or World War or her or war war war war. War war war war. War. This is Michael in the control booth of the American fear networks who used in Johnstown he Merican Freedom Network need your help please call 180-205-6245 that's 180-205-6245 extension 2 make you're going as you were going to check or money order to people Box win 750 Johnstone Colorado 534 that's your box ones and fives your Johnston Colorado you know 534 Help us keep the poisonous truth and freedom on the year and thank you. I'm Joe Jake with the Patriot training group and I'd like to thank all of our customers for doing business with us over the years because of you we are celebrating 20 years in business so here's to you for allowing us to see your car this holds computer. And anything else you used to tune into us but most importantly are doing business with us we gave you the news the serve the comfortable at all American Gold dot com the tin foil nation every day from 9 to 10 am economics. And we continue to do it all ever quite. Securely finally host of Court. Only complaint. So more and more about gold and silver visit us at all American Gold dot com or simply call us at 8951059 to place an order. Eat. Eat. Eat eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat eat. Eat eat. In the secret places that the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty and I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my fortress my God and in Tim I will trust Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the feller and from the perilous he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge is true shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in the park. Nor of the destruction allays Loyce that noonday 1000 a politician in 10000 that your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes show you look and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall be fall you nor any plague come near you welling pre-show give us angels charger you to keep your way in all of your ways and in their hands they show Barry push you catch your foot against a stone and you show tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and Serpent you shall travel under foot because he has said his love for me therefore I will deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name. Show up on me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble and I will deliver him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show my Salvation Army in. 91 Patience is not the same as in different nations conveys the idea someone who is tremendously strong and able to withstand all assaults having the vision of God patient because it gives us God's true and proper inspiration Moses endured not because of his devotion to the principles of. What was right or because of his sense of duty to God but because he had a vision of God He endured seeing him who is invisible check out. 1127 a person who has the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue he is devoted to God Himself You always know when the vision of God is because of the inspiration that comes with it things come to you with greatness and advice out into your life because everything is energised by God he may give you a time spiritually. With no word from himself at all. Just as his son experienced during his time of redemption in the wilderness when God does not simply endure and the power to endure will be there because you. Know it carries weight for it to prove that we have a vision is that we reach out for more than we have already grasped it is a bad thing to be satisfied spiritually the sourness said What shall I render to the Lord I will take up the cup of salvation some and 116-1213 we are able to look for satisfaction within ourselves and say Now I have got it now I am completely satisfied now I can endure instantly we are on the road to ruin our reach must. Grasp halted Not that I have already attained or that I am already perfected but I press on Philippians 312 if we have only what we have experienced we have nothing but if we have the inspiration of the vision of God we have more than we can experience he where the danger of spiritual relaxation for a while we are fully aware of God's concern for us but then God begins to use us in his work we begin to take on the pitiful look and talk only of our trials and difficulties and all the while God is trying to make us do our work is hidden. People who are not in the spotlight none of us would be hidden spiritually if we could help it can we do our work when it seems that God has sealed up heaven some of us always want to be rightly illuminated saints with a golden a Lowe's in with the continue glow of inspiration and have other saints of God dealing with us all the time a selfish or saint is of no value to God he is that normal unfit for daily life and completely unlike God we are here not to. Notice immature Angelus but as men and women to do the work of this world and we are able to do it with an infinitely greater power to withstand the struggle because we have been born from above if we continually try to pay back those exception in moments of inspiration it is a sign that it is not God we want we are becoming obsessed with the moments of when God did come and speak with us and we are insisting that he do it again and what God wants us to do is to walk by faith. Faith comes by hearing of course and hearing by the word of proclamation of Messiah issue how many of us have set ourselves aside as if to say I cannot do anything else until God appears to me he will never do it we will have to get up on our own without any inspiration or without any sudden