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Welcome to Colorado John sound Denver on stage and see this is our 2nd hour to free America usually hosted by Randy Yarbrough I am James Loy we've been given the 2 hours Randy has graciously allowed us to share the message so large given us. He's been reading our material for a very long time so this is not something that we've just arrived at my 1st writing on the prophetic parallels is now over 20 years ago people are finally figuring out parts of it some people say Well I think you're got this far I don't care what you think I don't get justified by you Jesus said to the fairest see here they would seek to justify yourself before men do you know what that means to me if you try to sell yourself to all the people I'm not trying to do that we're simply trying the best we can to articulate what God has shown us to be the truth and people say why I can't believe that because that runs counter to what I was always taught what you were taught wrong I can't change that and the reality is now wide open now many give you a little bit of a history lesson because most of us don't get history anymore certainly the kids are not getting it in school I guess you can still get history in college but the colleges are all run by communists as anybody in the know is aware of the Frankfurt School and all that history but the reality is that these kinda Mz are all just hailing with world history and I started to tell you at the end of the last hour how we sought the Lord literally for years trying to figure out what happened we weren't sure Obama's going to get a 2nd term and 2012 were thoroughly hoping he would but there was nothing exciting about the opposition candidate at that particular juncture they're all world globalists. So Donald Trump coming into the fray really stirred things up and when he began to be full somewhat visible and he started shooting from the hip so to speak like when he told Hillary you should be in jail we said hey there's a guy who actually is not afraid to stand up and tell the truth there are people who hate the guy but we definitely like the refreshing approach of Trump doesn't mean he's a good guy isn't necessarily a good guess there are no good guys and Jesus is what I call a style me good there's none good but my Father in heaven and we have to step back and view the world in that same venue now in the scriptures we began to recognize Ok something's up with this Donald Trump as the election came up most of you will remember it's recent enough 26 team was horrible all we had was political on outfront everybody was arguing with everybody you couldn't even voice an opinion anywhere and now you can voice an opinion if you like Trump you but you dare not say anything because the mob larch him the communists are trying to take over the country if you haven't figured it out yet and we are in a fight to the finish for America from my political perspective but a far more important fight is the spiritual warfare we wrestle not against flesh and blood now the twin timelines the beauty of it is that we realize these kingdoms these individuals in historical time lines throughout the Scriptures the power that was behind the reading through the flush in the blood and looking at the spirit the power behind the Babylonian Empire the prince of Babylon you are called Daniel that is a Prince of Persia there's a prince a group of course is a prince the Babylon they've mentioned the prince of Rome there and Daniel Chapter 9 What do you think they went to when those kingdoms came down. I'll tell you where they went the prince that was behind the Babylonian Empire moved to Britain but he didn't die there angelic the princes and the prince behind the Persian new the Prince of Persia Good heavens they got a movie by that name the prince the Angelic Presence will say behind the Persian Empire Oh yeah he showed up in St Petersburg at the Bolshevik revolution that's why these things have these prophetic acros why they have these parallels because it's the same spiritual power that so War and the Lord has showed us folly a great deal about their identities and who they are but how things are coming together and their true nature and so when we look for clues in the scriptures as Donald Trump came on the scene and we began to realize wait a minute Hillary looks a lot like you as a bell and see the previous us or of Hillary for AK Obama he looks a lot like John Harms and the previous us or of your Harlem whose name was John you're also found looks a whole lot like George w. Bush and we began to see that wait a minute the whole script is just it's prophetic parallel so we got onto it and we're allies that the guy who's going to destroy defeat devastate this machine the Clinton machine was a guy named Jay who in the original timeline and he's the guy who gets rid of Joseph that he's the guy who gets rid of Joe harm and he's the guy who gets rid of just about and we know that all of those people were deeply engaged in the worship of veil the characteristic of veil worship was the sacrifice of the babies. They taught just the bell taught the people that you could just do whatever you want to need just sacrifice the baby to fail masks of failure like mole lock and various names and so forth and we began to realize wait a minute there's a huge affinity between Hillary Clinton and Joseph Bell and between Donald Trump and j. To j. Who is kind of a coarse military guy he's not a nice man at all. Some people don't even know that Hillary Clinton has had the title champion of the century from Planned Parenthood the number one promoter of abortion infanticide the killing of the babies is Hillary Clinton via the agency of Planned Parenthood the number one proponent