And the singer behind this n megahit with a blunt admission. Why hes apologizing for the Grammy Nominated hit. Can a song be too beautiful . And i dont know what to do and good morning, america. A lot of news to get to this friday morning. Were going to look live right here at Bellevue Hospital in manhattan. Thats where dr. Craig spencer, back from treating ebola patients in west africa is in isolation right now. And look at where he lives. His apartment has been sealed off. The Apartment Building has not been, but his apartment has. And it will be decontaminated like we have seen so many times now with this disease. And the Bowling Alley he went to the night before he started feeling symptoms, also shut down right now. A lot of precautions being taken. A cdc go team deployed. The first test for them and the ebola czar. We have linsey davis at the hospital. Good morning. Reporter good morning, george. Bellevue hospital had conducted drills like this for months in anticipation of this very scenario. And this morning dr. Craig spencer is here. Officials monitoring his every move, leading up to the moment his temperature started to increase and theyre saying he started to see stops of fatigue as early as tuesday. This morning 33yearold dr. Craig spencer and miss livein fiancee, morgan dixon, are quarantined, apartment sealed off, two friends under quarantine. As new york officials try to calm public fears while racing to find out who else he had we have been preparing for months for the threat posed by ebola. We have clear and strong protocols which are being skre scrupulously followed and were followed in this instance. Reporter seven days ago, spencer arrived in new york after treating patients in guinea with doctors without borders. He flew home through brussels, arrived at jfk, passing several screenings along the way. When he arrived in the United States he was also well with no symptoms. Reporter once back in new york, we have learned dr. Spencer took his temperature twice a day. Feeling fine except for fatigued. But just one day before his dire dig sis, the doctor traveled to manhattans popular high line park, dined at a meatball shop, even taking the subway from his apartment to brooklyn. He even took an uber car. Although Health Officials say the driver is at very low risk. Last stop, this Bowling Alley in brooklyn called the gutter alley. The Bowling Alley is now shut down. But officials insist spencer would not have been contagious until the fever thursday morning. And another good sign, bellevue has been Running Drills like this for weeks. We have had a full, coordinated effort that has been working literally night and day. Reporter still, spencers neighbors, like so many new yorkers this morning, cant help but worry. Health officials want to stress that ebola is not an airborne illness. Dr. Spencer is a doctor at another hospital in new york. But he had not treated any patients since his return. Robin . All right, dr. Richard besser is here with more on this. We have heard from the governor and the mayor of new york city, they prepared for the possibility of this. But yet, as linsey said, with him on the subway and the Bowling Alley, there are naturally some concerns. Yeah, you have to understand the fear in a crowded city someone with ebola walking around. But this is really a difficult infection to pick up early on. One of the things we saw from dallas and learned from dallas, the people who lived with mr. Duncan. They were in the apartment with him four days while he was sick and four days after, not one of them got sick. And in this situation, dr. Spencer was monitoring his temperature. As soon as he had a fever he was isolated. He was contained. He was not out and about when he could have been spreading fluids and infecting people. And there were other Lessons Learned from what happened in dallas with mr. Duncan, and so many ways. The initial response here was quite different. It was so different. In dallas, someone walked in off the street. They werent thinking about ebola, and they ended up sending him home. Here, they were thinking about ebola, training for this. He was monitoring symptoms. Called in emts, had full hazmat gear, no one was exposed, took him to bellevue, was received by people in hazmat and immediately put in isolation. Very different situation. You were busy on twitter last night and got a lot of questions about the fact this doctor was in africa and came back and has ebola here. How do you address the concerns with people about the border . A couple things. Some people are saying this is proof we should close our border. I think its the exact opposite. Its proof that until we knock this out of west africa, were going to see more disease here. And we have more dr. Spencers helping out over there. All right. And you are active again on twitter. He will be taking your questions. Dr. Richard besser on twitter. Thanks. Okay, guy, thanks. Were going to get the latest on that deadly rampage in canadas capital. The terrifying moments the gunman stealing cars, running into parliament. Abcs dan harris is on the scene in ottawa. Dan, you have an inside look exactly what happened in that Parliament Building. Reporter george, good morning, youre right, this new video is truly extraordinary. Not only are we getting a new look on the attack of the Parliament Building which is just behind me, but were also getting strange new insight into the mind of the alleged shooter. You are looking at a lone wolf terror attack in progress. Police says that suspect michael zehafbibeau. Watch as he leaves his car and he bolts toward the Parliament Building gun in hand. Just moments earlier, he had allegedly slot and killed Corporal Nathan cirillo who had been guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier right nearby. Now at the Parliament Building, people in the gunmans path are frightened and fleeing. And look what he does next, stealing this black car, driving around to the front steps and jumping out while the thing is still moving. As he races inside, there are officers in hot pursuit. Once inside, that massive gunfight which ended with the parliaments sergeant at arms, this man, kevin vickers, shooting and killing zehafbibeau. In this new video, you can see vickers in the immediate aftermath, gun still in hand. And here he is on thursday, on the floor of parliament, a standing ovation for the man who ended the attacks. This morning, were learning much more about the suspect. Police say they now believe he acted alone. His motive, they think this muslim convert wanted to go to syria and was frustrated that he was having trouble getting a passport. Im not inside his head. But i think it was central to what was driving him. Reporter worth noting, he had a long rap sheet including drug and robbery charges. Also this morning, getting a sense of how close the shooter came to stephen harper, the Prime Minister of canada, once he stormed the Parliament Building. The gunman then came directly through this entryway, where he started tangling with some of the guards. Shots were fired, and he was running with bullets flying at him directly down this hallway. This is the incredible part. He ran past these two rooms, which were filled with members of parliament. And in fact in this room was the Prime Minister himself. This member of parliament was trapped too in a small room with her 2monthold baby. Were you terrified . I was terrified. Of course, how can i make sure the baby was not yelling and crying because we were hiding and i did not want anyone to find us. Reporter and this morning, an amazing account of what happened in the room where the Prime Minister was in the Parliament Building to the Prime Minister when the ram page began. According to a local newspaper, he was hidden inside a closet while members of his party, other members of parliament, took the various flags located around the room. They snapped the flag pole, turned them into spears and started guarding the doors. Imagine that, you have one of the most powerful men in the free world hiding in a closet while being guarded by spears. Back to you. All right, dan, good to have you there in ottawa. Thank you. And now to the scary scene on the streets here in new york. A man with a hatchet, attacking Police Officers, badly injuries two of them, one is in critical condition. The attacker was shot dead by police and this morning, there are questions if he has ties to terrorism. Brian ross has more. Reporter good morning. Coming on the heels of the attack on uniformed soldiers in canada, this bizarre incident in new york city is being investigated as possible terrorism. So far it seems more a case of a deranged man obsessed with issues of race. The dramatic Surveillance Video shows the 32yearold man charging with a hatchet in both hands as he prepares to strike. Unprovoked and not speaking a word, the male then swung at one of the officers with the hatchet, striking his right arm. After striking that officer, the suspect continues swinging the hatchet. Striking a second officer in the head, causing him to fall to the sidewalk. Reporter two other Police Officers opened fire, killing the attacker. But also hitting a female bystander. Everybody ran to the store. They ran for their