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It sure is and he has a lot of people freaking out strolling the neighborhood sniffing the trash can and acting like a person. But can he keep up the rhythm . Here we go feeling in my soul go, got a feeling and good morning, america. On this thursday, okay, everybody, weigh in. Lets put the bear video back up. Is it a bear or not . I was so skeptical of that lion dog the other day. I think its definitely sasquatch. Its a man in a bear suit. Thats what i think. Thats a very fast bear. Bear with me for a second. Oh i couldnt help myself. Its early. Yeah, well, thank you. We always like to boo people early in the morning. Thank you, michael. Im used to it. I was a football player. Oh. Good one, keep them coming. We have a lot of news to get to this morning. We have the latest on the ebola outbreak. Six alabama students who were studying abroad in liberia are now stranded there because of this deadly virus. More on that but right now to that hurricane in the pacific. Could be the first to hit hawaiis big island in more than 50 years. Expecting to make landfall tonight. Ginger tracking it all. Weve got two watching julio by the weekend and will go north. Iselle is where our attention is directed this morning because its less than 24 hours away going to hit tonight in hawaii. You can see as a category 1 hurricane sustained winds max sustained at about 80 Miles Per Hour and then start to weaken but still affects the other islands as well with gusts up to 60. Want to put this out there. You see the topgraphy. This is a big island with up to 14,000 foot tops, right . Two volcanos, and people wonder how will that affect it . Winds around hilo, 74 Miles Per Hour and that big orange area, more like 58. So i think number one impact is rainfall, mudslides, possible. Second is wind. Storm surge not as big an issue but something to look out for because the peak is so high the storm surge has a tough time to get in there. Waves could go up to 15, 20 feet. Wow, supersurfing weather. Okay, ginger, thank you. Well get the latest on the ebola outbreak. The cdc is raising its alert to the highest level as it monitors the spreading virus keeping a close watch for cases here in the u. S. Abcs Steve Osunsami tracking it all from atlanta where the two infected american aid workers are being treated. Good morning, steve. Reporter good morning, george. The family of those sick missionaries hospitalized just down the street here from the cdc are asking for prayers this morning. This morning, disease trackers in the cdcs Emergency Operations center are on their highest level of alert monitoring the outbreak around the clock. Its sort of all hands on deck thing now so that we can draw on people who normally wouldnt be involved in this kind of Infectious Disease outbreak. Reporter fears over the disease causing panic in Emergency Rooms across the country. The cdc says six people in the United States have been tested for ebola since the west african outbreak erupted in february. All results have been negative including that new york patient who walked into this New York Hospital with ebolalike symptoms monday. And the two Americans Still in isolation wards at this atlanta hospital now getting the kind of 24 7 western medical care a specialist not treating them says just might save their lives. The key here is excellent nursing, frequent vital signs, fixing problems. You have a dehydrated person, give him i. V. Fluids. You have a patient who is anemic, give him a blood transfusion. Reporter spain will become the first country in europe with an ebola infected patient. A 75yearold spanish priest, working at a liberian hospital, is now back home at a hospital in spain for treatment he traveled inside this medically equipped military jet. In liberia, this is whats passing for sanitation centers. Buckets of water and hand sanitizer. This morning, were learning more about six stranded Tuskegee University students studying abroad in liberia. Their flights have been delayed for at least another ten days because of travel restrictions in and out of the country. The university this morning saying that they are in a safe place and that theyre all healthy. George . Thank goodness for that. Okay, steve, thanks very much. George, now to the Oscar Pistorius murder trial. Pistorius is back in court this morning after a monthlong break. Closing arguments are under way for the former olympian charged with killing his girlfriend and abcs lama hasan has the latest. Lama, good morning. Reporter good morning, amy. Its an explosive start to the closing arguments in the Oscar Pistorius murder trial with the prosecution arguing pistorius was being deceitful, evasive and untruthful by referring to all of his inconsistencies when giving his version of the events, arguing he shot and killed his girlfriend with intent. This morning, the final chapter begins in the sensational Oscar Pistorius murder trial. A fivemonth affair thats been filled with drama since the start. Today, that drama back on display. Lead prosecutor gerrie nel, aka the bull terrier going on attack from the outset. The accused was a deceitful witness. His core version of events being absolutely devoid of any truth. Reporter as he makes his final arguments to the judge and her two assessors punching holes in the defenses case, saying there was no perceived intruder that night pistorius killed his girlfriend, model, reeva steenkamp, trying to prove he intended to shoot her after an argument. This is just coming from the accused. I fired shots at the toilet door and shouted to reeva. My lady, there is no way of interpreting this sentence any way but say, i deliberately fired shots. Reporter nel trying to show the blade runner was not a credible witness pouncing on his inconsistency while on the stand and focusing on 13 of what he called pistorius untruths. He heard a noise emanating from the toilet. Noise and movement. In normal circumstances i wouldnt read it so squarefully but in this instance we have to because theres a difference between hearing movement and a noise. Reporter painting pistorius is always placing the blame somewhere else. The accused refused to take any responsibility and would always place the blame for his actions somewhere else. Reporter untruthful and trigger happy. Well, the defense team is delivering its closing arguments before the judge can deliberate and deliver her final verdict. Remember, in south africa there is no jury system, so its up to the judge and her two assessors to make the final decision. George. Okay, lama, thank you. We turn to russia striking back at the u. S. This morning with president putin retaliating for sanctions over the crisis in ukraine by banning American Food imports including meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. Abcs jon karl is at the white house and this comes as the administration is voicing new concern about the russian buildup on the border of ukraine. Reporter in fact, george, chuck hagel, the defense secretary, is warning there is an increasing threat of a russian invasion of ukraine. U. S. Officials say there are 20,000 Russian Troops now amassed on the border and that they are armed with the kind of heavy weaponry that they would need to conduct a fullscale invasion of Eastern Ukraine and on the sanctions front, russia is not only banning food imports from russia and europe, but they are threatening to ban western airlines from flying over russian territory. Something that could dramatically increase costs and flight times for flights to and from asia so the bottom line, george, is that u. S. Sanctions on russia appear to be doing zero to convince Vladimir Putin to back down. And the president was saying at his press conference yesterday which you were at he wasnt prepared yet to offer more military aid to ukraine but was looking at it on a daytoday basis. Meantime, another announcement from russia this morning. Theyre going to be giving and this is a poke in the eye as well giving more time to edward snowden, the fugitive nsa leaker. Thats right. Russia announced he has three more years of asylum in russia. A reminder russia u. S. Tensions go beyond ukraine. Snowden, of course, is the most highprofile, most wanted American International fugitive there is and now hell have at least another three years of safe haven in russia. Jon, thanks very much. To dan harris with the rest of the headlines. Good morning. Well start with a solemn ceremony just moments ago, the flagdraped casket of Major General hair old greene. He was killed by an afghan soldier at a military camp near kab kabul. Also, secretary of state john kerry announced in afghanistan on an unnounced visit hoping to settle the disputed president ial election there. In the middle east israel agreed to extend the ceasefire with hamas for another 48 hours. Here at homesups of families forced to evacuate after a Massive Wildfire erupted 75 miles east of portland, oregon its racing along the Columbia River gorge. Steep slopes make it very hard to fight. Nearly 300 homes are threatened. One of americas Great National treasures may be threatened uniquely by a modern problem. A drone equipped with a camera, crashed here in one of the famous hot springs which could upset the springs thermal features. The drone could be 120 feet deep. Theyre banned in National Parks but there have been a string of other problems this summer. And look at this crash. A city bus careening out of control after being hit by a car running a stop sign. There it is, the buzz hits an. Suv, jumps the curb and slams into not one but two houses. You can hear the sole passenger on board screaming as shes thrown from her seat. No one not hurt. And back at home historians are confirming a small but fascinating piece of American History has been found at a library in illinois. This is the handwriting of Abraham Lincoln inside a book about racism. Historians believe lincoln read the book so he could better make his case against slavery. He wrote the name and address of a friend inside the book just in case it got lost. And