of baby sacrifice in all this row was just about and so we began to say oh boy here were Donald Trump is definitely going to win the election for initially we said how I don't understand how he didn't even have the nomination this guy oh no that can't possibly So we began to realize oh my goodness that's what these timelines are that's what the prophetic parallels are and so we're able to make predictions while the script says this is what happens next so we want on record said Ok well of this is true then here's what's going to happen next remember the the story about Hillary how she said to just come to supporters on the bask in a deplorable stall Yeah that's in the scripture. Will be right back on the table. He was in the world in the world was made through him and the world did not know him he came to his own and his own did not receive him but as many as received him to then he gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God. The Gospel of John chapter one verse 10 through 13. The people of the United States in Order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice insure domestic Tranquility provide for the common defense for most the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our prosperity ordain and establish this Constitution. Lighted States of America. Elizabeth like a plan Elizabeth remind our listeners that the drug problem is well documented we know our kids will be approached at early ages we want to applaud the youngsters in our community who have had the strength to say no to drugs they provide examples for their peers and families to be the best they can be as from Elizabeth a locker plant located at 366 grassroot in Elizabeth serving Arias has 943 and specializing in naturalized aged beef and pork and complete custom processing call 3036 a day 2340 that's row 36 a day 2240. So speech or 24 hour Wal-Mart Supercenter in Lafayette reminded no one anywhere is more noble righteous selfishness courageous than our United States armed forces these brave men and women and their families with the bill for our freedom every day of the military care package to take a listen know that they are our and our prayers and our thoughts this message from the sources which are 24 hour Wal-Mart Supercenter on higher charity 7 love you there on the air because they care. And we're back. With James Ward we're talking 20 timelines now as we begin to realize that the character of Jane hoops and we're talking 1st king Chapter 8 well both kings both books of the King James who was a prophetic parallel of Donald Trump we knew Donald Trump would be in the White House this is even before he got the nomination further we began to see the various moves that occurred in the campaign or actually outlined in the Scriptural sequence I have to after a chapter a chapter I wrote I saw the bible study every week through the entire campaign most of the campaign and certainly But from the time Mr Trump received the nomination to the election and we were able to predict the various moves and even the statement that would be met how many of you know that Donald Trump in describing the mess that Barack Obama had made of America described it with the following phrase he said America it is a wound and it is a wound that we need to heal he said this in front of a group of energy executives he said the economy has been wounded by Barack Obama and we must heal this deadly won't. I just fell out of my chair and said You've got to be kidding me and not a single prophecy figure in the Christian world in America picked up on it except for Christian media all wound that we need wait a minute the Bible says the beast Deadly Wound was healed we're the beast here in America and we said oh my goodness Donald Trump Good grief what does that mean is that is he. Could he be the anti-Christ Well no because there is no answer of course but he's certainly pivotal to Bible prophecy and very definitely engaged in healing of the deadly wound so we knew Trump was going to be in the White House now as we pored over the books of kings and the related texts were looked everywhere for many many many months trying to find additional clues as to what was going to happen and I finally got another breakthrough and it's because of the Scriptures not because the clouds part of them the big boys from the Lord that now James tell the people this know there's so many people saw them or told me this phony feet all day long and there's no scripture they don't have any Scripture you've got to have the scripture and we began to realize it finally came to me the dynasties of old Israel after the split between some area in the north and Judah in the south there were 4 dynasties that showed up there and they were associated with as you know full. Facia. Forget the other guy's name and then there were many Omni was the father of a half. Omni was the father of a hat in other words there were 4 dynasties leading up to j. To j. Who is the 5th dynasty of Israel and it jumped off the page I said I can't believe I missed that and there it is number 5 very very important why the 5th day we're looking for what happens after the 4th the 4 kings the White Horse red her spark or horse after the New World Order Bush Senior Bill Clinton 1st junior Firaaq Obama we're looking for the 5th guy what happens after that the 5th Dynasty was the dynasty of Jay who Jane who is the guy who finally takes down Jess of Bell and the echo or the prophetic parallel of Jay who is Donald Trump so we looked at well wait a minute now there's only 4 horsemen and what happens to that and of course it's the 5th seal which is hugely important you all know what the 5th seal is does the martyrs of Jesus but there's a whole lot more so the more we began to look at it we