The first lady now entering the fray after her husbands twitter rant attacking a pair of tv hosts. Plus the new curveball on health care. Is the president changing his tune now . And shark alert. The Holiday Weekend warning. Great white sightings on both coasts. Predators dangerously close to swimmers. The boat had no idea that those sharks were in the area. The advice you need to hear before you hit the beach. Hey, good morning. Happy Holiday Weekend. Lets take another look at that new shark video. Not what you want to see as we kick off this Holiday Weekend. This video is captured via drone off the coast of california. You can see a shark coming uncomfortably close to a paddleboarder right there. No thank you. One more reason to stay in the pool, everybody. But much more on that as well as the deadly shooting at a hospital here in new york. But we do have breaking news right now. A nightclub shooting overnight in little rock, arkansas, and ron is here with the latest information on that. Good morning to you. Hey, good morning to you, paula. This is a developing story right now. Police in little rock reporting at least 17 people were injured when shots broke out at a crowded downtown nightclub. [ gunshots ] a clubgoer capturing the sound of those gunshots at a power ultra lounge. This happened just after 2 00 this morning after what appears to have been a fight during a concert there. Some sort of dispute broke out between individuals that were inside and an exchange of gunfire took place. At least 17 people injurpeopi the chaos and many hurt when they were trampled while trying to flee. Fortunately all are nonlifethreatening. They dont believe it was terror related. The search for the gunman is going on right now. No nexus to terror. All right, thank you very much, ron. I know youll keep an eye on that breaking story out of arkansas. We do now have new information on that horrifying shooting at a hospital here in new york city. This is a picture of the gunman, a doctor who used to work at bronxlebanon hospital who went there for revenge. This doctors name is henry bello. He murdered one of his former doctor colleagues and injured several other people before killing himself. And this morning the New York Daily News is reporting dr. Bello sent the paper this email rant just hours before the shooting. In the email bello says he was fired as a result of, quote, bogus complaints and goes on to say it remains to be seen if my life is meaningless or disposable, end quote. As the chaos unfolded inside that hospital, hundreds of patients and staffers scrambled for safety. In a moment were going to hear from the father who had to hide in a bathroom with his newborn right here who was in an incubator. Abcs Stephanie Ramos is at the hospital. Stephanie, good morning to you. Reporter hey there. Dan and paula, thats right. This morning the daily news reporting that the shooter apparently emailed the paper ranting and complaining about the Medical Center here just two hours before the attack blaming the Medical Center for killing his career dreams. Multiple people shot at this location. Perp is armed with a rifle. Multiple victims shot. Reporter this morning, new details about what may have caused dr. Henry bello to open fire at this new york City Hospital where he used to work. Away from the cars. Reporter the New York Daily News reporting bello sent the paper an email blaming the hospital and two doctors by name for his firing citing bogus complaints. Just two hours later, police say the 45yearold hiding this Assault Rifle underneath his lab coat strolled into the hospital looking for his target. Bello going straight to the 16th floor searching for a specific doctor. When bello is told the doctor isnt there, he opens fire. 16th floor. They have people running. Reporter police went up a floor where he fatally shot a doctor and tried to set himself on fire before fatally shooting himself in the head. Six others injured. It sparmged skyked scenes of pa chaos. Dozens of officers going floor to floor searching for the shooter. We locked every single door in that place. I saw a doctor of he had a gunshot wound to his hand. Reporter dozens of officers going floor to floor searching for the shooter. The massive hospital evacuated. Nurses, patients and visitors walking out with their hands up. Employees of the hospital say when bello was forced to resign over allegations he sexually harassed a coworker he threatened hed be back. He said he was going to come back and shoot people. He got fired because they felt that he was unstable. Reporter the gunman was not a licensed doctor here in the u. S. But he was working under a state issued work permit. Now, he had been arrested several times before. The most serious offense for sex abuse. Police are still investigating this and really trying to figure out what made bello come back here. If theres any sign of healing out here, it may be just a few rainbows weve seen in the bronx this morning. Just a horrifying story, stephanie, thank you. As we mentioned, while the attack was being carried out the staff inside the hospital was forced to unplug incubators and hide babies in bathrooms. Just moments ago, i spoke with eric fisher, a father who hid his newborn while shots were fired. Eric, good