finally, bear with me, michael strahan, because in new jersey, they are freaking out about a walking bear. It all started with this video right here where you can see a bear walking on its hind legs apparently because of some sort of paw injury. Now, this clip was just grainy enough for some people like me to write it off as bigfoot or a dude in a bear suit as amy put forward earlier but then came this clip where you can see what is clearly a bear walking up to that trash can, sniffing it, yeah, nothing in there for me and then strolling on and then there is a third clip, i believe we have it, im not sure if we have it, there is a third clip. Youll have to take my word for it where you can see the bear close up in somebodys backyard and so i think we put it to rest as the question as to whether this is really a bear. Its definitely a bear. Dan, that was so unbelievable, i could barely watch it. Oh, my god. Another one. Hes doubling down. Doubling down. I got booed the first time. Im try toss make a comeback. That was your strategy . Im trying. Lets talk about that off air. You dont quit. Keep on going. Actually we have to shift gears to a sad story. A tragic end to summer fun, a 16yearold girl was killed, another badly injured while tubing. Both fell off and when their friends turned around to pick them up, they accidently ran over the girls. Linsey davis has the story. Good morning. Reporter good morning. There were four High School Students all just 16 years old water tubing when somehow they became entangled in the motor of the boat that was pulling them. An afternoon of summer fun for four teenage girls turned tragic in the waters off greenwich, connecticut, wednesday when two of the girls being towed behind their motorboat were pulled into the boats motor. At some point, the girls on the tube became entangled in the prop of the outboard engine. Lots of ambulances pulled into this harbor. I dont know, its kind of scary, honestly. Reporter one of the girls, just 16 years old, died on the scene. I just think its an awful tragedy for our community. It was just a horrible thing to hear and feel sorry for her family. Reporter the second girl suffered serious leg injuries and was rushed to a local hospital. Police said it happened near the Old Greenwich yacht club and alcohol was not a factor in the accident. The superintendent of greenwich Public Schools said the victim was going to be a junior at Greenwich High School this september. We are mourning the devastating loss of one of our greenwich High School Students, he said in a statement. The horrific tragedy left many in the affluent seaside enclave reeling and stunned. I was shocked and scared because, you know, its two four high schoolers. You know . Could be my friends, especially the one that passed. Its scary. Reporter just to put this in perspective in this country the coast guard reported more than 4,000 boating accidents resulting in more than 560 deaths last year. The young woman who was injured remains in the hospital with leg injuries requiring extensive stitches. This all just three weeks before they were set to return back to school from summer break. Such a sad story. Yeah, it really is. Okay, thanks. And to some medical news now. A new study linking a lack of vitamin d to dementia and alzheimers disease. Abcs senior medical contributor dr. Jennifer ashton is here to break it down for us. Tell us, dr. Ashton, what this study shows. The pendulum on vitamin d keeps swinging back and forth. This study was interesting, because it was really one of the first ones that looked forward in time about vitamin d levels and found those who had a moderate deficiency of their vitamin d level faced a 53 increased risk of all types of dementia. If you have a severe deficiency, that risk jumped up to a 125 increase. They found similar numbers specifically for alzheimers dementia and very important this study actually found the beneficial range to be between 25 and 50 so a lot of people get their vitamin d levels checked. Those were the numbers they were looking at. Did the study show why . Thats the thing. We hear it all the time. Based on association not cause and effect. We know every organ system in the body has vitamin d receptors. One of the theories might be it helps clear out those plaques that interfere with brain function. But absolutely more research is needed. All right. We know vitamin d is good from the sun in moderation. What are the other sources of vitamin d. Ten minutes of natural sunlight. Foods like egg, salmon, milk. If you need to go to a supplement, supplement but remember more is not better because there are risks with too much. All right, okay. Dr. Ashton, we appreciate it. You bet. Michael, over to you. Yep, dont boo me after this but this is some serious monkey business, everybody. A legal dispute over this picture. The guy who owns the camera said he owns the right to the shot even though the monkey took it. But not everyone agrees. Abcs nick watt has the story. Reporter when a monkey snaps a selfie in a forest, who owns the co copyright . Theyre selling it it. They do not have my permission to use it. Reporter photographer david slater is fuming over a smudgy skype connection from rural england all over this uber viral simeon selfie. Hes claiming copyright and says maybe theres 150,000 bucks involved in the rights to this 2011 snap seen around the world. Slater says he flew to the remote indonesian island home of the crested macaques and its his camera. So i did all of the settings on the camera, all of the focus, all this sort of thing. Reporter heres the problem. Wikipedia is displaying that photo claiming the monkey took it. Monkeys cant claim copyright so its Public Domain. In the vast world of monkey selfies, this could be a precedentsetting case. Reporter wikipedia hasnt responded to our request for comment but under the photo this file is in the Public Domain because it is the work of a nonhuman animal. It has no human author in whom copyright is vested. Slaters ready for court. Someone is taking credit for the monkeys work and saying, i own that copyright. Thats a tough legal argument to make. Reporter similar to that brouhaha over the rights to that famous ellen oscar selfie, degeneres owns the camera. Cooper snapped the shutter and so did the monkey. Creating this modernday mona lisa that enigmatic smile. For Good Morning America, nick watt, abc news, los angeles. This guy better win this case. Yeah. Its his camera. Its bananas. Did you get it, bananas. Oh, no. That got a laugh and a cheer and i got booed. Yeah, shes cuter than you. Sorry. Untrue. Untrue. I was totally i will debate that. Okay, ginger, why dont you give us more on whats going on in the midwest. Yes, we are talking about big flooding, so places like wichita, kansas, just outside of there, getting 3 inches in just a couple of hours, so we had flash flooding there through parts of kansas city, and it will be moving to the east now. The same rainfall rates just sliding along that low and the stationary front and we have the next three days on here because i wanted to not only include central and Southern Illinois right through kentucky but, of course, North Carolina too, again, next three days going into the weekend. So locally you could see some spots getting over 4 inches. The other big story in the south heat. There is a heat advisory for Corpus Christi even though theyre in the 90s, they could feel like 110. Theres the rest of the heat. We have to get your local forecast. And, hey, michael, for the record, i laughed at your bear joke. Thank you. Youre so kind. Well go back and look at the tape. Coming up, stunning teenage love triangle. A young man on trial for killing his best friend over a girl. The young woman at the center of it all is on the stand. The murder mystery that has philadelphia on edge. A mother strangled while jogging. Police on a desperate hunt for clues right now. Plus, gma investigates when rescue dogs go wrong. Is information being hidden about the pet youre about to adopt and what you need to know before you bring one home. George clooney one step closer to tying the knot. The big step he took and new details now about the wedding. The man kind the cronut has a new creation. What do you think it is . Ooh. Maggie wants some handson experience. Handson experience. With samsung. But shes been going about it all the wrong way. I have . Yeah, you have. Luckily for maggie, there is a place for her to touch, try and play with all of the devices shes been dying to get her hands on. The Samsung Experience shop, only at best buy. 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And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. Claritin doesnt start working until hour 3. