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This as were learning much more about Hillary Clintons longawaited interview with the fbi. When that meeting could take place. Tiny speed demon, the 12yearold girl cops say led them on a 40mile chase topping 100 Miles Per Hour. Its one of the most serious chases ive ever seen. Veering into oncoming traffic, in a scene straight out of an action movie. How this crazy chase finally ended. Good morning and lets get right to the breaking news. The deadly end to a standoff with Terrorists Holding dozens of hostages. And you can see the tanks being sent in hours ago as troops stormed a restaurant in bangladesh thats very popular among foreigners. Armed terrorists raided the place, killing many of the people inside. The pictures were getting in also show anguished friends and family waiting for news of their loved ones inside the restaurant as troops keep people away from the scene. Now that the standoff is over officials are counting the dead and asking the question, was this yet another attack from isis. That is the question and abcs Jennifer Eccleston is on the story from our london bureau. Jennifer, good morning. Reporter dan, this morning more horrific details about that terror attack in bangladesh. Authorities now confirm that 20 hostages were killed inside that restaurant before antiterror forces stormed the building just a few hours ago. All of the dead hostages are foreigners. Authorities also outlining how the tragedy unfolded. At least seven gunmen heavily armed stormed the upscale restaurant popular with locals and foreign diners in the Diplomatic Area of dhaka, just one mile from the u. S. Embassy. At the start of the siege police exchanged gunfire with the terrorists. Two police were killed. Nearly 12 hours later, they stormed the restaurant and a bloody and terrifying scene awaited them. Remarkably two hostages escaped, and 13 others rescued. One of the attackers was arrested. Late friday isis claimed responsibility, but u. S. Officials still assessing the information say al qaeda cannot be ruled out. We dont yet know the nationalities of the dead but the u. S. Embassy said last night that all of their employees were safe. Bangladesh is witnessing a rapid increase in islamic extremist violence, most of the victims minorities and secular activists and all of them stabbed to death. Paula . Just a frightening, terrifying scene. Jennifer, thank you. With the Holiday Weekend and the islamic states urging martyrdom during ramadan, terror threats are a huge concern right here in the u. S. Authorities are keeping a close eye on the crowds in major cities. We got a rare look behind the scenes of new york citys counterterror command center, patrolling from the air, water, and street, and abcs brian ross reports. Be alert, be safe. Reporter roll call for the new York Police Department elite counterterrorism squad. Be cognizant of perps wearing explosives. Reporter if theres an isis attack here, these are the specially trained, heavily armed officers who will respond. Extra security precautions across the country will be in place for the july 4th weekend, but new york city is deploying a 24 7 force that no city in the world could match. From the air see a lot of potential targets, dont you . You sure do. Reporter from the sea theyre looking for components for a dirty bomb. Reporter and with the 525 officers, the newly formed Critical Response command on the street. Officers with radiation detectors. Dogs trained to sniff the kinds of chemicals used by isis in its suicide bombs. All coordinated in a Counterterror Center that monitors some 9,000 video feeds from cameras across the city. At the click of a mouse we can move from camera to camera. Reporter from the Brooklyn Bridge to times square. Cameras picked me up and showed just how clearly they can identify a face in the crowd. Its been referred to as a ring of steel, a coordination center. Its our way of protecting new york. Reporter plus 3 million vehicle license plates read every day, stored for five years. Youre essentially prepared to go to war with terrorists. Yes. Its inevitable that there will be an attack or another attack in this country, but we are well prepared to respond to that. Reporter police in new york say the one threat that remains the hardest to fight is the single individual not on the radar who decides today is the day he will strike. Brian ross, abc news, new york. Brian ross, thank you. The other pressing question looming over the Holiday Weekend, the weather. Millions of people in the northeast got hit with Severe Weather overnight. Whats next . Rob is of course tracking it all. Hey, rob. Some of those results from the Severe Weather overnight, a lot of reports like this across the northeast. Heres what it looked like during the height of the event, winds 60, 70 Miles Per Hour in poughkeepsie. Big hail coming down as well. In mount holly, new jersey, similar stuff. Over five inches of rain in southern new jersey. Saw some flooding there. Most of that rain has moved off shore thankfully so it looks like