morning to you. Thanks so much for joining us and first and foremost you were there for a routine checkup for your 4dayold son and you were instructed by nurses and doctors to lock yourself in the bathroom with your family. You had no idea why at the time. Whats going through your mind . First and foremost it was the safety of my family and, you know, thinking about what i would need to do to protect my family and, you know, hospital staff, you know, when they notified us that we might have to be locking ourselves in the bathroom, it was a very frightening situation. And, of course, the priority is your family especially your newborn, your first son was just born on monday. You have to unplug him from his incubator and then take him into the bathroom. How concerned were you not just for his safety but for his health . Youre unplugging him from his incubator. Oh, i mean we were extremely concerned. There was there was only one outlet in the bathroom where we can plug in two plugs and we really needed more than two plugs. We needed three or four so we did the best we could with what we had and, you know, we just had to wait it out at that point and pray for the best. Yeah, certainly i know you were praying for the best. You were locked in the bathroom for how long . Can you tell me what those moments were like . I understand you turned the lights off and you tried to make it as quiet as possible. Yes, we did. You know, one of the first things we did was turn all cell phones on to vibrate and shut off the lights in the room. We entered the bathroom with as much stuff as we could fit in there. It was very limited space with the incubator, myself, my wife as well as our motherinlaw. And, eric, whats your sons name . My sons name is ethan reece fisher. And how is little ethan doing this morning . Ethan is doing okay. Well, it was just a harrowing ordeal for you and your family. Were glad everybody is safe. Thanks for joining us this morning, eric. Youre welcome. Thank you. Hunkered down for a couple of hours in that small bathroom with his son in that incubator and his motherinlaw and his wife. Im just glad that family is okay. Yeah, glad ethan is doing well. Were going to move on now to another story that is producing tales of heroism this morning. Look at this dramatic video of a small plane slamming into a busy freeway in california and bursting into flames. Heroes pulled two people from that blazing fireball. Abcs Marci Gonzalez is at John Wayne Airport with more on the crash and those Good Samaritans. Good morning to you, marci. Reporter good morning. One of then was an offduty firefighter who just happened to be right there when the plane crashed. Not far from this airport. The pilot taking off from here on this busy Holiday Travel weekend and within moments realizing something was seriously wrong. This startling video capturing that small plane plummeting from the sky bursting into flames on a busy Southern California freeway. The problems beginning just 43 seconds after the pilot was cleared for takeoff. Hey, we got a mayday. We got a mayday. 297, mayday, mayday. Try and make it back to the airport. Were still trying to get a little altitude. I lost my right engine. Reporter the twin engine cessna skimming past the traffic below incredibly clipping only one vehicle. Rear ended my truck. Spun around. Had a passenger in there. Saw flames all around us. Reporter those flames exploding on the packed 405 freeway sending plumes of black smoke into the air. Its a plane. Holy [ bleep ]. Its a plane. Reporter motorists running to help. Be careful. Move him away further. Reporter dragging the pilot and the passenger out of the wreckage. Just moved him over to the side. So but its like one of those things, this cant be happening. Reporter covered in blood but miraculously still alive. Offduty firefighter john medford among the Good Samaritans rushing to their side until paramedics arrived. It took a lot of people in order to make it all kind of work out and the response was amazing. Reporter emergency crews working quickly to put out the flames. We have patients outside of the aircraft. The fire has been knocked down. Reporter this morning, investigators still trying to figure out what caused the crash. We buy twin engine airplanes like this for the redundancy because if you lose one engine, you have another one to get you home or to another airfield. Why that didnt work here is the question. Reporter the ntsb is now investigating and the two people who were on that plane are still hospitalized this morning but listed in stable condition. Dan and paula. That is good news right there. Marci, thank you for your reporting from california. To politics now and the first lady is stepping into that escalating feud between President Trump and the hosts of the cable news show morning joe. This as Senate Republicans are back home for the july 4th holiday facing constituents with a lot of questions and a lot of concerns about the health care bill. Meantime, President Trump has just thrown a major curveball tweeting that if republicans cant get the votes for their bill, they should repeal obamacare now and replace it later. So, what does it all mean . Abcs Gloria Riviera is in bedminster, new jersey, where the president