He came to his own and his own did not receive him but as many as received Him to them he gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in his name who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God The gospel of John chapter one verse 10 through 13. If the task be struck with your family be prepared are you confident you wouldn't react in a panic is there one place to get all of your emergency supplies very survival encourages you to have confidence through preparation not panic through crisis their survival located at 3366 South Broadway is a professional reputable full service business providing quality realistic preparedness supplies at an affordable price go on line stop buy or call 303-781-0343. You're listening to the line Jim and watch the thank you Steve 1368 you know. Why we're back. We did you have to sit in Korangi Yarbrough 23 and 3 in the show. Now if you taking the time to go over the Bible I'm like. Oh no awkwardness for your consideration your parents hold true contradictory view it in your mind can't be made in which all pairs you go into a cognitive dissonance for you you will grow into a lock up and so it's really critical that if you find yourself struggling with 2 contradictory ideas you used that he learns to like you know that and you standing in them so you can make Ferrand. Out of what otherwise was a contradiction. If attained tearing down and rebuilding the Nats to do you know the to the idea that we go along to good or wrong because we assume that all those people that have come before us had it right and so now we're going to plug in because they all do that out you know that's I fire object to that because. It's been long experience then Marni Christian way. Through institutional Christianity Blatche It's been my experience and I'm I'm just sharing what I've experienced good questions that expose contradictions are not appreciated in Bible studies then pastors in my experience now there are exceptions I know a great pastor right now we spend a lot of current talking and he's not one of 3 he's a new year old he was going to let go of something he's holding on to if he can be shown that it contradicts with Zen and they weren't contradict Scripture. Well we have going here and in America and I want everyone to come to view this contradiction pastor who will come along and say you've got a whole day the government and the same pastors will say that were said pretty firm and they all. Freed from the law of God but you have to obey the government these things pastor who will say well you know Satan's rule the world thank you god if that meant to the government I was sent from God wall. Porn or words that read some all except when it comes to we've got all day every ordinance will lead to you know this type of this type of contradiction has got institutional Christians tied up in knots and a lot of people are leaving the churches because they Nol that there are questions of their Timbs to understand these contradictions are not welcome and I know all because I've been asked to leave certain churches by asking questions like one time I was in a Bible study when I asked a question like that day when I won't be specific as to which returns and it was it doesn't matter which one it was that this particular this particular organization was expecting that absolute need to attend loose screws on the Bible then so here we are in the event they Bible study and they're selling me and I need to go to your school on the final Well what do you do with the Scripture good. All those students are comforter and counselor and brings all things to our environment and another place says that you need no man to teach you anything for the spirit world we know all things and in the same context I would say well when when Jesus said the commuter blood What are you Peter because question blood did not reveal this to another word you didn't witness I didn't get it from the churches you give them a Bible study but my thought of them are in heaven you did this to you and bless what are you Peter. But upon this rock I will build My church and so the Catholics say Peter was the 1st pope 'd and he when he is the rock What was your is being said in this context try it on and call me if you disagree with a 77 to 5 or 75 to 4 I'm not saying this is true but I want you to try this one. The rock is the revelation that God gives us about the truth and once you know the truth you can't see it and once you try it and test it and experience an idea that you have tested and tried it is true even though it's true that Gates of Hell can fail in that idea because it was given to you by God by then I was going to give you this a revelation that came through the Holy Spirit you know its truth you adopt it is true in Louisiana to do more and it's no longer a perception it's a truth fantasy you come across something that appears to contradict it don't run away call that lean into it and you know once again we don't like to be wrong so it's hard for us are you girls are so you know harmony in our in our wind style. That well when we reach a contradiction like the one where the Founding Fathers says governments are instituted among them driving their just powers from the consent of the governed well now wait a minute contradict Romans 13 at least at least the way Romans 13 is taught within Christian institutional circles that God sent the police and if you look if you go look at the Amplified Bible or I think is that I don't remember which puzzle it was living viable says a vain a policeman in Ohio police that come up to me one day when I was. Asking of all the losses I need to see the lawn the cops are flowing from below I'll tell you that right as I said With all due respect you're not the law. You're all you and for us the law but you're not the law and you know what we're living inside of a of a bureaucratic choir choir already your requests they fly God they're below and you better obey but why oh no I'm in America and this kind of conversation has gotten a conversation it's Haber by government bureaucrats and an a not an anti government and anti American people who would twist women's