The urgent question this morning, was this an act of terror . The blast coming on the same day as a pipe bomb explosion at a Marine Charity run in new jersey, and a mass stabbing at a mall . Minnesota. Team coverage of the breaking story and the hunt for answers. Good sunday morning, everyone. Its a very busy morning. Well get right to the breaking news. That explosion on a crowded street in lower manhattan. Theres the Surveillance Footage on the street that the device went off in the chelsea neighborhood. Bystanders running away. 29 people take on the the hospital. Moments later, just blocks away, a second suspicious device was found. A Pressure Cooker with the cell phone and wires attached. All wrapped in a plastic bag. Now, the mayor of new york said the blast was, quote, an intentional act. But he says there is no evidence of terrorism right now. He might have been trying to calm fears. But the incident in manhattan follows explosions, and a stabbing attack at a mall in minnesota. We do have Team Coverage of this fastmoving story. We start with abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross. He is in studio for us this morning. Brian, good morning. Reporter good morning, an urgent search under way for the bomber. One bomb exploded and a second device discovered. While the new york city mayor says theres no evidence of terrorism, investigators tell us its too soon to know for sure who was responsible. The bomb came on a saturday night in a popular neighborhood on the west side of new york city. This Surveillance Video inside a Fitness Center shows the blast just after 8 30. A white flash as glass shatters. 615 theres an explosion. Theres units saying there was an explosion from a garbage pail. Have units stay off the block. We do want to be very clear the early indications, initial indications that this was an intentional act. Reporter Officials Say the bomb appears to have been placed in a tool box next to the construction trash container. In one video obtained by police, a man is seen crossing the street in the vicinity of where the object was left. You can see the force of the bomb. The ground shook and like windows shook and theres like this big flash of light. Reporter yet incredibly no one was killed. There were 29 injuries here. One considered serious. 24 of these people have been transported to area hospitals with various degrees of scrapes and abrasions from glass and metal. Reporter then two hours later, and just four blocks away, police discovered a second device. In what appears to be a Pressure Cooker found inside a plastic bag with wiring and a cell phone attached. The nypd bomb squad removed the device as bombsniffing dogs searched the area for more suspicious packages. Police at the nypd Counterterror Center scanned Surveillance Videos looking for clues who was responsible. Police this morning say they still dont know if the second device contained explosives, or just a wire and a phone to replicate a bomb. The fact that it was contained in a Pressure Cooker like this one is of great concern. This kitchen device is a favorite of terrorists around the world. There are recipes and instructions to build a bomb online. Remember, the innocent days these were simple kitchen devices. Gone. Exactly. They still dont know what was in this one, but they have taken this one to a location where they have a controlled detonation. Thank you, brian. Our chief investigative correspondent. Well get back to you later in the show. While authorities pore over surveillance cameras, the blast left many people in the city on edge. It came just hours after a pipe bomb just hours after a pipe bomb went off along a charity run in new jersey. It was benefitting marines and sailors. Abcs linzie janis joins us from the chelsea neighborhood where residents nerves are still rattled this morning. Linzie, good morning. Reporter good morning, paula. Were getting the first glimpse of the blast sight going after that police van you see there. Chaos in manhattan overnight. After a major explosion rocks a packed neighborhood in the city. It was like a loud boom sound. We heard the shatter of the windows and everything else, and ewith ju we just ducked. Reporter Law Enforcement officials descending on the scene. Residents fleeing the area in a panic. People started running up 23rd street. Reporter 29 people injured by the blast. The shattered glass and closed down city blocks and some city lines, bystanders rushing to help the wounded. Im willing to help. Reporter this woman out for a bite to eat when she heard the explosion. Boom we were like, oh, my god. Reporter and this chelsea resident stopping to pick up a magazine on her way when the blast erupted. It was really scary. Then ecouldnt hear for 15 minutes out of my left ear. Reporter in the aftermath, a second device found just blocks away. We just have been moved out of