safety. Everybody run to the store. Reporter the attacker has been identified as Zale Thompson bhos Facebook Page shows a focus on racial issues around the world, along with a passage from the co koran. Terrorism could not be ruled out or in. This early on we really cannot say yes or no to that question. Reporter the officer hit in the head with the hatchet is reported this morning to be in serious but stable condition, robin. As you know, brian, we have seen similar attacks like this around the world. In recent months. Australia, england, now canada. Are authorities concerned they may be copy cat attacks . Very concerned, especially in new york, that anybody in uniform, Law Enforcement, military, has become a very symbolic target for people who have some grievance. All on high alert. Yes. And turn now to a deadly midair collision. A small plane and helicopter crashing in maryland, all three on the helicopter killed. But amazingly the passengers on the plane survived. David kerley has the story. Good morning, david. Good morning, george, a story of survival for the people on the plane and the key was an aircraft parachute. Oh, god oh, god reporter panicked screams after a midair crash between this plane and this helicopter in frederick, maryland. Airplane down and helicopter down. Reporter the plane, a small private jet was carrying two, flying from tennessee into a small municipal airport. Just as it was cleared to land, it collides with a helicopter, which was doing exercises on the edge of the grounds. The chopper went down. Reporter the helicopter falling between two storage units, all three on board killed. A helicopter wrecked that bad. Its pretty shocking. Reporter but the plane is able to deploy an on board parachute to slow down, descending into those trees. One of the pilots is in the tree right now. Reporter both men survived, pulled and taken to a hospital. With only minor injuries and released thursday evening. The passenger, 75yearold Gilbert Porter told the Washington Post overnight, it was likely that parachute which saved his and the pilots life. Telling the post we were heading towards ground at 60 miles an hour. Im very lucky to be alive. This morning the National Transportation safety board is investigating how they came together and collided midair on the border of that airport. Ill bet they are. Okay, david, thanks very much. Amy is off today. Dan abrams with the other top stories. Good morning, everyone. We begin with new details about the defective air bags that can explode on impact and send pieces of metal flying through your car. Theres a new demand from congress that could lead to the auto industrys largest recall ever. Two senators pushing to expand the recall to 30 million cars and trucks up from the current 8 million. But the japanese manufacturer is struggling to produce enough new air bags. It could take years to replace them all. Overseas, new dramatic video of an air strike against isis fighters in syria. The bomb destroying everything on that, overlooking the border with turkey. Disturbing new reports that isis used chlorine gas near baghdad. And the terror Group Continues to get richer. U. S. Officials believe isis has made 120 million off oil sales in recent months and another 20 million from kidnapping ransoms. Also breaking overnight, at least 60 more young girls and women have been reportedly kidnapped by militants in nigeria. Thats in addition to the 200 schoolgirls held captive since april. It raises doubts about the reported truce between the militants and the government. Here at home, more troubling news for sears and kmart. They are planning to close 100 additional stores. That means 6,000 workers could be losing their jobs. Hazing has forced another high school to cancel its football season. Investigators describe the hazing at central bucks high school, quote, humiliating initiation rights. The coaches have been suspended. And a lava flow on hawaiis big island, threatening thousands of residents, is now speeding up and has advanced more than 400 yards in 36 hours. The lava less than a mile from a small town. Officials plan to give residents at least three days warning before they have to evacuate. But they are still hopeful the lava will turn away from those homes. And finally, next time you get the urge to flee a parking garage without paying, keep this gentleman in mind. He apparently thought crashing through the gate would make for an easy mistake. But two tries and no go. It is a strong gate. The gate even swings back. Oh whacking his friend in the face. Then he pulls forward, guns the engine, tries to slam the gate again, and flips over. He ended up causing, get this, 40,000 in damage to the car. To the car. Yeah. Maybe save a few bucks. Oh, wait a sec, now i did 40,000 in damage to the car. Never seen a gate like that. Its chain link. Its very strong. Theyre implementing those in all parking lots now. Thank you there, dan. Got something here . I do. Switch gears and talk about some heros. I think youve heard about them who took down the white house fencejumper earlier this week. We are learning more about the secret service dogs first on the scene. And they are now back on the job this morning. One look at these big, sweet faces and you may not realize it, but these are two of the president s fiercest protecters. The hero secret service dogs seen wrestling down the white house fencejumper wednesday night. I think the individual last night probably saw pretty vividly why we keep our distance. Reporter a little bruised from the scuffle, but this morning they are back on the job. Meet k9 agent jordan, a 5yearold Belgian Malinois who loves to work but also loves strolls around the white house lawn. And k9 agent hurricane. When this 6yearold Belgian Malinois is not on the job, he loves to play with his kong toy. But when they are on duty, they are laser focused on one objective. Subdue intruders. Their breed chosen for their power and agility. Weighing more than 60 pounds, running twice as fast as an olympic runner. And biting an intruder like the other night, a malinois can chomp down with 200 pounds of pressure. Hurricane, jordan and the 73 other dogs in the secret service k9 unit, get 20 weeks of training, working until they turn 10. Thats when theyre ready to collect their puppy pensions in retirement with their beloved handlers. And they will stay with their handler for the rest of their lives. People suggested these two deserve a president ial award. How about a state dinner . I think they prefer that. And people confuse them for german shepherds. They look very similar. But they have much shorter hair, do better in all seasons. Fast and strong. And off duty, those big smiles they have. Thank you. Hey, ginger, its couple down here on the east coast but not so much out west . No. Were talking about that big storm system and actually a tornado in washington state. A tornado, they get them, about two annually. You can see right here in this video the debris flying. You dont see a lot of condensation, but they had ef winds up to 110 miles per hour. If i hadnt seen the bottom, that just looks like a funnel, but it connected and did damage. Fortunately no one hurt. And now, i wanted to show you this atmospheric river, meaning more storm action, more rain. Some places have already picked up more than 3 inches along the coast. But through the weekend, even San Francisco could see rain into sunday. Look at the bullseye, medford to just north of eureka. Good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area microclimate forecast, warmer and dry but the coast has clouded. Breezy and showers on sunday, and midtoupper 70s inland and 80 in antioch and we are in the midtoupper 60s in the coast into San Francisco. The sevenday forecast shows it will be wet and breezy tomorrow and dry the let of the and just like you said, robin, we are drying out and warming up. D. C. , 68, new york city, 62, better and better through the weekend. Great for a state dinner for some dogs. Lets do it. Thank you. Coming up, a bizarre Home Invasion. Wife of a golfer shoots a man in the middle of the night. Why the victim says she invited him. Also ahead, motorcycle mayhem. Police investigating this swarm of drivers doing stunts on the highway, even taunting an officer. Plus an important warning about a new scam that could be targeting your home computer. What you need to know right now. And is this song too popular . Too beautiful . T. J. Holmes will share with us later. He loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me warm and flaky in fifteen. Everyone loves pillsbury grands. Make dinner pop. Whoamy cuts all better. Re. Cause sarahs mom discovered neosporin. With patented technology. 