Transcripts For KGO America This Morning 20140730

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well, good wednesday morning to you. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm devin dwyer. thanks for joining us. we begin with the major cleanup effort under way in los angeles on the campus of ucla. a 90-year-old water main burst under sunset boulevard shooting a geyser three stories in the air. streets were completely overrun and the school's newly renovated pauley pavilion flooded. >> and before crews could shut the water off, some 10 million gallons of water were wasted. abc's kirk hawkins has the latest. >> show you just how close that geyser is to the campus. >> reporter: in this aerial video you can see the massive water main break that shut down streets near the campus of ucla in l.a.'s westwood neighborhood on tuesday afternoon. >> i didn't really know how bad it was until i saw -- see it here myself. >> reporter: firefighters say at least three drivers were rescued from several cars that were stuck with water flowing as high as the windows. a bus, several cars and students attempted to navigate the fast-moving water. >> it's pretty horrible. i've just been finding out about the water issues that l.a. has and the drought that is going on. so it's pretty devastating to see all this water flushing around. >> look at that. >> reporter: parts of the track and field stadium on campus and pauley pavilion, home to the ucla basketball team, were taking on water. it was renovated for $133 million in 2012 but looked more like a fountain with water cascading down its adjoining steps. >> two of our parking structures also have received a good deal of water, which has created a problem for many of our employees and visitors. >> reporter: with a helicopter in the air and a swift water rescue team on the ground, firefighters searched for anyone stranded in two parking structures that were flooded. >> what i'm seeing is pretty crazy, to be honest. i never thought this could be happen to us. >> reporter: now officials say they have concerns the water main break may cause more problems for aging infrastructure that is at least 100 years old. >> so many hundreds of miles of these kinds of water mains and pipes and so much of it old, there's just so much we can get done without bankrupting your residents. >> reporter: kirk hawkins for abc news, los angeles. also getting a drenching overnight northern colorado. cities north of denver were inundated after between 3 and 5 inches of rain fell over the course of just a few hours. yards and basements were flooded. even traffic on interstate 25 came to a standstill. the area is bracing for another day of torrential rains and flash floods. and there's breaking news now from the middle east. devastation and bloodshed overnight there at another u.n. school in gaza. >> shelling ripped through the building where hundreds of palestinians were seeking shelter from the violence killing more than a dozen people. abc's preeti arla joins us with the latest. preeti? >> reporter: good morning, reena and devin. there's no cease-fire deal in place and each day that this conflict continues, the death toll continues to rise. the air strikes and shelling continue this morning after israel launched its biggest assault on gaza. overnight tank shells slammed into a u.n. school killing at least 15 and injuring dozens more. hours of shelling left one neighborhood reduced to rubble. the targets included gaza's only power plant. [ speaking a foreign language ] this mother of seven living in a refugee camp said, "we don't have electricity to keep things cool in my fridge, and we don't even have cold water to drink." israel is vowing to destroy hamas. they also want to take out what they call a sophisticated network of tunnels used by militants to get into israel. this video shows what hamas says are armed fighters climbing through those tunnels to launch an attack on an israeli base. five people died in a firefight. the hamas military leader says they will not back down until israel lifts a blockade of gaza. so far, more than 1200 palestinians and more than 50 israelis have been killed in this conflict. with an end nowhere in sight and no cease-fire deal in place, secretary of state john kerry continues to face criticism over his handling of the situation. >> we need to try to find a legitimate negotiation and ultimately with less loss of life everywhere. >> reporter: hamas' leader says militants will not agree to a cease-fire until their demands are met. reena and devin. >> well, preeti arla live in washington, thank you. president obama has turned up the pressure on russian president vladimir putin with tough, new sanctions over the ukraine crisis. the sanctions go right at the heart of the russian economy hitting the energy, banking and defense sectors. the white house wants to pressure putin into dropping support for those pro-russian separatists in eastern ukraine. >> and it doesn't have to come to this. it didn't have to come to this. it does not have to be this way. this is a choice that russia