this area near 26th street. The Police Telling us its a hot zone and theyre looking at another device. Law enforcement sweeping an entire area. Looking inside trash cans, newspaper dispensers, and even this lobby. Just hours earlier on saturday, a separate explosion, 60 miles away in new jersey. It sounded like a cannon. It was very, very loud. Reporter a pipe bomb detonating inside the trash can along the course of a 5k race for a marine corps charity. The explosion was probably 20 feet high, and a large, round, dark smoke. Reporter investigators discovering a cache of several devices. All intended to go off at 9 35 a. M. , the intended start time of the race. In minnesota, overnight, a knifewielding attacking people at a Shopping Mall. The suspect killed. Those eight people suffering nonlife threatening injuries in minnesota. In new jersey, that race so popular, so many people came out to it, it start had to be delayed. Dan, the new york mayor said its early but right now no apparent connection between that blast and the one that occurred right here in new york city. Dan. But its early. Linzie janis we appreciate your reporting out on the streets overnight. Thank you. And moments ago, i spoke with a new yorker, joe clark right nearby when that explosion went off in lower manhattan. Joe, we appreciate you coming on this morning. When were you when you heard that explosion . I was actually in the gap on 8th avenue and 23rd. Thats about an avenue away from here, and i was sort of in front of the store. I felt and heard the explosion. So, you went in the direction of the explosion to check it out . There was some vehicle starting to respond and so we started going towards what was going on. We could see some fire trucks already down here on the scene and we started walking this direction. In your pictures you post on the the internet, you see a lot of first responders, some victims being treated. Did you see a lot of victims, and did you get a sense of widespread fear and panic in the area . I was watching the firefighters. I told my girlfriend, take a look at the firefighters and see how theyre reacting. They escorted the one gentleman. I took the photos over they brought a chair and they sat him down here by one of the trucks here on th avenue between 23rd and 24th. I saw the one guy that i took the photos of, other people came along a little later. You felt confident based on the demeanor of these firefighters, that this was not an exceedingly dangerous place to be. We were told, from what i heard, it was between 5th and 6th, so we thought it was an avenue away. It was just right here. Its amazing how unshakable new yorkers can be, and i understand you were near the World Trade Center in 1993 when it was hit by a bomb. Did this give you a flash back. It did. The jolt and the noise that i heard was very similar and also the peoples reactions. Joe clark, were really glad youre safe and for coming on this morning. Thanks very much. Thank you so much for having me. A perspective of whats happening right now on this investigation, we want to bring in a former nypd. I want to go back to new york city. Mayor bill de blasio said this was quote an intentional act. Were so early in the act how can he be ruling out terror . I dont hes ruling it out. I think hes being cautious. I think caution is prudent at this point. You dont want panic. Terror is any act of violence against the people to instill terror in them to go to the government to have them change foreign policy. But what we see here is mayor de blasio, and the missioner, oneill, i think its his second day in office, they are going to take the caution approach and not trying to instill panic in people. I want everyone to look at the map and what happened and when. There was that explosion in seaside, new jersey, in the morning. About 12 hours later, the blast in the chelsea neighborhood of new york city, and then the suspiciouslooking pressure cooking device, right now, found. Is there anything that leads you to believe that these are all connected . They may or may not together. So, what theyre going to do is theyre going to coordinate the investigation, share information between investigators in new york and in new jersey. Theyll come at some point with a decision if they are or arent connected. Theyll be looking at the Pressure Cooker this morning. The Pressure Cooker is great because they have the Pressure Cooker. It was removed by the new york city bomb squad. To where their explosive unit is. And they have it. Theyll make the decision whether theyre going to explode the device to gather evidence or theyre going to attempt to deactivate the device or theyre going to use a different technique that they have to see inside of it if theres a device. All right, nick, we really appreciate your insight this morning. Its a very busy morning for you. Thanks for coming in. Dan. Thank you, nick. The explosion in manhattan immediately, of course, sent ripples out to campaign trail. Donald trump coming out early calling it a bomb. Before officials had even confirmed that information. Hillary clinton pouncing on trump for that. Abcs mary bruce is on that story from washington. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Were already getting a glimpse this morning how trump and clinton would react as president. Overnight, both responding. In very different ways. And already, it is becoming political, for Hillary Clinton seeming to scold trump for his swift conclusion. Overnight, donald trump was quick to respond to the explosion in manhattan speaking out after initial reports. A bomb went off in new york. Were living in a time, we better get very tough, folks. Reporter describing it as a bomb even before the cause was confirmed. Two hours later after landing back home in new york, clinton took a more cautious approach. We have to let the investigation unfold. Ill have more to say about it when we actually know what happened. Reporter and she took a swing at trump. I think its always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions. Reporter both candidates are being criticized by former defense secretary, robert gates, for lacking National Security plans. But in the wall street journal, gates writes, that donald trump is unfit to be commander in chief. Trump is hitting back. He is a nasty guy. When they leave office, they criticize everybody. I dont like critics. I like the people who get it done and get it done right. Reporter now here at the white house the president has been updated throughout the night. He has yet to respond publicly. Dan and paula . Mary, thank you. For more on this lets bring in martha raddatz, in washington where shell be hosting this week later this morning. We know you have a big show to prepare for, so thank you for joining us. How are both candidates viewed as commanderinchief particularly in moments of crisis such as what we are seeing right now in new york and new jersey . Paula, moments like these are critical because they show voters how each candidate would handle the many crises theyre sure to face in the white house and these two, as we see, could not be more different. You saw Hillary Clinton come out with that careful statement, sticking to the facts as she waits for more information, and thats indicative of her style as secretary of state. Contrary to donald trump who shoots from the hip. To some its an aggressive style that carries a lot of risks but to others after eight years of a measured commander in chief, some aggression they appreciate. Eight days away from now which could be a Pivotal Moment the first president ial debate, how high are the stakes for these two candidates . How do we know they are getting ready . Its such an important moment in this race the last real variable where the candidates will be head to head without teleprompters other advisers on the same stage. Barring any meltdown, these debates dont redefine the race because what they tend to do is reinforce the ideas of each candidate. Thats just as important. Both are practicing. Were not sure its exactly the same between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. All we have seen of her is those massive briefing books. Not quite so much with donald trump. Martha, we should point out youll be comoderating the second debate which will come up shortly after the first one. I want to remind everybody that martha has a big show this morning. She goes oneonone with both Vice President nominees, republican mike pence and democrat tim kaine. Thats right here on abc. You can get the app. For all of you that cant get enough of politics. If you cant get enough of the weather i dont know. You can download rob marciano. Yes. That will take you far toongs. I want to show you this picture out of colorado. A land sprout, a tornado that developed from a nonsupercell storm. Not a lot of damage. This video out of norman, oklahoma, no reports of a tornado with this but rain wrapped in there. Nonetheless some hefty winds. Some thunder and lightning, and up the road in stillwater, they had to delay the osu game later in the day in the Fourth Quarter because of lightning and a number of Football Games delayed or postponed. Because of some action with the thunderstorms that rolled through, even louisville, the game at 12 00 p. M. Getting some rain and thunder. This one is a very slow mover. Its going to squeeze some of the moisture. Some of the moisture from julia getting up in this. And one to two hours, and hopeful next good sunday morning, waking up to beautiful clear sky and Cool Conditions around the bay, but today another spare the air day, hotter this afternoon and much cooler air rise. Well have to wait until tuesday. Inland east bay and santa clara valley, poor air