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And one of Beverly Hills most famous dogs snatched off the street in broad daylight. Who is behind this dognapping that have some of hollywoods biggest stars on the hunt. Will the real Beverly Hills cops be able to crack this case . You know what that means. I do love that music. And that was a good movie, Beverly Hills cop. Hopefully the dog will find its way home. That is one cute dog, one big mystery. This came out of the blizzard up in boston. Check out this video. It went wildly viral. The guy shoveling the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Everybody trying to find out who it was. Well, the snow is that has been solved and well get into that in a little bit. That mystery has been solved. But we are going to begin with that new storm on the way, more snow coming for so many already buried under feet of snow from that monster storm and, ginger, i know youre tracking it again. Tracking it and we have new images. You have to see this from space to see that storm that left all of that snow. You can see the noreaster just coming in. The clouds on the right there and see the comma that that big old storm moving through at night, so a Beautiful Image from there. Not so beautiful on the ground. I know a lot people from new london, connecticut, weve got video of them, too. Nashua, new hampshire, more than two feet of snow. So many places still doing this today and unfortunately thats right, robin, we have more coming. Freezing rain advisories, hundreds of schools closed back in the great lakes. Columbus, right now, ohio, getting into it. Cleveland, too, but look at the Winter Weather advisories going through new england and maine. That is where the heaviest snow is going to fall tonight through early tomorrow. For new york, for boston, it will be much lighter but just a little icing on the cake that nobody really is looking forward to. And its turning colder too. I can promise you this, it is going to be frigid by the weekend. Itll feel subzero in so many places here along the northeast. So things are not warming up. Well have january weather. Okay, ginger, thanks very much. Were going to move now to that terror deadline expiring this morning. Isis threatening to kill more hostages if a failed female suicide bomber is not released. Brian ross is here with the latest as the drama unfolds. Good morning. Good morning. The sun has set over iraq. Deadline set for isis for a prisoner swap. According to message read in english by the japanese journalist and posted online overnight. Isis says this 44yearold convicted terrorist, Sajida Al Rishawi, must be turned over by deadline or the captured Jordanian Air force pilot will be executed. If Sajida Al Rishawi is not ready for exchange for my life at the turkish border, the jordanian pilot will be killed immediately. Reporter if the swap goes through, Authorities Say a dedicated al qaeda terrorist with close ties to the leaders of isis will be set free. Authorities say she was a fanatical killer taking part in a 2005 attack in which 60 people were killed, many of them attending a muslim wedding. Authorities fear she will emerge as a terror role model. It may lead women who are inspired by her to want to emulate not being a wife, or a caregiver but an actual martyr. Reporter the decision by the king of jordan to negotiate with isis came despite u. S. Opposition to any deals with the terrorists. We dont give concessions to other to terrorist organizations. Reporter although the u. S. Did carry out a prisoner swap with the taliban last year to get the release of american Sergeant Bowe bergdahl. The u. S. Doesnt make concessions to terrorists except occasionally when it does. Jordan has said it will not deliver the woman unless the terrorists first provide proof that the captured jordanian pilot is alive and unharmed and so far theres been no such proof with the deadline looming. No actual promise from isis to release him even if the trade starts to exactly, its very unclear at this point. Thanks very much. All right, george, now to the latest on the airasia flight 8501 disaster. The lead investigator reportedly saying the less experienced copilot was at the controls when the jet started its dangerously fast climb. Abcs david kerley is in washington and has been following the story from the very beginning. Good morning, david. Reporter good morning, robin, so this morning we know the copilot was at the controls when this airasia jet started climbing dramatically but then stalled. But the indonesians are still not telling us, was this pilot error only or was there something wrong with the airbus jet . Pulled from the wreckage, the black boxes show that the copilot Remi Emmanuel Plesel was flying the jet, when it encountered the severe weather, not the pilot, who had ten times the amount of flying time. 20,000 hours versus 2200 hours. Should be able to trust your copilots. With 2200, thats a good numbers of hours, he should have been fully qualified and perfectly capable of navigating even through storms. Reporter the copilot at the controls, when the jet climbed dramatically, three times the normal rate, moving from 32,000 feet to 37,000 feet in just 30 seconds but the jet lost lift. Its forward speed stalled falling to the ocean. Theres no reason in the world unless something was mechanically wrong that this crew should not have been able to recover from a stall. It is not a catastrophic incident. Reporter the indonesians say the cockpit voice recorder shows alarms were going off in the cockpit, including the one telling the pilots the jet was stalling, Something Like this. Stalled, stalled. Reporter one report this morning says it is believed the pilot did take over during the wild climb and descent. The indonesians say they have a pretty clear picture of what happened to the jet and have provided a 30day report but they are not making it public. So they have a pretty clear picture but we dont. This morning we dont know was this only pilot error or did something go wrong with the jet that contributed to the crash . Something that could be fixed in the other 4,000 airbus a320s which are flying around the world today, george. So more questions to be answered. Okay, david, thanks very much. Were counting down to the super bowl now. More security than ever this year. The latest technology is being deployed to counter possible attacks amid heightened concern about threats from isis, al qaeda and the lone wolves they inspire. Abcs Pierre Thomas is in phoenix with the latest. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, george. The super bowl is supposed to be about fun and games but Law Enforcement is planning for every nightmare scenario. Those horrific attacks in france are very much on the mind of authorities protecting this years super bowl as thousands of fans pour in. In an exclusive interview inside the stadium, the Homeland Security secretary warned of a new stage in the fight against terrorism. More lone wolfstyle attacks. More smaller scale attacks. Our challenges in Homeland Security are evolving. We have more concerns about domesticbased acts of violence. Reporter and while he says there are no specific Credible Threats against this weekends game, theyre prepared to respond by any means necessary. This u. S. Customs black hawk helicopter part of a fleet of aircraft guarding the super bowl from above. 30 miles of airspace around the big game is restricted. So, if an aircraft comes too close its a job for this crew and others to escort it out. Also in the air fighter jets just like the one i flew in last years super bowl in new york. To be blunt, if they do not respond, they will use missiles to shoot them down. Law enforcement is now deploying the latest in technology, hightech scanners to search every item coming into the stadium. What are you looking for . Were looking for any weapons, bombs, weapons of mass destruction. Reporter katy perrys costume, everything gets checked out. Her stage came in last night and we have the portapotties and the nfl paraphernalia, jerseys, everything. Reporter for the first time we see what the scanner reveals the operator is using xrays to see everything. Look there, hes able to zero in and do closeups hunting for any anomaly anomaly. Officers will be wearing portable radiation detectors and there will be bombsniffing dogs. Bottom line, police are taking no chances so everyone can have fun. Robin. Every precaution. All right, pierre, thank you. Now to a Major Development in the investigation into that deadly fire at a maryland mansion. A faulty electrical outlet sparked the blaze which was fueled by a dry Christmas Tree. Abcs bazi kanani has the latest and joins us this morning from annapolis. Good morning, bazi. Reporter good morning, robin. Out here we see Christmas Decorations still up at the gates of the decimated estate. This morning the grieving family of the children say they hope their immense loss will raise awareness about fire safety and remind us all to cherish our loved ones. This morning, alarming new details about what sparked the devastating fire at this 16,000squarefoot maryland mansion killing tech executive don and sandy pyle and their four grandkids. Investigators telling abc news it started with a faulty electrical outlet on the floor right by a 15foot Christmas Tree. There was combustible material that was on top of the outlet so the tree was connected to the outlet. Reporter that Christmas Tree drying out 60 days after it was cut igniting the inferno in the great room. The family sleeping in rooms nearby. The fuel load from the Christmas Tree itself is what created the significant amount of fire and heat. Reporter as demonstrated in this Fire Research video, flames racing through lofty open rooms means plenty of oxygen to fuel the blaze, a growing