91725. A federal class action lawsuits been filed in connection with the day spa where the New England Patriots owner was arrested 31 people are accusing Florida authorities of illegally videotaping them at the same massage parlor used by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft Kraft and $24.00 others are accused of paying for sex none of those in a class action lawsuit have been charged with a crime Florida authorities did obtain a warrant to install cameras at the orchids of Asia Day Spa those in the lawsuit say their rights to privacy were violated Steve Futterman c.b.s. News. Britney Spears takes a day for herself from the mental health facility she's been staying in it was a day trip for Easter it's the 1st time the 37 year old's been spotted out since she checked herself into a mental health facility to deal with her dad's declining health but. The band sell what they called a free Britney protest in l.a. Monday saying she's been held against her will Matt Piper c.b.s. 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The smarter choice used. To keep. Our number one. Talk station. Getting. The roadway here in the Route one area I was passing through the I p c a little bit earlier and definitely can get a early start of rush hour traffic there and then as you continue forward to make your way to the jacket intersection and it does get busy years especially for that turning lane. Well we went away past the mobile intersection ride that the mobile intersection as you're making way there you'll notice of the turning when it goes and the airport road can be pretty busy as the wells so you are trying to make your way just straight to continue past the immobile intersection in the morning and then to the Jazz cage I would suggest staying on the it on the inner and the middle lane and as those 2 will take you straight whereas the outer lane you know you got a lot of cars taking that turn and it could stop you from just continuing to a head on straight through not taking a look at traffic elsewhere we do have a pretty bad back up in the southern part of Guam right in front of the a naval base they got a lot of cars coming and going through that area as well as cars taking a turn to go until I get home please just strengthens me while you're out here on the go a robin of these reports actually let me just add in one more thing and don't forget we do have d.p.w. Out there writing for the d.p.w. Compound they are collecting money I'm sorry I was should rather see a monetary donation and this will all proceed the Relay for Life To be sure you check that out and also drive a slow leave through that area otherwise it's pretty much going on on the roadways will check in a little later these are part of the rock you buy more going to Guam energy lives here and auto spot to be sure you check them out I know they have the new me $174.00 per paycheck is a chunk of money on the line to get pre-approved that $1.00 model spot dot com today I mean is reset on talk to the next important people want to News Talk a 57 spring in the more. Spot more selection more flexibility and more value we are fastest growing dealership the top brands want the g.m.c. Canyon starting of $174.00 per paycheck also a good deal done for storing at 190 $4.00 per paycheck and the Mitsubishi Outlander starting at $145.00 per paycheck and with a spot in house financing we have the right plan for your family so spring in the morning do you call 4780 for a visit our website at www dot com and get pre-approved today and. This is the sound of your car mobile synergy gasoline. With models new and improved synergy gasoline formulated for fuel economy you can get more out of your journeys driving experience are redesigned stations to fuel up and go further as it was over the. Energy lives here. Now it's time for a Wendy's break Wow Wow Totally hot offer at Wendy's and only for a limited time are you ready for this $2.00 premium chicken sandwiches choose from Wendy's popular spicy or home style chicken sandwiches all we can say is wow to $2.00 premium chicken sandwiches only at Wendy's the k. $57.00 cam is brought to you by Glenn Hahn insurance Good evening and thank you for joining us for wine flights at Olive Garden choose from 6 delightful themes or create your own flight from our selection of $28.00 different lines each one fly comes standard with 3 selections and you can include your favorite appetizer to enjoy a 1st class experience. Thank you for choosing Olive Garden wine flights Welcome aboard. In honor of Autism Awareness Month the Hunter speaks autism organization Sasa productions and the science and media group probably present a documentary highlighting autism on Kong new island up near. April 16th at 6 30 pm on a.b.c. And on Thursday April 18th at 6 30 pm on Fox thinks we broadcast. Team new island is probably sponsored by the bank of Kwan 76 or cooking cards plus mom I see many copies light and the science in media. Regardless of your age your eyes may be a significant risk from diabetes cataracts coma and retina problems a comprehensive health exam is key to maintaining your precious gift of sight contact island I specialists to schedule an appointment today that's 637-2029. Take care. And neck care health insurance Island specialists we are your doctor. Holiday sports fans this is Leo by you while you're gone sports guy ever wanted to know your favorite go on sports stars on station with