We know our government is out of control it's no longer our sort of it's become our master listen to me liberty forum with a freedom rider will answer the question what can we do our freedom and liberty as a state it's time to act those who have given everything for this country would expect no less to let into the new Liberty form radio show Friday at 9 am why it. Try property management reminds was there support your community by freaking your locally owned businesses small businesses employs over half the workforce remember your local merchants for shopping online or out of town and help boost the economy business by business since reminders from Tribe property management in Greeley or a full range of homes or apartments for rent call 970-352-1025 visit try Places to Live dot com. Oh are. You listening to the line 10001 inch inseam 1368 Johnstown. The and. Good afternoon and welcome to the golden revelation show this is Danny golden Today is January 12th and golden revelation is broadcasting live on k h n C's 1360 am the lion out of Johnstown Colorado did you know we need to learn to discern and today will be a day you can increase your discernment and be willing to let the Holy Spirit the rock awkward that it should be always God help you understand how to discern our modern times I want you to stay tuned and we're going to look deeper into today's issues how we can look and help what is going on in our world today if this program has blessed you and has helped you in some way please consider a donation you can send a check to the Goldens at p.o. Box 6 to 6 Johnstown Colorado 8 o 534 that's payable to the Goldens at p. O. Box 6 to 6 Johnstown Colorado 80534 You can also call us at 303-257-7576 also if you would like to have a specific question answered about something discussed on this show you can email me at k h m c radio at Outlook dot com That's the cage and the radio at Outlook dot com all inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. Well I have one direction that I felt I was supposed to be going. But you know sometimes the Lord intervened. Yes I think it's important for us to continue to look at the foundation of learning to discern and discerning all things and every one that's important and we're going to get into those details and I hope next week is the week but I feel that because there are such pending serious tangible and spiritual issues that are confronting everyone today that I would really like to look at what is going on in the world today and how can we respond Well of course the response is prayer fasting to intercede and to do what our heavenly Father has asked us to do I believe there are definite occurrences incidences and plans that are occurring this week and into next week that will impact on a greater spiritual issue and then it's going to also be reflected in our tangible everyday life as I was reading. At the top of the hour new talking about how Christian clergy is welcoming is long into the church well I'm sure some of you have heard of Chris law and that is that melding of the holy and the profane and how many churches in the u.s. And how it's being promoted. By many many top floor g. In the us and. Unfortunately Rick Warren who has been called America's pastor or the president's pastor. Unfortunately is someone who has been seeking an unforced thing that merging that unholy alliance. Between Christianity biblical thought and Islamic and the Koran the thought of the Koran so it's not only happening as I was sharing on the news in Italy and other places but let's look at what's going on. In those places where there's actually Catholic churches who are compromising in bringing about those things and it's just something that we need to be aware of and something we need to pray about we would hope that those individuals who call themselves leaders pastors Shepherd priests. That they would be bringing about the film and and the teaching accurately of scripture and that's what I try to encourage on this show that we have to have the knowledge of the Word of God We need the Holy Spirit and we need to be living righteously and we need to be hearing from that Holy Spirit in order to have direction in these very very interesting day as we look at where priests and pastors can be bringing this in changing even the some of the foundational elements that they use and Catholicism. We need to consider that there are initiatives based on a gradual elimination of West Western Judeo Christiana t. In favor of Islam now I would have to say there can really only be one reason why people are doing this and I believe. It's the demonic inspiration from Haase the time to accept error false good and lie about how we are to live our everyday lives another priest in Italy this article has to have also eliminated the nativities thing because it offended Muslims and a small corner of the cemetery is raised grave and father's sometimes Brocky. Said there would be no crib in the cemetery in the northern city of Cremona because they have many anger people of other faiths or people whose relatives are not buried there so they took a small corner of the cemetery reserved for Muslims and a crib positioned within sight of them could be seen as a lack of respect for followers of their faith or other faith and hurt the sensibilities of Muslims as well as Andean and atheist Well what does this bring to mind we have to stop it we have to wonder why everyone is being encouraged intimidated and even forced to not only accommodate or to consider but to call or write these spirit these evil demonic line where it. The Catholic clergy is probably does Dorie and by Pope Francis himself those the article who was the 1st to allow the reading of Islamic prayer and Qur'an reading from the world's most important Catholic facility while Rome. When we look at this the story talked about in red the old the Italian parish church of