or. Not ski Gillian for cones or mindlessness the men and women of our military dedicate themselves to our country needs not us honor those who. Lost their lives in the line of duty and saluted those who served today this reminder from Santa Cruz deli at 4212 South College Avenue in Fort Collins daily specials are called for delivery 970-226-1711 that's 970-226-1711 great people great food great service call today. And of his fullness we have all received and Grace for grace the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came 3 issue of how much we act Jesus to Christ no one has seen God at any time the only begotten son who is in the bosom of the Father. Has declared him the Gospel of John chapter one verse 16. r. R r You're listening to the wind 10001. 168 dance down in I. Am or account I made a list of all that you sure she says began both to go home and to teach until a day in which he was taken up after he heard Holy Spirit had given commanders to the apostles and he had chosen to whom he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs being seen by then during the 40 days in speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with him he commanded him not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me for John truly baptized with water but even shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit Iraq today should not many days from now. For when they come together they ask him say Lord will you at this time to restore Israel in the kingdom. And he said to them it is not for you to know the times of the seasons which the father has put in his own authority and you shall receive power when Iraq. Has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me Jerusalem and all to Mary and to the end of the earth now when he is spoken the things they watch and he was taken up in the clouds came out of their sight while they looked steadfastly towards the heaven as he went. Hold human stood by them in white apparel that men of Galilee why do you stand the changing into heaven same issue who was taken up from you into heaven also come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven. Children say Amen Amen so long shadow man Welcome to the already a program. About Torah is the Hebrew phrase for love of Torah love of God's word. And we do love God's word and we're glad you have joined us today. Our program runs every Monday through Friday from noon until one and then also. Runs and repeat at 6 pm An evening at 10 pm in the evening and. The following morning hello lunch dinner and a late night snack on the Word of God Ellie Ellie you're listening to. Graham coming to you on the 13th 60. Station out of Johnstown Colorado 3060 am on your radio. Contact us by calling 600 I don't know call 802056245802056245 you can also e-mail us at him she r g 40 at hotmail dot com him g r g 40 at hotmail dot com Like Mike golf Robert. The number 40 at hotmail dot com You can receive the show on your internet also and on your phone on the Internet go to the u w w dot voice many waters dot org voice of many waters dot org. On your cell phone if you have a 2.2 or above do the same thing get into the voice of many waters or scroll down on the main page there and you will find Listen live and you can receive this on your cell phone anywhere in the world you get cell phone service and we're glad you got that service today and we're glad you're joining us we have lots to talk about we talked about this in the opening of the issue of the resurrection. That ascension of Messiah Yeshua. And we're very very anticipating it because this weekend Saturday June the 4th that's going to be the celebration of shadowed we're going to. Talk about the anticipation of shadowed. In just a few moments here we've gotten housecleaning and things to do here one of the 1st things 1st should always be one of the Lord of the 2nd things and also be. A father so if you want to join me turn to Acts chapter 12 1st one give you a 2nd to turn their. Love to redistrict the Bible even if we don't memorize it we'll have to read it as we're speaking it. One living sacrifices to God brother and therefore my the mercies of God that you present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service to not be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Or we desire to enter that spiritual tabernacle this day. One not made by hands that spiritual. John says in John 424 God. Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in truth and in spirit we desire to enter your gates with Thanksgiving in your courts with praise father as we lay our sacrifice upon the altar and wash our so doing of our mind in the water of the Lord. For interrupted to the 1st pale and to the. Right from the menorah you know the proverb says that the spirit of man is the lamp stand the. Lamp stand of the Lord we also know that Lord issue a Messiah is the light of the world man does not think on bread alone to let us waste upon the going to sit down from have a little feast upon your shoe. And his word is the word in the beginning was the word in the Word was with God and the word was out. For a person. Altar of incense other person clean. Motivated as Holy Spirit we may enter into the holy of holies Jeremiah 3133 says I will write my laws and my love on their hearts upon our hearts father your love your mercy in your Grace open our eyes that we may see open our ears that we may hear and open our hearts and we may receive the blessings. Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is. Us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who test. The line father is. The Kingdom power and the glory for ever and we all think. So we had a couple things we wanted to do after a prayer there. Is 1st on our list of the shrine. That was given to the children of Israel. In the wilderness. These are the words from our Which is the he word for here it's also the word for do and obey all people don't put that part of the meaning into it for doing and obeying not just hearing and we do this while 3 times you think. Fresh. Fresh air walk. And we go. If you go to the. Course of many waters that org Click on what we really. See on the home page 1st. Place is going to tell you. Down on the home page. Frozen computer. They didn't. Run into the. Ignore the very things there were a. Portion not reading. We go now we have. Been Ok. Ok we'll move forward. We say 3 times a day. I'm sorry I'm having difficulty. 3 times a day once in the morning before the ground we say. Thanks to the Lord for His. Protection and provision of night freezing for the breath of their breath of life. The breath of life. Turning into our lungs. Are Here. As we're working through the day. And we set. Thanking the Lord for all he's done for. I think his name. Coming in the Holy Spirit. So if you want to join with me. In English. Having a better time with your computer than I'm having. It is not responding to me in any form. A. Nation issue how she. And the Israel or the our way The Heavenly Father. Was or got you sure made manifest. The Holy Spirit. One. Beautiful name and his kingdom forever and ever and we pray that. Name of Yeshua our Messiah. Is the name. Issue is the salvation make him. Lord capital l o r. The Lord. Is on there if you will confess with the amount of believing you hearted. Person believing you had to cut his rating from the dead you will be safe for all. Call upon the name of the Lord shall be saying. And I mean and then. We go. Forward. Saying we want to do is pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Coming the rest every day to make that occur. And we do so because Jerusalem is. Tone of all happening. Isaiah 626 and 7 there I have said watchman on your wall. They shall never hold their peace day or night and you make mention of the Lord do not keep silent and give him no rest until he establishes and until he makes. It all the earth so play with me a little shallow near a sure line we pray for the peace of Jerusalem may peace and prosperity to all within her walls and gates and the sound of the laughter of her children result throughout her streets the voices of her old men and women sing praises to the Lord say with me. Alone. We pray for the things. They prosper who are the. Next we will talk about the Torah portion for this week that's going to be on my computer and I'm not going to see it from here. So forgive me. For just a moment here. Back . Sorry about that. Question is not. A list. Think. It is in a book of Numbers. Elevate want to elevate the head. Or 21 through. Judges 13. Through 25 is the haftorah. Because I was the one I read at the opening there x. Several actually shot portions for this week. Because we are waiting for that anticipation that. You know the law of the Lord is perfect we're going to play a couple person and we'll talk about that. The Lord is perfect inverting the soul in the testimony of the Lord assure making wise the simple statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the Lord of lightning the young. Here the Lord is clean enduring forever in the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired Are they the gold even much fine gold and sweeter and honey and honey by them your servant his word in keeping him. Is a great reward like to say the Hebrew her prayer for reading the Torah portions. Of cruelty always humming all wrong. Way and I'm going all clear long. Way. About a. New baby. She's very. Young weighing elevator Melich. She had recovered on I'm a cold mean they not done none of it ought to go. No change. In. The person one king of all the universe for all eternity. We are a god king of the universe chose a small people in this given us the Torah of truth. Giver of the Torah. And. Thank you both our fathers Avraham it's talking out of many people it's all those who have come up this morning to honor God and the Torah the Holy One Blessed be he . And their families and blessing and prosperity on all the work of their hands I don't. Mean and I mean we also didn't do one thing that we like to do here morning so let's do that right here to make our such a statement of faith. If you will go to. The water's really done. Or of water start or go to what we believe you'll find are such a statement of faith why do we do this every day 1st of all because this is the way we live in a world that's gone upside down good is evil and evil is good. And they're trying as hard as they possibly can to silence the Word of God and silence. Those who believe in and so we like to proudly stand every day and make our statement of faith and our essential statement of faith. Is the Hebrew word for faith and just hold on to that you know what you know. It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen for by. All the good testimony we believe 1st of all in the Scriptures entire scripture in the entire Bible from. Genesis. To the last word in Revelation. Scriptures what that's called Mark is the Torah the another thing which is the prophets. Of him which is the Writings and then you have a summary scriptures. In their original autographs. Is the inspired word of the hour when cardioid hey vav hey we proclaim that name is all who call upon