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The grandmother is in the hospital being treated for burns. Investigators are looking for the cause of the fire. Lets get a check on the friday morning traffic. I wouldnt call this friday light. It absolutely is not. In fact we take you over to sfo and theres an overturned vehicle southbound side of 101 at the airport. We do have one lane overturned there. Injuries are involved. Take a look at the delays as you approach 380. In fact it is completely backed up from 280, now causing some delays as you approach 380 as well. Its slow as you come out of the city so give yourself extra time if you have a flight to catch. When we come back, meteorologist mike nicco has the meteorologist mike nicco has the bay area forecast. My gragets fy blankie that gets filthy but hes got sworry aboutvein that u what you use in the laundry so i use new tide pods free gentle to get a deep clean thats gentle on skin. Ohhh new tide pods free gentle you use tide pods . Yeh. That little guy cleans, brightens and fight stains so now i can focus on more pressing matters woo your sweet peppers arent next to your hot peppers. Gasp tide pods three times the stain removal power available at target welcome back. Game three tonight of the world series, 67 degrees, mostly sunny, dropping down to 63 by the end of the game but tomorrow showers are possible during the game and cooler, 65 down to 62. I dont think it will wash out the game but you may get wet from time to time. A little fog up in napa, santa rosa and the coast is starting to clear a little bit of the fog. Looks like well be mostly sunny this afternoon with temperatures starting off in the mid to upper 40s in the noerth bay and end u in the 60s and 70s. At shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50 fewer co2 emissions than coal. And why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. Lets broaden the Worlds Energy mix, lets go. Lopreventable medical errors,hey all lnow the third leadingse of cause of death. Only Heart Disease and cancer take more lives. Proposition 46 will save lives with drug and Alcohol Testing to make sure impaired doctors dont treat someone you love. Safeguards against Prescription Drug abuse. And holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. Im barbara boxer. Lets save lives. Vote yes on 46. That bass no trouble im all about that bass no trouble the question of the morning, can a pop song get too popular . Thats whats being raised by james blunt this morning. There he is. Okay. Beautiful youre beautiful hes coming out against his own song. Im still trying to figure that one out. I love this song. Its haunting. It is. He says he got sick of it. And we are going to investigate it. Were not, james. Oh, t. J. Shoholmes it going bring thattous. And this wild video, a swarm of motorcyclists on the highway, taunting an officer. Unfortunately were seeing this time and time again. Can be so dangerous. And gma investigators an important warning this morning. A scam that could be targeting your home computer. What to do to protect yourself. And halloween is just a week away. Buckle up. How color contacts could be damaging your eyes. You have to be careful with those. But first, a bizarre Home Invasion in florida. A pro golfers wife shoots a man in the middle night, she says he was stalking her, he says she invited him. Reporter a frantic call. I need someone, someone was in my house. Reporter a home invader or a former lover . Miche simpson was home alone with their daughter when the home alarm went off. According to the police report, simpson says someone came upstairs and opened the door. She saw a subject standing in the doorway. He began to back up and she pulled the trigger. I shot, oh, my god. Reporter that man, 23yearold andrew noel, taking this photo seconds after being shot. We looked at each other, i turned around and she shot me. Reporter she filed a request for a restraining order, telling police he had been stalking her. But his story, much different. I had the codes and the keys to the house. She shot me from behind. Reporter the nature of the relationship remains in question. He claims in a sworn statement they were having an affair but had recently broken it off. We were romantic. We were having sex every day. Reporter on the night of the shooting, reportedly she texted him. She texts me and says that shes busy tomorrow. That her husbands out of town. Thats like the code of coming over. Reporter but she told police they have never been involved in any sexual activity. Abc news reached out to her and her attorney, but was declined comment. If he reasonably believes he was invited into the house, hes not going to be charged with a crime. If she reasonably believed that he was a threat to her, then shes not going to be charged with a crime. Reporter so far no charges have been filed. For good morning america, paula faris, abc news, new york. Thanks paula for that. And now to the incredibly reckless driving on the highway in california. A group of motorcyclists doing dangerous stunts on the road, taunting a Police Officer trying to pull some of them over. Investigators trying to track down the person who posted this video online. And brandi hitt has the story and join joins. Reporter good morning. This wild pursuit lasted about ten minutes. Speeding by and performing dangerous stunts. Now if caught, they could face criminal charge ss. Motorcycle mayhem. The search is on for this swarm of 50 bikers seen here taking over a Northern California highway. Popping wheelies and standing on their seats. Then look there on the right, the reckless riders taunting this california Highway Patrol officer trying to pull them over. Even trying to talk to them over the loud hum of the bikes. But watch, this biker just waves at the officer to go away. As he would try to get into a position to make a stop on one bike, they would slow down. And then another one would break off and kind of speed up ahead. Reporter at one point you can hear one of the bikers laughing at his buddy swerving towards the officer. Eventually the officer and another Highway Patrolman he called for ba e ed for backup d the pursuit, fearing it would put the public in danger. This isnt the first time we have seen a large group of bikers behaving badly. Just this week, 100 motorcycle, dirt bike and atv riders took over the streets of philadelphia, weaving through traffic and blowing through lights. And in new york, nine bikers charged after chasing down an suv and beating the driver in front of his family. We ask absolutely that nobody try to take any type of Law Enforcement action into their own hands. Reporter california officers are looking for the person who posted this video online. Their best evidence tracking down the bikers behind this joyride that could lead to jail time. And the search continue this is morning for this biker group. If you are surrounded and feel unsafe, lock your doors and stay at a safe speed. You can pull over. And if you really feel threaten threatened, call 911 and give your location. All great advice there, thank you. Time again for the weather. Is that an eclipse of the heart . It is. Its a turn around im not going to sing. Its a partial eclipse. In chicago, a couple of minutes. We have video where you can see it. So quickly, ever so quickly, and then the clouds came in. But either way, it was a great sight to see. Now you cant see in the midsection. Accidents and School Delays in iowa. Des moines town to a tenth of a mile. Dubuque, kirsville, kansas city, half mile. Take extra time or wait until you get out this morning if youre running into the fog. There is the warm air. It will result in something nice. Indianapolis, 70 today, kansas city, 80, st. Louis, 72, and memphis, 74. The warmth is moving up. Good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, away from the coast warm sunshine. Temperatures are above average. But the coast is cooler, pie, and the sevenday forecast shows steady rain tonight, showers throughout tomorrow. This Weather Report has been brought to you by scots naturals tube free. Every now and then see, i knew you were. I would never sing a cappella on television. She can sing. Shes holding back. Coming up, an important warning about a new scam. Hackers targeting your home computer. How to protect yourself. And brad pitt going viral. How to protect yourself. And brad pitt going viral. What he did paper tubes are thrown eacaway in the us alone. Let thats enough to fill the empire state building. Twice. Now theres scott naturals® tubefree bath tissue. Get the premium softness you need. Without the wasteful tube. Toss the tube for good with scott naturals® tubefree. How to shed pounds this winter. There. No more drafts. Finally. [ male announcer ] now get 20 off all Johns Manville fiberglass insulation at lowes. [ male announcer ] now get 20 off the r word i want good digestive health. But i dont want to think about the word regularity. Benefiber helps support good digestive health. And maintain. The r word. You know what it tastes like in water . Water except this water makes you feel great. Benefiber. Now in stick packs. Who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Find stylish savings on ll for. Great big brands. At kohls great big weekend sale like juicy couture. And izod. Friday through sunday. Plus introducing yes2you rewards earn points no matter how you pay. Find your yes. Kohls. Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. Abreva. This is what were giving out . Yup. I love kit kat reeses candy. Have fun trickortreating trickortreat have a monstrously big halloween with your favorite hersheys candies. Walmart. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. And were back now at 7 41 with gma investigators. A brazen phone scam as hackers pose as microsoft employees taking control of peoples computers. And then hold their data storage hostage. The ftc is announcing this morning it shut down the Company Running this scam. Selling these bogus services. Matt gutman has the story. Matt, this is insane. Reporter it is absolutely. And this morning the ftc announcing to us exclusively they are shutting down one of these major scammers worth 2. 5 million. They are proliferating faster than global authorities can whack them down. Taking advantage of harmless error messages already on your computer. My name is john. Reporter if it looks bad for your computer. We are receiving some critical warnings from your computer. Reporter it could be worse for your wallet. The i. T. Guy isnt help, hes hacking. Connect you to the windows Technical Team of microsoft. Reporter the ftc these conmen masquerade as employees for microsoft. Cyber Security Experts warn there are going to be more of these. Reporter each scammer making hundreds of calls a day. Kristina receiving one of them. The former School Principal said earlier this year she got a popup with a dire warning. It said 400some error messages noted by microsoft. Call this number right away. Well assist you. Reporter when she called, a man answered. He had a customer i. D. Number for me. Reporter the man asked to connect to the computer. She let him take control remotely and never got it back. He says if you want everything that was there back, you know what you have to do. Reporter that doesnt sound like an i. T. Guy, sounds like a street thug. Thats what it sounds like. Reporter the guy said to buy a money card and send it to him. She was savvy enough to know what to do next. I hung up. Reporter microsoft tells gma investigators it would never call consumers asking for money. My name is john. Reporter but remember the scammer, john, we caught up with him by phone in calcutta. He says he quit the business. I wonder if you feel badly for having taken part in that . I do feel bad. I do feel bad. Reporter what do you do to protect yourself from people like john . First of all apple and microsoft are never going to call to hit you up for money. Cyber Security Experts tell us update your Antivirus Software as often as you can. And the hardest one, change where are password, make it exotic and secret. Change it often. Doesnt take long. Thank you so much. And coming up, can a pop song ever get too popular. James blunt has a lot to say about his song. Well talk about it. And part of so many costumes that could be dangerous to your health. Well explain. Come on back. Ted what are you doing . I was trying to get these skittles, but i got stuck. [ crickets chirping ] maybe i should try. [ spider ] i say go for it. [ crickets chirping ] trap the rainbow taste the rainbow you want to hibernate . Heal it. With nivea extended moisture body lotion. It intensively moisturizes for 48 hours to heal dry skin. Look for savings in sundays newspapers. For nivea. Youre beautiful were going to get to the apology from james blunt. Heres the twist, hes sorry for the hit there. Youre beautiful, saying he even got sick of hearing it because it was overplayed. T. J. Holmes is over there. And blunt says hes sorry, which means were going to hear it even more. Now, george, can you imagine if this became a trend. Wed have singers apologizing every day for some song. Maybe the young lady who sang this current song youre hearing. But before the story, issue a warning to our viewers. Some of these songs can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, and allaround irritation. From psys gangnam style to lmfa os party rock anthem, theyre the hit songs that grow on you until they grow on your nerves. Remember this song youre beautiful you couldnt turn on the radio or msv in 2005 without hearing those two words. Even creeping its way into now i now pronounce you chuck and larry. Youre beautiful gets me every time. Reporter now james blunt, the singer says hes sick of it. Apologizing for the hit song that made him a household name. The 40 year crooner telling Hello Magazine this week the song was force fed and became annoying. We have seen this all the time from artists who want to start the next phase of their career. Hes being hard on himself, but its understandable to have that exasperation. Reporter hes not the only singer to speak about their viral songs. Madonna said this to et canada in february. I hate my music. Sick of it. Reporter and celine dion says even thinking about singing my heart will go is enough to make her sick. My heart will go on and on and on until overplayed tracks sound less and less beautiful. Youre beautiful its true part of the reason for the apology is hes trying to get away from the persona. They arent bad songs, you just hear them so much, once you hear it again, youre just like, give me a break. Lara, i heard you like this song. I did. This is why you bonded just yet. You had me the day you said liquor. T. J. , fantastic piece. And shark tank your life. How to turn your small idea into very big money. Theres lori. Ive ever heard. Theyre paid vacation days. If you guys agreed to travel more well all do better in school. Well have a better understanding of other cultures. I will learn to parler francais. Oui oui. Were not asking for much we just want one more day. One more day for help planning your one more day, contact mastercard Concierge Services or download our new app. Because one more day is priceless. Turn to roc® retinol correxion®. One week, fine lines appear to fade. One month, deep wrinkles look smoother. After one year, skin looks ageless. High performance skincare™ only from roc®. After one year, skin looks ageless. Fousugar. Only six . Ns. Six grams of sugar . Thats really good. Excellent, delicious. And yummy honey bunches of oats. Tasty yummy i thought so what . , but now cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. Well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. Three in a row sweet 15 minutes for a quote isnt so sweet. Level 2 start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on Car Insurance in half the time. Welcome to the modern world. Esurance, backed by allstate. Click or call. Goodnight. Goodnight. For those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. Introducing new aleve pm. The first one with a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. Now you can have a good night and a. Good morning new aleve pm for a better am. Good morning, im kristen sze. Happening right now, recycling workers are on strike for a day at Waste Management in the east bay. They claim the Company Manager has disrespectful and discriminatory to union workers. Waste management tells abc 7 news the strike is unsanctioned and that trash pickup will go on as planned today, so its just the recycling. See whats behind me, at t park. Mike, you have the game time forecast. 67 dropping down to 63, but some wet weather is possible during tomorrows game. I dont think it will wash it out. Look at all the 70s, even 80s around absent yountioch and liv. Accuweather sevenday forecast, chance of rain tomorrow, thats it. That crash near sfo has cleared, but its left us with quite the pinch. We do have plenty of traffic leaving daly city along 280 trying to get onto 380. It is going to be a real big backup. We also have a dense fog advisory through sacramento. Be careful. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And halloween warning. Could the color contacts you wear with your costume be damaging your eyes . How you can protect yourself right now. And shark tank your life. The sharks are here, putting your ideas to the test. Do you have what that takes to make millions . Get ready to take the plunk. And gma investigators tailgating food safety. What you need to know before the weekends big game. It started with a whisper and brad pitt, like youve never seen him before. Is it hard for you to maintain a suntan . On the hot seat with zach galifianakis. The video going viral right now as we say good morning, america. Big crowd out there in times square. And a big good morning from Jake Gyllenhaal in the social square. Hes got a brand new movie coming out. Nightcrawler. Hits close to home in the news business. He is great in this. Really. He is creepily good. I love that. Creepily good. Cant wait. We will hear from him. There he is in social square right now. And d. J. Irie right here. We know what hes not going to play. Oh, look the posse he has around him. Always good to have you here d. J. Irie. Also ahead, feel good friday. And a lifesaving service for young people, helping to take teens off the street and giving them a second chance. And a young woman whos going to give back in her own way. Thats a great organization. Im a big supporter. Cant wait to see that piece. And we want to shark tank your life, everybody. Lori is with us, one of the sharks. And we have four aspiring entrepreneurs. In the tank . Yes. Shes taking a dip. Yeah, shes got the moves in the tank. She sure does, actually. And shes going to give them some great advice. Shes going to tell them the truth. Will their pitch, will it get through, robin . Will they be able to sell it . Go to the website to learn about