Of the subway. Running for cover. Tonight scared tourists and shoppers after a gunman fires shots right outside a mall in downtown San Francisco. Good evening. Im ama dates. The shooting happened right outside the westfield mall. Sergio is live on the scene tonight and joins us with the latest. Sergio . Ama, two shots were fired in front of the westfield mall. One person was hit and injured pretty badly. It also created quite a bit of confusion and chaos for people who were inside the mall and also who were down at the bart and muni station. It marks a piece of evidence at the westfield mall. This is where police say a man was hit by two gunshots. He is visiting from france and saw some of the commotion. I come here and see lots of people running soit of the subway. Out of the subway. I saw a man shooting in the street. He says he saw the man run to this escalator leading into the bart and muni station below. Police say that man was actually the victim. He collapsed when he got down the escalator. He heard the gunshots and saw a man bleeding. He shoot. How many times. Two times. He was rushed to hospital with lifethreatening injuries. Gomez says the shooting triggered confusion in the lower level Mall Food Court that connects to the subway station. People are running away from certain spots. Then have i to go back in. He works at the jamba juice at the food court. Security started closing some stores and bart Police Quickly shutdown the station. Riders were evacuated and told to go to nearby stations to catch the train. Police tell us the shooter was able to run off. He has yet to be arrested. They are hoping that anyone who saw what happened or who might know the shooter will call police and give them information so that he can be taken into custody. Reporting live in San Francisco, abc7 news. Thank you, sergio. Th is the second day in a row that the powell street station has been closed. Yesterday a transient was killed after falling from the muni plat form. He has been identified as michael mendez. San jose police are looking for a motorist who ran over a man on a busy san jose street. It happened on snell avenue and thats where abc7 News Reporter lilian kim is live with the story. What happened here apparently stemmed from the argument at another location. As a result one man is dead while his killer is on the loose. Homicide investigators converged on snell avenue shortly after witnesses reported seeing a man bleeding in the middle of the street. San jose police say it was a pedestrian who was run over by a car. Edgar gnaw navarro and his mom heard it outside the house. I heard a car screeching. Police say the pedestrian had been fighting in the traffic lanes with either a driver or passenger of a car. Witnesses told Police Someone then got back into the car and ran the pedestrian over. Investigators are looking into whether he was also stabbed during the fight. The victim was pronounced deceased at the scene. The investigation is on going. We dont know what actually caused the fatal injuries. That would be left up to the coroners investigation. The person or people responsible are still at large. It is not clear what the fight was over, but witnesses say it started at the flea market down the road. A city councilmember lives near the crime scene. We are seeing more and more instances like this from downtown to here in south san jose. We traditionally have not seen this violence. It is permeating the city. San jose police hope to release more information of those witnesses who may know the make and model of the car and the license number. Lilian kim, a abc7 news. And now to leigh glaser for our first check on weather and live doppler 7hd. Leigh . Tonight no rain in the forecast. Although we will see pockets of dense fog develop across the bay area. You can see live doppler 7hd with the high clouds making its way across the bay area. We will take you in a little closer and we are not picking up any returns. We are going to look for pockets of dense fog by early tomorrow morning. Last nights rainfall did not amount to much. It was less than a 10th of an inch and where does that put us in terms of our deficit . We say every drop does help. It looks like we will need a lot of help. We are down by 10 inches in San Francisco. Oakland and livermore are still down by 6. By 7 in san jose and sacramento and down 15 inches in ukiah as well as santa rosa. We might see another chance for showers coming up in the workweek. A look at the accuweather sevenday forecast. The storm brought snow to the sierra. This is video from kirkwood south of tahoe. The resort received nine inches of snow overnight. 17 Rural Communities in california are in danger of running out of water within four months. Thats according to the state department of public health. The dots indicate the water districts at risk. It includes lom pico in Santa Cruz County and cloverdale in sonoma county. The city council is being pro active in trying to provide drought relief. This week the Council Approved giving treated waste water from the citys sewage plant to ranchers and Grape Growers like here at aquarius ranch. In addition to saying the water is safe to use, the mayor says the say the needs to get its act together when it comes to water. We dont have in california a comprehensive ground water policy. Thats something we need to be working on. There needs to be consistency and these boards are working together on on the same page. I dont think thats happening. I think thats one of