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Big night for the bay areas new ask new casino. Long lines to get in and to get there. What does the opening mean for local businesses . Im dan ashley. Im carolyn johnson. Nick smith is live in roanoke park outside the resort and casino. Nick . Absolutely. What thousands headed here to try their luck, traffic backed up for miles. Looking to cash in not only the casino, but Small Business owners hoping the flood of people will boost their bottom line. I was president a i wasnt a fan at first, but hope it will bring us more business. She has good reason to believe it may. On this its opening day casino Officials Say more than 27,000 people have visited the gaming floors. It was capacity at 11 00. Traffic was backed up to about 12 30, 1 00. Traffic continues to be an issue. This long line stretches tbak back to the highway and has been this way most of the day. The cars are coming from all direction directions. They had traffic jams and no place to go. He says his Convenience Store will be the pitstop for visitors coming and going. We have seen people stop, shop and spend money. According to a casino spokesperson they are a win for the tribe and the community. 2. 7 million has been donated to donated to donated to the Public Safety department and they are promising april additional an additional 12 million annually for the city and the county should the casino hit the revenue expectations. There will be a lot of opportunities for people here who didnt have jobs. The saying goes the house always wins. Those living close by are hoping good fortune is contagious. Nick smith, abc news. For help navigating around traffic problems download our traffic app for free from apples app store or google play. A San Francisco motorcycle officer was you are ared to the hospital after being hit by a driver didding a doing a uturn. The officer was awake and conscious at the hospital. Police have not said whether the driver has been cited. A 16yearold boy is under arrest after police say he lit a man on fire while riding an ac transit bus in oakland. Luke fleishman suffered seconddegree burns. The suspect set his clothes on fire. Sky 7hd was over the area where the bus stopped near the intersection of mcarthur boulevard and ardley avenue. His mother tells our media partner, the oakland tribune that she is not sure if this was a prank or hate crime because her son was wearing a skirt. Investigators say witnesses were crucial in tracking down the young man they think is responsible. The arrest was made in less twon 24 less than 24 thunder hours. That was because witnesses stayed on scene and provided information investigators and video surveillance. Fleishman is being treated at the hospital in the city. His family created a Facebook Page and fundraiser to help with his medical bills. There was a locker room fight that september one player to the hospital. He was taken to urgent care to be treated for a concussion and to get stitches. They did not say who the other teammate was, but said he was not allowed to suit up for the tbaim. A warning from Stanford Police after a student reported being drugged at an on Campus Fraternity party and then possibly sexually assaulted. She said she blacked out after being given a drink by a man she did not know last friday. They urge you not to accept drinks from strangers. Spring registration is starting and students will have fewer classes to choose from. You have the is cut the university is cutting back on classes offered. One professor was told to cut 20 classes and she had an hour to make the decision. The school was on track to over spend by 3. 8 million this year. Starting tonight trappers in san jose can now shoot wild pigs within city limits. The city Council Voted 83 to approve the ordinance amendment the vote was in response to the damage a group of nonnative wild pigs have done to the city. This amendment is temporary and will expire in three months. During that time the city council will figure out a longterm solution. A snag and plans to demolish the old bay bridge. Workers were scheduled to remove sections tomorrow morning. The contractor is working on a way to contain the debris. Now the work will begin within a weeks time. It involves removing1400 feet of the old bridge. That is cutting into the concrete and using backhoes to pull into those sections. By the end of the year there will be a gap in the upper deck. Next year crews will take down the steal which will involve cutting the section in half. The entire demolition will take three years and cost about 240 million. For the past three years, joy johnson held the record as the oldest woman to finish the new york city marathon. She crossed the finish line once again, but for the final time. She passed away the next day. Alan wang has the story of a woman who inspired so many. Joy johnson ran her first new york marathon after she retired at age 61 and kept