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But we were all antsy to get back. Investigators are still pieces together the events that led to jeremy opening fire on the two detectives. The Sheriffs Department is now looking for Theresa Johnson. Investigators say she is in the a suspect burks they want to talk to her because she may have associated with goulet in the last few weeks. Investigators say Theresa Johnson may also go by theresa lamb. They believe she is homeless and they are hoping anyone that noise her will have her contact the santa cruz Sheriffs Department. Abc news. The memorial for the detectives will be held thursday at noon at hp pavilion in san jose. Also a Scholarship Fund has been establish in honor the officers. Officers have already committed 125,000 to the fund. If you want to make a donation, go to our website and click on see it on tv at the top of our home page. Across the board federal budget cuts known as the sequester are here. Last night the president signed and order launching bills of dollars of cuts and people are brace fourth the impact. We have the details. Before president obama signed the order to start 85 billion in automatic spending cuts, people across the country prepared for the worst. At Mount Rushmore more national memorial, that means no hiring for the busy Summer Season and no more traveling for park staffers either. At fort bragg, spending cuttings are already in place and thousands of workers in Central Texas will feel the most pain from the budget cuts. Our employees have been, you know, really confused and shattered by what could happen. And along with worries, people seem annoyed and frustrated. Everybody recognizes that weve got to do something different, but it seems to me they could be adult. Lawmakers appear to understand the frustration. Shouldnt be making a series of dump, arbitrary cuts to things that businesses depend on and workers depend on. For the nearly 4 million americans who have been receiving Unemployment Benefits for more than 26 weeks, the budget cuts could mean 9 less in their checks. 144 a month is one week of groceries for myself and my two daughters. The pain for most of these cuts wont be felt until next month. Flyers may face longer delays because of fewer airtraffic controllers and civilian Defense Security staff forced to take one day furlough every week. But for all its not bad moves. It will not delay tax refunds, in fact it may mean fewer oddets. Abc news, new york. We are learning more about the marin county man who was shot and killed by police in sonoma county. Police say he had been smoking marijuana with a woman all night before he skid napped her. Officers shot the 27yearold man after he crashed his car during a police chase in gurnville. This picture is from his facebook page. Thursday night a woman in the car began text ago friend saying she was kidnapped and asking the friend to call police. The victim claim he began acting strangely after they smoked. This morning Santa Clara County is planning for what they hope to be their biggest gun buyback event. So many turned out at this event in marin county, authorities ran out of cash. Todays event will be held from ten to two in the Santa Clara County fair grounds in san jose. They will fay up to 100 for each shotgun, handgun and rifle and 200 for assault weapons. It was a much different evening in oakland. The festival was scaled back after a teenager was killed last months he event. Abc7 News Reporter allen wong gives it a second look. Suzie guerin decided to leave oaklands first friday event early because she said its no longer the art scene it used to be. It got to the point it was so crowded you couldnt walk joan march. 8 00 crowds began funneling in and it took on a circuslike atmosphere but Oakland Police were going to maintain control. The city makes it very clear from our intentions are. John, who owned the beer garden, was reminded not to allow patrons to walk on to the street with beer. Weve had to increase the number of security gauze i have to keep the cool from coming in and going out. The city is clamping donary an 18yearold was shot and killed after last months first friday event. But the crowds still game despite the new rules. Show support. Cant en scared. People want a save place to come out and be a part of a community. People are tired of being at home. This time they hired extra security and decided to close the event early. It cost the city did 16,000 to hole the event. This is the police staging area but we didnt see anyone arrested. Abc7 news. The Oakland Police department now has an overseer but we dont know who it is. According to our media partner, a federal judge will the notice release the name of the director until the Officials Salary is set. The overseers will have sweeping powers to ensure the department satisfies reforms that were supposed to be completed five years ago. Today the family of a hayward woman missing for more than a week now will search for her. 29yearold samantha was last seen leaching her home on huh vania avenue february 19th. Police say they have not found any indications of criminal activity. Her family is offering a 3,000 reward for information leading to her safe return. A ceremony in vallejo this morning will welcome home 20 Army Reserve Soldiers who were returning from afghanistan. Eat