said Ok This led us into. A close look at the rebellions in the scripture after all the trump move is a backlash to the 4 presidents before him. Now in the Old Testament there's an interesting story some of you remember most is says the children of Israel in the wilderness well who were the children of Israel now we are the spiritual Israel lights and we're in the spiritual world Ernest interesting when I think I mentioned it yesterday Moses is leaving the children of Israel through a place called the wilderness of sin no sin around here her and so we are actually recapitulating things from the Old Covenant timeline here in the New Testament era now there was the epic episode where the Israelites got very impatient with Moses and they tried to get rid of him that was their guy named Kora some here member this they mention him in the New Testament as well he's called core there. But he gathers together a whole group of people says Moses he's got us out here in the wilderness and we haven't been to the promised land yet we don't think there is a promised land we don't like your leadership we think we can do better than some of your member of this story is found in the old so I guess if a numbers and so Moses says Ok anybody with car you go stand over there anybody who is still with us come on over here this is where the ground opens up and swallows up all kinds of people and a bunch of people die in the wilderness and now we began to say wait a minute you know this is the rebellion the Bible says rebellion is the sin of as is the sin of witchcraft rebellion is this the sin of words crap or that's got implications to it and so we thought well wait a minute now maybe there's more prophetic parallels perhaps there are past twin timelines we've missed and I just oh happened that I had done a research piece on Anglo's history remember where Star look right. Closely now the Holy Roman Empire Imperial Spain the British crown Yesterday I told you how to lose of both was called the English Deborah and she when she fights the Spanish it's the same thing as Deborah in the book of Judges and so we kept finding historical things in history in English history the British Christians get very impatient now they believed that the pope was the anti-Christ Well obviously they didn't have that right did they and certainly didn't have a 1260 year tribulation right some of you have heard this before through this very this a system called historicism the the tribulation is supposed to be 1260 days so they change it into 12 and 60 years because there are verses but there's a 1000 years that trip with the Lord but they get rid of the pope at least a 100 years before that so in the middle of the 16th century and the story of Torah and Moses and that rebellion was in Numbers Chapter 16 and there's some other links to it they began to say well maybe the Lord isn't coming back because we're not a godly nation we've really messed up some you know it's that period when you have the British Civil War Now most of us don't even know they had a civil war because all that's right we went to the public fool system but there were 4 civil wars among European nations and those 4 just happened to show up in that lie and their love for their foreheads on the leopard and there's a whole prophetic parallel there but in the 16th century they got rid of the British king some of you might remember Charles the 1st they actually executed their king. And there was an uprising Oliver Cromwell was there is a historical figure but there was a whole lot of religion and there was a movement in England called The 5th dynasty the 5th dynasty and it was called The 5th monarchy the 5th monarchy and it was a group of British pastors religious fervor in England and they were convinced that the Lord would come back to England because of Daniel Chapter 2 Fabolous Persia Greece and Rome in the days of these kings they got a family start up a kingdom Well he was long overdue so they figured out that from their perspective that one the Catholic sect in full of England Catholics and the pope was anti christ so while we Jesus couldn't come back because answer Christ was here for 1260 years but that got rid of the pope's with the Protestant Reformation a 100 years before that so then they thought well maybe it's because the way we treated the Jews thing was just you know they kicked the Jews out and 1290 Jews get kicked out every every country in Europe Spain take your pick and so they were all saying well we've done a lot hasn't come back we've got to do something must be something we're doing so they thought well let's have a religious revival we'll take over the throne we'll turn the country back to Jesus . And will become a rightist nation and it was the movement was called The 5th monarchy Predictably most of the guys get killed before it's over some of the pastors behind the 5th monarchy were then drawn and quartered they cut their heads off and put them on spikes in front of their church it was a big thing I never heard of it till a few years ago and so when I began to hear about the 5th dynasty of James who I am eternally thought wait a minute the monarchy and here's the 5th but once again the 5th after lie in Leopard divers 4th beast the 5th one or after Babylon Persia Greece wrong is actually the 7th which I told you last hour because you've got to factor in the 2 empires which preceded them Egypt into Syria Babylon Persia Greece rom in the days of those last 4 kingdoms the God of heaven sets of this kingdom so the British called it the 5th monarchy because it was the 5th kingdom in Daniel Chapter 2 and then I began to realize wait a minute Donald Trump has a fetish parallel of the 5th monarchy what are we doing oh he's going to get rid of abortion