Only on gma, the entire cast of dancing with the stars together for the first time flying from l. A. To new york to be right here live. Well reveal the blockbuster names joining the cast. And from derek to val, who theyre dancing with. The big announcement you can only see here. And good morning, america. Welcome to a big wednesday here on gma. We are revealing the new season of dancing with the stars getting revved up. The entire cast revealed. Looking forward to that. That is coming up but we want to begin with that manhunt. A desperate search this morning for three suspects in the murder of that Illinois Police officer and father. Air space above the search area shut down as helicopters search for the killers. Dozens of officers and federal agents joining the hunt. Abcs gio benitez is on the scene in fox lake, illinois, good morning, gio. Reporter yeah, george, good morning to you. Police setting up a perimeter for 14 Hours Tuesday searching for those three men, but now it all seems eerily quiet as police try to figure out their next move. Overnight, a desperate manhunt for three men who police say killed a decorated officer, s. W. A. T. Teams on a roof, cops walking along railroad track, k9 officers searching every inch of northern illinois. Special attention, fox lake surrounding area units, officer safety. Man with a gun. Reporter just before 8 a. M. Tuesday, lieutenant Charles Joseph gliniewicz reported seeing three suspicious people in suburban fox lake, illinois, 55 miles north of chicago. He radioed in saying he was chasing the three men on foot. The only description were told he gave, two white men and one black man. But then police lost contact. Male white and a male black fled from scene taking the officers sidearm and pepper spray, shots were fired. Unknown direction of travel. Reporter backup arriving finding gliniewicz with a gunshot wound. Send everybody you possibly can. Officer is down. Reporter lieutenant gliniewicz, a 32year veteran of fox lake police, our abc station in chicago, wls interviewing gliniewicz in 1994 about other officers rescuing little kids from a fire. Officer bostic stood right here and started yelling for the kids to come to the light. Reporter his colleagues calling him g. I. Joe, a beloved figure in the community. The army vet was a youth volunteer, a father of four boys. Today, not only did fox lake lose a family member, i lost a very dear friend. Reporter and were told police are still out there searching for any clues. The School Districts saying overnight that many schools are closed today as a precaution for the safety of the children. Well stay on this all morning long, lara. Lets hope they find them. Turning to that heat wave hitting millions, sizzling temperatures in the eastern half of the country, the worst not over yet and in texas, heavy rain, flash flooding in the forecast, ginger zee has it all for us this morning. Good morning to you, ginger. The pictures coming in from galveston, texas, 4 to 4 1 2 inches of rain and cars bobbing in the streets. You can see some of the video there. That same system that was drowning out brownsville the day before so wanted to show you what is causing that. Its the stagnant or almost stagnant very slowmoving upper level row pressure system which is stuck in place thanks to our pattern. A trough out west and that big ridge, east of the rockies that means heat and a lot of it. We will peak in the heat tomorrow on the east coast, 93, d. C. And much more coming up on this. We had our third hottest august on record, george and lara. Wow, a hot day ahead. The race for president now, your voice, your vote and the gloves are off for jeb bush. Launching an allout assault on donald trump after weeks of attacks. Trump is standing by live to respond. First lets get the latest from jon karl and jon, with trump still rising the bush camp making a big and possibly risky decision. Reporter big and risky but jeb bush is way down in the polls and clearly irritated by donald trump. In the war of words between donald trump and jeb bush, Florida Governor admits its getting personal. Its all personal for him, sure. Mischaracterizations of my views. Reporter bush is firing back not just in english but in spanish. Accusing trump of vilifying anyone who disagrees with him. [ speaking spanish ] reporter now the Bush Campaign is throwing trumps words right back at him. Portraying the donald as no conservative. I lived in new york city and manhattan all my life, okay, so my views are different than if i lived in iowa. Hillary clinton is a terrific woman. Im a little biased because ive known her for years. Reporter trump hit right back with jebs own words praising hillary. We recognize the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service. I want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and to president clinton. Reporter the Clinton Campaign chimed in, no need to fight, guys. You both agree hillary was a great secretary of state. We get it. All three candidates may have a larger problem. A new abc Washington Post poll show americans have a negative view of all of them, 53 viewing clinton unfavorably. 55 for bush and 59 for donald trump. Those numbers are just another indication of how unusual this race is. You have Hillary Clinton and donald trump both the clear frontrunners for their partys nominations and viewed unfavorably by a clear majority of voters. And, george, this is before all of those television attack ads that you know will come before tomorrow. This is just the beginning. Okay, jon, thanks very much. Lets get to donald trump right now, Still Holding a pretty commanding lead in the republican polls, National Polls and iowa. Mr. Trump, thanks for joining us this morning. Boy, you heard jeb bush yesterday. Youre not a conservative, youre more democrat than republican. This is all personal. Is he drawing blood . Well, i think he had really no choice. Hes doing very poorly in the polls. Hes a very low energy kind of guy and he had to do something so theyre spending a lot of money on ads and he has a lot of money from the Hedge Fund Guys from the special interests from lobbyists, he raised over 100 million so they control him totally so he really had no choice, i think, george. He had to go out with an ad and did a very expensive ad and lets see what happens. So far everybody thats attacked me has gone down. Lets see what happens here. He also shows you praising Hillary Clinton in the video. Bottom line, who would be the better president , jeb bush or Hillary Clinton . Well, i go with the republican. Hillary was absolutely a horrendous secretary of state, probably the worst ever and i would have to go really with the republican. You know, i was obviously very friendly, i was a Major Business person. Youve seen that and i really was very friendly with all politicians. If im in new york i was friendly with politicians throughout the united states. I was friendly that was my obligation. That was my job to do as what they just they turned me into a world class businessman so i had to get along with everybody. I got along with the clintons i got along with everybody and it was important to do so, but now, you look at jeb, and you see what hes doing and its sort of an interesting thing. And i think he probably had no choice. Its probably now going to stop because it seems to be backfiring on him based on the polls, seems to be somewhat backfiring on jeb. In the video it says showed you answering questions saying you have no idea why youre republican. How would you answer that today . Why are you a republican . That was at a time when the republicans were not doing well and, frankly, they had some ideas that were different from my ideas and a lot of people felt that way and many republicans were saying we have no idea why were republicans. The republicans were not doing well. But right now you say you are a republican. You are going to go with the republican nominee and heard you say that about jeb bush. What about ben carson . One poll shows him tied with you right now in iowa. Others have you ahead still. What do you make of the threat posed by ben carson in iowa . Well, i like ben a lot. Hes a good guy but hes been spending a tremendous amount of Advertising Money in iowa and the one poll where we have a tie and the other one im leading by quite a bit in iowa, but one of them came out and a little bit surprisingly there was a tie and i think thats great. But ben is spending money in iowa and im not. I am out in iowa quite a bit and made speeches, quite a few of them and had a tremendous response and tremendous audiences but ben is spending a lot of money in iowa. You said you want to prohibit American Companies like ford from building plants in mexico and complained about china eating our lunch. So will you disassociate yourself from every company that creates jobs in china and mexico . You have to understand, i dont want to prohibit companies, but i want to create jobs here. We need jobs in the united states, george. We dont need jobs in mexico. We dont need jobs in china. China is eating our lunch, mexico is eating our lunch. We need jobs here. We need plants built right here in the united states. We dont need them built in mexico. We dont need them built in china. That doesnt help us despite what some people will try and tell you that it does. Believe me, it doesnt. Ill have jobs in the united states. Im going to win the hispanic vote because im going to create jobs and ive already, if you look at polls with the hispanics im winning in many polls with hispanics which some people are surprised at. Im not surprised at. But yes or no, will you dissociate from any companies or partnerships of yours that