Listened. President obama on the nations road forward in the first state of the Union Address of his second term. And a hero betrayed . Her courage saved lives during a massacre on a texas army base, so why is she now claiming president obama betrayed her and other victims . Keep it right here, america. Nightline is back in just 60 seconds. [ male announcer ] with citibank its easy for jay to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. Mobile check deposit. Easier banking. Standard at citibank. Makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when shes on the go. Even when shes not going anywhere. Citibank for ipad. Easier banking. Standard at citibank. From washington, this is nightline with terry moran. Theres breaking news. For that we go to the abc news desk. Thank you, terry. Im rob nelson at abc headquarters in new york. We begin with breaking news from southern california. Investigators have located charred human remains within the debris of that burnedout cabin where its believed Christopher Dorner was holed up. Investigators tell abc news identification will be attempted through forensic means. If dorner is positively identified it would bring an end to the largest manhunt in the history of the Los Angeles Police department. Abcs sa sicecilia vig ga has t latest on this quickly developing story. Reporter it was in this cabin deep in Big Bear Mountain outside los angeles that the tenday International Manhunt for Christopher Dorner may have finally come to its grisly end. But tonight, dorners fate is still unclear. Was the man accused of killing four people, two of them Police Officers, among todays dead . After an intense standoff with police, the cabin in which the suspect had been holed up all day went up in flames. We believe that the person that barricaded himself inside the cabin and engaged in gun fire with our deputies and other Law Enforcement officers is still inside there, even though the building burned, yes. Reporter the dramatic showdown began this afternoon. Volleys of gunfire exchanged between officers and the man they believed to be dorner. Formerly one of their own with a milliondollar bounty on his head, holed up inside this hillside cabin, all captured on camera by local station kcbs. Earlier, dorner allegedly burglarized a nearby home, tied up two women and stole their vehicle. One of them reportedly broke free and called for help. The massive response witnessed by our los angeles affiliate kabc. Im here off of bryant street and highway 38 where were seeing a massive i cant reiterate this, a Massive Police presence. Reporter during todays gunfire, two San Bernardino county deputies were shot. One of our deputies is injured. Unfortunately, one of our deputies passed away. As a result of his injuries. Reporter it brought the body count to four allegedly at dorners hands. And others injured. He began his deadly rampage last sunday with a grisly double homicide. 28yearold monica kwan and her fiance Keith Lawrence shot at close range as they sat in their car. A murder with no apparent motive. The couple had no known enemies. Kwan was a Popular College basketball coach. But she was also the daughter of a retired l. A. Police captain, randy kwan. Just one of many against whom dorner, an exlapd officer himself, held a grudge. Today weve identified christopher jordan dorner as a suspect in this double homicide. Reporter 33yearold dorner, a lieutenant in the u. S. Navy reserves honorably discharged just 11 days ago, had been fired in 2009 from the lapd. He threatened individual officers in an eightpage manifesto against the department that he posted online, and wednesday he attempted, unsuccessfully, to hijack a boat in san diego. He pointed a handgun at the victim, who is an 81yearold male, and demanded the boat. Reporter then thursday dorner allegedly shot three Police Officers in riverside county, killing one and wounding the others. 34yearold riverside officer michael crain, a married father of two, was killed in the attack. Police launched the largest manhunt in lapd history, following up on more than 1,000 tips. Hundreds of officers crisscrossing the country for days, including efforts in tijuana, mexico, san diego county, and big bear. The possible motive, all spelled out in that online manifesto, where dorner accused specific officers of covering up Police Brutality by making him the scapegoat. He vowed revenge, writing when the truth comes out, the killing stops. Ariana williams knows dorner better than most. She dated him five years ago and says he was unraveling even back then, always keeping weapons close by. Hed be in the bed and there would be one by the bed. There would be one on the kitchen counter. There may be a combat knife or something that i saw in the bathroom one day or in the kitchen. So there would be several weapons just lying around in my domain and i just thought these are things that transpired over time that i thought were strange. Reporter one major challenge for authorities, because of his police and military training, dorner knew all their methods and tactics. In that manifesto, he even taunted the lapd. I have the strength and benefits of being unpredictable, unconventional, and unforgiving, he wrote. I will utilize every bit of smallarms training, demolition ordnance, and Survival Training ive been given. It was no idle threat. The last tangible clue where dorner might be, the burnt out hulk of his truck near Big Bear Lake thursday night, but nobody was inside. This video released by tmz just yesterday allegedly shows dorner only 48 hours before the murders. Hes at a Sporting Goods shop carrying in two small yellow scuba tanks, as he walks into the scuba section. Could he have used them in that burning cabin where he may have taken his final breath . They have a very large crime scene to process, and thats what they will begin doing. They have Homicide Investigation to do, and they will need a large number of investigators out there to complete this job. Reporter so many questions remain, as authorities now sift through the rubble on Big Bear Mountain. For nightline, im cecilia vega in los angeles. A terrifying saga apparently comes to an end. Thanks to cecilia vega for that. Next up, president obama calls for an end to gun violence and defines his vision for the future in his first state of the Union Address since his reelection. Future in his first state of the Union Address since his reelection. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. 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Millions across america interrupted their channel surfing routines tonight to tune in to the state of the Union Address, 22 days after president obamas inauguration. The twotime commander in chief now shared his vision on where the country stands and where its headed. Abc newss new White House Correspondent jim avila has the latest. Reporter there were fist bumps on the way in. The president congratulating illinois senator mark kirk for returning to the senate after a stroke. And then a shock. Vice President Joe Biden in glasses, unable to wear his contacts because of a scratched cornea. But for many, the speech itself failed to get really interesting until the final seven minutes, when president obama rode the emotion of ribbons, green, black, and white, worn by more than 40 victims of gun violence, including former arizona congresswoman gabby giffords, emphatically calling on congress to at least call a vote on gun control. Gabby giffords deserves a vote. The families of newtown deserve a vote. The families of aurora deserve a vote. The families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. Reporter but this was a president who heard whispers that he forgot the economy in his second inaugural, emphasizing that despite all the issues that have been thrust upon him, from north korea Testing Nuclear weapons provocations of the sort we saw last night will only further isolate them. Reporter to a mad gunman invading a country school. It is the economy that will dominate Barack Obamas second term. A growing economy that creates good middle class jobs, that must be the north star that guides our efforts. Reporter the president proposing a series of bold actions, from a 50 billion fix it first Infrastructure Program designed to repair as many as 70,000 crumbling bridges around the country. Raising the minimum wage from 7. 25 to 9 an hour by 2015. And calling for universal preschool education for the nations 4yearolds. Offering federal funding to states to make sure low and moderate income children have access to quality preschool programs. It is our unfinished task to restore the basic bargain that built this country. The idea that if you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead. No matter where you come from, no matter what you look like, or who you love. It is our unfinished task to make sure that this Government Works on behalf of the many, and not just the few. That it encourages free enterprise, rewards individual initiative, and opens the doors of opportunity to every child across this great nation. Reporter president obama championing a Progressive Agenda where government is used to spark the economy. But aware of criticism that americans cant afford it. Nothing im proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broadbase growth. Reporter the president s opposition immediately accusing him of reckless spending that will hurt the middle class. Florida senator marco rubio delivering the gop response in both english and spanish. And after a quick water break, reminding voters that unlike the last republican standard bearer, he is not a multimillionaire. I dont oppose your plans because i want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because i want to protect my neighbors. Reporter there were nods to foreign policy, an official announcement of afghanistan troop withdrawals, 34,000 troops out by february 2014, effectively ending the afghanistan war. But in the end, while the economy took up most of the debate and speech time, it is wounded in the hall who will be remembered. Its the end that were going to remember because of the people in the room and the way he created that arc about give it a vote, i think thats what well remember most out of the speech. Reporter unless you live on twitter, where fist bumps, Vice President ial glasses and Water Bottles are viral. For nightline, im jim avila on capitol hill. Thanks to jim avila for reporting on the state of the Union Address and the twitterverse as well. Just ahead, president obama said tonight that victims of gun violence deserve a vote. We meet the woman who emerged a hero in the fort hood massacre and says the president made her a promise he hasnt kept. And says the president made her a promise he hasnt kept. ] surprise your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises . Now you can get all the online Trading Tools you need without any surprise fees. Its not rocket science. 