St Martin was preparing the end of their mass then suddenly a veiled woman nor Fayyad took the floor and read the verses of the Koran which announced the birth of crack to the initiative was intended by the priest done deals go Delaval a as a gesture of dialogue and Rosana on their Milan Italy headmaster Marco Parma Vin grabbed his school's Christmas carol concert he decided to ban traditional festivities and Carol funny school to cause no ofan in July for the 1st time I'm asked in Italy a verse of the Koran was refight it from the altar that happened in a church in Santa Maria and trust a very in Rome during a ceremony in memory of Father John how Mel excuse me if I'm plotting these people's names who was flattered by ISIS terrorists in France so there reciting the Koran from the altar. And a ceremony in memory of Father Hamill who was slaughtered by eyes this terror while Catholics recited the creed a delegate of the mosque of hall of our mosque in Cairo softly repeated an Islamic prayer for peace. Well folks. What we are seeing is not just the mixing of the Holy of the profane not only the lack of discernment between right and wrong between right to nest and righteousness but what we're seeing is the fear of man and being it that imposition. Of being forced to call or write right tall or right. Like spirit. And it's done fortunate. It's very unfortunate that there's this showing up in many churches we cannot tolerate what is really a spirit of jazz a bell. Because what we're doing is we're allowing on holy and on right church teaching. To come into our communities to come into our churches to come into our lives and we are being told. To accept it or sometimes we are being forced to accept it and I can promise you those days are coming when we are going to be forced and this isn't intended to be a time to come to teach on just the bell it's just the time to recognise that this is a gentle Bill Spirit just as in Revelation to 20. That even the church the churches 5 Tyra. What they're being addressed as leaders of the church some translations call it an angel to the angel of the Church of died Tyra but when you translated that actually to the leaders those that are leading other people that I know your deeds we could say the Catholic Church is your love your faith your service your perseverance and your latter deeds are greater than your 1st we can say that about many of the churches that we maybe attend. But the spirit of the Lord says I have this against you that's when our ears should perk up yes that's great because as you lay ssion in the confirmation that we're doing good things. But if you tolerates that woman judge the bell we could say you tolerates the teaching of health. Because who also sell for profit to buy her teaching. By her teaching she mistily my servant to be in this particular issue of sexually immoral and to eat food that are sacrificed to idols and even though she's been given a time to repent of that immorality she is unwilling that also includes. If you've heard any of the teaching from from me on the just Bill spirit for a job as a bell spirit they are political issues that promote homosexuality and abortion that is a jazz a bell farit teaching individuals to do things that are misleading and immoral before the eyes of God They have to teach a false doctrine encouraging God people to be misled or led away from true teaching they have to be involved in some level of the whole activity. And there's a few more requirements for that but we're just looking at this one so who tolerates we have to look at that. And other words it means that we're allowing it we're permit ing it we're releasing it into the lives of individuals that be it being missed time and what we should be doing and stead of allowing it and for giving it necessarily in that sense or to the goal act caring about doing the right thing permitting it tolerates it giving it per mission what we need to be doing is recognizing just Cern ing and doing the right thing it's a very difficult it can be very difficult to understand and that is what I feel that my heart is to help individual especially people that are caught up into. Churches and congregations and groups that are being misled my heart is for those innocent people who have at some point. Not realize what a responsibility they have and how they have been commanded to discern all people and all things. We've got. So much going on in our world around us that we cannot sit down and too much comfort like I said I woke up several weeks ago it's probably close to a month now where I heard of 1st the felonious peace and safety peace and safety in other words we cannot get too comfortable where we are even though it is wonderful it is exciting and it is hopeful that we have a president who is pro Israel who is pro-life who says he is pro Judeo Christian and VIP and pro the Bible. And I don't know if I think it remains to be seen what he does but the homosexual issues are what we've got to be careful is if you're a Catholic are these things being forced upon you and do you have to do more than just pray. What about as we look at other issues about what is coming up. And what has happened that is going to bring about potential cataclysmic spiritual event. Well. An update by Oren Lieberman from c.n.n. This is c.n.n. We're talking kind of liberal perspective what to talk about what the you and asked the resolution means for the u.s. And Israel this is the decision where the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution condemning Israel's settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and you might think that your children might think good if if you come out of a mainstream teaching environment as our public school you have been lied to and missed time that this land belongs to the Palestinian those people of Palestine neither the Palestinians do exist but the state or