vern begins at 8 00 at the maritime academy. The reservist who served with the 721st engineer company, which is a heavy construction unit, will each be presenced with an American Flag and lapel pin to thank them for their service. We will be there. It is 5 09 on this saturday morning. What a gorgeous day it was yesterday. Yeah. We will have the mild temperatures today but change are headed our way with clouds on the increase and right now from emeryville. Temperatures mild in the low 50s. He are talking fair skies and really a split forecast between today and tomorrow. Ill explain coming up. Thank you. Also next, new concerns about a sinkhole that swallowed up part after house in central florida. What engineers are saying about it this morning. And a lawmaker resigned admitting he spent regulation cuers say a giant sinkhole is too big for them to recover a man who fell into it after the sinkhole opened up thursday night. Victim, jeff bush; now presumed dead. His brother tried to save him. We heard a loud crash. I ran in there. I heard somebody screaming, my brother screaming, and i ran in there and all you could see was this big hole and all i could see was the top of his bed. As i told the family earlier, the only thing that would be worse than what they are feeling now for their loss would be to experience additional human loss. Engineers worry the sinkhole will grow and consume morph the house that feeters on top of it. 115 catholic cardinals will basketter in roam on monday to choose a date for picking the next pope. They were officially summoned by the vatican yesterday. Once together they will decide the actual start of the conclave at the vatican. Meanwhile benedict 16 from here on known as pope emmare tis or your holiness retired. Some say he showed clear signs of exhaustion. You only have to look at him to see how sick he looks or how weak. Hes deteriorated even in the last couple of months. His apartment will remain sealed until a new pope has been pointed. Even his twitter accounts has been cleansed, all tweets wiped out for the next pope. Santa clara county supervisor George Shirakawa jr. Is apologizing for what he did to feed his addiction. Abc67 News Reporter has the story. Mr. Shirakawa violated the law and the faith that the residents of Santa Clara County had placed in him. Santa clara County District attorney jeff rosen announced criminal charges against county supervisor George Shirakawa jr. Four felony counts of perjury, one felony count of misappropriating public money, and seven misdemeanors for failing to file accurate campaign reports. Investigators say shirakawa used taxpayer and Campaign Donation money as his own and some of it went to support his gambling addiction which shirakawa admitted to when he resigned in response to the charges. He said he also suffers from depression and he apologizes for his actions. This is an extraordinary situation and it called for extraordinary measures and right now the extraordinary measures is that hes resigning. The san jose residents we spoke to say it was the right move. I think it is the right thing. Theres a lot of controversy around all of the miss appropriate of funds and campaign funds. It was like the icing on the cake. The Japanese Community looks at it like a black eye in the sense of yeah, overall its best that he stepped down. In addition to his resignation he agreed to plead guilty to the charges. He faces jail time. He must also pay 50,000 in state penalties and approximately 14,000 in restitution to the county. He has already paid back about half that amount. Shirakawa was booked and released on his reason could go sans. He has a Court Appearance in two weeks. With the new vacancy on the board, they have 45 days to either appoint someone or set a special election. They plan to meet Tuesday Morning to discuss the options and meet with the public. Abc7 news. California republicans are gathering in sacramento for their Spring Convention this weekend but the meeting is being clouded by a racial slur. The chair of the San Francisco gop was targeted by the precedent of a San Bernardino republicans womens group on facebook. Vera wrote that dillons loyalty is to the muslim religion so she will defend a muslim be heading two men without any hesitation. She is not a a republican. I have been in politics for 25 years so i have gotten over any of that type of sensitivity. The Facebook Post has been deleted and the woman said her comments were taken out of context. The San Francisco band train is staying a stand this morning. They announced they will not headline the boy scouts jamboree until they reverse their stand on gays. They made the decision after a pegs with 3,000 signatures urging the band members to denounce the ban. We have a picture showing a lion in the bushes near the hospital. San ramon police have been in contact with the people who spotted the mountain lie on. A beautiful creature but scary when see them too close to home. Absolutely. Nice day to get out and take a hike today. Not as sunny as yesterday but we are looking at the rain holding off until a chance of showers tomorrow. As we head outside, nice and quiet. We could pick up a few raindrops through the overnight hours but overall we are looking at more clouds on the increase. That will allow for the numbers to stay mild this morning. So