the stock used talk a 57. Coming Attractions take to. Action. Want to know more about the latest film studio themes watch take 2 coming attractions with yours truly Tony while the 2nd Wednesdays on p. And c. At 5 30 pm on a.b.c. 7 and 7 pm on Fox 6 Remember ladies and gentlemen as well as a movie review every Friday e.g. Dot com slash has a new blog take to come a fraction of the sponsored by pizza maker. Hank cut Ok let's do that 500 more times why are you acting weird I'm the village crazy lady that's my job is there something you want to tell me just tell me. Is there something you want to tell me is this something you want to hear dance or. Subsuming not I'm just crude Ned a little Indiana. I don't know that I like this in. New Jonas Brothers jam Paul can we please play the other one the other one count Curiously the other one that they just came out with Les you know weeks back just because this is the last leg of your 4 hour Phil brunch Michaela selector Ok Ok Ok Jonas Brothers is there for our Phil brought you by countless to let you hear health care that's always there for you. To learn some of the Bane. On the set. Well don't be a sucker take advantage of your last chance on this specific program to win tickets to a vendor and the game you doing right now yes you are yes we have a sponsored screening happening this Thursday brought to you by the tallies restaurant Italiana royalty cuts details uptown a Pub and Grill in go bread box and daddy dough and ducks Kitty college Kitty with a. Kid. Like a daycare yet like not not like your sending your cat to school. Ok let's see only a true Avenger nerd can this quiz. I'm just going through it this is all really easy. Net Sorry Paul I didn't I didn't get this is not an alternate Avengers quiz you guys quiz dot com You call yourself a quiz. And not going to try to make it as easy as like what is Shield stand for who is Loki's brother. There's also a lot of questions that require you to be taking the quiz on the website like what is this character's name. A. Kid a yeah I'm going to I'm going to try you know let's do an Avengers comic comic trivia about that. 100 tiny Avengers quiz. Can you pass the hardass event Ok play Buzz dot com. And they're using the comic book Ball Ok. Ok. Here we go. In the original comic books Thor's What was the war's name. And what it was and for it wasn't for. India original comic Oh that's right does he have a secret identity right. Or or let me I let me just load up the like more on the answer because I have the answer I don't have the explanation Ok so be the 1st call to answer this comic book nerd trivia question in the original comics Thor's earth name was I should say Earth name Thor's earth name was what in the original comics call for $775750.00 whatever it was a regular name no. Yeah. Ok oh well there were we're getting some answers some callers I think it's just as easy as Thor original name on Google honestly so let me just take this in random order in honor of Thor's brother Loki half a day color what's the right answer. It is Donald blame. You said it wasn't a normal name Oh I thought you said a read what do you say a red banner name a regular read I heard read read something name I might know it's not a red name Ok ma'am you can be on is unlike Loki did did you did you look up the answer that's totally cool if you did. Ok that's fine because Wasn't there a Donna Blake Easter egg in the 1st time not sure but Donal Dr Donald Blake an ardent to his idea in the 1st Thor movies well for all the comic book nerds out there this is the earth $616.00 in the Marvel Universe Dr Donald Blake was created by ode in to be the host for his son for a ridge an all appearance August of 19. 62 so who's or lucky winner with the quick googling fingers. Ok Well Kristen again this is my final pair that I'm giving away today actually before the screening I'm just going to ask you Can you pick up your ticket before tomorrow at 5 pm. Don't go anywhere going to put you on hold Kristen and Paul's going to get your winner information I try listen I try to make it hard but I guess that was an easy answer to to look up. Again from the earth 616 universe I don't know if it's 616 or 616 How did the nerds do that Odin decided that it was time. For Thor to learn humility Odin had Thor surrender his hammer and sent him to earth in the mortal guise of a crippled young Harvard University medical student named Donald Blake stripped of his memory. So he didn't know his true identity Thor learned the value of humble perseverance in dealing with his injured leg and he came to care for the sick and dying 1st as a medical student later as a physician and after meat leaving medical school Blake opened up a private practice in New York quickly gained renown as a great surgeon which is not that that's always a that's always a theme with or that hubris of the God of Thunder is normally like that's usually like a plot device for why the villain is able to get one over on him because he's being too cocky I was correct in the Thor movie the the 1st Thor movie he had a falsified New York State driver's license that said Dr Donald. Ok well that would have been fancier. Even with what's her name and you know. President Queen Amidala killing me any. You know what is it you're brick and you're breaking my door that's that's my Queen Amidala impression 521 in the afternoon it's a time to I don't know why when it's your beings it's