do business this china and mexico . I wouldnt do that. I want to do business with them. Im a free trader. The problem with free trade you have to have smart leaders on your side. We do not have smart leaders. We do not have good negotiators. Everything we negotiate is bad including the iran deal. That deal is one of the worst negotiated transactions ive ever witnessed in my entire life. Its negotiated by people that are either stupid, incompetent, theres something wrong with them. Its a deal thats absolutely insane. So we have bad negotiators on that we have bad negotiators on trade. If i win were going to turn it around and bring jobs back to this country and have a lot of convict instead of always losing. Always opinionated donald trump, thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you very much. Indeed, turning now to the kentucky county clerk who refused to issue samesex marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs defying the Supreme Courts ruling. After a tense standoff in the morehead courthouse on tuesday shes now facing a fine or even jail time. Abcs alex perez is following it in kentucky for us. Alex, good morning to you. Reporter hey, good morning. The clock is ticking. A judge has given kim davis until the end of the day to respond to the court or risk being fined and held in contempt of court. You absolutely have disrespected us. Reporter a tense standoff caught on tape. Under Whose Authority are you not issuing licenses . Under gods authority. Reporter kim davis, the clerk in rowan county refusing to issue any marriage licenses because of her religious objection to samesex marriage. I simply told you all, im willing to face my consequences as you all will face yours when it comes time for judgment. We dont have consequences. Plain and simple. I dont believe in judgment. Not everyone believes what you believe. Reporter the couple, david moore and david ermold have been trying to get a license since june when the Supreme Court made marriage a right nationwide. Theyve been turned away other and over. Like i said were still currently not issuing a license. This is our home. We should have the same rights as everybody else to walk into that office and get a marriage license. Were equal to everyone else. Reporter davis telling the court she is exercising her right to religious freedom but late monday the Supreme Court refusing to intervene on her behalf. Would you do this to an interracial couple . A man and a woman, no. Reporter in a statement, davis saying to issue a marriage license which conflicts with gods definition of marriage with my name affixed to the certificate would violate my conscience. It is not a light issue for me. It is a heaven or hell decision. She wants to be obedient to her lord and she wants to be owe bead cent to what she believes. How long are you willing to keep trying . Until its done. Reporter davis escorted by a man armed with a gun arrived to work a while ago. Shes due in court tomorrow. Lara . Alex, thank you. We turn to amy with todays other top stories starting with your money and wall street. The dow plunging, this morning soaring by triple digits in early trading today. Investors are digesting new figures on jobs and productivity and optimistic the fed will play raising interest rates. Falling oil prices are costing thousands of americans their jobs. Conoco phillips cutting 10 of its workforce including hundreds of jobs in texas and alaska. And new details about the man killed by police in san antonio while apparently holding his hands up. According to police radio traffic, flores was armed with a knife and threatened suicide by cop before being shot. Prosecutors say there is a second video of the incident but they are not releasing it. Deputies will now wear body cameras. The u. S. Is reportedly expanding the fight against isis in syria. The Washington Post saying the cia has launched a secret Drone Campaign to hunt down highvalue targets. It says the program has already taken out several senior isis leaders. Well, anger is erupting in Central Europe today as crowds of migrants fleeing violence in the middle east are being banned from traveling by train. Theyre trying to reach germany in search of a better life but Authorities Say in hungary suspended rail traffic, European Countries strongly disagree on how to handle this crisis. Well, a former Pro Wrestling star now charged with murder. Jimmy snuka, known as superfly, is accused of beating his girlfriend in 1983 and leaving her to die. Snuka has been allowed to post bail partly because of his stomach cancer surgery. Well, some terrifying moments at a construction site in california. Thankfully the worker here is okay. He was climbing out of an underground vault when a team find exploded. Whoa his coworkers quickly pulled him out saving him from serious burns. The video is at the center of a dispute over a hospital expansion project. And finally, the heat is on at the u. S. Open. The courts have been so hot a dozen players so far have quit their matches. You know what, instead of throwing in your towel, how about just taking a nap. Yep, thats what nick kyrgios decided to do, took a break, tilted his head back and dozed off. Hes well known for his oncourt antics but the nap obviously refreshed him because he won the next set before ultimately losing to andy murray. I was there. I watched him do it. It was really something. Was he like r. E. M. , deep slope. No. I think it was more for performance. A little inner peace. Meditating. Ill bet you he probably was. Thank you. Here now a new warning about the dangers of powdered caffeine. One teaspoon is as powerful as 28 cups of coffee. That health alert in just 30 seconds. When is your flu shot more than a flu shot . When it helps give a lifes when is your flu shot more than a flu shot . When it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. Thanks to customers like you, walgreens get a shot, give a shot program has helped provide 7 million vaccines. Make your flu shot make a world of difference. Walgreens, at the corner of happy healthy. E. Walgreens, at the corner of now to that fda crackdown on powdered caffeine. Abcs david kerley in silver spring, maryland, with the details. Good morning. Reporter two deaths already, the government is worried about more. So this morning a warning to five Online Companies and already that warning is having an effect. This morning warning letters sent to five producers of powdered caffeine from the fda stating that the product is potentially dangerous and presents significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury. Too much caffeine can cause erratic heartbeats, seizures, even death, but the white Powder Product is increasingly popular with Young Athletes like 18yearold logan stiner who died just two weeks before his High School Graduation after using just one teaspoon. But one teaspoon equals 28 cups of coffee. Who would think caffeine is broken down into such an amazingly deadly, lethal weapon. It is poison in a jar, plain and simple. It needs to be done and rid of, just get rid of it. Reporter the fda claims safe amounts of the powder, 1 16 of a teaspoon are too small to measure. Its sold online. Some in 3. 5ounce packages, the equivalent of 1250 red bulls or 3,000 cans of cocacola. The fda demanding the Companies Respond in 15 days but 3 of the 5 are telling abc news and other outlets they are getting out of the business. They will no longer offer pure caffeine powder supplements. There are two other companies that weve asked for a response, will they continue to sell it . They did not respond. This is a supplement so the fda cant ban it but, george and lara, they say theyll keep the pressure on those two other companies. A lot of scary information, thanks. A lot more ahead on gma, including a doctor whose patients overdosed charged with murder after writing prescriptions. It could set a new precedent for doctors everywhere. The great white warning. Take a look at that shark jumping out of the water. A new alert as millions get ready to hit the shore for the Holiday Weekend. Our big dancing with the stars revealed. Bindi irwin and the team flying all night to get here. The entire cast join us this morning and we have four mystery stars revealed. My destiny whoo shut up and dance all of our legendary racing heritage. All of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. Come together in one amazing new vehicle. This is the allnew gle coupe. A mercedesbenz suv with the heart and soul of a race car. Sometimes pets make mistakes. But the stainmaster pet protect carpeting cushion system is designed to help prevent pet stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. So put pet protect in your home and let your pets be pets. Dont be envious, be envied. Revlon colorstay gel envy™ in just two steps, i get what i want. Base coat and color in one. Then diamond top coat for gorgeous liferesistant wear in 38 easytoremove shades to love revlon. Love is on. Faltime to get your home ready. With big labor day savings, like 20 off stagreen® fertilizer. Plus select annuals 5 for only 5. So hurry in today for falls best deals at lowes. Back here on gma, following those wildfires out in the west. That was Salt Lake City or just outside of it. Evacuations now lifted, but we still have red flag warnings, wind gusts up to 40. Your local news next from your sglnchts good morning, a man is in Critical Condition after he shot himself during a confrontation with police. Video posted on twitter captured the moments after at the west okayland bart station. Officers confronted a man about smoking on the the platform. He resisted and reached for his waist. Thats when officers tased him and he shot himself in the abdomen. The officers were wearing body cameras and the footage is being reviewed. Sglnchts a e retired teacher faces child pornography charges. He retired from teaching in lafayette. Members of the internet crimes against Children Task force served a search warrant yesterday. Child porn was found on his computer. Authorities are not saying what led them to that and theres no p information suggesting any former students are victims. Lets check out your morning commute. If youre heading into San Francisco, wont be slowed down in the northbound direction. A smooth drive up to the Robin Williams tunnel. We had an earlier crash can at highway 92 as well. Looks like that has cleared but as we slide up to berkeley the the drive is slow because of construction. [is the staying awake part. T challeng gun shot your day sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. And through labor day, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2019 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. But this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep good morning, thank you for sticking around. Well start at sfo where we have arrival delays. That will hopefully clear up by about noon. Temperatures running in the low to mid60s where we have cloud cover. 