The same weekend as embrace the Lorne church because I know right you did both because I went from prom and dad picked me up from from the after party and my Went straight to the airport so. Be at I remember I think it was like the weekend after like one more weekend or something something like a few weekends after Actually no it was after we the people so it was like May 1st or something and a bunch of us all went to my friends lake house Ms All the guys from my small group . And a few few other people from our youth group and we were just had a really good weekend and everyone's hanging out and we're kind of all packing up and cleaning up so my friend's mom wouldn't be like upset with us for being irresponsible young adults you know also trying to prove that we could be responsible young adults and we just played that song and we're all like cleaning up and doing dishes and after having a really good weekend before I mean literally out of the 10 or 11 people in that group not a single person was going to the same college freshman know there were 2 people they were going to Auburn everyone was going like somewhere else. So and it was just kind of one of those crazy moments were like wow like you know it is all a car hey yeah when like the common narrative is like you know at least have a stadia that you know you're going to end up it Old Miss Alabama Auburn early u.a.b. And so like the thing is there's like for like big school big schools that you have like that's like your selection and then you're going to know somebody there and for us like we kind of realize as a friend you're pro like oh my gosh like none of us are really going the same places Raleigh definitely going our own way they are. They're not like I guess like a logically they don't prepare you for like being because it's almost you know implied that you're not going to be told of the word anything like a logical you don't prepare for that. So that was probably the crazies experience I had was doing dishes and you know other people were sweeping and putting things away and all of that and we're all just like kind of like tearing up and doing chores and it's like yeah it's kind of surreal. So yeah I think our next. Our next song is from a local band not local to Arkansas or New Jersey but to Alabama grown tired with the nice cool of them some of them went to high school actually this is a different band wagon really playing 2 Birmingham bands back to back oh my 1st one is St Paul and the broken bones like a mighty river I think there's a lot so for going to continue with the the imagery of the river being used I think this one is very much used to describe a less complicated love I think is a more like powerful and euphoric love and then after that river water. Well I think we should as well play these songs back to back and I've got a few words to say on river water by Moon Taxi who I would like it noted did go to your eyes and yes I knew that one of the bands had a relation to its debut Yes the same Paul actually kind of does have a connection to his stage. There are jazz band has performed with them a few different times at the Alabama theater which is kind of cool that's cool. Yes the same Paul is been wildly popular in Birmingham and quite caught on in the same way. Across the country like I think they're their top song has 23000000 plays on it which like I never realized like they're so big in Birmingham but they're not necessarily that big ever and that's one of those things that kind of caught on for me kind of in the same way that Moon Taxi is like just absolutely massive in Birmingham and especially the stadium it's like it's almost to the point where it's like not even really that cool I say that in air quotes and. To like Moon Taxi but then I came to Hendrix and people like you know if you heard it's been Moon Taxi I'm like. Yeah this is an every one has an everyone like it's like you know if you like unabashedly if junior senior year of high school if you came out like really oh my god I'm such a huge Moon Taxi fan everyone kind of would have given you like a little bit of a side I had like that was only cool freshman and sophomore year now we all like I mean we like them but like it's not hip and cool anymore yeah it's not like different yeah. Yeah exactly so. I will say these 2 songs are. Sonically very different. Yeah just 2 very different genres 2 very different styles. Tempo very different instrumentation very very different. So I guess the only real connection that they have is that they're both bands that originated from Alabama there wrote songs about a record which is I think that's enough connection for me so with that we'll get started and hope you enjoy. Was. The and. The to. The to. Now you away from it own soul. It's not that some folks. Already That was a 1st like a mighty river by St Paul in the broken bones and then it was river water by Moon Taxi. So I don't have a whole lot to say about St Paul in the broken bones. Other than that they're pretty popular you know when Charlie and I were kind of talking in between songs or during the songs with the mikes off he said I know Ok I knew one of them had a connection to your high school was like well actually they kind of both do because the the jazz band at our high school was actually performed with