it has been pretty nice out there with really no need to turn on the heat. Thats a nice switch. We are looking at numbers this morning in the 40s and 50s. In fact, 54 degrees right now in San Francisco. Oakland coming in at 51 with 52 in san carlos. Low 50s san jose. Half moon bay one of the keel locks at 45 and heres a look at the bay bridge this morning. More cool numbers out by the delta with numbers there in the mid40s. 47 in livermore. We are talking about mid40s in gilroy. So typically cooler spots in the mid40s. Santa rosa, though, a mild 4 6 degrees. So we are warmer than we were yesterday morning with that foggy start. But we talk about fair and mild condition just are for the Morning Hours and then clouds will continue to thicken throughout the day. We will look for filtered sunshine or mostly cloudy afternoon with a chance of light showers through the overnight hours through sunday. Talking about how mild it is this morning. Yesterday fog in spots and much cooler conditions. So we are talking about six degrees warmerter airport with 7 degrees warmer in santa rosa scene out in the inland east bay its five degrees warmer in the livermore valley. We have the long period swells allowing for dangerous sneaker waves from the peninsula coast to the north coast. Take care if you are out checking out the beaches. Weve seen a little shower activity from vancouver to seattle, and some of that will eventually, the cloud cover, slip into the bay area with the jet stream still to the north, though. The storm track stays to the north. We do have a weak system that will sneak on through later on today and that will allow for a slight chance of showers. But overall its the cloud cover you will notice today still on the mild side and heres a look at the computer animation. By 9 00 tonight notice maybe a few areas of sprinkles from around gilroy out in our east bay and then through the day tomorrow we will see more sunshine, but also a chance of showers throughout the afternoon. So kind of a mixed bag out there for the rest of your weekend. We have a better storm system cueing up for the early part of the week on tuesday and wednesday. Highs today mild. Monterey 64. How about the low 80s for los angeles and back home underneath a mostly cloudy skies look at numbers from the 60s at the coast, Half Moon Bay but still mild from san jose with about 71 degrees. 71 out by the delta. Here the look ahead. You notice a little bit cooler in spots due to the cloud cover today. Then the slight chance of showers, a little sunshine tomorrow, looking at much cooler conditions monday. 50s and 60s for highs. Her come the rain tuesday, wednesday, and then still kind of unsettled through thursday. So finally looking more like the season, but we will let you know about those rainfall amounts coming up. And our next forecast. But we do want to talk to you about this. This is our another element that you can use to get whether around the bay. Its abc7 news with a new resource. Its live doppler 7hd on twitter and for the latest bay area weather conditions rain or shine you get power outage information, pair the air alerts and weather tweets from all of us here. We will fine tune the forecast for tuesday, wednesday, and its not going to be much burks its better than nothing. Yes. Weve been looking for it. Lisa, thank you. Okay. Coming up next, a piece of hollywood up for grabs. The unique history behind this mansion, and what you will need to get into it. It took more than five people more than five years to keep a san ramon child alive. Dillon was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that required monthly blood donations. Yesterday he met the donors who turned his life around. We have the story. This sixyearold has a lifelong connection with this group of people hes never met. The men and women in this room have waited six years to see what he looks like. Im just very happy to meet this kid, which i knew as the john juir baby when i first gave blood for him. He was born with diamond blackfan anemia, a rare disorder that did not allow his body to support enough redwood cells. Without the blood they could die. They quickly recrewsed a small group of blood donors for his needs. Every four weeks we planned it. We could also tell as it got closer to transfusion time that his lips would turn collar, pale, he would be lethargic and irritable. Finally in may of last year he received a bone Marrow Transplant that helped him get rid of his condition. Now he can live a normal life without any more transfusions. Brady did save his life through the transplant. He os him big time. He will remember that, too. Dillon finally met four of the nine people who constantly gave him the b positive blood type need today keep him alive. I know every time you give blood you are saving lives but to know you are giving it to one tick person and saving his life, its incredibly rewarding. None showed more gratitude to the donors than dillons new grandmother. In oakland, abc7 news. Okay. Looking for a new home away from home, this might be the answer for you. Theres a place in southern california, but yet i have a lot of you have to have a lot of cash to get. It the a Beverly Hillman son is up for grabs. It was once own by William Randolph hers and used by jfk and jackdy during their honeymoon. And it was used in the fill