them and vote for the two that you want to see. Can we say all the sharks on the show, they are really into it. Theyre really into helping people. Its a lot of pressure. Give us your pitch in five seconds. I know. Its impossible to turn off once you see them on the show, too. Amy is taking the day off, we have the news. And to the latest case of ebola diagnosed on u. S. Soil. A new york city doctor testing positive last night after treating ebola patients in west africa. Dr. Craig spencer is in isolation at a manhattan hospital. His fiancee and two friends quarantined. Spencer arrived in new york from guinea last friday. He came down with a fever yesterday morning but before feeling ill, he rode the subway, took a cab, went bowling. Health Officials Say it is extremely unlikely that anyone else was infected. Police in new york investigating if terrorism was the motive behind a brutal attack on a group of Police Officers. A man slashed at them with a hatchet. Wounding two, one seriously, before he was shot and killed by another officer. It appears hes just an angry guy ranting about american policy overseas. In canada, police say the man who went on the shooting rampage through the capital on wednesday, had been trying to get a passport and wanted to travel to syria. They have not linked him to any middle easten terrorist groups. He was recently homeless, and his angry behavior prompted a local mosque to ask him to leave. An eyeopening figure, a typical middle class american saved only 20,000 for retirement. Thats only a fraction of what most analysts say is needed. And a first for queen elizabeth. Her majesty just sent her first tweet. She was opening an exhibit at the Science Museum in london today, celebrating the history of information technology. Tweeting, its a pleasure to open the exhibit. I hope people will enjoy visiting. Royal watchers note, though, she didnt seem to love the tweeting. While it was the first time, it may also be the last time that the queen tweets. And finally, there is no place like meridian, idaho. The annual corn maze is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the wizard of oz. Dorothy and her friends have been carved into 1 million coco. Thats nothing. Who needs dorothy . Do you recognize this lady . Its ginger. Bin go, boom. Yes, it is. It is ginger zee. Immortalized in a corn field in her home state of michigan. I have always said you have not made it. You have not made it until you are carved into a corn field. I didnt know that was coming. But i saw it come full circle. My first job on tv was really in a cornfield in michigan. It feels like its all coming together. Whats the story with this corn field . Im honored. Seriously . I flew over it. Took that picture, and tweeted it to me. Isnt that great . So somebody that your face into their cornfield . Do you know how much work goes into carving a face into a sworn cornfield dont turn this story dark. Its a happy, happy story, okay, lara. I think its really nice. I do. Beautiful. We all think its nice. Youre just jealous. Congratulations. I am jealous. Okay. Were going to turn to a Health Warning now. At halloween, so many people put on colored contact lenses, make them part of the costume. But they can cause major damage to your eyes if you dont have a prescription. Abcs reena ninan has the story. Reporter colored or decorated contact lenses like these may creep out your friends at halloween, but whats really scary is what nonprescription lenses can do to your eyes. The u. S. Government is working to seize lenses that are counterfeit, illegally imported and unapproved by the fda. This year alone, 20,000 pairs of counterfeit and decorative lenses have been seized. Real contact lenses, even decorative ones, need a prescription to be dispensed. Counterfeit ones pose a danger to your eyes. Infection, even blinding infection. This is the major concern that we have. Reporter ask Julian Hammel who five years ago started wearing contact lenses from his local gas station. I was trying to get into the modeling industry locally. Reporter but he scratched the cornea of his left eye, leafing it badly infected and leifing it permanently discolored and damaged. Im legally blind in the left eye. Almost lost my eye. They are available on the internet. Everyone though they are available, doesnt mean the lenses themselves are fdaapproved. Reporter contacts should be dispensed by an eye care professional who can fit them properly and show the users how to care for them, even the coolcolored ones. Julian and his mom want to make sure others dont make the same mistake. You can pick up a pair of contact lenses for 20, 30, but a hospital bill, its a whole lot different. I thought nothing was going to happen to me, but here i am. Reporter reena ninan, abc news, new york. Thanks for that. Pop news and weather coming up. Robin is in the social square right now. She just ran in. I was outside. Youll wait and see what i was outside playing with. Now a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu. The honeymoon is far from over for George Clooney and amal. How theyre celebrating their wedding. And tailgating safety, what you need to know before this weekends big game. Shark tank your life. Two of the entrepreneurs about to face off in the pitch battle with the shark, lori. Shes answering your questions right now. This is what stopped me earlier. Lori. Oh, good questions. So much ahead here. Happy friday, everybody. Its all coming up here in times square. Oh, this is a good one. And yes, that is the note 4. Th intro. With the best screen weve ever put in a phone. Do you guys think i should start mccoy . Its great for multitasking so you can get to all that important stuff. Like this. And this. Whatre you doing . Figuring out our costumes for the office party. Wait, im not doing that. Yeah you are. And with the spen, you can turn handwriting into text. Dad into mustache dad. And bagels, into pizza bagels. Pizza bagels. I literally just said that. With optical image stabilization, you can go into the harshest situations and still get the shot. Thats incredible. Frameable. Gorgeous. Well, its 8 times zoom so so its 8 times as gorgeous. And, a super wide lens so you can selfie, with like everyone. Whoa do you think you could send that to me . Yeah, you gotta give me your number though. Ok. Ok the best big screen phone, just got even better. Introducing the Samsung Galaxy note 4. The next big thing is here. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. 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But keeping that mix balanced, isnt always easy. So coke, dr. Pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. Coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. And helping them think about when theyve had too much, or maybe when its time for a treat. Supporting your efforts, with our message. Balance what you eat and drink with what you do. Thats how you mixify. Its in this spirit that ingu u. S. Is becoming a new kind of company. Ing u. S. Is now voya. Changing the way you think of retirement. This is the one. Can we go for a test drive . Oh sure, ill be right back. Thanks. Leather, running boards. Carmax quality certified, low, nohaggle price, 5day money back guarantee. Thats great. And, a roof rack for the kayak we dont have a kayak. We could get a kayak. Ready to roll . Yes, we are. With more than 35,000 cars nationwide, carmax has the perfect car for. Everybody. Carmax. Start here. It is 8 12. Time for pop news. Get right to it, shall we . Across the pond right now, expectant mom, princess kate stepping out yet again. Showing shes feeling obviously a bit better in her pregnancy and looking just lovely as she attends a charity gala on thursday night. With a dress that im sure is sold out already, im sure. Mingling with the crowds. And hollywoods favorite newlyweds are over there. George clooney and his new wife settling into married life. The party, it aint over yet. E online has the invitation that her parents sent out to friends and family for a postwedding bash at the house in southeast england on the thames. This saturday. Its a former private estate. Now a hotel. Just another way to continue their celebration. Why not . Why not . And brandnew digs for actor jennifer lawrence. Purchasing a 5500 square foot hamptonstyle house in los angeles. Has a Swimming Pool and great amenities. It was built in 1991, tucked away in a neighborhood in beverly hills. It has a history of famous owners before jennifer, including Ellen Degeneres and jessica simpson. The neighborhood brimming with big wigs, including Ashton Kutcher and mila kunis who moved just down the block. Babysitting. Im sure j. Law will be like, totally. 