52 degrees in santa rosa. As we head into the afternoon hours, were going to get deeper into this cooler air mass. 60s along the coast into San Francisco. Pretty much 70s elsewhere until you get to santa rosa. Heres my sevenday forecast. Our coolest day and our breeziest this friday back to average saturday and warmer than average for sunday and monday. Coming up on good morning america, an interview with the two West Virginia teachers who two West Virginia teachers who saved its intelligent enough to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. Two West Virginia teachers who saved its been smashed, dropped and driven. Its perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. Its been shaken, rattled and pummeled. Its innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. Its been in the rain. The cold. And dragged through the mud. Introducing the allnew mercedesbenz gle. Its where brains meet brawn. Its a good looking car. . This is the model rear end event. The model year end sales event. Its year end its the rear end event. Year end, rear end, check it out. Talk about turbocharging my engine. Youre gorgeous. What kind of car do you like . New, or many miles on it . The volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. So hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. Good morning, america. Right now, desperate search still under way for the three men suspected of killing a decorated Illinois Police officer. The 30year veteran killed early tuesday morning. Schools in the area are closed. Also happening right now federal agents have arrested nearly 100 people in a nationwide steroid crackdown shutting down 16 underground labs, operation cyberjuice targeted illegal steroids made with chemicals bought in china. A trailer released for the new will smith movie about to put a new spotlight on the nfl over concussions raising questions about how well the league took care of its players. Good morning, america. So much coming up on this wednesday morning including our giant dancing with the stars celebration. Gary busey announced in a very strange way that hes joining the cast. Not surprising. Whats strange about that . What could be the problem . A sampling of what you could look forward to. That was jimmy kimmel last night showed up in sequins on horseback. Duh. More from him coming up and our full cast reveal. The countdown is on. I know you cant wait. A lot of that coming up. Right now, we get to the landmark case in california where a doctor is on trial for murder accused of killing three patients who overdosed on powerful painkillers she prescribed. Mara schiavocampo has the story. Good morning, mara. Reporter Officials Say dr. Tseng was aware her patients were misusing those prescriptions one even overdosing in her office and several dying. Now shes facing criminal charges in a case that could change the way doctors all over the country handle prescriptions. Shes the doctor accused of killing patients with prescriptions. The defendant repeatedly had patients overdose and die. Reporter this morning, dr. Lisa tseng facing Second Degree murder charges for the deaths of three patients, all in their 20s who allegedly overdosed on drugs she prescribed. In opening statements, prosecutors saying even though dr. Tseng was informed more than a dozen times her patients were overdosing, she kept prescribing powerful painkillers like oxycontin to the point of recklessness but the defense says dr. Tseng is not guilty, that shes a hard working mother who never meant to hurt anyone. Adding the victims are ultimately responsible for taking more than the prescribed dosage and mixing pills with alcohol. She wasnt a perfect doctor, but these patients took a lot into their own hands. They mixed alcohol. They mixed other drugs. Reporter three pharmacists taking the stand tuesday all three testifying the prescriptions written by dr. Tseng and the patients filling those prescriptions raised red flags. The strengths were high and the quantities were large. And that person would seem intoxicated or seem under the influence of drugs. Reporter though rare more doctors are facing these kinds of charges. In 2011 dr. Conrad murray was convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter for giving Michael Jackson a deadly dose of the anesthetic propofol. Now some legal experts say cases like tsengs could set a new precedent. Doctors could be held accountable if those patients abuse that medication. Reporter something the families of dr. Tsengs patients hope can help save others. I dont want anybody else to lose their lives because of irresponsible prescribing. Reporter tseng is also charged with several felony counts of prescribing drugs to patients that didnt ultimately need them. This will be a long trial expected to last several months. If convicted on all counts tseng could face 45 years to life in prison. Lara. All right, mara, thank you. Turning to that movie about the potential danger of football. The film concussion stars will smith and is based on the true story of the doctor who discovered a brain disease found in former player. Ryan smith has the story. Ryan, good morning, to you. Reporter after a calendar year of Domestic Violence and allegations of defreighted footballs rocking the nfl, this film, set to release Christmas Day, could provide a prior controversy. Concussions from some of the games big hits. I found a disease that one has ever seen. Reporter this morning the National Football league facing another wave of attention for its ongoing problems. Repetitive head trauma chokes the brain. Reporter sony releasing the trailer for its new movie concussion set for release Christmas Day features megastar will smith as dr. Bennet omalu the reallife forensic pathologist who discovered the brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or cte, in the brains of former football players, and his efforts to warn nfls top dogs in going to war with a corporation that owns a day of the week. Reporter the disease, which can be diagnosed only after death, discovered in players like junior seau who took his own life. Basically a twohour tutorial on concussions and the damages that they can produce. The nfl cant pretend it doesnt exist. Reporter the films trailer suggesting the nfl didnt want to face the disease. The nfl does not want to talk to you. Youve turned on the lights and given their biggest boogeyman a name. Something the real dr. Omalu discussed with abc news in 2013. Most of these sports organizations did not embrace it. We were somewhat in a phase of denial. Reporter but the nfl who recently agreed to a settlement plan for thousands of retired players who suffered concussions and other serious ailments during their career which could cost them a billion dollars wouldnt comment on the film, but told us we all know more about this issue than we did 10 or 20 years ago and adding we are encouraged by the ongoing focus on the critical issue of Player Health and safety. We have no higher priority. A New York Times report tuesday saying emails from the sony hacking scandal indicate the studio softened certain aspects to not run afoul of the league. One email claiming they would work with nfl consultants on messaging to avoid conflict with the league. But the films writer reportedly saying in an interview, filmmakers werent watering down the film but instead trying to make it as accurate as possible. Now, experts say concussions are a concern on every level of the sport. Head injury fears contributing to a drop of pop warner players and spurring a San Francisco 49er Chris Borland to walk away from a multimillion dollar contract, but this attempt of art to imitate life could create more problems for the nfl. Certainly going to keep the debate going. Thanks, ryan. Coming up, an abc news exclusive. The hero teacher who talked down a gunman as he held her High School Class hostage. Now speaking out about those terrifying moments. He pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head and told me that i was going to die today and that other people were going to too. What she told the gunman as she tried to keep her students safe, coming up. To inspire beauty and harmony in our homes. Because diy is in our dna. And now we can paint our way to perfection without nicks, peels, chips, or regrets. So with buckets out brushes loadedget in there. Let color flow from room to beckoning room. Be a maker. Be bold. And paint on. 