were getting into some dryer weather, a lovely air mass the next couple of days. As we get into the july 4th holiday, a slow moving system will likely bring a little bit of rain south of new york city. D. C. Through memphis looks to be wet. More on that in just a little bit. Paula. Rob, thank you. We want to move now to the great escape this Holiday Weekend. Millions will be on the road if they arent already and traffic is expected to thicken throughout the morning. Abcs Marci Gonzalez is joining the many road trippers on a highway in new jersey. Marci, good morning to you and how are things looking so far . Reporter hi, paula. Good morning. So far, smooth sailing. Check it out, not too much traffic so far. On so many roads across the country this weekend this wont last long. Before the fourth of july fireworks, today the bright glow of taillights. Of the record 43 million americans traveling this Holiday Weekend, 36 million will be on the roads. Their getaway plan, driven by the prices at the pump. Prices are low and i figured i would give it a shot, travel. Reporter gas prices at their lowest in more than a decade, the average gallon 50 cents cheaper than this time last year. Perfect storm. Gas prices are low. Youve got a threeday weekend with fourth of july on a monday, and you get americans feeling pretty good about the economy. Reporter airfare prices are down this year, too. According to aaa Leisure Travel index, average airfares for the top 40 flight routes will cost 9 less this Independence Day, meaning more people flying and longer lines ladies and gentlemen, Hawaiian Airlines flight 63 reporter to get through security. Im glad im here early. Reporter and experts say the best time to travel this weekend is actually today. They say try to leave before 11 00 this morning or after 1 00 this afternoon and youll have a better chance of finding open roads like this. Dan. Thank you, marci. Stay buckled up. We appreciate it. Now to the race for the white house and new developments in the email scandal that has been dogging Hillary Clintons campaign. Abc news has learned that the fbi may interview the candidate herself very soon, this as the u. S. Attorney general is now scrambling to deal with the fallout from a meeting with bill clinton. Donald trump has been crying foul about that and abcs mary bruce is on the story from washington. Hey, mary. Reporter good morning. That private huddle between bill clinton and the attorney general has become a selfinflicted wound for the clinton campaign. Raising questions from critics about bias. All this is coming as the fbi is now on the verge of finally interviewing Hillary Clinton. This morning sources tell abc news the fbis longawaited interview with Hillary Clinton could take place within days. As it gets closer to deciding whether to file charges against the former secretary of state. Certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. Reporter but the attorney general who has final say over that decision admits she made a big mistake meeting privately with bill clinton earlier this week. I certainly wouldnt do it again, but it really was a social meeting. Reporter hoping to quiet the firestorm, lynch says shell follow any recommendations made by the lawyers and fbi agents investigating clintons use of a private email server during her time at the state department. The fact that the meeting that i had is now casting a shadow is something that i take seriously and deeply and painfully. Reporter as for clinton and lynchs explanation of the tarmac encounter, unplanned and purely social, discussing their grandchildren, not the investigation. Oh, just a coincidence. He just happened to be at the airport at this time. Reporter donald trump is not buying it. I love my grandchildren so much, but if i talk about them for more than about nine or ten seconds, what are we reporter mocking the description of their discussion. I love that one, i love, love, love that one. Look at the beautiful, i love these kids. After that what are you going to say, right . Reporter this morning still no word from Hillary Clinton or her campaign about that meeting between her husband and the attorney general. Paula . Mary, thank you very much. We want to bring in abcs political analyst matt dowd. Hes down in austin, texas. Matt, good morning to you, thanks for joining us. Good morning, paula. We learned that Hillary Clinton will be interviewed by the fbi very soon, possibly over the weekend, but how bad do these optics look for her campaign . Really bad, paula. I think this is a case of reemphasizing and confirming a certain bias and a thought people already have of her which is you cant trust her, you dont trust the situation and thats what a majority of americans already feel. It just reemphasizes it in the course of this. I think this is, as was said, a selfinflicted wound. Its only going to be recovered on the outcome of whatever happens with the fbi. Trump is pouncing, saying that bill clinton opened up a pandoras box by meeting with loretta lynch. Does he have a point and do you think this could help