about this and we're looking and trying to understand it as a person would going back 2000 years ago a person that comes from a Jewish background a Jewish background that is affected by the teachings of the sages and what I want you to see is from a biblical and also from the perspective of Judaism there is a connection between all life and the kingdom those 2 terms go hand in hand so when he says in verse 4 in Him was life he's talking about as well in hand is the kingdom the purpose the plans the objective of God that He wants us to be 18 then people so once more verse 4 in Him was life and the life was the light of main hereagain understand how he's building the text of Scripture there's now connection between life and light and when we look for example at the Book of Genesis we see the 1st thing that was great it was what when we look after the initial creation but when we begin to talk about God bringing order God purpose and God manifesting Himself through His creation What's the 1st thing the said. Viii or which means let there be light so once again when we look at this we see that John speaking to a Jewish audience using the terminology the change that the Jewish community would have had in trying to reveal divine revelation to the people that we might understand the mind of God and not just understand it from a knowledgeable standpoint but also we take that knowledge and we respond to it all over and over when we study the scripture of God We find that revelation is given for the purpose of a response or Bain that revelation implementing that revelation into our life. And the life was the light of mean now when we talk about this term like the 1st thing that should come into your mind is the illumination when Messiah says Let there be light going all the way back to the Book of Genesis it is to give us Revelation illumination to the truth the purpose is the plans of God So in him knows what it says In Him was life and the life was the light of man and the light shines in the darkness but here's the problem but the darkness did not receive it for him because it's a personal life we shouldn't take it as that in some abstract manner but he is the light what does it say the darkness cannot receive it now what's he trying to communicate to us something very important he's trying to say if we want to remain in darkness now how would we understand that well there is an inherent connection when we go back to Genesis chapter one between darkness and what the Hebrew Bible says. So who they vote which is this and this lacking this void what he's trying to tell us is this if we'd are not a person doing pursuing the fullness of God his plans and his purpose is we're going to remain in darkness and in darkness we cannot comprehend we cannot understand and we won't be able to respond to the light and what do we learn in the book of Genesis it is through the light that begins that makes a distinction and it's through this distinction that what can happen. So we are dependent upon the revelation the illumination of God in order to make wise choices and what are we going to see here John is going to begin talking about an incumbent responsibility that creation has that is you and me for making wise choices so once more we see how important the Book of Genesis is in understanding the revelation of John's gospel so look again we find it's. And the light in the darkness that is we have a potential for understanding truth receiving it but the darkness it said would not receive him move on now to the next verse verse. We see that is going to reveal a provision that God makes and that's an important truth whenever we're talking about God bringing change and this is what the gospel John wants to do the Gospel of John once you bring change into a person's life so you have to ask yourself am I content in this darkness and I satisfied with the emptiness that's in my life as long as you are led by darkness you're not going to have any understanding of the truth and therefore a lot of people are satisfied their content with what emptiness they don't know any better but as we begin to say you know maybe there's something different maybe there's something more than this vanity which is in this world and what we begin to pursue the light God will bring us out of darkness he will begin to illuminate our steps so that we can find what he wants us to have and that is fullness to have his order in our life and that's so important God wants to bring order into our life so he provides what's that provision Well look on the verse 6. And there came about a mean and this man was set but I got and his name was John now names are important in the scripture notice here there we're talking about an individual and even though that this is traditionally called The Gospel of John and by the way when we deal with the books of the Bible when we're talking about the Gospels for example we do not know who wrote the gospel. Of Matthew that the Gospel of Matthew was given that they him by 4 tradition the traditions of the early fathers but it's never said in the Scripture who wrote Matthew or Mark or Luke or John but what's important here is that we're talking about not just the one who's traditionally given authorship for this but we're talking about a different job here we're talking about John the Baptist and I want you to see as God begins speaking about illumination bringing purpose bringing the plan for His creation into being I want you to see something the 1st name that is given is this name. You know when I'm. And what is a speak of well it is a word that speaks of God's grace but not just God's grace this word you also respond