time to think you know I don't know I'm trying to you know get get get. Settled so that we can talk about important things I came to join the glasses fast Ok let me put mine on yours and read it for you he did that thing where you forgot the Took it off your head it lives on my head. Rests on my face I 22 in the afternoon can can we take our early listen it news is that. You know I think that's a good accomplish our goal better right Ok talk about traffic hang on Ok No well let's just do news 1st and then traffic or is there something against that Paul was just. It does not compute if you go outside the order. I like things just so our producers are very good about keeping things and listen with the you know with Lucy goosey way that I show Ok I need to be able. I need to be able to make sure that we run a tight ship. I want to say that she is Lucy goosey but she's also a tight ship the reef the beast brought to you by on a spot in Mobile. Traffic lamer Lamis Reese the beast. For what Obama is all going to ask her mom. Ok I didn't mean that as an insult Reese's mom but it's what I just meant for more knowledge that's what I meant by the fact. I'm Ok well you know I read Trackman doesn't a child make here in the Route one area is making about wading through Daddy I thought I made a fool I mean I actually did make a holder gold today of the make about way into the dado area to permit the start of the Micronesia Ma and then as you continue northbound on out one still very busy there still believe is a just drive thru the route one area and then also let's not forget that we have a d.p.w. Out there right in front of the media new compounds and they are accepting monetary donations that will be going to the Relay for Life All donations will be going to relay for life so the a light has supported that please that go on by there but also be on the look out for them as well as they're out there on the roadways collecting as donations other than the odd traffic elsewhere in the south all supporters in are all high and you got a pretty busy especially by the pools you got a lot of people checking out the beautiful beautiful Giles' beautiful polls and and of course tour buses there as well so just drive safely whether you're coming from or headed to the inner onto all the area and I pretty much did here silly We're going continue on our way north that on and as you go out is happening others are now wrapping up these reports being backed by mobile you want energy lanes here and of course our friends over there on autos body can spring into more value and get the g.m.c. Canyon for low is $174.00 per paycheck check them out on line to get pre-approved Agwai models by dot com today I need is reason I will talk to the next market a lot here to new funky certain. Spring in the morning while my spot more selection more flexibility and more value we are fastest growing dealership with top brands like the g.m.c. Canyon starting to $174.00 per paycheck also video concourse starting at $194.00 per paycheck and the Mitsubishi Outlander starting at $145.00 per paycheck and with out a spot in house financing we have the right plan for your family so spring in the mortality you call 4780 for those at our website it was auto spot dot com and get pre-approved today and. This is the sound of your car mobile synergy gasoline global. With mobiles new and improved synergy gasoline formulated for improve fuel economy you can get more out of your journey driving experience are redesigned stations to fuel up and go further because it was . Energy that lives here. First is brought to you by i t n d 2 more of what you love with more data at i.t.t. For a limited time only get 30 gigabytes of 4 g. L.t.e. Data on the $50.00 plan learn more at w.w.w. Dot dot net. 526 in the afternoon in here your latest headlines chief of staff Tony but about is not privy to nor is he interested in reading the redacted portion of a psychological evaluation of the administration's nominee Captain Steve Ignacio as the chief of police told News Talk 857 mornings with Patty that he is willing to put his trust in the committee was seeing all the information that was submitted as part of the package the chief of staff also indicated that one piece of paper is not going to define his interactions with the police captain nor is it going to define the record of public service Ignacio has demonstrated and dedicated to Guam Senator Peter he has yet to make a motion to move the nomination forward this session cats or broadcast news 1st for the full story a bill that would grant tax exemptions to businesses who grows 250000 dollars or less was sent to the voting file this afternoon the measure made the 3rd reading file after much discussion with some senators pushing back on the $4000000.00 in potential lost revenue to the government of Guam Sen Regina Briscoe lead the author of The Bill stated that a fiscal and budgetary analysis will only tell us what the tax incentive will cost to go and reminded their colleagues not to discount the economic benefit of providing some tax relief for micro businesses tune into new stock a $57.00 for the latest session updates. Gov Louis younger agrees and nothing is enough and has joined the fight to combat sexual abuse on our island according to a release issued by Adelaide this afternoon the governor stated that she is alarmed by how many of our people are being victimized and sexually abused some by