country of Palestine is. Really just pulling something out of the air and creating it if you're the least bit Biblical if you're a Judeo Christian believer at all you must know and understand this politically that land has belonged to. Israel that Israel is belong to the Jews for a 1000 year. And then 946 it has been legally given to them not to be separated not to be divided not to be restrained just as if somebody told you your home on a plot of land and then came in and said we're going to cut it down the middle we're going to allow things that are diabolical diabolically and diametrically opposed to everything that you live for and everything you believe not to mention they would like to see your total annihilation and you're going to have to split your little quarter of an acre if you live on them even that large and you're going to have to take it and it should do you decide to do anything on your property we get to decide whether it's right or wrong we get to decide whether we are going to arrest you for that so you have to try to look at it in a very real and practical sense get rid of and clear your mind of all of the lies and the heretical teachings of the enemy that Israel or Jerusalem born to anybody but the Jews. The United States that abstained on the resolution allowing it to passed in other words if I'm understanding these things correctly the United States abstention from whether the resolution was passed or vetoed relied upon the United States it usually does with most resolution. Because of the critical. View of Israel Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned the u.s. Ambassador and launched a scathing attack Sunday on the Obama administration may have peace though so what are the immediate effects of the United States Security Council resolution it may have no immediate or practical effect on Israel I disagree again we're looking at a c.n.n. Political perspective I believe when those things are done things do shift in the spirit realm. It says the resolution that may have no immediate practical effects on Israel the Israeli leave Palestinian conflict or the peace process I disagree that has set a precedent and changed some environment that's because the resolution is non binding affectively creating guidelines and recommendations I don't know that that's accurate or true either the resolution would require follow up action at the United Nations for it to have an immediate effect well what's coming up. What's coming up in January here in just a few days follow up action from the United Nations and other nations in order for this most recent resolution that has passed. Regarding final moment and they're not settlements this is just countries building and growing like we do every day settlements is also used in a pejorative and derogatory manner in which to make it sound like they're doing something they're not supposed to be for the Israel is concerned about exactly that type of action specifically Israel's worried about a resolution that would set conditions for negotiation such a resolution would issue parameters for some of the most sensitive issues in the Israeli Palestine conflict including borders the status of Jerusalem as a contested capital and Palestinian refugees and a time limit for negotiation and international peace conference in Paris scheduled for January 15th folks today is the 12th Today is January 12th this is coming up in 3 days on Sunday. In Paris that would give the international community time to introduce the resolution at the United Nations Security Council before the and president for Iraq Obama's time in office Israel has vowed not to attend the conference although I've also heard they were invited the Palestinians say they will attend So if you get a feel for what is going on for the momentum of this demonic evil virtual aspect of things going on in our lives we need to understand that we need to ground and to know what are we supposed to do how are we supposed to respond. I think it's incredibly sad what are the long term effects according to. This probably some of the liberal or and Lieberman of c.n.n. You know he's still presenting I think that these 10. Story What are the long term effects as the biggest blow to Israel's settlement enterprise in the West Bank while settlement enterprise again this is a people who have been legally given the right and biblically by your way God our Creator the rights of this land. But the resolution itself has left little room for negotiation about the legality of the settlements stating that Israel's that women have no legal the liberty and constitutes a lay Grint violation under inter national law do you understand there's the difference of that international law that the United Nations can decide to take action on and just local law so when it comes to Borders the resolution does leave an opening for negotiation saying there will be no changes to the June 4th one team thinks these 7 other than those agreed by the parties through negotiation The resolution also calls on countries to recognize a difference between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory when dealing with Israel that could lead to things and again products from Israel settlement in the West Bank now you do understand. That. There's been and. A lot of activity again from Christian churches. About not buying Israeli. Products and trying to harm Israel by boycotting. That a lot of churches a lot of actually religious groups have chosen to boycott our products from Israel whether it's food or whatever it is so it's called the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement supporting an end to Israel's illegal on Cupid to occupation of Palestine and I can promise you folks this could be being supported by your church believe it or not if they have mentioned it if they have breathed it then you need to be careful. And people are buying into it