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Robbed. Police are hoping anyone who can identify this man will call. She tells me shes worried hes going to do it again and that his next victim might get hurt. Breaking news tonight police are still on the scene outside of an apartment building. A man has been barricaded inside with an infant. Abc7 news is live on the scene with the ratest. Its 6 00 in the evening and negotiations started at 9 00 this morning. So theyve been inside of that twostory apartment complex. You can see the Police Presence here. Most of the negotiations are being done by the Newark Police department and trying to peacefully resolve this situation. And persuade the man to come out. We dont know who is inside. But have heard negotiations are not going well the suspect has been involved in several Domestic Violence incidents. And all neighbors are being told to shelter in place. Some of them have been told they can pass a certain line. One neighbor told me she was in the process of moving when this happened and she couldnt get back in. 10 30, its been like this. They wont let you in . No. And they do not care. I have three kids, three schools i have to get my kids. I have the kids across from them. And i can just walk and at least grab my car. This has been going on for a while. Again, its for their safety. Again, police are concerned and want a peaceful resolution. Today, a judge set bail for a man accused of Holding People Hostage Police say he took two hostages and the d. A. Filed 16 charges including four counts of kidnapping and a count of false imprisonment. Walnut creek residents have had their say of in their neighborhood. Laura . He has lived down this driveway since january. Neighbors tell us theyve only seen him a few times but they still argued this is just not the right neighborhood for a man with his history. They dont want him there. I get that. The attorney for Charles Christman says his neighbors are overreacting. I dont think there is a problem here. I hope the parents relax and let their Children Play and live as they have been before. There are five boys on property lines next to him. One after another residents sat before a judge, explaining why they think christman should not live near them. I was mowing the lawn i saw him get out of a black suv. I hope he didnt stay there i hope hes not going to get the opportunity to leave. He can take 12 steps and then well know. The judge says they checked out the neighborhood beforehand. But the contract with the state to monitor christman told the judge they checked out the neighborhood beforehand. We make sure we dont see children or things that are not easily identifiable. The Contra Costa School District says they didnt take into account the number of kids he needs to find a place to live. Our position is that this is not the right place. The judge will rule whether he can continue to live in this house. Just six days, the warriors got bad news, turns out Clay Thompson covered a concussion wednesday night and is out of the line up indefinitely. Cornell . Fans are everywhere. We found one here at the hospital. An expert in brain injuries says concussions are complicated but recoveries, not impossible. What . Yes. Daytoday. Clay thompson out with a concussion. Well follow protocol and have clay out here when hes ready. Doctors diagnosed him after he was kneed to the head. The blow caused his right ear to bleed the team has no timetable for return to the court. They have a week off in between games for him to recover. Concussion policies says the player must be symptom free before returning to the court. My heart was in my mouth. Dr. James bets watched on tv. Hes a trauma surgeon and says every concussion is unique and so is recovery. May take hours, or days or weeks but that is where reexamination by experts and all teams have experts, will then determine whether or not someone is ready. Fans hope hes ready by thursdays game one. Getting better. Rest up. Dub nation needs you. They do and larry beil is here. What happens if he cant play . That is the problem. You do the best you can. A source tells me clay suffered what is thought to have been a mild concussion. If we get to tuesday and he has to be cleared then warriors have to go to plan b. They have a fum of options but that weekend, the problem is that clay is outstanding as a shooter. He takes so much pressure off and is an excellent defender. Its reasonable to think hes going to be back for game one. Theyre going to be ready but concussions can be a very tricky thing. Sure. Right. How youre impacted will be different from me or ama or whatever. So you have to go day by day. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Okay. Abc7 is the only place to see the finals. Live coverage begins on thursday. The run has federal agents on heightened alert looking for shirts, caps and gear that is not officially licensed. Agents are checking shipping containers and hitting streets where this fake merchandise is being sold. So far, they have made 22 dozen seizures. Youre getting lesser quality. They dont have the same quality standards not going to last as long maybe not the same standards for pro kuks of materials. Maybe there are chemicals used. The department of Homeland Security estimates businesses lose 250 billion because of counterfeiting. Still ahead a good cause but in the middle of a brought . That can be done without water. Some people say too loud. This found a balance. Low clouds and fog now. How warm might it get tomorrow . The accuweather forecast is coming up. And a camper tonight a Music Festival is on and at full value. He joins us live from the entrance. Ill take that draw any day of the week. Take a