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A good evening to you on this wednesday night. We start with the urgent race to save hundreds of people sinking into the ocean. It began as a slow motion tragedy. A giant ferry boat taking on water in south korea. Images of passengers trapped onboard haunting. Tonight were watching the amazing rescues and reading desperate Text Messages from the students to their families on dry land. Abc has the latest in this drama for us tonight. Reporter a desperate rescue Mission First responders struggling to reach the massive ferry on its side and sinking fast. Plucking passengers, many of them teenagers off the deck, now vertical, clutching railings to keep their footing. Piling into rescue boats. It was very intense, this man says. The ship was tilted more than 45 degrees. Helicopters dropping First Responders onto the sinking boat, this woman clinging onto a balcony railing, grabbing hold of a rescuers hand. Lifting people to safety one by one from the deck. And from frigid 50 degree water, watch as this life raft is thrown to survivors floating 12 miles from land, in the middle of the sea. The ferry was sailing to a southern resort island, most of the passengers, High School Students on a class trip. Survivors say they heard a thud, and the boat began to turn on its side. On the upper decks . The cabins where most of the 500 passengers were staying. But one floor below, the crowded cafeteria and game rooms, where many are thought to have been trapped. And tonight the questions about whether those passengers were told to wait for help rather than trying to get out. The announcement told us that we should stay still, this boy said. But the ship was already sinking. It took just two hours for the boat to go from this, to this, sinking in 90 foot seas. On shore, we found hundreds of angry, frantic families. Korean news station, mbc reporting some parents had received texts from their children. Dad, i cant walk out, wrote one girl. The corridor is full of kids, and its too tilted. From another student, mom, i might not be able to tell you in person. I love you. The mothers response me too, son. I love you. Tonight, those parents scanning a handwritten list of the survivors, searching for their childrens names. Diane, so many parents lost in their anguish, the latest numbers are at least six dead, more than 200 still missing as the search gets underway on its second day. Thank you. Reporting in from korea tonight. And so many people here at home watching that large boat sink were asking what could you do to survive in that situation . Could you swim away from a sinking ship . Abcs david kerley with a survival guide. Reporter it took just those two hours for the 20yearold car ferry to all but disappear. Why . When you first saw these pictures, what struck you . Paul roden is the former chief naval engineer for the coast guard. I suspected the ship had damage on the port side, the lefthand side of the ship and that caused flooding which caused the ship too heel over. Reporter even a massive ship can sink fast. This freighter, flooded on purpose, went down within moments. In 1991 the oceanos cruise ship was sinking for a day. Abc news was there for its final moments. If survivors are in the water, a large quickly sinking ship can suck them into the water, forcing them to fight back to the surface. Off south korea, if it struck a rock and breached its hull, water could start pouring in from one compartment to another tipping the vessel. Then its stern sinking. Soon only the tip of the bow visible. The ferry up side down in the water. Its the water rushing into the ship with force that makes escape nearly impossible. If they jumped, it was 25 feet from the upper deck into the waters. You wouldnt want to jump unless you knew it was going to sink or you had a place to go in the water, life rafts. Some made that leap. Many others may not have. David kerley, abc news, washington. Back here at home, now hard to believe our eyes. Swirling around us, so much snow in mid april. Cars and slippery accidents and just when we thought we were clear to celebrate spring. We ask our meteorologist ginger zee how often does this happen. Has it ever happened this late in spring before . Reporter the plows are back and roads treacherous with fresh snow flying in minnesota tonight. While so many other from alabama to New Hampshire are asking, wait, this is spring . A dramatic drop in temperatures that came with winds gusting to almost 70 Miles Per Hour in parts of the southeast and midatlantic. At least one person is dead in maine after flood waters swept him away. Winds and water rescues from michigan to new england. It was kind of scary. I thought it was a tornado, so i went back down to the basement. Reporter may the quick turn to snow may feel like a spring fail, it does snow in april. Chicago has seen a trace of snow as late as june 2nd. Boston, may 10th. Can you believe it . More snow on the way. This is for the northern great lakes. Were talking 4 to 6 inches and some places more. They do get snow in april just like so many others. Then we have to talk about the cold. It does stick around one more day. Still some freeze warnings and watches for 15 states just hovering around for one more day, then well start to warm up. Now, what we have learned about the bomb scare that closed boston streets last night one year after the terror attack at the marathon. It introduced a strange twist into an aspiring anniversary. And today we