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investigators say the crime happened at an unsupervised house party last september. the 15-year-old girl passed out after drinking and was sexually assaulted. the boys took pictures during the assault which were later posted online. potts killed herself days later out of humiliation. >> the way that this crime was orchestrated and the way it was carried out afterwards came with a relatively high degree of sophistication. it's the family's belief this these boys should be tried as adults. >> the family's attorneys are also accusing the boys of destroying evidence in the case by deleting, photographs, text and e-mails about what happened. the boys are being held in juvenile haul. they will make their first court appearance on tuesday. documents released by the state department of transportation showed the company who made the faulty bolts for the bay bridge were flagged years ago for their shoddy work. one year before the bolts were delivered and installed, caltran gave disen corporation of ohio a failing grade. caltran said the company had big problems in the heat treatment area, a process that likely led to bolts snapping because they were too brittle. bridge authorities met this week to find a solution to the bolt problem and now it's uncertain if the new eastern span will open by labor day as originally scheduled. in marin county sheriffs investigators are looking for witnesses after dozens of shots were fired between two cars yesterday. no one was injured, but our reporter shows you how bullets narrowly missed a mother and two children. >> the mom was sitting in the back seat of her suv with her daughter's sitting beside her. they were just about to get home when her cousin saw two cars speeding behind us. >> one got alongside and started to shoot. >> the three-year-old was almost hit by a bullet fragment. meanwhile julien was in the living room with his young son when he heard the shots coming from the street. >> i hear the cars coming because you could hear the engines and then i hear four shots. bam, bam, bam, bam! i jump, tell my son to get down because i don't know where the shots are coming from. i'm a little angry because, you know, who wants to think about their child being shot up in front of your house, no less. >> moments before and less than a mile down the street witnesses describe a spray of bullets between shooters in two different vehicles at the corner of flemings court and terrace avenue. a stray bullet from the exchange hit the fence, passed through and hit the fence and came into the house. a woman asked us not to i'd identify her because she's worried for her family's safety. she says her three-year-old daughter had just asked the babysitter to read her book on the floor. when they got on the ground the shooting started and a bullet came through the wall next to the chair he was just sitting in. it whizzed by them and went into another wall. both families are angry this violence is happening in their neighborhood. >> i'm amazed how much it's grown and it's here in front of my home and we could have been dead. marin county sheriff's deputies are look for witness who can help them track down the two cars involved in the shooting and any suspects. in the newsroom, abc7 news. services for the teenager killed by a train in san lorenzo are set for this coming wednesday. 15-year-old austin price was hit by an amtrak train while playing chicken with friends on thursday. the game involves standing on the tracks while the train approaches. the first one to jump off is called chicken. the last one is the winner. >> do you know that high school kids know better and we know that kids do things because they are kids. it's devastating. you know, they shouldn't have to deal with this at such a young age. >> the tracks are adjacent to san lorenzo high school. his friends laid flowers at the site and held a prayer vigil, vowing to learn from their friend's fatal mistakes. >> new this morning, police in half moon bay are warning residents about a strain of home burglaries. thieves have been entering homes through unlocked garage doors or side doors. burglaries happened on third avenue, grand boulevard and valdez avenue. most have been during the daylight hours. thieves may knock on your front door first to see if anyone is home. a man on a bicycle died in marin county yesterday when he fell under a pickium truck t happened about 12:30 on sir frances drake boulevard. the chp said a slow-moving pickup was passing the bicyclist when for some reason he began losing control of his bike. the man, who was wearing a helmet, fell under the pickup and was hit by the rear wheel of the car. he died of those injuries. for the second time in three days and incredibly in the same place young children were left alone inside a hot car in san leandro. it happened yesterday where police found a three-year-old and a four-year-old child inside a car at the marina square shopping center. the windows were rolled up all the way. their father was found in a nearby store and arrested for child endangerment. >> shouldn't leave people in a vehicle without air conditioning or a pet or anything for that nature. we are