refers to God. Supplying a desire for that Grace and we're going to see as we move through this book of John that there is going to be emphasis upon grace and how Grace is united with the provision that God makes ultimately of starvation of his savior Grace is important term not just in the New Covenant but also in the Old Covenant So look again at what we see here we find that we were reading in verse 6 there came about a man that was sent by God His name was John and this one came in that is what it says he came for a purpose what was that purpose a testimony or a witness it literally says here and this one came for a witness but not just any witness he just didn't have any testimony but he very very specific one and what was that well to testify concerning the light and it says in order that all should and here we get the clear teacher. Should believe in Him That is the Light of God Now let's pause for a moment and understand what he said we remember we talked about that God gives revelation and God gives illumination for purpose and what is that purpose that we might respond and what is the right way to respond here. That this one John was sent by God and it says that he came for the money in order to testify concerning the light in order that all might believe in this like a. Believe in Him Now this is important because it talks about what is required for God's water to become a reality in your life so that God can begin to move and produce what he wants your life to prove reproducing and what is that. There is a consistency in the scripture what we're talking about the old covenant or whether we're talking about the new covenant there is a consistency between this concept of belief and faith and understand something Furthermore whenever we're talking about a right believing she just doesn't say believe in something but here the context is will leave in the testimony that John's going to get for it is truth and here's a key there is an inherent relationship between faith or belief in the truth of God If it's a biblical faith if it's a belief that God is going to be close with it is always rooted in and is generated by the truth of God So he says here and ordered that all should believe through him and here's the key all we're not talking about. Minority group oftentimes and this is a biblical term the elect will talk more about the elect later on but don't think that God sent His Son into this world only only for the elect what we're going to see in the scripture is that all here's a potential that all might believe in him move on now to verse 8 but this one referring to John the Baptist's this one who this next 2 verses are going to focus in on this one it says clearly was not the light but it order to their witness concerning the like verse 9 for the light was. And here again it brings in this were true for recent What is that because once more we need to understand that if we're going to experience God's purpose is his point if we're going to be able to live that life it is all related the foundation of those things is truth so what do we see. We see the 1st thing that John does is to unite this like this revelation with what truth so it's the light when it literally says it's a true light but it is the light of truth that's what the scripture is trying to tell us and those what it says it is the true Light which what which. Once more minute there's nothing nothing exclusive about it now even though God has called is really unique way I understand that this salvation this kingdom this purposes of God relates to all of his humanity so we cannot forget that John writes with a very very broad audience he writes from a Jewish perspective because he's Jewish he writes From a Biblical perspective because all revelation is grounded in the Word of God But what we need to see is this if we're going to be talking about God's purposes and plans being fulfilled I understand what John is doing here he purposely begin with thinking about creation the Book of Genesis to have us to understand we're talking about God's purposes and plans to a very broad audience who is that audience creation God Salvation is not just going to affect a Roman it but from a potential standpoint God wants all people to respond and that's why I keep saying this term all meant so look again and verse 9 and the light was true and what else is all men coming into the world now there's a confusion here and I really don't know if I can solve it were talking about the light that's coming into the world or whether it's this light that shines all min all Min who are coming into the world the catch is not clear but let me simply say this once. For we see that there's a purpose for creation and that's the unique thing about this book and John John wants us to understand that God has a purpose for his entire creation move on once more look if you would to the verse 10 we reach here. And he was in this world but the world did not receive Him That is he was in the world and the world literally Its the world was made by him so once again we're seeing how important it is in understanding that you're sure he is the creator of all things so he was in the world he's united with the world in one sense related to the world and the world was made through him but verse 10 it says and the world did not know him so we can understand here a very important truth by mest we understand the terminology he uses the term world why because the rural is not the kingdom there is going to be what there is going to be a harvest around the world and that's what the purpose of this book is. How we can be part of this harvest so we reach here that the world