repeat offenders and added As leaders we need to create a climate in which it is unacceptable and unheard of to sexually assault anyone especially a child the Gone Family Justice Center Alliance has scheduled the island wide walkout tomorrow at 5 o 5 pm and participants are asked to raise their hands for 15 minutes with the word enough written on their palms in protest of sexual assault visit the Monique Bozza story on Facebook to find a walkout location near you. The public is invited to see the u.s. Air Force f. 16 fighting fighter jets at the 81 pad International Airport won this afternoon through 6 pm the aircraft and its crew from the 35th Fighter Wing the Sahwa Air Base Japan are part of the exercise resilient typhoon the f. 16 a riper as it is nicknamed continues to serve a major role in the nation's defense and ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region the fighter jets will be visible on the bridge before the United Airlines hangar the general public is urged to limit the contents of their personal bags backpacks to essential items only bags are subject to search weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited I'm Andrea Heliconia And these are your headlines. First is brought to you by i.t.v. To more of what you love with more data at i.t.t. For a limited time only get 30 gigabytes of 4 g. L.t.e. Data on the $50.00 plan learn more at w.w.w. Dot i-t. E. Dot net this is Frances and why is our animal hospital I have been certified been a nurse I was all for over 10 years cares for a community that continues to be a Stevie York modern clinic because we are passionate about the health and well being of your pets we offer leisure 13 an architecture to help boost your pets natural healing process can be are indeed callers today at 646 care we are your other family doctor this by local message is brought to you by Sorenson group allies all animal hospital. Video games watching t.v. Staring at smartphones tablets and computer screens can all cost Sudhir eyestrain and headaches as well as issues with vision behavior and development contact island I specialists to schedule your child's comprehensive I don't think them today that's 672024 online at Island iguana dot com We accept stay well take care call those select care and net care health insurance Island eye specialist we are your eye doctor. has been lost to the ages. After the after the what was it called the Doom. Yes Ok the Sammy know me bran knows the words perhaps I mean the 1st man. Yes Game of Thrones happened yesterday I was so good I can even bring it up to you guys and I washed it during lunch yesterday as I was very proud of myself because I was so satisfied as a longtime viewer of this series I didn't want to give any indication or influence anyone and I think I did the job because although Drea enjoyed the episode Paul surprise surprise had some things to gripe about. Yeah Paul Nothing happened there's no grand of effect shots no battles Ok how he got killed it will this will this work for you Paul from Steve all we got was Side Are You a boob that's all we got will this will this help for you Paul Stephen King as a long time storyteller I'm in awe of how perfectly the minds behind this show brought all the major characters together at Winterfell they made it look easy Constant readers it is not yeah see that was my thing some of these carry felt very satisfying to me some of these characters have not been in a scene together like ever. Or I was trying to figure out last night in the same place Kendry an aria I have spent quality time together was I could be a family song and song What's her name. Yeah where you go oh yeah they shared a scene a very tense scene sure to me it was like a lot of the satisfying things like like the sort of you know the shady bits of formality like wouldn't have made sense if I didn't know what was going on and what was expected like like a classic example Paul 1st time that they interacted to your point Andrea on a star. More Mon and Joram or mine there are a member of the little argument that they had was such a reflect all nice refreshing scene and you know like her dismissing Giora with we're done here and then taking you know a step and a half and then turning around and wishing him good fortune cousin. Yeah you know that was and then you know Joran calling her my lady you know like all of that was oddly satisfying obviously and I don't know spoiler alert spoiler alert spoiler alert but what what happened with Brienne of Tarth felt like a very satisfying moment to a long time viewer who is emotionally invested in that specific character I think there was a lot of character satisfaction of the things that I really loved is. The weapon that that are you know one of the things is what what's a weapon What's a weapon What's a weapon it's her blind girl stick with with your tips on it you know like that is just so bad somewhere in the middle of the episode to episode all that came to my mind was what happened of recurring. Girl you know what I mean he wasn't killed I told you if you pull said that but I think I can remember no Remember he was killed with his dad it was in the battle of the bastards you started off remember he was Rick on Star great yeah I mean the battle of the bastards what's his name Ramzi can remember you had him captive he released him and he was running across the field and you're on a tiny search been teeming whatever it's