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Their dayni may take them. We were here when they were doing that yesterday, and d so manyni people arrived onni 4 qv]azce barricades that line right here. They haveni their[cmw3 camera phones out. The thing is none.  of themcn3 are wearing 49er gear. You havehtg askni yourself, who are theseni people . Where are they from . Why are theyni here . Do they love the[oni 49ers . Are they the faithful . Itni turnsni out theyre not from sanc francisco, butcc they do love thenini 49ers. And some ofco that love goes wayni back. nininini i wasoni a big fan. It started with steve sort ofnini carried over. They have a great team, great playersni and they certainly areni on a roll right now;ni thatsni forniokni. Porter and his wife are from illinois. They visit new orleans every year. It is a fluke thatni they happened to be here thisni year during the super bowl, a superni bowl which thenaini 49ers are playing in. And get this. i teah j. ninlaw is actually the quote heninr has allnini the memorabi, tonsni of autograph. This flukeni encounterco might cause[n family rivalry. Christiannico mentioned media day. Today is media day. For onlyni the secondco time the nfl is allowing fans to the nfl is allowing fans to thank you so much. Kay didni katie bringing youi theni bestni spwo el super bowl week coverage. Well be reporting livew3 ninin 8qdindco theni scenes updat at abc 7 news bayni area. San francisco bar and Restaurant Owners areconi pushing backnini againstninico a to limit boozeni sales on super bowli sunday in hopes of cuttinqi back onco what a bignini backlash from the mayors suggestrthat the cityni party on but party light on super bowlw3 sunday. He wants cityniccni bars to se something other than hard liquor on game day, but bars like this say,nico mayor, thanks forni the adviue but thatsni notni goingnini to especially since cocktailsni are their specialty and their breadni and butter. Owners say the suggestionni that hard alcoholni sales be restricted is misguided. The mayor says hes not here. He wants to prevent theni drunkenni violence that won the worllini series. But bar owners say it is their responsibility to every one and a halfni ounces of speurs is the spirits is the same as one ounce of glass orc beer. It is aboutnini moderation. Responsibility. People should know theirconi limitations, as Clint Eastwood used to say. They ought to just be cognizant thatw3ni anni overindulgence in ani celebratorqi way couldco be very hurtful to communities and to themselves. cnini ni the American Beverage Institute calledni any attemptw3 to restrict liquor sales a ridiculous ideani avoidni[cc demonizing ani ayor is hoping for anit. Celebration with moderation, and we have noticed here that tzisninini bar specials come gameco day right here in thenini window. ninini president obama travels to las vegas today to lay out his visionc fn sc immigrationni reform. Hesni calling for a pathway toni citizenship for millions ofco illegalni immigrants, improvements tocokz the immigration system and more effectiveni mechanismsni for helping employers verify workerni status. Bipartisan group of senators agreed onniv q framework to create a pathway to citizenship forni 11 Million People living inni tdb nited states illegally. During the president ialni8 dicaa promised toni make Immigration Reform a top priority for his secondni ininc term. ni a state senator from oakland isni taking up the issue of gunni violence andnini firearms lawnini during an informational meeting today in sacramento. The chairman of the senate d public safetyni committee isni holding a skwroepbt joint hearing with theni senate and ays5bly at 9 00 this morning. Among those scheduled toni testify are representatives of Law Enforcement and gun ownership rights organizations. Expertsnini will demonstrate whichn t aqprms are legal andnizgat÷al under ke÷yn after today it might get tougher to smokeni in sanni francisco. Supervisorsco are likely toni give final approval to a measure banning smoking at outdoor festivals and parade. The new lawni wont require policeni to look for violators but promoters will have tonini make announcements. Willni be firstni large u. S. i whether landlords mustnini letc potential renters know if smoking is allowedni in theirnii building. Santa clara county chargesok against anr manni accused much starting a massive fire. It burned 4,300coa res and destroyed 63ni homes. W3 Officials Say he startedni the blaze when he didnt put out smolderingeatz of brush he wasni hiredni toc buri on monday attorneys saidni they werent sure they could prove most of the serious charges against him. He still faces jail time ifni convicted of a misdemeanor in the case. ny3 nini 5 07. Dry out there this morning. And not that cold. And not thatn kold. Thank you sow3ni much. ninicco whats the future going tonr be . Warmer . n ,p6c0 3 ive been listening to your forecast. Very[cnrni good. Good morningnini everybody. nini visibility is unlimited just about everywhmr thisnicco morning. 