the problems. Critics say another problem is the city council assuming regional regulators will get on board with the plan. Tonight a mobile home packed with explosives is a pile of debris. They say it was their only choice after more than 60 pounds of explosive material was found inside. The materials were so volatile that deputies could not even walk on the property. The explosives were discovered more than a week ago after an explosion blew off a mans hand. Everything went according to plan today. New at 11 00, arson investigators are looking into three fires set at a san jose middle school. It happened after 6 00. The firefighters say there were flames coming from a dumpster, a trashcan and from debris along the sool. The fires were put out quickly and the school was not damaged. Fairfield police are investigating the death of a teenage girl. After 4 00 on saturday Morning Police found the body of 16yearold naomi rojas. Her body was found on phoenix drive between an apartment complex and railroad tracks. She died of an apparent gunshot wound. A burned body found near a popular park was a woman. The body was burning near the montclair neighborhood. One resident believes the location may have played a part in the crime. I definitely think it is because this area is remote and probably the people disposing of the body were looking for a place no one would Pay Attention while doing it. The cause of death in and the womans identity were not released. In san jose, a brazen afternoon shooting put a man and woman in the hospital. It happened around 1 20 near king road. The suspect escaped in a tan sedan. Both are expected to recover. A march will be held tomorrow to demand the release of findings in the shooting death of a santa rosa teenager. Andy lopez was killed by a sheriff deputy in 00. He ordered lopez to drop what he thought was an Assault Rifle and fired eight shots. It was really an air soft bb gun. Investigative reports are never released to the public while under review for the possibility of criminal charges. Still to come on abc7 news at 11 00, a tragic crash in the central valley. What happened that took the life of a mom and her four kids. Plus, a religious snake charmer killed by his own snake. Why his life could have been saved. And closing in on the oscars. The award show and who took home the big prize when abc news at 11 00 continu switzerland. An ethiopian plane has landed safely after a high jacking attempt. The hijacker has been arrested and nobody on the flight was arrested. The airport is closed because of the situation. Stay with a a bc7 news for updates and be sure to watch the abc7 morning news at 4 30 for the latest. A deadly crash took the lives of a mom and her children as a helpless father watched. The 29yearold mother and her four children, all younger than 11 years old were killed after a minivan ran a stop sign and hit their suv. The womans husband driving a quarter mile behind the suv tried to pull them from the burning car, but was unable to free his family. The driver of the other car was airlifted to the hospital for treatment. A kentucky pastor devoted to the dangerous practice of snake handling deer sermons is dead after being bitten by a snake last night. Rt thats say he refused medical attention for the bite that took his life. Here is the story. He has been bit nine times by the snakes he handles during his sermons. It was his 10th bite that sent him to meet the lord. The preacher with the hit reality made it home from church and refused treatment when the paramedics arrived before 9 00 p. M. The snake bite killed him an hour later. They believed they are called by god to handle deadly serpents. If they are bitten they put their faith in gods healing. He refused treatment when a rattlesnake bit his hand and he lost part of a finger. This is the most pain i have felt in my life. That much of the bone was exposed. He spent years fighting with state and local authorities. Laws banning the use of poisonous snakes. National geographic expressing condolences. We were struck by his devout convictions. Despite the peril he faced. Abc news, atlanta. 12 years a slave has won best picture at the Academy Awards in london. He thanked the director for bringing to the big screen the story of a black free black man into servitude. Indicate Cate Blanchett won for best actress. We are just two weeks away from the oscars and abc7 is the only place you can see the award show. Dont miss out on sunday, march 2nd for abc7. Monterey county Sheriff Deputies arrested the man of a Central Coast golf club owned by actor clint eastwood. He is accused of embezzling money from the caramel area. Deputies took him into custody yesterday. Volunteers are getting things in shape for a visit from the dalai lama. He will be speaking at the Berkeley Community theater on february 23rd. During his visit he will also stop and bless the Community Center in richmond. Volunteers were busy laying tile and polishing artifacts to get everything ready for the visit. A beautiful sunday, but what is ahead for the workweek . Tomorrow is actually a holiday. A lot of folks are glad to be off tomorrow because the weather will be terrific. We will have a little morning fog and plenty of afternoon sunshine and temperatures will be mild as well. Live doppler 7hd is not picking up any returns at all as we are clear skies. Some locations are seeing high clouds and we will see a little of the dense fog. Here is a look at our highses. It is warming you up at the coast and santa cruz 70. 