danger and in modernstyle homes. In this case, plush furnishings and ornate rugs also proving hazardous. There were smoke alarms in the mansion, but even if the victims heard them, there was little time to escape. The chain of events occurred within two to three minutes. Reporter there are about 230 Christmas Tree house fires each year and they are often deadly. The medical examiner has not yet determined the cause of death for the six fire victims but fire experts say most house fires victims die of smoke inhalation and they say thats one of the reasons we should close bedroom doors when we sleep at night to block out some of the smoke in a fire emergency. Robin. All right, bazi, thank you. There are no words. Now to amy with this mornings other top developing stories. Good morning, amy. Good morning, everyone. We begin with new concerns about the Measles Outbreak out west. Authorities in arizona are monitoring 1,000 people who may have been exposed including 200 children who have been to an Urgent Care Center in the phoenix area which an infected woman recently visited. So far 95 cases confirmed across these 8 states and mexico, most of them in california linked to a disneyland visitor. Most of those infected were not vaccinated. Dr. Richard besser joins us at 8 00 a. M. With more on this outbreak. The Supreme Court has halted three executions in oklahoma because of questions about a drug used in the procedure. Among the death row inmates temporarily spared, Richard Glossip who was scheduled to die tonight. Critics claim the sedative used by oklahoma and other states during lethal injections is cruel and inhumane. Federal reserve policymakers say the economy is growing at a solid pace but they will not raise Interest Rates until at least the middle of this year. The likelihood of that rate increase triggered a selloff on wall street wednesday. A reminder this morning that millions of americans are not benefiting from the growing economy. New figures show one out of every five children in the u. S. Now depends on food stamps, that is nearly twice as many children as before the recession. Mitt romney last night called for a national war on poverty while speaking to students in mississippi. He did not say whether he is running for president again but he took time to accuse Hillary Clinton of being, quote, clueless on job growth and foreign policy. Well, an arsonist is on the loose near miami after he was caught on camera setting a truck on fire. You can see him pouring liquid just moments before that pickup explodes in flames. He then jumps into a getaway van. A car belonging to the owner of that truck was set on fire just last year. Well, finally, they say a bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work but not if it turns out like this. Take a look as this ice fisherman in russia hooks a fish, he reels it in, he gets it out of the water and he tries to get the hook out but he cant so he puts the fish down to go get something. The fish waits till the man leaves, look at that, and then gets into the hole. But guess what, he takes the fishing pole with him. So that fisherman will not be catching any more fish for the day. Oh, a little too late. He runs out to get it and it goes woop, right down the hole. Smart fish. Strong fish. Amy, thanks. Were going to move now to a wave of smashandgrab robberies in dallas where thieves are ramming vehicles into stores making off with atms. Abcs ryan owens has more on the new steps police are taking to stop these criminals. Reporter scenes like this playing out coast to coast, thieves smashing through stores trying to grab the atm. Here in dallas its happened 20 times this month. They hit this nail salon last week. This car came back and forth at least seven times at very high speed. Reporter Dallas Business owners have had enough. So have police. Theyre forming a special task force to deal with the recent rash of smash and grabs. A lot of these stores are Small Convenience stores. Theyre individual owners trying to run a business. Reporter Police Suspect the bandits might be part of an organized ring because the smash and grabs have all happened between 3 00 and 5 00 in the morning targeting smaller atms that only weigh a couple hundred pounds and the thieves are gone within 90 seconds. One more thing they all have in common theyre almost always caught on tape but heres the problem. All of these thieves are wearing hoods and theyre driving stolen vehicles, which they almost always ditch. Bandits across the country have a similar m. O. In the last week they have hit from portland to des moines to detroit where these two wrap a chain around an atm and make off with 4 grand. In tampa, seconds after this suv smashes through the window the thieves have what they came for. In dallas the suspects havent been so lucky making off with just two of the atms they targeted. But police worry with a crime this violent its only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. For Good Morning America, ryan owens, abc news, dallas. And theyre going to keep going after them because some of these atms can have about 20,000 in them. They need gps trackers on those machines and then maybe theyd be able to find the criminals. Thats a good idea. Thats a great idea. Okay. Consultant company right there. Always doing business. Always doing business. You know, one of the images thats been going viral from the massive snowstorm was this guy shoveling the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The mystery of who he is has been solved and this morning, hes telling us why he did it. Its the good deed dominating headlines. A Single Person captured on camera clearing a boston street during tuesdays storm but take a closer look. Theyre not just shoveling any old road but a special part of the city, the Boston Marathons finish line. The photos instantly going viral. But the good snowmaritans identity a mystery. The City Police Department even tweeting help boston solve a blizzard of 2015 mystery. Whoshoveledthefinishline. The socalled boston shoveler coming forward. Its a strip of paint in the road but to me it means so much more and i didnt want it to be covered by all the snow. Reporter 25yearold chris laudani, a bartender and fivetime Boston Marathoner said he believes this finish line is hallowed ground. Its the greatest place on earth and you would never know it just walking by it. It says finish, Boston Marathon but for the people in the race and that live nearby its so much more than that. Reporter the organizers of the marathon, commending laudani, telling abc news his actions are yet another statement as to what our event means not only to runners but also to americans. This is more about the message. We all love the marathon and we all love the city so thats really what its about. Well done. Yeah. It is a strong message that theyre sending. I dont think anybody is going to run the marathon in this weather but nice to see it. So symbolic. Boston strong. And you need those things when Something Like that happen. Absolutely. Youre heading to arizona. Youre heading to arizona. Can i come . For the super bowl. Anybody . Wait till you see the weather. So what is the weather going to be like there . Amy has been looking at her phone every day going, oh, no, oh, no, rain, 60s, yes, amy, the rain is coming and look its all fueled by this tropical moisture. Fortunately, the rain is coming for tomorrow into friday and then things start to dry out so by the super bowl, it will be much drier. Cant promise you extreme warmth or anything, but, hey, well take what we can get. And then snow up in the Higher Elevations above 8,000 feet. You could see 8 plus inches and this morning in frosty florida, frosty, yes, 31, gainesville, 33, jacksonville and pretty cool elsewhere. 33 for atlanta. Your local Weather Forecast 30 seconds away. So, again, it is very wet and snowy back in the southwest for the next two days. I just want to keep emphasizing that because the day i leave its like 81 and sunny, im just saying. Which inflation level of balls works best in rain . George. I dont need id expect that from anyone else but you. I dont need to be assaulted on twitter anymore. Im out of it. Im joining you there. 70 and dry. So, does that work . 70 and dry works. Thank you for moving the weather to an earlier day so we can be there when its warm. Coming up, we have an abc news exclusive. The pilot who was forced to put his plane in the ocean. Well hear from him and see the footage inside the cockpit. And the former nfl player facing serious allegations after claiming workmans compensation and then competing on survivor. R facing serious allegations after claiming workmans compensation and then competing on survivor. N survivor. Maybe its time to start your own. Kay jewelers presents todays levian collection. Featuring exclusive levian chocolate diamonds. Including incredible limited edition styles like these. One more reason kay is the numberone Jewelry Store in america. Its. A work of art . Every kiss begins with kay. Kraft natural cheese starts with fresh milk carefully selected from only us dairy farms. Because we know it takes something amazing, to make something amazing. How much whiter can your smile be . Discover colgate optic white whiten protect toothpaste. This shell is made of calcium that can absorb stains. Brush one side with regular whitening toothpaste and the other side with optic white. It whitens below the surface. And it can stay white its whiteseal Technology Helps prevent stains from coming back. Use colgate optic white whiten protect along with the whole line for whiter teeth in one day. Its gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. Its a honey of an o. Its honey nut cheerios. In a race, its about getting to the finish line. In life, its how you get there that matters most. Like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. My doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. So he talked to me about xarelto®. Xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesnt require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. For a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. Not this time. While i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didnt have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. Dont stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. While taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. Get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe, with no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. Ask your doctor about xarelto® today. Good morning, San Francisco firefighters are keeping an eye on flare ups after a fire in the mission district. One person died. Firefighters pulled a dog out of the remnants of the burned building and the dog is doing okay. Investigators say they dont believe the fire is suspicious. Service has been rerouted on to south van necessary avenue. 