Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat 20141002

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cool story, bro. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how. live from the kgo >> the giants is celebrating after crushing the pirates in a win or go home game. san francisco made it clear that they belong in the playoffs. and they ensured that there will be at least one more game back here at at&t park. good evening. i'm dan ashley. ama is off and we will have much more on the giants' win in a moment. first, the heat. here is a live look from our exploratorium camera where it is still quite warm in the city. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here with unseasonably warm weather. we are in for a scorcher tomorrow. >> we are talking about smoking on the conditions. as you look at live doppler 7hd all is clear and that's how it started. it warmed up rapidly with the offshore flow. it got up into the low 90s in santa rosa and napa. it was 87 in oakland and livermore and 85 san jose and 82 in san francisco. half moon bay, you were feeling the warmth at 81 degrees. the temperatures, many of them, will be turning to 90s tomorrow. which is why we have a heat advisory. it covers the beaches from noon on thursday until 9:00 p.m. on friday. there is a risk of heat-related illnesses. as you look at the humidity values in the hills, knoxville creek, atlas creek in the teens. the fire danger is up. i will be back with a look at the temperatures. >> thank you very much. of our severity of our drought, every added degree on the thermometer means that much more risk of a devastating wildfire. tonight the firefighters are preparing for what might be a very long, dangerous day tomorrow. abc7 news president arer cornell bernard is live in mill valley tonight. cornell? >> extreme heat is on the way and with so much dry brush all-around the bay area firefighters are on alert. >> it is not the dog days of summer, but october is about to heat up. san francisco's christie field already feels more like l.a. nobody is complaining. it is not bad to have an actual summer every now and then. >> weed whackers going full tilt for increased heat and fire danger and it has volunteers clearing the dry brush. the oakland firestorm happened here in october of 1991. mill valley firefighter walking the south slope monitoring the weather and wind with this device. dry brush is all-around. the heat wave is not welcome. >> we are still in a drought. with a few days like this, the fuels are going to dry out and be much more susceptible to potential large fire. >> ceiling fans are cranked up , but at mary's restaurant a small air conditioner is on too. heat is not good for business or his electric bill. >> since we opened i don't want to turn the air conditioner on. >> i am dreading it. i can't stand the suchat. it has been such a hot summer. >> others like nancy will be keeping cool inside, at least until the fog returns. in novato, cornell bernard, abc7 news. >> you can keep track of heat advisories and up to the minute forecasts anytime with the abc7 news weather app on it is phone. it is free to download from the app store or google play. we have more information at the san francisco giants standing tall after trownsing the pittsburgh pirates. it was score less until the fourth. a grand slam silencing the pittsburgh crowd. they fell silent after that. the giants went up 4-0 and boy they never looked back. madison bumgarner threw a complete shutout and they are moving to the next round. alyssa harrington is live in san francisco where fans turned out to watch the big win on the big screen. >> reporter: they did. die hard fans came here to watch the big game. they could not be happier that the giants got the big win and that orange october continues. it looked and sounded like game night at at&t park. the giants played in pittsburgh, but thousands packed the home stadium for a viewing party, watching their team win on the big screen. >> i want to cry, but i am on camera. >> we are going all the way. >> it is phenomenal. >> bum barred neither did -- bumgarner did the job. >> fans decked themselves out in orange and dog. >> this is more exciting than any other game i have ever ate to or watched candlestick, here, out of town. most is because of the fans. >> and some thrilling moments like brandon crawford's grand slam in the first inning. >> it was unbelievable. >> fans say this was a lucky year and under their panda hat have another world series on their mind. >> it is 2010, 2012, 2014 and it is time for another one. we are excited to get the third ring. >> game one will be on friday in dc. the first pitch is 12:07 our time. alyssa harrington, abc7 news. >> that was fun, alyssa, thanks. now our sports director will have full highlights of the great game later on in sports. interstate 280 is back open after a tech charter bus caught fire. it happened around 6:00 on northbound 280. 20 netflix employees were on the bus at the time. they got off safely and there were no injuries. the roadway reopened just after 9:00 tonight. someone is sneaking into schools in santa rosa and stealing from the teachers. police think it is this woman captured on video at one school. they say the thief stole purses at seven schools during the school day. the burglaries started september 10th with the latest reported yesterday. anyone who recognizes this woman is asked to call the policed inly. they clearly got a good shot of the person they would like to talk with. uc berkeley police say this man burglarized a university housing complex. officers arrested him jed morning after getting -- him yesterday morning after getting a report that the man was lurking around the housing community. they say he also had a concealed gun on him as well. the attorney for an oakland teenager declared brain dead wants her to be declared alive again. christopher dolan, the attorney, petitioned an alameda county judge that the teen is alive. last year they declared the 13-year-old -- not in oakland, children's hospital declared the 13-year-old brain dead after surgery. a death cert set was issued. the family insisted she was still alive and moved her to a private facility. if a court approves the request, the hospital or taxpayers could be on the hook for her life support medical costs. santa clara police are looking into an accident that left an elderly