touch from God then comes our surprise and we find ourselves claiming why he has been there all the time and I never knew it never lived live for those exceptional moments there are surprises God will give us a touch of inspiration only when he sees that we are going out in danger of being led away by them we must never consider our moments of inspiration as a standard way of life our work is our standard showman welcome this pastor Michael and you're listening to the aha vote for our radio program here live today on k c 1360 am today is on the Hebrew calendar today is the 5th they are and on the Korean calendar is the 1st of many 2017 and we're glad you have joined us we're here Monday through Friday your librarian repeat at 12 o'clock noon to 1 o'clock and we're also here. At night at 6 pm. And 6 in the following morning breakfast lunch and dinner and late night snack on the Word of God in the if you don't know that's what. We love God's Word we start out with God's Word we try to read as much of God's Word as we can we do have some things we need to take care of and to. Before we get into God's word here and part of that is we need to open up in prayer so if you would join me. John and John 424 says God is Spirit and those which appear must worship Him in truth and in spirit and so we want to enter that spiritual tabernacle here not the Earth one made by hand made by the man's hand but the supernatural spiritual tabernacle where we can enter his courts with gates of with righteousness and his courts with thanksgiving and with praise to offer our sacrifice if you turn with mean we love to read it right straight book. Turn to me with me to Romans Chapter 12 says I beseech you therefore brother and by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God let us lay our sacrifice upon the altar father and then wash us in the word of Messiah 8 comes by hearing and hearing by the proclamation of Messiah issue of the Word of God in the louder we wash away all traces. Of a sin and we are transformed by the renewing of our mind we enter into the 1st veil and stand in the light of God. The menorah which Scripture says spirit of man is the lamp stand of the Lord the spirit man is the spirit of the lamb stand of the Lord but you sure the Messiah he is the light of the world in the light of all mankind to speak for other upon the bread of life true bread of life that breath which comes down from heaven the Word of God. The Christ is our Savior and Lord. Let us offer our prayers up this morning. Since this make a sweet aroma unto the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart let us enter into this 2nd veil and into the holy of holies. Where we may have our petitions to the Lord brought forth with courage and boldness that he will hear he says in Jeremiah 3133 I will write my laws and my words upon your heart write those words upon their heart other we come before you and I ask that all of the spoken here today be of you fill us with your Holy Spirit to overflowing father that we may be. Expressing our love devotion and our joy at you and with you and we say that praise God Allie lujah. We have some things to do it shows you about we like to talk about what our belief system is you hear Alex Jones and all the other people talking about they're trying very hard not to silence. Turnitin media and along with that alternative media they're trying as hard as they can to silence the voice of the believer and so we make a declaration of believe in spirit loudly and proudly proclaiming it every day here on the program for faith because right hearing once again and hearing by the proclamation of the word. God he who is he who was and he who is to come if you like to go to the World Wide Web. You can do so to voice of many waters or voice of many waters that org and then click on the place where it says what we believe and you can follow along with me we believe in the Bible. Rabbi friend who says in one of his sermons you want to sermon today going to show you sermon here this is the Bible do what. We believe in the entire Bible we believe in the Tanakh which is the Torah the not even the cut of in that's the instructions the prophets. And the writings also believe in the up a solid Scriptures in their original autograph. Course the new covenant is called We believe it's all inspired word of God. How ya ya way. He who was he who is he who is. We believe that these men were the it was the product of holy men of all who spoke and wrote as they were moved upon by the rule. Of life the ruach hakodesh Holy Spirit as we accept it as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and the doctrine I suggest you look at 2nd Timothy 316 and 1st as only 213 and 2nd Peter 121. We believe that man was a created being made in the likeness and the image of God. But through Adam's transgression and fall sin came into the world and all come short of the glory of God as it is written there is none righteous no not one of the Messiah the Son of God was manifested to undo the work of the devil and he gave his life and he shed his blood to redeem and restore man back to God God created man in his likeness in His image and we fell away and said And you came along and sacrificed his life to be if we just came out of these were we talk about carbon they suck sacrifice sacrifice land sacrifice and shed blood for our sins by the way Kurbaan a load used to mean mean sacrifice it really means draw close to to draw close to this with the whole thing is about from Begin Genesis 11 all the way through revelation to draw close to God to be redeemed and restored back to our relationship with