on running it for the next 25 years. When she would run through the burrows and people in every neighborhood and different people would just be cheering her on all the way. At 86 she seemed unstoppable. Last sunday she stumbled in the marathon and hit her head near the 20th mile. She finished the race, but the next day she said she was tired. Joy took a nap and never woke up. The cause of her death is still unknown. She was a wonderful, wonderful person. While her neighbors slept joy was up at 5 00 a. M. Every morning running around the Willow Glen High School track where she used to be a pe teacher. The only thing that surpassed her physical and mental abilities was her kindness. Every morning she would pick up the papers for everybody on their driveways and bring them to our front door. Shy was so good to everybody. She was so thoughtful. She was a great cook. She baked bread for us. There isnt anything she didnt do. The running world praised her foregoing the distance. Joy johnsons neighbors say she took her compassion toward others a lot farther. In san jose, alan wang, abc7 news. It is election day here and across the country. The polls closed three hours ago. The results are pouring in. There are few races up for grabs, but both parties are looking for clues of Voter Sentiment in the wake of the Affordable Care act and the government shutdown. As for our local elections we start with sunnyvale measure c which would impose some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Right now it is leading 66 to 34 . If passed, gun owners would be banned from owner magazines holding more than 10 rounds. They would be required to lock up firearms in their homes and report any thefts. Gun dealers would have to keep a log of all am ammunition sales. The nra threatened to sue if this passes. Looks like it has in fact passed. Moving to San Francisco and measures b and c and voters defeated both of those measures. B would have allowed a available plot of land currently home to a tennis club at embarcadero and washington street to be redeveloped into a highrise condominium complex. It went down with 62 of voters saying no. Measure c is a companion measure to b. It would have height limits on that site and it was defeated by voters. And notable National Races and Chris Christie won reelection in nerming new jersey setting him up for a potential bid in 2016. Terry mcaullife won narrowly. All of your local races on our website, abc7news. Com. Is your smart phone or tablet ruining your eyes . Coming up on abc news, how local researchers are fighting a growing epidemic of nearsightedness. And fastfood kid meals. They are convenient, but just how many are healthy . And the season isnt even over, but the sale has already begun. Well let you know how much you will pay for a piece of candlestick park. I am meteorologist sandhya patel. The temperatures are running cooler in these areas. Wake up weather plus a look at when you might see rain to those whove been waiting welcome to covered california. The place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a preexisting condition. Enroll today at coveredca. Com. Devices and Tablet Computers and eu8 pacting the lives of a generation of children. And it turns out those devices could take a toll on their eyesight. Experts are concerned enough that they have opened a special center to tackle the problem. Like her classmates she likes to play games on her iphone. Like almost everybody that has a smart phone has games on it. Coupled with her voracious love of reading she looks at small screens. It is a trend that researcher Christine Wilson believes it taking a toll on the eyesight of a generation leading to an epidemic of miopia or nearsightedness. All of the students working in my lab right now there were few miopic students. She has already been diagnosed with miopia. The problem is so prevalent that they opened a dedicated control clinic at the school of optometry. They say one of the goals is to spot and treat nearsightedness in these young patients. In this control clinic we are looking at fast and progressive miops. Anyone who started developing miopia before age 10. Young patients are particularly vulnerable because their eyes are developing. She is using a corrective device called an ortho keratology lens. It is a lens worn by patients while sleeping to flatten the center of the cornea to reduce miopia. During the daytime they have clearer vision from the corneal molding effect of the lenses and at the same time they benefit from the miopia control. These lenses and other technologies can slow the progression of miopia significantly. The problem is still growing. One study found it is twice as prevalent compared to the elderly. This they council patients and families about the need to break up sessions spent with Electronic Devices and even books. Usually the rule of thumb for regular reading distances is requiring a 10minute break. It is advice