is spending this Holiday Weekend. Gloria, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan, good morning, paula. Thats right. The president and first lady getting a quick break here in new jersey after what has been a tough week in washington. The fight for his gop agenda overshadowed by this twitter battle with many left in washington wondering what can be accomplished in the middle of such diversion and division. This morning the president starting off his Holiday Weekend at his new jersey golf club. Are your tweets hurting your presidency . Reporter escaping d. C. The repercussions of his latest twitter rant. The targets of his recent vitriol, msnbc hosts Joe Scarborough and again a woman, mika brzezinski, who responded on her show. He appears to have a fragile, impetuous, childlike ego that weve seen over and over again, especially with women. Reporter unusually even the first lady entering the fray after brzezinski suggested to instyle magazine mrs. Trump was unhappy in her marriage to the president saying the job of being mrs. Trump is the worst in the country. The first lady telling abc news in a statement, it is sad when people try to further their own agenda by commenting on me and my family, especially when they dont know me. And this morning, the cable hosts response to the president s tweets raising new questions after this. We got a call that, hey, the National Enquirer is going to run a negative story against you guys. Reporter Joe Scarborough alleging white house aides said they could make the story go away. The president and the supermarket tabloids publisher are friends. They said, if you call the president up and you apologize for your coverage, then he will pick up the phone and basically spike this story. Reporter trump denying the allegations in a tweet saying scarbrough called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no. The president s twitter account also throwing a curveball into the Health Care Battle friday telling gop senators that if they cannot agree on a plan to repeal and replace, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date. But as republican lawmakers return home for holiday recess theyre already hearing frustration from constituents over the lack of progress. We dont know where the final bill will end up. Lets just say that. Reporter if obamacare is repealed without a plan b in place, it would be a major reversal for the president who long promised there would never be a break in coverage. Already at least ten gop lawmakers are suggesting they cancel that august recess to stay in washington and come up with a solution. Dan, paula. Gloria, thank you. Lets get more on all of this now from abc news political consultant matt dowd who is in austin, texas, this morning. Matt, good morning. Good morning. Happy fourth of july weekend. Thank you. You too. As the president as gloria reported, the president has previously said he wanted simultaneous repeal and replace so what kind of impact of this new tact signaled via tweet have on whats already been a difficult process . The most diplomatic way i could say it is not helpful. When you roll a hand grenade in the middle of a room, it doesnt usually benefit anybody involved in this. I mean i think the problem is already the bill was in trouble as we saw through the legislative process and now when the president enters in this other thing, which everybody knows, its as if you had a car and you decide im going to abandon the car because its not working right but i havent bought a new car in place of it, its a problem. Its not going to make it easier. And i think the odds of passing a bill get lessened by him doing this. We want to turn now to the president s ongoing battle with the hosts of morning joe. Do you think that the twitter rant was an act of spontaneity or do you think this was premeditated designed to divert attention from whats going on right now with health care . Well, you know, too often in politics we try to attribute some grand strategy when actually its just accidental things that happen in this. I think so many people that support the president say he plays 3d chess but really he plays checkers in this and when your child takes the checkerboard and throws it on the floor and gets mad about something, it doesnt mean he has a strategy. It just means he has impulse control problems. Does your child ever take the checkerboard and throw it on the ground, dan . Hell throw anything if you let him get close enough to it. I think we just got a glimpse into how matt plays checkers, by the way, everybody. Matt, always great to have you on the show. Thanks for joining us on a Holiday Weekend. Thank you. And millions of americans right now are in the path of Severe Weather this morning. And rob is covering it all. Good morning, rob. Hey, good morning, guys. We do have Severe Weather today and we had some yesterday. Hey, ron, welcome back from overseas by the way. Thank you very much. Good old america and okay, this is what it looks like when 72mileanhour winds roll through this town and kicks up the dust and knocked down tree limbs and power lines and get the random tire rolling down the road there. Severe storms there firing up. Nice little wall cloud. No tornadoes reported in oklahoma. But we did