4] atorts. Tn waecs atni]ua6c03 minimalninini fog, i had some at else is running a little bit warmer than the frost. ni about 37 will be ourni coldest temperatures at some of our reporting stations atni 7 00. Low to midni 50s, high clouds andni sunshine, another bright andni Beautiful Day with a deep blueni sky. No pollution to worryni about. Midni to operni 50s aroundnini 4 00. Mid 40s to about 50. A light to heavy jacket youll need if you have the next three days, heres thatni warmer weather. cc today aboutni average. Tomorrow low to mid 60s. Mid to upper 60s for thursday and also into friday. Hope you]ini enjoy. Heres sue. Hope you enjoy the commute. Weve got a problem developingni because a hot dog cart fell off a truck in lanesni 880 paytn 92. C. H. P. I couldnt get it outni there fastw3 enough. ]ua6c0 3 another car hitni itn spreadingnini debris all over theni freeway. nini hopefulfully there will be a temporary shutnic down butni now 880 past 92 because of the debris closed in the haywardnini area. Theni ramp to northnini el camni thanks so much. It isw3 5 09. A bayni area woman tried toni get tickets to the super 6,000. ni worse, the crooks addni insult toni injury. nic aco proposedco earthquakeni Warning System that couldnr Warning System that couldnr onenini day s well, well, well. Growing up, we didnt have uverse. We couldnt record four shows at the same time. In my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. And if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, thats all we watched. And we liked it todays kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get uverse tv for just 19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. Rethink possible. It sparks a movement. Look no ugly spots and see that shine youve got to try finish. Because once they try finish, they cant keep it to themselves. Im switching for good. Wow awesome finish is seriously good. Cannot believe how great it works. Incredible shine. I wont use anything else. Love, love, love finish so far over a million neighbors, friends, and family have switched to finish. Join the finish revolution. Recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide. Ou wjzd morning. Sue hall on the abc 7 traffic center. We have better newsnini now. Northboundni 880 past 92, what was a hot dog cart in lane number 2ni was then hit by a car scattering debris everywhere and into the windshield of annini sspassing car, all vehiclesni are on the shouldernico now. The roadway is open and the[5k43 debris is going toni dissipate there. They are done with thatni situation. But there are cars on the shoulder there. Thats theni latest. Thank you very much. Its nowni 5 13. A new proposal would create an early warning9e; uqm to detect california earthqu8 a bill being introduced in the state legislature would earlyni pulsesni caused by on comingni quakes. It would trigger alarms and sendw3ni tvco messages. It would help schoolchildren get to safe positions and shut down transportation likeco bart. For every major earthquake, we know toou ]izk well the number of injuries that resulted, the numbq ofconi fatalities that resulted and the Economic Impact to our state. With a small investment you can minimize that withni injuries, fatalities and japan already hasnzanni early warningni systemni which costni 600 million tonic creae from scratch. Californias system wouldni cost an estimated 80 million because wouldc[cc upgrade infrastructure already innini place. Police are looking for a man who exposed himself to a parent in front of anini3nini school. Jefferson elementary schoolni on bancroft avenue where a woman wasniw3c approached fridy evening. Police say she was waiting to pick upni herni child whenni an adult male rode up toni her on a bike and began talking to her. W3 the woman noticed he had his pants unzipped and was exposing himself. Police. co Dominican Hospital in santa cruz earlier this month. ni police inni f krc field ae investigatq; a woman whoninini impersonated ani doctor so she could steal credit cards. She was spotted in ani hospital last week. Police say she wore ani b areas. niu 4,500 was chargedconic on scamnr artists have takenni advantageni of an east bay east bay womans love of e. Tnini woman boughtni tickets offninini craigs list from a fan. Suez got this instead. In the package mailed to their address yesterday they found a message that read enjoy the game. ni gonini ravens. ninini lol the phrase go ravens wasni