the bodyguard] [its 115 million to buy. We will tell you what the commercial spaceflight with cargo from the bay area on board is now set [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. So when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. Thats why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. And why we use only natural colors and Natural Flavors in yoplait original. So, anything else we can do for you, let us know. But youll keep it to yogurt, right . cause we shouldnt really help with your love life. Yoplait. It is so good use chaget 5 cash backs stations this quarter, whoa everybody get, everybody get activate your 5 cash back at chase. Com freedom good morning, everyone. Welcome back. Its 5 30 and we are starting this halfhour with a quick look at the weather. Heres meet lisa argen. Good morning to you. Starting out with fair and mild conditions. We are looking at just a little bit of cloud cover but still 40s and 50s as you head on out. Changes are coming in the form of our sky cover, with increasing clouds. Numbers will be in the 60s for the most part. A couple lower 70s down toward san jose with a little bit more filtered sunshine. But lets fast forward to the rest of the afternoon. You notice you will have the cloud cover with us throughout much of the day and this will lead to our first opportunity of rain in quite some time. Animation goes through saturday night, into sunday. You will notice by the latter half of the afternoon tomorrow we are looking at a mix of clouds and sun and possibility of a few raindrops around the bay. Not much, but more is to come. We will talk about that in the sevenday outlook a bit later. Katie. Good morning. Its a good morning to be a baseball fan. Its Little League opening day and in petaluma that means a special ceremony featuring the tomorrow that played all the way to the Little League world series. Abc7 News Reporter kira klapper is live with all the excitement. Good morning, kira. Good morning. They may be number three in the entire world, which by the way is completely impressive, but they are number one in the hearts of their fans. Because of that the Petaluma National Little League will be honored today before opening day of. The poise offer and as they were called last summer. All 13 will present their National Championship banner to the leak. They inspired many as they came within one game of winning it all at the Little League world series. They got a massive paw aid on their return and got the keys to the city. They will meet the hundreds of players who they inspired during the ceremony. It begins at 8 30 uncarter field at the junior high and opening day ceremonies officially begin at 9 00 a. M. , kicking off the first games of spring for the petaluma valley Little League. A lot to look forward to this morning. Reporting live in petaluma, kira klapper, abc7 news. Good stuff. Thank you, kira. It is official, president obama has signed an order authorizing 85 billion in automatic spending cuts. The cuts, no one as a sequester, could have a wide ranging effect in california. Unemployment benefits could be cut and children may be eliminated from certain programs. School officials are already trying to meet a march 15th deadline when layoff notices must be handed out if they anticipate less money next year. More layoffs than there certainly would have been because of the sequestration issue. We are going to see an up tick in the number of layoffs we see on march 1th as a result of congress action. The effect of the cuts wont be felt until april. This morning the president is calling on congress to take action to haul the cuts. He said not everyone is going to feel the impacts of the cuts right away so there is still team for congress to take action. The president said both sides just need to compromise. None of this is necessary. Its happening because republicans in congress chose this outcome over closing a single wasteful tax loophole that helps reduce the deficit. This week they decided protecting special interest write as you for the well off and well protected is more important than protecting the metal class for these cuts. A state congresswoman said they sent all tern defense to the senate but senators never acted on them. The gop has shown the choices can be made in a responsible, thoughtful way. Meanwhile at the San Francisco Federal Reserve, chairman ben bernanki last night defended the Federal Reserve banks low Interest Rate policies. He said any moves to ray Interest Rates could derail the countrys modest economic recovery. It would carry a high risk of short circuiting the recovery, possibly leading to even a longer period of low longterm rates. He tried also to calm fierce of super low Interest Rates setting off inflation or rattling investors. Today about 30 low income patience will receive free medical procedures at Kaiser Permanente medical center. Nonprofit operation access is partnering with kaiser as part of the event to help the uninsured. They have been referred by various bay area clinics and will receive procedures. The doctors and nurses are donating their time and the hospital is making its operating rooms available at no charge. A commercial spaceflight carrying cargo from the bay area is back on track after a less than perfect launch. The privatelyowned space x rocket lifted off