him. We believe that that salvation is the gift of God to man it is separate from works of the law we do not believe that you can earn it in any way it's made up or to grace through faith. And producing works acceptable to God as we talked about this morning there with her words might be acceptable side of God which is our reasonable sacrifice Moreover we believe that is exclusively the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him No one comes to the Father except through Him He is exclusively the way the truth and the life. His hope for us was to redeem and restore us show us the way tell us the truth and give us eternal life. Amen hallelujah That's the theme of the entire Bible tear out that separates the. Torah and are in the cut through the name that separates them from from the earth Kershaw the new covenant because it's all one book it's all that one story it's all that one. Operative that's made by grace. In faith. It insure them. And hearing. A proclamation of the word. For those of a do don't know because if you think you break roots ministry that we talk here to every day we call him Yeshua because mainly that was his name isn't Mark Matthew rather. Than you shall call him. And that word you sure mean salvation and that's wonderful because when you read through the scriptures all the way back to Genesis and you find the word salvation You do realize this with their talking about he is from cover to cover. We believe in the deity of the way. He says the Messiah did one that's what I mean. We believe in his virgin birth. We believe in his life we believe in his miracles and in his vicarious and atoning death through the shedding of his blood for the remission our sins we believe in his bodily resurrection and we believe in his ascension to the right hand of the Father. And we believe in his personal physical return in power and in glory let all God's children say amen made be soon Father we. Said and when he came in through the gates save us now Lord save us and. So we believe that there is but one God. As the Tetragrammaton that's what the Tetragrammaton stands for when you see the word Lord capitalized in your Bible. That means in the original transcript there it was a gram and it was the evil letters a day which was a previous And for the word. Is in the. Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we believe there is one God revealed in the Father and revealing. Son and revealed through the Holy Spirit how could a. Wholly. Separate that which is holy. And we make our dedication to that faith in a form called. One of the things that we do every day here on the program. As we recite the Sh'ma if you want to go to Deuteronomy Chapter 6. Once again we love to turn to Scripture. Sometimes it takes a couple of moments here we have a chance but that's our right. To do that you can also turn on your computer. To voice of many waters back to the home page their own page you're going to find on the side in fact I'll do that on my computer now too if I'm right there on the site if you scroll down a little bit. There it is Romans 10. Person $9.10 says if you confess with your mouth the Lord issue accuses and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be. Is no answer it's about it if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you will be saved for with the heart one believes into righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For who ever calls upon the name of the Lord. God shall be saying and by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that you. Come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that does not confess. Has come in the flesh is not of. This is the spirit of the anti-christ to you have heard was coming and is now already in the world. So we make that proclamation with our mouth of the leaf in our heart through the power forward and he means not only to hear me to listen. To me to do. This is all those things and we proudly proclaim it each day we proclaim it in traditional Hebrew and then in paraphrased English and if you've got your. Bible turned 6 1st for the hero Israel's what we're talking about. I'm going to do it in Hebrew join along with me sing along with me and then we will do it in paraphrased English. Again. You know. The. Who are. Here and do and obey is there I o. For ya way the Heavenly Father Elohim who is our God You sure made manifest and yah way the ruach hakodesh the Holy Spirit. Is one is one. Thing is less a name. Should be the name there we go of his glorious kingdom. For ever and ever base in the UK in the name of Jesus the Christ you sure the Messiah who I. Capital l. Or the he is the Lord and all God's children say mean arming was look at the other night remember an old teaching that was given there in Hebrew the 1st word. And then if you take the last letter of that 1st word and combine it with the last letter of the very end. It is it in there. You have it and I and the other is the Hebrew word for testimony or witness and then interesting when you make that statement just like I said Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you making that statement it is their witness it is your witness. I love the word of the Lord I know we have ties together this is the day I have to you will. Your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and these words which I. Command you today show be in your heart and usual teach them diligently to your children where we lost a lot of ground because we stopped teaching that in schools we need to return to teaching our children these words diligently God says talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up. Show