Moment, feel like a superstar were behind the scenes with Hollywood Alisters rehearsing their parts as last nights indie Spirit Awards set the stage for the glitz and glamour tonight. Moonlight will it be lit by moonlight . Plus how politics will figure into the evening. Celebrities already speaking their minds. For the first attack on democracy is an assault on Free Expression and civil liberties. Were right there on the red carpet. Why its not really red. And why this years fashions are more exclusive than ever. With a vote of confidence from the host, jimmy kimmel. No one does oscar like gma. Thanks to jimmy kimmel for that shoutout on a sunday morning. Thanks for joining us, everybody. It is oscar sunday. There it is, the dolby theater. In los angeles. A little wet there. Where hollywood heavy hitters will gather tonight for the 89th Academy Awards. Theres the rain drops that rob had us put on the screen. They also put up shades to protect the red carpet from the rain. Once the stars run the gauntlet of fans and photographers, theyll mount these stairs and theyll head up there for the awards. Were covering the angles this morning, the frontrunners, the fashion. The possibility that some of the winners will get political from the stage tonight. Dan, you mentioned something that maybe its not real, the red carpet. Well get to the bottom of that. Its apparently not red. Well be talking about that. Speaking of politics. Theres a lot of news coming out of trump world. Were going to be covering that as well this morning. First, here, though. We do have breaking news involving a vehicle that crashed into a crowd at a premardi gras parade in new orleans. Dozens have been hurt. And Adrienne Bankert is right there on the scene with the very latest on this investigation. Good morning, adrienne. Reporter good morning, paula. Were here at university hospital. One of the many hospitals where the injured are being treated. Because this happened on a street adjacent to the parade, people were still throwing beads as the frightening scene played out. Overnight, chaos during the final week end of mardi gras. At 6 42 p. M. , this gray pickup truck was seen driving on carrollton avenue. New orleans and North Carrollton avenue. A vehicle struck a crowd. Reporter moments later, that truck barrelling into a crowd of revel hers near the starts of one of the largest parades with some of the biggest crowds. The driver striking two cars and a dump truck. We got multiple injured. Multiple injured. Reporter before running over and injuring more than two dozen people. It sounded like the car was revving up the engine. And when i turned around, i see everybody running towards us. Almost like trampling over us. Theyre screaming get out the street. Reporter most of the parade watchers in the trucks path had to be sent to the hospital, some in Critical Condition right now. The driver, immediately arrested. We suspect that that subject was highly intoxicated. Reporter as ems and Police Officers raced to help the injured, the parade can be seen marching on just beyond the horrific scene. Debris littering the streets, this car mangled from the collision. It happened so quickly. You didnt have time to think about it. Reporter one of the witnesses that we talked to said from his perspective, just feet from the truck, he saw the driver trying to swerve to avoid people. Police are investigating. Dan . Adrienne, thank you. Reporting from the scene this morning. We appreciate it. We move to President Trump who is escalating, yet again, his war with the press. Announcing now that hes not going to attend the annual white house correspondents dinner, where the president and the media normally exchange jokes. Also this morning, theres a headline that wont make anyone in the white house laugh. A Top Republican calling for a special prosecutor to investigate team trumps ties to russia. David kerley is covering it all from the north lawn. David, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. The question this morning is will other republicans join that call for an independent special prosecutor to look into the allegations that have fueled the president s battle with the media . That is, did his campaign have repeated contacts with the russians leading up to the elections . After dining with his daughter, ivanka, and jared kushner, and others at his hotel in washington, d. C. , this morning, the president is battling reports again of ties to russia. With the Senior Member of his own Republican Party now saying those reported contacts need a special investigation. We need to investigate their activities and we need to do it because theyre bad people. Reporter congressman darryl issa saying the attorney general should bow out and appoint a special prosecutors. Jeff sessions, who was on the campaign and was an appointee, youre going to have to use the special prosecutors statute. Reporter the intelligence committees are investigating the reports and the white house says both