at Cape Canaveral yesterday morning but when the unmanned capsule dragon separated from it, three of the four thrusters failed to fire. It took hours to regain control and the rendezvous with the space station has been delayed until early tomorrow morning. Jonathan bloom tells us more about the payload and the bay area students watching its mission. Two, one as the second Space X Mission rumbled into order these High School Students watched intently because something of theirs is on board. This sperm is made to test the microgravity of the space station. Building a little box like this one has consumed the past five months for these students at Fremont Christian school. This is a lot of effort put in with lunches and after school weekends and a lot of our lives have been our high school lives have been put into this project. In the tiny enclosure, a tiny measuring device they designed with the help of their mentor. We are going to verify the gravity on the space station, what we are told it is, that it is 1 millionth of what it is on earth. The tiny dots are seeds. This is an opportunity to look how plants grow in space without earths gravity. Its a step toward growing food on long space missions, and something else. Plants give out oxygen and they could be useful as a part of an air revitalization system for longterm space travel. These are the space equivalent of petri dishes and sucks tubes to move liquids around and poor. You dont have the gravity to hold things down. Its a way the astronauts could do medical experiments. Unking what happens in microgravity will provide us leads to what a likely happening on earth. Each of the experiments will stay in space a different period of time. The cell biology will come back on march 25th when space x returns. Seedling experiment will stay up there until the fall. Jonathan bloom, abc7 news. 200 volunteers from San Francisco companies will donate time today to help Mentor High School kids and get them thinking about careers. Its the inaugural College Track day in San Francisco. Bay view Hunters Point students will be at city hall today to meet with mentors starting at 11 00. The volunteers represent fields including science, technology, and sales ed lee will be there. He plans that talk about the importance of internship. Coming up next, the potentially life altering question for women. How much faith can you have in a one dollar pregnancy test . Health and science reporter Carolyn Johnson has some answers on that. Lets go outside and take a live look from emmyville back across the bay at San Francisco. Temperatures in the 50s today and dry. But there is a little bit of rain in the forecast. Lisa argen will have all you need to know in just a few welcome back, everyone. Its 5 40 on this lovely saturday morning. This is from our live hd roof cam over the embarcadero and the bay bridge. You see they are testing those lights on the beautiful light display on the bay bridge this morning. It looks cool, especially when they start twinkling. You are looking at about 54 degrees out there right now and dry today. But raindrops ahead. Lisa argen will tell you which days and how much coming up in the full forecast. Would you trust the results of a one dollar pregnancy test . There aren expensive brands now available at Discount Stores and online. How reliable are they . Experts is say it depends on a number of factors. Health and science reporter Carolyn Johnson has the details. Tracy remembers the tense and exciting months leading up to her first pregnancy. And tests she regularly used to test her condition. If i thought about it, i would hope i was pregnant and i could get one and it could be up to five a week. They test 10 to 15 but they can be cheaper. As low as a dollar for some brands sold at Discount Stores like dollar tree and dollar general. Many see them as a bargain. I feel like its the same thing and its actually, you know, much more affordable. But are the tests reliable . This doctor is a obstetrician . San francisco. She said it first helps to understand all the test look for a more mommy hbg that is produced during pregnancy. The difference between test is some have an ability to pick up a lower level of this hbg than other tests. She said the sensitivity comes into play in the earliest stages of the pregnant. Before the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. That process is accompanied by the release of hgt, which tests project with varying degrees of sensitivity. Some of them wont pick up a level of one or two. Unlike other tests that can pick up a minute level. But there are difference. Top of the line at home test can pick up a reading as low as 5. 5 measured in international units. A brans pick up 20 and some 50. Since they double 72 hours the difference could be a matter of days two weeks before a less test registered a true positive. Maybe wait until at least one day past when the woman is expecting her speared. At that point the fdaapproved tests generally show accuracy in the high 90 range. For many women it may come down to a question of economy exor timing. A lot of people are spectacle about it but theres a generic brand for everything. The doctor said it is also important to follow the instructions carefully. Some tests require a certain amount of time to produce a reading while others may tend to fade if they are read too late. A new study indicates most womens feet get beggar after they give birth. University of iowa researchers looked at the changes of womens feet the monthings following pregnancy. They found 60 or 70 of women had longer feet and shorter arches. Although most gained just a few millimeters, one in five gained a whole shoe size. Hormones produced in pregnancy can loosen giants and ligaments and extra weight than flatten feet. The tooth ferry is now handing out more money for teeth. The average amount of kids that kids receive from the tooth ferry is up 15 . It jumped from 2. 