my name shall be saved we call upon the name. He who was he who is and he who is to come. Same yesterday today and tomorrow you are way God is the product of holy men who spoke and wrote as they were moved upon by the ruach hakodesh the Holy Spirit we accept all scriptures as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine see 2nd Timothy 316 1st 213 2nd Peter 121. We believe in you. We believe in the deity of the. In his virgin birth and his life in his miracles in his vicarious and a turning sharing of bread in his bodily resurrection and in his ascension to the right hand of the Father. And in his personal physical return in power and glory of course that one we were Romans one that's what talks about his return I like to. Get Romans one it is. As one. Has me. Talking about x. One. Promises the Holy Spirit and then. When he has spoken these things the only watch he was taken up in the clouds. And while they were looking steadfastly towards heaven he went up the whole 2 men stood by him in white apparel who said men of Galilee why do you stand gazing into heaven same issue is taken up from you into heaven also come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven coming back in the flesh. Coming back to me he comes to me he come very soon. Come. Believing his physical return to power and glory only that man is a created being made in the image in the likeness of God through Adam's transgression and false and came into the world and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God as it is written is none righteous no not one. It was manifested to do the work of. His life blood to redeem and restore man back to God often I get asked what's the theme of the whole Bible right there redemption and restoration that's what he died for was. The must 1st of all of our sinful life for there is no righteous no not one second of all to restore. Back to God the heavenly Father. For was to have fellowship with us. Well together. Came to do was to restore that. Salvation is a gift. Separate from work so long as made operative by grace through faith in your work acceptable to God Moreover we believe you should exclusively underline this crucial in the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him No one comes to the Father except through. All kinds of religions out there proclaiming themselves to me the only way this is the only way you. Even his name means salvation and there is but one God only the trinity of. Top of that page. Were unity of. We believe that there is but one God Your words. As are real in the Father. Son. And. Holy. Our going to go back to our Torah reading. Coming 1st of all if you look at. 23 numbers from. 23 of them that is a 100 list of the Holy See to the Lord. We like to look at that in the book. Where he tells us his that's what he says when he talks to them. These are his. Talks to Moses. And Moses Lord spoke to most. Children of Israel and say to them. The Feast of the Lord which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations these are my. Are the things for the Lord which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations. Holy gathering together these are my. Of course there are 7 of them that's a reflection a number. Of them that have been fulfilled. And partially fulfilled and will be thrilled. To come I hope and call the Fall feast so we have as the cornerstone for all of the. Sabbath. Work be done but the 7th day sabbath problem rest the holy complication. No work on it is a sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings. 7th Day That's even what the words show but. Mean this number 7 it's also a return. To also. Work of return here and he commands us to keep that 77th day and no word on the new scriptures no or the new covenant. Or anybody else change that the Sunday I was always a pagan day worship it still is a pagan day it were true worship of our Father who art. Is on the Sabbath 7 thing is the Sabbath the solemn rest the holy convocation of the no work on it it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings next is Passover which we've already celebrated Messiah fulfilled that coming the carbon they saw. Sacrifice were the sacrifice lamb for the Passover celebration. Of this I was of course the lamb his life once again just like we said he said his blood. Mission our sins. Tone for our sins with his. Unleavened bread that occurred during the time of Passover and represents sin less you can see this and listen it. Happens during Passover week. Next is the feast the 1st fruits. Happens or the Sunday following this before. 1st Fruits and that's what we're going to be on this week in this on the Sunday celebrating. One which is to harvest. The Feast of Trumpets and the day of atonement and then to tabernacles or are in gathering itself. Those are the FISA Laura These are my thesis. These are not Baptist speech not Catholic he's of the Lord's tribe how he wants them observed and when he wants them served. Because you can find that it was 23. Only. Mention we are entering into. I'm going to read a little paper here. I'm going to talk about the anticipation of shock. And we're all anticipating. Coming this Sunday June 4th we're going to be down in Denver at the Central Park. He lot. Of the congregation. Want to betray issues life continually anticipates. That it's always what he's doing. What kernel of you should his life continuing anticipates father's promise. And it. Culminated with going out. To 1441 and we did not read that we may have time here and the Nano that's a Hebrew word for John. Called the nation to repentance