did not know him and says he came to his own but once more his own did not receive him but to those that receive him knows what it says he gave them power he gave them authority to be what to become older and of God and that's the biblical truth that we're talking about God is looking into history for his children and who are His children those who are wise enough to respond to God's revelation to respond with truth that is by the truth and putting their hope their faith their trust in him so the purposes of God might be realized in their life. When we hope you will benefit from today's message insure it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love is real that morning again to find out more about us please visit our website. Love Israel Oh argy there you'll find articles and numerous other like yours by Brew these teachings are in video for me download them or watch them in streaming video until next week May the Lord bless you in our Messiah. Jesus as you walk with Shalom. Shalom and welcome to the us royal. Race which means you love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher Dr Brewer shares his story teaching from the Bible Dr Bruce senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute Dr Burke is please share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel dot org That's one word love Israel dot oh Arjun now. With today's lesson. One of the important truths concerning the book of John is proof that we're going to see over and over in the Word of God that God makes His provision available and talks about that he made available to the world but the world would not respond now there's a very important truth that has been made in this gospel of John and chapter one where we left off last week we see that there is a unique relationship between all of creation and the creator that shouldn't surprise us there's always a relationship between creation and the create for but here's the problem the world that which was created did not know Him What is that to tell us it's a tell us that if we understand the context of what we learned last week is that the world would not respond to the revelation of God the illumination of God So here's a very important biblical truth before we do anything else today and that is that we need to ask ourselves and when we share biblical truth with others one of our responsibility is to be like John remember John was sent by God for the purpose of being a witness to testify of the things of God and when we also take seriously that call upon our life to go and to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God We need to ask people if you are convicted by these words are you willing to respond if God is willing to make known to you His Revelation his illumination for your life are you willing to respond because years of the local truth more often than not when someone is unwilling to turn to God when God reveals Himself and there are unwilling cards not going to prove. Revelation Well when we make ourselves a veil of war for God's only nation when we begin to seek him and say God you know I made the spiritual darkness I may have a problem with doubt I tend to just reject these things I hear other people say but if they're true if you make them known to me if you convict my soul of the reality of these things I am willing to respond let me tell you when we respond in this way oftentimes. In a mighty way well what's more to get you by will look to me look with me to where we left off last week John chapter one and drop down to verse 11 we talk about how the world rejected him and there's always this this to me in the Bible between the world and the kingdom. The world's not going to inherit the promises of God but rather those who believe so God is always pulling out a remnant pulling out although he wants a whole world to be saved and his provision makes possible it's a potential for worldwide salvation the redemption of all of his creation we know in reality that's not going to be the case there's going to be only those who are willing to take that hard road that narrow path those who go against the ways of the world and respond to the truth of Scripture so he says here the world knew him not to look at where that says in verse 11 so he came to his own but his own did not receive him but as those he greeting but to those who received him he gave to them power what type of power and power to become the children of God Now let me tell you more often than not what I would. Back from this verse is for to say the sons of God Why because the term son in the scripture then also can be understood as a already and a or so we might think he gave us the power to become sons of God That is 8 years heirs of the kingdom now that's a true principle but that's not what's been emphasized a nother truth has been emphasized and what is that well he uses the word for children in a very generic sense and why does he do that well this word for children it has a very important use and what is that and shows a connection between the offspring the children and what their parents the one who gave birth to them and this is what God is trying to tell us those who what those who believe upon Him God gave them power that power to become the children of God So when someone says you know we're all the children of God don't believe that deception that is a lie that is what the enemy wants is think that because we are part of humanity you know we're all God's children I hear that over and over but such a terminology such a theology is not a biblical theology it is not based upon the revelation of the Word of God So it's only those who have what Only those