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With melatonin, plus vitamin c and other antioxidants. To work their magic while you sleep. Dont just sleep, revitalize. New emergenzzzz, power down to power up. Faltime to get your home ready. With big labor day savings, like 20 off stagreen® fertilizer. Plus select annuals 5 for only 5. So hurry in today for falls best deals at lowes. 7 41. Back with that hero teacher in West Virginia. Her calm, quick thinking saved lives when an armed student held her classroom hostage and this morning were hearing from twila smith for the first time. In an abc news exclusive. T. J. Holmes brings it to us from philippi, West Virginia. Good morning. Reporter scary to think how close we came to reporting from here as a site of another national tragedy. Another school shooting. Instead its the site of one remarkable teachers greatest triumph. The day she got her class out of a hostage situation alive. Twila smith says nothing in her 30 years of teaching quite prepared her for the day a student would walk into her classroom and put a gun to her head. Ive thought that it was my time. Reporter it was just nine days into the new school year when Philip Barbour high school in phillippe, West Virginia. Goes on lockdown. We have a hostage situation, second floor. Hostage situation. Reporter the hostages, police say, smith and her sixth period world studies students held at gunpoint from a 14yearold freshman. He said he was going to kill people and himself and there were times that he would actually hold the gun to himself, but briefly, and then he would he put it on about six students but most a lot of the beginning of the time it was on me. Reporter smith says the gunman ordered her to cover the window of the classroom door. Since no one passing by in the hallway could see what was happening inside smith and her students spent the entire period trapped with a gunman. You all were in there alone in a crowded school but nobody knows whats going on. About 29 students and myself, about 20, 28 or 29 students. Reporter with a kid with a gun. What were you in there talking about . I just kept asking him to let everybody leave and he and i would stay. Anything i could think of. Just telling him that he hadnt gone too far. Reporter when the bell rang, other students began knocking on the door. In my mind that nobody else was coming in the room. Reporter but smith turned the incoming students back and signaled another teacher jen swift who came over and took one step inside the classroom. Maybe someone was in trouble. Just seemed something petty and he was standing by the Bulletin Board with the gun raised towards my head and said you can get in here too. Reporter swift ran and called for help. The school was evacuated. Police and the boys pastor able to convince him to let the hostages go. I did look at him. I think in my mind i said its going to be okay but i cant say for sure. But i just wanted him to go with us. Reporter smith is credited with keeping her cool, keeping the gunman calm, and saving lives. Even when you thought you were going to get killed, you were still trying to protect your students. Im in charge of them. When theyre in my watch and i hope when my kids went to school the other people felt that way too. I mean, when they walk in here were protecting were supposed to teach them and were supposed to take care of them. Reporter but for her the kids are the real heroes. I cant say enough about these kids. I have never seen bravery like this in my life. Reporter well, the student, a 14yearold now facing some 30 charges related to the incident. But, george, the Teachers Want to tell their story and get this out and the message that young teachers especially need to be trained and ready for these type of scenarios, because its unfortunate this is the sad, new reality. This is part of a teachers job description. You saw how it saved lives. She talked about the students but this is such a trauma. How are those students doing right now . Reporter theyre doing well now. This happened a week and a half ago but the students, some of the same ones that went hostage went back to that same classroom the next day. They opted to. She didnt take the day off because she knew they would be there. She said if they can be there and be brave, so can i. Thank you. T. J. The big warning before you hit the beach this weekend. Sharks spotted off the coast. The thing that could be drawing them close to shore. Mother nature can turn in an instant; dont turn back. Introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. Be unstoppable. This is my fight song. Imagine she wont have to or obsess about security. Shell log in with her smile. Hell have his very own personal assistant. And this guy wont just surf the web. Hell touch it. Scribble on it. And share it. 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Only at a sleep number store. Right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed, plus 24month special financing. Hurry ends monday know better sleep with sleep number. We are back now with an alert for anybody headed to the beach this Holiday Weekend. So many shark sightings, so many encounters this summer and this morning, yes, we have a new warning. Abcs david wright has it. Reporter this morning, just before labor day new footage captures three great whites off the coast of cape cod. Weve already seen as many sharks this year as we did last year. Reporter in the past, just one sighting was enough to threaten to close the beaches. Marine biologists are tracking nearly two dozen of them along a tenmile stretch along the coast of cape cod on monday alone. Just a few weeks ago the Atlantic White shark conservancy captured this extraordinary scene, a hungry great white breaching to try to catch a breaching seal. Thats never been seen before. Seals are right along the shoreline which, of course, would draw the sharks in very, very close. Reporter with the Holiday Weekend approaching, lifeguards are now calling for higher towers, purple watch flags, possibly even a spotter plane to keep an eye out for the great whites. Knock on wood there have been no shark attacks yet this summer on the cape. The beaches are open for labor day. Theyre fun to look at from the shore. I wouldnt get any closer than i had to for sure. Reporter but swimmers, beware. For good morning america, david wright, abc news, new york. Moral of the story, if you see a seal thanks, david. Still coming up on gma our giant dancing with the stars Party Just Getting started. The allstar cast is here. With the big reveal. I just spotted tom bergeron, the mystery stars joining the season on gma. Hey you guys should come over later. The exclusive onecoat color collection from behr® marquee interior. Every color covers in one coat, guaranteed. Turning a twocoat job into an easy marquee® afternoon. Theyre still at it. Get 10. 00 off 1 gallon cans and 40. 00 of 5 gallon buckets of all behr paints and stains. Exclusively at the home depot. Feeling energy dip . Fternoon dont go on a junk food trip just introduce yourself to chobani flip naturally delicious key lime crumble with White Chocolate and crunchy graham crackers. Its the break, you make flrelieve nasal congestion andly otc itchy, watery eyes. D to most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. See the world in a whole new light. Flonase, this changes everything. Crisp garden vegetables. Now weve added even more of them. To philadelphia® garden vegetable. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia®. Every time you take advil youre taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. More than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. The medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil steve suddenly realized he would need to approach fatherson roughhousing much more carefully. Lifes rich, like ritz. Welcome back on a wednesday morning. Just mesmerizing pictures out of hawaii, the surf so high on whats been a slow summer surfwise so far, is because of this, very active pacific ocean, ignacio, just a Tropical Storm far away but still 12 to 18foot wave warnings. This bro so, what did you guys they think of the test drive . I love the jetta. But what about a deal . Terry, stop its quite alright. You know what . We want to make a deal with you. Were twins, so could you give us two for the price of one . Come on, give us a deal. Look at how old i am. Do you come here often . He works here, terry you work here, right . Yes. Ok lets get to the point. Were going to take the deal. The volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. So hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. Good morning america is brought to you by famous footwear. Famous for brand name shoes for the whole family. Footwear. Famous for brand name shoes for the whole family. Good morning, im kristen sze. A man is in Critical Condition after authority says he shot himself during a confrontation with bart police. Video captured the moments after last nights shooting at the west okayland bart station. They confronted a man a about smoking on the platform and he resisted and reached for his waist. Thats when he shot himself in the abdomen. The officers were both wearing body cameras and the footage is being reviewed. Mike has a cooler forecast for you. Cooler today and through friday. 60s at the coast. 