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™ our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat. The flavors, are anything but. So whether its taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. Or the smoky spice of the southwest. Or bold, adventurous thai flavors. You always get flavor thats anything but flat. And always with chicken raised without antibiotics. New flatbread sandwiches from panera. Each 360 calories or less. Try one today. Good morning. Im eric thomas. Hurricane iselle is bearing down on hawaii this morning, causing probl problems at international airport. At least one has been canceled, united flight to honolulu that was supposed to leave at 9 05. Iselle will bring heavy rain and winds as high as 85 miles an hour when it strikes the big island tonight. Mike has an update. Well take a look at the radar. You can see a few showers rolling across the eastern tip there. Within the next 12 hours, we could have 74mileperhour winds as you head toward honolulu, the next 36 hours, 34mileperhour winds and the western most island. Things will get progressively worse. Were much cooler this morning, mid 50s to low 60s. On our way to seasonal temperatures the next seven days. Eric . Mike, thank you very much. Leyla gulen has a look if havent left the house just yet, we have some accidents we want you to avoid. Looks business as you pull away from emeryville, overcrossing there merge with traffic very slow. We take you into San Francisco, twocar crash breaking 101 sky way. And in san jose as well, northbound side of 101 at alan rock, one lane blocked due to another accident. Another accident. Now hey ca sure. You bet thats our new interactive speaker wall. sup . Thinks its a speaking wall. This can even dim your lights. Your 3dprinted girlfriend will love that. Real mature. There you go. A laser drone for cats. I wish i had lasers. I dont. Pew pew pew. The new radioshack is finally here. The store of your past is now the store of your future. Come see one of our remodeled stores and get a free portable power charger with a 15 purchase. One, two, three, four. Oh, my look at him go. Why hes in the guinness book of world records. Brian bednarek set it for clapping 804 times in just one minute. Just warming it up because hes live with us here and hell show us how it is done. He looks blissful. I feel like he would be good at giving me a back massage. If he could do this really well. Hes in the zone. Right there. No judgment here. I know. Im impressed. Very impressed. We have a lot to get to including a murder mystery that has the city of philadelphia on edge right now. A mother strangled while she was out jogging. Police are desperate for clues right now. Plus, gma investigates rescue dogs. Is information being hidden about the pet youre about to adopt. What you need to know before you bring home an adorable face like that one. And big wedding news for George Clooney, the superstar is one step closer to tying the knot and well tell you about all that and the new details about the wedding. All of that coming up. But first a lurid case out of into involving three teens in a love triangle that turned deadly. One man is on trial for killing his best friend. Abcs gio benitez is here with the story. Good morning, gio. Reporter i was a reporter in florida when the young man was killed. And let me tell you, it shook the community. Three miami kids from a respected high school going off to college and getting entangled in something so very dark. Shes the young woman at the center of an alleged deadly triangle caught in the middle of dangerous obsession that police say left her boyfriend, Christian Aguilar dead. And his former best friend, now on trial for his murder. 20yearold pedro bravo is accused of killing aguilar in 2012, fueled by jealousy after finding out he was dating friman. The three pictured at prom had been high school friends. Back then, freeman dated bravo, but once in college, she began dating aguilar. Something she hid from bravo. I lied to him because he was a very sensitive point in his life, i suppose. I didnt want to throw him over the edge until im, by the way, im dating a mutual friend of ours. Reporter when bravo found police say he poisoned and strangled the 19yearold university of florida student, hiding aguilars body in a remote field, discovered 22 days later. Taking the stand tuesday, came facetoface with her ex, identifying some of s i belongings police found in bravos closet. I do recognize it. What is this . Its christians. Reporter a moment too tough for friman. Prosecutors say bravo followed friman to gainesville from miami writing about it in a sketch book. No one will stop me. I will get out of miami and into gainesville by january 2013 and i will get her back. Reporter friman says bravo threatened suicide and hoping advice from aguilar would help she says she arranged for the two to meet. At this point, did you still care about pedro . I did, but i mean i cared about anyone who claimed that they were suicidal. Reporter the two men captured shopping on surveillance images. Investigators say bravo had bought a shovel and duct tape both found near the body. And bravo pleaded not guilty. In the sketch book now used as evidence against him he wrote i am a monster for having hurt chris the way i did. I spend every day going back in time to have taken my life before anything happened. Such a tough case. It sure is. Okay, gio, thanks. Now to a murder mystery. A mother of two strangled to death in a park in a quiet neighborhood. It has philadelphia on edge. Police are hunting for the killer. They say they have no suspects right now and abcs reena ninan has the story. Reporter this morning, the hunt for a nighttime strangler. Philadelphia police now scouring Surveillance Footage looking for the person who murdered this 46yearold married mother of two. If anyone saw her jogging or if anyone knows anything or heard anything they should give us a call. Reporter Connie Murray jogging in a popular park 26 miles north of philadelphia. Found strangled to death. An autopsy confirming no signs of sexual assault. No signs of trauma and no signs of her killer. There was some minor bruising on her but not even enough to say it was blunt force trauma. Reporter a neighbor walking her dog says she found murray in bushes near a Recreational Center in pennypack park, pennsylvania. A park frequented by families and Young Children. I was so shocked, i couldnt believe it. Reporter homicide detectives say they have not been able to locate murrays cell phone or headphones. If we find any dna it will be uploaded into the system. Reporter murrays family says they filed a Police Report early on Tuesday Morning when she went out on her usual night run and didnt return. Theyre questioning anyone who frequents the area. They ask women not to walk or jog until they find out what occurred. That is certainly good advice. Reena, thanks so much. Well get a check of the weather with ginger. A lot to talk about. Another area seeing flash flooding. The last couple of days its been rough in southeastern idaho. The bridge washed over, this is close to twin falls, idaho, and where the road has caved in, you see that sinking right on the cliff, a little scary. Still have a chance for that because flash flood watches go until this evening for many counties around idaho falls, but i wanted to point out you have seattle, 77, thunderstorms and the moisture peaking there and we talked about nasty weather, i thought weve got to say one nice thing and this is in the northeast. Parts of new england may see showers as a mostly dry front. Good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco. Our summer pattern is back, morning clouds and afternoon sunshine from mid60s at the cost and mid90s east bay. Cooler the next couple of days s all that weather coming up or brought to you by walgreens and coming up, i have to talk about some nasty weather again. It cant all be sunshine. So sorry. Well take it. Im going to go bananas. Sorry. Also coming up, gma investigates rescue dogs gone bad. The questions you need to ask before bringing one home. Plus, this story is trending big this morning. The highlevel ceo stepping down to spend more time with his three young kids. The worlds fastest clapper is here live showing us how its done more than 800 claps in just one minute. Im going to challenge him. And getting major kudos. Just look at you. Youre being healthy, even in little ways. Thats worth celebrating. 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First president george rockington that doesnt even make any sense. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Were back now at 7 40 with gma investigates. This morning the risks of adopting a rescue dog taking one of these canines into your home is certainly a good deed but sometimes these animals turn out to be dangerous. Abcs Mara Schiavocampo is here with what you need to know. Mara, good morning. Reporter amy, good morning. Adopting a dog with an unknown history can be a risk as one new jersey family recently found out. Though those attacks are rare, there are things can you do to help keep your family safe. Such a good girl. Reporter tennessee, an 11yearold pit bull mix is a good dog who had a bad life. Ah. Reporter spending her early years abused and neglected before being adopted by the speciale family. I was nervous when i first came home. Because theres small children. Reporter the family worried how safe this dog would be with their two young boys. Luckily the family says this big dog turned out to be a big softy with the kids. They ride her. They hop on her. They roll over her. She is completely unfazed by it. Reporter but gma investigates learns stories like this dont always have a happy ending. This spring a rescue group placed this 1yearold pit bull mix up for adoption. His records from the cityrun shelter showing a history of aggression noting the dog, quote, attempts to bite and when approached hard stares and lip curls low growls and then charges the front of the kennel. After a volunteer noted progress in the dogs behavior, a family with two Young Children adopted the shelter dog but just one day later he attacked the two children. Both the adopting family and rescue group disagree on what information and how much was relayed about the dog at the time of the adoption. We see some isolated incidences of these kind of tragic situations but i think when you are adopting a dog without knowing where the dog came from it could be a little bit of a gamble but i think its a gamble worth taking. Reporter according to the aspca, the over yawl adoption retention rate is about 85 to 90 and last year of the nearly 1 million dogs adopted out, only 5 first were returned to a shelter. But what do you need to know to make sure youre not bringing a potentially dangerous animal into your home . The aspca says most shelters conduct assessments like these to gauge a dogs temperament. In this case evaluating how this pup responds to hyper stimulation or how this pup reacts to having his lunch interrupted. Its a completely normal behavior to guard your food. Its not usually a safe behavior in most homes. You dont want your kids sticking your hands in that bowl. Exactly. Reporter the key is talking to the shelter about the dogs evaluation. The behaviors that we see throughout the assessment are predictive of future behaviors. Reporter other tips, experts say only use reputable