have a tornado reported actually in fulton county, new york. We had damage yesterday across parts of western mass, today another batch of thunderstorms are going to come through the northeast right around 5 00 to 8 00 tonight, theyll cross the hudson, delaware river, basically the same area that got hit yesterday and down across the southeast as well looking for potential Severe Weather with gusty winds and small hail and potentially an isolated tornado as we start this Holiday Weekend. Quieter weather coming deeper into the weekend. A quick check on whats going good morning at abc 7. We have a typical summertime pattern today. Half moon bay, 64. Warm as we head east and through part of the south bay. Oakland 68 for the as game. San jose, 78 and look for upper 80s in fairfeel and also in antioch. Well see typical summer conditions persist through the next few days and into the fourth of july. Shoutout to our northern neighbors, happy canada day celebrating 150 years of their confederation. I love that country. The people are so great. Absolutely. Thank you, robert. Lets get back to ronald now for another look at the morning headlines. Hello again. I havent greeted adrienne so, hi, adrienne. Good morning to you. See, thats so kind. Good morning, everyone. Were going to begin overseas with new developments in iraq in the fight against isis. Troops now preparing to retake control of the city of mosul. Abcs ian pannell has been covering conflicts in the middle east for many years and he is in the iraqi city of erbil this morning with more. Ian. Reporter ron, when the battle began there were believed to be tens of thousands of isis fighters hiding out in mosul city. Today that number is believed to be less than 100. The two sides are so close that apparently the iraqi troops can hear the isis fighters talking in the next street. The fighting is still intense, though. Its still brutal, and people are being killed every day. The Iraqi Government and the u. S. Say the liberation of mosul is now just days away but weve had those predictions before and its reasonable to expect it could take a little longer than that. But there is an inevitability about whats happening. Attention now switches to raqqah in syria. This is the capital of the socalled caliphate. There the fighting by the Syrian Democratic forces maybe led by curds has already begun, but if people think this will remove the threat from isis, im afraid well have to think again. If you live in san bernardino, paris, london or manchester, as long as isis can recruit and attract people online, then the threat continues. Ron. Ian pannell reporting from iraq. Thanks for that, ian. And back in the u. S. New details about the Deadly Police ambush in baton rouge, louisiana, that left three Law Enforcement officers dead almost a year ago. The District Attorney there saying that the suspect was seeking revenge against police after two white officers had been involved in the Fatal Shooting of an africanamerican man just days earlier. The d. A. Releasing new video of the suspect firing at police officers. He was later killed by a police sniper. In pennsylvania an urgent manhunt for a suspect wanted in killing 18yearold Bianca Roberson in what authorities are calling an incident of road rage. Surveillance photos show robersons car and the red pickup driven by the gunman jockeying for position as they merged in traffic. Moments later he opened fire and then took off. Overnight tennis star Venus Williams making her first Public Comment about being sued for allegedly causing a fatal car crash in palm beach, florida, last month. The tennis star writing on facebook saying, quote, i am devastated and heartbroken by this accident. 78yearold Jerome Barson died from his injuries and his wife linda who was driving was injured. And nba star steph curry has inked the richest in league history. Curry agreeing to a fiveyear, 201 Million Contract extension with the champion golden state warriors. He can buy them. How about that. He is the first pro basketball player to sign for more than 2 million 200 million bucks. Thats a mouthful. Of course, money will not buy you happiness, steph. Just thank you for the disclaimer. A warning. It will buy a lot of other things. You tried, right . But finally in juneau, alaska, cameras catch an unusual customer strolling into a liquor store. That is a young bear walking in getting on his hind legs. Check out the candy rack and he had already been by the beer stand earlier. But before he could thats a joke take anything, the customer walks in clapping his hands and shoos him away. Sounds like the beginning of a joke. A man and a bear walk into a liquor store. What happens next . I have to make this up. Its a good start, though, right . Got it. Hes got to hope momma bear is not far behind. Yeah, yeah, seriously. Thank you, ron. Appreciate it. Coming up on gma this morning, the new fallout from that failed Fyre Festival, you remember that . What was supposed to be a glamorous weekend in the sun turned into a disaster. Now the guy behind the festival is facing new charges. Plus, shark sightings on both coasts, the Close Encounters are leading to alerts about great whites this Holiday Weekend. Weve got some advice coming up for you. And adeles heartfelt message to her fans and why she says she was forced to cancel the last two shows of her tour coming up in pop news with adrienne after a quick break right here on gma. Keep it here. Good morning america is brought to you by bushs beans. Whatever your mood, weve got a bean for you. Atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk. Iagrown and were proud of that. But the whole careandnurturing part . That idea. We borrowed from the experts. Blue diamond almond breeze. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. Im on the phone towel please while other Insurance Companies just see a house. We see the home youve worked really hard for. So why not give it the protection it deserves. Going on a targetrun out oneed anything . Watermelon water please and soda grandpa got it get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. Give extra. Get extra. The was weakening. Eeth the whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. 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Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis had both. And that turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. In concord, one person is dead after a violent collision. The chp says the crash happened before 11 00 last night in the westbound lanes east of solan o o way. The vehicle was hit with such force at least one flipped over. The investigation into what caused the crash is now underway. Turning to weather, heres francis with your bay area forecast. Hi, chris, now is a good time to exercise. We have cloudy conditions and clearing weather. San francisco, 52, oakland, 57 and this afternoon, we get a lot of sunshine. Except that the coast where the clouds an breeze continues, only 60s there, some 60s and 70s around the band upper 80s in fairfield and antioch. 78 in san jose. Plenty of sunshine there as well. Thank you. And thank to you for joining us. The news welcome back to gma on a saturday morning. Happening right now the horror at the hospital. New details this morning after a fired doctor wanting revenge goes on a rampage at a new york City Hospital. Hundreds of patients and staff scrambling for safety as he murdered one of his former doctor colleagues and injured several other people before killing himself. The New York Daily News reporting dr. Bello sent the paper an email rant just hours before the shooting saying he was fired as a result of bogus complaints. Also right now, highrisk threat. The department of energy says a second tunnel filled with radioactive waste is in danger of collapse at the Hanford Nuclear reservation in washington state. Now, another tunnel at the facility partially collapsed last month forcing thousands of workers to shelter in place. All right, everybody, the dispensary doors, they are open in nevada. At the stroke of midnight the silver state became the fifth state to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. Nevada, this is not a shock. Its expected to outpace all other states in sales because of the 42 million tourists that visit las vegas every year. But you still cannot use the drug in public areas, in bars or restaurants unless you want to face a 600 fine. Im guessing. Like they need more options in vegas. More and more things to say what happens in vegas stays in vegas. Thats right. What happens in vegas i dont remember. But im hungry all of a sudden. Oh. Exactly. But im five pounds heavier. Anyway, coming up this morning the concerns this july 4th weekend on both coasts from shark sightings. What you need to know before you hit the beach on this Holiday Weekend. But first here, the festival that wasnt and the new charges this morning. Federal agents are arresting william mcfarland, creator of the Fyre Festival that turned into a fiasco and abcs eva pilgrim joins us this morning with more. Hi, eva. Reporter good morning, guys. It was supposed to be a weekend of fun, food and music on an exclusive island in the bahamas. But when festivalgoers showed up chaos, bands canceling, many stranded. This morning, we are learning more about what Authorities Say went wrong. This morning, the man behind the Fyre Festival in his own legal hot water. William mcfarland who created and founded the event with rapper ja rule arrested and charged with wire fraud by the fbi friday. The Fyre Festival was promised to be an elite millennial gathering with models gracing promo videos. The Actual Experience exceeds all expectations. Reporter festivalgoers dropping thousands of dollars for a secluded island getaway. Performances from bands like blink182 and a Gourmet Dining experience from a celebrity chef but the expected luxury experience turned out in reality to be anything but. We had no electricity, no showers. There was no bathrooms. There was no like running water. It was about 4,000. And what we actually got was worth closer to, id say, zero dollars. Reporter at the time, mcfarland blaming a storm for the epic festival fail. A big storm came through and busted our water system and affected half of the housing tents. Reporter but officials now allege attendees werent the only ones mcfarland duped. Federal prosecutors saying in a statement that he allegedly presented fake documents to induce investors to put over a Million Dollars into his company and