getting close to the summer months and this is when it could really be a factor. >> on wednesday a woman was arrested for leaving her four-month-old baby unattended in her car in that same parking lot. >> a busy stretch of highway 1101 in marin will see rolling closers this weekend. the highway patrol troll will set up traffic breaks between marin city and the golden gate bridge. this will happen tomorrow between 7:00 a.m. and noon. an on-ramp from spencer avenue also will be shut down. that will give geologists a chance to survey a cliff in the area that's been the site of several rockslides. just shy of 6:10 right now. meteorologist frances dinglasan joins us with the peak of a beautiful day we have ahead but chilly. >> ah-ha, chilly temperatures right now and just shy of a beautiful sunrise coming up. check out this live shot from the embarcadero looking out toward the bay bridge. some passing clouds out there, but we have warm temperatures in store for us. all the details coming up. >> thanks, francis. and the bay area company now getting a second look from the government for their medical robots. and a south bay teening is hailed >> this morning a bay area company that makes a robot that doctors use to perform surgeries is under investigation. there are reports of problems, even deaths. abc news reporter ron claiborne has more. >> reporter: robo surgery has been hailed as a major medical breakthrough with claims that highly precise robots are steadier than the human hand. here the tiny forceps peel the skin off a grape. and more important, better outcomes for patients. denver doctor warren has performed hundreds of operations using robots. >> the tip only moves one millimeter. >> this week the colorado medical board cited him for complications in several surgeries. in one the aorta for a kidney was torn. they are looking into the increasing numbers of serious medical problems, even deaths, involving robo surgeries. among 500 reported incidents, a robotic malfunction during a hysterectomy. the doctor could not control movement of the forceps and death resulted after a patient's bowel was ripped. some reports suggest errors by the doctor using the device, and others that it's the device itself that malfunctioned. >> there have been rare case reports that during an operation when there needs to be emergency cpr or emergency conversion to an open operation, the robot has gotten in the way. >> in a written statement the maker of the only fda approved robotic device said it has an excellent safety record. total adverse event rates have remained low, but questions are surfacing and now the fda is look for answers. abc news, new york. new this morning, today is the national day of action by opponents of remote-controlled drone aircraft. the answer coalition will gather at noon in downtown san francisco to call to an end to using drones for attacks overseas and for domestic use by police agencies. that protest is starting at powell and market streets. event coincides with protests in washington d.c., los angeles, sacramento and other major u.s. cities. anti-drone groups say the u.s. government has used drones to kill more than 4700 people worldwide. they say the government also has deployed drones along the mexican border to arrest and deport more than 1.5 million immigrants since president obama took office. a south bay post office will bear the name of a hometown hero who gave his life to his country. army ltd. kenneth ballard was killed in may, 2004 while serving in iraq. congresswoman anna ashu offers legislation to designate the home street facility as the ltd. kenneth ballard memorial post office. new this morning a series of activities continue today with two events planned in san francisco. both events start at 9:00 this morning. pg&e hosts the annual earth day restoration and cleanup at candlestick point and recreation area on karel avenue and a workday party at presidio where volunteers can help with restoration processes. they will meet on rolston avenue. those start at 9:00 a.m. it will be a also bit of a cool morning. frances dinglasan joins us with a beautiful sunshine-filled forecast for the day. >> yes. it is going to be a gorgeous day. just starting off cool. with live doppler 7hd you see mainly clear conditions around the bay area. just some high clouds over parts of the bay, but pretty quiet right now for live doppler 7hd. check out another beautiful shot i have for you from mt. tam looking toward the east again. some hazy conditions there as we look out toward the impending sunrise. you see the east bay there in the distance. and the camera shaking. breezy onshore flow we are going to deal with this afternoon. also here's a look at temperatures right now. definitely cool. santa cruz, in fact, only 45 degrees. san jose at 49 and working my way up, san francisco at 49 degrees, as well. we also have another beautiful shot for you as we look down toward san francisco and market street. here you see some of those high cirrus clouds there in the distance. also cool. the coolest number right now is napa at 43 degrees. fairfield a little milder at 52. so we have a gorgeous day in store for us this afternoon. it will be sunny. temperatures very