written on envelopes. The woman has not reported the incident to policeninini ye. Justninini awful. ni Ticket Holders whoni didnt get supe n bowl tickets from the team areni questioning the way the team distributed tickets for the bignini game. The 9ers held ani lotteryni fori seasonni ticketni holderrers. ci holders. Tickets for the game. We asked them what the odds werenico of winning. Theco eam said everyone had an equal chance, butni they didntni discloseni thecnico o. Wonderingnrni howni do all these agencies havew np l these season tickets when the fans, the true,3;g dont ge÷iw3 a chance to buynii them. Teublgs areniniw3co tickets o available at nfl ticket skhraepbgni butnini ticketni exchange but those sell atni inflated prices. It is always heartbreak when youc cant getni tickets. I the fraudulent folks outcow3 there. nini youninini haveni these 150co tickets but theyreni sellingni evernini else fornini three, fii grand. These brokers buy them and inflate them. How is thatnini not scalping . We can soothe ourselves with nice, gorgeousninini weather. Enjoy theni sc goodnii morningconic everybodyc watchnininini withni surroundcoc bigscreen tvs. If you haveni that, invite me over, please. Were lookingni at emeryvill down to sanco2francisco. Looks prettyco clear. See the clouds picking up thisco morninocni andco the dry air. That is underneathniu these higher cloua3 clouds and a little bit of wind keepingniok our temperatures fairly tame. Weni still have livermore andni3 os. In the midni to upperni everybody else in the lowni to midniw3ni 40s. San francisco 47 and 48. San jose aboutni 37ninini degrei santa cruz low to mid 40s. Mostly sunny,ni breezynini over our beaches andni outw3 overne 3 the ocean. ni going to beni choppy. nic clear, calmer and probabfyn milder as we head through the weekend andni well start to pull up temperatures overnight. Our days arenio still shorterci than ourni nights so its harder toni get overnight temperaturesni up unless yoni or cloudni cover. Temperatures today . Oinr mainly in the midnini to uppernini 50. Santaco rosa, napa, fairni 58ni to 49ni for holster. Tonight mid to upper 30sni inland. Scattered frostnini possible. Midu w3 bayshore and out to the coast. High pressure taking over now. Ani little kink in theni armor, thatnini areanini of odd airni i heading out to utah where theyllniccni getniczccniie kmyt8 r and every day well get a little bit warmer. Low iob5idw3 60s tomorrow, lowco to midcni 60s onni thury and also friday and into saturday andni sunday and monday maybeconi a little cooler with a small chance of rain. Have a good day. Good morning. Ack tore goingni hayward. I want toni show you ourw3 traffic app. 92 northbound 880. It wasni a hot dog cart in lanes. A car hit it spreading debris everywhere. Shutting down northboundniconi 880. As are several vehicles. You can sdg the veryni slow traffic remains in theco past 92 inco hayward. Accident on theni shoulderni westboundnini 580 at 60, the dublinnini pleasantton areai nocncco delays. It is off to the shoulder. A little bit of slow the path. Now 5 20. ni the super bowl isniom cot as famous for the commercials as for theni acxvjrjn the field. Comingnini up,cco aco sneak pet a new way to share moments on twitter has become anni unexpected hey did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol . And it tastes good . Sure does wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right . Yeah. Its the honey, it makes it taste so. Well, would you look at the time. Whats the rush . Bee happy. Bee healthy. With clusters of flakes and os. Oh, ho ho. Its the honey sweetness. I. I mean, you. Love. Welcome back. New data shows advertisers get more bang for their buck by putting commercials on line before super bowl sunday. Utube said ads that ran before super bowl on line got an average of 9 million views and those who waited until sunday got an average of 1. 3 million. Advertisers are taking notice of the trend and so on monday volkswagon and audi released their videos. According to cnn companies are spending four million for a 30 second spot. That is half million more than last year. A new Court Ruling Means that complaining about the boss on facebook could cost your job. Good morning. Think about a tax return. I. R. S. Efforts to fight Identity Theft and false returns may slow things down by a week. The i. R. S. Begins to accept 2012 returns tomorrow. If you have a College Degree you may be overqualified for your job. A new center study said 48 percent of the College Grads are in jobs they are more than qualified for. There are 42 million College Grads on the work force. Be careful what you say about the boss on facebook. You may be at risk of getting fired. The National Labor relation board had ruled that employees were free to. But those regulations are in question because that was appointed when the senate was not in recess. It is now 5 24 can time for a check on the Weather Forecast and leaves me speechless. It should. It is going to be that warm. What is more . Mike . Temperatures are around average for the entire state. High pressure is dominating all of our weather and putting a road block up for snow in the mountains or rain in the lower elevations. 