who have believed him believed in his provision who responded to his illumination only then that he is given the power to what the power to become the children of God and uses the term for a birth to be born as the children of God It's a new birth and we'll talk more about that when we get into Chapter 3 Well let's press on it says. As well for those who believed in his name now this word both in Hebrew and Greek the term for name is such an important concept Billy speaking name has to do with identity 1st and foremost so it's important that we believe in the identity of this one this one who is right now the light of the world we need to know the identity of the one who gives us revelation that is the Son of God Who is he he is the kernel Son of God and that's what we're going to move on to in a few minutes that is what the Gospel of John is going to begin to teach it says here he gave us the power to become the sons of God The children of God to those who believe in his name now not only is name synonymous with with identity but name is also related to character so this power that he has given us to become shorter of God Remember that we're trial is a show a relationship a connection between the parent and the one who is born so we're supposed to have a connection there is a connection between the believe or the one who is this. Issue the one who has been saved by this grace of God there's a connection between that person and God not just the God acknowledges us but something else that we through this power this authority that God is giving that we're going to behave according to his character that is this God his children he wants to use as a vessel and order to walk to manifest His glory now let's put something together in what we've learned thus far and that is the 1st thing that is mentioned . In the Book of Genesis speaking about God moving in his creation to bring order and purpose creation will do something what is that well the 1st thing in me the 1st thing that is mentioned is all light and biblically speaking and the rabbis get this right there is a relationship relationship between all light and glory So what are we supposed to do we're supposed to live in a way that nest of people our identity as people who belong to God and through that and one of the ways we manifest that reality is through our behavior that is say this when we begin to demonstrate his character through our life and what's the outcome of that well the outcome as we begin to manifest His glory it's not our glory but we begin to live in such a way to behave doing the things in obedience to His word that his glory is manifested through us we become a vessel of glory that's the purpose that God has saved us that's why we're still in this world and not fully in the kingdom of God because he wants to use us for his purpose his plan in a stablish in the kingdom in his desires what well his desire is that no one might perish but all repent and receive of life and we have the privilege of participating now in that plan so he says here those who have believed on or in his name move on to verse verse 13 how did this come about well it didn't come about through human effort or initiative why do I say that well look on it says not by what those. That we're not born by blood nor by the will of the flesh nor by the will of man now what he's doing here is saying the same truth but in 3 different ways he speaking about those who have been born born and become older and a living God and what he's saying here is that this this didn't happen because of what this isn't happened because of blood now what is used blood Well what's next he's going to speak about flesh flesh and blood human being so he simply doing a very very common. Behavior for Jewish authors when they want to testify of something they'll say the same thing 3 different ways to emphasize a truth so this ability this blessing this outcome of a human being becoming a child of God it didn't come about by what didn't come about by blood didn't come about by flesh meaning it did come about by the will of mean humanity had no part in this whatsoever it is a whole outcome of God his work his salvation his grace be extended God making this known that is God Aluminite lumen 18 these truths so if we're going to walk being a child of God it came about look at what the Scripture says it came about from God he did it verse 14 and the Word became flesh What's he doing here well he's talking about how a human being natural can become an actual the very child of God a new identity so we should ask ourselves what is it that it takes for that to happen. What did God have to do to make that a possibility for you and me what it says in verse 14 and the Word became flesh but here's the problem it says The Word became flesh he dwelt among us and we saw his very walk we saw his very glory Now what did we learn we learn that there is a connection between glory and light so once again John is using here the basis of his revelation to us is the Book of Genesis he wants to talk about light why because a light began that change in the creation remember what we talked about last week God look at creation and he saw that it was empty void formless meaning what it did not reflect his glory So what happened. Elohim Alp and they how much Which means and the Spirit of God was hovering above the waters now from a a Jewish perspective Rashi is probably the 1st one that taught this heat teaches that there is a relationship between the Spirit of God and. So what we see here well what we're seeing is us and the same way that God because of the Spirit of God There became revelation illumination and the