because they have been told a lie. These are morally and spiritually and religiously deprived individuals who want to support is the law and destroy Israel and again just another part of criticism coming apart so I would encourage you let's to do the opposite let's buy as much Israeli product as possible go to the store and if you can find the even Springs bottled water by the even Springs bottled water if you can find Israeli dates buy those dates go into the stores and ask ask the produce managers do you have Israeli date I want only Israeli date what about wine let's go in and I'm not even going drinker but let's go in and list buy a lot of the Israeli wine. What about pastures of Eden fetta Let's go in and live by those things you can go to traders Trader Joe's say and if they've removed for some reason their past years of eating Sarah tell them I want only pastures of the eaten better I appreciate that you and I buy from Israel what about the fabric hummus some of the best Thomas on the planet led by Sabra Hama if you belong to a Cosco encourage every individual who belongs to a Cosco going on and if they don't have sovereign as a matter of fact I unseen Fabr on their cap of their shelves for quite a while let's go and ride on cars go all of these things we want even spring bottled water we want is really dates and if hundreds of us do that across the United States maybe we can help support Israel which is what we're supposed to do and there's also cross. Be easy on this that we should be asking for in our stores we know God's word is going to accomplish what it will and it says those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed so as we look at what's going on when we see as these 17 nations come to perish in the desire to come against Israel and to can damn Israel it is a prophetic fulfillment let's look at an article by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz on January 5th just about 8 days ago. 7 days ago. He looks at Salma $8035.00 through 6 is that they have that come and let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance for they have consulted together with one can then against the do they make a covenant Well bless your heart out of Berkowitz high ranking official from 70 nations of the world will gather in Paris Paris the you know I'm of French descent hard to talk negatively about. About the French but there's some issues there and even though they just had an attack what a year ago year and a half ago I can tell you they probably have been blinded by the demonic lie so on January 15th in an attempt to force force Israel to accept a 2 state solution with Palestinian Authority and by doing so they will be fulfilling a moment that has the foretold thousands of years ago when Israeli statement statesman Shimon Peres passed away in September leaders and dignitaries from 70 nations gathered in Jerusalem to pay their last respects the families them is no mere coincidence says out of the very same number of representatives will gather in Paris but this time to deny the Jewish connection to the land of Israel Rabbi truckman says everyone knows already what the purpose of the conference is now remember they just passed. All of these laws all of the perspective of these are illegal. Right just everything that I just talked about that we that we just heard about the United Nations Security Council passing. Them Israel settlements nothing that's just another step. So this conference is a next step is a huge step because no one in the history of accepting and being a lame duck president at the end of. Their presidency has been able to go in and vote 1st a crucial act and there's no mistake that it's taking place just 5 days before the you know. Israel our President Trump the rabbi truckman says everybody knows already with the purpose of this conference that it will be used as another opportunity to try to impose a settlement on Israel and avoid to in Israel and of the neighbors director of the or has asked for Institute Rabbi truckman. Told the breaking Israel news what's interesting is that it isn't just one or 2 enemies with a specific grudge like the Arab or the not that it is 70 nation which in Torah terms mean the all nations Well hopefully you know enough about your scripture or talked about on all nations will come against her rabbi. Shimon apis Dorf a prominent Jewish educator and bestselling author told breaking Israel news that things 17 nations written in the headlines caught his attention. He says there is no question that the app of specifically 70 nations gathering is significant the point being Israel is not one of them. In numbers that says low it is a people that shall dwell on loan and shall not be reckoned among the nation numbers 239 we are fundamentally different stated Rabbi apathy Dorf. He says and as a light unto the nation we are supposed to be separate and different rabbi tribesmen understood a different message in the gathering of the 70 countries he says there is no doubt this is a fulfillment of the prophecies that in the end they the our country how you mean all the nations will come against Israel he quoted the commentary of Rabbi Shlomo you thought to be an 11th century French commentator known by the acronym Rashi some of these might be for the extra biblical. Judaism on the 1st verse of the Book of Genesis a 1000 years ago Rashi said that in the future the nations of the world will come and say we stole the land of Israel this is precisely what we are seeing now said Rabbi truckman the majority of the nations say we have no claim to Israel and the rest say we only have a claim to a small section of Israel the concept of 70 nations has its stores in the 70 grandson of no are as listed in the Bible I love those rabbis. In Genesis 19 of those These 3 were the sons of no ark and of these books the whole earth overspread of courting to bear issued robot a