mild in the inland and interior areas. but we will have to contend with the breezy onshore flow and tomorrow it will be cooler and even windier. be prepared for that. it's looking mostly dry at this point. if you are headed to the coliseum for the game at 1:05, the a's game, temperatures right near the mid-6 tos. sunny and mild for you, but you have to deal with the 10 to 20 miles per hour westerly wind so bring an extra layer. here's a look at the satellite model. the area of high pressure over the pacific but this cool air mass is going to slide south and that's what's going to bring us the cooler temperatures tomorrow and windier conditions, as well. in fact, the windy conditions stick around through monday. one. our forecast models shows a very slight chance of rain late sunday night, mainly in the north bay. maybe a pocket of a sprinkle or a drizzle in the south bay or along the peninsula coast early in the overnight hours into monday but then mostly dry for the monday morning commute. in fact, it should be pretty much dry all week. just a very slight chance that i wanted to mention. temperatures will be very comfortable in the south bay. look for some mid-70s in santa clara, san jose. santa cruz even at 72. also low 70s. menlo park, pal amounts, 66 milbrae. breezy along the coast. in the north bay look for 70s. 72 in petaluma. some 60s to low 70s as well in the east bay. 68 in berkeley. interior areas, that's where we will see the warmest temperatures. upper 70s, antioch 78. and here's your accuweather seven-day forecast. we've got a lot of sunshine pretty much all week. just the windy conditions that we will need to look out for tomorrow. 30 miles an hour winds expected in the afternoon. cooler and windy, as well, on monday. that will be the coolest day of the work week. then we will climb back up again to near 80 degrees on friday. abc7 news has another great weather resource for you. follow live doppler 7hd on twitter for the very latest bay area weather conditions, rain or shown. plus get video forecasts, spare the air alerts, power outage info and weather tweets from your favorite weather team. looking like a gorgeous and dry day today. >> yes, and i feel honored anytime i post a photo on twitter of the beautiful day i'm enjoying the live doppler 7hd tweets. and i follow it so i feel privileged. thank you, frances. all that spare change being left behind at airport security check points is being added up, get this, to more than half a million dollars in change. jfk in new york, chicago o'hare, and miami international parents have each collected more than $70,000 from hurried travelers who forgot to pick up their change or left it behind all to go. that's only this year. sfo collected more than $60,000. if you traveled to sfo you have 60 days to claim any lost change. after that the tsa gets to keep it. a south bay teen is being held as a hero for saving the life of a boy who faced certain death after being swept into yosemite's merced river. on tuesday, 16-year-old alex smith sprung into action when he spotted the boy being swept toward the falls. he vaulted over the protective railing and grabbed the boy right before the plunge. three people you may recall died last year after being swept away by the river's rapids and going over the 317-foot drop. >> an exciting opportunity for bay area science lovers. we will tell but the new gem that's opening on the >> welcome back at 6:24. dan harris joins us from new york to tell us what is coming up at 7:00 on "good morning america." good morning, dan. >> good morning to you. coming up on gma we have breaking news. that plane carrying nearly 200 passengers, overshooting the runway in bali, one of the most famous vacation spots in the world and went right into the sea, we have the latest coming up and how everybody managed to survive there. also this morning, high alert, the president warning north korea to stop its aggression. and meanwhile secretary of state john kerry in china this morning trying to diffuse it. and the prank news about what is dominating the headlines this morning in south korea. also a mom taking center stage. the president pushing the senate to pass a stricter gun control legislation, he is recruiting one of the moms of the newtown victims. her statement this morning. can it affect the senate's decision. and the gulf prodigy, the 14-year-old gulf is genius, standing strong with players more than twice his age as he advances to the next round of the masters after a controversial call that almost knocked him out for good. we are live in georgia this morning with all the details on golf's newest phenom. it's all coming up. hope you will join us. >> we will definitely join you. dan, i have to ask, are you a good golfer. >> i grew up on the back nine of a golf course and have never played a round in my life. >> that makes me feel better. i agree up near golf courses and played miniature golf for my 11th birthday and immediately gave up the sport. >> that tracks with my experience. i'm not very coordinate the. >> then i'm in good company. thanks, dan. we look forward to seeing you at seven. >> thanks. >> new this morning, the second sunday streets event of the season is tomorrow in