14 and 49 we also have bar ta recovering from a delay. As we take a look at oakland, we still have heavy backups because of this injury accident. Eastbound 580 near keller avenue. We have some fog starting to bleed sba san jose. When release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. Bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. Call off the hounds rescue is unnecessary. Pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. Good morning lets talk temperatures. Upper 30s. We have a lot of 40s elsewhere inland and mid40s around the bay shore and out towards the coast. Fog is now leaking down all the way into the south bay. San jose up to a quarter mile. Back here, we have some delays averaging 41 minutes. Female announcer dont wait for president s day to save on a new mattress. Sleep trains president s day sale is on now save up to 300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. And sleep trains 100 day money back guarantee. Keep more president s in your wallet. Sleep trains president s day sale is on now . Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep all day and all of the night the kinks all day and all of the night the kinks yoplait. With a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. It is so good all the time. Good morning, america. Right now a new winter storm threatening to dump more snow on the east coast. Still buryied from that monster blizzard. Also right now the pilot forced to ditch his plane in the middle of the pacific telling his survival story. An abc news exclusive. The former nfl player under fire for allegedly exaggerating the disability from his injuries. How his appearance on survivor is stirring up trouble. As we do say good morning, america, friday eve. One more alarm clock. Almost there. We have all that and we have the story thats trending big this morning. The brazen Beverly Hills dognapping. Snatched right off the street in the middle of the day. Oh no. Well get to that. We do begin with that pilot who ditched his plane in the middle of the pacific and saw that video, the plane falling from the sky, the parachute deployed and coast guard capturing it on video and this morning were hearing from the pilot in an abc news exclusive. Heres abcs neal karlinsky. Reporter watching the incredible video, you might wonder what the pilot of this plane saved by a builtin shaar shoot and hurtling towards the Pacific Ocean is doing inside right about now. This morning in a gma exclusive 25yearold pilot lue morton shows us. He wasnt praying, he was taking a selfie on the way down with his gopro. With the door open you can see the parachute over his head. The life vest around his neck and the ocean closing in. It was kind of funny right before that the gentleman from the coast guard is like i do not envy you at all right now. Reporter he had been in the air seven hours from california on his way to hawaii when he says the plane suffered some kind of malfunction in the fuel system. He called for help on his Satellite Phone and then he called his dad. The hardest part of the flight was making that phone call. At that point i was told him im probably going to be ditching in the water. Reporter did you tell him you loved him. It was kind of takes on a new meaning, the typical i love you and then all right, well hopefully hell be able to tell you that again. Reporter the coast guard realized he wouldnt make it to land or within rank of a rescue helicopter so they diverted him south of his position to a Holland America cruise ship which agreed to help. He circled the ship with his last bit of fuel his heart pounding waiting to pull the airframe shaar shoot system a remarkable standard feature of his cirrus aircraft. I felt like i was 5 years old looking down at a high dive all right, here we go. Reporter the chute deploys with a controlled explosion. You tell yourself whats going to happen and talk yourself through in my head and but youre not quite ready. Reporter he grabbed his life raft all the while wondering would he be able to get out before the water rushed in. Theres a lot of thing tlasz could have gone wrong. If i get my pant leg caught on something as im getting out or get a huge swell or something that cascades over the aircraft or rolls it and theres a lot of things. Reporter floating in his tiny raft he watched the brandnew plane sink as he waited to be picked up by a boat sent from the cruise ship. A remarkable survival story. All of it without so much as a scratch. Really gracious in being able to take care of me while i was there. You got a bit of a cruise out of it. Yeah first time on a cruise boat. Man, hopefully the last one i drop in on. Reporter for Good Morning America, neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. Boy, that guy has mastered the pilots calm demeanor. Exactly looking inside the cockpit, how calm he was and, wow. My goodness. Now to one of the most wanted men in america caught, a successful treasure hunter arrested after two years on the run after being accused of cheating investors out of their share of 50 million. Abcs matt gutman has that story for us. Reporter he honed in one of americas richest sunken treasures but Tommy Thompson london will be holding to court after a twoyear international manhunt. He utilized a lot of different techniques to evade captures multiple aliases involved. Reporter he and his girlfriend nabbed after two investors accused him of bilk money they sunk into his historic 1980s expedition. Know what that is . Reporter his team finds the uss Central America which in 1857 went down with over 21 tons of gold. 1855 wass molitor Molitor Company youre kidding. All right. Reporter Sam Donaldson called him on his ship at the time. We estimate that the value could be up to about 400 million. Reporter after reportedly selling a portion of the gold artifacts in 2000 for 50 million. Investigators say he became a ghost. Now his old investors want their share. For Good Morning America, matt gutman abc news, miami. Hiding in boca raton. Of all the places to hide. Time for the weather and ging. Good morning. Record high temperatures anywhere from austin yesterday at 0 to Oklahoma City third day in a row that theyve had a record and topeka had its record high all time for january, the hottest theyve ever been in january since theyve taken records so that heat plus a little wind equals this. And this was from close to tulsa, oklahoma unfortunately wildfire i think theyll get it under control and certainly things will be a whole lot koot cooler today because look at the highs, the cooler front came through, 5 through,55 Oklahoma City and laredo will stay at 80. Nashville to 58 and new orleans, 75. Some of those temperatures are, though still 15 degrees above average. Remember all the cold staying in the northeast and its actually getting colder good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, hazy sunshine, a few high clouds is the big temperature and democrats above average. Lowtomid 60s at the coast and midtoupper 60s for the rest us and warmer through saturday with 70s and cooler next week. Have a great all that weather brought to you by Weight Watchers. So many people tweeting me and saying this is weird for january. People in the planes. I wouldnt mind a weird day. Weird in a good way. Thats the truth. Thank you, ginger. Coming up the latest on that growing Measles Outbreak. Now over a thousand people being monitored and the extreme measures being taken. An abc news exclusive with the former nfl player facing serious allegations after claiming Workers Compensation and then competing on survivor. Everyone knows Weight Watchers works and this is a whole new way to do it. You can pull out your phone and just say, uh help twenty four seven, expert chat, is click to chat. I am a coach. I am real. I am there answering your chats. You can do it completely online. If you wake up hungry. If you show up at the office and theirs donuts and you werent expecting them. Coaches are literally a click away. Ive been there, ive lost the weight and i can help you do it to. The all new Weight Watchers. Join for free. One month free. When the flu hits, its a really big deal. The aches. The chills. The fever. An even bigger deal . Everything you miss out on. Family pizza night. The big game. Or date night. 