him . He absolutely has a point. I think its an interesting use of greek mythology. Pandora was the first woman on earth and Hillary Clinton is the first woman running for president on a Major Party Ticket so i think it fits. This is the difference between the airport movies and the airplane movies. In the airport movies the republicans say this is a total disaster. The democrats want to laugh this off as the airplane movies which is i picked a bad day to have a meeting on the tarmac. I think thats the situation here. You are a master at metaphors and analogies. Last question for you. How is clintons champ pushing back and do you think bill will remain on the trail with her throughout the campaign . I dont think theyre pushing back very well and theyre in a bad situation where they cant really push back very well. They have to get through this. I said, as you know, paula, a long time ago, a year and a half ago, i thought bill should be sidelined. I think Hillary Clinton is much better off on her own running her own campaign in the course of this, not the least of which she wants to stand on her own. But the fact that bill clinton is constantly in the source of these making mistakes, hes a much better campaigner for himself than he is for his wife. Great explainers, matt. Thank you for explaining to all of us the origination of pandoras box. We appreciate it. Have a great morning, matt. I was more in the airport airplane combo. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. A lot of other news. Lets get it over to the man, r. C. Whats happening . Good morning to you, dan, paula, sara, robert. Good morning to everyone. We begin with the pentagon saying the two senior isis military commanders were killed in separate air strikes in iraq earlier this week, and the white house is reporting that 2500 suspected terrorists have been killed in u. S. Air strikes since 2009. The report also said as many as 116 civilian bystanders also died in u. S. Drone strikes and other air assaults, most of them in tribal areas of pakistan. That number is far lower than estimates by human rights groups, some of which are questioning the accuracy of that new pentagon figure. A massive gas line explosion forces several homes to be evacuated in the suburbs of detroit. A car plowing through a fence striking a natural gas main at a gas facility there outside of detroit and igniting a huge fire. The driver was injured in that blast. A wild scene at tampa bays busch gardens. An orangutan escaped its enclosure but she didnt get very far. This video taken by visitors showing the animal sitting in the trees nearby. The or ang tang named luna was eventually tranquilized. Luna actually escaped once before in 2008. She needs an ankle bracelet. Something like that. The last time they lured her back with apples and vanilla ice cream. Food always works. Over to wimbledon, the tennis matches there, some fiery moments from serena williams, the top seed becoming frustrated after dropping the first set to fellow american christina mchale. She then hammers her racket onto the court several times. There she is. Hammering her racket onto the court several times. Shes fixing a problem there. She tossed it behind her into the lap of a cameraman. Williams though battled back to win the match and advance to the third round. Finally in georgia, a teenager, a pilot in training got her skills tested when she had to make an Emergency Landing on a golf course. She was 17yearold sarah loon and her single engine cessna sputtered. Then it just died. She was able to put the aircraft down near the 11th tee of that golf course. The lake or the golf course and i didnt really want to go swimming so i decided the golf course is the better bet. I tried not to hit any trees or people on my way down. She didnt hit any people, fortunately. Did she scream four . Four probably. Her parents are crediting her Flight Instructor with teaching her how to land a plan without power. I suppose that can come in handy sometimes. Calm under pressure. Yeah. 17 years old, too. They should talk to that Flight Instructor about getting her a better plane. Theyre going to get her a new plane. That is impressive. It is very impressive. Thank you, ron. We do have a much more serious and also seriously bizarre Motor Vehicle story for you now. A high speed chase with a 12yearold girl in the lead. Police say the girl took her grandmothers car out for a joy ride with her little sister in the passenger seat and all of it right in the middle of rush hour. Abcs Adrienne Bankert has more. Reporter watch as Police Dash Cam captures this high speed chase near houston, the cops in hot pursuit. Behind the wheel, a 12yearold girl. Her 5yearold sister in the back seat. Its one of the most serious chases ive ever seen. Reporter speeds of over 100 Miles Per Hour. Reckless on the road during the evening rush, putting so many at risk. Look as the car veers into oncoming traffic, other police cars joining the scene, straight out of an action movie. Id say at least 15 police cars coming by. Reporter the young girl weaving between