St Paul in the broken bones several times. And so actually some of my friends while they were in jazz band got to do that which I think is really cool. And then obviously Moon Taxi has a lot of connection to our high school I will say I really like that song a lot it comes from my favorite album by them mountains beaches cities is the name of the album I sing it's an all around great album and I also really love the opening line which goes we had enough to last a couple of days which I think it's a really clever double entendre of the 1st entendre being that. Is not the right phrasing is the 1st entendre of a double I don't know basically the the 1st idea is that they've kind of had enough b.s. To deal with that it left them in a place where they felt like they could get away for a few days and also justify getting away and being able to truly enjoy their way time like they had enough to last a couple of days. But then also it's probably a reference to whatever sort of substance they may have been enjoying on their way time whether that be whiskey or or maybe even marijuana who knows they were. Purposefully cryptic and they entendre and say entendre so I thought those really clever piece of songwriting right there. Yeah. You know I've got next so we have an Adele song but I'm also leagues certain you realize that maybe. We're not like we're definitely progressing through the show pretty quickly but there are a few songs that I want to get to I thoughtlessly thought we'd be farther along in the show than we are currently at this point so not a lot to talk about which is oh yeah so I will say I think we're going to skip the Adele song and come back to it if we have time. I do like the Adele song I would love for it to be in here at some point but so next I think we want to play the River of Dreams by Billy Joel I know Charlie said you're not only a huge fan of Billy Joel but I think I actually I really like this song and also I think it kind of like sounds similar enough to river water by Moon Taxi it's kind of got this like playful jaunt to it. Which I like so yeah. But that I think was once had play in keep keep on truckin through Keep on rolling down the river. Plague All right well technically the song starts like 10 seconds left in it but it's a really long outro So we're going to we're going to go ahead and cut out. Yeah I know I really like that song I told Charlie as soon as it came on and I feel like this should have been in the original Lion King soundtrack and maybe it is I don't know even if it's that I very well. Like you know percussion Yeah so here is the part of the show where we get into our weekend. With one specific song in mind that will be playing next. The end of this weekend was so weird because like so I had 3 different assignments that were due at 5 pm on Friday which meant that I was working up until 5 pm on Friday and even still I had talked to one of my professors and I was like hey like I just said I have a lot of different things do at this exact same deadline 3 different assignments 3 different classes and so. I talked to her and I said Ok you know. I will have it done by Sunday night like 100 percent she said that is that is perfect like because it's a rough draft for a paper and we're going to do peer reviews on Tuesday Yeah so. Anyway all that aside this we can see is felt so weird because I think this is the 1st time in my entire college career raw have done homework on a Friday night and done more than like 3 hours of homework on a Saturday as well. So just like it's really weird going into Sunday and being night I don't have a whole lot to do with Yeah I know that it's been really nice to have both of us have a bit of like the pressure off my shoulders a little while yet I know that if we're going to have a very very just like nice time because I don't feel quite so behind in everything . Yeah so. Now to connect our weekend to the show and the music. We will be playing for you Whiskey River by Willie Nelson sorry. But yeah we drinks or I drink some whiskey last night I don't know what Charlie did as you know a baby still you know not no not 21 yeah I've been met with but you know. Well it. Could have any in it could not have any in it although I believe the willing Elson song does have an e in it yeah I think in the spelling of whiskey like I like more European I think so I think the differences if I remember it I think it's like Irish whiskey and like Scottish or I guess scotch whiskey doesn't have the easy in it and then American whiskey does maybe I don't know I know I know it's like geographically based like I thought I'd make last night. For me a in o.e. And a free wi. Jamieson Irish whiskey which is pretty nice and then also. Some apple pie or yeah apple pie shots which was that was discreet so much more than anyone absolutely disgraceful. It was at the Frisbee party we have it's always the weekend before Thanksgiving. Or like or 2 weekends before Thanksgiving we have a a party called slaps giving where I don't know where the slops comes from I mean to do with Yeah but. Being at a party game. And so one of the traditions is that. People line up on the sidewalk with their heads on the sidewalk so you like your has like elevated and then they do a thing where it's like the poor or it was it 1st is it