Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170726

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miles per hour. clouds are rolling in but they're going to roll back quickly in your 12-hour day planner. we'll start with your middle temperatures there, the bay, 71 at noon, 77 at 4:00, 71 at 7:00. we'll be in the low 60s most of the afternoon at the coast. and check out the 80 as we say hello to sunshine at noon inland to 90 at 4:00 to about 82 at 7:00. all right, got a few hundreds out there, possibly even a few 90s that could get into the bay. i'll show you that up next. here's alexis. >> good morning. we're off to a really quiet start again. you have to love these summertime commutes here. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights yet. we have about 20, 25 minutes until we have those flipped on. we're doing okay now. a quick look at mass transit impact for tonight. we've got the 2017 gold cup final at levi's stadium. u.s. taking on jamaica. vta, definitely the way to go. you want to take mass transit tonight. they will run extra trains and train cars. there will be ambassadored on site to assist you, trying to get you to where you need to go. also, extra buses will be around as needed. 55, 57, and 251 stops have stops nearby. and then you can hop on the caltrain to santa clara and hop on the ace train. a lot of folks will be driving, too, and matt keller will have more on that later on this morning. we'll look at drive times in less than ten. >> thank you. new this morning from castro valley, 61 people are without power right now after a car crashed into a power pole. check it out. this is video into our abc7 newsroom in the last hour. happened just after 2:30 this morning on norbridge avenue. that red volkswagen was involved in another collision with a black bmw just before crashing into the pole. the driver of the volkswagen is under arrest, under the suspicion of dui. >> let's go to washington, d.c., and the continued struggle by senate republicans to try and repeal obamacare. after suffering still another legislative setback, the gop will try today again to pass the bill they've been promising for 7 years. we report now from washington. >> mr. mccain, aye. >> less than a week after going public with his brain cancer diagnosis, senator john mccain swooping in to cast a critical vote on health care, with mccain's health and a tiebreaking vote from vice president mike pence, republicans narrowly voted to begin debate on their health care overhaul plan. president trump celebrating at a rally in ohio tuesday evening. >> we're now one step closer to liberating our citizens from this obamacare nightmare. >> but that celebration short-lived. late tuesday night, the senate voting on a comprehensive bill to repeal and replace much of the affordable care act. the motion failed by a vote of 57-43. an indicator of the long road ahead for republicans. >> today, the senate will consider a bill to repeal obamacare with a two-year expiration date. that would give lawmakers time to come up with a replacement, but it's an idea several republicans have already said they would not support. abc news, washington. meanwhile, the possibility of losing coverage provided by obamacare has been a family facing financial disaster. kevin worries his sister's pre-existing condition of cystic fibrosis may not be fully covered if republicans allow insurers to impose possible lifetime limits on care. >> my family might be exposed to a limited amount of medical liability and we might go bankrupt caring for my sister. >> the republican party caucus still does not agree on what should be in the health care repeal bill that would have enough support to win senate approval. >> and protests against the effort to repeal obamacare are taking new twists, like this one in san francisco. artist allen marlin used bright lights to project anti-repeal messages on mission street last night. they included lines like trumpcare kills and the hashtag #killthebill. >> attorney general jeff sessions is upping the stakes in the trump administration's battle against sanctuary cities including san francisco, oakland, and richmond. they could lose federal grants if they fail to comply with new conditions from the justice department. they include giving federal immigration agents access to local jails and notifying federal officials two days before releasing anyone wanted by immigration authorities. until now, sanctuary cities have only had to show they weren't preventing local law enforcement from communicating with federal agents about the immigration status of people they detained. the sonoma county sheriff's office wants you to take a close look at surveillance photos in the hopes you can help identify a bank robbery suspect. here it is on your screen. deputies say the suspect hit a bank in sonoma around noon yesterday. this surveillance image shows the man wearing a mesh tight mask over his face, dark colored baseball cap and green long sleeve shirt. if you recognize him, call the sonoma county sheriff's office. victims of the detwiler fire in mariposa county are taking more steps towards rebuilding their lives and replacing property that was destroyed by the flames. an assistance center has now opened up at a local high school there. that's where people affected by the fire can apply for government loans and find out about other services to help them recover. the fire destroyed 63 homes. it is still raging. it's still 65% contained, so they have some work to do. the flames have charred more than 123 