conversation into an anti-government rhetoric that over the coals are all really are some blanks. False right out through get to the other side so it wasn't what we write back. Ladies and the love of do not believe every spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone into the world by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit the contest says that you sure Jesus has come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that does not confess that you should Jesus has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of anti-Christ which you have already heard was coming and is now already in the world 1st John 41. We the People of the United States in Order to form a more perfect union has stablish justice. Insure domestic Tranquility provide for the common defense. Promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this Constitution. For American window tinting incorporated and Frank town reminds parents keep an eye on your child while shopping children tend to stray or become lost this poses an opportunity for a would be abductor Please make every effort to keep track of your little ones at all times if you have information regarding a lost child call local authorities and once this message is from American Land attending incorporated in Frank town for residential or commercial wind attendee call 303-263-4228. This is completely up to 3 America show Randy Avera one David Justice it is there anything number. 877-254-7524 nothing aren't going is true it's merely my point of view. You really can't know me until you walk in my shoes allow me to hear me out they want me I'm challenging you to look at the world through a different perspective which is what it means to repair you know we're living in an age of chaos we're living in an age of confusion wondering in an age when Mr ing Babylon the mother of all is the mama nation of the young or has has offered us a call for all of the whining of her doctors and we've all partaking in that cock and rock were intoxicated. Than. Those of use that want to say Ah. I know. We've got to come out of denial and it with our Hawker ball you don't think Geez Louise walk in discomfort Well you know all these learned obedience to the things you saw part I just pulled that out of concern as the scripts are and wants to return. He became the author of song variation for us all wants made perfect that I I'm just reporting what repairs down we've got this situation in America we're tied and new guy comes along and he's got a little charisma no need young guy you know to leave us an opportunity to stand at that podium and speak that he has this ability to deliver the mainstream gospel the way it's been talked and down 11th and he is good and also he wants to go over to church because my God he's an owner via God he's got that spiritual wall and so the 1st thing he does and he's tell where you've gotten caught burning because that's what you do you got it you better go I or lawyer make sure you get that don't call for paperwork get that corporate people work file properly and then once you do that you've got applying to the area already for tax exempt status under 5 on one street 3 section of or was the screen. Were looted you know this institution Aaron. And you know as I was carrying earlier in the show the church didn't move and learn to tell all the moves in 20 years it was already impacted. You guys knock on the door Peters and Peter answers the door and there's a tax collector outside the door and then Peter runs the D's in the thing hey there's a tax collector the door she's in the stuff Peter says wait a minute to move to the kings of the year to collect taxes from their own children or thought. Fathers and then Peter says Well never say Jesus said so the children urged. But so as to not that so and so's not to have fun and they all stick your fishing pole on the line because you already committed yourself to paying tax and they're going to be a stumbling block go ahead and pay that temple tax. We don't know who we are in the church because here in this country the preachers have sold the church down the river the same way in a fair season with sadness. That. The truth seekers and when it came along to expose them to the light of day and in. The darkness hates the law neat fences today we've got a very analogous situation going that. Church leaders they incorporate their church which brings them under the States then one 3rd cooperated they fly all application with the i.r.s. Which gives the tax exempt status on earth that you put the children upon us thank the people in your honor used to be there used to be this The current the called Sanctuary and we're going to go in and take refuge in the truth because it was a thorough and jurisdiction you can stick a firearm and use and that's called going to learn that because the church at one time was in the Thomas empathy for teens intent which isn't being taught was in the New Hampshire sized in America today because the church. Toted say under the power of the attorney general because the attorney general is the principal of all state corporation and penn state corporations have to thank the rules of caucus mentioned so they took their natural status that the Law of Nature and Nature's God dictates that the church under Jesus Christ issue on the Shia thins and at the front of his institute and those people are cosigner over and he didn't find that current text when Jesus called sovereign and that the principle of America is founded on what we the people of the United States there's an inherent presumption that we are called sovereign and this is what America's founding fathers did when they took us out from underneath a senior wrangler and the cologne America a sovereign entity here we're talking about the people than this that all one mention under God while not doing that make sense but we've gotten to where we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the country looks like a bunch of one particular palm upon full agree referring to the state of his Moncton don't have a clue what we're saying with liberty and justice for all nonsense we have bought into