later apple cider and then a fireball whiskey which I felt really bad about because and after freshman year I just said I've never drinking fireball ever again get caught dead of a fire all over again ever not even for once not even for the you know punitive consequences but just for the embarrassment of it which I I still I feel like every time I go home especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas and like like the big like family holidays like that story always gets brought up and I'm like it was not my fault like I was not the word you said save someone's life it was like I was the one trying to save somebody's life from drug addiction into Also the Fireball in and of itself was not my choice that was a group decision that I was excluded from. And then I ended it I remember one of the pics of all of this io i remember the specifics like I want to be and will thing no this was a rainy 210. Thing for Ghost roost like it was fire ball and apple cider which was like we're like look at us being so classy as people not to drink it just doesn't have the same theme Wow Yeah and this is this is uncharted territory for us. So anyway. Yes after that I've had a distain for fireball But anyway so the apple pie shot is the everybody lines up and then you know they kind of go down the line with each of the 4 ingredients it's . So cider then fireball then whip cream and then cinnamon and then once everybody has everything then you you know all everybody likes all is on 3 in like it's it's like really stupid but it's it was kind of fun yeah except the person who was doing the cinnamon always put way too much. But way too much cinnamon and it got like all over my face and I was like you know what like I'm here I'm having fun like they're a war that was not pleasant you know it was trying to like breathe when it's like that on your lip and so you like every Because you can't with your mouth because a mouth full of you know junk and so trying to breathe with your uncle and yeah I mean your mouth is literally full of garbage let's be clear you know what that is like nothing of quality is is in your mouth at the moment it's just. And then you're constantly breathing in for the minute trying not to like joking it's just pleasant but like it's for the camaraderie it is for the camaraderie and there is certainly a factor that so I don't regret as do the and Fireball is actually a form of whiskey so yeah yeah which fits our theme of rivers by playing the song Whiskey River by Willie Nelson So now that we've thoroughly embarrassed our mothers . And I think we both thoroughly embarrassed ourselves more than anyone else I mean that's very true but by proxy Yeah. Just play some music and move on with their lives hope you enjoy. Oh let me. Alrighty that was Whiskey River by Willie Nelson which is apparently according to legend my mom's favorite Willie Nelson song or one of them so it certainly had amongst my family Yeah we are we're just kind of chatting in we're like well I feel like my parents must be a little bit proud that we've like upgraded from Fireball to Jamison which is like objective Lee not a terrible alcoholic to consume and he's like you know for human consumption yes least you know so there's. Like I think a lot about well Ok well let's just set the scene so an unnamed freshman who we are associated with through friendship sort of oh yeah it's a friendship Yeah yeah I'm you got to you got to keep this going because I'm not totally sure where we're at right now so basically you know one of the things that is hard for us but is that a lot of times like we see people walking past the booth as we're doing our show so it's really easy for us to talk about all of this and I talk about like you know these different people but it's also like for the people who've never stepped foot on Hendricks campus or it's been like months and they don't know these people it's like a little bit weirder which is the majority of our base being our families back home and so anyway and while we were also setting the context of thinking about different qualities of alcohols and how some are not really fit for human consumption but are somehow still legally sold and then there are some that are like you know. Ok Ok. So yeah we just one of our. Friends Yeah just walked by and we he is kind of been crowned to the Burnetts the freshman Burnett's king of the semester which is not like a title I we didn't quite have that title I don't think freshman year but maybe we had like like you like the Goblin Prince a brunette some odd I don't know. Now been princes like we were not like the ruling kings but like it was I think we will have to look back on freshman all my gosh we were so crazy but then we think I think about anyone else that I knew freshman year I'm like yeah you know we were Ok yeah we actively survived didn't didn't like maim our g.p.a. Beyond repair we much as you know I love to be like oh my gosh freshman year with so wild which you know it was relative to how we are now I think that. I know a lot of people who had a more insane freshman year. Double cup and up and do things. But but that's I don't know I feel like mom and dad I know you probably are not ever really super proud of me when you think about me drinking but we are now drinking much higher