shelters and rescue groups. Be very specific about what you want. Dont go for looks. Adopt the right dog for your life, not the cutest one and always trust your gut. If something is making you feel a little bit funny it might be hes not a right match. Now, those children who were attacked that we told you about had to get stitches but are otherwise fine. Thankfully. The aspca says finding the perfect pet is like matchmaking so theyve started using dating like questionnaires to help families to find puppy love. Here is my match. This is dolce from the Tony La Russa rescue, and i said specifically, i want a cat in a dogs body. If you had a cat on this set it would be a disaster. I wanted mellow and calm and this is shes a doll. She is so sweet. Unfazed by the lights. Shes been licking you. Shes so calm and sweet. Were a good match. I hope people dont see that and say they dont want to get a dog. Its very isolated, these problems. Ive had rescue dogs my entire life and theyve all been fantastic but its a risk so you want to know what to be smart about. So that you dont bring a dangerous animal into your home. 5 is important. Absolutely. Or get a cat, an actual cat. Theres always that. Thank you, mara. We appreciate it. Coming up, why oscar nominated Actress Naomi Watts says she feels victorious for now bowing to hollywood pressure and the latest beauty trends. A couple trying to rekindle the spark. What they did every day for a month to see if they could get it back. On open mike, the worlds fastest clapper is sharing his secrets. Im not afraid of this guy. Im going to take this dude on. Lets go. Use your target debit or credit redcard for an extra 5 off our every day low prices. Taco bell brought back these ronathem a question. Sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place . You dont go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. Good point, Ronald Mcdonald taco bells new grilled breakfast burritos just a buck twentynine. [ male announcer ] get 37 entire house installation, plus free pad upgrade when you buy stainmaster carpet and pad at lowes. Some things are Worth Holding on to. Make virtual real. With canon pixma printers and the pixma cloud app, which allows you to print anything, from anywhere to anywhere. Unwind with tide, downy, and bounce. When youre awake and cant sleep an ounce, the sweet dreams collection is so relaxing, so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. Tide, downy, and bounce. Official products of the National Sleep foundation. Step upow step up now to the open mike. All right. Its open mike time, everybody. This morning well meet the fastest clapper in the world. Probably helps him in the bars pick up dates. Here he is, he broke the Guinness World record clapping 804 times in one minute. Take a look at his recordbreaking viral video. One, two, three, four. [ whistle ] whoa. Whoo. You cant believe your eyes because i cant. That is ridiculous. You cant believe it lets see him in person. Come out, brian bednarek. Oh, my gosh. Whats up, man . Not much. How are you . Now, very serious, what inspired you to become the worlds fastest clapper . Well, you see about a year ago i got dumped. I got dumped hard. That will do it every time. Naturally as a true gentleman i thought how can i make that girl regret it . First thing that comes to mind is become the world record holder for the first claps in a minute and im sure shes sorry. Have you heard from her . Oh, i wouldnt want to. Oh. See, thats payback right there. You have a girlfriend now. I do. What does she think about it. Shes a big fan but her dad is a much, much bigger fan. Really . Yeah. I walk to her house. Met him for the first time. He shakes my hand. Quickly walks over to the nextdoor neighbors house and grabs him and comes back with the neighbor in the kitchen and just says, do it. Well, good thing he meant the clapping. Oh, yes. Very good. But is there a special technique . Honestly it all just comes naturally. Theres nothing much to it. I think we want to put you to a test, dan and i. Come on. Lets go. Wow. We have 20 seconds on the clock. Ginger, we need you, ready, set, go. Give us a little ready, set. Up and down. Elbows up and down. Go. Yeah. Dan is doing it old school. Elbows in. I dont know what slow clap. Slow clap. Interference. What is this. Hall of fame. Ah. Yes. Still going . You survived. I dont know who won but coming up, deals steals, hot Summer Savings edition with sales over 70 off just for gma viewers. Coming up Good Morning Americas deals steals brought to you by bank of america. Use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. Going to make the world that sounds good 8sharpie permanent markers, only 3. 97. That sounds good 99 for a 10inch tablet with a builtin keyboard . That sounds good get a smarter start to school. Save 25 when you open a new walmart credit card account and spend 75 today at walmart. Paid as a statement credit. Offer valid through 12 31 14. Apply today. Save money. Live better. Walmart. Bananas. Rice cakes. Raspberries. Toast [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. Spoons which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. But now that we have the tempadjustable base,ile, spoons its even better. [alex] when i put my feet up on this bed, my stress just goes away. [evie] i go up. Heeeeyyy. [donna]our tempurpedic is the best thing in our house, cept for my husband. [lauren] wait,wait,where are you going . [announcer] visit your local retailer and discover how tempurpedic can move you. Is it the biting . We need to break up. Cuz i can stop . No i love you and your show. Its cable. Customers are more satisfied with uverse. Switch and we can Stay Together forever. Forever . Ow. Im not gonna lie to you. Its also the biting. Break up with cable. Choose uverse tv from 19 a month for 2 years. Good morning america is brought to you by dreamworks new movie, the hundredfoot journey in theaters this friday. Good morning. Im eric thomas. First up, check on the forecast with meteorologist mike nicco. Twins and as, 68 degrees, 7 05, dropping down to 63. Today were back to average but without the humidity. 60s around the coast. 70s around the bay. 90s inland. Well keep an eye on monday. Leyla . Clogging up a lane on the transition road between 87 and 280. Southbound highway 87 to the southbound 280 connector. Thats where weve got it. Northbound side is 87. That is starting to load up quite a bit. Closer to San Francisco between the east bay and san fran, you can see there the traffic in the middle lanes starting to move through. Were actually looking at conditions getting away from the east bay. Eric . Leyla, thank you. The news continues now with leyla. Another update for you in half an hour. Ar about the whats that . Le ice cream man . He who loves eating monster who loves creamy delicious tillamook ice cream. whispering seriously . door creaks hes fast. Tillamook ice cream, tastes better because its made better. For the protein packed black forest ham and cheese. Enjoy lean, sliced ham with a hint of sweetness, piled high with all your favorite veggies like green peppers and juicy tomatoes. Now yours at a great price as our 3 sixinch select of august. Subway. Eat fresh. You got to make every dollar count these days. Hey have l thou to savehey have lots of ways for you to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week fresh off the vine seedless green and black grapes are just 1. 99 a pound. Oscar mayer deli fresh or selects lunchmeat are only 3. 99. And quilted northern bath tissue is 11. 99 for 24 double rolls. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. This is going to be the best day of my life good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And breaking news for will and kate. The brandnew Buckingham Plaza announcement that will change their lives. But if you close your eyes and are you worried about losing the spark after you have kids . How one couple used getting closer to heat things up. The single thing they did every day for a month. And were going to let it burn burn burn and turning down tem nation. Hollywood superstar naomi watts reveals why she said no to one of beautys biggest trends. Carry on all that and grumpy cat takes over social square. Shes back, shes really not interested, and shes saying, grumpy morning, america. And a big thursday crowd out there in times square. Lets take a look whos on the red carpet coming in this morning. There is grumpy cat. Aint moving. No, on strike. Grumpy cat on strike this morning. Were hoping that grumpy cat is going to come inside. Doesnt look like she really wants to, but were hoping shell change her mind. Okay. Ill say it again. Please, grumpy cat, please come inside because we know actually dont. Wow. I cant do anything right. She has a big announcement, so, you know, maybe if she can stretch in, shell come in and tell us. On her own terms. Shes grumpy and not trying to hear. Theres tory johnson and she brought along sizzling Summer Savings for all of us, more than 70 off just for gma viewers. And i know you have great sympathy for grumpy cat. Youll be talking to her later. I am excited to meet her. Apparently shes quite sweet. Well see. Well start with news and we begin with gingers big story of the morning, the double hurricanes headed toward hawaii right now. Tourists and residents gracining for the worst making t the first hurricane to land there in more than two decades and julio, a category 2, is not far behind. These storms could unleash up to a foot of rain and dangerous mudslides. Also developing right now, hundreds of people in northern oregon are waking up to in emergency shelters because of the fastmoving wildfire. About 75 miles east of portland, nearly 300 homes are threatened as we speak. A potentially disastrous development in iraq this morning. Islamic militants have now reportedly seized control of that countrys largest dam. This is especially concerning because the dam needs continuous grouting to prevent it from collapsing. If its breached, it could unleash a wave of destruction downstream threatening