And screaming at me, you started this, you started this you mf. And she hit me. Why do you think she did that . Hate. She had hate. In her face. Like a demon. Oirks god, it was ugly. Andrewspotter was charged and releasing. This afternoon the District Attorney decided on felony elder abuse and felony assault. I got a great big lump here in my left rib cage. Injuries put a halt of a come back of sorts. The musician made famous for playing cow bells and singing hits hit time has come today is releasing his first album in years but says performing is now painful. Hes hired a noted civil rights attorney john buress to press the case. I do suggest that they see in the way it really is. Honestly. Its a hate crime there. Is no other reason for it. According to the Police Department a warrant will be issued tomorrow for the arrest of dina lynn andrewspotter. In the newsroom abc 7 news. Thank you. A worker driving a piece of Construction Equipment backed over and killed a woman on a College Campus in the south bay today. The accident happened just after 11 00 this morning in san jess yeah city college. It happened near the schools Fine Arts Building and not known whether the woman was a student but classes were not in session. The college is still on summer break. Had some students were on campus. A construction project is replacing underground water valve autos nudging is more important than the skpaift well being of our students, staff and visitors to the campus. The company says the driver has 35 years experience. Police ask cal osha are investigating. A body found in vacaville has new been identified as a missing federal investigator from oakland. The 50yearold sandra coke disappeared more than a week ago. Police revealed little else about how she died but do say this man, a 56yearold randy alana who dated coke years ago was seen with her night she disappeared and is considered a person of interest. Alana is a registered sex offender in custody on an unrelated offense. Her neighbors said theyre just saddened by the news. Just a wonderful neighbor. Nice, friendly. Beautiful person. Very beautiful person. Her family released a statement that reads, quote the family is devastate bitd loss of our beloved sandra a loving mother, daughter, aunty g light in our family. Well, the biggest seizure of club drugs in the history of the San Francisco Police Department a huge quantity of ecstasy may have been destine forward the outside lands festival. Vic lee joins us now with the latest. Vic, what a story. Yes. It s now, Police Showed us all of the ecstasy they confiscated here and it was a large amount. The police chief says good luck, did good timing and good police work. It happened sunday morning on the last day of the music festival. A tenant of an apartment on mission and 29th street called police at 9 00 a. M. Saying someone tried to break into the building. Responding officers saw a broken wind skbro a blood trail. They followed to it another apartment. He answered the door officers observed his hand bleeding. They went inside to see if someone else was hurt and saw steven terrell. Police found something else. Ecstasy. Also called molly or mdma. 23 killies of powder, 30,000 pills and 30,000s ndz cash. The narcotics on the table over here have a street value in excess of 1. 5 million. Investigators believe mate have been headed to the music festival. It turns out most arrests were only for are alcohol. We made a couple arrests not many for possession of what is called dangerous drugs so you know its fortunate none of this made it out there. We spoke to several people attending the festival. They didnt see a lot of drugs but say exstas gee popular especially among younger concert goers. Its a drug kind of stimulating senses and music. Its popular with young people, people going to be listening to electronic music. Both are in custody terrell had been out on bail on Drug Trafficking charges out of illinois. A plea from the family of a 1yearold boy and his father. The 20yearold Andrew Thomas and his son, drew were in the bedroom of a home when someone fired into the building. They were visiting from fresno attend the funeral of a cousin. Family members called for peace and urged upset friends not to retaliate with violence. A reward in this case is now grown to 30,000. The family asked anyone with information to contact police, immediately. An east bay man appeared in court to face charges in a bizarre Hardware Store murder. The 34yearold accused of stabbing a store employee to death apparently a random attack allegedly spray painting vaims face and later told investigators it was because allah faveors the oakland raiders. He was arrested and now being held on 1 million bail. A hayward worker struck by a van today protesting outside city hall over stalled contract negotiations. He was hit by that vehicle and suffered minor injuries. They are investigating. It happened hours after hundreds of city workers began a three day strike. Were at the bottom, were scraping so its time to make a stand this, is the only way to stand, by striking. The union fighting cuts to health care and retirement benefits. Negotiations have been going on since february. Officials say the strike has not impacted city