15 an hour. Im not a giant fan of the word hairy to describe situations. Look at your face, robin. Not worse than moist. Moist is a problem word for me. But hairy i dont like either. But i dont know how to describe this dispute in oregon. Its a hairy situation. Two separate organizations say they hold the beard and mustache championships. Theres a group in the u. S. , and another in europe. And the europeans say our group is a sham. And that these photos are from the u. S. Event. And the europeans claim that dr. Looks like. Colonel sanders. Theres a championship being held this weekend in portland, oregon. Might not be the championships. According to european, dont even call it a championships. You guys are amateur hour with those handle bars. Those are like a tike bike. Thats a whole life. So anyway, long story short. This is a story that i will have to continue bringing to you in pop news until we get to the bottom of who is the real this could be a legal story, right . Dan, will you weigh in . Yeah, to determine which one of these two organization is actually the legitimate. Because the jurys out. Thats right. The jurys out. We need the whole team on this one. Thanks, lara. Heat index coming up, ginger with the check of the weather. We have people from everywhere at the party in times square today. Oklahoma to kansas city. So im guessing we say, go royals . Correct. Go royals. This corner certainly does. But San Francisco, we want to support them as well and talk about the noreaster pulling away from the northeast. Any of you visiting new york city, things are going to get better and better through the weekend. Watch the dryer and milder air starting to push in. Some of the numbers peeking up into the 60s for new york. Mid60s by the end of the weekend. And high Wind Warnings in san good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area microclimate forecast, warmer and dry but the coast has clouded. Breezy and showers on sunday, and midtoupper 70s inland and 80 in antioch and we are in the midtoupper 60s in the coast into San Francisco. The sevenday forecast shows it will be wet and breezy tomorrow and dry the let of the so amal and George Clooney still celebrating their wedding. But its your 30th birthday. You said, it was in april, but we celebrate all year long thanks to my sister. Happy birthday. Take that, george and amal. We can celebrate too. Good for you. First up in the heat index. We all know what happens around the water cooler. Who hasnt found themselves caught in gossip at one point or another. A new study this morning, how engaging in gossip makes us feel. Research has found that listening to positive gossip about others, motivated some people to work harder in their own lives. But, but, those listening to negative gossip felt a sort of ego boost, like they were the better employees. I hate that. A shot of freud. Yeah, thats great. Yeah. And when we first heard this, yeah, people do that. Because, you know, my own crappy life, i guess its not so bad. At least i do. Someone elses misery its not a good karma. Its karmaically not goal. Pointing it out. Were here to psa. Dont do it, people. Everybodys got something. Thats for sure. And brad pitt, finding himself between two ferns. You have seen this before. Zach galifianakis is the insufferable host. Brad, out promoting fury. Faces some pretty tough questions from the comedian. Its already gotten more than 6 million clicks. Take a look. Is it hard for you to maintain a suntan . Why . Because you live in your wifes shadow . Tell me what it was like the first time that you laid eyes on angelina. Was it like one of those classical love stories, like when i dont know, like when ross first saw rachel . You know that show friends, have you seen that . Ill be there for you when the rain starts to i like that song. Do you think people focus maybe too much on your looks and dont even, you know, realize that youre just a [ bleep ] actor . Next question. Its still uncomfortable. The best role for brad right there. Zachs funny. Turn now gma investigators. Tailgating safety. So important during football season. What you dont know about keeping your food safe can cause all kinds of discomfort. We put tailgaters to the test, linzie janis has the story. Reporter this competition not just on the field. Football fans also fired up about their tailgates. But how safe is the food theyre serving . We put our food out and keep it out all day long. Reporter gma investigates at the university of south carolinas homecoming game to put some tailgaters to the test. Any sweat . But will they be as confident after an inspection from the universitys food safety expert, neal smoke. Neal says raw meat contamination is the biggest culprit for side lining tailgaters. This happened to drip in the cooler. Reporter so make sure you keep your meats on the bottom. Reporter and experts say, always bring a thermometer. To ensure hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs are cooked to 165. 165, they are well done. Reporter grill master don is doing the right thing by wearing disposable gloves. He wants to make sure he has no contamination on his hands. Reporter neal said any food left out should be covered. Theres a fly on there. Cover some stuff. Keeps the flies off, gnats off, a better technique. Reporter all in in all, our first tailgate did well, and neal thinks they would pass a restaurant inspection. On the other side of the stadium, stephanie and lynn mccance, ready to tackle their tailgating competition. I think were going to do well. Reporter neal encouraging them to only put out small amounts. Change it often. The rest is in the cooler. Reporter and points for the cooler placement. Cooler in the shade. I get the credit, right . Always. Reporter but the deli sandwiches . How long have they been out here . Theyve probably been out here two hours. Those ought to be discarded. E. Coli, salmonella. Leaving it out too long and the bacteria growing. Reporter even with that infraction, neal also gives them an a. An a. Reporter tailgating, meant to be fun. But if you do get sick, doctors suggest intercepting the symptoms. If they dont resolve in 24 hour, then you need to seek medical attention. For good morning america, linzie janis, abc news, columbia, south carolina. Thank you, linzie. And you can watch espns College Game Day tomorrow. The crew is in baton rouge for lsu and ole miss. Mississippi states number one. Thats ole miss, number 3, mississippi state, number one. Im sorry, its good times. Robin, penn state plays ohio state this weekend. Very big weekend for me. Im with you, youre with me. Lets tailgate. Lets tailgate. Time now for shark tanking your life. Were here with lori, shark tank host extraordinaire. And our viewers have been voting all morning to decide which of these entrepreneurs and their inventions will face off. As its all happening in our as seen on tv pitch competition. Or in this case, they all want to be seen on tv. We have, of course, the wraparoo, the lift, and the baby soothe massager. And tailgate in a box. Drum roll please. And the top two in our viewer vote are the burger lift and instagate. So congratulations, guys. You guys will be going headtohead. Get ready. Start thinking about it. Meanwhile, im going to talk to lori for a second. Lori, what advice do you have for these people . Not a lot of time, need to make an impact. First of all, get an ip attorney, its worth it. Make sure people want and need your product. Pound the pavement. Do your own Market Research questionnai questionnaire, walk up, show them your product, say hey, would you buy this . Do you like it, do you need, and what would you pay for it . Are you ready. I am. And matt with burger lift. We ate 50 billion burgers last week. Three per person per week. The best are the juicest. But one delicious bite can leave a mess of juice on your plate. What wants to put a burger on top of that. The solution . The burger lift. Elevating above the plate, away from the juices. It keeps your buns dry and your burger intact. Lift your buns with the burger lift. Catchy. Very catchy. Anything you can do to lift your buns i think is a winner. What do you think, lori . I think its clever. Definitely unique. Nothing out there like it. I think it has some merit. Only question is, how many people would use it . Right. Thank you. All right. So instagate. Here we go. Instagate. Hello, im matt mcclain, and this is the instagate tailgate in a box. It combines all you need to tailgate, barbecue or picnic all in one easy and affordable package. It looks like just another box until you open it up, and you see its a whole lot more. And it has a cooler, locking in place with the hinges. And ten other tailgating essentials. And whats a tailgate without a grill . Wow. The best part is, its all made from biodegradable and recyclable materials. Bring the fun and recycle it when youre done. Bring the fun, recycle when youre done. Matt, i dont think he missed a thing. Matt, how much . Were still figuring it out. We had it on the kickstarter at a special of 39. Lift our buns or start tailgating. Wow. Wow, i got to say, buts was great, but the tailgating, thats really a party in a box. And everything is there. Solves a problem. Has everything you need. And your burgers and drinks fit inside too. So i think its time. Yeah. Lori. [ applause ] the shark tank trophy has been chosen. Matt with instagate. Thank you so much. I love the bun lifter. Im very down with it. Both are great. Thank you so much. Tune into lori on shark tank happening tonight at 9 00. Right here on abc. And well be right back with Jake Gyllenhaal. Good morning, im kristen sze. Developing news in milpitas, where a family is safe after being rescued from the roof of their burning home. Firefighters and Police Officers helped a grandmother, mother and two kids who were on the roof just before 3 00 this morning. The grandmother is in a hospital being treated for burns. Investigators are looking for the cause of the fire. Leyla gulen checking out your friday commute. Not exactly friday light. Not at all. Now we have a 10 to 15 minute delay on b. A. R. T. On the pittsburgbay point line in the sfo direction. Speaking of sfo, that crash that cleared on 17southbound 101, wee still dealing with the backup, mostly on 280. We have a crash at skyline boulevard at bunker hill drive. Kristen, back to you. Thanks so much. Well check out your forecast for the big game with meteorologist mike nicco right after this. Dry and a great night for weather for game three. 