chairman were asked to try to tamp down the media reports. Were fighting the fake news. Its fake. Phony, fake. Reporter after weeks of sparring with the news media, he took to twitter to announce, quote, i will not be attending the White House Correspondents Association dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening. He has attended in the past as a guest. Even the target of president obama in 2011. You fired gary busey. These are the kind of decision that would keep me up at night. Reporter the White House Correspondents Association responded saying the dinner will go on. It will be a celebration of the first amendment. Paula . Certainly will. David, thank you for your reporting from the north lawn this morning. A fiercely divided Democratic Party still reeling from losing the white house has chosen a new National Leader who wants to ensure that trump is a oneterm president. Tom perez, the former labor secretary under president obama. He won a tightly contested race. Becoming the dnc chairman. Gloria riviera is in atlanta where it all went down. Good morning. Reporter good morning, paula. So Many Democrats here in atlanta telling me they feel like finally their party is turning a new page after the devastating loss in november. Now President Trump chimed in rather quickly, with some rather insincere statements, tweeting he was happy for the new dnc chair tom perez and also his own Republican Party. The dnc chair came right back at it on twitter vowing that democrats across the country will soon be the president s worst nightmare. Overnight, the embattled Democratic Party finding new leadership. After a contentious race for national chair, tom perez, former labor secretary under president obama, edging out rival keith ellison. Vowing to spearhead the partys recovery and more. We need a chair who cannot only take the fight to donald trump, we need a chair who can lead turnaround and change the culture of the Democratic Party. Reporter in a show of unity, he nominated the man who came in second to be his number two. New deputy chair ellison is the first muslim to serve in the u. S. Congress and has widespread support. We got to win elections. Were in this mess because we lost not one election but a thousand elections. Reporter the two men now charged with restructuring the party still reeling from Hillary Clintons devastating loss. Congressman waters, your party is recovering from the worst political defeat in modern american politics. What has to happen now . Well, first of all, we have to be unified. I think we saw indications of that after the vote was announced here today. Reporter a key question, of course, will be how many progressives who supported Bernie Sanders and supported the man who came in second, keith ellison, will now get behind the new dnc chair . The president had more to say this morning over twitter. He wrote the race for dnc chairman was, of course, totally rigged. Bernies guy, like bernie himself, never had a chance. Clinton demanded perez. Thats what the president had to say about all of this this morning. Paula . Dan . Gloria, thank you. Lets bring in chief anchor george stephanopoulos. Good morning. Good morning, guys. The democrats are in rough shape. In that theyve lost the white house. Both houses of congress. Nearly twothirds of the state houses. What is the strategy Going Forward . Do they try to take on trump in an allout war or try to moderate and cooperate with him . I dont think the leadership has much choice. Because you see at the grass roots of the Democratic Party right now. You have seen at town Hall Meetings all across the country. The democrats of the grass roots are pushing for fullout opposition to donald trump across the board. That could pose a dilemma for those democrats in states won by donald trump who are up in 2018 in the senate, who might feel more compelled to cooperate with him. But all the energy at the grass roots now on the democratic side is for allout opposition. The russia situation is not going away. We just heard that darrell issa is now calling for a special prosecutor to investigation this. Is that likely to happen . Right now. Its likely not. Its interesting that a key Top Republican has broken this is someone who went after hillary clinton, as well. You saw republican members of congress get pressure on health care and russia. Some republicans now saying donald trump has to release his tax returns. Youre seeing the Energy Bubble up. At this point, its not reached a Critical Mass that would cause President Trump to buckle and call for a special prosecutor. Tuesday night, well see President Trump speaking to a joint session of congress for the first time. What do you expect to hear . And what do you expect, as were hearing from some people, heckling . From the democrats in the crowd . Im not sure about overt heckling. We might not have a you lie moment like we saw up against president obama. A lot of democrats are talking about bringing guests to the chamber who they