san francisco's mission district. the free event starts at 11:00 in the morning. it will run along valencia street to 24th and on 24th from valencia to ham shire. those two major streets will be close today traffic so families and merchants can play and conduct business in a fun and safe environment. the food, music and family activities go until 4:00 in the afternoon. it's such a great event. on wednesday san francisco's newest waterfront gem will open on the embarcadero. last night invited guests and vips turned out for the exploratorium's opening night gala. abc7 is the exploratorium's official tv partner. the guests, including abc7 news anchors dan ashley and cheryl jennings, had the chance to experience the new exploratorium ahead of wednesday's public opening. >> next, you may have just got any hint from dan harris why president obama is letting someone else deliver the weekly white house address this morning. also, the gun show this weekend at the cow palace. how much do these events contribute to the trafficking of illegal weapons? and a renown ballet dancer credits the marin county youth program for a career that's kept him on his toes. why he credits his humble beginnings for his career. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, >> welcome back. it's 6:30 on this saturday morning. we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist frances dinglasan in for lisa argen. >> a beautiful day in store for us. live doppler 7hd showing quiet conditions around the bay area, just a few high-passing clouds a lot of temperatures in the 40s, so it will be cool. mid-40s to low 50s. this afternoon a lot of sunshine. if you want it cool, go to the coast. we will see some mid-to upper 50s where it will be breezy. then some 60s and 70s around the bay to upper 70s inland. this evening breezy conditions continue, but temperatures will be dropping down to near 50 to the low 60s. and i have the complete accuweather seven-day forecast coming up shortly. kira. >> thank you, frances. new this morning, president obama is not giving his usual weekly address today. he's instead designated a mom from newtown, connecticut to give it for him. ms. wheeler and her husband lost their six-year-old son, ben, at the shooting at sandy hook elementary school. now they are urging the senate to pass gun control legislation. >> we have to convince the senate to come together and pass common sense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us. >> "good morning america" will have much more on this emotional address coming up at 7:00 right here on abc7. the biggest gun show producer in the country is coming to the cow palace this weekend. crossroads of the west is holding the second of five shows scheduled for this year in daly city. we talked to the show's owner about the call for universal background checks. >> crossroads of the west gun show owner bob templeton said gun owners fear the government wants to take their guns. >> and there's a concern at some point in time, maybe way, way, way in the future, the government would like to know where the guns are so they can regulate, restrict or perhaps eventually confiscate them. >> he said that fear is justified because senator feinstein has said she wants to end private gun ownership. >> she has publicly stated in the past that gun ownership should be very severely restricted and civilians probably shouldn't have guns. >> he said feinstein said that during a hearing on an assault weapons gun ban in 1993. >> was she talking about all firearms or just of the kind she was trying to get banned. >> not sure what context it was in. it was in congressional hearings and it's a matter of congressional record, i'm sure. >> a check of the record failed to show up that statement and i have covered senator feinstein for decades and never heard her say it. but no question opponents of the background checks are afraid and fear is driving up the sales of guns and ammunition. on the other side fear is being used as a tool, as well. some supporters of stricter gun control have just produced this political advertisement targeting senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. the ad is running in kentucky, mcconnell's home state. >> so who doesn't agree with mitch? you can go down to the gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault weapon without a background check, most likely without having to show an identification card. so what is he waiting for? >> call mitch mcconnell and ask him why he's in such bad company. >> staffers called the ad deplorable. and about senator feinstein's statement about wanting to ban all guns, there are a bunch of conservative websites that show a clip from her 1995 interview that she did with 60 minutes in which she said if she had the votes in the senate, she would have pushed for a ban. well, she was talking about assault weapons, not all weapons. although those conservative websites never show the question that would have put the answer in context. in the newsroom, mark matthews, abc7 news. >> if you are more interested in selling than buying a gun, you also have that option this morning. nine police departments on the peninsula or sponsoring a gun buy-back today. that's