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And country crock melts in for the perfect mashed potatoes, every time. Creamy texture and rich buttery taste. Mmm, mmm welcome to crock country. When you fall in love, everything is brighter, bolder more intense new revlon ultra hd™ lipstick Gel Technology delivers instant, truecolor clarity. With a smooth, weightless feel revlon. Love is on. [ female announcer ] nervous whitening will damage your teeth . Introducing new listerine® healthy white™. It not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. Lose the nerves and get a healthier whiter smile that youll love. Listerine® healthy white™. Power to your mouth™ there are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Back now at 7 40 with a former nfl player being accused of fraud claiming to be seriously disabled by injuries suffered during his career. The Insurance Company now crying foul after seeing him compete in a notoriously stressful reality show. Abcs brian ross is back with that story. Good morning to you, brian. The nfl could be one of the most dangerous workplaces in the country and,000s of former players are seeking Workers Compensation payments like any other employee hurt on the job including one former player who collected big, but then turned up on national tv looking like tarzan. Survivors, ready . Go. Reporter millions of people watched as former football star Brad Culpepper in the red trunks with the white stripe led his team on this cbs program survivor. Culpeppers have dominated in this challenge. Reporter showing the same grit he once displayed on nfl game day. But also taking notice was the Insurance Company that just two years earlier had paid him 175,000 in Workers Compensation based on an 89 disability rating. Going on survivor, brian, thats a lot to deal with and the insurer is upset about it. Reporter and now culpepper, number 77 wants a ferocious defensive lineman in the nfl is being sued accused of fraud and deceit. Turn on any game. Its a violent game. Reporter but culpepper is fighting back showing us xrays and a fat file of medical reports that he says document his many injuries and impairments. Im in pain and i im in pain every day but this is not a sympathy story. Reporter on the tape of that show youre very very active. I absolutely was. Reporter on suv culpepper repeatedly dives into the water, but the lawsuit says culpepper reported quite a bit of difficulty getting into or out of the bath and performing heavy activities around his home. If you have a hard time getting in or out of a bath how are you able to dive into the water like that in survivor . You keep asking me this. I was on pain medication and i had back procedure right before that. Reporter culpepper is also seen hefting big crates but according to the lawsuit, he claims he can lift and carry heavy objects only if they are conveniently positioned. How many times are you going to because im on pain medication. Reporter then a clearly frustrated culpepper decided it was time for the tv interview version of a blitz tearing off his coat and tie and shirt and stripping down to his undershirt. This is a normal bicep. Okay. How does that one look . Okay. Is that normal . Thats not, okay. That causes me pain, okay theres people that miss an entire season because of a torn bicep. Do you see this ac joint. Thats bone. Thats my clavicle okay. Its not over here. Its here. Thats permanent. Reporter the ultimate proof, he says that he is not a fraud. As the lawsuit and the front page headlines alleged. This i worked way too hard in my life to have this as a headline. Culpepper fakes his injuries. Can you fake that . Culpepper says hes ready to face a jury and let them decide if the allegations of fraud have any merit. Certainly no doubt from what he showed me he suffered serious jars in his football career. Now on the defense after appearing on survivor as 89 disabled. I was banged up and beat up. You can take care of yourself and i know for me i dont have as much pain as a lot of others. I still have pain even though it looks like that i cant do just about anything you feel it. Your little pinkie is all oh. Hey. I can still pick up my coffee. Good morning, america. So no Workers Compensation for michael. Denied. All right, brian, thank you, michael, i think thank you. Coming up i was asked. You were. Actress Melissa Gilbert is opening up about a Bold Decision she made to remove her breast implants. This is an abc news exclusive. Brazen dognapping. Why hollywood stars are taking action to bring him home. Bring the pooch back. Family with a vacation theyll never forget. 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Reporter used to rubbing shoulders with celebrities like glees lea michele but charlie the star of his own missing poster after a dramatic daylight dognapping wednesday. The whole thing caught on surveillance cam. Watch as charlie walks down the treat followed by this woman and child. Seconds later the woman ee americans and walks off dog in her arms. I just want him back. Reporter charlies owner offering a 5,000 reward for his safe return and pitching in along with the Beverly Hills p. D. A few of his famous friends like hilary duff posting charlies picture to her instagram. The post already has over 70,000 likes. Charlie is a staple here. Everyone in Beverly Hills knows him. Reporter also joining the search Beverly Hills chihuahua star george lopez naturally. Hilary duff has the one side of the town covered and george lopez, i thought id take the other. We dont have children yet so hes our child. Reporter cohen telling us shes hoping this alist assist helps to bring her star home. We are not going to stop looking . Julie hired a private detective and says if the woman behind the dognapping gives charlie to a friend and the friend returns him she will still pay the 5,000 reward. Thats how badly she wants him back. Give him back. As a dog lover, thats a member of her family. You can see her pain . Hopefully they find charlie coming up football 101. Ill tell you everything you need to know about the big game. Coming up Good Morning Americas deals steals brought to you by bank of america. Use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. Frustrated with your Overactive Bladder medicine not working . Cant handle the side effects . Botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. And reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. 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[ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. One of the best things about vacation, is that you get to be your best self. So at hilton, we say be deliciously outside your comfort zone. Be there when onceinalifetime appears. Be promoted to the senior vp of splash. Or be the one to make her feel weak in the knees all over again. Hilton. Ready and waiting for you at 12 distinct brands in over 2,000 cities. Explore now at hiltongetaways. Com. Good morning america is brought to you by hilton ready for you in over 2,000 cities and 12 brands. Tt2wlr [bk o f e58 tt2wlr [bk n 55p tt2wlr [bk 4 f c tt2wlr [bk x a 0 still a delay. Heres a look at san jose. Up to the san jose airport, you can see some fog in the distance. Slow on 880 as you head in the southbound direction. This crash at oakland has cleared. 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Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. , and more than a thousand people being monitored for measles right now. New concerns about the virus spreading. What you need to know to keep your family safe. And actress Melissa Gilbert opens up about removing her breast implants, revealing in an abc news exclusive, how she felt about getting them in the first place. I dont regret that i had the surgery. I regret that i felt that i had to. I know and magical makeunders. How you can make the hottest hollywood trend work for you. Our glam squad sharing their secrets and transforming women live. How you like me now youre going to like this one. Vine sensation jerome jarre here live. Hello. Good morning, america. With more than 8 million followers hes revealing all the tips and tricks you need to become a social superstar. Here we come here we go and kick off your super bowl celebration right now, everything you need to know to get ready for the big game, michael is taking you to super school. All that and how to get away with murder star matt mcgorry here kicking off tgit on gma as we say good morning, america. Finger guns. Finger guns. I havent heard that. Theres worldwide social media phenomenon, jerome jarre. Hes a superstar on vine. Millions follow him to see those sixsecond videos. And what theyre seeing right now, those ugly selfies. Take us through those with the audience right now. Hes got that face down. Oh. Oh, george. Ugly. Wow. Eddie. Jerome is the number one ranked snapchatter taking us over this morning. Didnt see michael because hes working the xs and os. Also ahead, football 101, i as professor strahan will give you the lesson you need if you are watching the game at home and dont want to admit you dont know anything about football, you watch this. I got to get back to work. Enough about me, lara, go ahead. Thank you, professor. Looking forward to that. Also tory has some great valentines day deals and steels more than 80 off. Not a typo. Cant wait for that. Now news from amy. All right, george, good morning, everyone. We begin with the expiring we begin with breaking news. Ron claiborne. Amy, were seeing the first video after an explosion after a Childrens Hospital in mexico city this morning, more than 50 people are injured including dozens of children many of the victims are trapped right now in the rubble Authorities Say a gas tanker exploded outside that hospital and about 30 of that building collapsed. Its unclear right now why the tanker exploded. No a fatalities e immediately confirmed. Also breaking right now the deadline set by isis to save the lives of two hostages has now passed. Isis has demandd that the government of jordan free a convicted female terrorist to spare the life of a jordanian pilot. Now in exchange isis said it would release a japanese journalist held hostage. Before any swap is made jordan has demanded proof that its pilot is