70s elsewhere. My sevenday forecast, coolest and breeziest friday. We have some backups here in the toll plaza. Were seeing slow conditions at caster street. We have an accident involving a motorcycle. If youre traveling northbound 101 up to bay shore highway, thats where we have a motorcycle down. 12 murp is going to be your top speeds. Slow away from highway 85. Coming up on good morning america, the full cast of dancing with the stars is revealed live. Dont go a it means another neighbor is wgoing to sleep better tonight. Because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Through labor day, save up to 500 on select tempurpedic sets. Plus, get up to four years interestfree financing. Sleep riskfree with sleep trains 100day money back guarantee. And of course, free sameday delivery are you next . But dont wait sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic is ending soon your ticket to a better nights sleep alaska. Finally. The search for brown bears begins. Denali highway. Low on gas. Pit stop. Fill up. Double points. Yep, thats cold. Tired. Day 2. Coffee. Eggs. Double points. Beautiful. Majestic. Nothing. Where are you, bear . Warm. Warmer. Warmer. Yes. Wherever the journey takes you, carry American Express gold. Its more than a card. Its the gear that gets it done. Never been in love before good morning, america. 8 00 a. M. And the postbreakup phenomenon thats a social sensation. The divorce selfie. So is there a Silver Lining when it comes to splitting up . Tonights the night lets live it up new overnight she said yes. 5 million views of one marines invitation to ronda rousey to go to marine corps ball. Her hilarious response this morning. Are your kids old toys worth big bucks. I would say on everything, 1900, almost 2,000. The toy hunter on the chase revealing where the hone could be hiding in your house. Shut up and dance with me are you ready for the sizzling new season of dancing with the stars . The entire cast flying Cross Country to take over times square live. From the first married couple to ever compete to nick, gary, hayes, victor, andy and chaka khan and wait till you see what happened when bindi met her partner. More blockbuster names revealed this morning including an american hero. The big announcement Just Moments Away as we say all good morning, america tom bergerons voice right there with the new cast revealed this morning on gma and having fun out there in times square. Victor espinoza. I just want to say, chaka khan, chaka khan. So excited to count down to our big dancing with the stars reveal. There she is. The four blockbuster mystery stars well have getting ready to hit the ballroom. Who are they . Little clue there in silhouette. Ooh, that is all coming up but now amy has to dance over. Shes so entranced by those mess mystery guests, she couldnt get over for the morning rundown. Trying to figure out the silhouettes. I forgot to come over to the news desk. Thanks for stalling for me. Good morning to everyone. The big story, urgent manhunt for those three accused cop killers north of chicago. Authorities searching all night in fox lake, illinois. Local schools closed and residents told it stay indoors. The suspects are wanted in the shooting death of lieutenant Charles Joseph gliniewicz, a 32year police veteran and weeks away from retirement, father of four pursuing the suspects tuesday when he was shot and killed. President obama is making History Today becoming the first president to visit alaskas arctic. He is wrapping up his tour of the state by visiting natives whose way of life is threatened by climate change. The president will tour some of the remote villages whose existence is in jeopardy because of melting ice with some entire villages sinking. Well, an irish nanny accused of murdering a toddler in the boston area is back home this morning after a long ordeal that finally ended with the murder charge being dropped. Abcs reena ninan has that story. Reporter with her selfproclaimed Worst Nightmare behind her, Ashlynn Mccarthy arrived in ireland just hours ago after serving 2 ½ years in a massachusetts jail. Authorities now say the irish nanny did not kill 1yearold rehma sabir. Shes thankful to the medical Examiners Office for doing this rereview. Reporter mccarthy accused of murdering the toddler in 2013. The prosecutors say after reviewing the evidence, they found it wasnt their original theory of shaken baby syndrome that killed rehma but rather the little girl had some type of disorder not able to be completely diagnosed prior to her death. The sabir family could not be reached for comment. Mccarthy, a nanny for ten years prior to working for the sabirs, told the Boston Herald she loved the little girl and that her treatment by prosecutors was scandalous and that they should be ashamed of themselves. She has to now try to rebuild her reputation. For good morning america, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Our thanks to reena for that. The writer of the new james bond novel apologizing for saying actor idris elba is, quote, too street to play the iconic role of bond. Critics claim too street is code for too black, but the writer, anthony horowitz, insists his comment had nothing to do with the actors race. And finally a dream date for a u. S. Marine. Who did he have in mind . You can tell from the picture right there. Mixed martial arts star ronda rousey, of course, the ufc champ known for winning fights in as little as 14 seconds, even that did not intimidate this marine who asked rousey to the marine ball in this video going viral. I love everything you do and i think that you are a phenomenal person. Which is why it would be my honor to take you to the marine corps ball on december 11th. I really hope this after seeing that ronda said yes, even called him cute. She has one catch, though, he has to find dates for her three friends. She wants to have a quadruple date so hes got work cut out for him. I think hes going to be able to pull that off. Something tells me mission accomplished. It is. Who is lurking behind you over there . Im lurking. Im a lurker. Im carrying the ball of mirrors. By the way, i have something in common with ronda rousey i found out. Ive done things in as little as 14 seconds myself. Oh, no. Tom. Yes, he did. Started off i guess with a bang. Well be right back. Really, george. Im just saying. Lets go to commercial. Sevensecond delay, please. Tossed the dice. They it had to be. The only one for me is you. And you for me. So happy together now theres a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another. Introducing plenti. Discover lots of ways to earn points fast and join for free at plenti. Com. The new fall collection. White house black market the hero of the household. Because with high quality paint and designer colors creating room to room harmony nicks, peels, chips and regrets are a thing of the past. So paint on hero, paint on. Hgtv home by Sherwin Williams now available at lowes. Allergies distracting you . When your symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief for. Fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do. Every day. Live claritin clear. And its also like. [ laughs ] [ engine revs ] its amazing what a little cran can do. Now heres a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu. In our heat index, the new divorce selfie that has people smiling. Is it proving theres a Silver Lining to breaking up . Secret cash stash in your toy bin. Which of your childhood favorites could make you big bucks plus the toys you should start investing in now. Plus our huge dancing with the stars reveal. The mystery cast members taking on the dance floor. Tom bergeron and the mirror ball trophy coming up live on gma in times square. Hi. Mwah hi. How are you . I was doing my whip, nae nae, whip, nae nae. Oh, very good. Centrum mul multigummies. See gummies in a whole new light. From bank of america to buy a new gym bag. 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Time now for heat index and this mornings hot button, the divorce selfie. Welcome back to gma. Time now for heat index and this mornings hot button, the divorce selfie. I guess its a way couples are announcing their split doing it with smiles. Sara, youre explain it to us. We mark all the big events in our lives but no one was expecting divorces. Take a look. Its the postbreakup phenomenon taking social media by storm. Divorcees ditching their marriage and saying i do to divorce selfies, finding a Silver Lining in splitsville, by turning a heartbreaking situation into a fun, photoop. A lighthearted way to announce your divorce in one shot and also let people know that they dont have to feel awkward around you. Reporter this is florida couple keith hinson and Michelle Knight on their wedding day. Fast forward three years, theyre happily divorced. The most applicable, easygoing divorce in history. Reporter the exes sealing the deal with a selfie outside the courtroom. She said, hey, do you want to take a selfie as a joke . I said, why not. Reporter hinson sharing this photo on instagram with the caption heres to the most friendly, respectful and loving split imaginable. The response . 