square miles since breaking out ten days ago. >> happening today, the controversial issue of drones and how they're being used is going to be discussed when the san francisco fire commission meets. privacy advocates point out that strict policies must be in place to prevent drones from invading someone's personal space. the fire department has to balance that against their needs to look at things from above, whether it be fires, search and rescue missions or to shoot video for training sessions. the story just coming in right now. hundreds of fires burning across italy as that country is hoping to cope with a drought that has really limited their water supplies. that's why it's a big deal. look at these images we just got. firefighters are using hoses, planes, helicopters to try to stop the flames. a drought means people are facing drastic water rationing measures. today, the mayor of rome expected to meet with officials from the water supply company to resolve the problem of guaranteeing sufficient nlt water to the city. rome has had only 26 rainy days so far this year. and by comparison, they had about 88 by this time last year. so a pretty big difference there. mike. yeah, and their weather is lot like ours. they go stretches in the summer with no rain whatsoever. that mediterranean climate they have, we also share. >> 60 in concord, 65 in pittsburg. should say antioch to 62 in brentwood. everybody else in the mid to upper 50s in the inland east bay neighborhoods. 61, san carlos and hayward. mountain view and san jose at 63. 59 at oakland. 58 in san francisco. novato at 57. a look at the golden gate bridge. like yesterday, the cloud cover will seep down on the top of the deck of the wrij, but right now, looking clear. if you're going to do yardwork, you might want to do it today or this evening before we get to the hot weekend. warm afternoon if you're out exercising and breezy north of the bay bridge on the water. great for kite surfing. 78 today in tahoe. mostly sunny. 91 in yosemite, mostly sunny there. thunderstorms a lot less than yesterday. there is a chance around palm springs at 107 and 82 in l.a., and the air quality is going to be poor at least through friday now in the san joaquin valley. let's take a quick look at what's going on in the south bay. the clouds have made it into san jose. notice the warming trend just about everywhere the next three days. i'll let you know if that extends into the weekend forecast up next. let's see what alexis is watching. >> thought too much. we only had one blocking issue so far this morning. we just got the all clear. it's talking about the debris on the benicia bridge. you have the blue thumbs up. we don't have anything blocking any longer. they picked up the 2 x 4s. across the san mateo bridge, no early delays and a quick check of drive times. westbound 80, wide open, 16 minutes. another 9 across the bay bridge, and southbound 101, san francisco to sfo, in the green at just ten minutes. reggie and jessica, back to you. >> thanks. 55,000 soccer fans will descend on levi's stadium for a huge soccer match. >> whether or not you're going it's going to affect you because the traffic around the stadium is going to be heavy and going to start a lot earlier than the match. matt keller is live at levi's with what to be ready for. hi, matt. >> reporter: hi, jessica. hi, reggie. if you're going to come to the game, get here early. if you're not, stay away. i'll tell you why. great america right here is open all day long. so a lot of people will be coming here during the day and into the night. and here at the game, they've got some things set up for the fans before the game. you've got the big game starting at 6:30 tonight. a lot of people will be here. you know hot that means. increased traffic starting at about 1:30 this afternoon and lasting until long after the game is over around 9:30. might be even worse than usual. santa clara police are warning, law enforcement is unable to implement counterflow for the event. expect major traffic delays at the end of the game when everyone is trying to get home at the same time. several streets will be closed around levi's stadium starting at 9:30 this morning. what about the game? the u.s. men's national team taking on jamaica in the gold cup final match tonight. >> you have a championship game at levi's stadium and it's your u.s. national teep representing you. if you have never been to a soccer game, you have never experienced what it's like, if you come out this time, i guarantee you're going to be back. >> reporter: the u.s. is hoping to claim their sixth gold cup crown. if jumaake wins, it will be their first gold cup championship. everything you need to know from traffic to tickets is on our website. we set up links there. matt keller, abc7 news. >> thank you, matt. the family of inwoman who mysteriously died after being served alcohol in mexico is revealing new details. the exclusive next. and the push to rename one of san francisco's most well known landmarks for the late myy angelou. that is getting momentum this morning. we'll explain. >> 5:11. here's a live look outside at the bay bridge. we keep wea skateboarding and parkour together. >> way cool? >> way cool. >> see it next "right this minute." it's 5:14. the san francisco board of supervisors wants to rename juscen herman plaza. he led efforts to demolish thousands of black-owned homes and businesses in the fillmore district. that's why aaron peskin introduced legislation to remove his name from the plaza and call it embarcadero plaza