say are victims of President Trumps policies. Refugees. Undocumented immigrants and others. This is the president s real first chance to lay out in more specific detail what he wants to do on obamacare and tax cuts. Even though were now 38 days in, the president hasnt said what he wants on those big issues. Thats what everybody is going to be listening for. George, thank you. Always a pleasure to chat with you. George has a big show this morning. Hell go one on one with the newly elected dnc chair, tom perez. And ahead of the president s first joint address to congress, george will speak to the democratic leader, nancy pelosi. All coming up on this week. We should say on tuesday night, george leads the powerhouse Abc News Team for live coverage of the president s address to congress. That starts at 9 00. Politics may play a prominent role at the oscars tonight. It wont come as a surprise to a whole lot of people. This awards night could be one of the most political that we have ever seen. So, what kind of fiery attacks can we expect . Chris connelly is in hollywood for us this morning. Good morning, chris. Reporter good morning, guys. Behind me, you see the stairs, up which performers, presenters, and winnerstobe will ascend. And into the dolby theater where, on oscar night, youll have an open mike and millions of viewers and some people, one expects, with a few things on their minds. Tonight, at the 89th oscars, the talk is expected to get a little political. Because it already has. Its our time to tell our elected officials to do their job. Reporter on friday, instead of the oscar party, United Talent agency kicking off Academy Award weekend with united voices antitrump rally. We must speak for those who cannot speak reporter all five directors of this years nominated Foreign Language films, signing this letter, condemning nationalist politics. We want this award to stand as a symbol of the unity between nations and a freedom of the arts. All this year actors speaking their minds from the awards show stages. And this immigrant ban is a blemish and it is unamerican. Reporter at the golden globes, meryl streep using her Lifetime Achievement acceptance speech to put then president elect trump on blast. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. Reporter trump firing back in a tweet. Meryl streep, one of the most overrated actresses in holly wood. Tonight, streep is nominated for the 20th time. A record for actresses. Shes scheduled to present, too. At the dolby theater. Where we have a man sending us to war. Weve got to have equal rights for everyone. Equal rights for women in the United States of america. Reporter as you see, politics is a perennial topic of conversation from the stage at the oscars. This year wont be any different. I think well see more of it. Interesting to see the reaction in the house if things get contentious up on stage. Thank you, chris. Well check in with you later. We have much more oscar coverage coming up but we want to get to some of the other new this is morning. So lets go to ron with the rest of the headlines. Good morning to you, dan. Paula. Diane, robert. We were waiting. Were going to begin in houston where police are looking for the woman who fired into a crashed car, killing an 8yearold girl. The girls mother says a speeding vehicle ran a red light and hit her car. A third car drove up, got out of that vehicle, and fire shots one of those shots killed damari atkins. A third grader. Police are looking for at least two suspects in that case. New details in the assassination of the half brother of north Korean Leader kim jongun. Malaysias Health Minister says kim jongnam died within 15 to 20 minutes after being poisoned at the airport. The Officials Say the airport is safe. Safe for the travelers going through there. No signs of hazardous materials. The announcement coming two weeks after nam was killed. Thousands of people have passed through that terminal. A military judge says Sergeant Bowe bergdahl can stand trial, despite comments from then candidate donald trump that he should be executed. Bergdahl walked away from his base in afghanistan in 2009. He spent five years as a taliban prisoner. He faces a trial that could get him a life sentence. His lure lawyers argue it prejudices against bergdahl. A florida man is facing arson charges for allegedly setting a fire at a country club and then posting video of it on snapchat. A teenager who saw the video called police. Police say Anthony Stowers admitted to starting the fire. But says he didnt remember it because he was drunk. No one was hurt in that fire. Turning to sports. Gonzaga went into the final game of the regular season saturday with a chance at a perfect record. Guess happened . The number one ranked bulldogs, 290 going into that game. 20point favorites. Shot out to an early lead. But unranked byu, brigham young, came back to upset gonzaga, winning by eight. Spoiling their chance at a perfect season. They still have a chance in march