99 positive. Were celebrating the fact that we can move forward. Reporter but keith and michele not the only ones showing divorce can have a happy ending. Canadian couple shannon and chris newman declaring their 11year marriage officially over by snapping a selfie outside this calgary courthouse thursday. We kind of highfived and did a silly selfie and went on our way. Reporter in just a matter of days, the candid photos gone viral. Shared on facebook a whopping 36,000 times and counting. It shocked me that other people were responding to it. Reporter shannon hopes her kids will appreciate it too when theyre older. I think that theyll recognize that we love them. Well always work really hard to be this makes me cry to be their parents. Reporter these selfies proving divorce doesnt have to be ugly. Now, one couple posted were not smiling because its over, were spying because it happened so i like the commitment to keeping it friendly. Most of them its for kid, they say so all right. Well, thank you, sara. Lets move on now to our series called secret cash stash. This morning were talking toys. We all have our favorites from childhood but how can you tell the difference between a collectible you can turn into cash from something you might want to put in the trash . Abcs becky worley set out to find out. Reporter dave peron from bergenfield, new jersey grew up in the 70s and cleaning out his parents garage took him straight back in time. Pretty much every single toy that i had is still here. Reporter but are such recent toys actually worth anything . Enter jordan hembrough, the toy hunter. Toys are actually a better investment than the stock market because toys go up in value. Reporter he says toys stir up nostalgia. Wow, okay, boba fett. Take star wars. Star wars wow wait a minute. This is cool. These old retro tshirts. Reporter and big franchises like star wars, my little pony and even strawberry shortcake are coming back and that bumps up the value of the old stuff. But all the numbers, 10, 20, 15, all adds up. I think the whole box is about 100. Next working toys, especially the sounds. They trigger our emotions and get people to open their wallets. Stalgia galaxia was my favorite arcade game and it works. Worth 50 to 75. Reporter for dave these are treasured memories. I bought that in disney world in 1979. We still have the price tag on it. 24 bucks in 1979 . Reporter that investment paid off. The jackpot. Youve got all these beautiful disney figurines. These were bought at the park. Yep. A beautiful, beautiful set. Its worth about 500. Whoa. Wow. So total number on all of these toys, whats your estimate . I would say on everything, probably about 1900, almost 2,000. Amazing. For good morning america, becky worley, abc news, new york. There really is money there. Pop culture expert, jordan hembrough is joining us now. So lets start with something we know near and dear to georges heart. Your favorite. I look at you staring lovingly at rock em, sock em. If you had them in the box talking about 175 and actually surprise, lara and i are actually giving this to you when we leave. Thats a gift to you. Thank you. What a great gift. So, yeah, you heard me 165. There you go. No, its a gift. The box is critical. We were saying in the piece it is important to have that original condition. Box is great and try to keep all the components and everything. The big thing with toys always pop culture. The pop culture aspect everyone is going for. Go for characters that you know and love that have been around for years. This batman equipment set was 20 years old. Its going for now 15,000. Oh, my goodness. Did you have that one, george . I had the belt. Freddie. Rare batman, rare star wars, that one goes for 15,000. About four known in the world. Just this one. This one here. This one goes for 15,000. Super rare, less than 50 known. Why is it so rare . So little of them and new stuff you can find in the toy market. What are the characters today we should be looking for. Heres stuff that can always go well. Lego. One of the Number One Properties today on the market, Lego Corporation is always a solid investment. Go for the licensed play sets. This one right here is a Company Called monster high done by mattel and these things go for 24 at market and go upwards of 150 once theyre retired. Let me ask you, kids want these, should we not let them play with them. Save the box, put them back when youre done because theres money there, okay. Finally these guys, i love them out of washington, funco corporation, small little collectible urban vinyl dolls, they retail for 11. 99. Once theyre retired they can go for hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Thats what i heard about my beanie babies. Still waiting, jordan. I know. Its great stuff. Theres money to be found out there so just keep looking and collect what you love. Thats the important thing. Thats why i brake for yard sales. Thank you so much, jordan. Great tips out there. Ginger has tips on the weather. Ginger . I do and what a crowd, so much excitement. This young lady said i have to be on tv. Whats your name . Gabby. Well, gabby, youve done it. You are on good morning america. Lets start. Hi to my grandma. A very good morning. Its very sticky and warm out here. We will get cooler air. Look at bostons numbers falling from almost 90 into the 70s this weekend. But as far as september goes, the Climate Prediction Center put out their probabilities of above average temperatures, much of the east coast and midwest, southeast too. Good morning, im meteorologist mike nicco with yourzeun forecast. Cooler conditions today all the9 a touch of summer coming to the nibd. 60s along the coast. Inland will have some 80s. Tonight it will be partly cloudy,. Sumid50s to low 60s. Heres my sevenday forecast. Look at the temperature drop friday. 70s, way too much fun out here. George, i know youve got more. Thank you. Dancing with the stars is taking over times square shaping up to be a great season. Lots of stars have already been revealed but the final four under wraps. Were going to reveal them right here this morning. First tom bergeron brings us a preview of whats to come. Its that time again. Were kicking off the latest season of dancing with the stars. You already know what it is and were watching season 21 celebrates are sky high literally. So exciting. Reporter flying Cross Country with wheels up. Who paid to fly many of our contestants to new york. Im excited to go to new york and fly with wheels up because im ready to kick some butt. See ya. Reporter from l. A. To new york. To new york. Reporter all for gmas live reveal. Were here yes, new york. Reporter of the starstudded lineup. Backstreets back all right reporter back street boy nick carter is back. Three, two, one. Reporter wildlife warrior bindi irwin is ready to take on a new challenge. Chaka Khan Chaka Khan reporter and were feeling chaka khan. So no honey reporter honey hes good andy grammer graced the ballroom before as a singer. How will he fare once his dancing shoes are on . And oscar nominated actor gary busey, might he be the seasons dark horse . What made you decide to do it. I didnt have anything else to do. Very good. This is gary busey, everybody. Reporter vine star hayes grier has millions of followers but will that be enough to get the viewers votes . American pharoah has won the triple crown. Reporter jockey Victor Espinoza won the triple crown with his famous horse American Pharoah but will he be crowned the pharaoh of the ballroom and nashville act alexa penavega, shook took out bad guys but can she take on the judges or even her husband, carlos penavega, the first married couple to compete on dancing with the stars. The stars here live this morning and we cant stop watching. Tom bergeron right now here brought most of the cast of dancing with the stars with him. We want to meet them. All right. Lets welcome chaka, carlos, alexa, victor, bindi and our always stylish pros. Come on in here, val, val and louis. Thank you so much, tony, keo and lindsey, come on over, grab a seat. Theres my man. All right. Lets start with bindi. You were just on our show, so great to see you and on the show, george, i dont know if you remember, bindi said the judges scared her, tom, more than crocodiles. Its true. Really . Its true. You know, i think id rather take on a 15foot crocodile because, you know, you guys are so amazing and youre truly you know exactly what youre talking about. I want to do a good job so i want to do the best job i possibly can and i am not used to any of this. Im used to crocodiles. We believe you. So crocodiles are way less scary. You know how they work. The judges you dont know what they are going to say. I believe she believes it. Im not convinced yet though. Carlos and alexa, this is something brand new for dancing with the stars, a married couple competing. Has your family started to choose sides yet . Oh, yeah. No, i dont know. I mean for us we want to work really, really hard. This is such a blessing. And weve never done any kind of dancing before. 