until a new name could be agreed on. one name is port maya angelou. >> an extension to california's landmark cap and trade law is official this morning. abc7 news was on treasure island as governor brown signed the bill in the exact spot where former governor arnold schwarzenegger signed the original legislation back in the year 2006. cap and trade requires polluters to get permits for every metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted. they pay a penalty if they exceed the limit. it's the only program of its kind in the entire country and is serving as a model. >> china is copying this cap and trade plan. quebec has already joined. ontario is coming in. washington and oregon and i believe other states in the east coast will follow. >> the law calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40% below 1999 levels by the year 2030. >> the faa investigating a battery fire onboard a united airlines flight that left from sf orc. it had just landed in jackson hole, wyoming when the lithium battery for a camping light aught fire inside the cabin. this happened saturday. the faa says flight attendants sprayed it with a fire extinguisher and buried it in ice to cool the battery. two flight attendants and a passenger got hurt, minor injuries, because of the fire. >> in today's "gma" first look, the family of a young woman who mysteriously died in a mexican resort is sharing their story for the first time. >> in this morning's "gma" first look, the family of 20-year-old abbey conor is speaking out for the first time. >> you know, it happens in an instant. >> they're desperately trying to find out how their daughter and son ended up face down in a pool just two hours into their stay at a five-star mexican resort. >> the bartender pours out a line of shots. i take one. everyone else does. the last thing i remember was just like we are right now, sitting here talking, and lights went out. i woke up in the ambulance. >> the family says a guest found austin and abbey in the resort's waist-deep pool. austin had a concussion and a golfball sized lump on his head. abbey was brain dead. flown to a florida hospital where she later died. >> i hope she's at peace. >> and coming up at 7:30 a.m., more of our exclusive interview with your "gma" first look, abc news, new york. 5:17. crews are working to repair the damage from rock and mudslides on pal amaris canyon road in fremont. you can see rocks, dirt, and dust raining down. the road has been closed for months. the goal is to open it by the end of august. bike riders are warned to stay away until the work is under way. >> uber has rolled out more improvements for drivers. part of a six-month campaign which started with adding a tipping feature to the ride sharing app. uber has introduced 24/7 phone support. drivers should be able to reach someone within two minutes to help resolve issues. uber will also pay drivers and charge riders for returning lost items. the cost is $15. >> berkeley celebrating the launch of a bike sharing program. city leaders marked the occasion last night. that's the mg in front of one of the stations. by the end of the year, berkeley will have 39 ford go bike stations with 450 bikes total. these things are everywhere. the bike share system is undergoing a big expansion. in addition to berkeley, new stations have oakened in oakland, emeryville, san jose, san francisco. the price for bike share ranges from $3 for a single 30-minute ride to $150 for an annual pass. on my way into work this morning, i think i passed four of those ford go bike stations. >> they're everywhere. is it going to be nice for cyclists today? let's check in with mike. >> good morning. hi, everybody. it depends on where you are and how much warmth or coolness you can put up with. here's a look from mt. tamalpais. we're above the fray of clouds this morning. in fact, it will be warmer, and grab the sunglasses. you're going to need them. in the extended, the summer spread is going to get wider when temperatures get to 100 inland and stay 60 at the coast. a little more extensive than yesterday morning, but like yesterday by noon, back to the coast. those will quickly evaporate by 1:00. we'll see just a pocket or two of sunshine at the coast. the hottest temperatures will be inland because the breeze isn't going to be quite as prevalent for you. 89 at san ramon to 92 in antioch. in the north bay, a little warmer, especially the deeper you get. santa rosa at 87. closer to the bay, breezy. sausalito at 70. napa at 85. and sonoma at 84. head down to the south bay, temperatures back to average. 84 in san jose. warm in los gatos, 89. on the peninsula today, 77. with sunshine. but cloudy on the coast. 66 at half moon bay. we'll head to the east bay where some of the most comfortable temperatures are today. from 70 at richmond, castro valley, 78, and our last stop is san francisco. 