thousands of people. And now to the ebola outbreak. The cdc has issued its highest alert, and this morning europe is now treating its first ebola patient. A spanish missionary priest flown overnight from liberia to madrid. Two americans being treated here in this country in atlanta continue to fight the virus, and, meanwhile, six students from alabama have been stranded in liberia because flights there have been suspended. Tuskegee University Says the students are in a safe location. A new prediction this morning that you might like about the plummeting price of gas. Analysts now say the average price nationwide could drop below 3 a gallon by the end of the year with the lowest prices in the southeast. Speaking of driving, you have to see what happens to this wouldbe car thief. As the suspect boosts this car in albuquerque, new mexico, listen to the song playing on the radio. Its the pop hit the best day of my life every which we play every five minutes on this show. You can see that the driver appears to be elated and all smiles but not for long. Turns out this car was actually planted by the cops, and police soon shut off the car remotely, and the 21yearold is promptly arrested. Most certainly not the best day they do. They do. Cruel. Anyway, finally as is our custom, we finish with a little bit of news of the weird. Remember yesterday we showed you this video of the farmer in kansas calling in his cows by playing a lorde song on his trombone. Well, todays version involves a farmer in russia with some disorganized ducks. Check out how he gets them in line. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] oh, my. How did he do it . I could tell you how he did it, but i dont speak russian, and there they go marching in formation straight into the barn. Oh, my gosh. It is really an incredible sight. He didnt have food in his hand . I dont know they must believe that there is food on the other side of that door. They know who feeds them. Yes, absolutely. Theres a man that is very good at what he does. Teachers everywhere thinking how do i do that for school this year . Exactly. Speak russian. We want to go live to london right now. Theres a big announcement coming in from the royal family and lama hasan is there. Good morning, lama. Reporter and good morning to you, george. Yes, it is official. Prince william has a brandnew job. The palace just announcing that he will be returning to the skies as an air ambulance helicopter pilot, but hold on to your seat, folks, because he still has to go through five months of training, 14 exams and one flight test before he can actually qualify. Williams got a new gig, a new job and a new home away from home. The second in line to the british throne will be using his wings to pilot an air ambulance. He couldnt give up his love of flying, no, so william will spend the next few months training and for march he will be working on a shift pattern of four days on and three days off. Reporter after seven years in the military, the new dad is trading in his search and rescue career to focus on his royal duties and spend plenty of time with kate and curious george. Its a vital service, and it performs lifesaving work, and were very pleased that his highness has chosen to fly with our charity. Reporter the couple are no doubt likely to spend more time at their Norfolk Manor house, a 30th birthday present from grandma, the queen. Kate reportedly busy decorating to make it a home fit for two future kings. And what about the pitterpatter of little feet . A royal sibling for george. Probably sometime next year. They definitely want to expand their family, but i think they want to have a little bit more time with george. Reporter and get this, and get this, william will be flying grueling hours during both daytime and nighttime shifts, so i guess parenthood and all those late night diaper changes have actually prepared him for his new job, and, george, you know, the royal, theyre just like us. They sure are. Lama, thanks very much. Lets go to amy in the social square. All right, george. We have a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu. In pop news the blockbuster baker behind the cronut reveals his next big creation. It is under this dome. Can you guess what it is . Also, one couples experiment to rekindle their romance. Were going to tell you what they did every day for a month. And then we have tory johnson, she is back with the hot summer deals and steals. More than 70 off just for gma viewers. All of that, and guess who we have outside . Our favorite viral feline, grumpy cat, all coming up on Good Morning America. Dont you worry gmas morning menu is brought to you by nexium. New nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. Lets get excited we just cant hide it no no no everyday thousands of People Choose nexium twentyfour hour for frequent heartburn. I was worried about orange juice, coffee. Everything. Not anymore. Get nexium level protection ™ and for a limited time save six dollars at nexium24hr. Com frbladder medicine not working . Cant handle the side effects . 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It turns out its one of the most Popular Videos on youtube overnight already getting more than a million clicks from a group called baracksdubs. I guess they made a lot of mashups of the president. When has the president used the word fancy . Its just funny. Any place, any time. I dont know. How long does it take . How long does it take to find all that . Its incredible. These guys are good. Michael, i hope youre good on pop news. Were always good on pop news, george. And that leads perfectly into this. Weird al yankovic is making a major splash with the release of his new album mandatory fun. It started out open at number one. The parody videos he released for the album are all a viral smash hit. Now more than 40,000 people signed a petition asking for weird al to play the super bowl halftime show for 2015. A fan by the name of ed ball is leading the charge on change. Org, and eds vision is for weird al to be joined on stage by all the artists he has parodied. That includes robin thicke, iggy azalea and lorde and many more. That would be awesome. I love that. Get a lot of people wrapped up into one show. I like that. It would be great. Frank underwood and salina meyer are the cover story, the latest edition of entertainment weekly. No, youre not seeing that. That is kevin spacey dressed up the veep, and Julia Louisdreyfus went house of cards on us sitting in for the coldhearted frank underwood. Both are fascinating characters as we all know, but theyre wildly different in basically every way and the stars have swapped roles for the magazines issue about the 25 best characters on tv, and that issue is hitting newsstands on friday. And now to the moment we have what all the nose is about. All that commotion youve heard, well, its because were about to reveal the latest creation behind dominic ansel. The creator of the cronut. Viewers have been tweeting what it is he made thats under this cover. Can i get a drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] there we go. The latest creation. This here is a pretzel lobster tail. Thats what it is. Im going to try it. I know that. This iss no lobster tail tell me more about it before i try it. Im going to tell you what it is. Homemade Peanut Butter and butter crunch brittle. A little sea salt sprinkled on top. What is this i dip it into . A honey brown butter dip. They say its best to tear a little piece off at a time. Its ridiculously good in its good. Incredibly good. Its yours. Im not tearing it. Im eating the whole thing at once. It goes on sale this saturday. But were excited here because we get a little early taste so what do you guys think . Excellent. Amazing. Yep. Salty and sweet with this dip. I know. If i finish this, ill have to run eight laps around the studio to work it off. Thanks, michael. Get the camera off me so you dont see me eat. Heat index coming up. Now lets get a quick check of the weather from ginger. Doesnt go on sale until saturday. It is a hot ticket item. Out here this is mine. Im going to share it but i have to see would could be louder. Its either mississippi or texas. Okay. Are you guys ready . Lets hear mississippi. [ cheers and applause ] all right. And how about texas . [ cheers and applause ] ooh. I think texas won. Larissa, there you are. Youve won the lobster tail. All right. Lets go ahead and start. Because weve got to get into the forecast and that includes hawaii, of course, first and you see the shelves empty. Many of the islands experiencing this. We even heard that one walmart was taking the water out of the packs and selling them for even more because its coming in short demand. We got the update. Not much changed. 