5 so well let them decide. Yeah. So i dont even think they know what were capable. We dont know. Well see what happens. Are you guys competitive . I mean, a little bit. Okay, you know, i didnt think he was competitive until we were i was showing him some video footage of what we were learning and suddenly he was like, oh, i really have to step my game up. Shes good. Shes good. No, no, no, im learning but you were funny. I can see i think this is going to get i like it. I want to ask chaka, great to see you. Im hoping you will wear some of those killer looks youve been showing on instagram. Are you going for sort of that vibe for us. Ill be having some other costuming, im sure, but those are just my practice clothes. Warm up practice clothing. Wow. Hands full there. Oh, yeah. In many ways with this cast, its going to be what i love most about live television. It really is. That unpredictable nature. Yeah. I just one shot of gary busey and i know im going to earn my money this season. Absolutely. So, youre coming off an amazing year, the triple crown. What made you jump to dancing . Different. I like challenge. I like speed. And i want to learn something that i never learned before, some of the moves that i always had like in my mind that i want to learn and its all about like speed and just feel that i can reach somebody on a different level. Thats why im here. Well talk to hayes in a second but, tom, we have to get to the mystery guests now. Absolutely. Well start to reveal who did behind the scrim. This reality star definitely wont be tardy for the party but will she be dazzling on the dance floor . Here is kim zolciak. There she is. Hi. Hi. How are you . How are you doing . Im good. So tom just said it, tardy for the party. Do you think youll dance to that . Will that be your song . Maybe. Youll have to see. Do you already have something in mind . I can tell. I do. Ooh, a wink. The woman means business, tom. Oh, yeah. Hey, will we get a lot of vines from the practice room . Yes. Yeah, theres going to be some vines for sure. Is it true youre having trouble dancing in more than sevensecond intervals. Thats the way we broke it up. Like seven seconds and stop like a 30minute break. That should work well. Im excite the for it. We got all the pros here, as well and talk to you guys coming up in our next half hour and learn about the pairings, as well, a lot coming up on the new season of dancing with the stars. Of course, premieres, monthen day, september 14th right here on abc. And we have a lot more ahead including the final three contestants revealed. Well tell you who theyre partnering with still ahead. Still in silhouette. Yes. Good morning, im kristen sze. A retired Bay Area High School teacher is facing child pornography charges. He retired in june from teaching in lafayette. Members of the internet crimes against Children Task force served a search warrant yesterday. Child porn was found on his computer. They are not saying what led to him. A check on your morning commute. Leyla gulen, how is it looking . Its looking busy here. Southbound side of 680 as you push in towards stone valley road. We have one lane delayed. Thats because of an accident. As we take a look further to the west, we have a pretty decent drive along highway 24 corridor if youre heading in the eastbound direction. Heres a look at the san mateo bridge. Busy as you make it out of hayward into foster city. Were waiting to see the sunshine in some places. Meteorologist mike n [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part. gun shot sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. And through labor day, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2019 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. But this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep go get help, boy. Go get help. Go get help right now if youre a cat, you ignore people. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Go on kitty, kitty. Good morning, already starting to see the clouds on our camera. Expecting sunshine by noon. Our temperatures still in the 50s in santa rosa. The rest in the 60s. If youre heading to the game, 12 35 first pitch, sunshine and 70 today. Even faster breezes and cooler weather by now watch me nae nae okay now watch me whip watch me nae nae there they are, our pros warming up the crowd here in times square as youre learning a lot more about the new season of dancing with the stars. Having fun. Future pros there. They are doing the whip and the nae nae, of course. Of course, i knew that. What an exciting morning. The baron of the ballroom with us. Tom bergeron. You called victor a pharaoh. Of course, he rode American Pharoah. Of course. And we got some more reveals of cast members. We do, indeed. Would you like me to get right to that. Lets get right to it. Do we want to do that or do whatever you want. I. D. Your show. Im just a squatter. You pick. I think you should go. We have another reality tv star, this one keeps it all in the family. Lets hear it for tamar braxton. [ cheers and applause ] come on out, tamar. And we also have a celebrity chef. How will she go from baking to the ballroom . Give it up for paula deen. Paula deen. Whoa tonights going to be a good night that tonights going to be a good good night hey, lara, hey, george. How are you . You look beautiful, by the way. Thank you. Youre sisters. Have they given advice on how to handle the rivalries in the ballroom. This is the reveal. I havent told them yet. They did not know. No, i didnt tell them. They know now. Hi, girls. Surprise. Check her phone right now. Theyre coming in already. And, paula, i got to ask you, youve had a tough couple years for paula and a fair amount of controversy. Hello, sorry. You had a tough couple years. What are you hoping to get out of dancing with the stars . I hope to get out of it . Well, george, ill tell you like this, theres several things but this is the first time in a few years that i felt like my weight would allow me to participate and ive been very busy with my new cookbook paula deen cuts the fat. I have been eating that way for two years and thats kind of got me ready and what i hope im going to get out of this is a bunch of new friends and maybe lose some weight and a little better body. We got a lot of answers there. We dont know the pairings yet but we have a lot of the pros. The friends, the friends are like, see, i know him but i dont know him. Youre pointing to val. You dont know who your partner is. I feel like i know him. I feel like i know them so im getting excited about really getting to know them. I guess val is getting excited as well. You have a big job ahead going for two in a row. Yeah, like you said, im excited. I cant cheat. This is i cant cheat with another man. Thats okay. Well share. Well share. Paula, you are just floating straight out. What do they say . You know im the roof that means theres no fire in the furnace or Something Like that. Lindsey. Cut the fat together. Well cut the fat. For sure. Gary busey isnt going to be my major problem. What, tom. Nothing. Lindsey, youre back. I know you were on a previous season. Back again and just married. Congratulations. Im so happy to be back and just ready to get started. So excited. Im happy to see you, as well. What do you think about this group of dancers . Do we have a lot of talent. Just looking around like personalitywise were set. Weve got a great crew. So i think she said it right there. The dancing will be amazing. Personalitywise, you are set. That is true. We have the pairings to come in just a little bit and go to ginger with the weather. Hey, i was going to use this screen. I dont know if you can come over. Im doing my own reveal out of these beautiful here we come. Good morning, everybody. This is exciting. What a great time on gma. Getting all one or two more mystery guests were revealing. First we have to talk about weather and that tropical depression that is feeding moisture up from the pacific into the southwest so we have not checked in on that region quite yet but, look, flagstaff, 73, phoenix, 102, tucson today at 90. Wanted to fly from east back to west, the heat sticking with us here good morning, im meteorologist mike nicco. Were going to be sunny everywhere this afternoon except for San Francisco. 60s there. 70s around the bay. 80s inland east bay. My sevenday forecast, all that weather brought to you by amazon. Com and we have tgit news. You know its fall when we start thanking goodness it is thursday. Our thursday night blockbust ever lineup greys anatomy. Scandal, how to get away with murder. There is Shonda Rhimes in the center of her cast for the first time and entertainment weekly, essence and people are partnering to have a group photo and well reveal the packages exclusive cover featuring cast members. Tgit premieres thursday, september 24th. And we cant wait. Those are such good shows. Shondaland, such an empire right now. A lot more ahead on gma and talk to new cast mechanism carter plus revealing the time stars for the dance floor. A reallife hero. We thought wed be ready. But demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding. Fast. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. You cant predict it, but you can be ready. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. Com. Go logo low now watch me whip now watch me nae nae can you do it ooh watch me ooh watch me watch me new season, new star, new surprises, dancing with the stars twonight premiere starting september 14th on abc. Hey, guy, im sorry and girl, im sorry i cant be there with you. At gma in the morning but im here getting ready putting flex a lot in my kneepads and getting my pants to sturdy so they can sweep around like seaweed if a beautiful tropical ocean and my dance shoes are very sturdy so thats what im doing but ill see you all when we get to the dance floor and thats when the fun begins. That, of course, was a message from gary busey and made quite an entrance on jimmy kimmel last night where announced hes joining the cast. We still have one more cast member to reveal plus were going to nick carter who will be with us from montana. Very exciting. All things coming up, but, tom, will you do us the honors and reveal the supersecret star . Yes, indeed. I found out about this late addition to our cast last night and thrilled to introduce him, one of three americans who took down the terrorist on a train in paris. Alek skarlatos. My goodness. Alek, welcome, alek. Welcome back. I feel like we just saw you . Just when you thought it was safe to leave we asked to you come back. So what are all your bud dis that you served with in afghanistan think about you dancing . I dont even want to imagine honestly. You havent talked to them. No. I dont know if theyll talk to me now but what do you think about dancing . Huh . . What do you think about dancing. I think it will be fun. I hope i learn a lot. Ill need to if im going to stay on very long. I was talking alek before the show. I understand you double as security which is great, doing a double bill for us. Thrilled to have you