58 in big sir. 60 in sacramento and chicko. Well be in the midto upper 40s in the mountains. Sue . Back to hayward. I880 is remaining slow. A hot dog cart got hit. The traffic is still very slow past the 92 interchange. Toward the san mateo bridge looking good. A few brake lights as you make your way toward the high rise. Lights in the toll plas a. Thank you, sue. Actor jude law joined Jimmie Kimmel on the couch. In this case he talked about the rising price of postal stamps. Postage service raised the price of first class stamps. Stamps are something that the pilgrims used before weigh had the internet. I wish the postoffice would charge us for email. Maybe aunt nancy would avoid sending gangnum style eight months after it came out. I whan you are talking about. It is following abc news at 11 00. Night line comes on after jimmie. Twitter using the video, facing the first hicup. Pornography. Xrated videos are uploaded and users encountering the explicit material. They can flag them as inappropriate. They now display a warning. 5 30. A taste of new orleans. Katie went on the search for best food that niner fans will find in the big easy. Thats not fair. East bay city facing a 15 million lawsuit and the Police Shooting leading to the new legal action. Live from the kgo Broadcast Center this is abc 7 news. Good morning, it is tuesday. 5 29 and good to have you here. I am kristen sze. I am eric thomas first up the check on the forecast. It may be cooler a lot like yesterday. You can see it on doppler 7 hd. Dryer air is cutting the high clouds that is roaming in the neighborhoods. There is deep blue sky and high clouds and sunshine. It will be breezy on the beaches. About the same temperaturewise in the bay can inland mid50s to around 60. Here is sue with the can check on the traffic. We are checking back on the hayward situation i880. We can see the red line here. Slow traffic from before 92, due to a hot dog cart hit in the lanes that temporarily shut down the entire freeway to get all of the debris. You can see the slow traffic remains here in the hayward area. Well follow this. You can download a free app at the apple store and google play. 680 there was an accident that is now cleared in the dublin area. Eric and christian . New at 5 30. City of walnut creek is hit with a 15 Million Dollar lawsuit by the family whose victim was shot and hit by the police. Eric, in the Court Documents there is a new version of what happened in the apartment building. The family of anthony bandit junior 22 years old said one of the Police Officers was in the apartment and the tripped and fell and panic ensued and that is when the officer fired at banta. They say their son is innocent. Police said that banta was armed with a 10inch knife and police had to shoot. This is what the police and attorney for the family had to say about the shooting earlier this month. Police ordered mr. Banta to drop the knife. He charged down the stairs toward the officers. The officers fired in self defense. A lot of things will add up and maybe in time they will add up well be able to make sense of this. The family is shocked. Friends of banta held a candet light vigil after the december shooting. They say it would be shock for their friend who was a hair dresser to have threatened police. They find it hard to believe. The family claim that is banta was arguing with the roommate and the argument was well over when the police areiched. The family is seeking 15 million damages. Live in walnut creek. Amy holyfield abc news. A eight Year Old Girl was shot while standing in a home. A car drove by and someone in the vehicle opened fire. The gunfire riddled the house with bullet holes. She was shot in the leg. No one else was hurt. The gunmen are still on the loose. Oakland is completely out of control. The 49ers coming off of the practice field to scrimmage with the International Med yampt niner fans in the big easy are patrolling the streets hoping for a glimpse of the football stars and a darn good meal, too. Katie is lucky outside of daysy duke. Katie has a glimpse of the heros and a darn good meal, good morning. Good morning, eric. We made it inside of daysy dukes. So right next to the 49ers hotel and it is open 247. Right now in new orleans 7 30 normal time to eat