85mileperhour max sustained winds should hit tonight on the big island and could see wind gusts of up to 75 Miles Per Hour. Lots of rain and mu we always love to share the morning with our men and women in uniform. New castle county, delaware, thanks for being with us. Ill have you help me toss it back in. George and amy. Thanks, guys. Amy can barely talk. Shes still eating the lobster claw the lobster tail. When theyre so good, why not have two. I had to remind her that the white part is the plate. Time for the heat index now. Some George Clooney news overnight. People magazine confirms that clooney and his fiancee Amal Alamuddin are one step closer to tying the knot acquiring their marriage license in london. Their plans were announce d outside chelsea Old Town Hall recently and hear that the couple may wed in italy in september. Of course, George Clooney has a villa near lake como. So lots going on there. I guess apparently its law. Everyone has to publicly display their wedding announcement or their license. It wasnt just for George Clooney. All right. Coming up next in the heat index, naomi watts is on the cover of town and countrys September Issue and shes revealing that shes stayed away from Plastic Surgery and says she feels victorious of steering clear of nips and tucks in an industry where there is so much pressure to look a certain way. The star did not get her big break until she was in her 30s and says shes since learned instead of trying to prove yourself you should just be you and watts admits she struggles sometimes. There are days when Plastic Surgery does sound a bit tempting, and, you know, its fair to say shes gorgeous. Shes in her 40s, right . Her early 40s. She looks beautiful and hasnt hurt her career. Shes doing great stuff. Put a little nice continental accent on that victorious. Did i . I love that she got it in her 30s. That gives everybody hope. Shes 45 and she looks fabulous. Wonderful. She does. Also in our heat index a story thats got a lot of people talking. A highlevel ceo stepping down to spend more time with his three kids. His name is max schireson, and hes the chief executive of a billion dollar database company, and he blogged about his decision in a post entitled why im leaving the best job i ever had saying he resigned because hes missed out on a lot of important family events instead traveling between his home in california and his office in new york. Unlike female ceos who might face questions about balancing home and work, he said nobody ever asked him about his other jobs being a dad and a husband. That says a lot. That must be tough, that transcontinental commute. Sure. Absolutely. Im sure his family is very happy. Im sure his kids are very happy. Thats the thing, hundreds of thousands of miles, you miss out on a lot. A lot more than others. Well learn about one happy couple right now also in heat index. Im so glad youre reading this. Right. Im just saying. Their experiment has caused an online sensation. Heres what they did. They had sex every day for a month. Wrote about it. That sounds exhausting. [ laughter ] abcs Abbie Boudreau has the story. That one. Reporter two little kids, two hectic jobs, but no more excuses, and lets face it, weve heard them all. Im tired. I dont feel well. I dont like how i look. I have to lose another ten pounds. Reporter with babies and a busy schedule, 29yearold meg connelly was feeling not so sexy and was worried she was losing touch with her husband of eight years, riley bingham. And i realized that we hadnt even touched each other for like eight days, which was crazy for us. Were you noticing that you werent as intimate as often . Absolutely. Reporter so meg came up with an experiment to get their spark back. He got home from work that night, and i was like, what if we just have sex every night for the next month, and he was like, yeah, what if we do, so so we did. Youre thinking i hit the lottery. I dropped my bag out of shock. Reporter was it every night youre doing the deed . Yes. Did you ever feel like i am just too tired today . Oh, absolutely. There were times where i would have to look in the bathroom muir enand psych myself. You can do this and after two weeks, i reporter she wrote about their journey on her blog, meg in progress, really striking a chord with couples, some calling her idea brilliant while others saying its oversimplified. What do you think this did for your marriage . It added excitement. He would come home from work and come into the kitchen like pick me up and twirl me around. It felt like we were kids again. We got on the same team again. We did talk a lot more and we became much more generous, less selfish. Reporter and though they say they are no long er having sex every day we still make it a point to be intimate every day whether its hand holding or kissing. Something thats just her and where we feel close no matter how long the day is. Its just us. Reporter for Good Morning America, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, provo, utah. Here with our relationship coach, donna barnes. And heres the challenge. Were going to have this entire discussion and its going to be appropriate for morning television. Nobody is going to giggle. Yes. Well, actually i think this is a great way to recapture why you wanted to be together. When you first meet, you cant keep your hands off each other and probably are having sex every time you see each other. And people lose sight of that. When you get in and start having a life really and you just take for granted that youve chosen this person and now youre with this person, but you cant take that for granted. You need to keep it the focus. In the piece theyre saying i feel fat. I feel unattractive. Women feel unattractive so they dont want to have sex with their partner because they dont want to turn them off. Its a bigger turnoff to not have sex with him because then he feels rejected and unwanted and then potentially looks somewhere else. That makes sense but were seeing every day. Could that signal a bigger problem . Yes, i mean if you look at it like youre being forced to do it. Its all about what you think about it. I think if you oh, gee, a chore, i dont want to do it, of course, you wont. If you get excited and say this is great. They say it was a shared adventure. Yeah, exactly. Like working out. You get in a habit. Yes, and with the same cardiovascular benefits. And just do it like you do with working out. Im a big fan of scheduling. George is sinking into his chair. No, im taking it all in. Its okay. Hes taking notes actually. Pointed out by somebody in the control room that ginger is newly married. Well, for those of you who arent, i think putting a conscious effort on it is really a way and rethink how you think about it. In you know that youre going to have it every night, you can get yourself excited about it. If you like music and candles, i had one client that says he never lights candles or plays music, if you do that, if you like that, you do that and then you can enjoy it together. Excellent advice. Thank you, donna. Thank you. Lets go outside to michael. All right. Thanks, guys. Now its time for some hot Summer Savings with tory johnson in this mornings deals steals. Bargains that are sure to go fast. So go to our website right now, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo for all the information you need to get the deals, so, tory, are you ready . Im ready. Lets go. What do you got . What do you have first . These totes. I love these. So simple. Theyre so silky soft. They are also scratch, tear and fade resistant, which i love and theres little totes like this in five different colors, as Jose Antonio Vargas well as cute little inserts so one or both you can buy. Original price. 10 to 20 slashed by 60 , 4 to 20 bucks. Next up, gorgeous, gorgeous new from kate forty eight. A beautiful not only does it come in a gorgeous box, but this is for lara. There are ten different styles, custom pendants. Up to 12 characters if you just do your name or initials, monogram, stainless steel or gold plated stainless steel and choose also the rope chain size you want. Normally starting at 118. What are they now . These are slashed more than 70 . 34. Wow. Kate forty eight. What do we have next . I had this one made for you. I love this. My favorite picture. The other day in canton was you love being a daddy. Daddy is number one. So anything with your kids. This allows you to take photos from your facebook and upload them to create cases either for phones or for your tablets. I hope george is watching because we did these of all his gorgeous pictures. Amy too. What do they start out at . Normally 35 slashed in half, 17. 50 to 27. 50 and free shipping. What we got . Pmd microderm. One of the best beauty buys of 2014. Only when you get it here. Its an amazing device to help with fine lines, wrinkles. Yes, you get the idea. For the appearance of smooth skin. Normally 159. Where are we at . This one is slashed by 64 , 58 bucks. And then last but not least what do we have . Big assortment. 100 water bottles. They called this the toughest water bottle because they shot golf balls at it out of a cannon. 100 different styles to choose from for kids and adults starting at 19 but slashed by 50 so 9. 50. Next week is our backtoschool bonanza every single day next week. All these deals today. Goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo thank you, thank you, thank you so much, tory. Now, coming up, internet superstar grumpy cat is here with a big announcement. Get ready, people, to get grumpy. Very strong. Good morning americas deals steals is brought to you by bank of america, use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. Tomorrow its going to be big with, tell them, robin. One of the biggest stars in country music. Luke bryan is taking over central park. Its going to definitely be a good morning. Its going to be a great morning. Only on good morning, america. Presented by claritin allergy brands. With a big announcement. Good morning. Im kristen sze. Doctors, medical centers in san pablo this morning has officially stopped receiving emergency ambulance traffic. Its stopped five days earlier than planned because of a staffing shortage. It will also shut down its cardiac unit. Doctors serves primarily lowincome people who will now have to travel longer to get the care they need. Morning commute time, leyla gulen has a look. Looking foggy as you can see here. Its not too clear making your way from marin to San Francisco. Into San Francisco, traffic slow to recover from earlier accident. Northbound 280 at 101, very heavy conditions as you head into the city. San jose, farther north there through mountain view, northbound side of 101 right through the 237 interchange there. There. Check out your forecast with hey ca there. Check out your forecast with sure. You bet thats our new interactive speaker wall. sup . Thinks its a speaking wall. This can even dim your lights. Your 3dprinted girlfriend will love that. Real mature. There you go. A laser drone for cats. I wish i had lasers. I dont. Pew pew pew. The new radioshack is finally here. The store of your past is now the store of your future. Come see one of our remodeled stores and get a free portable power charger with a 15 purchase. Good morning. Still in the upper 50s around half moon bay. San francisco, santa rosa. Antioch at 68. Going to the game, how