10 in 2011 to 2 dollars 42 cents in 2012. Results over the last 15 years show the rise and fall of tooth ferry giving corresponds with how the s p 500 performs. You cant argue with science. Thats true. I dont even remember when i used to get. Far too long ago. About ten bucks, im sure. No. Good morning, everything. We are looking at high clouds streaming in around the bay. Thats going to allow for temperatures to come town slightly. Heres look at the goalen gate bridge. We are looking at mid50s. Still really mild out there. We will talk about cooler temperatures and then the rain and a pretty active week ahead. Thats all coming up. Thanks, lisa. Also ahead, Stephen Curry takes the court for the first time if loving you is wrong i dont wanna be right [ record scratch ] what . its not bad for you. It just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal hearthealthy, whole grain oats. You cant go wrong loving it. Bee happy. Bee healthy. With clusts of flakes and os. Oh, ho ho. Its the honey sweetness. I. I mean, you. Love. Welcome back. You are looking at the san mateo bridge. Its going to be 69 with cloudy skies. No rain in the forecast today but some drops may fall later next week. Of course, keep it here. Lisa argen will tell you everything you need to know, when to bring out on umbrella just in case, later this week. Three bay area cities have lost a bid to block the highspeed rail project from running up and down the peninsula. A judge in sacramento has dismissed a lawsuit filed five years ago by the cities of atherton, menlo park and palo alto. They cited Environmental Concerns and said it would be go put the highspeed line on the east side of the bay and bring it into the bay area through the pass. The ruling allows the line to be built through pechako pass and then san jose and San Francisco. The bay area could have a weather change in store. Wave been enjoying some warmth. Lots of sunshine. And dry conditions. The third driest on record for the city of San Francisco. Definitely need some rain out there. We are still doing okay due to the heavy rains of late 201. But still, know how dry its been, january and february. Thats slowly coming to anen. In fact today the beginning of some changes. Live doppler 7hd not picking up any rain but we are looking at increasing clouds and that will lead to our first weak system that arrives later on tonight. So all in all things are definitely going to feel a little bit more like the season in the week ahead. Although today on the mild side. In fact stepping outside right now, 50s out there for the most part. So we are talking about that warmth from yesterday really staying with us. 51 in san jose this morning and as well as oakland. And checking out the bay bridge this morning, weve got the cool numbers out by the delta. Also up in the north bay with 44 in fairfield, 46 in napa. Good morning, fremont. 51 for you. So the changes are coming in the form of the cloud cover. The high clouds today so we will call it fair as you head out this morning and mild. By this afternoon cloudy skies and a chance of light showers heads our way tomorrow. Then a more impressive system for tuesday and wednesday. We are talking sear snow, too. A 24 hour change. We are much milder from fairfield we are cooler. We are six degrees warmer at the airport and warmer in livermore and san jose this morning. We have that going for us. Right on through today we are still looking at the long period swells offshore and that allows for the beach hazard throughout the day, allowing or the dangerous sneaker base. Certainly keep that in mind if you are headed out toward our beaches. Heres a look at our satellite and radar composite. You notice the high cloud cover. Its all offshore and it continues to stream out up ahead of the next weak weather system. We still have High Pressure holding on through the day today and the jet stream to the north. But eventually a little piece of energy will head our way and that will allow for maybe a few sprinkles into tomorrow. Today, though, its the high clouds thickening. Heres a look at the computer animation as we go throughout the rest of the day. Weve got the clouds. By 9 00 tonight you will notice a little bit of green showing up here and through the overnight hours. Still length of cloud cover. 