which would sure be good want to get rid of that he's going to get the church back on track he's going to get away from this whole downward cycle that America's been into we're in the gutter folks and so what we're seeing right now with Donald Trump is a temporal recapitulation of the 5th monarchy but it's actually Kingdom number 7 because we have not factored in the 2 that preceded it now. Suddenly the 5th dynasty of the 5th monarchy the 5th this the 5th that starts to come into the picture and I jumped out of my chair once again because I realized we all know that something supernatural is going on with the rise of Trump compass got to get rid of just yvel Hillary and this ultra left they're all traitors folks they've actually sold the country out the Democrats are absolutely hideous and most of them should be hanging at the end of a rope because they are traitors we now know that Brack Obama broke the law multiple felonies by using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on the Trump campaign that's what that memo is about all this week and if all of these guys actually were brought to justice we would have multiple trials for treason here in America so it is a politically volatile period but I want to remind the listener the monarchy has a very bad in Now earlier I told you how all kinds of prophecy people said man there's something going on with this Donald Trump God has raised him up most of the Christian leaders who anticipated Donald Trump are pretty much mainstream. But all over the place people thought this guy commented man there's something going 'd on here and so as Trump comes in to be the 5th president after the New World Order here to this again is the 5th one of the key prophecy figures has a book out there called the Trump prophecy and while there's a dozen books on Trump right now on Bible prophecy Trump pocalypse the Trump prophecy God and Trump take your pick all kinds of people are talking about but one of the prophets on the subject is a guy named Mark Taylor Taylor predicted dollar Trump was going to be president way back when and he's got a book called The Trump prophecy hand unfortunately he's a rapture cultist so his circle of influence this isn't even remotely interested in what Christian media are 20 timeline to say because we're hurting those guys. But he had to work towards about Donald Trump and the best fodder. After the war for the face of. The. Latest. Wow. Wow. That hour that yes. That that. That that. That. There that. That. That. That. That. That. Was a out. You're listening to the line. In the street 1368. Beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that you sure Jesus has come in the flash is of God and every spirit that does not confess that you should Jesus has come in a flash is not God and this is the spirit of anti-Christ which you have already heard was coming and is now already in the world 1st John for one. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed this is the American news network. If the task be struck with your family be prepared are you confident you wouldn't react in a panic is there one place to get all of your emergency supplies very survival encourages you to have confidence through preparation not panic through crisis or survival located at 3366 South Broadway is a professional reputable full service business providing quality realistic preparedness supplies at an affordable price go on line stop by or call 303-781-0343 extension 48 survival. Restaurant different mindsets that over 750000 children were reported missing last year over 58000 of these were abducted by non-family members keep an eye out for youngsters at play and if you see anything suspicious contact the authorities immediately this message from Piccolo's restaurant in Denver is not only the best in town and a Mexican cuisine it's the people who care give them a call at 30375751663037575166 Take a look. Santorum back but. Now at the price I was telling you about this. Trailer we don't usually give much credence to mainstream Christian prophecy because they're almost always wrong but there are a few people the large has spoken to it doesn't mean be the guy you know what they're talking about. As I mentioned earlier Mark Taylor is there rapture cultist we already know the doctrine of the rapture is a fraud that is a word from the Lord and on the last day everybody is going to know it so the Lord doesn't necessarily give awards to someone who is right on the money theologically Good heavens they gave a major prophetic dream to never kid knows or that lie in the head of gold arms of self that's never good nosers dream and his that's not exactly the prophet of the Lord so God can speak to anybody he chooses not to Taylor recount this is the guy you may be seen him on television they call him the fireman because he's a retired firefighter. And he was watching a movie he recounts in his book how he was watching the movie on the famous racehorse Secretariat some of you may have seen the film those the movie made about are the folk about it and then not just a phenomenal racehorse who won the Triple Crown and he broke every record there there ever was and he's watching the movie on Secretary of there was something very supernatural about this horse kind of a mystical thing and during the watching of the movie The Lord says loud and clear to him there's another horse coming I have his exact quote As a matter of fact he said there's another force coming that's right it's off ours. That's right horse and so Taylor. Doesn't know anything about Christian media and what we've been saying for 25 years to feed does he really. The Christian Church an apology because we've been talking about the horse the 4 horsemen as the last 4 presidents for over