67 degrees dropping down to 63. Get a mulligan on that one . Yeah. Lets do tomorrows forecast. Scattered showers, 55 to 62 but it wont stop the game. We have light rain coming in tonight through tomorrow morning. Scattered showers tomorrow afternoon. Quarter to a half inch possible, maybe more in the north bay. Its going to be mostly sunny sunday and a warming trend for next week. Have a great w [ cheers and applause ] d. J. Irie. Spinning us into the weekend. And taking us to funky town right now. Did you finally make this womans day . Wheres the sign . There it is. I love george stephanopoulos. She thats a big triumph right there. Thank you. Thats making me feel good. And it is feel good friday this friday morning. We have a great story about a young woman down on her luck getting help to turn her life around through an organization, and were going to talk about how shes giving back right now. And this story is going to make your day. Cant wait for that. Also, though, we have been getting a ton of videos for the shake it off contest. Now we have hundreds and hund d hundreds of submissions, hoping to be vips, we are so impressed with the creativity. We have to show you some. Check it out. But i keep we made the call, asking our viewers to show us how they shake it puff. And hundreds of fans answered, shaking from all corners of the country, even underwater. From 7yearold gia and her pals, they play the song every morning before school. This song shakes it off. To florida where 21yearold allison and her sorority seniors wont stop moving to the song. And their harnts arent going to break, break, break, they keep on dancing on their own. In new york, 16yearold karly and her girls have this number one in our charts, number one in our hearts. Who will come to new york city so see taylor perform . The big announcement is just days ago. Fwam gmgood morning americ love you thats fun. Swi taylor swift. Really good. Taylor is going to be here live on monday to tell us what she thinks about the amazing have is and to surprise the winner. Shell be back next thursday, blowing us away with a concert. You can see more submissions on goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo . Did you see jimmy kimmel . She shut down hollywood. So glad shes with us next week. Its time for feel good friday. We need this today with an organization making a huge difference in so many young peoples live opinions there are a staggering 1. 6 million children who dont have a place to lay their heads. And last night, people inspired to do something about it. Gio benitez slept out on the street at Covenant House in new york. Hes joining us to tell us about it. How was your night . It was cold, noisy, but so eyeopening. A lot of brave souls here for a very special cause. Take a look. Meet 20yearold nigeria. Born, raised and thriving right here in new york city. Here you are, overlooking manhattan. I dont think theres any other better place that i could be. Reporter but jouust two mons ago, she was on the streets. Her parents dying when she was young. Show wound up in foster care. When i got to my fostermores home, she wasnt accepting i was a lesbian. I cress dressed like a tomboy. Reporter dont dress like that. Change clothes or leave. Reporter she spent nights in subway cars. You forget to stop, and ill be one of those people. Reporter then everything changed. Welcome to mi casa. Reporter all right. She found Covenant House, a lifesaving steppingstone for young people. Northea shes on track to get a life of her own and training to be a nurses aid. A lot of people are helping you, but you will help people. I hope i am, i love people. Reporter but overnight, it was our turn to spread the love. Covenant houses across the country rescue thousands of young people like her every year, but now taking it to a whole new level. Theyre challenging me and 60 others from lenox advisers to sleep out here in the sleeping bags. Its cold, windy, its going to be tough. But all to show america that these kids are not alone. Its very cold out. If the kids can do it, we can do it. Thats right. Reporter look who is here, nigeria. You need the nurses license, a lot of people need your help in the morning. The Covenant House sleep out raised 7 million over the last three years. Thats how we keep the doors open. Whats this . Wind guard. I have a feeling a lot of us arent sleeping tonight. Its 1 15 in the morning inside my bunk. So many sleeping out so others dont have to. And this Group Already raising 125 grand overnight. And look here, the beautiful future nurse nigeria and rick from the corporate sponsors. You want to talk to them, take it away. I do. Thank you all, nigeria, so happy youre finishing the job. Youre graduating today. What does it mean to you to see people like rick and others that are sleeping out overnight to bring awareness to whats going on in this country . It just gives me hope to know that people will take time out of their day, even though they dont have to be here, just to raise awareness for us youth that dont have the things that people usually have. Im just grateful for that. It does bring an awareness like that. And rick, i have known you a long time. You have been doing this for a number of years. Just explain to people what its like and why youre doing this. Well, robin, i think its a probably have 60 or 70 people here and in l. A. Also that slept out. You know, experiencing homelessness is a very, very humbling experience. And its something that everybody should do. Just to see what these kids go through on a nightly basis. And the Covenant House is just an amazing, amazing place where kids that come in come from broken homes. Theyve either been physically or sexually abused, theyve been neglected, theyve been thrown out of their homes like nigeria was. And the Covenant House brings them in, gives them shelter, job couns counseling. Support. But gives them hope. Hope they can make a difference and get their lives on track. The goal is for the Covenant House to raise awareness and do corporate sleep outs. Go to the covenanthouse. Org, and sleep out, raise money, do their own corporate sleepout. And young people like nigeria standing next to you, they want a helping hand. They dont want a handout, a helping hand. Thats what Covenant House does. Are you excited about graduating today and going on to be a nurses aid, nigeria . Im superexcited to graduate today. I get my cna on monday. Its my dream job. To have that step in the door, start my career. Im ecstatic. And we are for you. Hey, nigeria, and rick, thank you. And gio, thank you as well. He sent this remarkable email overnight. And go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo . Now to ginger for the final check of the weather. That was a really nice story. Lets check off your bucket list. Youre here. Well invite you to new york city. Lets go ahead and check the forecast for florida. South florida. Such a rainy week. And some places seeing major flooding. Now a much drier weekend. Miami going to 77, daytona beach, 77. Fly across the nation. Find some of the nicer spots, good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco, away from the coast warm sunshine. Temperatures are above average. But the coast is cooler, pie, and the sevenday forecast shows steady rain tonight, showers th all that weather brought to you by carmax. I see 102nd birthday. Celebrating that, but its perfect weather to stay in tonight and watch this. Say yes to the dress. Yes, i am saying yes to the dress tonight. See me, my friends, they helped me select and tailer my dream dress and came to the wedding. The whole show, going to show you a lot going on from the shores of lake michigan. Celebrating again tonight on tlc. I love looking at the video. Robin. All right, thank you very much. Jake gyllenhaals new movie nightcrawler hits theaters on halloween a week from today. But critics are raving about his performance. Calling it transformative. He plays a stringer, a photographer who sells footage mostly to local news stations. I run a successful tv news business. We film breaking stories. Maybe you saw my item this morning, the fatal carjacking. No, i dont have tv. But that sounds cool. Do you have a cell phone . Yeah. Does it have gps . Yes, it does. Congratulations, youre hired. Okay. Oh, that was an interesting dynamic between the two. Welcome back here to good morning america, Jake Gyllenhaal its been a while. I was telling you, i didnt to want give up too much when i was talking to you before we started