look at now, this is growing the crowds are getting bigger. If napa is not the center of the concert universe, it has a pull of a black hole. Heavy elements. To name a few it looked like a one and done. Pricing from 149 to 3000 for the weekend. And what they call platinum status. Its a turn around for napa. For the mayor, this has had the opposite effect. Just shows up in the best way. Its as loud as you want but focused. Keeping from noise polluting surrounding neighborhoods. That is George Edwards they adjust and if an act goes one second past 10 00 p. M they pull the plug. Its going to be hard. Well im not hired for making popular decisions. No way they want to wear out their welcome. Looking at a live picture now still coming in the line up includes los lobos and imagine dragons. In napa Wayne Freedman abc7 news. Fun, fun time. Thank you. Dunk tanks are appearing but filling and draining seems like water waste to some people. It can be a touchy subject. It takes 450 gallons of water to fill them this, concerned employees when this dunk tank appeared in the parking lot. A sign up list says associates will be able to donate one for a chance to dunk a leader including the general manager the money raised going to childrens miracle network. It was suddenly dismantled and the hotel said a nonprofit booked the event. One employee thinks the dunk tank is a water in a drought a hose is connected to a fresh water spigot. Its a lack of respect for the community a little bit. You know its they have a Swimming Pool they can use one tank was delivered to a prep school on king road for a weekend carnival. A teacher organizing this he ventz the school has been conserving water offset what is needed for the tank however, the company that rented the tank has an alternative. A waterless dunk tank with 3500 balls instead. No one gets wet. We came up with idea not only if a business standpoint but an environmental standpoint. 450 gallons of water is equivalent to 12 filled bathtubs. In concord a vehicle struck a fire hydrant today. If you think you see water being wasted attach a video if you like. And find out if there is rain in the forecast. There is a little system coming our way. So hold on to that. We have cloudy skies over the bay area now. Its been nice, sunny and mild inland but clouds have been persistent and beginning to push over the bay. Here is a live view at the western sky. Its bright and contains clouds as well. 58 in oakland. 65 in san jose. 55 in half moon bay. Check out the view from our camera looking west, clouds more prominent from this point of view. 70 degrees in santa rosa and napa. And 73 in livermore looking dreary now taking a look at our forecast features foggy areas and mild to warm tomorrow. And most areas may not feel mild at the coast. Cooler conditions on sunday clouds increase. There is a chance of showers approaching us. Here is how things are shaping up now. High pressure bringing us another warm day. By sunday clouds moving in. This storm system and cooler and we might get precipitation sunday night. So sunday evening, well notice clouds increasing, becoming thicker and by Early Morning around 5 00 a. M a possibility of light showers or drizzle. So by mid day, well see clouds beginning to thin out a little bit. And whatever precipitation may develop will be gone. How about looking at the problems where we have hurricane andres moving to Populated Areas now. And if it continues it will weaken the force. Cloudy skies as low clouds move inland low temperatures into lower to mid50s and tomorrow well see high temperatures under partly cloudy skies into mid to upper 70s to 81 in morgan hill. Low to mid70s and only mid to upper 50s on the coast. Well see mid to upper 70s in the north bay. East bay, upper 60s to low 70s and lower to mid80s inland. So warm again inland east bay. Here is the accuweather forecast. Well, down to bottle rock here. In napa, a couple bottles, a warming trend begin mid week next week. Okay. Perfect. Thank you. Just ahead following up on a disaster in female announcer sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. But the mattress price wars ends sunday. Now its posturepedic vs. Beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free same day delivery setup and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep [beeping] ooo come on everybody, i think this is my grandson. [lip syncing] little girl you look so lonesome oh my goodness. I see you are feeling blue come on over to my place hey girl were having a party happy birthday, grandma well be swinging dancing and singing baby come on over tonight Lieutenant Governor gavin newsom took his Campaign Today to the heart of the so called Emerald Triangle and heard about what might happen if marijuana is legalized in california. Many say it could drive them out of business. One measure is likely to be on the ballot next year. Etc. Been over a month since a quake destroyed thousands of homes. The destruction is causing panic as monsoon season approaches. There are people intents and there are landslides going on. There are people from nepal that could use more assistance. Find out how you can help on abc7 news. Com. Its taken about 18 years but the navy turned over most of what it owns to the city of San Francisco. Its based on the island and has plans to build 8,000 new homes. 