madness. Finally some real dedication on the links. Pga golfer shawn stefani. Trying to get himself out of a water hazard. Stripping down to his underwear to hit a shot out of a pond or lake on friday. Children, close your eyes, please. Seems he didnt want to get stuck playing the rest of the round in wet, muddy clothing. He gets regarbed there. Despite the extra efforts, he missed the cut. I gotta start watching golf. There you go. Ive been missing out. All this time, i had no idea. My new favorite sport. Hes looking for an underwear sponsor at this point. He may get one, huh . Yeah, or a wetsuit sponsor. Didnt see that coming. Ron, thank you. Lets get it back over to rob for the weather. Hard to believe this happened end of february. This is very springlike stuff we endured yesterday. Because of the record heat. Look what happened in parts of pennsylvania, there. Luzerne county, a tornado warning. The damage looks like it may be one. National Weather Service going out there today. You see the debris. The damage. Hail, as well. Not only there, but up and down this line. This is richmond, virginia the golf ballsized hail. Severe weather through western parts of massachusetts. Several thousand people without power for a time there. The front now pushing east. We saw flood watches for Northern New York and new england. The snow has been melting. Yesterday, temperatures in the lower 70s across burlington, vermont. Alltime record for the month of february. Look at these changes. Now, its freezing. Temperatures falling a good 20, 30 degrees. With the winds, it feels like if the teens and 20s. Winter is coming back. Temperatures midweek from the 30 to 50s in buffalo. Maybe into the 70s across d. C. Good sunday morning. I am meteorologist, lisa argen. Nice and clear but certainly cold this morning. Temperatures in the 30s and 40s, and it will be dry today, showers arrive this evening, and they will scurry along the coast and a few around the bay, and the accuweather 7day forecast featuring a 1 on the storm impact scale later on tonight and early tomorrow and then we will get sunny by monday afternoon, and temperatures still chilly on tuesday, warming up through next half hour, well go west coast. Not because of you. But were going to go out there and talk about california and more snow in seattle. Back to the oscars now. Theyre making the final touches this morning for the big show tonight. Did you know that the big carpet is not really red . I didnt know that. It just appears red, right . Kayna whitworth is looking at how it all gets put together. Youre looking lovely, by the way, this morning. Reporter oh, paula, thank you so much. Normally, im covering a bit of natural disaster. We have a whole different flood on our hands. In just a few hours, a flood of stars will take to the carpet. But as you mentioned, is it really red . According to the l. A. Times, the color is called academy red. Its a bit more of a burgundy. The actual color remains a secret. Why . Its specially formulated to make sure everyone dazzles in their gowns and tuxes. This morning, as the nominees are waking up for one of the biggest nights of their lives, the stage of the dolby theater is getting glammed up. Adorned with 300,000 sparkling crystals. Overnight, some of the biggest names in hollywood, already feeling out the stage. Linmanuel miranda and dwayne the rock johnson feeling at home. Jennifer aniston checking the mike. John legend taking his place behind the piano all in preparation for the big show. Those who dont get to take home a real statue could get a 24karat gold chocolate oscar. Famously crafted by wolfgang puck. We have something for everybody. Sushi. Seafood buffet. Maybe a little pasta. Miniburgers. Reporter 1500 guests greeted by a giant ice raw bar. Mountains of caviar. And should they so indulge, 30 pounds of edible gold dust will be on hand. The dazzling room adorned with flowers flown in from all over the world. All coming together for the perfect way to unwind after a long day of glitz, glamour, and red carpet galore. So the theme of the governors ball is magical transformation. And that edible gold dust is part of the gold dusting for the white truffle popcorn. I mean, it just sounds fantastic. My magical transformation might be gaining 30 pounds if it went to that thing. Someone just said popcorn. And all i can think about is food now. Well, apparently we have food on set later. We do . Truffle popcorn. Lots of stuff. Popcorn, and by the way, lobster corn dogs, paula. Yes i didnt know there was such a thing. Like a contradiction in terms. Lobster corn dog. Sounds like someone in the midwest would have created. There you go. Kayna, thank you. Abc has your complete coverage of the oscars. Dont forget to tune in tonight when gmas on the burgundy carpet, should we call it now, for the stars arrivals. It all starts at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. The awards at 8 30. We have a big afterparty here on abc hosted by lara spencer and blackish star anthony anderson. Plus, theres more. On monday morning, tune in to gma for the full wrap. I feel like im in one of those infomercials, and theres more. And you get two for one, Free Shipping and handling, everybody. Coming up on gma this morning, an incredible rescue caught on camera. A snowboarder stranded overnight in blizzardlike conditions. Telling the story how he made it through alive. Every year, on the eve of the oscars, they hold the independent Spirit Awards. Who won last night . What does it portend for tonight . Keep it here. Much more gma coming up. So just dance dance dance ance dance dance tonight . I dont want to lie down. I refuse to lie down. Why suffer . 