heaven that says I'm weird hypnotized knows my Elenor couldn't call. Monotone unless they are to me the go go on to good along because we want to be nice we are all there and then you fought for the right to tell the truth because it might cost us thumping then you know the founding like off the founding fathers their minds that are working and are sacred honor their costs even live in all of his apostles Mark still and many many people who came along and promoted the truth. We're tied to the. Tanks and version with Greenwood Bob Dole we want to go there today good today Christianity you know Larry. There's a little thing. You can work for a need to look at the truth was afraid of was going to cause. This was one of the top you know a blank I said you know he said it look you follow me don't think I've come to bring peace but a sword now on a man's minimum you'll be the members of his own household 2 against 3 and 3 against 2 former law water Well guess what in other words when you take a stand for the truth in particular why does everybody living in a story they never are uncomfortable to have your stories and perspectives challenged by a gospel that proves the rule talks down turns the world upside down and if not of all dying and going to have him that's nonsense Jesus never taught that there was about restoring to Paul to the convention they all ran the they are going all over I don't. He came to interview with us to our Father in heaven and with a violent past meeting people that had bought into the prince of Pal these in the towers of the earth and they will work Supreme Council policies and powers as though they were gone and they were actually changed caring sensible will adversarial to the truth that's why they killed you Pass Christian was killed you'd a little say well you had exactly your stand now he died voluntarily to plant a nod for the guest and if you will just to plant a suggestion that we can't rid our stuff clouds from. Then then the suggestion is this we have very tall people when we're walking in our crew capacity as sons and daughters of the most on God for the children emasculated we've been beaten down and pulled worthless then things aren't even in human standing doesn't say Thank God I said the vents words could I get to go there and when I die no you came to establish the kingdom of heaven on a temple is that anyone can park no good men and women that have the audacity and courage to stand in that spiritual state the reality the reality what a concept there are there's no story inside reality it's just what. The we we succumbed to hypnosis to mince words ancient were taken of that by the pomp and precarious of the defense of policies and powers that show up in our churches then they show up in our school who didn't show up in our economic system and it's all those expert the tell us the way to do it and they're all cracked needs of on the back going along to get along and everybody in NY. Then the result of that is 2017 look what we got to work with this and that. Through. The truth we won't be sent to file all delusion to believe the lies for how do you learn the truth you have been willing to be wrong is a good start are you willing to learn that if you willing to eat some coal you might you might make a mistake Oh my God you know it's true expertise one that is made every conceivable mistake that can be made about a certain subject I've gotten tired of a light bulb you know they've lived well despite counting of the same time use a home run king he went for it so you know we're all comfortable inside of our 501 c 2 churches were we get to have no cell phones on the turn Thank God we still have the magic word we're going to heaven when we die and you know a lot like the good that is going to rapture stand here so we don't need to worry about a thing. If dangerous because it is to incapacitate and naturally people from actually stepping in stepping into what is they were called to be fought on this planet which is children. God well you could combine around that to tell them that I'm a church is about becoming both children of God on the planet that could really use a few good people to stop buying into the status quo all to let me go back to this idea of the church once the Church or once a church but this new charismatic preacher in cooperation is church goes into 5 and runs to 3 now these guys are. Big terror target truth they can't talk like this. They might lose their tax exempt status will lose it there those keeping you found in drag you should lose it then if you don't understand the autonomy of the church the true church if you don't understand that you shouldn't be in that effort to begin with and if you can't speak out against the government you shouldn't be here not that that they I remind you that the black will grab dinner and of the day vac in the Revolutionary War worst speaking from the pay for all that purity of God the dictatorship of Allah the government that was not representing the truth that in the day and we had a Revolutionary War Now why did they go to war well remember Kennedy said if. The powers that the refused to let us have a nonviolent revolution they make violent revolution in Abbottabad now Lawrence eases how he would handle the Ok he told the truth and he was willing to let his lie down so that truth to know that. Would wander the truth that he told and out of the truth that was told he said in the motion a fire he turned the corner loose. And that thunder that baptism of fire that's wrong and it's uncomfortable but it does not love the truth and are willing to go away even the back of that's what it cost and if you know what I would challenge it it's probably easier to die for the truth when others live for the truth once you discover the truth but that's what America needs in the series Sas will be America every back on the other side of this very scary world. For. The. You're listening to the lines in 1001 See if you can see 1368 you know Johnstown in. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the governed this is the American news network. Since this is the uniformed people and really salutes of police firefighters and ems these and 911 dispatchers who work in our community we thank them for doing a great job keeping our area better place to live shop and raise a family we realize their job is dangerous and sometimes that this message is from census the uniformed people and we call 35 to 2233 here on the air because they care in one of the lists that mired outsourcing companies in America since the uniformed people in Greeley Piccolo's restaurant different mindsets that over 750000 children were reported missing last year over 58000 of these were abducted by non-family members keep an eye out for youngsters at play and if you see anything suspicious contact the authorities immediately this message from Piccolo's restaurant in Denver is not only the best it's found in a Mexican cuisine it's the people who care give them a call at 30375751663037575166 Lighted States of America. Elizabeth locker plan and Elizabeth remind our listeners that the drug problem is well documented we know our kids will be approached at early ages we want to applaud the youngsters in our community who have had the strength to say no to drugs they provide examples for their peers and families to be the best they can be as for Melissa Block replied located at 366 graduated in Elizabeth serving our area since 1903 and specializing in naturalized aged beef and pork and complete custom processing call 3036 a day 2340 that's row 36 a day 2240. No one anywhere is more noble right just so from so courageous in our United States armed forces these brave men and women and their families to foot the bill for our freedom every day to the military care package to take a lesson know that they are our and our prayers and our thoughts this misses from these sources a true 24 hour Wal-Mart Supercenter are hired to do 7 of you there on the air because they care. Well we're back to justice there's an interest in the Obama distanced return because the rent will show. I'm going off on a long rant. You know. I love the book of Genesis I'm wrong in the book of Genesis. Because it's written in the New Testament that Jesus is the 2nd Adam it was Paul that 2nd Adam in other words it was like a 2nd shot Adam that all because he took and ate from the tree of the knowledge when an evil sang like murder there sure was given an opportunity and he didn't keep the tree you have the knowledge of good and evil he ate all the Tree of Life which Adam had access to he Adam was put here and told to take Communion on the planet. He was the 2nd Adam was prone to here to police for kinsman redeemer usury the manner he he came to redeem us blocking their Moses basically came to Christ. That we. The Book of Genesis in the entire Bible is a book about the investigation that it fits fits and from continuing to bring us back into where it was before the fall. Taking the thumb the. It says that Jesus came to drink the wine and immortality to light through the gospel. We have lost and under our understanding of who it is we are on this planet then as a result of our unusual. As a result of our delusion the governments of the world have stepped off and taken control over everything and actually you know it could be argued that the governments aren't the ones that have stepped up and taken control everything because they themselves are under the control of something else and that something else is the monetary powers of the world yes the International Monetary Fund the Federal Reserve System to have taken control of the military industrial complex and I could make the argument I propose to your consideration that the governments of the world farmer leave pockets of the local money which is a global global monetary palms and then says there is no you don't think it's an evolutionary thing it's just business such as prisoners but now the church it starts to come along and liberate cost. Firm the co-option of the principalities in the powers of the world in a coma most comparison of the Analyst Day All other to chaos that's the function of the church to bring well over to chaos which if you look at the scripture of John 316 for mad so loved the world and gave on got on who should have or should believe him should not perish but have everlasting quite yet we've all seen that it put Baldwin that he meant for a while. Through rules and I challenge you going with a self don't believe me look enough Google or the world why there's cosmology and cosmos 'd 'd means universal order and so God so long as the universal order of the natural order we even knew the owner of thing that he came he sent Jesus to establish order on it was the 1st thing the court does when it judge comes in order in the color and when the court gets out of order there Vang's is double He knew the order we need in order to get things where and we didn't want order we don't like chaos and so order the 1st business of heaven is an order and then since then since you know to make America great again we have to find several other than the chaos because right now things are so out of order and so chaotic that it's difficult to know where to plug in this to the going to the left to believe the good of all the learning going to heaven as they get there are getting last year the year. No it's about order so if we focus and we create anything in the context of all that work and I grew to to be part of restructuring order to this planet fine think that that's a good career for a youth and when you're playing don't play like the humans you know they think they're going to be heard because I mean you aren't the playground rule Bob would play our father warned heaven hallowed be your name in your kingdom. What's that to me. What's the most important teaching in the gun reform if not the kingdom of heaven what is the kingdom of heaven if not earlier on Earth then your kingdom call on me will be burnt on earth as it is in heaven or earth God's will was perfect little is perfect order and inside perfect order there is perfect peace and there is perfect just innocent person liberty and the thing and that's what he's came to we still are and that's what the church is supposed to be we still reign in order