breakfast and look at the breakfast thes. Smells good in here and the food is delicious and the tip of the iceberg of what to find to eat in new orleans. Your mouth may water at the words alone. Red beans and cat fish and shrimp and rice for the jum balaia. He knows the new orleans palate and he sells the food to the restaurant. Crawfish season coming in season and you will see them eating crawfish. Shrimp season is pretty much year round. We are in oyster season. Raw oysters and grilled oysters is popular. Sea food as far as the eye can see and so much more for the 49er fans. From the bay area santa cruz. And over a fried cat fish poboy he lives in burbank and in new orleans for work. Since we are staying in the hotel. I purchased the hotel and i had a couple of guys sign it. Another fan from another state, florida. I always have been a niners fan in the days of steve young and vernon. And the staff is happy to host the niner fans and wouldnt mind if a certain player stops by. We love kaepernick. Why . He is a nice looking young man. The crew got a sweet treat when coach jim harbaugh came by. Fatfree and low carb. Hopefully you got to joke. Fat free and low carb, not phrases typically associated with the food in new orleans. Something else. Brace yourself people of San Francisco. Let me tell you about the special. Two eggs and sausage,on or ham and hash browns and grits and toast for the price of 3. 99. I will show you the plate coming up in the show. So nice of you to show it to us. Abc 7 news has an entire team in the super bowl in addition to katie. Sports director larry beil and sports anchor mike shumann and Wayne Freedman who will bring you the coverage. You will be enveous of the food and tweeting the behind the scenes updates. A lot of those tweets are about food. Chp said it is close to tracking down the Drivers Behind a dangerous stun stunt on a freeway. Cars were doing donuts on i880 saturday afternoon. This video and others like it were posted on line. The drivers could have caused a serious accident or killed somebody. The drivers got away before the officers arrived. But investigators say they have some license plate numbers and working to identify the officers. Oakland police are opening investigation in hazing in a high school that led to the firing of a football coach. It involves lewd acts against six students. The former coach said he did the right thing and reported the incident and host his job anyway. Administrators claimed he was fired last week for not providing enough supervision in the locker roommate. Chevron said it paid 10 million in medical claims. Chevron said most of the money went to hospitals for medical exam treatment. Immediately following the august 6th fire. The health officials, chevron paid 20,000 claims. Chevron still faces a lawsuit over the blaze from a group of 10,000 residents and state fines for allegedly violating worker safety laws. Supervisors will decide whether to renew the ban on smart meters. Opponents say the meters might raise utility bills and oppose the customers of keeping the old meters. Pg e said they are acerate and safe. It would affect 70,000 residents in the countys unincorporated areas. The manual survey on snow pack. Snow provides a third of californias water supply. Snow pack was at 134 thanks to early winter storms. That is about halftime the state average for it is season. Officials say they will only be able to deliver 40 percent of the water public agencies are requesting. Hopefully the manual survey will be more promising than the electronic ones they are doing. Time for the forecast, mike . Here are the electronic bons, they are dropping below 96 in the north and 92 percent in the south. That gives a state wide percent of normal for 94 percent. We have to go all the way through april 1st for the snow season. This will continue to shrink and i think that is going to happen. High pressure is starting to move close to the coast. Storm track moving the snow to idaho and nevada and washington and wyoming and eventually colorado. For us, lots of sunshine and high clouds. Temperatures are cool at night. We are in the midto upper 30s. Low to mid40s is your lunchtime temperature and then you will need a jacket at 7 00. As we move forward. Warming trend will be sloww. Low to mid60s on wednesday. Hitting 66 which is warmer than 64 in the bay. There will be a few more high clouds on friday. Have a great day. Here is sue. We had reports was a hot dog cart in hayward and just after that that hot dog cart got hit. They had to temparily close. You can see the residual damage. It is before 92 to just after 92 and all of that did debris and cars affected on the side of the road. There is slowing there. On the bay bridge minor delays for cash