called he wasn't going into his yes exactly wasn't he was not zig zagging and so he got shot I see he said he said he died with his dad and well I'm thinking about it all thinking about the other guy is his father was yeah yeah did you know everything about who's that guy the guy the died with his dad or a couple of seasons ago a couple seasons ago oh you're talking about Dick on Dick Armey. To help with the father of exotic Harley sometimes brother and dad what one person's regard as another person. You know. But yeah I was just it was so satisfying for so many reasons like oh my god Arias stick blind stick girl training is finally paying off and she's going to kill someone walkers with that state right and the Belaire in steel so you have the presentation Yeah you don't get even a little bit emotional about Paul your dad taught me how to be a man and your dad taught me how to be good and if you're much of a lame nerd that I don't know how to fight so here use it I can't yeah I can't hold the thing yet but that's what he said I can't even hold it up right yeah. Ok what about you know it was a little bit of a cheap shot there that's so that's his excuse to go down into the into the cellar with his men. He said Well tartly killer of White Walkers lover of women all right . You know vote woman what's her name Gilly Gilly has been putting away the groceries are you like is she like you might have a kid I was or what I thought I think I did it is green for me yeah yeah character might have been because even the angle like that was something blocking her good up north you know she she like held a pumpkin or a target on her belly or something like that. I just look a little soul something that did touch my heart and I did think it was a trope and it was a cheap shot was that they clear Shereen look alike walking up to what's his face the onion Knight where should I go. And she even had the she had like a scar I know reminiscent of right I don't remember I'm like but I wasn't green or that I don't know it was just that she got burned in the fire something that was The Shining was a brother of a turning robber. Well this is name Robert and I was trying to member so he had 2 brothers really and Stannis standing there you go gosh I couldn't remember that last night I was watching some of the Lauren histories of the. Saturday night. Not just the recap it's a supplemental much he writes I watch that end because because of the sort of plane reading as interesting as it was I must have fallen see like 20 times to me it is amazing time story yeah and you know like the fact that h.b.o. Threw money just so that actors themselves could voice that you know I'm going to talk about the tar Garion family and I'm Emilia Clarke right you know like that is that was like Ok good for you found the money because it could have been anyone was right they were they would put those out one person I think I don't know where yeah they were using it it was one of the d.v.d. Extras. Old there's the name of the actors actually have a hotline set up you can hear is the most popular show on television but with so many characters plots and locations it can be difficult to keep track of what's going on now there's help with Game of Thrones for just to 99 a minute are certified experts will give you the answers you can trust game of. Boys and King jobbery no wonder that turned out to be a bad clan members have to touch the shells to make sure they're alive. It's calm when I want no question is too awkward I have a crush on my brother what should I do nothing. To morrow tapped on those feelings on the other hand. In phones have been able to personally game the phones how can I help you I think I have grayscale I did Gentles a swollen tender. Is how can I help you to intricate game of phones I want to ask me why and how the whole face popping thing works Ok I'm just going Ok I'll hold. You. If me Yesso 1st. Off the face or too intrusive can I have your password. Not. Door off. Cleanup leaders are here to help him a phone how can i help i just wanted to say that I hate you you are sick and you are just awful you know I have caller id see you soon Gary. Given phones how can I help and give you clarity yes when served up has got his penis cut off though we have taken to feeling great joy that was how his fingertips cut off his penis is fine I'm pretty sure it goes Peter's got off my penis is the bare fact you want me to show you my penis. Well up. Your phones Ok now here's a small bit diabolical clause in there h.b.o. Contract requires them to man our phone banks and cut George r.r. Martin lawn. To my walk white run to your phone today to call game of phone ins to $99.00 per minute or $599.00 per even. Thank call today no load on Friday. That I never got into I heard on Jimmy Kimmel Live. That which you can watch every night Tuesday through Saturday on a.b.c. 7 I like the musical when you say it's Monday on t.v. Staff I was going to say because Saturday it's Friday on t.v. Stuff. You know actually I do have a gripe and I think that Paul would appreciate this little grape because because he is very much about the pot holes that riddle this show about travel humor last we saw the unsullied they were trapped at Castle Iraq with no ships surrounded by an armada of iron borne and nowhere to go so how did they get here nor a Winterfell maybe just totally unexplained maybe they have to ride on a dragon that's my one that's