quality. Look at the 70s at the coast, 84 san mat toshio, 100 in liver more and 91 in san jose in the accu weather much more weather coming up. Ill post sol of these on twitter so you can download the graphics. Not me thankfully. That will be later on in the morning and more weather in 20 minutes. The download rob marciano app is now trending above pokemon go. A lot of other news this morning, and because of that, we get it to dr. Ron claiborne. We begin in syria, an u. S. Air strikes hit Syrian Government the u. S. Military saying the attack in the eastern part of syria which is not covered by a weekold truce in that country, bombed Syrian Forces by mistake. The u. S. Security council held an emergency meeting overnight, at the request of the nation. Deadly bus crash in north carolina, kills four people and injured 42 others. A team bus blew a tire causing it to hit a guard rail. The team from rock hill, South Carolina was traveling to fayetteville, north carolina. New details about the suspected gunman who went on a shooting spree in philadelphia friday night. He has been identified as nicholas glenn. Officials saying they found a note from him, titled, doomed, which he wrote about his dislike of police. One woman who was in a passing car was shot and killed. Police killed glen in a shootout with that gunman. Drivers in the northeast. Tu pulling up to empty gas pumps, as crews work to fix a leak. Governors from six states declaring states of emergencies. States easing up on gas delivery restrictions. And, in arizona, a small plane catches fire midflight, crashing into a home. But check this out. All four passengers, they were skydivers on their way to a local fair, they jumped out of that plane before it crashed and landed safely. The skydivers were unharmed. The pilot is being treated for burns, and the people inside the house luckily made it out alive before it went up in flames. Finally, a High School Quarterback in dallas, texas, what he did at halftime got the crowd cheering. Taking the homecoming king crown off his head and handed it to his friend who has cerebral palsy. They say that k. L. , not he, is the one who deserves that honor. Thats incredible. Thats really, really great. Here you have a jock and an athlete giving it to somebody who he feels is more deserving. And a big deal. Popular kids in the high school never did that, they shoved me into locker room. Were you bullied . I usually deserved it. You wouldnt deserve that, dan. Coming up on Good Morning America this morning, we have more coverage on the blast in new york city. And this, a fallout over Darren Sharper, a rapist, nominated for the football hall of fame. Now fueling a debate over who should be eligible for the hall of fame honor. Ron will have it for us. Plus, behind the scenes of the emmy awards. What can you expect during tonights big show. Thats from nick watt. Well be back with more gma. Keep it here on a sunday morning. Folgers in your cup. The moments that connect us dont happen overnight. They happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. Folgers, the best part of wakin up. 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Lets get a check on the accuweather forecast. Good morning, everyone. Hottest temperatures here in our east bay valleys but 46 now in Half Moon Bay, nice and clear from mt. Tam. 56 in livermore. Numbers coming way up today. Lisa, welcome back to Good Morning America. Welcome back to Good Morning America. We begin this halfhour with this breaking news overnight, an explosion in a crowded new york city neighborhood, chelsea to be exact. 29 people hurt in the blast. The mayor calling it an intentional act. Then the frightening discovery of a second device, a Pressure Cooker with wires and a cell phone attached. It was wrapped up in a plastic bag and removed by the bomb squad to be investigated later this morning. Now the investigation into whether or not this was an act of terrorism and abcs brian ross is joining us again. You have a Pressure Cooker right here. This has become a weapon of choice. It has. Instructions on how to make this simple kitchen device into bombs. Ieds, and of course, in the Boston Marathon attack there were two bombs made out of this. Right now the investigation is focused on theres a m boor a bomber at large. Perhaps someone set off a second bomb as well. Who is that person . The new York Police Department have this Counterterrorism Center that i have been given a tour of recently, with hundreds of cameras all over the city and they look at every license plate coming in and out of the city. Millions a day, and they track them from movement around manhattan. Thats what they are doing right now. Trying to figure out who was responsible. Who put the Pressure Cooker there, and who put the bomb on 23rd street . Were talking about three possible locations, that pipe bomb in seaside, new