68 san rafael and 61 in San Francisco. Santa rosa warmed to 65 degrees. There was a little overcast. Mainly high clouds and San Francisco 51 and san jose dropped to 50 degrees. Not as much cloud cover out there tonight. The temperatures will definitely cool off rapidly. In the north bay napa 41 and petaluma 41 and livermore at 44. Temperatures this time last night were running about 10 to 12 degrees warmer. That is definitely a cooler air mass over the bay area. So our forecast highlights, cooler with areas of fog overnight. The next chance for us seeing any showers and i mean light showers will be tuesday night and early wednesday morning. Folks, thats about it. After that dry, warmer than normal. It looks like we could be dry right on in through the end of the month. Here is a look at our overnight lows with the cooler readings in the north bay. You will dip into the upper 30s with 39 for santa rosa and napa 38. 44 half moon bay. San francisco 47 and an see antioch and oakley and livermore, midto upper 30s. Here is the stage for at least the next day and a half. The pacific high starts to build in. The jet stream is going to push the storm track well to the north of us once again. Get ready for plenty of sunshine when the fog lifts tomorrow. I will push you ahead to tuesday morning. You will notice the clouds will thicken up. We have a weak frontal system off the coast. And by 5 00 on tuesday night, north bay you will notice ukiah toward santa rosa by 11 00. Over the evening Hours Tuesday night and early wednesday morning what you are looking at now, we may continue to ring out a few more drops from San Francisco down toward san jose. This is really not a big rain maker as you can see for yourself. We will break out into more sunshine. Here is a look at our highs. Mid60s in the north bay and napa 64 and 64 for san rafael. San Francisco May be stuck in a little fog. Afternoon sunshine and 60 degree theres. Interior east bay, 65 for livermore and concord 64 and san jose mid60s as well. Here is a look at the accuweather sevenday forecast. The next chance of showers is tuesday night and early wednesday morning. Mainly in the north bay. Otherwise get ready for a dry weather pattern and a mild weather pattern to set us up by next weekend. Thank you so much, leigh. Time to get a check on sports. New orleans is a place to be tonight. The nba allstar game was held there. The highest scoring game in the history of the event. Everybody got into the act including steph curry. Your highlights, mvp and reaction next in sports. This medal count update is brought to you bayou nighted. By united. United, proud to fly team one of the besis that millia is that millions of people will qualify for Financial Assistance. Its important to remember that the lower your annual income, the greater Financial Assistance you will receive. Enroll today at coveredca. Com. Flying shootout with the highest scoring nba allstar game in league history. Tonight in new orleans it was the big easy when it came to scoring and the defense was looser than bourbon street. Steph curry started the game for the western conference. 12 points and 11 assists. Look at this lob to blake griffin. The defense is not allowed in the allstar game. Lebron going around several players and finishing with a monster dunk. A circus act here. Chris paul off the glass. A twohand flush. Two of 11 beyond the arc. The west lead it 8976 at the half. Kyrie irving and the floater and east was down 18. An mvp season and drains the three for a twopoint lead. Carmelo anthony with one of his record threes. 163155 and the highest scoring allstar game in nba history. Just being out here with all of these great athletes and playing with a great crowd in new orleans, i think as athletes we want to make the game competitive is specially as an allstar game. Both teams competed until the end. The east wanted to win it and we took it personal. We wanted this win. They beat us the last three years. To come through down 18 was huge. It was fun. We got everybody involved. Moments like this i will remember for the rest of my life. Well take a breather after that upbeat tempo before we check in on the college game. And bubba watson is back in the Winners Circle and taking l. A. By storm. All of t this kitchen is beautif give him the tour. Let me show you softclose drawers, farm sink um. Wheres my room . We had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. Because your kitchen dreams can be big. Ikea has it all. Woah, this kitchen is beautiful give him the tour. Let me show you softclose drawers, farm sink um. Wheres my room . We had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. Because your kitchen dreams can be big. Ikea has it all. Stanford women will drop to six in the nation after losing to washington last week. They got back to track against the arizona schools beating Arizona State on friday and then crashing today. It was a blowout. Way under her normal numbers. Stanford lead by 41 and it was a game high 17. Including three in a row in first half. Stanford is at 131. Their 24th straight win against the wild cats. Meanwhile, 22nd ranked cal upsets Arizona State. Despite rolling her ankle on friday britney boyd threw them down. He had cawer career night and they beat Arizona State 7463. And now 104 pac12 play a good for second place. A little golf and we will head south in l. A. At riveara country club whrer bubba watson who has not won since the 2012 masters found his way back