quality and thinking about the enjoyment that one can have in indulging a beverage and not just thinking about Ok Burnett's is pretty cheap so. Yeah that was a moment of vulnerability for us here on the show so I hope you take that as you will I think we should probably just get on with the music at this point we don't have that much time left you know we don't have a whole lot of time we have a bit of a lineup that we want to get through so the the next song we're going to be playing is a Bruce Springsteen song you know earlier in the show one of our esteemed listeners Mr Wade Parker texted as and said Wow Charlie is really going to be not allowed to come back to not jersey my homeland and I'm going to come back to the the homeland if he doesn't play some Bruce especially because Bruce says I think several songs about of about Rivers got a whole album but he's got a lot you know about it called the record but yeah it's like a major because his music is so you know you know. So it's all about you know it makes sense yeah yeah well we're going to put a meeting across the river because you know when I was 1st doing research for the show and I was trying to find songs I was like oh the river Bruce Springsteen perfect and so I added it and then Charlie was like yeah and I was like oh we should probably do a Bruce song stoop to when we were talking about songs for the show and Terry said to literally as long as it's not the river I hate that song so much and I said oh and then I didn't really say that song is really not a good song and you know and I like really listen to it now it's like you know what your right leg I don't I just think like Oh Bruce it's probably pretty good but like you know like anything that you love deeply if you love it deeply enough you'll see its flaws which I feel like that's how Charlie is with Bruce in this song there are certainly Bruce songs that I that I find flawed his entire most recent album for one of them. But Ok well now that we've given you enough commentary to satisfy your in on intellectual desire hopefully we're going to play Meeting Across the river right Bruce Springsteen I hope you enjoy. New few books tonight can you give us a. Government song got a meeting with. The sky is the. Song long you got a long list you won't say anything. It's just. Words. Stay quote on the today. And we got All right. That was a meeting across the river by Bruce Springsteen when he any thoughts or commentary just one of those ones where it's like off of Born to Run So it's you know this incredibly well known album but that's kind of one of the deeper cuts because the song is kind of it's not really. A song it's more of a narrative in the structure of a song and so I think it's. Doesn't fit as well with you know the Born to Run under roads of that album. I really like it though I think the narrative is very interesting and the whole. Vibe of the song is well you know he's not doing well he you know he's he's like pawning his radio and all this stuff and there's relationship stress he kind of spins this web of describing all these things going wrong and then the whole song is about well we're going to go do this thing and. It's going to change everything it's going to be the turning point in the intersection you know crossroads and it's about you know meeting across the river so I feel like the symbolism of like crossing the river and getting past everything is very I mean relevant to our scene you know. Do you want to talk about our next song Charlie. And see what the next song is is it. North and so well so as you know we were all looking for that and I was looking for a song to play on the show and and we know a couple of songs that relate to rivers that weren't already in the playlist because next I'd put 20 or so in already. And I was like you know who probably has a song about rivers and general dislike I'm just guessing has one is you 2 so I googled I should say Google I want to Spotify and search river u 2 and sure enough some popped up and I listened to it I really liked it so it is now on the show because I want to play more u 2 on the shucks they really do like you do all right as a simple as it gets Well it's a simple as it gets Let's play hope you enjoy. Along . The coast line. You. Can. See. That was North and South of the river by you too you are very likely you do song I I like that I listen to it again it's like I really like you to a lot and so I just kind of whenever I have an excuse to go through the discography a little bit more than I ever have before I tend to do it. I saw you 2 I think every wrestler too in concert with the Lumineers I think Lincoln Financial Field once was very cool parents and stuff I like going to concerts my family a lot because. It's like a weird I know my dad and I have very similar music taste and mom and I do too in a lot of ways but it is fun to like it's one of those things that we don't usually like have super similar interests but it's one of those ones that just totally naturally is which is which is always fun because it's always because their taste in music is a lot of artists that are you know like from the eighty's kind of and. So maybe like a little bit. The stage in their life that I'm in now they were kind of being you know popular right and stuff yeah socialization