collection of home a little teachings compiled around 400 feet each nation is appointed an angel except for Israel which is protected by the old Hey Bob pay him well according to midrash time Cooma home a little tea thing the leave to have been compiled around $500.00 c.e. Jacob the vision was of these and national and jewels ascending and descending into latter determining the of their nation and again this is from an article written by . A gentleman by the name of Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz who's the featured writer for breaking Israel news he made only art Israel in $91.00 he served in the i.d.f. As a combat medic combat medic and he's also studied Jewish law in receive his rabbinical ordination and or Israel the guys writing this has been funny the lot and it comes from my guest from America did say exactly my guest of power trip according to the Bears you are about a collection of home a little teaching than 400 c.e. Appointed angel that says in Genesis 2812 and he dreamed and behold the ladder set up on Earth and the top of it reach to the heaven to be all the angels of God ascending and descending Jacob's vision is interpreted by many Rabbis as the message that the nation of Israel was no longer a part of the natural process so other nations will rise and fall eventually disappearing into the sands of time Israel will never disappear Well we do know scripture talks about the. As we talk about the concept of 70 nations and relating in to know as the sun nations also occur in reference to the 7 the arc that offered in the temple throughout who codes the tabernacle which the Talmud in fuko 55 The teachers are for the merit of the 17 nations so we're looking at some current individuals and also a perspective from the sages such as Rashid they talked about and what this number 70 means the norm being careful not to get into good motto for you but to understand historical perspective of how these numbers can be an inclination to what's going on in the wake of the recent United Nations Security Council resolution Resolution 2334 clearing Jewish housing in Judeo the Marea and East Jerusalem to be illegal the outcome of the Paris conference seemed certain a 2 state solution would call for Israel to relinquish territories conquered in the 19th thinks these 7 think they war Moshe Diane and subsequent really create a Palestinian state. God is not a god of compromise and this is a very interesting place that we fit in right now people think about the impact of what this might mean because all of the nations especially those that come against Israel just as the United States did. Will pay a price. God does not fall back on his judgment. We want to believe that God is this nice kind of fuzzy warm white bearded build them violent father is he loving He's very loving if he's been there and went yeah it's the kind yes but he's also just he also brings about right to it and his purpose and we must not sit back on our laurels or be so relaxed that we think nothing is going to harm if we live in the United States that got a great president businesses are going to be proliferating everywhere our bank accounts are going to increase. We must not be ignorant of the devices that they capture stuff and we cannot be ignorant or to lack of sleep drunk to recognize what could be happening in our world here if the rabbis believe or in the end of day. Should not we all still understand the signs of the times. And to understand what is going on around us this is a very big people this is a big I'm trying to encourage you use your dues term and to understand the scale of importance of what is going on when all of the nation are coming against Israel. And they're looking at today of some area and east Jerusalem where anything that they do any housing in there and other words you've got your little plot of land that you decide you want to build a garage on that you cannot because now is the only goal because other people have decided that the land that you were sold then that you have the title to is now theirs and they can do with it whatever they want and they can say whatever you do is illegal a 2 state solution would call for Israel to relinquish territories conquered in the 19th $6071.00 a a amazing more if ever study were mostly done and lead people into the fix the 76 Day War I heard you to read it because the angelic forces were present in the fix that and that this would include a stablish in a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem thereby removing the Kotel the Western Wall. And the temple mount from Jewish control can you imagine the Jews not having their western wall I mean that is an unfathomable that is unconscionable and that is what they are proposing is unclear whether the 800000 Jews living over the $949.00 Armistice lines comprising approximately 13 percent of Israel's Jewish population will be required to relocate Now this happened years ago I had a. Somebody on my show from Israel I apologize I don't remember his name but he was he was out fighting for these people to not be relocated and encouraging people to stand their ground so we're talking going back to 949 that's 3 years after Israel became a state that they will be required to relocate other words they've come to your house they've split it into now they've And they've had you living with people who want to see you destroyed in your house and your little plot of land that you have a title to and now they're trying to tell you that anything you do any changes that you want to make in your home are going to be illegal and that really at the end of all this not only do we want you dead but we're going to take the 1st step we're going to kick you out of your own home do you not think that that can happen to us in the United States it can even if you have your title to your property. It's 13 percent of the Israel Jewish elation will