here. Do you have a signature move . No . Hes going to develop one in the show, im sure he will. I feel strongly. I want to bring in now nick carter. He is live in montana right now where he is actually shooting a movie right now. There he is. And, nick, you know, do you think you have an edge here with all of that backstreet boy training . Oh, man, actually it could kind of be a disadvantage. I mean in some ways because people probably expect me to be a great dancer, you know, so and i believe that im a good dancer but its a different type of dancing so i got my work cut out for me. Nick, will your backstreet bros, will they be cheering you on during the whole dancing . Absolutely. We all support each other and, you know, im going to need all the support i can get. I know theres a little pressure here because your brother aaron made it to the final five in dancing with the stars, has he given you any tips answer do you plan on doing better than he did . My brother is going to try to give me as many tips as he can but i am the big brother, no, you know, at the end of the day im open for anything and, you know, well just see what happens. Nick, we are so happy that we got to speak with you this morning. Good luck on the movie out there. Tony dovolani. Youre back, we love to see you. This is a huge season. What are you most excited about seeing this group now that you get them all in your eyesight. Im excited about howdy verse our cast is. A little bit of everything so thats what makes dancing with the stars so special and i feel like everybody is going to have their own Little Journey getting to the finals hopefully if we get a good final which will be fun and hopefully im in it too. Im just happy to still be relevant enough to dance. Im the senior here, i get it but im having fun and, you know, dancing with the stars has been such a big part of my life and im just grateful that the fans still want me there. We definitely want you there. Were grateful you want to be here, tony. We have so much more dancing with the stars ahead. Were going to reveal the pro partners plus a huge surprise guest, wait for it, all coming up next here on good morning america. [ cheers and applause ] hey let me help with that. Oh, thank you introducing the oneandonly Volkswagen Golf sportwagen. The sportier utility vehicle. Woman when a student understands a concept for the first time. Man when the students get it. Man their eyes get big, the lightbulb pops on. Woman i got it, i think i got it they light up. Its like magic. Woman this is not just a job. Woman the rewards i get are. Priceless. Man we help kids grow, and thats part of the rush of teaching. Narrator the california teachers association. Educators who know quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. Is there someone in your town that goes above and beyond, a parent, a teacher, a neighbor. Anyone in your community who helps and inspires others. Well, if the answer is yes go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo and let us know and we could help your whole town come out to thank them in a really big epic way live. This is going to be so good. Gmas going above and beyond. Hey, guy, im sorry i couldnt be there with you this morning. Im out on tour right now. But save a spot for me because i will be there shaking my little booty. Andy grammer. You know his song honey im good a message for all the dancing with the stars cast members here this morning. So weve revealed all 13 stars. Now its time to find out who their partners are going to be and amy is starting us off. All right, tamar braxton, you are dancing with the reigning pro champ, val. [ cheers and applause ] nick carter, you get to be larger than life with sharna. [ cheers and applause ] and chaka khan, we hope you feel for your partner. Keo. [ cheers and applause ] all right. Hayes grier and your millions of fans will watch you with emma. [ applause ] alexa penavega, we hope carlos wont get too jealous of mark. And carlos, are you ready to rush on to the dance floor with witney . [ cheers and applause ] tom, you have some more. Oh, do i ever. Andy grammer, youre teamed up with Allison Holker and, honey, shes good. Kim zolciak, time to get real with that fashion god, tony dovolani. [ applause ] and gary busey, you get to rave on with anna trebunskaya. [ cheers and applause ] mr. American pharoah, you can earn your next crown with karina. Paula deen, where are you . Flirting with someone else. Paula, you will be cooking with louis. And alek, maybe your next dance hero can be lindsay. [ applause ] where are you . Dancing for the mirror ball with the one and only derek hough, bindi. [ applause ] okay, bindi, you get derek hough and i know you met a baby alligator together. Will we see wildlife in the routines. You never know what ill bring on the dance floor. So i think he has to be very brave. Hes an incredible person. Im excited to work with him and i hear that he likes animals so i think well be off to a gait start. Youre in very good hands. I want to talk to val. Reigning champion. Say what . Reigning champ. I got you. Thank you. Val, whats your strategy for doing the whole repeat . Oh, i you know, the chip is off the shoulder. I want to have fun. I want to create beautiful special moments for tamar, im excited. She has a beautiful personality and i just want to get started. We cant wait to see it. Thank you. Yeah. And, tom, i understand that youre introducing a special guest. We have a very special guest. Speaking of reigning champs shes taking time out of rehearsals for her broadway debut in chicago, welcome last seasons champion, rumer willis. [ cheers and applause ] hello there. You good . Yes. You good . Mwah. Come over here. All right. I like the haircut. Roxy. And, rum he will r, i know all of these folks are going for the mirror ball trophy. Do you have one piece of advice for them as they start their journey. You know, i would say the biggest thing is these pros work so unbelievably hard and if you just listen to them, even if you dont want to, it will be much better for you, i promise. The pros are always right. I dont know about that. But you can definitely learn a lot from them. They work hard and theyre there to support you. They were all nodding their heads. How excited are you for your broadway debut. Im really excited. I was in a walking boot for a little while. Just got it off. When you do this, you guys, you will love dancing so much you dont want to stop. Its really incredible. When do you me prior in chicago . September 21st. Are you calling on a lot of the moves that val taught you for roxy, your character. Because its rockixy, i have basically relearn everything i learned. Val too. And on social media you know val well. Do you have any advice for tamar . Im sure youll hear this a lot but just straighten your back and you will be totally fine. Okay. Ill keep that in mind. I want to hear from the pros. What do you guys want to say to your new partners as we you still have did you hear what rumer just said . Yes. Listen for your schedule. Yes. We need all the time we can get. No pressure. No pressure. Who is the most nervous . Raise your hand, who is freaking out . Everybody. Chaka, shes ready. You got a great season. Cant wait to see everybody in the ballroom. We cant either. Thanks to all of you, of course, the new season of dancing with the stars premieres on december 14th right here on abc and well be right back. Good morning america is brought to you by petsmart. Inspired by pets. [ cheers and applause ] a big thank you to wheels up for flying so many of our contestants here. And a big thank you to tom bergeron, the dancers, the whole new cast of dancing with the stars and theyre going to take your questions all morning long. Head to our website, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo to watch live afterparty. Party being the operative word. [ cheers and applause ] tom, we cant wait to see you. We wish you all the best. It means another neighbor is wgoing to sleep better tonight. Because they went to sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event. Through labor day, save up to 500 on select tempurpedic sets. Plus, get up to four years interestfree financing. Sleep riskfree with sleep trains 100day money back guarantee. And of course, free sameday delivery are you next . But dont wait sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic is ending soon your ticket to a better nights sleep good morning, im kristen sze. Meteorologist mike nicco has our forecast. Good morning, everybody. We still have flight delays because of the low clouds and cover. So may want to call ahead there. The sun will be out by the time we get to 12 35. 70 degrees in. 60s along the coast. 70s everywhere else except for santa rosa. Inland in the 80s. Faster breezes and cooler temperatures through friday. Summer heat this weekend. Look at how slow this is. No relief in sight. Very heavy traffic as you pour in from the east bay. Towards San Francisco. Taking you to san jose, 87, not much better. We have heavy traffic there as well as you head into downtown san jose. We have this accident blocking one lane at 680. A look at that red extending ou of concorde. Announcer its live with kelly and michael. Today, movie man kevin james is here, and well give you a chance to win a luxurious tropical vacation. Plus, the one and only ll cool j stops by, all next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] [audience cheering] [dance music playing] now, here are emmy winners kelly ripa and michael strahan. Kelly hi hi michael whoo yeaooh oh kelly hey, its wednesday, september 2, 2015, everybody

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