and president putin in particular has made. >> putin has yet to respond, but he said in the past that sanctions could end up hurting american companies who want to do business in russia. a scare at the phoenix airport after a smooth landing. a skywest airlines jet from albuquerque touched down safely, but as it was taxiing, an indicator light in the cockpit showed smoke on board. more than 60 passengers were evacuated to the tarmac. the little girl hit by a plane as she walked on a florida beach with her dad has died. 9-year-old oceana irizarry passed away two days after a pilot crash landed along the shore killing her father instantly. ommy irizarry was an army sergeant celebrating his wedding anniversary with his wife and kids. the pilot was having engine problems, apologized through his pastor. he also said he didn't see anyone on the beach. and there was another emergency landing in florida. this time a pilot landed his cessna on miami beach, but no one was hurt, and there was no visible damage to the plane. the air force is investigating a significant security breach. the body of a young stowaway was found in the wheel well of a giant c-130 cargo plane that landed in germany. the boy's body was found sunday night. officials say he may have climbed aboard when the jet made a stop in mali. in california, crews gaining an upper hand now against that fire near yosemite national park. it had threatened a grove of ancient sequoias and sent thick smoke into the park, but it's now 34% contained. firefighters have been helped by water-dropping helicopters. evacuation orders have been lifted. about half of the nearby residents are now going home. and president obama is in the midwest where he made a surprise visit to a famous kansas city rib joint. mr. obama sauntered up to the counter there at arthur bryant's barbecue. he ordered a half slab of ribs, a side of fries and beans and a bottle of water and a bud lite. the president then sat down with four americans who wrote him letters about their personal financial situations. >> he's getting out quite a bit. hfrment uh? >> looks like a good meal. >> what do they call it, bear on the loose when he's gone. >> he calls it bear on the loose. >> he does. not you. >> he does. time now for a look at the nation's weather. it'll be sunny and dry for most of the east coast and the south. a band of showers will stretch through the ohio valley, and heavy rain will again blanket a wide swath of the west from texas into ohio with some areas getting up to 5 inches of rain. much of the nation will see below average temperatures, mostly 70s and 80s except the southwest. that's where it will be hot, up to 111 degrees in phoenix. well, still ahead, a battery breakthrough to tell you about. the new discovery that could have your cell phone running four times longer without a charge. and nowhere to escape. two women run for their lives as a train barrels down the tracks. plus, celebrity drama overnight, the a-list actor who allegedly took a swing at justin bieber. welcome back. new this morning some mixed results for a tough insurance industry crash test. first only one out of a dozen cars, the mini cooper country triman earned a good rating. researchers say safety belts and air bags work well to keep passengers safe. the electric-powered chevy volt earns an acceptable rating. its rival, the nissan leaf, got a poor rating. general motors is facing a new lawsuit this morning over its faulty ignition switches. it was filed in new york on behalf of nearly 650 people allegedly killed or injured in accidents involving the cars. those cars recalled this year because of the problem. the suit comes as a gm compensation program for victims is set to begin taking claims this friday. some great news for just about anyone who's ever been concerned about running out of battery power. researchers at stanford say they have discovered the holy grail of batteries. their invention is a pure lithium battery that could last four times longer than current batteries, and that could mean more power for everything from smartphones to electric cars. and there's a new menu offering from a philadelphia burger place that's known for, well, shall we call them delicacies. this is the new doughnut cheesesteak burger available at philly's pyt restaurant. it's a glazed or grilled glazed doughnut rather with a beef patty, philly-style chop steak. cheddar cheese and cheez whiz on top of that. the place's owner says it works together really well. we'll take his word for it. my stomach is hurting just looking at that. >> yuck. no. >> it looks good. when we come back, cause for concerns. a surgeon general is sounding the alarm about skin cancer. why he's now calling it a major public health problem. and caught on camera. a bus driver busted swiping and scrolling instead of watching the road. is coming up... have agreed to... kid for a night. so we can finally get some sleep. the hotel has to be right. you can get a 4-star hotel for up to 60% off, even at the last minute. in the neighborhood where we wanna go? 