world was brought into a change in its original state Genesis Chapter one Verse one the world was not able to do what reflect God's glory because it was out of order but now for who the Spirit of God Going back to Genesis this one brought about what change and what I want you to see is that it is only when we understand that this one who is like this one who is the Savior our Messiah that he did. Something it tells us in verse 14 that the word why does he use that phrase because the word has to do with the plans and the purpose of God It is always related in the Jewish sages mind to the kingdom of God So in order for the Kingdom of God to become a reality what happened and what had to happen the word had to become flesh and dwelt among us and therefore we could perceive his glory the glory of who while now we get really really specific the glory of the only big gotten of the father now he's the only the god he's unique So even though we talk about Messiah as the Son of God understand a very important truth although we become of God We becomes heirs of the kingdom we could say of God but but our. Fact they were children is very very different thing and the Son of God The only begun one of the Father so John here is given this revelation to tell us warned more about this one who is light this one who is is truth this one who brings about the purpose and plans of God into this world so. We behold the glory His glory Well this is glory the glory of the only the garden of the father this one who is full of grace and truth now we see that so often in the Scripture we see grace and truth coming together in fact we see that oftentimes and how Paul either begins in the personal or in an apostle grace and truth and almost without exception that order is always just that grace and truth why is that because it's only when we are at the end of the grace of God that we now can live according to the truth of God and there's an inherent relationship between the truth and the will of God So what do you want to begin teaching us is this you and I must be recipients of the grace of God If the purpose of the will of the truth of God is going to be manifest that in our life we need to get away from the idea that that grace and many people simply associate grace with salvation obviously it's by grace that you've been saved not of works that any man mag both grace just doesn't have the purpose of salvation if we limit the definition of salvation to one I guy I'm going to go to heaven that is a biblical truth I'm not in any way doubting or lessening that law. Wonderful truth but understand that in and of itself is an adequate it is insufficient it is not capturing what God wants us to understand about his salvation when we talk about salvation we need to understand its root it by means of God's grace but for the purpose of truth what's truth related to the little guy so they God's will might be manifested in my life that's the purpose that we have grace not just for forgiveness of sins that's a big truth it is factual but it's not limited to the forgiveness of my sins so now I can spend eternity with God when I die there is a present day purpose for the grace of God What is that just what John's revealing here that God's glory might be manifested in and through His creation what does that mean in your life and my life so once again this one speaking about Messiah he is full of grace and truth move on the verse 15 and shun and he testifies concerning him and she called out saying this is the one whom I say it. After me comes one now John is going to use this expression with a couple more to reveal an important Visible Truth that is that John he came onto the scene and let me tell you John did nothing in an other themself to call this great filing to him that was an outcome of the moving of the Holy Spirit but John let's say in very clear terms that she's not the one that she's not the light that she and we'll see this in the next 3 verses that he's not the messiah for the one coming after him and he uses that over and over it says This one is preferred and there's another Frank now most of the time English buyable missed out on this now obviously what John is talking about is. The one who's going to come after him now John he was born before Messiah but Messiah is eternal remember what we learned last week there was never a time that Messiah did not exist and there's going to be a word a word the judge uses over and over and over in this 1st chapter in the riving Messiah and it's a word to be but is used in the 3rd person plural so he was but here's the problem it is used in a unique construction What is that construction it is the Greek perfect tense now I realize that most people who study the Bible and all of this the grammar and all the laws of of the Greek language they may not be of interest to you but there was for a reason that the Holy Spirit cause God to to kiss me it was a reason why the Holy Spirit caused the authors. Of this book to choose Greek to be the language of the New Testament and what was that purpose because Greek is a think you can reveal things like no other language in Greek and the words here go and is an important word why because it talks about to be but when it's in the perfect tense and that's what we're speaking about when it's in the perfect tense it's about something that was is and will be so there's any aspect so what John is saying is that this one who's coming after me he is preferred to me and there we have that word going why is that so important because he's trying to say why it's so important that we submit to him why he's so unique and that is because he is eternal That's the