cars on the wrong side of the road. Near misses during the chase that lasted more than 40 miles. There was quite a bit of cars on the highway here, so it was lucky that it was not worse than it was. Reporter the incredible scene began when police say the girls took their grandmothers car, prompting her to call 911, thinking her grandchildren were kidnapped. Onstar was activated, stalling the careening car. Police catching up with the girls, taking the 12yearold into custody where she will remain for at least the next few days. Some serious close calls there. The 12yearold will likely face multiple charges including evading police and stealing property. She faces a judge on tuesday. It makes you think immediately what you were like at 12 years old and if you would have had the gull to get behind the wheel of your grandmothers car. I cant even imagine. I would have been grounded until i was 20. I dont want to know what my grandmother would have done to me. My legs were not long enough to reach the pedals but thats another issue. Are they now . They may not be still. Anyway, lets get somebody to save me. Maybe rob marciano. Whats going on in the weather . If youre driving in the rain, slow down. Some rain in tucson yesterday. Look at this. Its been pouring and the monsoon really in overdrive so to speak the last few days. It became the second wettest june on record for the tucson area. Another. 8 inches yesterday. Thats what it did to the streets down there. Even some trash cans floating down the way. A couple of showers across nevada and parts of arizona. Generally speaking were drying out somewhat here and the monsoon will take a bit of a break. Temperatures will rebound to where they should be. Phoenix getting closer to 110 by monday. A lot of moisture rolling into the Central Plains and weve got flood watches from wichita, kansas city, st. Louis and probably extended further to the east. Already three to six inches of rainfall has fallen across parts of kansas and we may see another three to six inches in some spots, so flood issues even past its the Holiday Weekend. That means we have to have the beach forecast which is ron claibornes favorite part of the weather broadcast. Thats in about ten minutes. All for you. We got to wait . All for you. Its a tease. Everythings for you. Speaking of ron, we want to take a moment to honor a true news hero on his 30th anniversary here at abc news. Ron claiborne, congratulations, and thank you for all those years of hard work, reporting on the front line. This is for you. We go first to abcs ron claiborne. Under state law, the city can seek a back to work court order for the sanitation workers if there is a danger to the public health. The captain initially reported that the vessel was taking on water at the rate of 100 gallons a minute. I think in some peoples hearts they knew then that once elian was back with his father in washington d. C. It was only a matter of time before the family, including elian, would be going back to cuba. Governor bush campaigned in five cities in the state of florida on sunday. With earnhardts death, stock car racing has lost its greatest champion, and to some, even more, it has lost the very soul of the sport. Theyre looking for the insurgents who planted an improvised bomb on this road on january 2nd, killing two of their own. The World Champion red sox, you can say it now for the first time in 86 years. Im outside of the private hospital where we believe that Nelson Mandela has been since he was hospitalized. One thing we know, American Pharoah can win in these conditions. Ron claiborne, abc news, new york. Wow. How about that. 30 years. [ applause ] starting when i was 15 it looks like. 30 years of this is your life. Im honored to be with you. How does it feel to see your career encapsulated like that . It feels like an obituary. Im still alive, still going. Really, im honored by that tribute right there and 30 years at a great organization. Its great to be with you guys. Youve covered president ial campaigns. Youve been in war zones. But youve also had to show your versatility, and by versatility i mean the softer side of ron claiborne. Oh, no. No no no at least its not the kanye west. That may be coming. Dont do it. Wait, do we have kim and kanye . No how is that for versatility. That was one of our finest moments, ron and i, kim and kanye. When you see those early videos, i would have thought you went upwards for 30 years. I feel like we might have brought him down a little, guys. Ron, having worked with you here at this desk for six years and many more before that, you represent the absolute best at abc news. Your journalistic integrity and chops are unimpeachable. We saw it in those clips before. And i have a picture that i wanted to show here because after 30 years, damn, you still look good. That is the international delight. Look at ron. Love it. Love it. Im done, im done. We wanted to start you up high and bring you down a notch, ron. We love you so much. Thank you, ron. Congratulations. Thank you. Much more to come here on gma this morning including a huge twist in a murder case that millions of people have been following because of the popular podcast serial. What adnan syeds lawyers are saying about his clients new trial. The car had auto Pilot Technology but the driver died. What were learning in that fatal crash and these socalled auto pilot vehicles. Fatal crash and these socalled auto pilot vehicles. With great july 4th savings right now at lowes. Like up to 35 off appliances 396 or more. Plus get 10 to 40 off select paint primer, stain sealants and resurfacers via rebate right now at lowes. Mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . 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Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont take botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Dont take your chronic migraine lying down. Stand up. Prevent headaches and migraines. Talk to a headache specialist today. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. Cmon lets sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . all no. Thats why im reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. You from abc7 news. Good morning, everyone. Im chris nguyen. Developing news. A water main break in Pleasant Hill has damaged businesses an created a sinkhole. The pipe burst last night near woodsworth lane. It has since been turned off. Crews will start repairing the roadway in about 30 minutes. Contra costa boulevard near woodsworth will remain closed until tomorrow. To lisa argen with the forecast. 52 in San Francisco. Half moon bay, visibility, two or three miles. What a nice picture. 59 fairfield and livermore. Very comfortable temperatures. Midland upper 80s. Someone in san mateo. Thanks for joining us. The news the world must join in one common goal. To protect our greatest resource. Our pancakes. Dennys red, white and blue slam is here and so is Independence Day resurgence. Dennys. Welcome to americas diner. In theaters, june 24th. We want to welcome you back to gma on this saturday morning. Right now sources tell abc news that the fbi will interview Hillary Clinton in the next couple of days. The agency is investigating clintons use of personal email while serving as secretary of state. Also happening right now, a state of emergency along floridas treasure coast. A massive toxic algae bloom forcing beaches and businesses to close during this busy Holiday Weekend and putting wildlife at risk. And the Mega Millions jackpot keeps growing. Nobody matched the winning numbers from last nights drawing. The next shot is tuesday when the jackpot is expected to reach 449 million. Half a billion, not too shabby. Also coming up, the federal government is looking into a deadly crash involving a tesla car that was in auto pilot mode. The question, is this technology really ready for the road . What the car maker and what experts are saying this morning. Its a huge tech question. First here the sensational twist in a murder case followed by millions of people, a convicted killer behind bars for 16 years now. He has now been granted a new trial. You may be one of the millions that learned about adnan syed through the popular podcast called serial. Now the family of the woman hes convicted of killing is reacting to these new developments. Abcs eva pilgrim joins us. Good morning, eva. Reporter good morning. This morning, adnan syed, the man at the center of much buzz online knows his own big news. A judge ordering a new trial on a nonphone day at the jail. He had to wait to find out that after years of fighting he is one step closer to getting a new trial. This morning adnan syed finally knows he is getting another chance to win his freedom after 16 years behind bars. As of this day hes not convicted anymore. Reporter at 17 years old, syed was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for murdering his high school exgirlfriend, hae min lee. This week a baltimore judge vacating the conviction and granting a new trial to the now 35yearold man who has maintained his innocence all along. I was shocked. It didnt i didnt think it was real. Reporter asian mcclain, syeds classmate, says she was with him at the time of the crime but says his old lawyer never spoke to her. Im just doing what i would want someone else to do for me and what i feel is the right thing to do. Reporter the popular podcast serial thrusting the story into the spotlight. It is what it is. If someone believes me or not, i have no control over it. Reporter which raises serious questions about his arrest, prosecution, and eventual imprisonment. It is undeniable that the podcast has helped us. Reporter the judge hearing the appeal, sharing some of the pod costs concerns and citing the reliability of cell tower evidence that place syed at the murder scene. The prosecution will appeal the ruling and i think they will continue to fight very vigorously to ensure that syed is not released from prison or goes free for this murder. Reporter the fight for a new trial opening old wounds for victim hae min lees family who released a statement saying, we continue to believe justice was