be required to relocate as they were when the Israeli government dismantled the communities the committee FIA that was in the Gaza Strip in 05 Ok thought it was a long time been long time I had this guy on in 2005 and he was giving away we're really wearing t. Shirts regarding Bush compete Alright well been around a while even if the stem of the nation and the conference to fight in favor of the 2 state solution it is unclear how this plan will practically be implemented on January 20th 5 days after the conference the 3rd to take place Donald Trump will take the seat in the Oval Office and he has already made his opinion clear. Saying Israel Prime Minister Benjamin not you believe the only solution to be face to face negotiations without precondition between the Israelis and the Palestinians now. It's important folks again that we realize. Especially with an anti israel Perro Islamic president who still has a few more days left. Who has not only seem to it that that this terror ation the moral and spiritual deterioration of the country if you are hearing this the United States because I know we have listeners all over the world but I'm talking to the overly comfortable. Entitled individual in the United States who's who think that somehow we are beyond the touch. Of the judgment of God live be careful. Bankers you go and read some of these articles that I had breaking Israel news it's from an Orthodox Jewish perspective both Jewish and Christian lead readers. Go ahead and look at it they're definitely an Orthodox Jewish type that their content is meant they focused on a shared heritage of the Hebrew Bible and and not Christian scriptures so they're going to they're going to keep the Tanakh Well they're going to keep with basically their Torah but we know the rest of Scripture and the Tanakh are also fill in the New Testament and we are getting so close to the actual fulfillment of the end of day so what do we do well we can pray we can be careful but we're going to go back. For sure that most of a known and the one that came to me. And the morning of 911. And what I heard from the Holy Spirit. That at 911 it was creating the largest count them it was creating the biggest separation. Spiritually and physically as you can see what's going on with Chris Long. And of course that 2nd Chronicles 7. First 13 says if I showed up to heaven so that there is no rain. Or if I command the locust to devour the land or if I send pestilence on mom that my people and my people who are called by my name number one how them cell number 2 pray number 3 seek my faith number 4 and turn from their wicked ways here's the response then I will hear from heaven I will forgive theirs then and I will heal their land and now my eyes will be open in my ears and to to the prayer offered in the light when we know the James for tans has humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you. Were praying that the nation of Israel will do so we are praying that we in whatever nation you are hearing the show today. Well humble yourself. Yourself where you can't turn from your wicked ways or whatever it is that we need to be in a state of repentance we need to be in a place of rites of living number 627000 so they shall invoke my name on the fans of Israel and I then will bless them all of course we all want blessing. But there is also an aspect to this that for me from what my callers from the place that I stand there is an excitement of knowing God and is not too short to say he is not going to let his land be destroyed Israel and Jerusalem is the apple of God's eye so we need so much. To be thinking about what is this that we can personally do what can we take what a stance that we can do. And courage you. That we can start with prayer we can start with using our determined to know what to do to know how to go forward. Hold the on that car ride to verse 7 escape you who are living with the daughter of Babylon does your hay Vols hay of how after glory he has sent me again the nations which wonder you for he who touches you touch it the apple of. Table Hayes I For behold I will wave my hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves then you will know that the Lord of Hosts has that. Part of me is so excited because God is who he says he is even though sometimes I know I even personally battle with my own personal battle over some of the issues of light and on and what life has been like and one looking like the most exciting thing that we can do is realize the times that we live in. Right like the sons of his the Gaar who know what the Times and the fees them to are and realize. God is who he says he is the thing to read the Zion he's going to read the. Israel there was a man with a measuring line and if the hand of the Zachariah too then I lifted up my eyes and I looked so I said Where are you going and he said to me to maybe your Jerusalem to see how wide it is and how long it is and behold the angel who was speaking with me was going out and another angel was coming out to media and said to him run speak to that young man think Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle within it for I declare. Those yo Dave r.k. There will be a wall of fire around her and I will be the glory and hermit. How their fleet from the land of the north the Claires the Lord for I have to 1st you as the 4 winds of heaven declares the Lord hold the on a scape who are living with the daughter available on for the 1st says the Lord of Hosts after glory he has sent me against the nation which plunder you for he who touches you touches the apple of the valley for Behold I will wave my hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves then you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me sing for joy and be glad of a daughter of the on for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst declares the Lord many nations will join themselves