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Tonight at the capitol these were the people who took the seats of honor next to first Lady Michelle obama. Not long ago, that same seat was held by the Police Sergeant hailed the hero in the fort hood massacre. But now shes claiming the president has turned his back on her. Some of the following images in this story may be difficult to watch. Heres abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross with a nightline investigates. Reporter in the three years since the attack at fort hood in texas has been forgotten by many. But not by the victims. The people in the army processing room that day who say they have been forgotten and neglected, too. This is what they experienced. Terror and chaos that has not been seen publicly until tonight in new footage obtained by abc news, taken moments after the carnage ended. Everyone is scrambling. Its chaos. A few seconds after he started shooting is when i took a round to the chest. There was a lot of heroes that day, heroes that stayed onscene and rendered first aid to the other victims. Reporter 13 people killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 shot. None of whom received the purple heart or any of the additional veterans medical and financial benefits given those wounded or killed in war. Because the military, to the outrage of the victims, has apparently deemed this workplace violence. Its no different than an insurgent in iraq or afghanistan trying to kill us. Reporter the accused shooter a u. S. Army major, nidal hasan, identified in this photo by three of the victims, allegedly shouted allah akbar as he shot. He was stopped by Sergeant Mark todd, who opened fire and brought down the shooter. He was not through. He had over 177 rounds still left on his person. Reporter sergeant munley, hit three times and seriously injured, became known across the country as a hero. Even as she was still recovering, the white house arranged a heros welcome for her and her partner at the state of the Union Address three years ago. But now she says she feels she was used. Betrayal would be a good word. Reporter munley told abc news the president broke the promise made to her that all the victims and their families were be well taken care of. So when he told you were going to take care of you, that did not turn out to be true . No. Jimmy what would you say to the president . If i were to see him again, again, its not about me, but i would just beg him, to please take care of us. Reporter at the heart what was has outraged munley and other ft. Hood vehicle actuals and file this lawsuit is the militarys decision not to award purple hearts and its insistence on calling the shooting work place violence. Despite major hasans documented communications with the al qaeda leader anwar al awlaki, who has since been killed in a u. S. Drone strike. It was clearly an act of terrorism that occurred that day. Theres no question in my mind. And i think the victims should be treated as such. Reporter one of the victims, former Staff Sergeant sean manning, who still has bullets lodged in his body, says he has lost almost 70,000 in benefits otherwise available to those with combatrelated injuries. I mean, basically, theyre treating us like i was downtown and got hit by a car. Reporter initially, an Army Review Board did classify mannings injuries as combat related. But that was then overruled by higherups in the army. I never would have thought that they would have basically neglected the people that were killed and wounded that day. Reporter Sergeant Alonzo lunsford was shot seven times and blinded in one eye. There are some bullets still in his body. As he saw where he was shot in the new video obtained by abc news i saw my blood. Reporter munsford tells us he still suffers every day from the physical and emotional pain of what he says was no different than being in a war zone. Its a slap in the face. Not for me, but for all of the 32 that were in uniform that day. Reporter some of the other victims from that day say theyve had to go outside the military to get proper medical care. We had stories of soldiers who were forced to go had their parents find civilian doctors to get them proper medical treatment. Reporter among those named in the lawsuit is the secretary of the army, john mchugh, who told abc news he was unaware of the soldiers complaints until we asked him about it. You had not heard that before . I had heard of certain concerns but not that they hadnt been getting treatment. It is not our intent to have two levels of care for people who are wounded by whatever means in uniform. Reporter as for the purple hearts, he says the pending military trial of major hasan prevents the army from awarding them to the victims of the fort hood shooting. To award a purple heart, it has to be done by a foreign terrorist element. So to declare that soldier a foreign terrorist were told would have a profound ly potential effect to be able to conduct the trial. Reporter are you satisfied with that . I think ive answered your questions repeatedly. Reporter you dont think thats insensitive to the soldiers . In a statement to abc news, the pentagon says survivors of the fort hood shooting are eligible for the same medical benefits of all service members, but some in congress, including the chairman of the House Homeland Security committee michael mccall, say they will introduce legislation to require the fort hood victims receive the purple heart and other benefits they say they are now being denied. Terry . Thanks, brian, for that important story. Well keep you posted on it. It is time now for our closing arguments, tackling the issues the president confronted in the state of the Union Address. Confronting gun violence, the troop drawdown. Which do you think is most important to our country right now . Tell us what you think at the Nightline Facebook page. Tweet us nightline and thanks for watching abc news. Well see you here tomorrow

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