25 Affordable Homes and will pay 55 million. The mayor calls it one of the most important projects in San Francisco history. Tonight at 6 30 a seven on your side exclusive. A stunning new theory about what is causing wrist rashes among fit bit users and rivers in texas tonight continue to rise. Dramatic video of people trapped in the flood now to an exclusive report for you. A new theory about why fit bit trackers cause thousands to break out in a rash. Michael . I have been pushing for answers now, i received this report. Revealing what may be the reason for those rashes it suggests they were not allergies but chemical burns like from spilling draino on your hand. Youve seen pictures, burning irritations. I noticed an angry spot on the wrist. Looked like a red burn. Fit bit blamed it on allergic reactions to nickel and glue in the wrist band, however, scientists were testing a different theory i have no idea. Two months after the scientists wrote it is plausible a pers perspiration can enter into the charging bit of the force and found it caused a Chemical Reaction producing a toxic compound saying this is supported by one consumer stating their injury occurred after charging and a skin burn in another incident. The cpsc would not release further information or allow us to speak to the scientist, saying this contests or would reveal trade secrets. Its a valid proposition. So we went to a professor of Chemical Engineering at uc berkeley. He says exposing sweat to an electrical charge would produce toxic compounds. Like the same ingredient used in draino to dissolve cloth. Though draino has concentrations from 1 to 40 . The solution could burn your skin. Here, Lawrence Berkeley laboratory, the professor shows how it can cause a reaction. He uses salt water in place of sweat. Two pencils, a 9 volt battery. As electricity touches salt water, bubbles form on the tips. That is the Chemical Reaction. If you have a small amount of sweat, you have a large concentration. It means its corrosive. He says it can happen with any wearable device. Due to the potential interaction with things like sweat and Wearable Technology needs to solve this, for sure. Many have suspected theyre injured by something in the charger. The idea it was an irritant makes sense to me. Fit bit says this is not an Agency Report and testing conducted by cpsc that never disagreed with the determination of the cause of the allergic reaction. Test results found no issues with the battery and confirmed these are not the source of the reaction. The Consumer Products Safety Commission never revealed its theory that could be the battery to blame. We demanded information under the freedom of information act, good work. Thank you. New details tonight on the indictment of House Speaker dennis hastert. A source says he lied about paying to cover up decades old Sexual Misconduct when he was a teacher and wrestling coach in illinois. The report says he sexually abused one male student and possibly another student. He paid about half of 3. 5 million so far. The National Weather service texas got enough rain to cover the whole state. This morning a highway flooded and a crane removed the cement barrier. The highway remains closed. Hundreds were rescued and dropped into a field. Drones are searching for survivors. 27 people in texas and oklahoma have died a 6yearold boy was pulled from a river today south of austin. Does your brain need an overhaul . Technology that allows you to hack your own mind. The question, is it safe . Stay w for over 60,000 california foster children, its a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. I grew 3 inches last year. I dont need anything fancy. I never had much to begin with. When i look nice on the outside i feel better on the inside. To help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a Foster Childs day a little brighter. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. The bay area is known for being at the cutting edge of technology. With a sengel center were able to read to this point. Allowing her houths to move into a star wars game. The technology, known as eeg reads the electricity leaving the brain. And there is another head set doing the opposite. Instead of picking up signals this device is pumping mild amounts of electricity into a brain. Things such as working memory improvement. And attention. The head sets among dozens being brain tested in San Francisco. A show place for a wave of technologies promising to help us optimize our brain. Attention is focused on the consumer market, devices are powerful and many of them are slimmed down versions of technologies being used across the country. In his lab, he uses head set sensors to track pathways in a persons brain and believes bio feed back could be used to treat conditions from autism to ales hypers disease. That could come through electrical stimulation and video game stimulation. Theyre all ways of challenging our brain. One advanced device is showing what is possible. Doctors are using the neurostar to treat depression. Outside of the hospital designers are hoping to launch a self help resolution. Where they can do everything from optimizing thinking to better controlling emotions. There will be systems able to influence your nervous system in realtime. And the brain is the cutting edge of the future. There are studies being done around the [baseball crowd noise] [x1 chime] [crowd cheers] oh i cant believe it [cheering] hi, grandma female announcer through sunday its posturepedic vs. Beautyrest with up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep day two of the Google Io Developers Conference brought thousands of techies to San Francisco along with people normally would be in school. The young people will create a new future. Something is backward here. Engineers and designers play there are kids engineering and designing a moon roof. Alongside the techies io youth is giving local kids a look inside. See google people and be able to talk with them you know . Learn with them. Learn skills that might come in handy. If they never build apps or web sites. You can control their products and do many things. You can code. With the Space Exploration there is one we didnt see much of here. Were talking about those early adopters known as google glass. Were expecting a new version but there havent been people here. Google focused on watches and what theirs can do. Android include always on screens theyll recognition a motion with the finger and there was one explorer. Doera the expolice officerer. Im a fan. Animation is any series of images that are strung together to tell a story. With coaching from pixar this is really cool. I would like owe thank my mom. Big future. Absolutely. Yes. Lets start with live doppler 7 showing increasing clouds with a rather cooling influence over the bay. Tomorrow lots of warm to hot weather. 