my one great Paul and there was a lot of them yeah that basically they made it safe and sound no big deal it still doesn't ruin it for me it doesn't ruin it for me but as soon as I as soon as I saw them and I'm like I mean explain why I'm brown and then they did in that episode I was like oh I wonder what Paul is going to say to the 7 kingdoms Express . They just called a new burger. A group share a ride share it said the red eye Ok. The big battle is coming between the living in the dead now something that I would like to see if you guys have a difference of opinion on just straight up because of the amount of episodes that have passed and the amount of episodes that are ahead so we know that this is a 6 episode season 2 down 4 to go we know that the next battle is going to be episode the big battle is going to be at least episode 3 some people are saying maybe it's going to be 2 episodes whatever but Paul given the fact that there will be between 3 and 2 episodes following this big battle. Who is or are there going to be any survivors of this Winterfell encounter everyone is preparing to die everyone right and they've been saying we're all going to die we're going to die we're all right which you know we think that overall brand says What do you think how do you know there's nothing else yeah well that well the reason why I think at least from last night's episode that gives that credibility is they sort of stop at resolving John Snow's admission at least John and Danny right so that we know who's going to have the iron throne after this right I don't know that that's going to be resolved during battle or you know during this or they're just going to shout at each other from the dragon back so it's mean there's no argument he's the 1st male born and I know what you know what if you kept there you know he's abdicate Paul. I don't want it I know you know nothing I never wanted to be king. You know nothing. That I know Paul do you think ever was just going to die and Suzy just going to like you know why you know now that your enemies for 2 episodes downs going to die to you were so she's going to die there's a you know there's dineros he said Guy I'm sorry I think the why Walker boss why Walker is going to come in to look as they showed out more white like what was going to boss is than ever before there's a whole line of but I mean there's a whole lot of dead people down in the cellar one of Ned Stark is a. Bare bones bro so the horses are bone Yeah they're pretty but I know but they still have flesh attached to him and I don't know you never think that zombie Ned Stark is going to kill all the women and children it would be called or I don't know if you know this but they're bringing Sean Bean back for any reason is a good idea in my gray Do either of you know about the other resurrected character that is in the books but not in the t.v. Show and that's not the uncle I tried to read the books like was in the what happened to his uncle that when there was a Black Fish know that there was on the other side of the low Remember he said he died he died saving Johnson Oh yeah oh I remember he ran into the horde with his little show I'm actually dying with this to Norris incense along with. He was there and he gave his horse to John Wright and Davis Ok so who is the No I don't think you give us horses John I think you ran old with this horse maybe I'm getting confused with season one who so who is there or maybe he just stood there like come at me bro I thought John rode in on his shoulders I only know that you know I think you know I think you're right like I have to you're right I so they're the reason why he escaped the north that time is because his uncle sacrificed him so k. So who is the undead that that's not in the book in the store in the t.v. Show well you know just just based off of your what if there's in the corrupt stark but how is it how is how can she be is only a start it was never fully explained in the books it has something to do with the power of the Lord of Light something something oh oh yeah that's right I forgot about that she becomes I think in theirs as well she like temporarily leads the yeah there's this whole story of how if you comes back yeah she does she does part of like Ari ever revenge to remember a couple of seasons ago we were like speculating what if they do this one of yeah but they never did it sort of Paul's point maybe there is going to be a zombie in the crypt because Catlin Stark is there yeah and that they have in the books then everyone is like where they don't lady throne are which is what they call or in the books is driven by them but there you see if they did that that's way further down in the story than it should have been well and also you know they got rid of the one person who could bring somebody back to life or 2 they got rid of both of them the red one temporarily I don't know maybe the Red Lady is just going to I'm here in Winterfell right because she just carried one of the last 3 episodes Your she and she would be great edition because he was with them and then he was not and she just kind of like she's going to like appear in a sunbeam or something after the after that it's something to she die and I don't know if she won't remember he was there she. She was. As soon as John Snow got to he was there agonized he left and she said that she's going to s.o.s. And that she will be back in in the 7 kingdoms one last time