woman dead. officers want to know if negligence may have contributed to the crash. a car struck and killed 75-year-old lieu when she was walking on winchester boulevard. the impact knocked her out of her shoes. it was that bad. the 19-year-old woman was pulling out of the cvs when officers say her car struck the woman who was on the sidewalk. >> this is a highly traveled area by pedestrians and motorists. we believe someone saw something and we want them to step forward and contact us. >> the driver did stop at the accident scene and is, we are told, cooperating with police. a lot more to get to. a second possible case of ebola in the united states. next on abc7 news, where that patient is hospitalized and what hospitals here in the bay area are doing to prepare for the possibility of this deadly disease coming here. plus, batman backlash. why some are saying this super hero shirt is sending the wrong message to women. and the shocking tweet from tesla. what the palo alto car maker announced tonight that many did not see coming. stay here, abc7 news at oh no, we have a dress code here, ♪ and it's not see through. next! whoa, this is a lunchbox, not a halloween bag. so sorry - this lunchbox is already at capacity. rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese. a good source of protein and calcium, and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ case of ebola in the united states. the hawaii department of health issued a statement a short time ago. one person with ebola-like symptoms is under observations in a hospital in honolulu. now this is as officials investigate the initial treatment of the ebola patient in reporter abc news reporter elizabeth herr is in dallas. >> more c to coming to light over the airline passenger from west africa, thomas eric duncun who brought ebola to texas. duncun was sent home from this dallas hospital on september 25th, even though he had symptoms similar to an ebola infection and told a nurse he had come from ebola-ravaged west africa. >> if you get that kind of information you have to act on it. >> officials did not act until after duncun was admitted to the same hospital on september 28th. now everybody who came in contact with him is under close observation leaving some of his neighbors in this dallas apartment complex nervous. >> i don't even know what are the symptoms you have to have or nothing like that. >> health investigators are now monitoring more than 18 people including five who are children potentially exposed to the virus. >> following people for 21 days is how you prevent infection. >> and dallas schools are sending this message to concerned parents. >> it is important to know that individuals are not contagious until symptoms appear. >> these kids did not have symptoms. >> still the affected schools are scrubbing down and hospitals around the country preparing for new ebola patients. >> it is possible that we will get more cases. >> the world health organization says ebola has sickened more than 7,000 people in west africa and killed more than 3300. liberia, where thomas duncan traveled from, it is said to be one of the hardest hit countries in the epidemic. abc news, dallas. doctors are bracing for the possibility of an ebola case in the bay area. at regional medical center in san jose, the screening procedures are similar to on you previous outbreaks have becluding plans including plans for isolating patients. the officials say they are keeping in close contact with the cdc and the county health officials to make sure they are following recommended practices, procedures and guidelines. a comic book company faces mounting criticism over clothing. we can show you some of the pictures. a blogger writes she is insulted. it reads training to be batman's wife. another shirt shows superman embracing wonder woman with the caption, score, superman does it again. and then there are the onesies that read "future man of steel." and the girls's states "i only date heros." they say it offensi is offensiv. they say, quote weerks are looking at the licensing and ensuring that all consumer products represent core values and philosophy. tesla's ce so sent twitter into a frenzy when he sent this picture and a caption it is about time to unveil the d or something else. are they teasing the model d? if so it would join the model s and x options. we don't have to wait long to find out. the picture has a date of october 9th. it is game night, but it is not just about fun. it is about education. students are getting real world design experience. it is the second year of a partnership between san francisco unified school district and mobile game maker. kevin kerr says the program really engages kids and employees. >> it is not just sitting at a computer. it is the engagement of every every21st century school. skill. >> our employees look forward to this with a lot of enthusiasm. they are energized and inspired. >> they are paying for the teacher as well as the computer lab. the goal is for students to design their own computer game and then present it to zenga employees and engineers to see where it goes. fascinating and fun learning opportunity for them. meteorologist sandhya patel has been there all night trying to figure out how hot it is going to be. >> crunching those numbers, dan and it will be toasty tomorrow. let me put it to you this way. temperatures will be well above average even though we get warm to hot weather in october. from our emeryville camera sunset at 6:53. a good indication as to why it will get so hot. clear skies when the sun went down. as we look at live doppler 7hd you can see that fog is not in the picture here at all. we are looking at a lack of our natural air conditioning and that is what will allow the temperatures to go up. from our east bay hills camera, the visibility is good and it will stay that way tomorrow morning. look how warm it is in san francisco and in san jose right now. close to 70 degrees. half moon bay you cooled off to the mid50s emeryville looking to the span there and the temperatures have dropped off. considering it is so warm and look how much cooler it is right now. 54 degrees. we went from the 90s. so a good cool down there. fairfield 63 along with livermore and from our exploratorium camera, a beautiful view of the financial district. hot inland the next three days. we have a heat advisory thursday and friday and we are facing increased fire danger. so as you look at the pacific satellite picture what we are watching is a large area of high pressure. under that ridge of high pressure the air sinks. as the air sinks it translates into warmer or hotter conditions. a hot pattern sets up for the bay area and it takes us into the start of your weekend. the wind direction as we head toward tomorrow morning quickly changes around. it is the offshore flow. the down sloping wind will translate into rapid warm up tomorrow morning. and the warming continues into tomorrow afternoon. so make sure you stay cool. stay hydrated and try to avoid a lot of exposure. pretty good sleeping weather. low 50 tots low 60s. breezy in the hills and then here is what it will be like. getting hot in morgan hill and 95 degrees and 92 san jose and in the south bay on the peninsula, 92 in redwood city. 80 throughy in pacifica. the warmth comes down to the coast. 