98 in yosemite. 99 fresno. Here in the bay area were going to have our summer spread from cool on the coast to warm inland well see highs of only 58 tomorrow. 60 degrees downtown. But about 69 across the bay in oakland. And tomorrow will be warmer inland and around the bay. Temperatures dropping off sunday. There may be a few sprinkles right. Right. June 1st, monday. Yes. Thank you. Im concerned about june 4th. Yes. Two of the biggest stars in the game. Does it get better . Dub nation send us your best photos. Here are the latest weve received. And well feature them on the news. Im never in the picture, i have to dress up like a baby there. Steph curry against the best player on the planet. This is a dream match up. Hasnt won a championship in 40 years. Mvp going to play in the finals. This is a finals match up everybody has been waiting for. The mvp and future face of the league taking on the king. Lebron james. We have a sense of pride about being a warrior and trying to do things and you can create a great story. Hes been in five championships. The way he approaches on the floor and everything. So this wont be bad at all. Like any championship this stage is bigger, more media, story line. But the head coach knows everything will be fine. Its the difference in the media commitments and size of the media, changes routine. So there are these differences. There is a final stage. Not like youre getting ready to do over chance you know . The warriors acknowledge they cant shut down lebron. But what about the other side . How is the king preparing to stop them . You cant. Cant stop them. Game one of the finals thursday night at 6 00 p. M followed by after the game and joined by nate thunderstorm onwith our mike shumann. In oakland. Niners still adjusting and coaches are going to have to figure out how to fill a huge void left by retirement. The linebacker is coming back trying to return to 100 following a devastating knee injury he suffered two seasons ago. I go out there some days and i feel great. Some days i have to fight you know . That is part of the process i understand that. Mentally, it messes with me sometimes you know . Just to get out there to do something is good and as long as i do that knowing i want to get used to playing football. Cal baseball taking on costa carolina. Mitchell krantz there gets scoring started with a base hit in the second. Good things happen with the stash. Devin pearson with a double down the line. Bears beat the chanticleers. Two seed, sherapova battling a cold in paris. And first set she takes 63. She drills past her and moves on to round of 16. Abc7 sports brought to you by bank of the west. To breaking news this is happening in dublin. Two students have been burned by a small propane tank explosion. Yes. Officials say they were cooking when the tank blew up. They have just first degree burns. The it was in advance of the powder puff football game. Now tonight a Man Suing Police for millions saying he lost his eye sight after being daysed. A red eye for a red eye. Why a judge receipt this happen. And its shark tank followed by the return of what you you do then 2020. And you may remember that old ad from andre agassi. Image is everything but it does matter. Ask the city of oakland which battled a lot of image problems. Oakland makes a lot of headlines because of senseless vandalism and too much violence. That is not oakland. Most of the city is terrific, with great people wonderful things to do Good Shopping and restaurants, a terrific zoo and gym, parks, playgrounds and more. Its a vibrant place to do business. And now, oakland is making news and making the city proud with the golden state warriors. Headlines can be deceiving. We should remember that what matters is that those tragedies do not define a truly wonderful city. Let me know what you think. Well, that is it for this edition of abc7 news. From all of us here, we appreciate your time. Hope to see you again at 9 00 and 11 00. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants a royalties manager from studio city, california. A major in the u. S. Marine corps originally from fredericktown, missouri. And our returning champion an attorney originally from gillette, new jersey. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thanks, johnny. Thanks you ladies and gentlemen. Dan feitel, our champion has recognized something very important about being a contestant on jeopardy and that is, until the game is over its not your money. Yo. So, he goes into the final and if its a reasonably close game hes gonna bet everything but 1. Autumn and andrew, be warned. Lets go to work in the jeopardy round. Here are the categories for the three of you. I dont know how to pronounce that, but each correct response will contain an i and an a. Alex dan, start us off. Lets go history for 200, please. Andrew. What is 1861 . Thats the year. Exmembers of the band 200

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