bind them as a sign upon your hand and they say be problems between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gate. He gave him today that day he gave them. A choice between life and death between curse and blessing and he told him to take life. And last thing he did that by the way he want to see them go to Deuteronomy he says Deuteronomy 29 told. Moses he said these are the words of the covenant which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab the covenant never side means in addition to doesn't do away with the old covenant it's not an old Abrahamic oven the moment it was a covenant. Myside covered in addition to the covenant which you made with him and already. And horribly he says in there I make this covenant in this oath not with you alone but with him who stands here today for us for the Lord our God as well as with him who is not here with us this day today. And that is that is the key to our stepped in in keeping the covenant. That covenant with those who are not here with him to that day that's to me brothers and sisters he's making that same covenant with the. Lord your God will circumcise your heart in the heart of your descendants to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your so that you may live that you may live. For this command which I command you today is not to mysterious for you know is it for it is not in heaven that you should say who will ascend to heaven for us and bring us to it that we may hear it and do it poured nor is it be on the sea that we should say who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it but the word is very near you it is in your mouth and in your heart if you confess with your mouth and leave your heart that you may do it see I have said before you today life and good. And evil. And then I command you today to love the Lord your God to walk in His ways and to keep his commandments statutes and his judgments that you may live and multiply I have said before you life and death as in cursing therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live in that you may move the Lord love the Lord your God that you may obey his voice. And that you may cling to him for his life and the length of your days that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers. To give than all God's children can say. And. How all of us said we had several things to do here one of the things we need to do . Is we take all this from the book. The book we read the book lately start reading the book. Telling you a lot of things that are going on right now go back to what we believe years scroll down a little bit those things which God says we we try to be for example is right yeah . We believe in Deuteronomy. 2 Toronto me Chapter 11 I do believe. Look that up and make sure Deuteronomy Chapter 11. As always anything that we say here on the program take it to the Scriptures and verified if you find something out of line call it talk to say 202056245. 56245 if the Word of God that we want to. Hear. So we believe in God everlasting covenant relationship with the Jewish people and that includes the physical land. And all of the spiritual blessings there. And so God also says I Say 6267 he says I have said watchman on your walls of Jerusalem and they shall never hold their peace day or night and you who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent and give him no rest till he establishes until he makes you pray and all the yes a prayer for the peace of Jerusalem in Hebrew that shot. Along your route sure lying shot. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Long time pray for the peace of Jerusalem a peace and prosperity within our Walter Gates. Of the laughter for children Rozanne throughout her streets. And the voices of her old men and women saying praises. To the Lord. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem may they prosper who love the little of God say we love you Lord because the Lord 1st loved and he said his only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but should have everlasting life you know the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul and the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart and the commandment of the Lord is pure in lightning the eyes. Of the Lord is clean enduring forever. Judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they then silver and gold Yes and much fine old sweeter Also than honey in the honeycomb and moreover by them your servant is warned and in keeping them there is a great reward. You know the Gentiles who place their faith and trust and sure the Messiah and lots of you are grafted into that is you were talking about. 3 born again experience in this new birth results in a new identity this new identity as a child of the God of Avraham. As a result of this new child is adopted into the family and the ethnos. Israel in the Comes a full member and fellow heir of the covenant of promise in the blessings made to the Gentiles who are grafted into Israel do not replace or rather they participate with her as the chosen ones from all the all the nations who are also called to be a part of his treasured people Israel. In terms of their adoption into the house of God These new children are to be treated as if they were native born descendants of Jacob. Shall be accorded all are rights privileges and responsibilities of being full members of the commonwealth of Israel and fellow heirs to the covenant a promise made to her it in our replace Israel neither are they excluded they like the mystery of the unity of the triad. The 2 groups are one. Yet totally disgusting Amen amen