to the Lord in that they will become my people then I will dwell in your midst and you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me the Lord will put the Judah and his portion in the Holy Land and will again choose your rouge Alliance be silent all flesh before the Lord for He is a round coming pole he's undertaken Wow. What about those people who have been caught we can never say anything mean we can't do anything again you know being kind and gentle and turning the other cheek Well let's read Psalm 109 Now let's look at the perspective. Of what our Lord has given us in regard. To being able to pray when times are tough when things are difficult. Says God whom I've prayed don't be silent for wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths again to me spoken against me with lying tongues surrounded me with hateful words and attacked me without cause Yes. I can say all of those things in my personal life but what we're doing is picturing what is going on with Israel. In return for my love the became my accusers even though I prayed for them they repay me evil for good and hatred for my love they say a point and wicked man over him May and accusers stand at his right when he has tried let him be found guilty and even his plea be counted as didn't make his days the few may someone else take his position Thank God that's happening they the us may his children be fatherless and his wife a widow may his children be wandering beggars forging for food from their ruined homes may creditors seize all he owns and strangers make off with his earnings may no one treat him kindly and May no one take pity on his or her children may his posterity off may his name be erased within a generation May the wrongs of his ancestors be remembered by add on I and May the fin of his mother not be erased May They always be before add on I so he can cut off all memory of them from the earth for he did not remember to show kind but hounded the downtrodden the poor and the broken hearted to death he loved cursing me it required on him he did not like blessing me it stay far from him he called himself with Kersti as routinely as with a coat. I mean it enter inside him as easily as water and easily as oil into his bones may cling to him like the coat he wears like the belt he wrapped around himself this is what my adversaries one Adam and I to do those who speak evil against me but you god add on I treat me as your name the man rescue me because your grace is good for I am poor and needy and my heart with the wounded like a lengthening even evening shadow I am gone I am shaken off like a locust my knees are weak from lack of food my flesh ways away for lack of nourishment I have become the object of their tongues when they see me they shake their head help me out and I my got saved me and keeping your grace so that they will know that this comes from your hand that you add on I have done it let them go on cursing but you blast when they attack let them be put to shame to let your servant rejoice let my adversaries be clothed with confusion let them wear their own chains like a robe I will eagerly think out and I with my mouth I will praise him right there in the crowd because he stand alongside a needy person to defend him from on just accusers there are many many many scriptures I could read them all day long when it comes. To the regard of these things but we know God's time clock does not change we know. So we're called that no one should follow. That we should be careful because the Abomination of Desolation I think is coming full Let's pray folks for the leaders not only the president elect trust and his cabinet so let's pray for all the nation leaders let's be praying and fasting if you can in regards to the upcoming January 15th this is just days away this show is going to be airing on January 15th at 4 I believe 11 am and 11 pm at all arrogant Friday I believe that 3 pm and Saturday it is in the morning in the evening and some mornings at 5 am I encourage you get out your Bible start speaking the words over that let's talk about whether that empathy. Of the united us Amber the embassy gets moved to Jerusalem let's be praying for our troops both our u.s. Troops and Israeli troops I always pray warring angels to go and surround them for divine protection over those out battling let's pray that Isaac is defeated quickly let's pray for salvation for all what of all of those only heads of the nation in the next few nights had dreams and visions and the fear of Yahweh he was placed within them and they knew that he is the God Almighty. He's the creator of heaven and earth and that they have a fear of you always put in them and you know that the best that we can do we can be praying for those that have been suffering there's been so much displacement that I encourage you pray get out your Bible and pray according to the Word of God This is the any good thing you can reach me back agency radio that out was dot com God bless you and please be praying for the peace of your racial lines about. How you can reach the American Freedom Network at our new deal Bob 7050 Johnstown Colorado Eagle 534 or on line in America or a dot com. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of c. And d. Prototype machine Boulder Colorado. The love of do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that you sure Jesus has come in the flash is of God and every spirit that does not confess that you should Jesus has come in the flesh is not God and this is the spirit of anti-Christ which you have already heard was coming and is now already in the world 1st John for one. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are in dollars by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the governed this is the American news network. This is the lion cage and see 1316 am Johnstown Denver.

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