to repent. Describe the coming this. Is the one who would purify Israel I means of the rule. And with I can be found it looks $360.00. Following his death and resurrection issue guaranteeing he would spend the spirit instructed his disciples. To Jerusalem until they receive the power from the rock Hockaday 2449 and that's 1435 and 8. When the disciples gathered in Jerusalem for the observance of Szabo father promised when they were filled with the rule. Of the case the significance of this shows the relationship between the forgiveness in the sky and the gift of the Spirit. For the giving of the Spirit shadowed accompany the message of salvation to realization. Promised or in the message of Luke and Acts issues work is not completed until he pours out the spirit of own shadow says God inaugurate is kingdom through the Messiah. The Spirit. That's my 3. 2. 1 verse 8 live 316 which within Judaism. Primarily presents the feast of shadow it is the harvest. Which represents the end of the barley harvest and the 1st fruits. Of the whose harvest is recorded in Exodus 3422. Later Jewish traditions like shovel the day Israel's recede Torah at Mount Sinai so liberating shadowed on the 6th of. And next the observance with are a very traditional 10 commandments to Israel on the same day. And they also believe. 10 Commandments were given a. Tradition of the giving of the Torah was on that day. Also some rabbi say there was the beginning of the world. And the giving of the Holy Spirit of. Jewish tradition associates with the giving of Torah is not clear to what extent this tradition was relevant during the 1st century it is possible that during the reign. Celebrated the festival as an annual renewal of the Covenant . And it was recorded in the 2nd Chronicles 151012. Jubilee to the 2nd century b.c. Instructs Israel to observe shadowed as the renewal of the covenant made with no which was kept by the patriarchs but forgotten by the nation until God renewed that covenant with Israel Adam out. On the loose account of the coming of the Spirit. And Acts does not develop a relationship of a little evidence in the case of some 1st century Jewish communities likely observed as an anniversary of the giving Torah anticipation of the spirit in the to knock. Does not utilize the connection between shovel and the giving of Torah Jeremiah's anticipation of a new covenant between God and Israel establishes the relationship between tour and the end of this period Jeremiah 3131 through 34 right. Along the exile. Promises to reunite Israel and Judah interest or the nation to their land 313133. God previously wrote the door on tablets of stone god willing Grace is renewed covenant upon the hearts of the 24. And 34 Jeremiah 3133 instruct. Each generation to teach the torch to the next generation. Guys one you shall love. Your god. Diligently do you teach. Each generation to teach the next generation. Under the new covenant his people and to understand his law through an inward dynamic. Or restored relationship with God is at the heart of Jeremiah's promise a renewed covenant with his you know because God with forgiveness. And transform their hearts. I once again Jeremiah 31. 3334. When is your returns to the land from promises that the people approach idolatry from the nation. After they forsake the idols and return to God God promises to restore their heart in place and the spirit of on which leads to a beating it's in a restored relationship with. You reiterate that when God get people back from exile he will give them a new heart and a new spirit and it only they will easier to live within an obedient covenant relationship with. It In this account. Confirms that this will accompany a forgiveness and purification of the nation he accused 3625. For the to not looks forward to a time when God will Israel and place his or her with. An enemy into relationship with. Kill 36 of. Us in his description of the Messiah as the one who by Israel through the rocket as . John the Baptist and John I'm sorry John recalled the anticipation within within the to knock out of the cleansing in the in the well in the spirit stores relationship with God. Even though Luke does not emphasize the connection between the indwelling of the Spirit and the giving of the Torah the observance of Showboat in Jewish tradition in the anticipation of the spirit within that. Suggests the gift of the spirit on Shabbat was a focal point of God's plan for salvation. Just talked about demonstrates the anticipation of the Spirit both within the 2 in the life of you. And the inherent relationship between Szabo and the Torah Jewish tradition. Then so shovel play a predominant role in both. Of the Luke acts and into submission of the spirit within the not remainder of this article will look at the importance of the rule Messiah's War of the salvation shows the significance of this event when he took the crowd at the gift of the Spirit is part of the message of salvation in Acts 238 . All in a case involving the spirit occurs at the point of salvation. Or section of the Spirit. Seal upon the believer which identifies him or her sacred. Drawing of the rock a goodish a company salvation and is a down payment guarantees God will complete his work over the. Second Corinthians 120. 