that they are already taking to heart. They have also instituted a system to ration the overall time children spend on smartphones and computer screens. We try to give them as a reward. Some additional advice from the berkeley team, while you are taking the break from reading or computer work, focus your eyes into the distance. And recent studies found spending more Time Outdoors may also help protect against miopia. Good advice. While we talk about young people and their health, fewer than 1 of kids meals meet nutrition 5 8 standards. They found 5427 kids meal combinations possible. Of those 33 met the governments recommended nutritional standards. The top rated kids meal was arbys mac and cheese served with apples and water and the study found the top 18 fastfood restaurants spent 4. 6 billion to market products. Thats 2. 7 more than the fruit, vegetable, milk and bottled Water Industries combined. The 49er season is not over yet, but the first piece of candlestick is up for sale. The team is selling off its old seats. Season Ticket Holders get first dibs at two seats for 649. You have to buy them by the pair. Starting december 9th, the general public can buy them. They are being sold in sets of two. Proceeds will benefit the San Francisco youth programs. A boy with a rare illness got to live out his stream on a High School Football field thanks to the opposing team. He has an illness that has stunted his growth. He always wanted to play on the Football Team in alabama and last friday at the coachs suggestion the opposing team gave him that chance and even insisting he get to score. I cant describe how amazing it was to be in in uniform playing football. The whole stands, they just started shouting my name. Lets go, tatum to do that for him it almost brought me to tears. The opposing team with a clear lead in the game, the touchdown and tatums twopoint conversion made no difference in the game, but it made a world of difference to him. I love those stories. Lets check our forecast now. Sandhya patel is here and it is still nice outside. Beautiful outside. We are heading into another gorgeous day. Mild to warm tomorrow and then we will see the temperatures slip slipping away. Live doppler 7hd will being traying it. Right now high clouds moving in across the north bay. We have low clouds and it will not make it until the Early Morning hours. We are not expecting weather related delays. Mid50s San Francisco and oakland and 54 in san jose and 45 in half moon bay. The financial district of San Francisco is glowing. 46 degrees and these temperatures are actually down compared to 24 hours ago. 49 in napa and not seeing the wind. The temperatures are falling. It is going to be getting cool by morning. 49 in concord and 52 in live more. Clearly we can see all the way across the bay. Visibility is good. Cool to chilly start and mild by the afternoon. Looking at a cooling trend into the weekend. Here is a look at what is happening tomorrow and thursday. We will see dry weather and High Pressure controls our weather. High clouds and mild through the afternoon. Storm track remains to the north. Lets look at clie ma following. It is over three inches of rain in november. As we head across the bay, oakland is just under three inches of rain for the entire month. So we start to get into wetter weather as we head into november and in the south bay, san jose picks up about average 1. 71 inches of rain. We are not going to get that all in two days, but we are expecting rain monday, at least a possibility and a chance tuesday morning. You can see these systems staying to the north. But they are the last in the series. That brings us a chance of rain on monday afternoon. If you are getting away with the kids, just keep that in mind and travel may be wet. Upper 30s tomorrow morning. Santa rosa, napa and a dry travel. 39 in half moon bay. 40s and 50s elsewhere. We will see high clouds and patchy low clouds. 74 in san jose in the south bay and 73 mill pea disand the high clouds are filtering the sun and mid70s palo alto and redwood city. 68 in half moon bay. 70 degrees and north bay communities, and you will see the mid70s with the filtered sun in the east bai. 73 oakland. Inland spots 76 degrees in livermore. Accuweather sevenday forecast, cooling through the weekend after tomorrow and then we will see the rain chance and veterans day going into tuesday morning. Carolyn, dan this. Sandhya, thank you. Lets talk 49ers. Larry beil is here. Good to see smith back. We will hear about his state of mind now that he has returned to the 49ers. The sharks get robbed in the tank. A blown call in overtime and it to those whove been waiting welcome to covered california. The place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a preexisting condition. Enroll today at coveredca. Com. We provide the exact individualization that your body needs. Before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. The sleep