still alive. No movement on either side. Earlier confirmed jordan said that the hostage is still in the country. Amy, back to you. Back here in this country a highprofile murder trial gets under way today. Former new England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez is charged with shooting his former friend who at the time was dating his fiancees sister. The jury of 13 women and 5 men will hear Opening Statements today just as the defendants former team makes final preparations for sundays super bowl. And police in Southern California are looking for this man caught on camera throwing something flammable into a mansion, seconds later thick smoke and heavy flames seen bursting out of the home. A young woman inside barely escaped in time. The fire causing nearly 1 million in damage. Neighbors say the owners installed cameras after a dispute with a contractor. And wild stunt at niagara falls, a famous canadian ice climber slowly descended over the icedover falls carefully making his way down with water rushing by him just a few feet away. This is all part of a promotion for an energy drink. And finally, a completely unscientific super bowl prediction with a great track record. So Pay Attention here. Three years ago, this porcupine named teddy bear because hes just so huggable chose strahans giants over the patriots, clearly preferring the corn in the giants jar. The next year he chose the rave reyens jar over the 49ers. And last year you know it teddy bear took the seattles jar and won big. This year, do you want to know what his prediction is . He is sticking with the seahawks, picking them as repeat champions so we will see if teddy bear can make it four in a row. I know its going to be a good game. We know that for sure. Teddy bear is great, though. Other predictors like chuckles the camel. We have to weigh in with them, as well. Lots of animals weighing in, george. I tell you what. Health news now and the growing concern about that Measles Outbreak. One school in california is now taking extreme measures to protect its students from the disease and arizona monitoring a large group of people right now. Abcs dr. Richard besser is here. This is a pretty fascinating step by the Riverside School in california. Saying to students if you dont have the vaccine you cant come to school. Thats right. They think there may have been an exposure to measles in that school and the thing about measles is it can take 21 days from the time youre exposed to when you get sick and you can spread the disease for four days before you show any symptoms. So, if you didnt get the vaccine, they want those kids to stay home until theyre outside that window. And in arizona, you have this larger group, a thousand quarantined at home for similar reasons. Measles, its not like ebola where you need direct contact, this is the most contagious virus we know of, a thousand people had some level of contact with someone who had measles so those not vaccinated theyre telling them to stay home until theyre out of the clear. Its getting serious out west. Whats your recommendation . No one likes to give kids shots. I dont enjoy that as a pediatrician but this, two doses, 99 effective. Check at your school to make sure they have good policies to make sure kids need to be vaccinated to come to school. Vaccines are the answer. Rich, thanks very much. You can answer measles questions all morning long on twitter drrichardbesser. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. In pop news a big oscars announcement youll only find out what this is right here and i promise you do not want to miss it. And then, an abc news exclusive with actress Melissa Gilbert opening up about her decision to remove her breast implants. And the secrets to one of the hottest hollywoods beauty trend, one woman getting a makeunder right here live on Good Morning America with great tips on how you can do that at home. All that, come on outside. Cant wait for that, by the way. Ooh, thank you, fonzi. Social media superstar jerome jarre coming up live on Good Morning America. Lets do it. Lets do the selfie. Okay. Ready . Gmas morning menu is brought to you by nexium 24 hour. Available without a prescription. Nexium 24hr. Its the purple pill. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protectiontm. When hollywoods premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for todays biggest stars. He designs it to look fabulous from every angle. And for his collection at kay jewelers. He does the exact. Same. Thing. Yes neil lane bridal. Uniquely beautiful handcrafted rings at kay the number one Jewelry Store in america. My collection is vintage inspired. With flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. Because i want every woman to feel like a star. Every kiss begins with kay. Nabbed. Booked. Locked up. Case closed . You dont know aarp. Because the Aarp Fraud Watch Network means everyone can protect themselves and their families from scams and identity theft. With local alerts, tips from Law Enforcement and the inside scoop from former con artists. Real possibilities to stay ahead of the bad guys. If you dont think beat con men at their own game, when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. At philadelphia, theres an art to making cream cheese. We always use fresh milk, real cream, and no preservatives. Thats why philadelphia cream cheese tastes so rich and creamy. Only philadelphia. Oh theres an Energy Crisis happening alright. A human one. And its time to fight it. With the good energy of quaker oats. Its how we help keep gogetters like you going and getting. One bite at a time. Try new quick steel cut for a heartier texture. Quaker up. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids ice time. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. And 2 back at the grocery store. Even before she got 3 back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. Katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. Thats the comfort of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Yesterday was the debut of to pop it off. Dont know how you can top that. The bar is low so here we go. Well be rhyming the entire no, we wont show. First up in pop news, its an abc exclusive announcement about the oscars and anxious to share this with you. Tim mcgraw will pay the ultimate honor to Glen Campbell at this Years Academy awards. Mcgraw will perform campbells oscar nominated song i believe we have it. Miss you the song is im not going to miss you up for best original song from a documentary about campbells final tour and his diagnosis with alzheimers. Mcgraw calls it a powerful song from one of the true legends of the music industry. We could not agree more. I dare say get your tissues ready. I am betting there wont be a dry eye in the house as you may have heard, the oscars airs february 22nd right here on abc. Tim is going to bring it. He is perfect for this. Powerful moment to be sure. Also in pop news today, the baristas at starbucks may be notorious for spelling your name wrong, but did you know they might be helping you out in a grande way . According to zillow talk, the new real estate book, houses near starbucks appreciated 96 between 1996 and 2014 compared to houses that were further away. They only went up 65 . Obviously real estate a very good investment but 96 . Therefore based on our pop news scientific investigation, the value there it is very scientific, the value of your house goes up a latte the closer you live to a starbucks. This is called the starbucks effect. We wondered if it works for the apartments near the over 200 starbucks on just about every corner here in new york city. Kind of fit in pop news investigation. I will be investigating many Different Things, george, some of which you know about which are ongoing investigations. I love your inspectors outfit. Im investigating. Cute. Thats what i put on when i investigate. And then finally, everybody, in pop news today, not popping it off, robin, im just telling you, jeff bridges wants to lull you to sleep. The oscar winner and recording artist has come out with a new album of sleeping tapes. This mix includes the actors voice over sounds and recordings. Heres what jeff has to say about it. I love listening to intriguing sounds when i drift off into my dreams. Others might oh, im sorry. Yeah, jeff bridges. Its like from the big lebowski. Amazing. Like hes trying to beat out matthew mcconaughey. Studies show that a slow tempo and lowtoned sound can help slow down your heartbeat, put you into a trancelike state and theyre so effective he admitted he fell asleep while recording them. Theyre that good. Im afraid i would start laughing and not be able to sleep. Im actually really excited. I love his voice. Im a huge fan of his work and im going to im going to try it. We will do about anything for sleep. Jeff bridges, thank you. We have a small table here. Robin. Im done. Well show you guys. We will show you. Lara, i mean, you just have kicked it up a notch. Thank you. Pop it off. The low investigates. And everything. Put on my little hat. Pop news investigates. Hey, good morning. We are so happy out here. Really were just trying to stay warm. It it is cold. Where are you from . From orlando. Orlando. She said this is my kids, my husband. So you ran away. I ran away. Well, this morning theyre not running anywhere in parts of michigan, ohio, columbus getting freezing rain up to cleveland. You can see the freezing rain, that is a slick spot. Not water there. Thats what all the roads look like, hundreds of schools closed in the great lakes and heres what youre going to go for today. Much colder air. Detroits high, 35. Indianapolis, 43, and that clipper will bring some light snow to parts of the northeast tonight through tomorrow and heavier near the canadian border. Every