the fiasco called the Fyre Festival. Mcfarland could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison if convicted. And while ja rule is not named in the new case, he and mcfarland are facing dozens of other lawsuits filed by investors and festival attendees. It was basically the exact opposite of everything we were promised. Reporter and lets just remember festivalgoers put up more than 12,000 a ticket. What . Many of them yeah, 12,000 plus dollars. Almost 13,000 and, of course, theyre trying to get refunds for that. Employees that were scheduled to work this event are suing because many of them were never paid. Where did all the money go . Yep, all right. Thanks, eva. Thanks, guys. Great to see you. Time now for the weather. Who do we turn to for that . Ron claiborne. Yes. Ron claiborne we have one from the west and its looking kind of ugly out there. Well done, ron. Nice work there. Its sunny somewhere. I still got about 30 seconds left now. Lets talk fires and lets get right to the video. 35 large fires burning out west. Some of them, the containment is beginning to grow thankfully, but i want to show you one thats just outside of bakersfield and remember how much rain they got over the winter and how lush and green these hills were theres all this fuel for the fires and we are way above normal as far as how much we burned so far so the fire season is not going well because of all the rain that they had over the wintertime. Its heating up across the west, not quite record shattering as what we saw a week and a half ago. But certainly not helping the fire situation there. We dont see much in the way of weather for the west through the weekend. This is your fourth of july forecast for tuesday. Cape cod, massachusetts, what a great spot, 75 degrees, water temperatures right around 60 degrees, maybe near 70 degrees in atlantic city. Its hot in vegas. Laguna beach, the oc is beautiful and miami a little bit good saturday morning. Temperatures right now mainly in the 50z. We have coastal drizzle and some clouds, but sunny and breezy this afternoon. Upper 80s inland, low to 60s to 50505050505050505050505050505050 this Weather Report is 05050 brought to you by geico. I thought ron did great for weather. I got more. I got more. We have an omega block somewhere. You love the omega block. Love the omega block. Sounds like a heart condition or a vitamin. Its an actual meteorological he explained it to me. Remember steve carell from anchorman. His impression of i love lamb. I love lamb. Its better than that. He doesnt paint us in a very bright way for sure. Thank you. Its a caricature. Save us. Ill step in. This is what they pay me for. Coming up here on the show beware of sharks. The swimmers that came way, way too close to sharks after the break. Thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico®. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. When heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. Did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need . Help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. Buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. Ask sherwinwilliams during the great summer Painting Party save 30 on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. Theres a store in every neighborhood. Find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Where a walk down main street. Theres a place like no other. Where a walk down main street. Blah blah blah. Hey the names rocket and i need your help the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird. Freakshow. Check it out. This is the joint were in. And we need you to help us break out got it . Good. Now move it . I gotta go . Here there is magic for days before you head into the water this Holiday Weekend, a warning about sharks. That would be a little disconcerting to see that in the water. Great white sightings on both the east and west coasts have beachgoers on alert and abcs Erielle Reshef is in rockaway beach, new york, with the images that are striking fear. Hi there, erielle. Reporter good morning, dan and paula. You may not see a great white shark if you head to a beach like this one this Holiday Weekend, but its not out of the question as sharks come looking for food. This Holiday Weekend beachgoers advised to be on alert with sharks swimming closer and closer to shore. Barry curtis caught this Close Encounter while flying his drone off the coast of california. A shark coming dangerously near this paddleboarder and in another sighting this boat pulling two inflatable swans going through those same waters. The boat had no idea that those sharks were in the area because they were towing two giant inflatable pool toys with girls sitting on them and then there was a swimmer in the middle. Reporter curtis alerted a lifeguard seen here swimming towards the boat. Moments later everyone piling in for safety. In cape cod a rise in great white sightings, 150 expected this year. Nearly double the number from 2014. First responders are preparing for more attacks. Hoping to prevent pandemonium like at this beach in alabama. But its not you the sharks are after. Theyre shifting their habitat use to areas close to shore because thats where the seals are. Reporter the bait, a booming seal