jersey, then you have the bomb in chelsea in new york city, and then just a couple of blocks away, the Pressure Cooker, trying to figure out if these are connected. What on stabstacles are they fa in a case like this . The main obstacle who is this person, he got away, does he have more bombs . This comes as president obama and World Leaders from everywhere coming into the city for the United Nations generally assembly. So, its a tense time already. This on top of it adds to the urgency and trying to determine who was responsible. Brian ross our chief investigative correspondent. Thank you very much for being with us this morning. We appreciate it. Thanks for coming in on a weekend, brian. We want to turn to pierre thomas. He has been in touch with top lau Law Enforcement officials and he is looking into more on what they are looking at. Reporter top officials here in washington, including the president and Homeland Security jeh johnson are monitoring the situation, for now theyre following the lead of new york city officials. Officials im talking to, with so Little Information on motive, nothing can be ruled out. The fact that this is some kind of an intentional act has a lot of officials here in washington on edge. You have the backdrop as i mentioned of new york city being a prime terror target, and the United Nations general assemble meeting coming up soon. Dan. Pierre, thank you. All this coming at the same time a terrifying attack at a mall in minnesota that we mentioned earlier in the show. A man wearing the uniform of a Security Guard stabbed several people before he was shot dead by an offduty police officer. Sunny hostin has more. Reporter eight people were injured in that attack at the Shopping Mall leaving a town on edge. Do do downovernight, a stabbing rampage inside a packed mall in minnesota. St. Cloud is getting reports of stabbing and shots fired at the mall off division. Reporter witnesses say the suspect in the Security Guard uniform. At least eight people were stabbed. Police revealing the man made references to islam. That individual made some references to allah and we have confirmed that he asked at least one person if they were muslim before he assaulted them. Reporter police not letting anyone in or out as they swept the area. Whether that was a terrorist attack or not, im not willing to say a right now because we just dont know. Reporter the motive still under investigation. The police chief saying the suspect was killed inside the Macys Department store by an offduty police officer. The attack leaving this town shaken. We got eight victims that were assaulted here in our mall. And so, guess what, starting tomorrow, things wont be the same here. Reporter seven of the wounded were treated and released while one victim remains hospitalized. Thankfully, none of their injuries lifethreatening, and the motive for the stabbings is still under investigation. Interesting to see him that nothing is going to be the same here. Just emotionally or theyre going to boost security in some way. Boosting security at these soft targets is such a problematic endeavor. Almost impossible. Sunny hostin, we appreciate you coming in. Thank you very much. Lets check the forecast once again. Rob, good morning. Reporter want to talk about the west coast. They have some high fire danger over if next several days. One burning in california, near the Mammoth Lakes ski resort. There have been some evacuations there, and the conditions arent going to get any better in the next day and half. Fire warnings and watches for santa barbara. Temperatures are going to be much of los angeles, and through tomorrow in the afternoon, temperatures are going to be warm with a bit of an offshore flow. Might see some thunderstorms and dwight lightning pop up in southern california. That lead to more in fire starts there. Across the midwest, well see temperatures that are going to rebound. Were not quite defense attorney done with summer yet. One wir yet. Temperatures in the 80s in chicago. New york city and d. C. Boumping up to the lower to mid 80s as we go to middle part of the week. The heat is up. Looking for showers and thunderstorms across the southeast. Some thunderstorms this morning rolling through oklahoma. Thats a quick good sunday morning, im lisa argent, temperatures will be unseasonably warm once again today. Comfortable right now but by this afternoon, were talking hehe this Weather Report is brought to you by petsmart. This Weather Report is brought to you by petsmart. A little announcement about my partner in crime, ginger zee. Womens Health Magazine fifth annual run 10 feed 10 race is happening this morning along new yorks west side highway, and look who is hosting none other th than ginger zee, and shell be running the race as well. In the past has donated 5 million meals in need. Thats amazing. You can still run in