morning im out here in times square looking like im crying. Its really just the wind. Its that cold, guys. George. Get inside, ginger. Now we have the heat index. Melissa gilbert opening up about her decision at age 50 to remove the breast implants she got in her 20s. Juju chang sat down for an exclusive interview. She joins us now. Reporter its got to be a sign of the times that it seems radical to opt for natural breasts but Melissa Gilbert is so candid about her lifes ups and downs and shes happy in her third marriage so she had no idea shed get such a massive reaction for confessing to undoing her plastic surgery. Melissa. Reporter Melissa Gilbert is used to the spotlight. Literally growing up in front of americas eyes playing Laura Ingalls wilder from the age of 10 to 20 on little house on the prairie. Even serving as president of the screen actors guild. But now the 50yearold gilbert making headlines with the highly personal blog about opting to remove her breast implants. Earlier this month. You were a double d. Can you believe this . What are you now . B. Just an average b. Not a big b. Reporter for 20 years she says she had implants, saline then silicone, but she says insecurity over her physical appearance set in long before she underwent any operations. I was a late bloomer. I developed later than everybody else, and even on little house on the prairie the last couple of years, i was playing the adult version of Laura Ingalls wilder so it was just an assumption it was time to wear a padded bra and an a cup was not enough, i had to be a b. Laura ingalls was wearing a padded bra . This Laura Ingalls and i was 16. So you imagine the message in my head is like, okay, well, these are not right. Reporter making matters even tougher during those little house years watching her onscreen nemesis alison who played nelly olson developing while she wasnt. I was a double a cup. They didnt make training bras. There was nothing to train, right . And she comes in, you know, at just a year older than me and shes wearing bras. Legit bras . The decision to remove the implants, gilbert says, all came down to health. I have disc issues in my neck and i have absolutely no pulling on my shoulders and all the pain in my neck has completely disappeared. Reporter and standing by her decision her husband fellow tv veteran Timothy Busfield of thirtysomething fame. My husband has been so supportive and sweet about this whole process. He said, do it, go. Now he seems perfectly happy. Reporter gilbert says shes not against breast implants but hopes women considering the procedure have all the facts before going under the knife. The one thing that the medical community will admit to is that breast implants will not last forever in your body and have to be replaced. Theres an expiration date. Theres an expiration date. When youre getting the implants youre making a commitment not just to that operation but to every 10, 15 years. I dont regret i had the surgery. I regret that i felt that i had to. And you know the reversal surgery is one that she had to shop around for. One Plastic Surgeon told her it would take nine hours of anesthesia and 38,000 but she says she wound up with a twohour surgery that cost much, much less. This was like the opposite of a midlife crisis. Shes accepting a good message. I agree. Thank you, juju and Melissa Gilbert will return when secrets and lies premieres on abc. We have football 101. For those of us who think a touchdown is when a plane is landing and the tight end is what you get when you work out a lot, football can be challenging. I actually did know both of those. Okay. However, if you are baffled by the game, youre not alone. All right. Here we go. Hit the net. We all know i can kick. And kind of talk football. Listen, this could mean draft picks. Serious business. It is serious business, that to some is more like a second language. Illegal formation. Pass interference. Just ask phoebe from friends. Joey is going to catch it and you and i are going to block. Whats block . Up into the air. Reporter many still scratching their heads after this gamechanging moment during the seahawks big win last week. Because the onside kick hits the ground you cant ask for the fair catch. You got to field it. Even our own dan harris not exactly bursting with nfl knowhow. Not because you dont know what football is. Thats different. Is this the one with the home runs or close. Youre getting warmer. Reporter sure, most of us know a touchdown is six points. But whats a bootleg . Well, if you want to impress your friends, its when the quarterback pretends to give the ball to a teammate then moves in the opposite direction for a pass or a run of his own. With so Many Americans expected at super bowl watching parties this weekend looking like we know what were talking about is something all of us might need just a little bit of work on. Do you know the team that plays the new England Patriots. I grew up in boston. The quarterback is . The quarterback is rob marciano, time for the weather. Tom brady. How are you doing, man . All right. Dan harris has proven that we need a Football School and michaels Football School did in session. Yay here we go. If you dont know what to say during a game with a lot of people have that problem, here are five things that will make people think you know what youre talking about. Yes. Draft pick. We havent drafted yet. You threw that out there. You didnt know what you were talking about but made sense to me. Thats what this is about. This is about throwing some things out there no matter what point of the game and people will say, they know what theyre talking about. I will give you some terms. Tell me what you think they mean. The first is holding. When you hold someone who is trying to run. Hugging. Thats hugging. Thats hugging. Something for affection or thats a tackle. Holding the line. Holding the line. No, holding what do you do in holding . If anything happens against your team, say the other team scores a big play, you say that should have been holding. It means the other team is grabbing your guy. And not letting him go. Not nice. Impeding their progress. Impeding. So just yell holding. Always holding on every play. You can never go wrong with that. The hugging was nice. I prefer the hugging. A lot more tender. Number two, oh, you know i know all about sacks. You sack the youre an expert. No need to go any further. You sack the quarterback before he throws the ball. Behind the line of scrimmage. Thats always important. Number three, fleaflicker. Does that have anything to do with flea markets . No, it means go wash your dog, your dog has fleas. When a quarterback has the ball, hands it to the running back and he throws it back to the quarterback and he throws it down the field. Thatss a fleaflicker. If a play doesnt do a play well just say fleaflicker. Interference. It happens all the time. Just say interference. That means they impeded on your guy. The last one is blitz. What people are going to get. Youve got it. Forget about this, everybody. Blitz is, have fun, everybody. Its the super bowl. Thats the blitz we should be having. And i asked my followers to send questions to answer about football. How do i reap how did i prepare for the super bowl . I slept at least eight hours. That was it. [ applause ] all right. Here we are, school is out of session. Im so sorry. Is school not out . Lets go to ginger, shes with tory with deals steals. Thank you, teacher. I learned so much. I love that. And love and romantic, deals steals, now valentines day, tory johnson. Thats right. Here we go. Two deals for you right now, first up, from yedi housewares. Turn this one delicately. Gorgeous porcelain piece, theres all kinds of cake stand, teapots, teacups. Tea sets you know it. Big assortment normally starting at 40, all slashed in half, so just 20 to 35 and the second bonus deal from kings of cole these gorgeous angel wing tshirts. Normally starting big bucks, 1210, these are slashed by 81 . 20 to 4 all the links and codes and six fabulous deals coming up on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo well be right back. Good morning americas deals steals is brought to you by bank of america. Use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. These deals and earn cash back. Good morning imthe california Highway Patrol tried to pull over a sedan for a suspected dui on interstate 580 around 2 45. The driver didnt stop. The chase ended and the vehicle was boked in by two cruisers and the driver rammed the two vehicles trying to escape. A gun was found inside the car, but no officers were injured. Check out how foggy it is in san jose. Its in the background there. Its slowing traffic down a bit in the northbound direction. Use low beams this morning. We have this accident involving a motorcycle northbound 101 at shoreline boulevard. Your drive in the northbound direction stop and go female announcer dont wait for president s day to save on a new mattress. Sleep trains president s day sale is on now save up to 300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. And sleep trains 100 day money back guarantee. Keep more president s in your wallet. Sleep trains president s day sale is on now . Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep bulldog oh boy mattress discounters president s day sale whats this . A queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just 397. Mattress discounters has the Largest Selection of memory Foam Mattresses under one roof comforpedic. Icomfort. Posturepedic hybrid. And wow get up to four years interestfree financing on the entire tempurpedic cloud collection [yawn] dont miss the president s day sale. Mattress discounters good morning, lets talk temperatures first. Napa, 39. Now lets take a look at the fog with live doppler. Check out san jose, thats the lowest visibility. Half a mile in santa rosa. We have delays at sfo and san jose. Heres a look at 87 near the shark tank. Can barely see. Temperatures about 4 to 8 degrees above average. Th so wake me up when its all over everybody in the control room right now as we say good morning, america. 