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Talk to a headache specialist today. Acronyms alolfun. Laugh out loud, btw by the way, and of course, wbyceiydbo well buy your car even if you dont buy ours hey, what if i wanted to sell my car . Wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo . Well buy your car even if you dont buy ours wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo no, no, were cool. I got you. Ok. Its the right thing to do. Carmax music sting the Top Notch Team of stain experts has performed over ten thousand stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. Weve made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. Make that ten thousand and one. Persil proclean. Good is in every blue diamond almond. And once good gets going, theres no stopping it. Blue diamond almonds. Get your good going. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Breaking news this morning. Residents in the south bay may have been shaken awake by an earthquake. A magnitude 3. 7 quake hit gilroy just before 7 00 this morning. Light shaking was felt in the area as far north as morgan hill and further down to salinas. No damage has been reported. Lets get a check of the accuweather forecast. Heres lisa. Good morning to you. It is colder than weve been the past couple of mornings. Heres the golden gate bridge, nice and clear, but 30 up in santa rosa, 42 san francisco, and were going to stay cold for quite some time, and the clouds will increase late in the day. But enjoy the dry start. Were looking at showers to finish the day with numbers in the mid50s again and the cool weather with a chance of showers continues into tomorrow. Then we are sunny, dry and springlike through the week. Carolyn . Lisa, thank you. Thank you for joining us. The news continues now with Good Morning America. Welcome back to gma on this sunday morning. Happening right now, a leading republican lawmaker is calling for a closer look at alleged ties between russian officials and members of the trump campaign. California congressman darrell issa saying attorney general Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from the investigation. And appoint a special prosecutor instead. Also happening on this sunday morning. A nationwide manhunt. Authorities in mississippi are putting out an alert for 28yearold alex deaton. He murdered his girlfriend and shot a jogger early on friday morning. The u. S. Marshals Fugitive Task force has joined the hunt. And a look from hollywood. Just hours away from the oscars. A lot of coverage still to come, including what the stars will be wearing on the not quite red carpet. What does oscar night mean to you . What will you be wearing in honor of the occasion . Perhaps my wife and i will break out the matching onesies. That we wear sometimes on nights where were going to feel slothful. Shes promised to make a funfetti cake. So now that ive said this on national television, bianca, its official. Its your official cheat night, right . Sundays are cheat nights. Together in your onesies. The secret for happy marriage, everybody. Im realizing i could get in trouble for everything i have just said. Lets pretend that different happen and move on. We start this half hour with high drama in the mountains of lake tahoe. A snowboarder buried waisthigh in the snow. Rescued from blizzardlike conditions, unsure that his calls for help were being heard. Eva pilgrim has more. Reporter this dramatic rescue after a fun day on the mountain taking a seriously wrong turn. Watch as aarin yu waves for help after spending a brutally cold night on a california mountain. This is the first time i had been in a situation that was so dire. I was scared. I tried to keep calm. Reporter yu was at the top of a chair lift when a snowstorm hit heavenly mountain. Whiteout conditions. I realized something was amiss. I looked around and it looks like i was pretty distant from a groomed path, a trail, or some manmade structure. Reporter this cell phone video showing what he was up against. Stuck in chesthigh snow. He couldnt get a signal to call for help. Instead, sending frantic text messages. His business partner, david sutton, got one of those messages, immediately calling the ski patrol. Yu decided to stay put. Using a tree to block the wind and elements. Sleeping