services. Weve been able to keep our facilities open and operating and services to our community. It involves staff and goes on until thursday. Well, feds have now given blessing and up to caltrans and Bay Area Transportation officials to decide when to open a new eastern span of the bay bridge. Were live in oakland where the decision will be made, hopefully in a couple days. Wayne . You know its been 24 years since the earthquake rattled the bay bridge starting this process. Now, an opening day for the eastern pan span is in sight. Were going have is totowait to find out, however. For ease, its been slos, yet so far from us driving on it. The brai bridges defective bolts this structure began to look like a question mark until today. Part of sit when you do this on short notice you need to make sure you can pull it off. From the Program Oversite committee more than a ray of hope a announcement of a few tour announcement after a Public Meeting on thursday are. I think the important thing is that its going to be earlier than december 10th. But not labor day as originally planned. At the root of this, a letter from federal Highway Administration saying shims, the temporary fix for the bolts will render the new bay bridge safer than the old so why not just open cars . Its indication its prepared to be open. Opening is more than shims. Its still sounds fairly complicated. I do want to be on the new bridge if its safer than the old one. Which would be rather be on in an earthquake . San may dayo. Every either project continues on the schedule that would have worked for a labor day opening theyre going turn lights on for the first time. Should be quite a site. Wayne, thank you. And other half of the bay bridge may be known as willy l brown junior bridge after the mayor this, is a live picture from our explore tore yim camera. He says he does not want the honor but a Committee Approved the name change yesterday. That would be an honor. A a woman had her iphone stolen and blames apple for not getting it back. Michael finney is back. Find out why thousands have signed on to a new lawsuit. And later tonight pension predicament facing california state wide reform with an unexpected price tag in washington. Warming trend is well underway. Consumer reports says 1. 6 million smart phones were stolen in this country last year and tonight, one frustrated owner is saying apple is part of the problem. Michael finney now is here with the story. Blaming apple. Yes. Its interesting. You know, apple released its find my iphone app in 2010 to great reviews but a Union City Woman says not only did it not work the way she but thieves were able to thwart it. Denise gomez remembers her years at n. High school in oakland her friends got together in portland for the wedding of one best friend from high school. Unfortunately, the trip took a sour turn. While out i got pickpocketed someone took my iphone out of my pocket. She acted her alert and posted a message asking anyone who found to it call her, she never received a call but did hear from apple getting this confirmation the phone had been repaired in a store the day after it was stolen. She suspects the thief man wrathed to disable the find my iphone features by taking it to a apple store having the technicians there wiping the phone clean. Including the find my iphone feature. That is a miserable failure on the companys part. The Company Knows how to do this better. That is joe ride jout. He says all manufacturers should do more to thwart the use of stolen phones. George gascone has been pressuring manufacturers to make a stolen phone impossible to use. Now, apple and samsung have come up with a kill switch that could deactivate the phone if lost or stolen. Hopefully, the sits tim will prove effective but too late for denise. We believe a solution is the best answer to this problem. We want to remove the market value of this item. The da says half of the robberies involve smart phones. Thieves are snatching them on streets, buses, if youre holding a smart phone, youre vulnerable. She cant say apple techs wiped the phone clean. The thiefs could have done it but she does know apple worked on her phone after it was stolen. And didnt even verify my identity. Apple declined an opportunity for an interview or issuing a statement to 7 on your side. Michael, thank you. Another lawsuit against chevron over the richmond fire last year, 5,000 people signed on for it. It blames chevron for the fire that sent clouds of black smoke into the air. Chevron paid out 12 million in fines claims and reimbursements and vowing to fight a similar suit earlier this year. A special honor today for a respected local Law Enforcement official. Restaurantxwe johns grill unveiled a picture of susan manhimmer. The restaurant honored local residents and dignitaries. 100 pictures now grace walls. Manhimmer has been san mateos chief, former president of the California Police Officers Association and served 16 years in San Francisco Police Department. Good cop. Way to go, chief. Lets talk about the weather forecast. Warming up. It warmed up today, high temperatures mid to upper 90s in locations and still above 90s in a couple spots. Sunny skies from coast to inland. High temperatures today just a sampling. 