san francisco, theyre running on october 29th. Visit run10feed10. Com. Maybe well sign up for that. October 29th. Id love to do it. You can burn off some of the calories youll be eating today, its National Cheese burger today. Well talk more about that. I plan to have a cheese burger at every meal. That is excellent. A noble effort. You talk a big game, three bites of food on this set. Coming up here on Good Morning America behind the scenes before tonights emmy awards. A sneak peek of whats in store for one of hollywoods biggest nights. Keep it here. They wont be eating cheese burgers. My challenge is to be in sync, with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge i was energetic. Gia, billions of probiotics everyday. I was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Theres football furor heres football furor erupting. Emotions are really running high over Darren Sharpers nomination for the football hall of fame and whether he should even be considered since he is serving time in prison. He is a convicted rapist. Ron claiborne is here. Ron has more. Any fan can nominate a former Football Player to the sports hall of fame. Now, sharpers name will go before the Selection Committee next year despite wiz his rape conviction. Some people saying thats just wrong. And its picked off by Darren Sharper. Reporter 40yearold Darren Sharper was sentenced last month to 18 years in prison after admitting to drugging and raping as many as 16 women. How do you plead the charge . Guilty. Reporter the nfl has no say in the hall of fame nominations, the league has been under intense scrutiny because of incidents of violence by players against women. One would think that the National Football league would be hypersensitive because of what he has done. Reporter in a statement to abc news, a spokesperson for the hall of fame said it nominates no one. A committee of 46 journalists and 2 existing hall of fame members vote on the nominations the day before the super bowl. To be eligible for nomination a player must be retired from the league for at least five years. But according to the hall of fame, character is no criteria for the induction process. For the nfl to be in another story like this where a convicted rapist is being nominated for the pro football hall of fame, thats exactly what the National Football league does not want to be. Reporter leaving the door open to a change in policy, saying, im sure it will be discussed. We never say never. We want to make sure our process the best process. There are several football hall of fame members that have been convicted of crimes, like o. J. Simpson. They were inducted before the crimes. Darren sharpers in prison now . Yeah. Some people would argue this all happened off the field so he should be considered. Very controversial. But the gravity of the crime you would think. Anyone can nominate someone. Thats the issue here. Thats odd. We dont know who will be nominated. Thats true. And coming up on Good Morning America were celebrating National Cheese burger day. Thats straight ahead. Thats a mouthful. Manners. Thats a mouthful. In einstein since ch a change he started eating the new beneful recipe. The number one ingredient in it is beef. einstein the beef is fantastic becky hes a very active dog. He never stops moving. He has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. It has real beef, grains, vegetables, and he loves it. Well, we were coming for an interview. So he wanted to wear his tie. einstein its my power tie. It gives me power. vo try new beneful originals with beef. 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Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. Welcome back to Good Morning America. Welcome back to Good Morning America. Were celebrating National Cheeseburger day. Who boeetter to do that with thn the founder of smash burger, tom ryan, celebrating ten years. Take me through the technique that you have. Our namesake is smashing burgers. We take angus and we smash them on a butterpainted grill. Actually, it looks like its broken up. I would think thats a broken burger, but thats beautiful. It caramelizes, and you get this great steaky flavor. So, when you bite into this burger all the juices release at once. Looks at the searedness. That looks fantastic. Thats exactly what were looking for. Whats your number one tip . Use great beef, we like certified angus. I think you want that in a greattasting burger. We use 20 fat and beef. We want a greattasting burger. None of that nonfat stuff. None of that nonfat stuff. So this is the burger were peaching . This is the burger with cheese. We use applewood smoked bacon, really brings out the flavor. Put bacon on anything thats cheating. Its going to be good. It is. Just one flip . Yeah, just one flip. Little sliced thin and hand breaded. Onions, and all that on top. Little sliced in and