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somebody give manny pie. i like banana cream pie. so this is the mike they gave at the dodger stadium. it's like cooler than a bobblehead right here. vin scully. then you press this button. >> swung on and missed. >> i don't know if you can hear that but it's cool because it's vin talking. all right, good morning, america. >> well, one more highlight to show you. it happened at the commonwealth games in scotland, and it's our "play of the day." >> what a play it was. the guy in the foreground here, take a look, from singapore, the guy in the back from nigeria, they battled their way through a 41-shot rally that included incredible defense by the nigerian. we speed it up for you. >> the nigerian won the point from the guy from singapore. he won the match and the crowd was the big winner for being able to watch the really incredible shots. i've never seen -- i don't play that. >> i'm not good at ping-pong. so good for them. 41 shots, though. it's a big rally. >> it is. up next in "the pulse," a shoving match between justin bieber and another a-lister, the video moments after and what caused the chaos. plus, the little girl who is now an internet star because she doesn't want her brother to grow up. >> i don't want him to. want him to. so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? 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[ speaking a foreign language ] >> whoo! >> yeah. >> ooh. >> yeah, mom. you can quit the work and quit your job. delaghetto says the next thing he'll be saving for is a ring because his parents really want grandkids. and finally, i love this one. a super adorable video going viral this morning, big sister devastated by a simple fact of life. >> 5-year-old sadie miller's inconsolable overcome by emotion when she finds out her baby brother won't always be so little. >> i don't want him to grow up. >> you want him to stay little forever. >> yeah, he's so cute. >> he's so cute. >> oh, sadie just couldn't stop those tears from coming down and she continues to shower her brother there with hugs and kisses and goes on to say how much she loves his little smiles. very cute. >> it's incredibly cute. for some of you, your local news is up next. for everyone else a look at the next tiger woods. stay with us. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. discover light & fit greek nonfat yogurt.eal pleasure? irresistible flavors, like toasted coconut and vanilla, with a delightfully thick creamy texture. light & fit greek. taste satisfaction without sacrifice. ♪ dannon hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. but do you know what's the in your skincare? neutrogena naturals. a line of naturally derived skincare with carefully chosen, clinically proven ingredients and no harsh chemicals. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog when i have an asthma attack... i feel scared. sometimes my parents have to take me to the hospital. i feel like a fish with no water. you know how to react to their asthma attacks. here's how to prevent them. call... visit... or call your doctor. because... live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good morning on wednesday at 4:28. we have a check on the weather forecast. mike in the central valley they are getting thunder? >> yes, around fresno. that will stay away from us. we could get high cloud blow off but for us live doppler 7 hd is quiet after the isolated shower at point reyes. you can see the clouds are lower on the bay bridge so watch out for the fog. in the afternoon it will be hot in the east bay again with mid-to-upper 90's and coast and tran is mid-60's to mid-70's and around the bay it will be in the upper 70's to upper 80's. leyla gulen has the traffic. >> at 4:28 we start off accident free headed into san jose. 101 to 280 and 285, all clear. 580 tracy to dublin is 23 minutes. antioch to concord is 14 minutes and 101 southbound into san francisco is 19 minutes. watch out for the fog. slow down. use the low peoples -- beams. >> firefighters in oakland are battling a fire at 47th that was one home now burning two homes. it started after 3:30 this morning at a two-story home. it spread to the house next door. no reports of injuries but we are monitoring the breaking news. from southern california, they are trying to determine how much damage was done when a huge water main break sent golf loans of water to the uc campus. >> listen to the numbers: 75,000 gallons of water a minute gushed from the broken water main which is eight to ten millions gallons lost equal to 15 olympic size swimming pools. crews working overnight at the scene of the cream. no one was hurt but firefighters had to rescue five people trapped in their cars. crews continue to search cars and underground packing garages. just in case. the 90-year-old water main burst yesterday under sunset boulevard shooting water 30' into the air and the street was flooded but the u.k. particular campus took a direct hit. it was hard to swallow the flooding and the basketball

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