there overnight. Its pitch black overnight. You cant see anything. Youre just feeling your way around. Reporter this x dug in the deep snow, marking the spot where yu was finally found. Frantically waving his arms for help. And as you can see hes doing just fine. After all that, he only has mild frostbite on his fingers. And this is the craziest part. Turns out, he was less than a mile from the resort the entire time. Wow. So close. Yet so far. Were glad hes okay this morning. Lets go back to rob with more on the snow out west. Yeah, ill tell you what, a mile is a long way to go when youre talking about snow thats like this. Mammoth mountain getting crushed, about a fivehour drive from l. A. , where the oscars are happening today. Heavy rain this morning will taper off. Might be a couple of showers around red carpet time. It will be chilly as well. Not the best of weather out there. Another round of potentially lowland snow. For seattle. One to three inches expected for the valleys. An unbelievable winter for them in portland. Good sunday morning. Im lisa argen. Its a clear and colder start this morning. Were in between weather systems, so sunny and dry for the day with cool conditions, increasing clouds. Showers tonight lingering into this Weather Report is into brought to you by the u. S. Army. Beautiful weather for the daytona 500 today. Two questions that you dont really hear on the same day. Who is your driver . And who are you wearing . Thats happening today and tonight. Thank you very much. Nobody asks me that when im in my onesie. Coming up on gma, the big winners at the independent Spirit Awards. What it could mean for who is going to take home the statues at the oscars tonight. He oscars tonight. I can shut down your power grids. I can paralyze your infrastructure. I can access the personal data of everyone in america. I am the enemy with no face, and i cant be sto. For every wouldbe cyber attack theres a team of u. S. Army Cyber Warriors who will not be defeated. Find out more at goarmy. Com team whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. 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Protein proteiny protein. At least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. New greek 100 protein. From yoplait. Yeah were all about a good time the road to the oscars passes straight through the indie Spirit Awards. Many times, theyre a predictor of who will win the oscar. And abcs Chris Connelly is back, as promised, with a full wrapup for us. Hi, chris. Reporter hi, guys. The film independent Spirit Awards are oscars hipster cousin. Kind of an obscure word. You might not have heard of it. With films like la la land and Hidden Figures out of the mix, one film was really feeling the love. Im here. Im a free spirit. Reporter at the beach in santa monica. Its chilly out here. Did you not see me cry on the red carpet . Reporter the film independent Spirit Awards. Its exciting to be acknowledged among these incredibly talented people. Reporter never so much moonlight in the middle of the day. Moonlight. Moonlight. Moonlight. Reporter taking by storm the show that honored lower budgeted films not made by a major studio. A luminous comingofage drama winning six awards. Including best feature and best director for barry jenkins. It was a movie made for 1. 5 million. I only say that because there was no director in me that could have made this manifest itself without the cast and crew. Every time you step on to a platform and you see people that you respect show respect and love back towards you, its its overwhelming. Reporter hosts John Mullaney and nick kroll setting the irreverent tone. These films are, to quote the president , sad, exclamation point. Casey affleck plays a morose, withdrawn man from the outskirts of boston living in the shadow of his older brother. What a reach. Reporter he won best male lead for manchester by the sea. Im not sad and morose. Reporter female lead meant to elles timeless isabelle huppert. Taking the opportunity to pose for paparazzi, show their fans some love. And mingle a bit. Molly shannon who won for her soulsearing, straightfromtheheart work as a cancer patient in other people. I want to dedicate this award to all the moms who would go to the end of the earth for their families. I really, truly, in this moment, feel like a superstar. Reporter o. J. , made in america, winning best documentary. Whatever happens at the oscars, an amazing year for independent film, guys. Certainly. Thats so true. The oscars have been criticized in the past for the lack of diversity when it came to nominees. This year, theyre making history. Reporter what a difference a year makes. Three of the best picture nominees chronicling the africanamerican experience. Seven nominated people of color, and not a bad chance that three acting categories might go to people of color. Were a long ways away from the oscars so white days, at least in this year. Of 2017. I say a big bravo to that. This has been a great year at the movies. I have made no bones about the fact that im a massive moonlight fan. Do you think la la land is going to win . Reporter my feeling is if you were going to bet the rent money, i would go with la la land. There are a lot of potential rivals. Like moonlight, Hidden Figures, manchester by the sea. Well all be waiting to see what is going to happen. There could be upsets all along the way. If you were going to bet, you would bet on la la land. I still cant get over dances with wolves beating goodfellas back in 1991. Or whatever that was. Reporter gotta move on. Gotta move on, dan. Gotta move on. I hold a grudge. 