70, downtown. marina, 68. let's look at my seven-day dprast. yeah, you know it's going to get hot inland and remain that way thursday through tuesday. we'll have some 70s through most of the bay and 60s at the coast most of the seven-day. time for traffic. let's see what's going on. >> nothing extreme in the traffic department either, which is a great thing. here's a live look outside at walnut creek. you're cruising along just fine. eastbound 24, we do have road work scheduled until 6:00 this morning. that's the countercommute side. we didn't have anything scheduled on the westbound side into the early morning hours. we're looking at a smooth normal walnut creek commute this morning. i know the end of last week, we had major delays. keep in mind, we have a day game today for the giants. that will definitely impact golden gate ferry larkspur goldervice. ferry larkspur the 11:10 and 11:40 normal morning trips will be packed. you want to get there early, and then the return trips will be packed as well. keep in mind, we're also going to have extremely limited parking today at larkspur and it will also affect san francisco ferry if you're riding back this afternoon and evening. we'll look at pretty light volumes coming up in less than ten. >> thank you. so many of you heading to work right now, maybe you want to change. we want to let you know about something abc7 is participating in. we're taking part in a higher live job fair in san francisco. a great place to meet employers who are hiring or shop around for a new career. the job fair takes place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 at the san francisco maruate marquis hotel on mission street. verizon, sears, and adt security are among the companies attending. if you can't get enough wonder woman, there is good news. a sequel is going to soon start filming. gal gadot has signed to once again star as diane in wonder woman 2. the first wonder woman is a monster hit, taking in nearly $390 million worth of tickets in north america alone. the release date for the sequel, december of 2019. did you see it? >> i have not seen the first one. i like wonder woman, though. it's on my list. >> i don't even like those kinds of movies, and it's probably the best movie i have seen in a while. >> you raved about it. it's on my list. >> next, the seven things you need to know as you start your day. >> also, sick of being victimized. an elderly shop owner is now taking matters into his own hands when a man starts beating him inside his own store. >> also, a popular bay area burger chain has a new meatless option. it swears you won't be able to taste the difference. >> mike and alexis helping to make this a better day. weather and traffic up throughout the commercial break. sara, couyep, here. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear fromruit of the loom. [gasp] what arthose? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? wa wa weewoo look at those. can you feel this? [blowing] turn around for me. seriously? yeah. slow...slow...slower...slower is that okay. i don't think you should get that dress. it doesn't fit. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. ♪ good is in every blue diamond almond. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. blue diamond almonds. get your good going. 5:25. if you're just joining us or heading out the door, the seven things you need to know. number one, the homes of two san francisco commissioners targeted by abortion opponents. they scrawled hateful messages on sidewalks to protest a vote to expand planned parenthood in the city. >> a stockton woman is facing vehicular dui charges. obdual yeah sanchez livestreamed a crash that killed her sister. >> the senate will vote today on a new version of the republican health care bill. it would repeal obamacare but not replace it with anything for two years which is not what people who need coverage want to hear. the bill is predicted to fail. >> number four, the mtc is slated to consider a proposal to increase most bay area bridge tolls by $3. that hike would affect the seven state-owned bridges in the bay area including the bay bridge. >> tonight, the u.s. men's soccer team will try to win its sixth ever gold cup in santa clara's levi's stadium. the u.s. faces jamaica. it starts at 6:30 p.m. >> let's look at what's going to happen weather wise. it looks like we're going to have a warmer trend begin with temperatures jumping about 1 to 5 degrees. >> and number seven, taking a look at the roads. we're not seeing major delays. still waiting for official word that the bay bridge metering lights have been flipped on. if they haven't yet, they will be any minute. after you make it through the toll plaza, a smooth drive into san francisco in the green at ten minutes. >> thank you. more bay area restaurants now serving up the impossible burger. abc7 news was at the ferry building where the meatless product is on the menu. the impossible burger comes from redwood city based impossible foods. if you haven't heard of it, it's made entirely from plants. there's a special ingredient called heme when krintds to the color and taste to the meat. you can also find the burger at umami burger and public house. aify places to get it. >> oddly, we didn't show the burger. let me say the thing that's impossible about it, it looks like it's bleeding. that's the whole thing that made it such a big deal. >> right, because it really does look like meat. you can't tell the difference. >> people say it tastes good. i want to try it. >> impossible. >> we're coming back with another full 90 minutes of news including what's happening today when it comes to another toll increase. increase. >> also, 5:30. thanks for joining us. it's wednesday, july 26th. >> mike has been promising we're going to continue heating up. we're looking at the weekend already, and that's still looking to be the case, right? >> yeah, especially inland. comfort at the coast, but if you live in the inland neighborhoods, you'll be running the air conditioner once again. today, the warming begins. we'll look at the temperatures. we're mainly in the mid 50s to skiths, as we head to noon, the clouds back to the coast. maybe a few lingering around the east bay shore. 