114. For the presence of the spirit in the life of the believer is present sure as for the. Reality. The presence of the spirit in the life of the believer. Present when in reality. It's the spirit not only function as a guarantee but also provides the power for transformed life look forward to a time. When God would give Israel his spirit. Empower the nations to live obedient lives previously. The Lord departing the temple due to the disobedience of the. God will not permanently banned its me and in His promise is the time when Israel will have a restored relationship with him in which the spirit reside within their hearts for every secular level 19. Point to God Spirit. You know God's promise to give Israel a new heart promises to transform the hearts of His people through the same spirit who raised from the good will in Messiah's followers Romans 811. Empowers his people through the Spirit so that new life can come in flow forth. From Plains. Spirit regeneration part of God's people enable him to live the type of righteous life isn't possible with. Harmony of God Let me read. The rolling of the Spirit regeneration the heart of God's people and enables him to live a type of righteous life that is impossible without the power much. Solidarity is imperative in the creation of the new temple for God Although God wants and well the dearest. And well the Jerusalem temple you know you build his people through the Spirit indwelling his people individually and. Pours out his spirit on shabbos he created a new community composed Jews and Gentiles 1st Christians. 12. Human Body this new messiah messianic community has many diverse parts that work together to form one united. Unified Oh. I chose this conclusion. Roddy's Jews and Gentiles to create for himself and new dwelling place in. 2122. For corporate solidarity is imperative in the creation temple. Depiction of the new covenant I like. The rocker the shuttle boat. Shows the strong connection between the work of the spirit in the New Covenant which he contrasts with the tour of Israel receive the sun. In this comparison. Jeremiah's. Promised that God will place his spirit. The hearts of his being. Cut will place his spirit upon the hearts of his. Own time with my 3130 much. Like the ones who God gave to Moses. Through his spirit which is the home work of the new covenant God imparts a life to his people. Might have it more abundantly. Of Us life and that we might have a bit more abundantly by this Cory the Torah did not produce right. All affirmed of the Torah is holy righteous and good but it lacks the ability to produce the same divine empowerment as the Spirit. Paul does not malign the Torah since his. Writing with glory but by comparison he emphasizes the magnitude of the work of the spirit within the new covenant. Is God bestowed great honor upon the Torah which was not able to produce life because even greater honor to. The life they lead. Although God reveals His holy standard. Through Torah power assist people to live according to His Holy Spirit through the Spirit. Of the Spirit God is the prize in the process of continually transforming his people into His likeness not conforming to this we're remember that has been. Transformed by the renewing of your mind what he's doing. That's what he's doing is transforming his people into his life. Transformation in the lives of the Corinthians. It's a key to Paul's ministry. Current History through. The inward work of through a quotation the life of the believer testifies to the effectiveness Messiah's work . His work on the issue of the nation. Was illustrated here we have the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Going to look at its implications within this context unfortunately many discussions concerning focus on this simply on the issues dealing. In terms of Destiny is true concept this elevation is only one facet. Does not include. Elements. Significantly bereft of the. Person. Analyzing the spiritual and salvation provides insight into God's elaborate redemptive plan that word again restoration the redemption. Anticipated the time when Israel would fail to keep God's commandments . For after God punished the nation for her disobedience promise to bring his people back to their land to circumcise their hearts. Also looked forward to a time when God would transform the hearts of. Them in our. Time God would both forgive the nation and govern him through the inward Torah placed upon their heart . God must 1st give people a new heart the spirit within which initiate a new relationship between Israel and her god. Or trace issue as the agent. Fison nation through. In the case the fulfillment of this promise occurred on shallow to Fort through for. The gift of the Spirit. It was the culmination of Messiah's redemptive work and the inauguration of the new covenant. For salvation is not something that occurs after death but it begins in life. To Life. With to the spirit is. That in God's redemption plan. And must have a significant impact on the development of messianic salvation. So they can is more . One's turn of destiny. And the entire process that begins with the indwelling of the Spirit. For salvation is not something that occurs after. But it begins in our life. I. Suspect must influence the message. Of salvation within the messianic community contradiction of his people includes both eternal residence in their present life if Messianic Judaism wants to connect with the larger Jewish community it must not neglect the aspects of salvation that occur prior to death. For salvation is not something that occurs after death but begins in life while most in the Jewish community are not immediately concerned with their eternal destiny they are interested in leaving a meaningful life through in transforming the heart and creating a renewed relationship between God and His people and this desire for a meaningful life. Secondly