25 years ago. Gotta turn the page. The heist is over. This is a discussion i have had with my wife many times before. Chris connelly, always amazing to have you covering the oscars for us. Thank you so much. Feels like sunday morning therapy. Thanks for having me. Thanks, chris. Coming up on Good Morning America this sunday. Fashion forward. The lengths that the best dressed at the oscars are going to to make sure their looks are ultra exclusive. And one contender will be celebrating whether he wins or not. Well tell you why. Coming up in pop news. With diane macedo. Just dance dance dance ou why. Coming up in pop news. With diane macedo. Just dance dance dance im good. . I just took new mucinex clear and cool. Whats this sudden cooooling thing happening . Its got a menthol burst. You can feel it right away. New mucinex clear cool. Feel the menthol burst. While powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. Lets end this. This is violet. Shes been waiting for this moment for awhile. A moment other kids wouldnt think twice about. Her first bowl of cheerios. Because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. Cant stop the feeling welcome back, everybody. We all have our reasons for watching the oscars. Beyond who will take home the golden statue. Many, like ron, rob, and dan, are highly interested in the fashion choices. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. For some red carpet analysis, joe zee is the editor in chief of yahoo style. He joins us this morning. Thanks for joining us, joe. Good morning. Its early and cold here, too. I dont think you went to bed last night, thats how early it is on the west coast. How do you think the runway will affect the red carpet tonight . You know that the oscars is the final stop on the awards circuit. And for fashion, the most coveted. You see a lot of celebrities hitting the red carpet. The fight to be so exclusive has gotten worse every year. I hear that emma stone is going to be wearing couture givenchy. On the red carpet. Shell be the only actress wearing that designer tonight. It will be interesting. And even somebody like brie larson will wear a brandnew exclusive look from oscar de la rentas new designers that nobody else can wear on the carpet tonight. So interesting the way that people really fought for that exclusive. Who is going to be pushing the envelope the most . The most adventurous dressed. Oh, my gosh. You know, i have to give that one to nicole kidman. Did you see her at the s. A. G. Awards . The green dress with the feathers and the parrots. And the sequins. Shes really leaned towards being a risktaker on the red carpet and then you look at somebody like janelle monae. I hear shes going to be wearing a custom elie saab dress. She sticks to black and white. Thats her uniform. Shes told designers that shell only wear black and white. At least you know thats what shes going to show up in. Meryl streep making news. Denying claims by Karl Lagerfeld that she refused to wear chanel because shes wearing something somebody paid her to wear. She said shes never paid to wear anybody. Whats your take . Im going with meryl. Shes come out and stood against this. Chanel has backed off that claim a lot. But to tell you the truth, paytoplay has been a dirty secret for a long time. A lot of the designers do pay the actresses, especially the oscars. To wear their gowns. And the jewelry has been going on for years. Thank you, joe, for getting up so early. Youre looking dapper. Have a great time tonight at the oscars. Thanks for joining us. Of course. Thank you so much. And pop news with diane macedo is next. We have oscar trivia. We do. Are your allergies holding you back or is it your allergy pills . Break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. 