8 30 a. M. A lot of fun and more information to get to including our big there it is makeunder. I never heard of this before but its the secrets to one of hollywoods hottest beauty trends right now. Yeah, i think the idea there is less is more. Its to trick men into thinking youre not wearing makeup. You all look great. We have even more romantic deals steals coming up. Tory has that. And one of the stars there, matt mcgorry of how to get away with murder, there he is in the social square right now at the twitter mirror and hes going to dish a little bit on tonights premiere. Tgit is back. Good morning, everyone. So excited for the return of tgit. Also very excited right now for the king of vine, jerome jarre right here in times square, so many thrilled fans outside with him. Were going to talk to him live in just a moment. Of course lets get over to robin. You know, i feel like im at the beach. You know the beach ball smell. Oh. One can dream. Its all about the love, though, this morning. Tory is back with more valentines day deals steals. I know youre on our website right now, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo poised and ready for these really big bargains. Yeah. So this is the big love ball. Right . You get it, the big love ball, this is the biggest size that it comes in, but it comes in three different sizes, and whats also fun once you blow it up you can use a sharpie and write a big message guaranteed to spread the love. Come on, everyone is smiling around here, right . Really, really fun deal. Normally starting at 20, all slashed in half so the biggest the tiniest one is 10 and then it goes up to 42. 50. So now lets get behind the hearts here. A great savings. A really big savings. I cant wait for people to see this. These are stunning. You and i love amelia rose but we always see the earrings here but this is the first time were introducing the paris collection, gorgeous center stone surrounded by pave crystals. A lot of different stones to choose from and also three different metals to choose from, gold plated, silver, black plated silver. They all come in a gorgeous gift box so theyre going to be ready. Really amazing deal on these. Normally these range from starting at 119 slashed by 67 , today only 39 and Free Shipping from amelia rose, 39. Thats a good one. Again, staying in that vein. Theres a Little Something special with this one. This is the Danielle Stevens specifically a memorable date inland. We can see this little one right here, 9 20 12. Thats when i had my bone marrow transplant. My new birth date. Thats your new birth date so we got that for you they come in thank you. You can choose from either sterling silver or gold vermeil. I happen to love these starting at 135, these are slashed by at least 65 so really just 39 to 59 and Free Shipping from Danielle Stevens too. Just when i think you cant surprise me, you do it again and again, tory. Thank you. Next up, sissy yates designs, sissy is back with a gma favorite which is these Little Leather bracelets with a beautiful little heart slideon charm. Theyre simple and adjustable. Theres a great clasp on the back, a variety of different colors, i think these are fun to give to one another. Treat yourself. Quite frankly, every day should be valentines day. Normally 62, big discount, 20. Wow you really are getting big discounts. Good, good deals. Super fun. These are a. G. Socks from robert kardashian, big, huge assortment to choose from. What i love is i pulled these out for you so if you were to wear these the bottom would show sole mate. How cute is that . So many cute different ones, i love the kid ones the little baby ones spit happens kiss me. So for the babies and kids, you get two pairs, the adult, big assortment of men and womens. Regularly 15, these are slashed to 7. 50. A huge selection. These are adorable. I knew about this. Last but not least. A little more traditional. A little more traditional. From m m this is their personalized onepound box of m ms. I dont know if we wanted to show you up close, but look these have laras face on it and say lovely lara and live, love, laugh. We have sexy strahan and Gorgeous George and rockin robin. Thats so cute. You can choose. You get to put different colors, an image, text, so much fun to make these and when you hear this price youll want to do it. So these are normally 50 from m m, but theyre slashed by a whopping 60 , 20 bucks and Free Shipping. Free shipping. 20 bucks for that box of custom m ms. And theyre good. Theyre so good. They are good. And you are great. Thank you as always, tory. You can get these and we thank the companies for providing these great, great deals and we have the links and codes for all of the deals youve seen in this mornings show plus three bonus offers as you were talking about all at goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo lara. Thank you. Thanks, robin, so much. Great deals there and, hey, if you had six seconds what kind of story would you tell . Well, this gentleman, jerome jarre hello. Has become the king of vine by creating funny videos full of so much positivity. That has helped him rack up over 14 million followers worldwide. Were going to talk to jerome in just a moment but sara haines with his inspiring story. Reporter meet jerome jarre. Oohlalalala. The 24yearold social media star, mastering the sixsecond video grabbing over 8 million followers on vine and counting. Highfive. Reporter the superstar originally born in france embraces his heritage. Surfboard. Surfboard. Reporter and is especially known for how he refers to his best friend. Look at this baby squirel. Reporter his signature smile and love for life. Making him one of the most recognizable stars on the street. Oh, my god. Youre the vine guy. No way. Hes just always, always positive. He responds to kids who tell him theyre his fans and friends. Its all smile, all funny and kids just really, really appreciate it. Reporter he certainly isnt shy. Never afraid to lay his special kind of charm on anyone. Oh, god. Even a stranger. I do. She said yes. Man and wife. My little macaroon. Reporter celebs on the red carpet. Do you want to build a snowman . Reporter or queen bey herself. This secondsecond star can make anyone happy. Are you happy . Sara haines, abc news, new york. Look at the access that you have gotten and two years since the first vine happened and you were practically homeless at that time. Yeah, i came to new york with 400 a year and a half ago but told myself vine was going to be my chance and i did i just make made the videos and everything followed. And every time i watch one of those, i smile. Its impossible not to. Thats my goal. Its all about positivity. Yes, i think when you create content, when people watch content, it turns into thoughts in their heads so you need to make sure its positive thoughts. Thats why i tell people not to watch the news because its so negative all the time. You need to fulfill yourself with positivity. And its also about sharing that message, a personal experience that you went through being bullied and being there for so many others who have been through the same experience. Yeah there are so many kids being bullied. So im just with the phone its so personal, i really try to talk with my soul and just i just show that if i can be fearless in the street and go talk to strangers and do things that people are afraid, so that means you can do it too. They dont have to be afraid. Being fearless is a key because it opens up possibilities in your life. Yeah. Endless possibilities. Yes. And you have 14 Million People who believe in your message so much. You dont call them followers, you call them friends. I think with the word fans the world fans is such a bad connotation. Its like you are a fan and i am here. Were all the same level. We are friends, we are walking together towards this goal of being happy and growing and finding our purpose. I cant stop smiling just talking to you. You just have a really wonderful aura. I want to share with you some of the questions from your vine friends. Oh, awesome. This is from katie diaz. Lets take a look. Hi, jerome. Do you think youve found your lifes purpose . Oh, its awesome. Its because i always talk on my snapchat about purpose. I think thats the most important question in your life. What is your purpose . That is a question which you always ask when you meet somebody and i didnt have a purpose before. I didnt know my purpose but all these social experiments and connecting with all those people are helping me create one for me. Now my purpose is to have them create their purpose. Love it. Jerome jarre whats your purpose . My purpose, i guess, is spreading the message of positivity as well and nice to talk to you. Its a pleasure to meet you. Continued success. Thank you. You got to meet him, ginger. Hes a wonderful guy and were going to get a check on the weather with you first. He seems that way. Were all watching, jerome. You wanted to say hello to him. Right . Hi, jerome. Were making a vine. Were making a vine right here. So whats your name again . Mccamy johnson. Mccamy. Youll see these on my vine and these are our instagram and twitter. Tennessee, some beautiful sunrises there. Just in eastern tennessee. A few from pennsylvania and there in jupiter, florida. A quick look, though, at the southwest. We were talking about that tropical moisture fueling whats going to happen in the next two days, especially in arizona, new mexico, theres some winter storm watches and warnings starting