60s and 70s around the bay. 70s and 80s inland. as we head towards 4:00, we'll have 70s around the bay, 80s inland. 90s around fairfield and antioch. 7:00 this evening, and you can see temperatures back into the 60 around the bay, and the clouds already starting to come back. temperatures mainly in the 70s inland. really comfortable during the evening hours. let's find out if there's comfort in the morning commute. >> a whole lot. you should be cruising if you're just about to head out the door. checking out our big picture here for our traffic maps. a lot of green. of course, there is a little delay westbound 205 to 580 out of tracy, but that's pretty much it. one new issue popped up in the last few minutes. southbound 680 just past stoneridge, we're hearing we have tire tread blocking a lane, and a semi pulled off the shoulder ahead of that, it looks like the semi blew a tire. hopefully that's cleared before anyone hits it. new this morning from santa clara where all lanes are back open on highway 101 near great america parkway after a crash involving a gas tanker. a white mercedes rear ended the tanker truck. an suv also flipped over trying to avoid the initial crash. three people were injured and taken to the hospital. they are stable. fortunately, the tanker did not leak any fuel. >> protesters angry over approval a new planned parenthood. amy hollyfield live for us. amy. >> reporter: good morning, reggie. the planning commission voted unanimously in favor of the new planned parenthood. in anger over that decision has now spread to the neighborhoods. check out these images of these messages that were scrawled on the sidewalk in front of -- this is in san francisco's duboce triangle outside the home of dennis richards. this also happened at another commissioner's home, but he wanted to remain anonymous. some of the messages include save the baby, murder, and richards kills. dennis richards actually wasn't even at the meeting and didn't cast a vote. some of his neighbors told the san francisco examiner that about 40 young people and 3 adults were responsible for the graffiti. they watched it all happen on surveillance video taken on tuesday. police were contacted, but it's unclear if vandalism charges would apply since they wrote the messages in chalk. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you. happening today, senate republicans are going to be holding another vote to try to repeal obamacare. experts, though, predict that the outcome will be the same as what we saw yesterday. >> they really hope for a boost from the return of arizona senator john mccain to the senate floor. the most comprehensive plan to date by the gop fell far short of the numbers needed to pass last night. they only mustered 47 votes. and that seems close if you are going by simple majority, but they weren't. they needed 60 votes to get this passed. there is another vote scheduled. it's a different plan. it would repeal parts of obamacare now and then replace it later. it gives congress two years to build a new health care plan. happening today, the metropolitan transportation commission scheduled to discuss a proposal to increase most bay area bridge tolls by there 3. that hike would affect the seven state-owned bridges in the bay area including the bay bridge. it would fund more than $4 billion in regional transportation projects. state lawmakers would also need to approve the measure and the governor would have to sign off on it before it would go before voters next year. >> also happening today, the latest suspect arrested in the beating death of an 88-year-old san jose woman is going to hear the charges against him. this is 19-year-old johnny brown. santa clara county sheriff's deputies captured him yesterday. 88-year-old flo douglas died about a month after last september's attack. friends lovingly called her ms. flo. detectives believe brown who you just saw and zachary kohen broke into her home, beat douglas, and robbed the longtime church volunteer. two other people are accused of trying to cover up the crime. >> the central california woman who live streamed a deadly crash is scheduled to make her first court appearance. 18-year-old obdulia sanchez was arrested for the death of her own sister. she was in the back seat of the car. another teen survived the crash. the chp says sanchez was impaired when she crashed last week. the stockton teen refused to didn't cooperate with officers. >> we would do in this incident normally is we would author a search warrant to draw the suspect's blood. but in this case, the hospital that we were at would not do that. >> investigators plan to subpoena her medical records to prove she was under the influence. prosecutors say the instagram video is going to be a key piece of evidence. in it, sanchez is heard saying she expects to spend the rest of her life in prison. >> u.s. and australian agents made a huge drug bust in santa rosa, finding 560 pounds of methamphetamine in a storage facility. take a look at the pictures. it's a stunning amount. authorities say a 72-year-old australian man planned to buy a plane and then fly the drugs from sonoma county to australia. it's an extraordinary trip, even for an experienced pilot, which by the way, the man was not, according to officials. the stockpile of drugs is worth more than $200 million u.s. if sold on the australian black market. the san francisco board of supervisors has given approval to the new office of cannabis and is now considering a moratorium on permits for new medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. the board is moving cautiously to address any new issues arising prior to recreational pot becoming legal in january. one of those issues is whether medical weed dispensaries will convert to adult use and if so, the permits that might be needed. supervisors also approved a cap on pot dispensaries in district 11, which is the southern part of the city. in the south bay, the santa clara valley water district is partnering with the u.s. army corps of engineers on a flood study. district officials hope to reduce flood risks along coyote creek in san jose. the corps accepted the water district's request for assistance on the study. a formal agreement has not yet been drafted. you'll remember, thousands of residents were evacuated and had property damage during february's flood. zoe lofgren says the feasibility study is an important step in securing funding at the federal level. >> quick action by san jose firefighters is being credited with stopping a destructive grass fire from getting out of control. it burned at least one building, possibly a barn, off old quarry road last night. video and pictures here on social media show those flames, which charred at least three acres. no word yet though on a cause. >> a man and his dog are safe this morning after ending up in the water near the benicia bridge. you're looking at the kayak they were in. a coast guard crew from vallejo came to their rescue. they were called when a tug crew spotted the man on a piling seven miles away from the kayak. glad he's okay. that's also a dangerous area to be today, as the small craft advisory will be blowing through the delta once again. let's talk about your commute this morning. we look south on 680. a lot of repair work there. i have driven through it, smooth as glass. nice job, ladies and gentlemen. appreciate that. on the roads, going to be good. clouds, then sunshine. mass transit a bit warmer today, and on the bay, that small craft advisory. it blows right through the delta. there's a reason there's a wind farm at the end of the delta here, because the wind blows through all the time in the % summer. this time, it's upped the small craft advisory. gusting to 30 from 1:00 this afternoon until 11:00 this evening. peninsula temperatures, a little milder this morning. 55 in daly city. pacifica, 56. and low 60s on the bay side, to 57 at half moon bay. we also have 59 to 61 from oakland down towards hayward and fremont. 60 in concord. if you're heading out in napa, dress for 59. let's look at what's going to happen for oakland. at noon, 70. 73 most of the afternoon. look at that, mid to upper 60s from 6:00 to 8:00. going to be warmer in napa. we're starting out at 62 at 8:00. 79 at noon, and then mid 80s for the better part of the afternoon hours. by 8:00, 75. a little warmer everywhere today, but the biggest jump in temperatures is still ahead of us in the seven-day forecast. there seems to be a reoccurring theme with the traffic. let's ask alexis about that. >> nobody is working this week except for us. summer vacation, hey, you have to love it. if you are one of the few that is heading into work, you're going to enjoy a smooth commute. one issue has popped up, a minor one. southbound 101 before the mill valley exit, reports of someone changing their tire in the far right lane. so be on the lookout for him. obviously, you want to stay to your left-hand side. we're not seeing delays due to that. hopefully that will clear soon. a quick check of the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights on 15 minutes ago, 5:25. we're filling in, you're looking good, and filling in for cash and fast track, and then our slowest drive times, so far, westbound 580 tracy to dublin, in the yellow at 43 minutes. >> thank you. an assault case against a santa clara county jail guard ends in a hung jury. why his supporters are accusing the d.a. of targeting him. >> this is not how riders expected to end up when they got on a train at gilroy gardens. what it took to get them off. and as you get things going this morning, get your breakfast and get ready for work, take a look at this beautiful sunrise. a lot of fog out there. a lot of fog out there. we have thissing in to our live desk right now. president trump once again targeting a member of his own party, and using what else, twitter. check it out here. he tweeted this morning, senator lisa murkowski of the great state of alaska really let the republicans and our country down yesterday. too bad. murkowski joined senate democrats yesterday in voting against a procedural measure to begin debate on repealing obamacare and just yesterday the president tweeted his displeasure at attorney general jeff sessions, calling him, quote, beleaguered. so he's kind of on a roll. reggie. >> happening today, the murder trial for the man charged with the death of an off-duty police officer is set to begin. gus was killed last february as he intervened in a domestic dispuce between his fathdaughted her boyfriend. jury selection is set to be held today and tomorrow with opening statements for the trial on friday. vaega could get life in prison if he's convicted of murder. to a story now that you'll only see on abc7 news. we haerd from the former correction officer on trial accused of assaulting an inmate. the judge declared a mistrial yesterday after the jury deadlocked. 