to die. And it's because both her and what's his name the other you Nick the fat bald you know various areas right now that her and various need to die in this strange land . You mean she's not strange smoke is not going to come out of her I don't know and I don't know I would much rather have that than the monster from fern gully though do you remember that motor oil monster Well you know all it reminded me of was what was the smoke in la. When I saw it as you know like they never explained that smoke in Los did that. Ok let's give one name of somebody who we think is going to survive. Winterfell battle next I was next week next week's battles know who is definitely going to survive definitely not see Ok let's say besides Jon Snow and in areas target area who else is going to survive are you she still got the shooting to go with are you my pick 2 only because she's triple wielding bro or the guy that doesn't die she has needle she has she has the Valarie instilled Baghdad her and she has that you know staff both staff with the sword to spear tips the guy that brought himself back to life one by the way spear tips are spearhead spearheads Ok how do you incorporate of city in into metal I still stand how they do that you you it's the same thing you you build a little well and that's your holes and then you screw you put a screw through all 3 know there's a dragon glasses Obsidian there is this has been established how do you miss melt that into if you don't smell they're not smelting it you brush it so that the cylinder is hollow there's 2 parts in the cylinder yeah left cylinder insert blade here with a little extra long handle it's how everyone's been doing it Ok and then you put the 2nd part of the cylinder close and then you put a screw through all 3 part of the city in this fragile. Strong enough to to beat up people with like eyes waxes on that hairy stump and took that x. And y. Acted on it he said and it still held Yeah. We'll try that with real Obsidian that's going to I don't think that they're really I don't think that it's real obsidian that they're using brown but it's canon that it's Obsidian I mean they're calling it Obsidian but they're not saying as a name and invisible properties and a little. There's also dragons Paul I'm pretty sure Dragon Fire can't do what it's been doing again is also wild fire ball I'm pretty sure you can you don't fire on top I'm pretty sure fire doesn't spread fire at Israel spread over I was you Satan spread over there was shit I guess oil firewood We also talked about the breast milk of giants Ok so add a little observing the whole episode was good enough for me to finally learn why torment John's brain is called that. 10 minutes of the top the hour let's bring somebody let's bring a 4th perspective to the conversation Mark I know that he's been talking about Game of Thrones usually with Andrea over the years how often he mark everybody all right sir how about you oh good i got one for you Ok well you know it's well let's just going to die yeah we're going to survive yeah they're all going to fight they're all going to survive yeah because you're going to come back you know bring everybody back and I know you think that she's going to she's going to do what the night King did and she just going to walk up and raise her hands and all of Winterfell will come back alive. Well not all of what did I just I mean oh Ok in the script when you saw the script Mark. Go to starring you got like you had a story they killed Sean Bean and he was starring in the 1st season everybody World War 3. Star. Mark Messier looks like looks like a Ridley is coming back yeah I mean this is the way I would look at it like a going to come back and doormat The Lord of the night going to somehow make an appearance and what is bad he's going to resurrect Ok And after they're done with the day walkers I get together and the one thing I was expecting last night because the guy that got the title of the. Anointed are not in the seventy's and the night of the night yeah yeah I was thinking they were going to do something like one night from each each of the kingdoms will or will get together you know amongst themselves because themselves the 71. Well they did that when they went drinking sure I did love that drinking that drinking scene gave me all the feels Marc let me just ask you one more prediction at the end of it all who is sitting on the Iron Throne. Is going to be at Dawson because you've got John who you know that if I had male heir yeah true true true and yes who is me declared Queen Yup and in order for you to make good on the king and queen you have to you know Ok so you're thinking that maybe they'll marry. I'm thinking that they will connect Mary I don't know if you know that's a card that's a brother or sister. Whatever listen they're only auntie and nephew so that's when you turn around and think about it. Then there is just trying to reunite and gain control of the 17 dumps she's trying to do that whereas John Stark. John Stoll is the last remaining true heir. So when you look at it and the way it's the way the story that is going is really reunification. To both of them reunite. I have a couple ideas Mark and all I got to say about that is if we can have cruise crews in Connecticut can't they have to guarantee our Garion. They do I mean our 1st. Mark thank you for the phone calls when you're there Ok time to talk to the beast 1st of her. Breaker of plastic bags. Full. Mother. Of little baby. I don't know where I'm going with this except to say that she. Spelled k w. It's really the b. . Thing. I mean. You might find yourself in a little bit of the back to. Move along pretty quickly compared to the other. Down. From. On all the way down. On. The lookout for. Another. There's some heavy congestion going on there in the area from the back section all the way down like if you really that you go all the way. Like even. The one tree crazy to me so please. Go and continue. To these are port by mobile. Guam and or Geale lives here and our friends they go on autos now into more value was then you can get the g.m.c. 