into a musical world and it kind of start to set some of your preferences at this age you know it's it's like they're maybe 15 minutes 15 years. And you know unlike the newer and from I guess the quote unquote their generation the other my mom I think you 2 is pretty strong in her generation. And I'm you know about 15 years behind some of my generation's music with my teeth I think it's a weird just like we kind of meet in the middle and it's bands like you too that are often the ones that do it which is cool you know and I want to see Fleetwood mac with my grandma recently and I recently mean like sometime in the last 2 years but I would have loved to do that too because that is fully in their generation and it would have been super fun too so yeah I'd Lotus I'd love to see Fleetwood mac live I really really can find my mom like I spending that would be a whole experience. You know. So our next song is a cover of a song that I we've definitely played on the show before the song that Charlie and I hear similar regularly just because it's one of those songs that people love to cover it curio key people love to play it in the middle of parties and kind of like break it up and have like a sing along song for everybody. A song by The Killers. There is very famous Mr Brightside only the most famous. And but the artists covering it oh there's more in Barry outside would see if she seems to really. You know we want of we are not racist she's definitely in the From group and core and you've been in no one and it's all the chairs and I said Where's Nestor Where's the Goblin you know where's our God like when friends are goblin prince of Chinatown where is he going to have a print of Martin Hall Oh my gosh I would die for Nestor I swear and. That's when it's almost time for us several times that it is true that is definitely also point out that. That is true. But anyway what the hammer debacle in one or the soul or oh my god that's too much to think about. I mean I think we're done purging that one from my memory of that strike that from the record and you know we're going to strike that from the record. Anyway so Mr Brightside wildly popular song in our generation and for you know the fact that it's a good song but also that there's a little bit of memory that goes with it in people yeah it's like people I love to love this song yeah you know to me like every wedding that occurs the next 15 years will have a song like as one of the songs it's like gets the crowd go it's going to get our version our generation's version of Come On Eileen I think oh so come on Come on Eileen has still has a very similar foe and it's you know his I think still means and what I mean is I don't know that both played at the wedding I went to this summer and they were both big big hits so it was fun but the reason we're playing this today the killers and Mr Brightside. And the song itself had nothing to do with rivers but the cover the artists that covered this their name is run river north so that is why it fits into our theme so I thought this is this is one of Charlie's finds so props to him on the I really put the word river into Spotify and let the algorithms speak to me I really I really did just like I said letter a I overlords yet take over like the Swedish You know things that Spotify and therefore own every part of my identity. In playlist form and you know me what I want to listen to yeah so with that astute commentary from Mr McMahon and we get started with our cover of Mr Brightside by a river run north I do enjoy. All right that was Mr Brightside by Run River North a very very stripped down version I think we don't really have time to play one more song but we really do because there's not a show after a stare so and this is a great point so I think as soon as we figured out what the theme for the show was I said there's one pun that we have to make we absolutely have to play a song by Weezer considering that the front man of Weezer His name is Rivers Cuomo So I thing we should like we have to play with your song even though it's going to run us over time I think the over there do understand yes they will they said wow that is a perfectly executed joke not really I mean it's but I just I feel like we want to really make sure that we're getting the depth but we're also getting the breadth as well. Never really music so good stuff there yeah and while we're at it we might as well keep. Keep it sort of water adjacent by playing surf wax America which is all about surfing which like you don't usually get from Weezer but. I would definitely recommend reading into the history of this song I'd talk about it more but we're really lookin to be they were about out of time so then what will be oh this is our sign off we're going to sign off and then we're going to place one song in the room to switch it over to the shuffle is there for you but very gracefully to you Do you guys just wait it's going to be this new this transition very good that after all this time we've been doing yes yes 100 percent no lies true fags not fake news. So yeah with that enjoy a little song firm river Como or rivers come in and his little band it's called surf wax America. I ponder if something great my lungs will fill and then played.

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