11 of 12 jurors found that tim tree was not guilty of assaulting an inmate back in the year 2013 because the district attorney could not decide to retry the case, tree won't comment though on what happened during the confrontation with the inmate. his attorney says the former deputy was trying to save his partner's life after an inmate attacked him. tree did tell us about being a correctional officer. take a listen. >> the job is already tough. you're not dealing with regular people. this is bad people outside that are coming in and we had to take care of what we had to do. >> okay, and because of the mistrial, the district attorney's office told abc7 news it's now reviewing its options going forward. >> a san francisco chinatown shop owner used a bamboo kung fu stick to defend himself against a man who punched him. this happened sunday in a shop on grand 7. thomas baker began throwing hats on the ground when the 86-year-old owner charles lue confronted him, he was punched in the face. that's when charles sprang into action. >> because he was mad, really mad. he said after he hit him, he got really mad. that's when he went for the stick. he hit him like that. >> how many times? >> just a couple times. some of them, they're feisty. they'll fight back for their things. and they're sick and tired of being victimized. >> no matter their frustration, police say attacking people, not a good idea. officers caught baker a few blocks away. an electrical problem is blamed for leaving nine people stuck on a ride at gilroy gardens. sky 7 was overhead as firefighters worked to free the riders on the sky trail monorail inside the greenhouse yesterday afternoon. they were stuck there for at least an hour. the fire department says there was a dead rail preventing the cars from moving. firefighters used ropes and ladders to pull the cars to an area where those passengers could get off safely, and the good news here, no one was hurt. >> take a look at 5:46 at your wednesday weather with mike nicco. hi, mike. >> good morning. hi, everybody. when you think of gilroy, you think of garlic, but you also think of heat, searing heat. thankfully they didn't have that yesterday. but it's coming today and through the weekend. cloud cover is more extensive as we talked about it would be this morning with high pressure starting to build in, compressing the marine layer and spreading it out. that's why we have cloud cover. by the afternoon hours, it's going to be sunny. the heat is going to hold inland, but there will still be plenty of comfort at the coast. it will be partly cloudy and comfy at night. also, look at the highs down in gilroy. only 91 today. same in morgan hill, 71 in santa cruz, and 78 in milpitas. up the peninsula, mid to upper sfinlts, and then redwood city sticks out at 83, and along the coast, lowe to mid 60s for you, to 70. look at that, downtown, south san francisco and sausalito. a little breezy around the bay. 82 in san rafael and vallejo. 92 to 94 around cloverdale and lakeport. 70 today in richmond, because of the breezes, breezes not as much of aificator in hercules. 78 in oakland, and our last stop, 89 in san ramon. here's what i mean by the comfortable nighttime temperatures. mid 50s to mid 60s. the cloud cover not as extensive tonight. the sunshine gets off to an early start tomorrow, warming up to 100 inland, 84 around the bay, and 68 around the coast. we'll stay pretty hot inland, at least in the 90s through tuesday. 70s and 80s around the bay, and 60s at the coast. so the weather, going to be very hot out there, but i noticed not a lot of people on the roads so >> not yet, anyway. a couple big events later on today. a day game for the giants, and of course, a major soccer match at levi's stadium, too. more details on traffic impact there in a few. right now, though, i want to take you into southbound 880. one new crash just in near alvarado niles road. four vehicles involved and the left lane blocked. that's a stock that really does not take too much to back things up. you're already slow from state route 92. hopefully a few more details in a few minutes. southbound 101 through san rafael, looking great. the marin county commute nice and light. mass transit, so far so good. no b.a.r.t. delays. with the giants day game, vallejo p.m. service will be impacted. they will provide additional bus service if they reach capacity for those afternoon communities back to vallejo, and same thing for golden gate ferry if you're riding from larkspur, make sure you get there early, especially late morning and this afternoon. san francisco to larkspur return trips as well. next traffic update before 6:00. >> thank you. fewer people actually riding buses and ferries in the golden gate transit district, and the san francisco giants may be partly to blame. ridership on the ferry to at&t park is down because of the team's bad season. ferry ridership fell by a little less than 1% between july of last year and the end of this past june. also, golden gate's buses carried more than 10% fewer riders. the district says the drop is due to the winter's wet weather and more people telecommuting instead of riding to work. >> andrew cuomo has given the okay for state legislators to consider approving the textalyzer. what is that? a device that allowed police to determine whether a driver involved in a crash was texting while driving. the device analyzed driver's cell phones to see if they were used just before the crash. as you might imagine, lots of concerns here posed by people worried about privacy and constitutional questions regarding the use of such a device. police are warning about a virtual kidnapping scam. new at 6:00, what we're learning about it. first, the emergency drill