96 clear lake 95 clover dale. Here in San Francisco a high of 70 degrees, warm around the bay area. Notice ab sechbs blue clouds and fog. 81 in los gatos, another live view looking at the bay bridge under blue skies. Other readings 83 in santa rosa. And one more live view from our camera. Hazy there. We may see patchy low clouds during overnight hours and another warm day tomorrow. And cooler at the weekend. Water vapor shows you two systems competing for control of our weather. Not air mass now is get being a bit of the edge but cool air mass going to take a bite out of the warm skppblg temperatures dropping just a little bit before warming up again. Clear skies just patches of low clouds here and there. Lows into mid up toer 50s. Well have just a few patchy low clouds mainly clear skies and clearer. Sunny skies all day tomorrow, high temperatures from mid to upper 60s at the coast. 70s and 80s ash around the bay. South bay, sunny, warm, highs from 85 in santa clairea. 92 morgan hill. Mid to upper 90s on the coast. 72 degrees downtown tomorrow. North bay highs 87 in santa rosa. 81 fremont. Inland east bay, 92 in walnut creek. Near is the accuweather forecast. Highs remaining in the 90s inland locations over next thursday and friday. So warmth is here for a while. Summer has returned. Yes, it has. Thank you very much. Still ahead a remarkable project to preserve a local landmark. Yes. Making sure it a key piece of legislation on the sale of weapons that have so called bullet buttons. In. I matter of seconds in the number of assault weapons a magazine could not be changed without disassembling the weapon altogether. The lobby vowed to continue to fight it. One bill didnt make it today is one backed by actor Jason Patrick to allow sperm donors to petition for parental rights. Patrick was denied Paternity Rights by a judge. A panel voted to keep it in committee for further review. Celebrities in support of tougher measures against the paparazzi. Actresses testified to include photographing a child without permission of a legal guardian increasing fines and allows civil lawsuits in case autos i dont want a gang of shouting arguing law breaking photographers who camp out everywhere we are all day, every day to continue to traumatize my kids this, bill would give us our rights back to protect our children. That bill moved forward opponents say its too skpraig could apply to legitimate news gathering and private citizen autos we have more still to come at 6 00. Surplus report in the Oakland School district. How a land owner can cash in. Tonight controversial reaction to a law giving transgender students their choice of facilities to use at school autos and a good, Old Fashioned march for immigration reform. Why they have sites set on bakersfield. Oakland unified is one of the largest Property Owners in that city. Now, taking a look at the districts asset autos Oakland School district owns 108 properties on 525 acres of land. Schools, buildings and warehouses to name a few of the assets. We own property all over the city. As the city was built out, every time someone came in to put in more houses the city would say youve got to put in a school. School board member leads the special committee which is taking a closer financial look at all of the districts properties including the administrative building on 2nd avenue lng an eye sore because it hasnt been upgraded and now closed because of a flood several months ago. Do you enter into a long term lease . Do you just rebuild there . Do you sell it . Its near lake merit some say its time to do something about it. If they can do something to make it seem like the neighborhood is coming up it would be welcoming. Would be welcoming. Behinb building there is this one, boarded up for years. The only ones living here are transients and theyve been sleeping here at night. London says any decision must involve the community n 2006 after taken over by the state because of mismanagement there was an attempt to sell both buildings and a few adjacent ones but the public objected. Dan was aboard member in 2006. So, i think the planning process has to have a long view rather than a short few. Oakland unified still owes the state 65 million. The district says it would like to get rid that have debt sooner than later. One defender of the samesex marriage ban is coming out against a new law granting rights to transgender stud yechblts yesterday, Governor Brown signed legislation allowing transgender students to choose teams and rest rooms matching their gender identity rather than biological gender. It makes california the first state in the nation to pass a law addressing trance gender children. Randy thompson offered reaction. If someone is deceived in their minds if a girl thinks shes a boy if a boy thinks he is a girl those kids need counseling sexually confused kids. Last year the american skrik association announced being transgender would no longer be considered a disorder. Californias at risk of losing billions of dollars in transportation funds because of state pension reforms. The new law increases government worker contributions and device kreess benefits. Officials say that appears to violate a grand requirement. The agency is protect employees