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And then when it was Podger going like that's how he gets all the ladies. Rings. Rare. And just to try to rebut concerns that you know this obsession with Game of Thrones is a little silly it can always get sillier from Twitter Paul a response on a. Like a roommate application Here's what homeboy had to say Hey Christine Sorry I haven't responded earlier my main concern is that your a Capricorn our main goal is to keep things a gala Tarion without anyone being in charge or dumbing the household. I love Capricorns but I don't think I could live with one or be in a band with another one this Virgo Gemini houses a special place where soft mutual signs get to run free untethered by Cardinal authorities I wish you well on your search and hope you're doing Ok. They caption accompanying that f. Ing astrology queers in this town are out of control Yeah all right you know so he can always get sillier Paul are you feeling untethered from Cardinal authority. Sure Ok well if you're not maybe you can meet me after the show because we are adults over the age of 21 right here on k.g. I'm a get you're the rebroadcast of peons you have Jon snow headed your way I also want to say that I'm feeling a little bit under the weather it's so thank you Andrea Heliconia to skip out of let's be blunt tonight just said you and Nyquil bomb following this edition of your 4 hour fill is always your Bracci Mike have a select care health care that's always there for you. Heart. Full of her go 6. News Talk a 57 is cagey us got you have law. You see stores broadcasting high definition to man. In. The. Here is your b n c news team. Where there's an offer they told us Holmes or you're watching p n c news 1st we are live from the broadcast center a concert I'm Julie is scientists and I'm Joe won't have as thanks for turning out topping our newscasts tonight autopsies have been completed on 3 victims who died in car crashes this month police spokesman Sergeant Paul to Powell says he has received the following reports 41 year old Scott Reynolds is cause of death was a broken neck the manner of death rolled accidental Reynolds was the operator in the April 7th crash involving a report of a more cycle running off the roadway on the road to mooning the route to single car crashing agate which occurred on April 16th involved a 16 year old boy his cause of death multiple trauma the manner of death rolled accidental Meanwhile 21 year old Ernie or its cause of death was a basal skull fracture his death was also ruled accidental or it was the single opposite occupants of one of the 3 cars involved in the tree GIGO crash on April 17th. Stiffening up penalties against sexual offenders closing gaps and monitoring offenders after release from prison and preventing the nefarious use of inmate Act are the latest bills to be introduced by the legislature just weeks after a convicted sexual predator was caught once again Senator James Morlan has joined in on the fight against sexual abuse by introducing 2 bills aimed at making sure those who do the crime will pay the time Bill $96.00 increases the minimum sentencing of convicted 1st 2nd or 3rd degree criminal sexual conduct to serve a minimum of 15 years Meanwhile Bill $99.00 addresses the issue. Monitoring and accountability which raise the raise through after rearrest of convicted rapist Paul Tsongas Malkmus Jr who was convicted in 1909 of kidnapping and raping several young girls and released early from prison in 2014 the bill mandates that any sex offender released on probation or parole must wear an electronic monitoring device Meanwhile Senator Mary tours also proposed legislation that would provide civil recourse for victims of revenge porn or whose inmate intimate images were shared without their consent enabling them to recover up to $10000.00 or an amount equal to the economic and non-economic damages caused by disclosure of the images whichever is greater if an act in it would also outline procedures that allow victims to protect their identity in court proceedings Bill one o 2 is for every victim who lost a career to even Dick to partner every survivor forced to switch schools and every person humiliated into hiding while we can't erase their suffering civil recourse offers a powerful 1st step toward helping our victims fight back and correct these injustices said the Senator. Well it appears that there are contradictory reports from health care professionals regarding the mental health of acting Chief of Police Stephen but that doesn't seem to have sparked a concern from the legislature and absolutely continues to stand by their man p.m.c. Choice financially but this report. Quote based on his clinical interview and standardized testing results.