at the south san francisco courthouse from 9:00 a.m. until noon. they will pay you $100 forehand guns, shotguns and rifles. and $200 for assault weapons. funds are limited, though. it's for the people of south san francisco, daly city, san bruno, pacificca, burlingame, coma, mill bring, brisbane and broad more only. new this morning, former congresswoman ellen towser survived esophageal cancer. today she will inspire hundreds of participants in a 5k run to raise awareness about the disease in lafayette. she represented the east bay in washington from 1997 to 2009. that's when she resigned to join the state department. at that time she announced she was battling esophageal cancer. this year some 18,000 americans will be diagnosed with that cancer. it is the fastest growing cancer in the u.s. she was a guest speaker at yesterday's forum sponsored by the health and this morning she will give a motivational speech before the start of that event at the lafayette reservoir. the marin ballet is celebrating 50 years of service this year. one of the performers is a major artist with the boston ballet. as abc news property cheryl jennings reports, he came from very humble beginnings right here in the bay area. ♪ >> boston ballet dancer john lamb is coming home to dance for the marin ballet's 50th anniversary. >> the marin ballet has been a part of my life and career since i was a four-year-old. i think it's great to come back to my hometown and celebrate this amazing anniversary with the marin ballet. >> his current artistic director at the boston ballet was also artistic stricter at the marin ballet when john was around ten. they provided this interview and john's interview. >> john showed from the getgo tremendous potential. he was what we call super talented. >> john didn't have the same advantages as a lot of kids in marin county. >> my parents are refugees from vietnam. >> his family lived in the low income canal district of san rafael and he was in a community daycare program while his parents worked full time to support three kids. >> it takes a village to do this. >> miles an hour ballet cofounder brought up the idea of scholarships more than 20 years ago after seeing a dance program in new york that worked with inner city kids. >> we got scholarships and i think our idea was all we had to do was put it out there. hey, everybody, we have scholarships, come. >> but they learned it took someone to find the children and take the scholarship offers to them. that person is felicia, a performing star of marin. >> i had scholarships offered by the ballet and i went to the child care center and said who wants to take ballet and he was the only boy of eight girls that said i do, i do. >> the only reason why i was able to go to marin ballet was because of performing stars. >> performing stars acts as a bridge to lower income kids so they have access to activities outside their community like the marin ballet. >> it's knowing the community, knowing the parents, knowing the children, having their trust. >> they were a very huge influence in making sure that i had my ballet shoes, my uniform, making sure i had transportation. >> performing stars got him involved. we took it from there, trained him and then moved him off to the national ballet of canada where he completed his training and then went on to a professional career. >> marin ballet executive director lawrence ewing is so proud that john lamb will reunite with other alumni and inspire other dance students at the 50th anniversary celebration. >> it's like family to me, so i'm honored to be invited back and to show them that this is what happens with a child from the canal district. >> cheryl jennings, abc7 news. the ballet's 50th anniversary celebration is today at college of marin. we have a link with information at under "see it on tv." coming up next, the newest entry in the smartphone wars. and the approach designers are taking to get to you buy one. and we have a live look from our sutro cam, looking down at beautiful san francisco this morning. a little cloudy right now. official sunrise with the two and a half minutes ago. the sun should be shining generously today. meteorologist frances dinglasan will have your accu >> welcome back at 6:42. >> there's a new phone in town, a smartphone that's taking aim at apple and samsung in hopes of winning away their customers. reporter jonathan bloom takes a look at the htc-one set to hit stores next week. he will tell you how the makers have taken their message to the streets. >> come on in, htc-one. come take a look! don't be shy. >> on a street corner in san francisco sits a box, a really big box with sales people coming out of it. >> you see the new phone? >> step inside the box and you might find out why this is all happening. >> we are actually number three largest cell phone maker in the world. >> htc is tired of being number three. they want to be number one and the htc-one is the phone they hope will get them there. >> they are coming from behind. samsung and apple at the top of the heap. >> but with a phone like this, apple and samsung had better watch out. >> i think you can make an argument it's probably the finest hardware you can find in a phone