to the masters serk kill. Circle. Yea, daddy. Bubbas son rooting for him. He birdied five of the first eight including here on six and that put him at 12 under. A late charge for the top spot by schwartz. On the bunker on 14 and he will find the bottom of the cup. But he faded down the stretch and finished at fifth place. He needed this birdie to tie bubba on the lead. Hes in the clubhouse at 13 under with a final round 66. It didnt matter. Bubba at two putts when on 18 he did it in one. He won with back to back rounds with 7 under 64 and 14 under on the weekend and went the final 39 holes without a bogey. I have been playing well and hitting well. I changed back to my old putter. I changed irons. It has been 10 years since i changinged irons. Somehow my bad shots turned out good. It, woulded out this week. Daytona and 13 years after Dale Earnhardt senior died during the daytona 500 the number 3 car returns driven by 23yearold austin del 11. Austin dillon. He came in with a top speed of 196 miles an hour. Dale earnhardt, junior will start in the 4 spot. Th abc7 sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. Coming up, buster posey and tim hudson and cocoa crisp. I will be heading to the desert to start our reports covering the as and the giants and looking forward to that. Ill throw it back to you. Thank you should have, thank you so much, shu. And being hit by another blast of winter weather. Well show you what is coming. And fighting this seasons deadly flu. One womans survival story. And the best and the worst places to work in the u. S. And they are right here in california. Stay with us. We are coming back after a quick break. Is more fun than ever. Sees better than ever. Charges faster. And will charge. Cool. And heat. From your phone. Fact leaf never needs gas. Ever. Good for the world. Built in america. Now, leafs an easier choice than ever. Shop at choosenissan. Com. Im ama dates and in tonights headlines a man suffered lifethreatening injury whens he was shot several times in front of San Franciscos westfield mall of the the victim collapsed on the steps of the nearby powell street bart station. Police are searching for the suspect. In san jose, a pedestrian is dead after being run over by a car. Police say the driver of the car and the pedestrian were seen arguing just before the victim was hit. The suspect has not been found. A mobile home in redding full of volatile explosive materials was incinerated. Residents of 55 evacuated homes wont be able to return until the deputies get the all clear. That wont happen until at least tomorrow. Firefighters made quick work of three small fires. The fires were started in trash around the school. None of the School Buildings was damaged. Back to our breaking news. You are looking live at a plane in geneva, sweats swits where a geneva, switzerland where a plane was hijacked. The ethiopian plane was headed to rome when a high jacker forced them to go to geneva. No one was injured. Stay with abc7 news for any updates and watch the morning news start agent 4 30 for the latest. In much of the country, Mother Nature is walloping residents with a snowstorm every few days. The pattern isnt going to change just yet. Another round of snow is on the way moving from the west to the Northern Plains and into the northeast by tuesday. Abc News Reporter larry jacobs reports. It is the winter that wont stop giving jie. I wish it were done. Snow, snow and more snow. As soon as you clean it, it is back again. Scenes repeated from one end of the country to another. In colorado another powerful avalanche claimed two more skiers and raising the death toll to eight. Every second counts. After 15 minutes the chances of survival really drop off. The threat of avalanches will be a big concern in the northwest where several storms are expected to dump an epic seven feet of snow this week. The success stem that caused those avalanches will move to the midsection and head east bringing another blanket of the white stuff to areas that already have up to three feet of snow on the ground. After getting off to a slow start, the ski resorts have gotten a big lift from Mother Nature. But there has been so much snow that many places dont know what to do with it. The snowplows cant work fast enough. Cant keep up. Or they are snow bound. Even snow blowers burn out trying to remove it. Thousands are without power. Hopefully warm weather is on the horizon. A sediment shared by a lot of winterweary people. A woman in North Carolina was saved by her husband when he pulled her from an suv halfway submerged in an easy river. She was on her way to work when she slid on a patch of ice and went into the river. She called her husband for help. He had to smash the car window with a rock to get to her. At least 243 people have died from the flu in california. Here in the bay area 51 deaths have been reported. Santa clara county tops the list with 14. Experts say it is still not too late to get a flu shot. As Patrick Walker reports, one woman survived a close call with h1n1. Had he put me to bed that night, again, my heart stopped that morning. I would have been dead. It was the battle of renata coopers life, literally fighting what she had. Battling pneumonia and the h1n1 virus. I was breathing heavy, like a dog panting. Three days after beginning to feel sick the flu had taken over the 57yearolds body. She collapsed in the bathroom on the ploor. I on the floor. I thought it went too far. He said that was the fennel straw and