we're going to go into some description reading here in Ca lots of tasks to perform here because we. Just finished up at Passover. And now are moving on to the next of the 70 redemption. Look at the end of the 1st of all let's pray. Further her started in the synagogue for the opening in the reading Scripture. Way having no doubt. About who cut way hello hello mother. Banham a call I mean they're not on the way Torah to. Tell you no a note. Saying. That lesson one for all eternity that's not how you know we our god king of the universe who has chosen us from all these people and has given us I tore a truth 1st I thought yeah we giver of the Torah of truth being. He who bust our father Abraham Isaac and Jacob he bless all those who have come up today to honor God in the Torah and the the Holy One Blessed would be. Their families and sin blessing and prosperity on all the work of their hands and all God's children should resoundingly say rejoice. And. I mentioned earlier on this is the month of the. Week is a year or. Excuse me I hear the 4 through the 105-7771 the break calendar which equates to April 30th through me. Through May 6th in the. Early encounter 2017 on the Korean calender. And this week's Torah portion. Remote. Which means after the death of course we're talking about the death of Aaron's sons not to be who because they went in and defiled. The service. They were doing them to do they did not do that they did their own way their lives to live we were going to today. But this is after the death is the Torah portion for this week which is 161 through 1830 basically with it is. A Day of Atonement which is people. Sanctity of Blood Brothers shed and what blood for a relationship and in the sharing of the bread. And laws of sexual morality chattery things will get some of that read here this week. Shop fortune. Amos Chapter 9 verse 7 through 15 chapter 9 verse 7 through 15. And Hebrew Chapter 9 verses 11 through 28 or 9 through little 28. Just a moment just a moment that a lot of book of Hebrews is. Heavenly sanctuary is what that talks 11 through 15 is the Christ came as our High Priest of the good things to come with a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that's when we enter of each day that is not of this creation not with the blood of goats and both and cast but with his own blood entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of bulls and goats in the ashes of a heifer sprinkling on the unclean sanctifies for the purification of the flesh how much more shall the but. Eternal Spirit offered himself up without spot to God cleanse your conscience from dead works and serve for Living God For this reason he is the mediator of the New Covenant means of death for the redemption of trans transgressions and into the 1st covenant that those who call me receive the promise of the eternal inheritance came not came to give us more eternal life. Amen amen be looking at that again here. What I had several people ask about was the. Counting of the owner because that's where we are right now coming of the hour or the 23rd day of the counting of the Omer and I'll talk to you about how to count that over here in a minute but why haven't we been doing it well let's turn to Leviticus Chapter 23 because it mentioned over and over again. Over. To coat. These are called the 7th feast of redemption we had our Passover. Turned to Leviticus Chapter 23 the want to turn with me very important statement at the very beginning of the next chapter 23. So should you make that statement yes I do it needs to be made a lot and loudly. The Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to the children of is or I but they. Say to them the feet. Elohim the thief of the Lord which you shall proclaim. Pecos right hearing and hearing by the proclamation your proclaim them to be holy convocations me. These are my nieces once again we always make the addition to this. Not Catholic. Jewish not. Any kind of Mormon there is there is. Prescribe for us to celebrate him and to worship him as with his. Course the 1st one here is the foundation of which I was building work be done but the 7th day is a sabbath of the holy convocation you should you know work on it it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all of your dwellings. 7 stay for those who don't know you know your clock your calendar starts on Sunday 1st wrote you got a calendar there as the 1st day of the week. 7th day of the week would be Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday what a coincidence this Hebrew word for 7 for rest and for 7. Never been on Sunday it's always been on the 7th day. And we just add that in here and then he goes into the 7th. Redemption. And 7 you remember is the number of heavenly completion fulfillment perfection 17 of the Lord. Passover was the one they were graded on the 14th day of the 1st month lease on this festival memory to. Deliverance of Israel from the bondage and he took them out that he might bring them into His presence and restoration and redemption. And action is the Feast of Unleavened Bread which marked the beginning of the burly harvest immediately followed Passover and lasted for $2.00 to 27th day of the month is therefore unleavened bread. These are the feast of the Lord holy convocations which is your proclaiming their point of times on the 14th they are the 1st month the Twilight is the Lord's Passover and on the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord. 7 days you must be done leavened bread on the 1st day you should have a holy convocation should do no customary work on it but you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord for 7 days he said 7th day shall be holy convocation and you shall do no customary work upon it. And we feel that when this once again. As for filling all these the next one is 1st fruits. Of the spring from which Messiah has fulfilled the 1st fruits this week which marked the beginning of the barley harvest immediately followed Passover lasted 21st day of the month. As well. And what is that the 1st of the resurrection of the did. Resurrection that is what 1st fruit. Your own. The day the 1st. Reaction is the Feast of Weeks the harvest of Pentecost is what I call this festival took place 50 days after the parley hers and involvement green offerings to the Lord in the whole that place because we're going to come back. Feast of Trumpets Rosh Hashana. Or the new year it's also called the New Year. It's the 1st day of the 7th month the fishery and Mark Kagan would involve the Sabbath rest in the blowing of trumpets and a holy convocation called Judgement called righteousness is what they think the trumpet is about their the thanks of Tirpitz rush on their next comes the Day of Atonement which is this week's Torah portion. Keep for the day of covering the poor meaning to cover it as observed on the 10th day in the 7th month of this was the day of fasting on which no work was done for the purpose of atoning for the sins of the past year size going to become a make that judgment to fulfill that. At the Feast of Tabernacles deceleration lasted from the 15th to the 22nd of the same month 7 days 8 days with the. Called together. In the feast of tabernacles or. 7th. In the 7th month for 7 days 77 months 70. Evilly perfection so that's 7 things which we're talking about the. Times of Israel you can turn back. We can turn back here to. Scuse me sorry about my computer hollering at me. I mean move something there we go . In turn back to today's Torah portion which is. 61 the day of atonement and before we read from there we're going to do I think we're counting every Homer because it says it's 50 days from the 1st fruits 50 days is counted. You know during that 50 day period of time it. Appeared to over 500 people during that time it was after his resurrection and his appearance on the 40 fortieth's day he ascended to the right hand of the Father. And then on the 50th they. Sailed in the feast of. It was held for 7 days and it is the wedding supper the Lord Emmanuel God amongst us with us. Is counting there. For us all. And so. That's where I want to be said in Leviticus. You can open that back up again. Right off of that is $23.00. He said that when I talk about. Going to talk about. These 2 weeks. Leviticus 2315 says and you should count for yourself from the day after the Sabbath from the day that you brought. The wave offering 77 Sabbath be completed 50 days to the day after the 7th Sabbath and you shall offer a new green offering to the Lord and you shall bring it from your dwellings to. 2 loaves of to 1075. The Feast of Weeks they believe that was the giving of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem I believe that it was the giving of the Torah Sinai and the lot of rabbis believe it was the day of the creation of the world 1st day of the creation of the work. So some I said you haven't been you haven't been counting the Omer How come you haven't been counting them are very simple. You show count for yourselves from the day after the status from the day that you brought the sheaf of offering 7 Cibot shall be completed count 50 days to. The day after the 2nd 7th Sabbath. So we haven't been haven't been counting them because you're supposed to be counting them by yourself. So you should count 7 full weeks from the day after Sabbath from the day that you got she through the way of offering He shall count 50 days to the day after the 7 Sabbath and you show up as the green offering of Newgrange Lord as Leviticus 2315 and that's where we are right now and where are we were on the 23rd day of the Omer I'm going to give you account for the day here. Or on the 23rd day of the Omer. And there is a little prayer that goes with Scripture does not specify how to count the Omer only that you do so because God wants a one on one with you. He wants you and me working together on this and you to be conscious of it. Doesn't specify any specific way only that you do it one tradition is to repressively from the song which we started it $91.00 at the beginning of the program. They generally read from the Psalms of assent and as you count each day you read. Today let me see here today traditionally. Said it was the 23rd day. Of the thread would be. Someone one through 6. To this 11 through 6 right there at hand 1st is a man who walks not in the light of the Council of them godly nor stands in the path of centers not in the seed of scornful but. His delight is in the law of the Lord in the Torah and in his lawyer meditate day and night he should be like a tree planted by the rivers of the water it brings forth his fruit in all its seasons whose leaves show not wither whether he does whatever he does shall whatever he does shall prosper godly or not so but there like the chap with the wind drives away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment of the centers in the congressional congregation of the righteous for the Lord knows the way of the righteousness of the way of the ungodly. So if you want to do it do it officially there's a little prayer that said Before you read it. And it is. Saying I'm a black How should a kitchen obey me for of on the. Cutting of the OEM are. You a Lord our God King of the universe who has given us your commandments and commands us concerning the counting of the Omer today is the 23rd day of the counting of the Omer making 2023 days. And 2 weeks. 