paying folks. Looking good as you go to San Francisco. The stretch between dacota road, looking at under two minutes and there is the east, short communicate looking good. Thank you. Taking you live to breaking news in eastern texas, two people are reported hurt in this fire in a Oil Storage Facility in van zandt county. The officials were called at 3 00 a. M. About an explosion. Two people were smoking on top of the tanks. Both are 24 years old. The fire is still blazing and firefighters trying to keep it from spreading to other areas. It looks like at this point those tanks were burned to the ground. Hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. Thats true. But you still have to go to the gym. The one and only, cheerios. And now. You [ giggles ] the one and only, cheerios good morning, 5 44. Oakland police chief Howard Jordan will discuss the shootings of officers two incidents. An officer was shot in the leg chasing a man with a gun. Police arrested year old nathan cook on attempted murder chargings. Investigators say cook tried to steal a bike at gun point while leaving the scene of a car crash when the incident happened. Another officer was shot in the arm in a confrontation with drug suspects. The officer identified himself as police but the suspects said they didnt care. Police later arrested two suspects. New information this morning about a house fire in hayward. A nine year old is credited with saving his uncles life, his pen year old uncle trapped inside. The fire was reported 3 30 yesterday afternoon. Sky 7 hd was over head. The nine year old ran to a neighbors house to get help. Firefighters rescued his uncle from a bedroom. Boy scout officials will meet next week to consider whether to allow openly gay scout and troup meters. They will make the decisions for themselves. The father of a gay teen denied the rank of eagle scout because of his sexualorientation said it is about time. The point of the scout law you have to be honest and truth worthy. These kids havent been allowed to do that. The family started an on line petition that has 469,000 signatures on the website change. Org. Super bowl sunday is just a few days away. At wingwings, San Francisco 8. Workers are prepared to make 12,000 chicken wings. Customers are encouraged to place orders ahead of time. At extreme piz athe staff has been doubled and they expect to make 500 pizzas on super bowl sunday. Giants and in the world series might have been a busier day. Sf Party Business is brisk thanks to the 49ers making the super bowl. There is balloons and red and gold wear. Even mipe local Grocery Store is in on the game. I wouldnt watch it without the kids say i want that balloon. Absolutely. Weve turn the color of the beam red and gold. If you look up, you will see that. Have they told you that. Yes. No. Okay, i made dispup it fun. I liked it. We could, we would. Take a look outside and see what is going on. Make everything red and gold we would to get in the spir and it make sure everybody else is with us along worry the ride. Good morning, it is fairly here. Looking over to say the port of oakland, looks pretty came. Looking live at sky doppler 7 hd. We are dealing with clouds. We have high clouds out there. Everything else is kind of quiet comparatively. It lookks like an easy commute as far as the weather. This is what is going on with the temperatures. We just updated. Napa and fairfield and livermore in the midto upper 30s. Warm spots at 47 and 48. 45 at monterey. 40 in santa cruz. So appropriately. Mostly sunny today. Need the sunglasses and it will be breezy at the coast. Thats about it. That is pretty quiet weather. Clear and calmer and cooler tonight. Tonight will be the coolest night and well have mild afternoons. Todays temperatures. 60 in fairfield. Oakland and napa and santa rosa at 61. Everybody else in the midto upper 50s. Monterey bay 50s. Inland 58 degrees. For tonight. Mid30s inlandd. Scattered frost just like this morning. Mid30s and 40s in the bay and coast. Couple of areas of High Pressure dominanting the weather. This system is going to bring snow no to nevada and utah and miss us. This will hold all the way through the weekend. Well have a slight off shore wind. Low to mid60s. Have a great day. Here is sue. Looking live at i880 richmond to golden gate to berkeley and mcar thur mays. Soled line of headlights and speeds of 45 miles per hour. To the san mateo bridge looking good. Crowded in foster city direction. Noncommute toward hayward is huve negligent limit. Speaking of hayward. Your highway 82 and i880 northbound, we had a hot dog cart that got hit an hour ago and accepteding debris and cars. Chp to shut it down. Now you can see it is all clear tow truck on the scene to get the cars out