here. Okay, your character, lou. Has issues. A little creepy. But you find yourself rooting for the guy. Its a success story. Hes a stranger character, but its a success story. Its about a guy who starts a company and it grows and grows and grows. Thats the basis of the whole story. And i think that people are going to be shocked, but theyre going to find a little bit of themselves in lou. In some ways. In some ways. I think, yeah, theres an ambition to him. A drive to this character, getting the footage and build this company. Its something a lot of people relate to. And when you need to build a company and build something, that kind of ruthlessness is essential. Its a competitive world. It very much is. You were bummed out when a scene would end. Yeah. The writing in this movie is the best writing, really, ive got ton say. Its its just so funny and sort of scary and brilliant. Dn gilroy, who wrote and directed the movie wrote a brilliant screen play. I memorized the whole thing like a play. Every time we would finish a scene, i would be bummed because i didnt have the next night to perform in front of an audience. It was done. It was done an film. A lot of it was scripted. But i wanted to go back when i read that you didnt mean for this to happen. The mirror scene. It wasnt suppose to go as far as you did, just the moment hit you. We tried a lot of things. The character is funny at times and crazy at times. Try Different Things with speeches, and some scenes go really out of control. Other ones, keep it more tame. And i was in front of the mirror. And we were shooting in front of the mirror, brushing my teeth and combing my hair. And i decided to scream at the mirror in a fit of improve. I hit the mirror and it broke. That was that, and its in the movie. Broadway debut, you must be excited about that. I am. I just saw my sister on broadway last night in her show the real thing. And hes incredible. Its pretty cool. Im going ton broadway too. Well be on broadway at the same time. Im excited. Its consolations. Its a beautiful play. A love story. Wonderful. Youre a beautiful man. Come on. Yes, you are. They didnt hit you too hard. Youre a beautiful woman. So thank you. Were not supposed to say too beautiful because its been played too much. We wont play that song right now. Youre a great sport. And wish you the best. Thank you. And nightcrawler opens nationwide on halloween. Its perfect. Thats friday. Im here with edward norton. One of the stars of the Outstanding New movie, birdman. Norton has a pitchperfect take on very good theater actor who takes himself very seriously. Watch his first rehearsal with the director and birdman, played by michael keaton. I dont even know the guy, okay, whats your point . Whats my point. Yeah, whats your point. You say spit it out. Youre saying why . What are you saying . You say love is absolute. Yes, yes, the kind of love that im talking about. It is absolute. The kind of love that im talking about you dont you dont try to kill people. Yeah. Good. How did he do . Edward norton is here right now. And i love your character and the way you play it in this movie. Hes the most actorry actor out there. He takes it maybe a little bit too seriously. But its so good, and looks like you had so much fun sending up the whole atmosphere. Everything about broadway. Its theres certain movies if youre an actor or fan of films when you tootsie or network, movies that speak behind the skin of those cultural forms that were all fans of. And sometimes those those are just very special. And as soon as i read this, i knew it was a very special one. And you could tell everyone clicking with each other and with the director. It was it was really like i said to someone earlier, it was it was when you get into making movies. When you see those movies of your youth that make you want to make movies. This was one of those experiences. It was it was everything it was everything you get into the trade of film for because it was just its wildly, wildly inventive. Its one of those films i can say for sure you have never seen this film. Its an incredibly original experience. Just the whole experience. I couldnt agree with you more. We have all seen it and loved it and talked with the cast. And you guys were all so brilliant. I wish we had more time. We dont. Thank you. And up next, Kenny Chesney reveals his big plans for next year. On the cover of the rolling siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. Now country megastar Kenny Chesney. He has a new album and stopped by with big news. Good to see you again. Good to see you. 15th studio album. You love being on the road, you were in the studio so much you kind of missed that . I missed that a lot. I made a choice to take the year off the road. Because i knew the record that i had in mind, that i wanted to make, i couldnt mail that in. Couldnt balance both worlds, being on the road and being creative in the studio. Thats why we took 2014 off the road to solely work on music. And be be creative. And take our time being creative. Taking that year off and just taking a deep breath. It felt great. And i feel amazing. That revival, is that part of the title . Because you feel like thats why we call it the big revival. But the title alone did hit straight to the heart to how i felt in this year off in the studio and making this music that that will rattle the audiences cage. So you take the year off. Approaching 2015. Yes. Come on, what are you going to do for us . We are officially going back on the road in 2015. All right. Im excited about that. Yes. We are going to set up everything. Were going to set the circus tents up again and were going to do play music. And im really excited about it. I get asked a lot, what do you miss the most this year . Whats the one thing you cant live without . Its the first note of every night. Thats the thing thats anticipated the most by us as a band. And as a road family. Its the shared moment. The first time you see each other. And thats my favorite part of the night. Thats what i missed most and looking forward to the most about 2015. Were calling it the big revival tour. And were going to do about 55 cities. 18 to 20 of those are stadium shows. The rest are arenas and amphitheaters. Looking forward to that it. Im very passionate about it. How do you keep the passion . We have fun. We legitimately have a blast. Its a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. And thats the motto we have lived by on the road. That built no shoes nation in the first place. We work hard and play harder. What do you want to say to no shoes nation . Well, i want i first of all, i want to thank them for loving the music. And i cant wait to be out there and to touch their hands again. And like i said, rattle their cage and feel their energy. Its going to be a lot of fun. It is. Its going to be a lot of music. Its going to be you talk about passion, its going to be energetic. Its going to be rocking. Its going to be everything that you hoped to have in a concert and a day of music. Thank you. Im looking forward to it. I know you are. And the tour kicks off in nashville march 26th. Thats kennys birthday. Come on, d. J. , hit me with a little Kenny Chesney on the way out. There you go. Well be right back. Californians are discovering the real risks behind prop 46. It was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions. While, for the rest of us, Health Care Costs go up. No wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. They say 46 overreached in a decidedly cynical way. Its a ploy for trial lawyers to enrich themselves. And prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. Time to vote no on prop 46. Everybody, a good day. Thanks to d. J. Irie. Taylor swift on monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. Monday. Have a great day, everybody. A broader mix of energies, world needs nees to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. Thats why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50 fewer co2 emissions than coal. Lets broaden the Worlds Energy mix, lets go. Good morning, im kristen sze. Lets get your world series forecast with meteorologist mike nicco. Mike. Well start with todays, which is looking brighter and a little warmer than tomorrow. 5 00 your first pitch, mostly sunny, 67, dropping down to 63. A stray shower is possible tomorrow. It should not stop wont cancel the game, probably shouldnt even stop the game, but you could get wet. 65 to 62, so a little cooler. Our best chance of steady rain is tonight from 4 00 in the morning through 10 00 tomorrow morning, then scattered showers, maybe a stray thunderorm in the north bay. On the san mateo bridge if youre heading in the westbound direction, a threecar crash at the midspan is blocking one lane but its not causing any delays heading out of hayward into foster city. Im taking you on south announcer its live with kelly michael. Today, from the series, deal with it, howie mandel. And from film, television, and broadway actor, gretchen mol. Plus, its big, really big. Live proudly prevents americas biggest pumpkin. All next on live. Now, here are kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause]

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