happening today that has police issuing a warning in the east bay. >> plus, collecting more than dust. the information one brand of robotic vacuum is gathering about you inside your home. >> a better day starts here on abc7 mornings. it's 5:50. looking live at the golden gate bridge where a lot of you apparently have the summer off. not having to go to work today. good for you. good for you. for happening tonight, police and firefighters in walnut creek will be conducting a live training drill. no parking signs are already out at walnut creek's broadway plaza. the drill will take place from 10:00 tonight to 2:00 tomorrow morning. so a big heads-up. the streets around the plaza will be closed and there will be loud bangs and smoke as officers simulate explosions. >> american airlines workers are planning a mass protest in texas. hundreds getting ready to protest at dallas/ft. worth airport this morning. workers say they have watched maintenance jobs go overseas and ground works going to other workers. itmerged with us airways. maintenance workers and fleet workers on the ground say they never got a new contract with the new company. they are hoping this will jump start negotiations. >> your roomba may provide retailers with details on what's going on inside your home. high-end versions of roomba collect data while they clean. the identify the locations of walls and furniture. so "the new york times" reports i-robot is considering selling that information to amazon, apple, or google. and that may help them target the marketing of different items in your home, so for example, if you don't have a chairo a sofa or a table where it thinks you should have one, they can have specific ads for you online. >> so the key here is to opt out of that ability for roomba to collect that information on you. a can of potato chips turned out to have quite the bite. this is such an unbelievable story. urror looking at a picture of a king cobra after it arivered in the u.s. inside a potato chip canister. when you see the next picture, this is going to blow your mind. king cobras are venomous. a 34-year-old southern california man faced smuggling charges. federal prosecutors claim he illegally imported three king cobras and other reptiles from hong kong. >> snakes on a plane, huh? >> let's take a look at what's going on with the giants forecast. a day game, as we wrap up the three-game set with the pirates. 12:45 first pitch, thank you for laughing. 62. warming up to 67. don't forget the uv index is going to be very high. let's talk about some other things. we got a match. soccer match, gold cup final tonight. the u.s. against the jamaicans. 78 at levi's stadium at 6:30. on the pitch to about 71 at 8:30. we'll go from sun to stars. that's not what i wanted to see. if you're going to the coast, all that fog, but it will become brighter this afternoon. mid-60s along the coast. 71 at santa cruz. the most calm weather we're going to find at the beaches will be today and tomorrow. a strong southerly swell is going to develop friday and last through the weekend. we could have some dangerous rip kurnlts then. hey, alexis. >> we do have one particular incident that we're keeping an eye on right now. this is really our first slow spot of the morning. southbound 880 in union city just before you get to niles. the right shoulder, we still have not gotten word of injuries. a quick check of the backup, you're down to 9 miles per hour, and it locks like you're backed up to 92. pretty sure it will merge with those delay north of 92 soon. next traffic update coming up at 6:00 a.m. >> thank you. it may be summer break for most kids in the bay area, but not for these adorable students. this is panda kindergarten. the new video shows dozens of baby pandas enjoying a typical day in school. lots of socializing, rolling around. yeah, just kind of hanging out. this is at the giant panda conservation and research center in southwest china. the little furballs are pretty hilarious. they have a little playground. and they're just pretty cute. >> pandas gotta panda. >> a popular all vegetarian drive-through is expanding. where they want to set up a second location. >> right now, a search on for the identity of this man. do you recognize him? he's accused of robbing a bank in the north bay. we'll have details. >> that's not someone surfing in >> that's not someone surfing in the ocean. look, you've made it to the middle of the week. for that, i say congratulations. wednesday, july 26th. natasha is off today. the rest of us here to get you through the morning. >> sometimes it's an accomplishment to make it through the week. >> i thought it was thursday. >> i'm sorry. >> going to be a good wednesday, though. >> it's tough watching everybody else not work, as you have been saying all morning. the commute has been pretty easy. yeah, we're cloudy this morning on live doppler 7. no reports of drizzle yet. if you get some, let me know. here's a look at mt. tamalpais. you can see the marine layer a little more compressed. high pressure coming in and that's why we're going to be warmer today as we get some of the heat from the four corners region our way. 12-hour day planner, 62 to 71. 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay, 90s inland at 4:00. that's big difference from yesterday. and at 7:00, 50s at the coarse, 70s and 80s around the bay and inland. here's alexis with that morning commute. >> yeah, and you know what? fun event for a lot of folks off today to attend,

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