to go into effect. So look for some of those higher good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, hazy sunshine, a few high clouds is the big temperature and democrats above average. Lowtomid 60s at the coast and midtoupper 60s for the rest us and warmer through saturday with 70s and cooler next week. Have a great everybody here getting fired up for the souper bowl this sunday right, and our sponsor, campbell sent over this cart. Blake, thank you for handing those out. Hearty Chicken Pot Pie soup perfect for when the family and friends get together to watch the big game. Go ahead and taste it. Give me a little taste. Mmmm. Its creamy delicious. All right, lara. Ill bring you in some. Thank you so much. Coming up, the reveal of gmas makeunder. Were going to show you how to pull off one of hollywoods hottest trends and one more ugly selfie. Can we get it in . Ugly, ugly. Tt2wut3nu d bt qv tt2wut3nu d a qfl tt2wut3nu d bm qm, tt4wut3nu d dztq well, less is more on the red carpet these days. Many actresses and models are going for that more natural look by toning the makeup done. Weve been doing the same for one lucky woman this morning, and well reveal her gma makeunder in just a moment, but but first Abbie Boudreau with some of the secrets to pulling off this look. Reporter its the hottest trend turning heads in hollywood. Alist stars toning down the glam for gritty movie roles like Jennifer Anistons natural look in cake. Will you just get me something other than mary . I have problems with anything religious. Reporter to a rugged Reese Witherspoon in wild. I dont mind biting. Reporter even a freshfaced Julianne Moore in still alice not to mention celebs like lady gaga, demi lovato and it supermodel Cara Delevingne all sporting their selfies on instagram. We have some celebs and looks like they have zero makeup on. Its makeup. Theres a secret to looking like you have no makeup on. Reporter i was hoping for a little help from amanda jacobellis, owner of makeup mandy in west hollywood. So whats that secret . The secret is lips, lashes and lift. Reporter but first. Well take a little of this off. Reporter start with a fresh face, then on to the lift. A contoured cheekbone and chiseled chin with just a quick brush of bronzer. This down here, thats going to bring out that cheekbone and lift the face. Reporter next, the lash. Youll never see a celebrity without some type of lash. Reporter jacobellis says these inexpensive drugstore lashes will give you a brighteyed look. What a difference oh my gosh and finally the lip. A little color to the lips without looking made up. The shine in just the center of the lip which will give more of a pout. Reporter an easy makeunder in just a few minutes. For Good Morning America, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, los angeles. Abbie looks fantastic, and i believe we have a fantastic reveal coming up right now. Celebrity Makeup Artist mally roncal has been working with madison all morning long and were going to first see what she looked like when she first arrived this morning and had lots of makeup on. Madison, are you ready . I am. Here we go. Excuse us. Here you go. Wow wow. Whoo. I love it. I was going to ask you, what do you think . Its so fresh. I like it. It really looks great. Tell us how you did it. First of all, we stripped all that off and we really want to focus on a couple of things. Her brows were so dark. Shes got amazing brows. She doesnt need all that stuff so we just did a little highlight. We did a little lift, filled them in but not all that black stuff. Now, also the bronzer. I know, we all go craycray over bronzer and we use it like walltowall carpeting. I like to use it just as a nice contour we were talking about so around the perimeter of the face and the hollows of the cheeks and warms it up but the eyeliner is the big thing. Everybody loves the eyeliner and its so black and so thick and it makes your eyes look like two beady holes in a bed sheet. Her eyes look so much bigger. Exactly. So what you do you bury it down deep within the lashes and shes so young so use a color, use plum, use green, something fun and adds to the look. Mally, fantastic. Mad diane, do you think can you do this at home . Definitely. Are you going to change the eyeliners. Yes. And the colors are soft. Everything is just softer. Shes young, beautiful. Its amazing and its really easy. All right, mally and madison, you look beautiful. Great job. Thank you, momma. We appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up how to get away with murder star matt mcgorry here live. Stay with us. Tgit is back, and that means brandnew episodes of how to get away with murder. One of the shows stars matt mcgorry here but first lets take a sneak peek at tonights episode. My condolences for your husband, annalise. Hes been gone for how long long now, 15 hours . You think this is a game. I think you dont like your odds and this is how badly you need to win even if it means throwing your own husband under the bus. Why, did he finally tell you he was leaving you. Is this your version of a woman scorned . I just found out my husband was sleeping with a young woman who was killed and you have the audacity to mock me. Get out now or ill throw you out. Man, that was great. So she torques it up right away. Oh she sure does, 0 to 60. You kept everybody waiting for ten weeks. Yeah. So give us a little bit. We get to find out where annalise was and her whole involvement in terms of, you know, sam keating, you know, the dont be the famous line from the end of that. We get a little more context of that and find out the role she played. Viola, seems like this character was made for her. She has completely owned it. It must be a thrill to be working with her. Its amazing. We all everyone knows how wonderful an actress viola is. But in addition to that, shes just one of the most down to earth and actually really funny people and i think we always have a great time around Craft Services just eating doughnuts together and hanging out. Shes just a really cool person. You can be nice around Craft Services but your character, asher, kind of a jerk. Hes kind of a jerk, but hes like a jerk with a heart of gold, i like to say. Hes actually one of the only characters on the show thats not a liar, if you think about it. Like hes very up front about his ambitions. Everything he wants and jerkiness but very much who he says he is. You get a different to balance out a couple of things. Youre also on orange is the new black. You guys won that big s. A. G. Comedy ensemble. Thanks so much. Your character, a nice guy. He is, he is. In a very unnice place. He is and i feel very fortunate to get to show two very Different Things so sort of early on in my career and concurrently but, yeah, i like to think that maybe asher has a little bit of bennett deep down inside him. You know. Thats what very well, very well hidden. Very well hidden. Just shoveled on top of jerkiness. Yeah. You have to tell us more about your story. I got some video here of just a few years ago. Youre writing for mens fitness magazine. Youre a power lifter. There you are right there in pretty great shape and now all of a sudden youre starring in two of the biggest shows on television. What is that like to have all that happen so fast . Its its been really quite incredible. You know, i studied acting from an early age and went to laguardia high school, which is like the famed school and i went to theater majored in theater in college, as well but it wasnt it really took all my effort and focus to do training and bodybuilding and Power Lifting and had to make a decision to put the focus on acting and put everything in that and i guess something comes along and you know orange is the new black came along, the audition for that, and it was sort of under the radar at the time and they took a risk and things sort of started to build from there, you know. And its just been a pretty wonderful ride for the last year and a half. Hope youre enjoying it. Glad its working out for you. Thanks so much. Matt, thanks for coming in today. How to get away with murder returns tonight at 10 00, 9 00 central right here an abc and well be right back. The your price tool. It gives you options based on your budget its a piece of cake. I was told there would be cake. 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Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Good morning america is brought to you by quaker. Quaker up. Amy is out of here. Yeah. Shes gone on her way to the super bowl. She knows the terms now. Exactly. Maybe. And we have our Super Bowl Party blowout with emeril tomorrow as well. Have a great day, everyone. Everyone. Good morning lets check out the forecast with meteorologist mike nicco. The weather is upside down, bright sunshine in San Francisco but quarter mile visibility into san jose. Also some flight delays into sfo. Thats what were seeing from our bureau camera. All the thick fog over san jose. Once it fades, well have hazy sunshine and 4 to 8 degrees warmer this afternoon. Well build up to 70 on saturday. Then your sevenday forecast gets a little cooler next week. Its dry all seven days. Possibly next friday a chance of rain. We have an injury accident on 101 along the southbound direction. We have heavy delays there right into lucas valley. And driving into a bit of a void here. Theres a fog advisory. Slow conditions over to a very foggy peninsula. Now time announcer its live with kelly and michael. Today, from the series scandal, tony goldwyn. And from downton abbey, joanne froggatt. Plus the newly crowned Miss Universe 2015, paulina vega. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] announcer now here are kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause]

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