but if the church buy into the notion that it is subject to the government then it has abdicated its position as God's Our Father The Creator has his ambassadors on this planet could just send to work a millions and screamers on this planet Well yeah anybody that promotes the idea of a laggard chaos is going to be considered a lunatic anybody that doesn't go along with the status quo and things are idealistic leak was considered a radical and you know the word to those that have. An agenda to the school only order entered the school going to come out of to to show anyone promoting order and the principles of law and order is now considered a lot of cool anti-government thanks to lame assed Well you know what sometimes doesn't exposes the agenda for what it is I mean if you can't see that of course the Pharisees accuse Jesus of every home leaving so that they can put on Mock than long came and then kill him because they were worried that if the people were buying into writing the thing that the Romans were going to come and take the winter division and replace or didn't you know that the in that day and at that time that they. Were Like covered up or shut up ladies and gentlemen and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only because not the Father full of grace and truth Johnboy witness of him and cried out saying this was he ever whom I said He who comes after me is preferred before me for he was before me the gospel of John chapter one verse 14 and 15. Article for the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrant shall be issued but upon probable cause supported by Oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place is to be searched and the persons or things to be seen. Since a speech uniformed people are really supposed to police firefighters e.m.t. Since 911 dispatchers who work in our community we thank them for doing a great job keeping our area better place to live shop and raise a family realize their job is dangerous and sometimes that this message from census uniformed people in Leeds call 352-2233 they're on the air because they care named one of the most admired outsourcing companies in America to see uniformed people in Greeley the American Freedom Network is not funded or supported by special interest groups or government programs the American Freedom Network is not sponsored by advertisers demanding content or programming control the American Freedom Network is solely funded by you the listener please help keep the American Freedom Network on the air by purchasing one of our sponsors fine products or by calling 180-205-6245 extension 2 make a donation the American Freedom Network needs your help it is already Yarber this is the last segment of the show just got a few minutes left I think you want to let me sum up. America is an idea you can't touch it Katie it's rather it healing you can experience it through the people who are inviting it but what does it mean what is this and. Then right now I know there's a crisis. Then the definition of what that means can live is the United States of America has an idea and there's a crisis and there is a learning going on as to who gets to define what that means when is you period test period what is that this in our India what is United States what is called a lot of these are all our ideas the exist in our mind and their environment is what we live out but if we don't know when those needs to how do we carry it out once the kingdom of heaven. Who has lived dominion of the Creator time want to via into the Creator our Father in Heaven has as 6 expressed through your shoe our machine and I want to live in that idea and manifest that idea that it's his problem anything that is not that is Thursday. Take control and dance with government state in Colorado the name of a government United States of America name of government United States name of government you for that period name a government doesn't have in the United States no I don't live in a government. Femara Any us citizen they're all I'm a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven what does that mean it means that I'm a member I don't I'm a minimal or of a political body politic within which Christ in the column of principle and Jesus demonstrated that we have access to that power and can long can it. Then he's looking for t. Pull that one too sir yes sir move us government officials that are listening and taking notes the government servants your servants of the people and that idea came right out of the Gospel and Jesus went 1st to sureness what it truly meant to the Starborn was to live well and serve the people even unto death because the truth is what sets us free they know who comes in cycles and will know the truth and the truth will set us free check that miracle in the year 27 he has come so far all the ideology of the primitive Christianity money institutionally the root Christianity of the Messiah welcomed clocked in all to men to lead down his life to his family then he was on his immediate followers were willing to blow either lying down was damaged we've lost touch with God and the pope because they're greedy and they'd rather be seen in the marketplace amongst mandate to come into Perth and they're not teaching we all are and what we're actually cleaved will. In order to. The people of. Our position. Expect. That. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of sea and machines Boulder Colorado. Now this is the testimony of John when the juice and priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him Who are you he confessed and did not deny but confess I am not the Messiah and they asked him what then are you Alija he said I am not are you the prophet and he answered No the Gospel of John chapter one verse 19 through 21. No state shall enter into any treaty alliance or Confederation grant letters of marque or reprisal money emit bills of credit anything but gold and silver coins a tender entertainment of debts any bill of attainder ex post facto law law impairing the obligation of contract grant any title of nobility Article one Section 10. This is the lion cage in c. 1360 am Johnstown Denver. Ok.