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And biotin for healthy nails. So no matter what happens,. Youll still feel beautiful. Natures bounty hair, skin and nails. Better off healthy. Yeah were all about a good time yeah were all about a good life time for our special oscars edition. Diane, you got the stars rolling here. Whats popping . I like this. Very regal. Oscarcentric, of course. If were going to be talking about the movies, we should snack like were at the movies. I brought you a spread. Thank you, thank you. Were going to start with a quiz. Youre going to want to Pay Attention while you snack. This years contenders, question one, which acting nominee appears in two films nominated for best picture this year . Mahershala ali. Mahershala ali. I, okay, fine. Let her finish the question. The answer is . Uh huh. Mahershala ali. And he just had baby, right . Im not giving everything away. I mean, forget it. We can just not do come on. Paula. Dont give up, macedo. Question two. Who shot their oscar nominated role in just three days . Is it naomie harris, michelle williams, or jeff bridges. I know, i know. Im going to say jeff bridges. Michelle williams. Michelle williams. Youre all wrong. Its naomie harris. She only had three days to do it all. It was such an intense role. Thats really, really, really, really impressive. You got it, diane. If Linmanuel Miranda wins, he would be the youngest to have an egot. An emmy, a grammy, an oscar, and a tony. Who else achieved this feat . Whoopi goldberg. Whoopi goldberg. Its a trick question. All three of them. No, no, no. Theyve all gotten it. If linmanuel wins this, hell set a whole new category. A mpegot. Im not making that up. He has a Pulitzer Prize and a mccarthy award. A Pulitzer Prize . It sounds like a sandwich. What is it again . A mpegot. That is a sandwich. I may not be pronouncing it correctly. And as paula laid out for us. Were congratulating Mahershala Ali this morning. Even before we know who the oscar goes to. He and his wife have welcomed their new daughter. I heard they had a baby. He shared the news on instagram. Breaking news. Were hearing it right here for the first time. With this post. 22217. Pisces. This is their first child. He says hes even excited about being tired. So you know hes pumped about this. Im sorry for delivering the news ahead of schedule. A huge, huge, huge year for him. An incredible actor. Congratulations to him and his family. Big, big moments. And then, of course, no oscar ceremony is complete without the thank you speeches. We want to thank rob and renee israel for the popcorn. We have all kinds. Apple crisp, sinfully cinnamon. Jalapeno. I want to thank twizzlers, m ms, and junior mints just for existing. My mother, my father, for being supportive of me. Okay. All right. All right. Should we play the music . Dont forget to tune in tonight when gma is on the red carpet. It starts at 7 00 eastern with the awards at 30. A big afterparty here on abc hosted by lara spencer and Antony Anderson from blackish. And gma for the full wrap of the evening. Great pop news. Tune in monday for a full wrap of the evening. Well see you tomorrow. Good morning. Im carolyn tyler. Just about ten more hours until the oscars. Tonight here in the bay area, movie fans can celebrate an oscar night tradition, while raising money to fight hiv and aids. Its the 37th annual academy of friends gala in san francisco. The event will feature several bay area restaurants and a silent auction during the oscars. The academy of friends began as a small oscar party at a home. Since its inception, its raised nearly 9 million for local charities. Tonights event starts at 5 00 at the midway on marin street in san francisco. Other oscar parties in the bay area in san francisco, an Academy Awards party benefiting the st. Francis foundation. That event starts at 5 00 at the fairmont hotel. And in oakland, an oscars party will be at the new Parkway Theater on 24th street. You can watch the oscars live only on abc7. Live coverage begins at 2 00 this afternoon, and jimmy kimmel is hosting the oscars for the first time. The awards ceremony begins at 5 30. Lets get a check now of the accuweather forecast. Heres lisa. Good morning to you, carolyn. Hi, everyone. Temperatures have bottomed out, below freezing in some bay area neighborhoods. Emeryville right now lots of sunshine, a beautiful start to the day with all the clear sky. 42 in san jose, 41 half moon bay. Well be looking at increasing clouds late in the day. From our east bay hills camera, mid30s in santa rosa, 38 in livermore. It is colder this morning than yesterday. Enjoy the sunshine today. Increasing clouds, showers arrive Late Afternoon in the north bay, pressing their way south, a few lingering showers tomorrow morning, then were dry, sunnier, springlik for the rest of the week. Thank starting right now on this week with george stephanopoulos. Now you finally have a president. Finally. It took you a long time. In just two days, the president addresses the nation. The era of empty talk is over. Its over. His first speech to rally congress has questions about ties to russia continue to cloud his presidency. Will trump now face new independent investigations . Plus release those taxes. Release those taxes. Town hall tumult. Republicans across the country face mounting protests. You work for us. [ cheers and applause ] team trump downplays the drama. Despite the best efforts of liberal activists, the American People know better. Will this endure and crack

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