population beckoning sharks to shallower water. We are not on their menu but be precautionary. Reporter officials warn never swim near seals and dont dive in at dusk or dawn. Those are prime feeding times for sharks. There are other simple ways you can protect yourself. Never swim alone and stay as close as you can to shore. Dan, paula. Or stay out of the water. Yeah, paulas recipe is stay on the couch and watch tv. Or shark repellent. Bring a can of shark repellant. Erielle, thank you so much. Coming up on gma, how to unplug and really enjoy your vacation this summer. Thats coming up. Some practical tips in our weekend download. The new clues about what beyonce and jayz may have named their twins. Adrienne is going to spill the beans coming up in pop news. While other Insurance Companies just see a truck, we see something youve worked really hard for. So why not give it the protection it deserves. We care about sourcing 100 at best foods, of our oils responsibly. And we care about incredible taste. Because at best foods, were on the side of food. The average familys its raised 1 dare devil, 2 dynamic diy duos, and an entrepreneur named sharon. Its witnessed 31 crashes, 4 food fights, and the flood of 09. Its your paradise perfected with behr premium plus low odor paint. The best you can buy starting under 25. Unbelievable quality. Unbeatable prices. Right now get incredible savings on behrs toprated paints and stains. Only at the home depot. C puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. So you can always look forward to whats next. Itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. Going on a targetrun out oneed anything . Watermelon water please and soda grandpa got it get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. One pintsized hero pwas on a mission. Vor, looks like somebodys gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. Watch babybels big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. In todays weekend download leaving your work behind. Were making a case for vacation and with us is emma seppala, ph. D. Author of the happiness track. Hey, emma. How are you. Hello. Good morning. So many people worry about going on vacation and feel guilty. What do you say to those folks . Well, if you look at the research, it shows that when you actually go on vacation you come back more energized. You come back more productive and more creative, so its definitely worth your time. I am the primary audience for this because i often work when im on vacation and a lot of us have trouble letting go. Why do you think that is . Well, one of the things that we are seeing is that a lot of people dont take all of their Vacation Time and of those that do, 91 are checking their email. We definitely have a very hard time slowing down and, in fact, maybe being idle and doing nothing. One study shows that people prefer to give themselves electric shocks than to sit there and do nothing. I love that study. I mean i think its a fascinating result. I think its also very depressing. You pointed out that 80 of doctors visits are due to stress and vacations would be a good way to fight this. So what should we do . Absolutely. So, if you actually take the time to go on vacation, your stress levels will lower, and what you want to do is just give yourself some time to get into that new rhythm. Its going to be slower paced but its definitely worth your while. So give yourself that time, that gift. Im telling my boss today im taking the entire month off. Emma, thank you very much. If you want to hear more of my conversation with emma, much more, you can check out the 10 happier podcast which is available wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you, emma, and well be right back with pop news. Thank you. Wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you, emma, and well be right back with pop news. Thank you. How stain resistant . This stain resistant. And it s also scrubbable. So scrubbable. It has complete onecoat coverage. And its ohso durable. This durable. Infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwinwilliams. Get 10 to 40 off now through july 5th. Available at lowes. What twisted ankle . Ask what muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. Unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. 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Whats going on in pop news . Lets talk music because i know dan loves music. You remember when adele canceled her tour. She had to stay silent while she had vocal surgery several years ago. Shes devastated right now after being forced to cancel the last two shows of her tour. The two sellout shows were supposed to be held at Londons Wembley stadium but the singer says shes struggling with her voice again. Doctors say she damaged her vocal cords. In a heartfelt tweet she told fans, on medical advice i am simply unable to perform over the weekend. To say im heartbroken would be a complete understatement and now earlier in the week she hinted this could be her last tour ever. Ever . I mean shes also struggled with some stage fright, as well. I mean probably the good move is to save her vocal cords so she could record more records. She might be done so shell be like barbra streisand, shell make people come to