1 00 tomorrow a mix of clouds and sun and maybe a few light sprinkles or rain showers. That should do it. Its certainly not impressive but maybe a halfinch to three quarters of an inch for our next system on tuesday. So 60s, 70s in sacramento, 8 to 0 in fresno today. Still taking another day to cool off further in the central valley. Upper 60s for palo alto. And the look ahead, the numbers still pretty mild. Slight chance of showers tomorrow. Notice monday. Its just 50s and 60s. The rain coming tuesday, wednesday, a slight chance on thursday and looks dry for next friday. We will take what we can get. Yes. Umbrellas out. Thanks, lisa. In sports tonight st. Marys hosts a team a day after being put on probation for recruiting violations. Heres larry beil with the details in this mornings sports. Good morning, everyone. The st. Marys Basketball Program is a west coast power. The challenge now is maintaining that because the ncaa has just hit the gaels with four years of probation. They will still be able to compete in the tournament but its a score lar reductions and oneyear ban for the coach recruiting offcampus. If you read the entire report, it seems the punishment is too harsh for the crime. We take full responsibility for any missteps that i have had as a head coach, division 1 program and we are responsible to overseas all aspects of the program. So i regret any areas in those areas of coming up short in any way. Coming off his 54point outburst in new york, steph curry look his jumper to boston last night. He was considerably cooler with the warriors paying a visit to the celtics. All eyes on steph. He hit 11 threes against the knicks. 3 of 11 from downtown. Still finished with 25 points in this contest. Trying to do it off the ball here. Curry long defenders. Feeds Harrison Barnes for the throwdown. And barnes really needs to get more offensive. 16 for the rookie. With authority right there. Paul pierce, he could just fall out of bed and still make jumpers. Led the celtics with 26. Still has some springs in those legs. To the rack. And the warriors defensive woes continue. Please guard chris wilcox. Theres known within ten feet of him. The years drove their Third Straight 9486. The miami heat on a twelve game win streak hosting the grizzlies. Lebron games to dwyane wade. Precision passing there. Under 30 seconds left. Heat up by one. Lebron ice it is. A stonecold three. Lebron a near mortal 18 points in this contest, but the heat win number 13 in a row, 9891. Oh, as lebron would tell you, eats good to be the king n this case he we are talking about super bowl blanco with a new contract that will make him the highest paid nfler in history. He receives a 168 million deal from the ravens. And blanco will make under 169,000 per day during the regular season. Amazing. Thats a wrap on morning sports. Mike shumann will be here with all of your highlights at five, six, nine and eleven p. M. Have a great weekend, everybody. Im larry beil. Coming up next, hes back. Arnold schwarzenegger returns to Arnold Schwarzenegger returns to a post he held before becoming Arnold Schwarzenegger getting back to body building. Hes reclaimed his title of group editor of muscle and fitness flection magazine. Its a job he used to have but he resigned in 2005 unpressure that as governor the position was a conflict of interest. Critics said he profited from ads for Dietary Supplements while considering legislation to keep kids from using them. Back then the magazine was paying schwarzenegger 1 million a year. Theres another chance to share in the glory of the World Championship San Francisco giants. World championship trophy tour visits livermore today at the Robert Livermore Community Center from 11 00 this morning until 1 00 in the afternoon. Fans have the tune to have their picture taken with both the 2012 and the 2010 world series trophies. They are asked to also make a donation to the junior giants baseball league. That serves more than 20,000 boys and girls in 80 communities throughout northern california. Also, the Little League series not Little League series, what am i trying to say, opening day for Little League today. Up next at six, the axe falls and congress and the president cant agree so the president orders 85 billion in spending cuts. What that will mean here. And another bay area gun buyback. Where it is happening this morning and what you need to know if good good morning, im katie marzullo. Its 6 00 a. M. On this saturday morning. Lets start out with a quick first look at the weather. Heres lisa argen. Good morning. Just beginning to get a little light out there. The bay bridge this morning. You can see the clouds and a little bit of partly cloudy conditions out there. And that really will set the stage for a cooler afternoon in spots due to the cloud cover out there. Heading outside we are looking at numbers in the 40s and 50s. Its cooler in the north bay and by the delta. Otherwise this afternoon we call it mostly cloudy. Highs near 60 Half Moon Bay and ocean beach to the lower 70s around san jose today. Mid60s San Francisco. Clouds sticking with us throughout the evening hours. Staying mild, 40s and 50s. We look at a slight chance of showers heading our way tomorrow into the afternoon. Ill tell you how much and a more significant system heading our way in the beginning of the the work week. A pattern change is coming our way. Katie. Lisa, thank you. Santa cruz Police Officers are back on duty this weekend days after two of their own were gunned down. Lawrence butch baker and detective Elizabeth Butler were killed tuesday afternoon. Their memorial service, which is next thursday, has been moved to san jose to accommodate the thousands of mourners who are expected to

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