well a decade I I was on to all of the horsemen even before Barack Obama and earlier I just told you the white horse was George Bush Sr the red horse was Bill Clinton the black horse with George Bush Jr and the pale horse is Barac Obama and that is tied of course to the lion fair leopard I'm diverse for 3 so the horseman prophecy if you will he says there's another horse coming and of course it's a prophecy of a 5th horseman Donald Trump has already told him Donald Trump is going to be the next president anything on this back in 2011 still Obama didn't even have a 2nd term yet well that's about the time that we were seeking the Lord are we stuck with Obama are you going to make a move here Lord what's going to happen next. So he did not get in touch with us because his whole world is all built around the Rapture call an appeal a lot of red faces on the last day you know currency and says If you build on your house with players double the foundation of because the foundation of Christ is still saved but everything else is burned because you've got false doctrine everywhere so the Lord told him though there's another horse coming and I had to wait until Dahl Trump was elected and Mark Taylor put that in a book before we finally found it and realized oh my goodness this is a prophecy for us too bad the Christians don't actually notice somebody who does make doing work in the prophetic if it doesn't agree with their version of things and so we realized Ok So Trump is the 5th horseman from there we're going back to the 5th dynasty the 5th the monarchy the the 5th c.e.o. Of Revelation but all of these people do not realize that it's not really the 5th it's the 7th Now this begs the question What is the prophetic parallel of the 678 cycle of those have you been listening to the entire program and we've covered it yesterday are already aware the 678 cycle was to turn around 6 kingdoms the 7th is the kingdom of God Now in the parallel account if you go to America in the position of the Roman Empire that puts Donald Trump somewhere in the role of the 7th Now if you remember your prophesy. In Daniel chapter 2 the last 4 kingdoms kingdoms 345 and 6 are Babylon Persia Greece wrong from collides with Jesus Christ and the synthesis is the date the turn around the 1st set the 1st came of a new set the Holy Roman but in Daniel Chapter 7 is not Christian the next position there is those kingdoms again Kingdom 3456 lion fare blubbered diverse 4th beast so America is in the 6th position but you have to have some sort of an echo of the pre-Christian Raul colliding with Christ and then the synthesis of the 2 with the Holy Roman Empire in the position where Jesus is the 7th in Daniel Chapter 2 ingenuous Chapter 7 is the Little Horn Well wait a minute now. So what we have is the exact opposite and this is another thing that we have observed over the years every now and then there is what is usually called a role reversal instead of what you would expect it's the exact opposite so the 678 cycle moves America from our historic background fear remember early America was a lot of Christian influence you know the the pilgrims come over here the the early Christian. Visitors to the new world trying to get away from the craziness in Europe and kings to toe and pull so forth there's a huge Christian element in America in the earliest stages now we've call so pen pointed certain timelines that are very very important so obviously suddenly Israel enters into the picture and we are in to mull to a times but in Daniel Chapter 7 it's kingdoms one through 6 and then in the 7th position for we would find Christ in the opposite side we find the little horn now the bible has some rather vivid imagery of the low on it causes the stars to fall to the ground if you think that's going to happen literally I mean what are you thinking the stars are not going to fall on to the earth so what we see his a scriptural sequence that points towards America moving towards anti-Christ this is a little scary now and everybody says well I'm not going to follow the enterprise I won't be here I'll never see him because that guy can't be answered Grace because I have been raptured your hand Ok so you just believe what you want to believe but I want to tell you the Lord has shown us what is occurring we're not telling you Donald Trump is the anti-Christ there is no and to Christ. But we are in this state that we have been Reichl where well that there are running out of the through our. Heads and I cried. It was that we take another break. Be right back. How did your local Du Pont pioneer team doesn't take with you from the word go lightly especially when it comes to forge just ask your fellow producers folks like investment we have a. Support Team from primary I think that they're probably one of the reasons why we are successful and Bruce column will come out anytime you want to call him and help us if you don't get that from all your other seed dealers but these guys are here all season long as well as Ken Saltz just know that all the research miners done it really shows 6 hours really well what's it for you to use for Billy Rucker All in all you know seem like tinier is always in the top I believe in I believe for any one of seamless with you from the word go that's Japan pioneer asked them about leveraging the silence on resource to produce the highest quality forges for your operation Pioneer which you from the word go. The Lord brings the Council of the nations to nothing he makes the plans of the peoples of No in fact the Council of the Lord stands for after the plans of his heart to all generations bless it is the nations whose God It is the Lord the people he has chosen as his own inheritance some 33 verses 10 through each while. We the People