onions. Its ready to go. The breakfast of champions. Look at that, is that not beautiful or what . Its hot, but holy smokes. This has so much flavor. Thank you very much. Happy National Cheeseburger day. Go out and have one today. Pop news coming up next stay tuned. Today. Pop news coming up next stay tuned. Whenpneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd waited two more days, you wouldve died. Pneumococcal pneumonia almost took me from them. If i had known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor about it. Lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Frida is a work of art. And frida appreciate the arts. They get inspired by new meow mix bistro recipes, made with real chicken for delicious bistro flavor. No wonder its the only one cats ask for by name. Yeahashtag stuffy nose. Old. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Good morning america is brought to you by breathe right. Breathe bett Good Morning America is brought to you by breathe right. Breathe better, sleep better tonight. All right, time for pop news. Primetime emmy awards tonight right here on abc. Were taking you behind the scenes, and who is up for the biggest honors, and abcs nick watt is here with everything you need to know. Everything, literally. Lot of pressure. Im not sure of everything, some of what you need to know. Nearly 250 nominations, thats the most ever, golden age of tv, maybe thats why they have the longest red carpet ever. Waiters are practicing serving. Jimmy kimmel back to host. The best thing about the emmys its an award show for television on television. My favorite things the fashion and the food. I always say, wear something that makes you feel like a million bucks. But, whos going to win. Best drama actress is one that you really want to keep yourself on the edge of your chair for. What now . Viola davis against robin wright. Long overlooked for house of cards. Im done trying to win over peoples hearts. It was the right thing to go for a lot of reasons. The fact she got a nomination this year, is long believed that was one of the best shows on television. Reporter also deserving, blackish and mr. Robot. Sara paulson. Sure things veep and Jeffrey Tambor for transparent. And the behemoth game of thrones. I take what is mine. If youre wondering why paula is wearing sunglasses right now, im taking what is mine. She is taking them out of the gift bags. These gift bags for the alisters 50,000 worth of stuff in there. Including 8,000 vacations and not for you, dan, a 1,000 Plastic Surgery certificate. Really . Yeah. Yeah. What do you get for 1,000 bucks . I dont know. Catch the excitement tonight with the primetime emmy awards. Hosted by jimmy kimmel. Lara is going to be there hosting the red carpet with chris harrison. Good morning, everyone. Happening today, six miles of san jose streets will be shut down today for the Second Annual celebration. Its a free program that encourages people to enjoy the citys neighborhoods on foot, bikes or skates. Theyll be live music and dancing and food and local vendors along the streets. The department of transportation is giving away 500 bike elements to kids. It runs from 10 00 to 3 00. Also happening today, hundreds of feel will fill the Golden Gate Park for the annual comedy day. Its the 36th year of the biggest single day event of its kind. More than 40 comedians will bring out their best jokes, including diane amos, past surprise guests including Whoopi Goldberg and Ellen Degeneres and late robin williams. Todays event is free, noon to 5 00. Lets check on the weather. Heres lisa argent. As we look at mt. Tam, it looks a little hazy but the coast is clear with 48 degrees Half Moon Bay, 9 mile visibility and 54 in gilroy. San francisco is at 57 and sunny emeryville, well in the 80s in oakland. And beach hazard statement for only the chance of rip currents but already wave heights over 7 foot in spots. Mid70s Half Moon Bay and low 80s oakland for upper 90s inland and then next couple of days were looking at slightly cooler weather tomorrow but the real cooldown comes on tuesday. Final days of summer are cool. Were below average. Thank you and thank you for joining us thi starting right now on this week with George Stephanopoulos this was an intentional act. Breaking overnight, an explosion in new york city. Dozens injured. We saw this smoke. A suspicious second device found just blocks away. Was this an act of terror . The very latest on the investigation. And president barack obama was born in the united states, period. After years of pushing the birther falsehood, donald trump now claiming credit for ending it. I finished it. I finished it. You know what i mean. His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. We put the birther question to trumps running mate. Exclusively on this week

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