done when mr. Syed was convicted of killing hae. Prosecutors have 30 days to appeal the judges order for a new trial, something experts say seems likely. Syeds lawyer telling abc news that he is considering asking for a bail hearing, saying hes neither a flight risk nor a danger to anyone that likely will also be challenged. Huge developments. This is a case so many people will continue to watch. Thank you, eva, appreciate it. Lets take another look at the weather now and get the promised beach forecast from mr. Rob marciano. Whats happening, rob . Here it is. Bouncing ball and all. We start you off in the east coast, temperatures in the 80s to 90 degrees in daytona. Water temperatures warming up as well. Good looking day here. Be aware of florida beaches. If theres an algae issue, follow the signs and instructions there. Out west we do have some beach hazards. Theres a statement out. We have rip currents, rough from San Francisco to san diego. Be aware of that if youre dipping your toes into the ocean. Gulf of mexico might be not a bad place to be. Temperatures getting close to 100 degrees in dallas today, and this does not include the humidity. Steamy there for the next few days it looks like. Today lovely weather across the northeast. Dryer there. As far as the forecast for the fourth of july, we have rain across the midsection today and thats going to slowly stretch its way across the mississippi river, across the ohio river and getting into our Nations Capital i think looks to be wet for monday. Some of this is getting up into the northeast. This is a broad brush. We have much more talented weather casters with our local abc affiliates and here they are right now. This Weather Report is brought to you by carmax. If you are traveling by car on this Holiday Weekend, drive safely. Thank you very much for the beach forecast, rob. We can always depend on you. You know, its for you. My gift. And for the driving advice. Come on. Coming up here on gma, the new questions speaking of driving about the safety of teslas cars with auto Pilot Technology after a deadly crash. And oops, hes done it again. Justin bieber wiping out on stage. Sara will have his condition straight ahead in pop news. Hes okay, right . Yes. Ahead in pop news. Hes okay, right . Yes. Technology is useful. I just bought a book. And while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. Oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. Guilty. The point is, life is digital. 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Yeah, we rocking right now. Its a party over here. Hey im in heaven owww. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Tthe whitenessmy wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing so its nice to know that it was as simple as that. A leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. Jump 50 feet over the rapids and i crash land. Check out my scar. Theres nothing there you didnt jump the creek theres a new neosporin antibiotic that minimizes scars. New neosporin plus pain itch scar we have new questions this morning about tesla motors Cutting Edge Technology that lets drivers put their cars on auto pilot. The feds are investigating a deadly crash and the circumstances that led up to it. Abcs Lauren Lyster has the story for us from los angeles. Lauren, good morning. Reporter good morning, paula and dan. Teslas auto pilot feature has been hailed as a breakthrough by prominent tech reviewers, but now its the focus of regulator scrutiny in the wake of the may crash that killed a tesla enthusiast. This morning federal investigators searching for what caused Joshua Browns tesla model s in auto pilot mode to slam into the side of a semi, killing brown. Oh, geeze. Reporter brown, seen in this 2015 Youtube Video in what appears to be a tesla with its assisted driving feature activated. I dont know what im going to do with my hands down here. Reporter on its website tesla mourns browns loss but points out his is the first known fatality in just over 130 million miles with its selfdriving mode. The futuristic auto maker also says that while the feature is called auto pilot, each time owners activate it, theyre reminded that it is only an assist feature that requires you to keep your hands on the Steering Wheel at all times. We are nowhere close to letting the vehicle do its own thing. Reporter investigators say theyre still determining if and to what extent auto pilot played a role in the crash. Officials confirming that brown had a history of speeding violations, and a witness could reportedly hear a movie playing in browns car moments after the crash. Nine states have now passed laws allowing some form of computerguided autos to hit the roads and over 20 auto makers have either announced or released models with driverassisted features, hoping to cut down on the over 32,000 annual highway deaths. But for now, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says humans will need to stay put in the drivers seat. Technology is going to have to go a long way before were going to be able to buy a fully autonomous