you're obligated to the Torah are not in important. Things to the spirit not mean that or. Obedience. And consequential. By itself is insufficient I call. Standing Jews. From the holiness of Torah 7 to. This affirmation. And asked include more than a call for torah observance in the us in the community it wants to have a unique message with the wider Jewish community only through the regeneration offered within the New Covenant in the Jewish community here it's a righteous life expressed in the Torah for turtle observance of the Torah is incomplete. And mean workers remission of the spirit that's why we say he say you are saved by grace mercy. You cannot earn it. So you cannot earn it cannot do works. To listen works. To obtain it is purely. A gift from God. Never ever going to have unity between the 2 groups that used to borrow from the guiding Martin move or. Both groups must move into an i and their relationship with each other Jewish believers cannot consider the Gentile believers distinct and related group groups must recognize that they are doing and intimate relationship. In which they share in the community the body. Finally the transformed life provides a testimony to the community in a post modern society the truth is of little importance matters at. Its formative. For the messianic community concrete curiosity when the surrounding community observes it I mean it is about the spirit in a members of the body of the. Lawn the restoration of the world through the regeneration. Of all the individual. And I mean. This occasion of what's happening in a lease and if they're not many days from now when those Apostles are saying that was on the 48 that he did. And those Apostles would say they knew exactly what he did because they were counting the Omer as you've been counting the Omer. And they knew that they were 10 days away from. The shot in the giving. Of the Torah. So no wonder they were they. Wanted to read. Them and. That was. 811. Encourage you to look to your bible. Israel's rejection is not final I say then that they stumble at the should fall certainly not through their fall to provoke the salvation has come to 10 times. Salvation has come to the Gentiles. All his riches for the world and a failure which is for the Gentiles how much more their fullness. As much as I am an apostle to the gentiles I magnify my ministry by means of hope to jealousy those who are isolation and say some of them. Are being cast away as a reconciliation of the world or will there acceptance be. If the 1st fruit is holy. Is also holy if the root is holy so are the branches some of the branches were broken off and you being a wild olive tree were grafted in. And with came apart taker of the root. And sadness of the on a tree do not boast against the branches but if you do both remember that you do not support the root. Root supports you say then I just were broken off that I might be grafted in said because of unbelief they were broken off and you stand by faith comes by hearing and hearing by the proclamation. And we have that in. Not be haughty but for if God did not spare the natural branches he may not spare you. Consider the goodness and severity of God on those who fell. Severity but you couldn't. If you continue in His goodness otherwise you will also be cut off and they also if not communicated the least. You know continue. To be grafted in for God is able to grab it again. Or if you were cut off from the only 3 which by nature and were grafted contrary to the nature. Cultivated olive tree much more with these who are. Branches be grafted into their own tree. Just in the Times of closing prayer or a. Committee all the way home or a. Room you opponent long and. You know not long I should not. Longer total and. Not a better. Way No tell you not all. Bluster you a Lord our God King of the universe who gave us a tour of truth and implanted everlasting life within this but start. Of the story I want to thank you for joining. Us Today Show will be repeated at 6 me and tonight and 10 pm tonight and 16 tomorrow morning. If you have any questions comments or suggestions you can contact me at 18020562451802056245 you can also e-mail me at Mt g. 40 that's my goal forever goal for 0 and hunt mail dot com I would love to hear from. I want to thank all those who have kept us in their prayer for protection and provision if you'd like to contribute to this ministry in addition to the radio. Please call me at 180205624 Fry would love to talk. About it and we think all those who have contributed to this ministry and radio station we're still trying to come up with. We're going to close with Iran a glass in here. Lord bless you and keep you. Make His face shine upon you the creationist and. Look at his face a point you can give you his. Say this in the name of the issue are Messiah the Prince of. Things that evil or evil. He better. Be our nominee. You know it's. Constitutional moments are brought to you throughout the day through the generosity of c. And c. Prototype machines Boulder Colorado. The Lord brings the Council of the nations to nothing he makes the plans of the people of no in fact the Council of the Lord stands forever the plans of his heart to all generations bless it is the nation whose God It is the Lord the people he has chosen as his own inheritance from the 33 verses 10 through 12. We the People of the United States in Order to form a more perfect union as stablished justice. Ensured domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this Constitution. This is the lion cage and see 1360 8 am Johnstown Denver. The girl.