about 68 degrees at 7 05, dropping down to 63. Well see a few clouds by the end of the day. Accuweather sevenday forecast, sunshine just about everywhere but the coast by all the boys want to line you up and take you down [ cheers and applause ] how about a little luke bryan . Well, were going to have a lot of him tomorrow. Hes going to be in central park for our concert, our summer Concert Series tomorrow right here on gma. I hope it will be as beautiful as this and luke will answer your twitter questions later live today. Follow the gma account and tweet your questions for him using the asklukegma. And guess what today is, its a grumpy kind of morning here at gma in the best way possible. Were talking about viral sensation grumpy cat. She is here and all of her demotivational glory and she has some big news to share with us. Earlier she was in no mood to come into the studio. I mean who would be when you have a nice little comfy couch like that there but commits. Yeah, she does. Doesnt break character. She doesnt move her position. Were bringing her some treats. Its a special delivery to make her feel right at home. She still doesnt seem to care much. Thats a delivery from the grumpy cafe. Yes, some coffee and some breakfast to kickstart her morning. Come on, grumpy, get on up. She doesnt look impressed at all. No. Also ahead in this half hour, oprah is back to tell us about her new passion project. Youll be able to see her all around the country. She sits down and talks to amy coming up very soon. All coming up. And also coming up, fall, autumn. Can you believe it . Its just around the corner, and as the weather changes, so should your wardrobe. Abcs sara haines checked in with lucky magazines eva chen to find out what everyone will be wearing for a stylish season. Reporter get ready to pack away your summer swimwear, and start shopping for falls hottest fashion trend, pants. Pants seem like theyd be boring, but theres a lot going on. Reporter lucky magazines eva chen breaks down this seasons three must haves. First up, denim with a twist. We are looking back at the revival of the patchwork jean. So what does that mean . Any jeans that you have that are about to fall apart some patches on. Next up is track pants. Yes, very chic. Not jane lynch in glee. No. Youre not wearing your red adidas with your track suit, no. Reporter finally a blast from the past, culottes. You feel so skeptical. I feel like ive been in a campaign to get you in culottes for several months. The freedom of a pant with the prettiness of a skirt so you can dash down the street, you can cross your legs. You can do lunges in them. You can do lunges in them. Reporter it was time to put these trends to the test. Tell me about these patchwork jeans. Its exactly what it sounds like, jeans with patches on them. You could diy this. Go buy some patches and slap them on those holes, and there you go. On trend for the next season. This is not what i thought when i thought of a track pant. The key to wearing track pants, you dont want to wear it with a sweatshirt. You want to wear it with a heel or something more feminine so it elevates the look. Im learning from you. Tell me about these culottes. Its easy. Its breezy. You could wear it with a tshirt or out at night with a high heel. Reporter still skeptical, i tried on a few pair and to my surprise these are great. I actually really love these. These are my favorite. I converted you. Im a full convert. Yay. [ cheers and applause ] all right. Sara is here now with lucky Magazine Editor in chief eva chen, and theyre both sporting culottes. We sure are. I didnt believe her and i actually like them. They look great and love them paired with these amazing shoes that are all the rage this fall. Tell me what were all wearing here. Were all wearing printed heels, which is a huge trend especially when paired with culottes. Im disappointed youre not wearing them . One at a time, eva. Im wearing pink camo flats. Thats something. Theyre comfortable. Theyre chic and make a statement. Whats all you need basically in your outfit to make a strong sartorial statement. We have this i love these. These are splurge and save. And we can guess which is which. But the printed heels are first up. Tell us about each pair. All right. Well, printed heels are huge. We both have them on. Its a ladylike statement but at the same time youre saying something with these printed heels, so on our right, we have j. Crew, theyre 298. That tropical print is really huge for fall, and youll continue seeing it in many different stores. You can wear it with anything. Totally. With jeans, black pants, with a suit. And thats all you need with a black suit. On the other side, you have shoes from nasty gal, theyre 55, theyre dorsay pumps. I will pair them with a polka dot skirt or a dress. Sneakers, we have a splurge and save as well. Sneakers are super great. Theyre the chic trend. Every fashion editor is wearing them. One from schutz, the polka dot pair and a camo pair from forever 21 for 25. Printed loafers. Printed loafers and flats are super hot. Sam edelman plaid and classic animal print. Our statement bracelets on a big trend. We see it happening in pinterest. Pinterest is buzzing right now with tons of statement bracelets. More the merrier. Layer them on. I love them. Thank you so much, eva. Thank you, sara, as always. You can find out more about the looks you just saw at our website, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo and we want to know how do you wear your bracelets. Tweet us your photos with the socialsquare. And lets check in with ginger zee who snagged a few sneakers, it looks like. You get back here, ginger. Which ones do you like . Which ones should i do . You guys have a preference . Go with these. All right. All right. Well, weve made our decision. Happy 50th, i assume. So weve got to check the forecast and lets go ahead and get right into chicago. So chicagos north of all that heavy rain that weve been talking about, that low pressure system, the stationary front bringing pretty big rains to the Tennessee Valley area and parts of the midwest still. Some places yesterday had 2 to 3 inches pretty quickly so thats going to hurt all the way into the end of the week, start of good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco. Our summer pattern is back, morning clouds and afternoon sunshine from mid60s at the cost and mid90s east bay. Cooler the next couple of days s [ cheers and applause ] that Weather Report brought to you by mcdonalds. Im going to go ahead and just pick out a few little other ditties. Dan, i like these. All right. Well, you do some grand theft, ginger. Manufacture im inside with the guest im excited about. Im not sure that the guest herself is very excited. We have the internets most famous cat, the grumpy cat and shes got a brandnew book called grumpy cat to life observations by grumpy cat. And shes hear with her owners tab by and brian bundson. I have to say my wife and i love your cat. Love your cat. So there are lots of inspirational selfhelp books out there. This book, however, is a rich treasury of deep cynicism and antisocial sentiments. What is the message you were trying to get out to your readers . Basically grumpy cat is just trying to give some insight on how to live a grumpier life. Do you think this could be helpful to people . Absolutely. Its like the other side of the road. Everybody has a situation they need to respond to and this will help with that. So weve got some thought bubbles we want to have the grumpy cat fill us in on, so these are some quotes from the book, some items of wisdom for the book. So, for example, the grass is always greener. How would the grumpy cat answer that . Well, the grass is always greener where you dont have to share it with anyone else. Lets try another one. If life deals you lemons, whats grumpy cats verdict . If life deals you lemons, throw them at somebody. And finally, to be or not to be, how does grumpy cat answer the shakespearean question to be or not to be . I think you know my preference. I think her face says it all there. So, brian, youve got a big announcement, well, i should say more specifically grumpy has a big announcement this morning. What is it . She does. We have room for another stop on our book tour. Were with Chronicle Books and theyre hosting the grumpy cat town usa contest where fans can submit their online ideas to bring grumpy cat to their hometown with the grumpytownusa. So weve actually come up with some potential ideas if people want to get ambitious. You can offer to throw a parade for grumpy. You can also offer to make grumpy a local photographer for your city hall. Maybe the mayors personal photographer or the mascot of your local professional sports team, and one final question, she had a cameo recently on the bachelorette. Can you tell us about that, tabby . I think they had a frown comparison, and id say grumpy cat won that one. Between grumpy and andi dorfman. I would say grumpy wins that although andis is not bad. Yeah. And we have to say before we let you go that the cat is actually quite sweet. She is. Aside from her facial expressions. She is a sweetheart. Very friendly with strangers. Ive been petting her all morning and pulling cat hair off myself. Thank you both very much for bringing the cat in this morning. We really appreciate it, and we should say that the grumpy guide to life observations by grumpy cat is available and came out tuesday. To learn more about the contest and see grumpys crankiest advice, go to our website, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo coming up on gma, oprah telling us or amy about her new passion project. Keep it here. You have made my life special by being apart of it. Ecenough. everyone cheers you made it buddy. Glad you made it buddy. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks again my friends. For everything, for all your help. Through all lifes milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. Congratulations thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. You should Come Celebrate with us. Id be honored. Plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. So you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. Chase. So you can. Guess what, Oprah Winfrey could be coming to an arena near you soon. She is kicking off oprahs the life you want weekend next month. I sat down with her earlier this week to hear all about it. So we hear that you start every day with tea. I do. So we thought wed have tea for two while we chat. I thank you. Oprah chai, i start every morning. And it just has turned out to be a special thing. I never had a real ritual before and now that is, so thank you for thinking of me. This is wonderful. Delicious. So i was so impressed. I watched your invitational video for your the life you want weekend. Yes. And i could see the emotion in your face. Ah. This is truly a passion project for you. Why is it so important . Well, its what ive always wanted to do, amy, and now to be able to speak oneonone to audiences, going on the road and actually talking to people about how they can actualize the life that they want for themselves. And you had that daily connection obviously with the oprah show. We know your fans miss you terribly so this is an amazing way for them to reconnect with you. Yeah, i have to say, is your next question going to be, do you miss the show . You knew it. Oh, see. No, no, of course, because its an obvious question. Miss . No. What i do miss is that connection. I think since 1994 or something, i started doing aftershows where i would sit with the audience. Every day i had my own personal focus group with people who would come from all over the United States, talking about ideas and issues that were important to them, and that was the best part of the day for me. Your message, live the life you want. Are you living the life you want . Are you there . Well, actually i just said to one of my assistants this morning, i said, maybe after this tour and listening to myself for eight weeks, maybe im really then going to have the life i want. I want, but im closer than im closer than ive ever been because like everybody, i find it difficult to balance, you know, what you really want and so that whole weekend with deepak chopra, ela van zandt, with elizabeth gilbert, with rob bell, mark nepo is all about helping people to figure it out. Its just sort of like guideposts, and then you make your own decision. In honor of your tour, wed like to do a lightning round. Were calling it the life oprah has so quick answers to some questions like first thing that pops into your head. I hope i dont fail. What did you google last . What did i google last . A book. If you had a superpower, what would it be . It would be to heal peoples hearts and get people to know themselves. What was your last purchase. Like a physical thing . Yep. Like at a store . Yeah. It could be online. Okay, like no, i dont shop online. Ever. I dont. Wow. I dont. Thats probably healthy. Oh, i would be lost in that if i started that. Oh, so the last thing i was a great chair for my den. Whats your guilty pleasure . My guilty pleasure is on the sofa with a bag of those new things, theyre called i thinked theyre called potato crisps. Ooh. Those are new . New to me. I think ive eaten those too. Whats your secret talent . I dont have one. I really dont have one. Okay. I wish i had a hobby. I know. And one day i was in the tub and i love bathing so much i think, bathing is my hobby. Your secret hobby. Oh, my god, im good at it. I am so good at bathing. I love this next question. What was your biggest fashion mistake . Oh, my gosh. 1992 when i got my hair cut, and then i had to go speak before congress. Oh, my god. I looked like little Red Riding Hood without the hood. Thank you for playing. I love all the whole time youre like, oh, like there was a time limit. Like jeopardy. What was the last thing i purchased . I was trying to think of something interesting. Who cares about my chair . I was trying to make it funny. You know, all of a sudden i think im a comedian. Because im sitting here with you. I got to be funny. I got to be funny, and i didnt purchase anything funny. I just purchased a chair. I like it. It was real and it was honest and thats all we can ask for. Are you supposed to be honest or make stuff up that entertains people . I think youre supposed to be honest but we would never know and, oprah, thank you so much for joining us. All right. [ cheers and applause ] how great is oprah . Shes fantastic, and her life you want weekend kicks off september 5th in atlanta. And you can check out how to get tickets. Coming up were going to give you tips on how to transform School Lockers into a chic fashion accessory. Aint it fun welcome back. It is almost time to head back to school. Can you believe it . And we want to to send your kids back in style, so its time to check in with the hottest backtoschool trend, locker decor. Just not a place to stash your books but these lockers are getting a full makeover and seven teen Magazine Editor jasmine snow is here to school us on locker chic. Hi. Pretty amazing. Thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. I want to start with a locker that looks a lot like what i had. Pretty scary. It is. But it is standard. Thats how they look. Most are like this. Most important thing when youre figuring out what you want to do with your locker is to maximize your space then after that figure out how to be organized. You have to get in, out, in between classes, get what you need and move on. So its function and beauty. Exactly. So getting in. Schools are very uniform. A way for people to express themselves. Yes, so this is amazing. I love that it has this chandelier. Super easy, you just stick it on, its magnetic and has batteries and a light and a little light. I know then this wallpaper is my favorite. Its the easiest way you can customize it. Its a big sticker. You just stick it on, and it instantly brightens things up. Has the stickers for organization. And has purpose. I love that. Look at that little stand. Checkin. So thats the glam. Now we have to go bold. So, this is a girl with a lot of personality. Girl, guy, anybody. A lot of personality is what she has. Shes the one that has some friends around her locker. Clearly shes having a little Party Every Day with this awesome disco ball. Same thing. You just stick it up at the top, battery, has a little button and all of a sudden you have a party. So not only is it that is cracking me up. By the way, its very funny, but you have the organization here. I love these little stickers. Multipurpose. Theyre multipurpose because you can put pictures in them, notes. You can hang your keys and necklace, whatever you need and if you need to grab a pen or a pencil. You dont want to be the person who is constantly borrowing things. You have everything at your fingertips to go in, quickly grab it and go to your next class. If youre the person with everything, everybody is coming to you. Theyre coming to steal your pen. Its kind of like home. If you have a home that you love looking at, its got to make school just school is great. Stay in school, kids, but more fun. Its an extension of your personal space. So many boring desks and books and all that stuff. This is a breath of fresh air. Can you go in and its your personal style, and you personalize it, which is great. Can you guys hear this . Little hum. Real quickly. We can get an idea. These are the wallpaper prints you can do. Again just a big sticker you can stick on. Its super easy. If you want to do it yourself, you can get your magazine covers, seventeen magazine, celebs and make your own wallpaper, as well. Diy idea. Thank you so much for being here, jasmine. Thanks for having me. We will be right back. Aint it fun gmas locker room makeover is brought to you by target. Expect more, pay less. Aint it good books at laquinta. Com,quind he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. And when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings . And thats how youll increase market share. Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as amazing sales he brings his agame la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta they often say, i wish i had done this sooner. Dont put it off any longer. Call 1800dentist today. I should be Good Morning America is brought to you by target. Expect more, pay less. Amy, i actually want to hear the rest of that story, but we have to give a shoutout to beyonce. Just found out shes going to be performing at the vmas and getting the prestigious Michael Jackson video vanguard award. Of course. Congratulations to her. Cannot wait to see all that. Grumpy and i want nothing to do with any of you, but we will say a special goodbye to grumpy. She has made our morning much grumpier. I know. She is amazing. Who knew such a grumpy face could make you so happy. Shes super sweet. Luke bryan is going to make her smile tomorrow. You watch. Oh, yeah. And this journey plays out all eversummer long during the Emirates Airline us open series. Dont miss your chance to see some of the top players in the world battle it out to see whos best. 5 weeks. 8 tournaments. Wh 8 cities. Which champion will prevail, which new hero will emerge . This is your chance to find out. For complete tv listings go to emiratesusopenseries. Com. Evewith the highest levelde of engineering. 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It will stay seasonal through sunday. Leyla . Dont forget, beyonce, jayz leaving the city. And outside land taking over the park. Well have muni reroutes and heavy traffic impacts. Be prepared and have fun. Kristen . Join us for our announcer its live with kelly and michael. Today, Academy Awardwinning actor jeff bridges. And from the series rizzoli isles, sasha alexander. And performing her big hit, all about that bass, meghan trainor. Plus, the lovely Rebecca Romijn returns for another day of cohosting. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] announcer now, here are strahan and Rebecca Romijn [cheers and applause]

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