anywhere. >> the phone is made of solid aluminum, two big speakers in front and a cool camera that does multiple tricks. >> but if you ask sales manager jose what really makes customers swoon, the first thing they notice is the feel of it. and that could explain why htc has set up eight of these boxes in cities around the country. >> with the pop-up show rooms htc is betting the new phone will sell itself once it gets into consumers' hands. and from what we've seen earlier, that may be working. >> i actually think this could very well be my next phone. >> he was blown away by the big sound. >> full stereo sound. >> that's a big part of the sales pitch. >> why are we doing this? why is this here? something you cannot do, you cannot describe music, you cannot describe sound. >> i really like the phone i want to buy one. >> she's a samsung user but how about an apple user? >> do you think you would switch? >> i'm thinking about it. >> from an i-phone? >> from an i-phone. >> so could it become number one? >> a lot of that will depend on marketing muscle. >> and that comes in a really big box. in san francisco, jonathan bloom. >> april 19! >> abc7 news. >> just six more days. coincidentally, that day will be a good day to wait outside in line for a cell phone because it will be beautiful. >> lots of sunshine in store for us. today is also the opening day of the cherry blossom festival in san francisco. opening ceremony 1:125. a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. clear skies, lots of warm temperatures. i'll show you the numbers very shortly. >> i think you have an 80 in there. look forward to that. thank you, frances. also ahead, steph curry goes on another scoring binge, lighting up the lakers. layer beil has the highlights and the big >> welcome back at 6:48. frances dinglasan has a beautiful forecast for us a little chilly this morning and then some sun? >> exactly. it's been very chilly this morning. we are seeing a lot of 40s out there. we will get to that in a minute. but starting off, showing you a dry and somewhat clear conditions. a few passing high clouds. this cirrus clouds over the bay area. you can see some of them in this live view from mt. tam looking toward east bay. so plenty of sunshine in store for us today, but we are starting off with numbers in the 40s. in san francisco only 49 degrees. oakland, 51 and check out all the upper 40s. san carls, san jose, half moon bay and santa cruz only at 45. we will go to another spot for you. this time from mount sutro looking down toward san francisco. the bay bridge there. some hazy conditions right over the bay but that will clear out with the winds this afternoon. some more 40s for you in santa rosa and napa only at 43. fairfield at 351 and a lot of 40s, as well. livermore and los gatos. so basically for today you can expect a cool start, chilly numbers, but then it will be sunny and mild inland today. a breezy onshore flow with 10 do 20-mile-per-hour westerly winds and cooler and even windier tomorrow. the pacific satellite image over the last twelve hours shows this area of low pressure. this is going to start to slide south, bringing us the cooler and windy conditions tomorrow and even into monday. so the cooler air mass will bring our temperatures down tomorrow, but for today you can enjoy a nice, sunny day. and also one of our forecast models shows a slight chance of rain late sunday night. parts of the north bay and overnight in parts of the south bay and the peninsula coast. but it's looking very less likely at this point so maybe just some rain or drizzle or rather mist and drizzle for the most part, then dry on monday morning. here's a look at temperatures today. enjoy them. they will be very comfortable in the south bay. 74 in san jose. 72 in milpitas. also look for low 70s in the lower part of the peninsula, 71 menlo park but breezy along the coast. 68 daly city, 68 downtown san francisco. 72 san rafer fell. upper 60s to low 70s in the east bay. very warm in the interior valleys. some upper 70s for you. 76 in concord. 78 in livermore. overnight lows will be chilly. in the 40s once again around the bay area. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. so we've got a lot of sunshine all seven days. but check out the temperatures. a bit of a roller coaster ride. it drops down 8 degrees in the inland areas tomorrow. very windy conditions, as well. cooler and windy on monday, but coming back up again friday to near 80. >> looks beautiful. thank you, frances. in sports, tonight the san jose sharks are in dallas trying to stay hot after winning eight of their last ten games. last night the warriors played the lakers trying to rebound from thursday night's blowout loss to the thunder. larry beil has the highlights from the exciting game at the staples center in this morning's sports. >> good morning, everybody. steph curry went into torch mode last night again. remember his 54 points in the garden. same story last night in l.a. recall the warriors lost that game against the knicks in new york. curry hit it from everywhere. he had 32 points in the first half in what turned into a horrific night for kobe bryant. klay thompson, a little shove. tied at 57. to the fourth, back to seth, back to threes. 