23 days and 2 weeks. Accounting of the gun. And there are several sites you can look up on there there's a debate about when the when we started the count we start to count they after. Their action their 1st fruits start to count there and we always end up on a Sunday with that count and it will be Sunday. This year as well. They will have the Sunday the 28th day. I believe Sunday the 28th day of May. It will be the 50s. Only give me questions about that you should give me a call 1802056245102051864 . Ok Ok. Let's do a little. Torah reading. The Vatican 16. Now the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of his 2 sons the sons of Aaron. When they offered profane fire before the Lord and they died profane fire. Before the Lord and then was to draw near to the Lord as he is using. It to know how to do it properly to avoid the fate of his friends have suffered so that's what this passed. God did not command them to come just any time refers to the arrogant attitude with which. Sons had approached to offer unauthorized sacrifices. So this with 16 is about in the Lord's after the death of the 2 sons of their own they offered profane fire not going to be who their names are for profane 5 before the Lord and died and the Lord said to Moses teller and your brother not to come at just any time to the holy place inside the veil for the mercy seat which is on the ark lest he die for I will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat. Aaron shall come into the holy place with the blood of the young man offering and a ram of. Burnt offering and he only learned tunic on the linen trousers on his body and he shall be guarded with linen. And with a linen turban he shall be attired these are the holy garments and therefore he should wash his body in water and put them. On the show take from them. Take the Congregation of the sort of Israel 2 kinds of goats is a sin offering and one ram as it goes on to talk about the offerings or we're going to run out of time so I want to read that's establishing the. Priesthood holder priesthood. And. Which we read you this morning. Again Hebrews. Because its establishment. Of the new covenant. Came as a High Priest this is the new priesthood. Preach to the good things to come with greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands at least not of this creation not with the blood of bulls and goats in camps but with his own blood into the most holy place once for all having obtained turn over diction for its part of bulls and goats in the ashes of a heifer sprinkled the unclean sacrifices for the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Messiah who is through his eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God cleanse your conscious from the dead works and serve the Living God For this reason he's the mediator of the New Covenant by means of his death for the redemption and transgressions of the transgressions under the 1st covenant that those who are called me the promise of the eternal inherit it is like we said before he promised us turn to life and August silicon seeing him in I'm going to say here the. Closing over the reading of scripture reading the tour. Through could. Be Hello again another. I shall not and none of the Torah. There. But. We note. In the start way our god king of the universe who gave us I tore the truth and implanted everlasting life within us and all can say let's start. Giver of the Torah. Sky eem he. Doesn't. Rachel. Ok. Knowing. They call it. Show. She knew. To called Carter Show me you caught me k k d. Like to those who hold fast food at all who cling to it find happiness is wasted waste the pleasantness and all the plate that's. Help us and guide us inspire us and provide us with the wisdom your Torah can show cause us to learn renew in return just as in days of old we thank you for listening to the about our program today were preached tonight at 6 pm 10 pm and 6 am tomorrow morning any comments questions are suggestions you can contact us here at radio station 18020562451802056245 we would love to hear from you can also e-mail us to Him g r g 40 at hotmail dot com m g r g 40 at hotmail dot com We also want to thank all those who keep us in prayer for provision and protection and those who contribute. So generously in their love in the. Support of this ministry and the radio station if you can help us out we would appreciate it very much. We will close now with Hirani blessing you know we spoke to Moses saying speak here and he sent saying this is the way you should bless the children of Israel and in this way I will put my name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them for they shall say. Either way if . He saw you I worry another the. Same like. They share reassured how much Iraq. On. The. They need. Strong strong and you will be strong and. Peace. Be. The people of the United States in Order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice insure domestic Tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our charity the war again and establish this Constitution and lighted States of America. Restaurant different mindsets that over 750000 children were reported missing last year over 58000 of these were abducted by non-family members keep an eye out for youngsters at play and if you see anything suspicious contact the authorities immediately this message from Piccolo's restaurant in Denver is not only the best in town in a Mexican cuisine it's the people who care give them a call at 3 o 3757516630375751.