called the ambulance and that saved her life. Five hours after arriving at the hospital her heart stopped. She was clinically dead for two minutes before doctors revived her. It took two and a half weeks to figure out why she wasnt getting better. My liver failed and my kidneys failed and my pancreas failed and my heart. Doctor found nearly three liters of fluid in her chest preventing her lungs from inflating. He says his wifes body reset itself. She was taken off a ventilator and her kidney dialysis ended this week. Although hoarse from the tubes in her throat she is feeling better. After seeing the stories of the people who died from the h1n1 rye vie russ they wanted to share the story to have hope. There is a possibility of surviving. She is still recovering and has to use a walker to get around the house, but she still considers herself very lucky. Workers who want to be happy look to the west coast for employment. They conducted a study and found California Home to three of the happiest cities. They were based on several factors including an employees relationship with the boss and coworkers. San jose tops the list. Washington, d. C. Comes in second and San Francisco third. San diego came in 9th. The top three unhappiest cities to work, cincinnati, orlando and indianapolis. One man is happy to be working in san diego and he is using a unique technology to try to sell houses. Jeff grant is using a drone to videotape a birds eye view of the properties. He feels it helps his perspective buy you ares buyers get a better picture of the house. They worry about who is seeing the video. Technology increased at such a rate that the privacy laws are not able to keep up with the technology. The concern is that the privacy laws are not Strong Enough to ensure constitutional protection. Experts believe the privacy versus information question will be settled in court. A warning to those who eat cactus. A recent inspection of cacti found a pesticide used in the u. S. It could lead to neuro toxicity and permanent nerve damage. It was sold in concord and pittsburgh. It was between february 6th and 12th. Officials urge anyone who bought the contaminated product to return it or get rid it. Still to come, the arrest of a man who claimed he killed osama bin laden. Tonight the eye team gets to the truth. What is hurdling toward earth right now and why no one knows where it will land. And hi, everyone. Im meteorologist leigh glaser. We will take another live look at live doppler 7hd. And my accuweather sevenday forecast is coming up. Is more fun than ever. Sees better than ever. Charges faster. And will charge. Cool. And heat. From your phone. Fact leaf never needs gas. Ever. Good for the world. Built in america. Now, leafs an easier choice than ever. Shop at choosenissan. Com. Eye team exposed a former lake tahoe bartender who scammed people by pretending to be a navy seal. On on friday in northern arkansas, us marshals arrested 57yearold aj di cken on a weapons charge. Dan nice has an eye team followup. Us marshals arrested him outside a home in garfield, arkansas on a warrant from nevada. The wharnlg, the charge . Possession of a firearm. As report i had he has convictions for burglary, receiving stolen property and child concealing. He was out in front of the residence. He was getting ready to take the children to school. Everything went smoothly. Valentines day doesnt get better than that. He was thrilled by his arrest. He helped out on our first report. He spent much of his time exposing the fakes and using this sealed database. He told me by skype the fbi is also working the case. The fbi had done a lot of work. Two agents for two hours going over it. They will cross their ts and dot the is. The lead detective said he played a role in his investigation. We showed him firing all sorts of weapons on videos he made of Training Classes he held in carson city. He convinced the doctors to invest in that business and in a Security Firm he got contracts from the united nations. How much money did you give him . 375,000. How about you . About the same amount. Almost 400,000 . And i introduced you to a documentary producer who paid him for his life story. Based on claims he is the most decorated navy seal in history who made one highprofile kill. He was the one that actually shot osama bin laden. And you bought that a . No. I knew this was a charade at that point. There was no question. I need to talk to you about your navy seal background. I dont have a navy seal background. You told a lot of people that, didnt you . No, i did not. As the pressure mounted he hit the road and we were able to track him down last year at his mothers house in Southern California. You have a line of people who are claiming you scammed them out of a lot of money. Investigators tell me thats part of the fbis case. By the way, his wife also has an arrest warrant for contempt of court in carson city. Shy failed to provide proof her dog had been fixed. Abc7 news. More space junk is headed toward earth. A de commissioned satellite is making a high speed reentry into the atmosphere. We can track where it has been and where it is going, but judging an exact point of impact is not rocket science. Some fragments could still reach earth. Looking at our atmosphere, lets go to leigh glaser who is on our rooftop. We had clear skies and a beautiful, bright moon. Get out and enjoy it. Take the wrap with you. It is much colder at this hour than it was about 24 hours ago. Live doppler 7hd is not picking up much in the way of returns. The only thing we will notice overnight will be that valley fog increasing. Keep that in mind for early tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow from you doing traveling rain will be in the southeast and in the Tennessee Valley area. That will turn to snow as you head toward chicago and also minneapolis. Snow expected there. Check out phoenix. 