her. That will be her way of touring. Vocal cords can be a serious thing. Im so excited that you guys are so passionate about her vocal cords. We have our next story that a lot of people are eager to hear. The names of beyonce and jayzs new twins may have been revealed thanks to a little detective work. Are the baby girl and boy, is it a baby girl and boy . We really dont know. Rumi and sir carter, those could be the names. Documents obtained by people matt show that beyonce and jayzs Company Actually filed papers to trademark those names on everything from cosmetics, fragrances, baby items, tote bags, water bottles. Tmz first reporting the possible connection but the parents keeping mum about all things baby. Theyre not even saying whether they were born or not. Sir carter. I wonder what the queen feels about the baby being knighted already. We found out that neither name, sir or rumi is in the top 1,000 names for any births rumi. Yeah. How do you spell it . Rumi. The name of a mystical poet. Yes, and sir carter is where does that rank in comparison your majesty . Everybody loves my stories today. We have stuff to get to. Well go through this quick. The world is about to get more blue, thats a good thing. After 90,000 submissions crayola narrowing down the names for its newest color, a vivid blue that scientists created accidentally while experimenting with electronics materials. You can vote for your favorite name. The choices are dreams come true, starspangled blue, blue moon bliss, reach for the stars and bluetiful and the winner will be announced in early september. Lots of people will be flipping on the grill. You need inspiration. Lets bring in general manager josh gaveesh from bills bar and burger. Thank you so much for being there all the way from rockefeller. Yes. You guys have the biggest standalone burger joint in the country. Yes, maam, two floors in there. Tell us why youre so unique. I mean this one is an english muffin with american cheese. This one by far is our most popular one, this one is the fat cat. You ask anyone in my restaurant they will recommend this burger nine types out of ten. Why is it called the fat cat . I dont know. Probably because thats what happens after you eat a few. There you go. What can we do to impress guests when youre making burgers on the grill at home, whats the best tip you can give considering all your success . There are no rules for making burgers. You can make whatever type you want. My suggestion is to make aburg their represents you. So if you like tropical fruits grill up some pineapples. Throw them on top. If you like texmex, we got a south of the border over there, throw guac on it. A big mess. Its worth it. I think ron has the veggie burger. That looks like the veggie burger from over here. Its got some nice swiss on it. We keep it very simple but delicious. I dont think that represents you. Beef burger. We have some more in the back for you. We have shrimp burgers, chicken burgers, burgers for everybody. Theyre going to enjoy that. Thank you so much, josh. My pleasure. My pleasure. Enjoy. Happy saturday, everybody. Well see you back here with more gma on a sunday morning. Whoohoo. Thank you. Ill have a bite of that. My pleasure. Enjoy. Good morning, everyone. If you rely on two of the bay areas busiest transit system, youll be paying more starting tuesday night. Muni went up a quarter. The adult cash bill will go from 2. 50 to 2. P per ride. Monthly adult fast passes go up by 2 to in the bay, ac transit fares are hire. Anywhere from 5 to 10 cents for local rides. The cash fare for an adult local ride will be 2. 25. The agency will charge less for those who pay with their clipper cards. Trans bay fares are also up, so are the cost frs monthly passes. Happening today t jazz festival in san francisco. From 10 00 until 6 00, today and tomorrow, music and good times. These are scenes from last years event. The event is billed as the largest free jazz festival on the west coast. There will be 12 blocks of music i fine art, crafts, gourmet food and drinks. Lets get a check of the forecast now with our meteorologist. Grab a light jacket because it will be breezy in san francisco, especially along the coast. Our satellite image shows the clouds pushing into the bay. It will clear, san francisco, 52. San jose, 59 and well warm up inland. Upper 80s in fairfield and antioch. Oakla 68 for the game. Um next e pandemonium inside an arkansas nightclub. Seven are rounded after a shooting. Plus, a violent crash on east bay highway kills good morning, bay area. Lets get up and get going. This is nbc 7 mornings. It is saturday, july 1st. Good morning and thanks for joining us. Leets start with a quick look at the weather. Hi, francis. Good morning, everyone. Were waking up to gray clouds and cool conditions. Live doppler 7 showing us clouds. Its been clear in north bay where temperatures were cool many morning in the 40s. Now, its climbing up into the 50s. Oakland, 57, san jose, 59. Los gatos cool at 49 degrees, so were seeing blue skies and temperatures mainly in the 50s right now with drizzle possible near the coast. Mostly sunny by lunchtime. Breezy this afternoon. Inland numbers hitting the upper 80s. Mid70s ar

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