of there. And now a good ride. Download the app from the app store of or google. It is tree. Samesex marriage is a hot topic here in the u. S. Now it is taking center stage over seas. Morning commute is getting more expensive. The price drivers could be paying to fill up by valentinos day. And coming up in the 6 00 hour. Investigators return to the brazil night club where hundreds of people died. Hundreds of people died. The only thing that inside [ woman ] dont forget the yard work okay. [ male announcer ] with citibanks popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. Nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. Citibank popmoney. Easier banking. Standard at citibank. To deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. Mobile check deposit. Easier banking. Standard at citibank. 5 53 now. Air pollution in beijing is getting worse and forcing many people to wear masks. A thick layer of smog blanketing chinas capitol right now. The level of pollution reached 18 times what the World Health Organization considers safe. Officials are advising everyone to stay indoors. It will like lie condition because of little wind to break it up. U. S. And italianar searching t adriiatic city for a missing fight are jet. They lost contact in a trainning mission. The pilot sent a alarm signal before the plane disappeared from radar. The air force believes that the plane has crashed and the the bad weather is making search for the pilot difficult. The measure of samesex marriages has split the nation. Thousands of people marched in paris in favor. Two weeks ago they demanded defeating the bill. France could be the 12th country in the world to legalize samesex marriage. Kind of a ground hog day, wouldnt you say. Meteorologist mike nicky is here. We need the right actors. 24 hour temperature change. San francisco three degrees warmer. Concord the same. Santa rosa one degrees cooler. Here is the radar. You can see that the storm track is moving away from us. 59 in San Francisco. 50 in the la and palm springs. No new snow. Here is sue with the travel. Check nothing with all mass transit. Everybody is registering on time. Bart and cal train no delays. Work out there. Estimated 6 00 pick up time. Northbound 242 to cord avenue two lanes blocked until 6 00. Should be picked up in the next few minutes. President obama is poised to quickly sign a measure bringing 50 billion to super storm sandy victims. The Senate Approved the bill. House did the same two weeks ago. The money will help the residents and businesses and state and local governments rebuild from the devastating october storm that killed 130 people and caused damage. Fiscal conservatives worried about adding to the deficit but the bill passed easily. The cost of gassing up your car is up gan. The National Average is up two cents in the last few weeks and could hit shy of four dollars while the refineries make the switch to summer blends. In San Francisco 3. 72 for a gallon of regular. Thats the highest in the bay area. Oakland 3. 62 and in san jose penny more at 3. Will be. Pain killers like advill and aleve could be dangerous for children. Researchers found that children given the drugs could develop kidney disease. The drugs are especially dangerous for children with the flu. Instead of those drugs parents may want to consider tylenol or no drugs at all. Next at 6 00, bartenders respond to San Franciscos request for super bowl booze reduction on rowdy fans. We catch up with the wife of niners head coach jim harbaugh. She opens up about the stress the super bowl is having on their family. And what jc wake up, wake up. Think of it as your personal alarm at 5 59. Thank you for joining us. I am kristen sze. I am eric thomas. Mike is here with a look at your forecast. Good morning eeverybody. Start live doppler hd. It is dry this morning. No need to worry about the umbrella or anything keeping you from getting wet. We have high clouds showing up. Thats all they are. High cloud and prevailing pattern coming from the north. We have moisture locked in the upper parts of the atmosphere. Heres how the temperatures will let you know how to dress. Fairfield napa 36. Livermore 39. Low to id40s elsewhere. Neighborhoods for Half Moon Bay and San Francisco warmer at 48 and 47. 7 00 this morning. Scattered frost possible inland in the deepest valley sheltered from the wind 3742. For you, high cloud and sunshine. 5361 and it will be breezy in the beaches and grab a jacket for the evening hours. Well see stars and temperatures in the mid40s to around 50 degrees. Here is sue with the look at traffic. If your commute goes thoothrough marin wood and marin ymca there is a steady stream of headlights

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