vehicle. Reporter browns family, in a statement, says its committed to cooperating with the crash investigation, hoping the information learned from the crash will trigger more innovation, making the road safer for everyone. Dan, paula. Lauren, thank you. A lot of questions about this. There are those who believe this is the future. As uncertain as that future may be right now. Absolutely. Coming up here on gma, were going to switch gears a little bit. Its a Burger Battle extraordinaire. A young chef tries out her recipe for success. Thats next. Also, we have puppies on parade. Why its a great time to expand your family by adopting a friend for life. Keep it right here because we have puppies, everyone. Paula is going to adopt one. Ause we have puppies, everyone. Paula is going to adopt one. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. Your hair is still thinning. You may have inactive follicles. Reactivate them with womens rogaine® foam. The only once a day product, proven to regrow new hairs up to 48 thicker. Revive your va va voom and save on any rogaine®. Fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Hey nithanks. Today. Juicy fruit . Sure ill try a piec. Juicy fruit. So sweet you cant help but chew. Lots of burger flipping going on this weekend. I have one question before we do this story. Are we going to have burgers on set . Sadly, i think the answer is no. Puppies. We do have puppies. Tonight on peoples list Jerry Oconnell takes on Food Networks kids barbecue championship competitor for an epic burger cookoff. Heres a sneak peek. Josie burkhardt, age 11, 7th grader. Signature dish, stuffed hamburger. Jerry oconnell, peoples list host, signature dish, boiled water. Josie, youre going down. Youre going down. You better be scared. Bring it down, josie. Are you guys ready to start . Yes. I am ready. And the challenge starts now okay. Here we go. I want to see where youre going first. Youre doing lamb, okay. Im going chuck. Josie is putting in a little pepper. Am i allowed to help you . That may have been a little too much. I got it. Were all good, okay. Josie, how are we on time . Are we already putting cheese on this there . What are you going to do . Im going to stuff it. This is not stuffed. Look at josie looking over at me like, hmm, what is he doing. Here we go, what do you call that, the presentation. The presentation, very important. Okay, okay. Amazing right, like flavor explosion. I have no words for it. Amazing. Heres josies. Whoa. What do you think . Who wins . The drama. Who do you think wins . The suspense. Anyone but jerry . Yeah, yeah. Guys, sometimes its not whats on the outside that counts. Its whats on the inside. And he magically put something inside when we didnt see it. Yes. Tune in for the answer tonight at 8 00 eastern on peoples list. That judge is camila alves, model, mom, and cofounder of yummy spoonfuls, the organic baby food company. They dont serve burgers to Young Children by the way. Clarification. I have done that in my house. Just last night as a matter of fact. A little protein for the little guy. Coming up, is it really so long, paul simon . The surprising comments from the legendary singer coming up next in pop news. Who does pop news around here . Me. That voice, sara, that voice. Who does pop news around here . Me. That voice, sara, that voice. Pop news around here . Me. That voice, sara, that voice. On my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. With great july 4th savings right now at lowes. Like 4 bags of soil for only 10. Plus get a 100 to 200 lowes gift card with your purchase of select john deere® riding lawn mowers right now at lowes. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . Theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . This is ridiculous this is ridiculous from car insurance. To car loans. State farm is here to help life go right. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena what body aches . Gels, youll ask what knee pain . What sore elbow . What joint pain . Advil liquigels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liquigels the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. In rons 30 years here at abc news he has never seen a pop news as good as the one were about to see right now. No pressure. It better be good. Oh, my gosh, ron, following his 30 years im like a wee little lad. Paul simon wowed the crowd in his hometown overnight. The 74yearold singer played in queens, new york and the crowd loved it despite an hour long rain delay. Thanks, rob. Call me al but could this concert be his last in the u. S. . Simon fans buzzing after his comments to the New York Times that showbiz no longer holds any interest for him, but any sound of silence not coming just yet. Did you see that, guys . Well done. Thank you. The sound of silence hes got a European Tour scheduled in the fall. Thats a good song. Yes, we dont want silence now though. Better when paula doesnt sing it. I heard her going and thought, less of that. Bad idea, wasnt it . You actually sound good. She does have a good voice. I wasnt trying