47 points total. kobe ties it at 107. he had 34, then goes down late. lakers saying a possible torn achilles tendon that, of course, would be season-ending. an mri scheduled for tonight. lakers take the lead without him. curry almost won it, but the lakers win, 118-116. >> riding an eight-game winning streak, the a's hosted a team that knocked them out of at playoffs last october, the detroit tigers. before the game josh redick received his gold glove award. prince fielder, three-run bomb to center. 3-0, detroit in the ninth inning, 3-3 game and reddick showing that gold glove. robbing victor martinez at the wall. in the 12th, they are doing it again. walk-off magic. josh donaldson, opposite-field home run, good night, game over, drive home safely. the a's with their ninth straight victory. 4-3, the final. >> giants and cubs at wrigley, little went down to the ninth. giants trailing 2-1. brandon belt, a double. scores. hunter pence trying to score from first. play at the plate in there! giants up 3-2. sergio romo is like money in the ninth. 6 for 6 until the wind is blowing out and it hits the jet stream and gone. tied at 3. a few batters later, runner on for first, starlin castro off the wall. david dejesus around to score and that ends it. romo's first blown save and the cubs pull it out. 4-3. mike shumann will be here with all of your masters highlights at five, six, nine and eleven. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> thank you, larry. coming up, a big weekend for boat enthusiasts. the special addition to the boat show in addition to >> welcome back. if you don't own a million dollars yacht you can so in this weekend. all types of boats are open to the public at the strictly sale pacific boat show. it's a chance to step inside the extravagant vessels and learn more about the sailing world. this year there's an america's cup pavilion. you can get tickets and information and the america's cup trophy will be on display. frances dinglasan, it will be a beautiful day to get out there. very sunny. >> lots of sunshine today but it will be breezy so bring your sea legs if you are headed to the boat show. 61 in tahoe, los angeles 69 degrees. here in the bay area, check out the numbers. we are going to see some upper 70s for you in antioch and fairfield. 78, 62 downtown san francisco. 79 in san mateo, and some low 70s, as well, around the east bay, 73 in fremont, 74 san jose. more numbers, high numbers in the 80s, in fact, by the end of the week. but lookout for windy conditions tomorrow, as well where we can see winds up to 30 miles an hour. >> oh, wow. >> even with the wind, the sun may make it all better. a beautiful forecast. something to look forward to. thank you, frances, and thank you for joining us on the abc7 sat da morning news. abc7 news continues at 8:00 a.m. good morning, america. breaking right now, a plane crash in paradise. a jet overshoots the runway in bali, one of the most famous vacation spots on earth. the big question, how did everybody on board survive? also breaking overnight, the outbreak spread. more people infected this morning with that dangerous new strain of bird flu. the latest victim, a 7-year-old girl in china's capital. abc's dr. besser is live in the hot zone telling us why this virus is so hard to track. caught on tape, a car parked outside a 7-eleven in california burst into flames, set on fire with a man inside. wait till you hear who did this and why. ♪ let's go and look at him go. the 14-year-old golf genius whose mom still packs his lunch on par with the world's greatest golfers. how he advanced to the next round of the masters after a very controversial call. ♪ let's go ♪ it's now or never ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ let's go hey, good morning, everybody. the world on edge this morning waiting for north korea's next move. secretary of state john kerry in china right now trying to defuse this crisis, but check this out, the story actually dominating the headlines in south korea this morning, i should say tonight, because it's night there, not the standoff, but this concert by psy, the guy behind "gangnam style." he is debuting a new song and that's how used to this kind of tension. >> that concert actually taking place now as we are on the air this morning. also ahead, one mom's emotional message. the president stepping aside letting the mother of a victim of the newtown school shooting deliver his weekly radio and internet address as he pushes congress to pass washington's biggest gun control debate in decades. this teacher could be his biggest key right now. >> she is a piano teacher, and her son was 6 years old. also coming up this morning, wait until you hear what joe arpaio, the controversial sheriff and one-time reality star, is saying about an attempt on his life. the color -- the colorful manner in which the sheriff is handling the news that someone tried to mail him a very dangerous package. but let's get right to that breaking news. a plane overshooting the runway and crashing into the ocean in bali overnight with nearly 200 passengers on board. abc's lama hasan is in london

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