point that he's trying to make he is preferred to me why because he is the kernel of God and it says he was before me now here again if we don't pay attention to the Scripture we miss out on a very important message of John and that is that although John was born before . He says he's after me but he also says now he's before me why I well remember what we learn in this Greek word he chooses is just pops in and it's so awkward it's almost because it's so awkward it causes many of the translators to just ignore that word altogether but it's the key word in understanding the Biblical truth so it says here he is the one that's coming after me but he is perfervid to me why this were eternal he's eternal the one who was is and will be and he is after me verse 16 for this one was what. All it says and from him is his but what it says one that we all want received that's what we're supposed to do it says and from his fullness it's we have received what if we receive or here's what he's talking about another unique expression that says most Bibles grace for grace but the 1st time the word grace appears there it's in the accusative the 2nd time it appears there it's in the genitive Why is that so important it's talking about grace out of grace all this is is an expression when someone wanted to talk about something that was genuine something that was was authoritative something that was original or appear or they would use this idiom so it's an idiom to say that there is a connection if we want real great what is great well remember I talk about how this word is so important in Judaism in the Hebrew it's a word. But in the Greek it's a word Curry's And what does speak about well here's the key when he's saying here's the real great what he's trying to say is this it's through him there we have the opportunity to really fulfill God's purposes what purpose is well this word. Or courage how according to the ancient Jewish sages it's always connected to what it is always connected to a covenant Here's the Biblical truth God issues forth his tested his grace and order that the government purposes might be a reality in our life and what is the ultimate covenant purpose well any rabbi will be able to answer that he was saying. The kingdom so it is the grace of God that brings about the outcome of God's covenant which is the stablish ment of his kingdom so what he wants to say is this that he is full full of what he is full of grace is the source of grace authentic grace the original grace of God which does what it brings about the purposes of God That's what he's trying to say for move on to verse 17 he says because the law of Moses was given right it's the law through Moses was given then it says and grace and truth through. Your shoe Now here's what I want you to understand most English Bibles put in an actual word they say the Law was given through Moses but it's grace in truth through. This word but is problematic because it almost says well the law was but now we have something that but when we look at the scripture the relationship what's a relationship a relationship between the Law of Moses and the grace and the truth the Law of Moses works and what's the outcome of grace and truth and so that the Law of Moses might be fulfilled let me ask the question when you hear the term law what comes into your mind now here's the problem. Many people believe and I'm talking about Judaism in this time period they believe that it was through the obedience of the law all the one was make righteous that's not true that's not what the law of Moses but here's a biblical truth there is a connection between the law and righteousness so most of us gave the righteousness of God That means he defined it he picked it he said what it was but Grace was Grace Grace brings out grains about an outcome it was through grace that the truth what's the truth the will of God Remember that connection between the word truth and the will of God So Moses outlines things but the law of Moses has no power it's truth but it's not the means by which truth is fulfilled in our life it is only through the grace of God that this truth can become a reality in our life and who is that truth ultimately. Issue so over and over we see this connection this order between what God wants to do in the life of the believer. Well we hope you will benefit from today's message in spirit with us please plan to join us each week of this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love is real but again to find out more about this in our website Love is real not all words there you will find articles and numerous other like yours by Bruce these teachings are in video may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week with the Lord let you know. There is Jesus as you walk with Shalom. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of c. And c. Prototype machines Boulder Colorado. Now this is the testimony of John when the Jews. From Jerusalem to ask him Who are you. And did not then I would confess I am not the Messiah and they asked him what then are you. I am not are you the prophet and he answered No the Gospel of John chapter one verse 19 through 21. As. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the governed this is the American news network. This is the lion cage in sea 1316 am Johnstown Denver. He was in the world in the world was made through him and the world did not know him he came to his own and his own did not receive him but as many as received Him then He gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God The gospel of John chapter one verse 10 through 13. 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