there. I wasnt trying there . I wasnt trying. Weve got some justin biebs. It wouldnt be pop without him. His battle with gravity continues. That is a line from mike millhaven. The biebs has fallen once again, this time while performing his hit song sorry in florida. The singer seen playfully splashing around during his purpose tour when he suddenly goes crashing again. Is he slipping over and over . No, no, this is a repeat. Weve got one fall there. This isnt the first time justin suffered a nasty fall while performing. This fan video taken in canada last month shows justin walking down the stage and then tumbling off the edge. I think falling is his new thing, kind of like the Jennifer Lawrence oscars thing. I feel like he finds a place in every performance to slip. This is a better stage though. The struggle with gravity stage is better than the whole leave your monkey behind at the airport, egg your neighbor. Thats bad boy. This is like, we feel sorry for you. Youre falling. Its more of a gerald ford stage. Thats bad. All right, all right, all right, you know where that comes from. Students at the university of texas at austin have plenty to look forward to this fall. Matthew mcconaughey is returning to his alma mater to teach a film class. The class will give 30 very lucky students a behind the scenes glimpse of free state of jones where mcconaughey plays civil war rebellion leader newton knight. He frequently returns to the campus for Football Games and this is actually his second time teaching this course. What a cool thing to get a film class from matthew mcconaughey. Yeah. I bet his lectures will be incomprehensible. Hes only one part of the lecture. So some of it will be translated to english. In a lincoln. Deep thoughts right out the window. The part youve all been waiting for. Weve got puppies. What better way to let your star spangled pawtriotism wave this weekend. No one is laughing at my puns. I thought that was funny. Im just enamored with the puppy. If you up your game, well start laughing. You guys are awful. You can start by adopting one out of the 10 million pets in u. S. Shelters every year. These cuties are i dont know which order charlie, riley, maya and slugger and they come to us courtesy of north Shore Animal League america thats doing Something Special for Independence Day, offering all its pets for 17. 76. We got to get you out here, rose marie. Shelters are a huge way this is the best way for people to get a pet. Yes, yes, adopting, not shopping, is definitely what we recommend. As you said before, millions of animals, companion animals, that have probably been in homes before are left at shelters. A lot of these shelters will euthanize just for the lack of space. Its super unfortunate, but if you rescue, you save two lives. You save the one you rescue and then you save the next one. Thank you so much. Youre doing great work. We appreciate it. Well see you tomorrow, everybody. Rescue, you save two lives. You save the one you rescue and then you save the next one. Thank you so much. Youre doing great work. We appreciate it. Well see you tomorrow, everybody. Now from abc news 7 news. Good morning, im chris nguyen. Santa clara patrol has scheduled ground spraying next week. The county has planned the new round in an effort to prevent the virus. The fog will go start next thursday from 11 00 p. M. To 2 00 a. M. Friday morning. West nile virus doesnt cause symptoms in most people, but in some individuals can cause fever, headache and body ache and in some cases neurological damage. Happening today the unlikely meeting of opera and baseball comes together. This year its a free live simulcast with masterpiece carm carmen. The opera will be simulcast to thousands in the ballpark. The performance starts at 7 30. Lets check the forecast with lisa argen. You can see the clouds behind me on the bay bridge. Golden gate bridge socked in 52 in the city. 58, mountainview. Half moon bay, you can see the sign trying to come out here in santa cruz. Napa and 62 in livermore. Heres the plan, the fog will hug the shoreline keeping it cool there. Upper 80s. And details in the weekend forecast, the Holiday Weekend coming up. Chris. Llisa, thank you. Straight ahead, a water main break in east bay. A fast moving wildfire. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Announcer live from the kgo Broadcast Center this is abc7 news. It is saturday, july 2nd. Good morning. Im chris nguyen. A first look at the forecast. Heres meteorologist lisa argen. Hi, chris. Partly sunny skies through San Francisco. Its not too bad out here even though we have gusty winds outside of the delta and the cloud deck is shifting around. Upper level low to the north of us allowing for the cooldown to continue. If we just pan the camera a little bit youll notice all the low clouds. 60 in oakland. Mountainview, 61. Morganville, 62. Half moon bay two to threemile visibility. Look at the clouds in oakland. Glowing over emeryville. Napa, nevada low 60s. Low clouds, the fog with us at half moon bear,

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