collective bargaining rights. The Sacramento Bee reports Officials Say the new pension law modifies retirement plans and does not affect collective bargaining agreements. A Campaign Underway to convince Republican House leader thats immigration reforms are needed. Hundreds will be marching to makers field to the District Office of the House Majority whip. This effort is reminiscent of days of farm worker activist cesar chavez. The journey starts near san jose. The farm Worker Rights movement took shape. Hundreds will rally outside of the District Office of kevin mccarthy. The system is broken. U. S. Children are having to decide whether growing up with their parents or country of origin. This is a county worker others joining her walking and ride 22 days hoping to enlist other supporters of immigration reform. His brother, cesar chavez organized mars. Used to do his own mars. He started like we are here, a few people giving the idea of what theyre going to do. Asking people to bring friends. No one knows how long and they will converge on labor day. A separate group leaving in the morning for a bus trip to bakersfield taking these signs. This 30yearold going on on the 22 day march only a few months old when her parents entered the u. S. Shes one of the so called dreamers. Im not alone, it may seem at times with our jobs and suppression here on in the United States were lone but were not. Marchers hope Republican Leadership realizes their support could translate into future votes. Tonight a major investor says apple stock is under valued. Billionaire carl icon is recommending apple boost Stock Program which is 60 billion the biggest ever. Shares selling for 700 a year ago now going for less than 500. Apple stock did shoot up on that observation. The dow jones went up 31. A surprise from Washington Justice Department blocked merger of American Airlines and u. S. Airways. Koit have become the worlds biggest carrier lifting american out of bankruptcy. The government says it will lead to higher fares and fewer choices. Hj Heinz Company today said it will eliminate 600 jobs in the United States and canada. 350 coming in pittsburgh about a third of the staff there. Heinz was sold and layoffs were announced after a review. Just ahead on abc 7 news at 6 00 the last laugh for malibu grand prich. Why that amusement sent jer closing down after 35 years. John muir is one of the countrys best known and most respected conservationists. You may not know he launched his Preservation Campaign from here in the bay area. A local company is preserving his home for future generations using a high tech method to do it. Its a story youll see only on abc 7 news. From this it wasnt just a person walking in the wilderness with tea and pieces of bred but but lived a rich family live this, is where it was all done. The house was built in 1883 now a notion nagsal historic site. Rooms paint a picture of a privileged live. It doesnt speak to john muir when you walk here that this is not what people imagen. If an earthquake or fire were to burn down that forever. There is a risk of having something happened. The National Park service teemed up to make a model of the muir house using this scanner developed for oil and gas exploration. That light bounces back recording a point in space. Millions of those pulls will record depth and color of every room in the house. Recording every nook and cranny. With these buildings were post youring points so when you look, that is about, that much space in between the points. The results are images of the muir house. It will take weeks to fill in blanks part of the mission to document 500 sites in five years. Theyve completed 100 around the world. This is the first part of the muir project. Hes known in america less well known in the land of his birth in, scotland. This was muir home in scotland. He moved to the United States at just 11 years old. The scottish equivalent of our National Park service preserved his childhood home and wrking to mick a 3 d rendering of it. And neighborhood. Say next year when this finished people will be able to find out where he grew up. Officials hoping this model will grow by you are encouraging people to visit his birth place. All right. Coming up next, amazing strism a man head lg home from work on a boat came across a surprise. A lost dog swimming in the middle of San Francisco bay this, is the black lab mix recuperating in berkeley after that frightening ordeal. The puppy was a quarter mile off the berkeley pier. Spotted her. I think it was a miracle she survive that had water. She the said that a dog could probably survive as long as a person. The dog did not have an id tag or microchip theyre hoping one of you will recognize this puppy and reunite her with family. Lets hope so. A final chapter in mally above grand prix is about to end. There is still plenty of fun there but not for long. On a hot afternoon youll find speeds in bumper boats playing mini golf or in the refuge of the arcade. This is summer as it used to be. Some games are different. This is probably the only place where its truly family. You can get the kindergarteners up to High Schoolers to be happy. And at the center of race track. Indy cars are now almost impossible to