number bed. Once you experience it, theres no going back. Right now c4 Queen Mattress sets are just 1299 our lowest price ever plus special financing until 2015. Only at one of our 425 sleep Number Stores nationwide. Sleep number. Comfort individualized. The sharks are off to one of their best starts ever. Conversely buffalo is off to the worst start in history. No contest tonight, right . This is what men do when left unsupervised. It is tyler ennis. Dont deviate from the script, please. It is the 9th of the year. They regain the lead, but they come back and he knocks in a loose puck and we are tied at four. Now to the over time controversy. They will knock in the rebound. They have a video to review this and dont review it. Hodgson wins it. The sabres have won just three out of 17 and get the w54. Scrab crabtree and smet. He tore his achilles tendon in may. It is amazing how fast guys come back. He has been cleared to practice. In three weeks they will decide whether to ago activate him or sit him for the rest of the season. Also back 1 smith who is back in rehab. They are trying to return to a normal routine. Taking it one game at a time. I have a 10monthold son and doing the father thing. I am trying to make sure i am ready to go. Former cal star Aaron Rodgers will spend the next month on the sidelines because of a broken collar bone. The packer qb was hurt against the bears. The dwood news is rodgers will not need surgery and Seneca Wallace will start in his place. Milestone for the San Jose Earthquakes which is laying down the first piece of steal. Mark watson signed the first cross beam. The thank you stadium will seat 18,000 and will be ready for the 2015 season. What a night for 23yearold ryan reece. He won the world series of poker. He won in a no limit Texas Hold Em match and wining a hand in which he had nothing but ace king. A victory worth 8. 4 million. He is happy. Abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. Thank you, larry. Next on abc7 news, Cross Country on just 10 gallons of gas . How 3d printing could make imagine a place created all around family. Where everyone, can relax or play. Now imagine that place in hawaii. Welcome to aulani. A family paradise. With just a touch of disney magic. For special offers, visit disneyaulani. Com mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. I dont mind, i mean its orange creme. And when mom said bobby was too edgy. sup girl. I just swapped him out for tyler. sup girl. Mom never questioned bobby again. Two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. And everybody wins. Yoplait. It is so good. And everybody wins. Some mone deposit a check, transfer some money. So its your uncles turn. What . Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, wait, wait. baby crying so you can deposit a check. With the touch of a finger. So you can arrange a transfer in the blink of an eye. So you can help make a bond. I got it. That lasts a lifetime. The chase mobile app. So you can. Or coat. It will be a cool to chilly start. Temperatures in the upper 30s to low 50s. 8 00 a. M. 40s and 50s and mike niko will be here. Thank you so much. Imagine driving across the country on 10 gallons of gasoline. Tough to get uh across the bay bridge. A pair of brothers plan to do just that driving a car mostly made by a 3d printer. The car will use a small horsepower engine along with a bank of batteries and an electric motor. I know you said thats a lawn mower. That will allow it to get 300 miles a gallon and reach a top speed of 70 miles an hour. The brothers will make the test ride from new york to San Francisco in 2015. Larry beil is a major doubter right now. Jimmy kimmle is next and vince vaughn is on his program. Im carolyn johnson. Thanks for joining us. Im dan ashley. When ouwe goword. She said hert little girl no saw her first day of school. little girl bye bye made a best friend forever. The back seat of my subaru is where she grew what . announcer the subaru forester. girl what . announcer motor trends two thousand fourteen Sport Utility of the year. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. And why can you move the tv out here . The wireless receiver. I got that when i switched to uverse. But why . Because its so much better than cable. Its got more hd channels, more dvr space. Yeah, but i mean, how did you know . I researched. No, ii told you. No. Yeah no. The importan and i got you this visor. You made a visor yes that ill never wear. Ohh. [ male announcer ] get uverse tv for just 19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. Announcer from hollywood, its Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight vince vaughn. Mark consuelos. And music from st. Lucia. With cleto and the cletones. And now, behold, heres Jimmy Kimmel Jimmy thats very nice thank you. [ cheers and applause ] welcome to the show. Thank you for watching. [ indiscer

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