87 degrees. Warm in Southern California as well with 73 for los angeles. Palm springs 85 and monterey 62. Morning fog and my accuweather sevenday forecast. The holiday looks splendid. Morning fog and afternoon sun in the 60s. Next chance of showers is tews tuesday night and wednesday and then get ready for a warming trend next weekend when we talk about temperatures in the 70s. Ama . Thank you so much, leigh. Time to get our last a check on sports. It is never too early to Start Talking baseball. I am with you. Spring training is underway where the pitchers and catchers are in camp. Well talk buster posey. And the rule of collisions on homeplate coming up next in their newest start in the rotation as tim hudson took the mound. He has had three sessions since the ankle injury with the braves. He is on track for his First Cactus League start, but bruce bochy will be cautious. It will take awhile before he is 100 percent, but he is at a stage where he can do some sprints and throw off the mound and do a little activity. We will do all we can and we will tweet his workouts. For the first time in three years the giants catcher had an off season. Between two world series and a horrible ankle injury he had time to recover, refresh and he is looking forward to the 2014 season. He didnt know what to do with himself with no playoffs or rehabs. He did add 10 pounds of muscle. Mostly strengthening his legs in 2014. Im sure there is some dpat dpat fat i added in there. He will be careful how he uses the allstar catch trying to keep buster healthy. He had a pretty good year last year. We probably set the bar so high for buster. I think having a little added time in the off season will be good for him. I expect buster to be who he is and be a great player. After buster had a terrific play at the plate in 2011 that resulted in an an a an ankle injury a new rule may take effect this season. Bruce bochy has been a proponent of the rule, but it has to be cleared by the union. Buster doesnt want his name attached, and the ruling will affect the path a base runner makes. I dont want it to be about me. I want it to be whatever the best Case Scenario for everybody. Every sport is doing it and i think we do it for the catchers. I am encouraged we are talking about it and we are close to getting something done. Anything to keep buster on the field. Meanwhile the band is back together in the as outfield. It is not a bad outfield. Cocoa is the veteran player you love to have in the clubhouse. He hit 22 home runs last year which is a bonus, but not what you expect from the leadoff hitter. Cocoa will agree. Hopefully i can get on base and be the player i know i can be. If the home runs come, that will be amazing. It is what it is. I will go out there and try my best and get uh hold of the ball. Heading to arizona on tuesday and we will be live on wednesday with the giants and the as here on abc7. As usual it was a highflying shootout between some of the worlds greatest athletes and the highest scoring nba allstar game in league history. Steph curry started for the western conference. Lobs the alleyoop to blake griffin. Defense not allowed in the allstar game. Lebron is pretty easy going around everybody. Circuit as circus act here. A twohand finish. And steph curry from beyond the arc. The west lead it 8976 at the half. 14 of 17 and 31 points and floats that one in. Kevin durant having an mvp season. One of his allstar record threes. Eastern conference wins it and the highest scoring allstar game in nba history and here is kyrie irving. It was special being out here with all of these great athletes and playing in front of a great crowd in new orleans, i think as athletes we all want to make the game competitive. If you get out of hand, both teams compete and the east wanted to win this one. They took it personal. Tonight was fun. They got everybody involved. Moments like this i will remember for the rest of my life. A lot of fun. He will be back with the warriors as they start the second half of the season. This abc7 sports report is brought to you by riverwalk casino. Im on my way to start working on my tan in arizona. Thank you, shu. That is it for tonight. Abc7 news continues tomorrow morning at 4 30. Leigh glaser and mike shumann, thank you for joining us. The news continues online on twitter, facebook and all of your mobile devices with our new abc7 news app. Have a great night, everyone. Youve got to try this sweet sour chicken helper. I didnt know they made chicken. Crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna . Can i get another one of those actually . [ superfan ] hey, america, were here to help. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant ho ho ho men right here, right now people screaming and speaking indistinctly camera shutters clicking man, amplified voice beau randolph, youre a creep youre a loser people chanting no to beau no to beau you peddle smut youre scum no to beau no to beau no to beau no to beau no to beau no to beau your whole life adds up to nothing no to beau no to beau

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