of the United States in Order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice. Insure domestic tranquility. Provide for the common defense. Promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this Constitution chaplain call until Christmas our emergency person sponsors for their professionalism commitment bravery they're willing to put their lives on the line for us with a little thanks so let's all take the time to thank our 1st responders for all them do force us and thanking our veterans for the sacrifices made for our freedom this message from chaplain call l.l.c. Which I'm Ok she did that and Fort Collins serving the community for 30 years this is my mom line a chapel calling us com. And we're back. Now I want to. Step back a couple of steps and reiterate what I told you about the Taylor prophecy or 'd the 5th horseman prophecy. And the reality is Mark Taylor was given this prophecy before the 2nd term of for Iraq Obama and n.d. Original prophecy which he was given he said a lot of words from the Lord the folk that he wrote says that he went to all the prophecy experts to ask for interpretations of the words that the Lord told him well that's your 1st mistake because the so-called prophecy that surround the guy for are false prophets you cannot build on the foundation of Jesus Christ with would a stumble 'd and that's what the Rapture cult is so all these guys have their prophetic perspective colored skewed by faulty theology. So we're interested in the raw prophecy What does the Lord actually say and I have quotes to that effect so when Barack Obama was reelected Mark Taylor concludes and he wrote about this he said well I guess I just misheard the Lord I I don't understand what happened we thought there was going to be a change they thought he thought that Donald Trump was going to be elected president in 2012 the Trump wasn't even running so the prophecy he had had before that that Donald Trump was going to be the president he said well I guess I just got that one wrong well we're not going to throw stones at him because that's just another fraud that the idea of the 100 percent accuracy of the prophet of the Lord that prophecy in Deuteronomy actually applies to Christ not individual prophets but our whole church doctrine is so skewed and so messed up that you can't even see all you can do is go directly to the people shout it from the housetops the best you can and the world reveals that if somebody hears the Lord's voice great that somebody doesn't it is not me you're going to answer to but Taylor thought well I guess I misheard this but the spirit of the Lord the prophecy said there's another one coming now it seems the secretary of the by the way a phenomenal film and cut eerie there's something very very inspiring going on in that film he finally gets another prophecy from the Lord and the Lord tells him and here's here's the word he got from the Lord all of this was supposed to happen and 2012 of my people were not ready. So we were scheduled to get rid of Brack Obama in 2012 and have another leader could have been term could have been anybody we don't know but the people were not ready now because Mark Taylor was not reading the material that we are putting out and have been putting out he was not aware of the twin timelines and in the sequence of events about Jay who enjoys the bell There's a verse about John Harshman fat and it's a pall read it to you how be it the high places were not taken away for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts on to the God of their fathers close quote as 2nd Chronicles 2033 so there's an actual scripture that says this was supposed to happen then but the people had not prepared their hearts and the prophecy the Lord gave this guy said Well it was supposed to happen but we were not ready he doesn't even know about that scripture maybe does now perhaps somebody in touch with him and actually saying you know there's a guy who not understand your prophecy and that's what we've been through you can't reach these people you can't send him an email you can't send him a letter Nobody listens they're not interested we've shown documents I've got a book called occulting of Christianity which is the smoking gun about the Rapture doctrine you've heard me speak about it on this very program we have originally documents from the Old Testament era were Egypt Jordan and Egypt told this promoting the preacher be a leash and rapture. The further there's even the Christian era and nobody's interested the scholars are not interested well we can't do that because the mess up our whole program I'm telling you the cult thing of Christianity we know a lot about it from the his troops study a lot of history anyway there's another horse coming both the prophecy guy well nobody ever thought anybody was going to break Secretariat's record but another horse came along and just barely broke his key record won the Triple Crown and it happened at the time that Donald Trump threw his hat in the ring to be president and the name of the horse was American Pharaoh very interesting very interesting name now the horse was wearing number 5 as he ran around the track and so we began to realize wait a minute it's another sign we got another chance we could have had it when Secretary it was given as a sign but the church was not ready to throw off the New World Order of Bush Clinton Bush Obama so another horse came along miraculous winner of the Triple Crown his name was American for all he's worrying number 5 he symbolized the 5th horseman of the Apocalypse the 5th the monarchy the 5th dynasty of j. Who who Donald Trump is recapitulating and all kinds of signs have connected Donald Trump to Bible prophecy now the sequence of events tells us that Jay who completely destroys not only Joseph that not only Johor Um but jazz of Bell. And he then goes and of course it's all Testament but he calls up the 70 son they had to get him out here on our back bring your best you got bring all the troops because we're going to kill them and the prophecy that raised up today who was issued by Elijah Now a lot of people know wait a minute I like that real important there was the Lord telling Elijah to confront Jay who I am going to break everything you've done your posterity your doctrine your would see why it's all going to be brought to a complete and and it is be a lie to prophecy from King that is fulfilled by c.s. Who is. The son. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begun the Father full of grace and truth. Or witness of him and cried out saying this was. He who comes after me is preferred before me for he was before me the gospel of John chapter one verse 14 and 15. No state shall enter into any treaty alliance or Confederation grant letters of marque or reprisal coin money emit bills of credit makes anything but gold and silver coins a tender entertainment of debts past any bill of attainder ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contract or grant any title of nobility Article one Section 10. Elizabeth locker plan Elizabeth remind our listeners that the drug problem is well documented we know our kids will be approached at early ages we want to applaud the youngsters in our community who have had the strength to say no to drugs they provide examples for their peers and families to be the best they can be as from Elizabeth a locker plant located at 366 grass regionalism the serving areas was 943 and specializing in naturalized aged beef and pork and complete custom processing call 3036 a day 2340 this row 36 a day 2240 he associates at your 24 hour Wal-Mart Supercenter and Lafayette remind us no one anywhere is more noble righteous selfless or courageous than our United States armed forces these brave men and women and their families put the bill for our freedom every day so that the military care packages to take to let them know that they are in our hearts and our prayers and our thoughts this Mrs from the associate at your 24 hour Wal-Mart Supercenter. In Lafayette are on the air because they care. As. My contact. Every month we would like to send to you there is no charge for any of the. 2 hours held every week on the Internet. And I would like to send you the information about how to tune it in we have 247 radio streaming we have what is called a phone bridge for you can call on the telephone and listen to the radio over the phone and hear more of the kind of prophecy you've just heard here as agency we send 2 hours excuse me a written prophecy information they written prophecy essay over the Internet every single week we produce a news synopsis every single week of all of the events around the world that are prophetically significant and we give all of that stuff away eventually we hope people will join us if they don't we air race your name in the computer and move on to the next one I've been doing this for 25 years I have people in every state I have people in almost every country we are already known around the world as Christian media and the Bible Prophecy that the Lord has given us and all I can do is shout it from the housetops My attitude is terrible because I've been brow beaten by everybody and I don't play well with others but if you want to hear another version of Bible prophecy and seek the Lord on the subject call us at 541-899-8888 there's simply a voice machine says Leave a message be don't leave your phone number I'm not going to call you I need your postal mailing address I need your name I can't mail it to occupant. Leave me your name and your postal mailing address please tell anything that sounds difficult 541-899-8888 area code 541-899-8888 the phone machine is 247 I don't need a sermon. Every now and then August somebody will call you know 5 times in a rut only record for a minute or 2 and they'll give me 5 calls in a row with a a sermon I don't need your sermon we want to send you information if you want to call us 541-899-8888 Leave your name and your postal mailing address happy to have your e-mail if you have e-mail as well I want to thank you for listening there is a whole lot more the grid material on twin timelines will eventually be in a book form 'd as I mentioned yesterday our pattern is to write the prophecy essay every week that becomes a chapter of the next book I've now written maybe a 100 books I've lost track and doing this a very long time many of them are small quick short many of them are long but we write the material out the prophetic material the Lord gives us and we give it away . Then if somebody wants to come back and look at it again and study it in depth there is usually a book following the poorly the email most boat goes out over the Internet so we do everything backwards we give the books away 1st. And then they're in the catalog for one. Thank you. And I hope. You all take to heart 1st. Thank. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of. Machines Boulder Colorado. Now this is the testimony of John when the Jews. From Jerusalem. Who are you he confessed and did not deny but I am not the Messiah and they. Are you alive. Not are you the prophet and he answered No. John chapter one verse 19 through 21. Article for the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no Warrants shall be issued but upon probable cause supported by Oath or affirmation and particularly describing the places to be searched and the persons or things to be seen. This is the lion king agency 1360 am Johnstown Denver.

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