86 downtown san francisco and 84 in the sunset district. 82 in bodega bay and 94 santa rosa and 90 throughy toward napa. in the e bay the northeasterly wind really heats things up in oakland which is of course something we have to keep an eye on with the fire danger in the hills. 90 in oakland and union city. 92 concord and 90 throughy livermore. accu-weather seven-day forecast, you will need to find some air conditioning. mid80s to mid-nineties on thursday. close to 100 on friday. really the heat holds on on saturday. the coast begins to cool. on sunday everyone cools off. it is noticeably cooler next week, dan. >> that will be nice. a welcome change. we are showing our support for the beginning of breast cancer awareness by wearing pink. you may have noticed the abc7 logo at the bottom of your screen is also in pink. this month we invite you to join us by taking the go pink pledge. visit us for more information on the pledge and the simple things you can do to protect yourself from this disease. and certainly breast cancer is is -- has affected all of us. i know sandhya it affected you , somebody you are close to. >> one of my closest friends ever, dan and larry, she has a history of breast cancer. her mom had breast cancer and grandmother, both on the maternal side. so she had a scare. she obviously had to get tested at an early age. she went into an incident where she just really thought oh my god i cannot believe it is possible that i may end up having breast cancer. after further investigating she didn't have it. but her advice was the best advice i ever received. trust your instincts and get tested better to be safe than sorry and take it seriously. >> thank you. we will move on. again, wear pink and support this. it is a crucial cause. larry beil is here with the sports. what a great game. so much fun for the giants fans. they are watching it on the big screen. >> it was opposite at giants park. they made sure there was no excitement. and it was something no short stop had done in the 's happened? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single, sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. the giants walked into a loud ruckus stadium in pittsburgh and they left it stone cold silent. madison bumgarner tossing the game. standing room only. these kids were dangling off the bridge which we don't advise. he is the first short stop in post season history to hit a grand slam. more than enough for bumgarner who got help from a ballerina-like panda. he goes up and over. he snares the foul ball and sticking the landing in the process. nicely done. bumgarner tosses a complete game. he struck out 10 and allowing only four hits and gets neil walker to end it. the giants moving on against the washington nationals. game one is on friday just after noon pacific time. >> when madison is on the mound, we have all of the confidence in the world. he set the tone early. if we go down he is the guy we want on the mound. he is as tough a competitor as i have ever had. he has the stuff to go with it. >> for me i have to push all of the nerves and the anxiety aside. i have to find a way to concentrate on pitching. fortunate enough for us that we worked out. >> in stark contrast the a's spent the day cleaning out their lockers after the heartbreak last night in kansas city. and now what? i mean, the a's desperately need offense. will they spend money? trade a pitcher for a bat? bob melvin expects this team to bounce back. >> that's one thing that we do have a core group here. we have for the last three years. we have been to the post season three years in a row. there are guys here that are important to this clubhouse on and off the field. a lot of those guys will be back. we definitely high have high hopes for next year. well, an old friend is coming to visit this weekend. alex returns and mmm! ring ring! progresso! i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. in the middle of the 2012 season. kaepernick over alex smith and alex returns as the enemy on sunday. niners hosting the chiefs. both teams are 2-2 and this season with kc coming off a 41-14 blowout of the patriots on monday night, three touchdown passes in that game and here is harbaugh on the return o >> i know alex did the very best he could when he played here and he did great. very happy for his success. i root for success for him this week. >> he has done a lot ofgs in thl things in this league. he has done a lot to help me. nothing but the utmost respect for him. >> it is going to be great drama on sunday as they go head to head. >> thanks very much. you ge in your car. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. {di eliminate odors you've gone nose blind too, for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. wow, it smells good in here. so you and your passengers can breathe happy. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me zero heartburn... annc: prilosec otc the number one doctor recommend frequent heartburn medicine for nine straight years. one pill each morning 24 hours zero heartburn. oh no, we have a dress code here, and it's not see through. next! whoa, this is a lunchbox, not a halloween bag. so sorry - this lunchbox is already at capacity. rrrrr...a natural beauty. you're making me melt. shall we? mini babybel is 100% natural cheese. a good source of protein and calcium, and a whole lot of fun. mini babybel. snack a little 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