find. Now. Well be shutting sunday. Owners say raising rising costs and rents made it impossible to stay open. Guests flocked back for one last trip around the track. My fastest time years ago would be 58, 57. Getting around takes practice but with only a few days left what have i got to lose . All the way down. Theyre not the smoothest rides but those little cars can go. Malibu grand prix maintains them and its gotten expensive and addictive. Its low tech entertainment barreling into a high tech world. Every kid has got ak[[ ipadt home. Even prices have gone high tech. How long have you been coming here . All my life. Birthday parties when i was 7 on 8, 30 years ago. One less thing for teens to look forward to. This is the first place they wanted to come to get a drivers license. That enables them to drive the grand prix cars. In redwood city abc 7 news. That is such a shame. Those places, that family fun, so rare. I know. It is. Lets get a check on weather. Sunny skies, high temperatures virtually all locations. 10 degree as above average in livermore, heat is on. Tomorrow warm day. Well see mid70s and 80s around the bay. Well have two to tle more days of this more seasonal warmthuenyc. Nice stretch of weather there. Thank you. A fun not sure if its fun fr alex smith. Yes. Hes hoping its before the game and not in the back field. Getting set to face his good evening, giants and nationals figured theyd be battling for titles now and figured wrong. Neither team is in playoff contention meeting tonight in our nations capital. Fans in dc. Bases loaded there but strikes out jason weather. Get out of a jam. That is a break through. Sand yes value able to get the out at first. Into fifth skies open up. Fcoe they are back playing again. Right now giants 10 in the fifth inning. As starting a ninegame home stand tonight taking off lowly yun astros winning 11 out of 12 against them. To nfl. Am alex smith would love to throw and not going to happen hosting 49ers friday night its only a preseason game so smith is probably not going to play that much playing one series ntd first preseason game. And unless they meet in the super bowl this is it for 2013 season. Alex says he has no hard feelings right now all about getting chiefs ready to win this year. I play my old team and a lot of guys i played with for a while now. This is just another step on that crew last couple years weapon das greed what happened last year but you move on from it. I know that hes going to do everything he can to be great. And i know that about him but i wish him the best. Raiders visit saints friday. And it is important. Last friday rookie brice butler had two catches in the win over the cowboys. Challenges include another game so theyll get another opportunity this week against saints and see if he can continue to get better. Hes getting another play on the game so just got a bid on it. Good news from cal. Safety Avery Sebastian released from the hospital this morning injured yesterday during a collision motionless on the field for about 15 minutes. Anoo[[ ambulance took him to te hospital. Not known when hell be able to return to practice. Showcasing his trophy in new york first on the set of abcs wlif kelly and michael and later atop empire state building. Ready to have fun, happened to be july 4th so i proposed to her july 4th so you know, new york is a big connection to us, forever. Get a comb. Abc 7 sports. And you came so close and lost last year its nice he got over the top this time around. Join me tonight at 9 00 coming up direct hit lightning hits a train. What happened after this stunning moment, then at 11 00 were on the new bay bridge tonight as crews flip the switch. The span illuminated like youve never seen it before. See you at 9 00 and 11 00 for that. In prime time tonight extreme weight loss and body of proof follow bid abc 7 news at 11 00. Keep it here. That is it for this edition of abc 7 news. From all of us here, connect with us on twitter at abc 7 news bay area. This is the jeopardy teachers tournament. Here is our second group of semifinalists a highschool a. P. English teacher from montgomery, alabama. A highschool french teacher from chesterfield, virginia. And a highschool science and history teacher from baltimore, maryland. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thank you, johnny. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the second of our semifinal matches. The sciences are going to be represented in the final next monday and tuesday. Michael, the chemistry teacher, has already won his game, and, to show you how bright i am, there will be one woman in the final, as well. It will be marion, marcia, and kate which of the three will win today . Good luck, ladies. Here we go to the jeopardy round. And now the categories. First off. Followed by. Ill give you the clue, each correct response begins with the letter a. Well deal with. And finally. Alex marion, you start us. Crossword clues, 200, please. Marcia. What is aye . Yes. Crossword clues for 400, please. Kate. What is autobiography . Correct. Crossword clues for 600. Marion. Anniversary what is anniversary . Good. Crossword clues, 800. Marion. What is aspen . Yes

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