saw the man accused of the hoax in court and read a statement from his mother that was a plea for help. Heres abcs ron claiborne. Reporter in his hearing in a boston courtroom, kevin edson appeared grim but said nothing. The 25yearold is in a Psychiatric Hospital tonight. He is accused of leaving the backpack which led to some tense moments on the oneyear anniversary of the one year bombing. He was stopped by a Police Officer who saw him walking barefoot in the middle of the street in the pouring rain. The backpack was blown up as a precaution. Police said later there was nothing explosive inside. It contained only a rice cooker filled with confetti. Late today his mother told abc news to have this happen on the oneyear anniversary of such a horrific crime is unfathomable. She went on to say, i have two sons who struggle with mental illness. I have had to constantly fight for 12 years to get them the help they need. She has run the marathon six times and had this message for those running next week. Run strong and enjoy your wonderful feeling as you cross that finish line. Ron claiborne, abc news, new york. And now we turn to the search for the missing passenger plane, flight 370. All hope resting with the unmanned submarines tracing the bottom of the ocean. As families wait, today they released a list of questions they say malaysian authorities had failed to answer. Abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross says some of those families are feeling vulnerable in another way. Reporter in the midst of their anguish and grief, the families of the missing passengers say they are being besieged by high stakes versions of ambulance chasers, u. S. Lawyers looking for clients. Thats piling insults on to injury. And thats just not acceptable. Reporter among the u. S. Lawyers who have already shown up in malaysia are members of the Ribbeck Law Firm from chicago led by Monica Ribbeck kelly discussing multimillion dollar lawsuits against boeing, even though we dont know what actually happened. We cannot wait for them to find the wreckage. Reporter according to two counselors, the firm has been distributing business cards and brochures in chinese to family members, something that would not be legal in the u. S. In order to protect vulnerable families at a difficult time. Caesar sun is a volunteer grief counselor in beijing who told us about the experience of one family member. He told me that a lawyer came to him and said you can get 1 million if the plane was confirmed as crashed. And you have to let us do it. So sign here . Sign something so we can do something for you. Reporter the ribbeck firm is at this chicago highrise. But the offices appear to be empty supposedly being remodeled. When we caught up with the lead lawyer, Monica Ribbeck kelly, she denied any of her lawyers soliciting clients directly and said that dozens of families she signed up all asked her to represent them. Do you think at this point before the plane is found and any bodies are recovered that you should be negotiating with these families . Signing them up to give you a percentage of what they get . Is that right . Its up to the family. Do you think its ethical and moral . And youre proud of doing that . Of course. The families may need skilled lawyers at some point. But veteran lawyers say what is happening now and often happens after big tragedies is a kind of gold rush by lawyers who know there could be millions of dollars in legal fees for whoever gets there first, diane. Thank you, brian. And now, we turn to another story in the news. U. S. Intelligence experts studying this video for clues. A kind of conference of al qaeda fighters including several who escaped from jail, among them some dangerous men outdoors in broad daylight. Tonight u. S. Officials believe the video is authentic and recent. Down under today. The pictures may look like a charming postcard. The trip by the royals has a diplomatic target. In the past, Young Australians have shown less support for being part of a commonwealth, but a new poll shows its rising. And the glamorous couple and their tiny prince may be helping. Heres abcs terry moran. Reporter now, its australias turn. The royal Charm Offensive arrived down under today, led by the bonny baby, prince george, bouncing delightedly in his dads arms a global superstar already at 8 months old. Such an attractive young family continuing on their mission to well, their mission to what . This threeweek tour where george had an epic play date and kate played cricket in heels, this is about building the royal brand and renewing the ties that bind nations together across oceans and centuries. Australia and new zealand are part of the commonwealth, group of 53 countries, 2. 2 billion people, most former colonies that share a history of being ruled by the british crown. Though she technically remains head of the association, Queen Elizabeth has no political power over these countries anymore. But other kinds of influence today, like celebrity. And so as her great grandson makes his debut on the world stage with mom and dad, he may be strengthening the monarchy and britains role in so much of the world. Hes being adorable for queen and country. Terry moran, abc news, london. There was one more image from this trip. At one point Prince William let the baby play with a toy stuffed animal called a wombat. Everyone noted thats what Princess Diana used to call her little boy. Up next, the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius today. Were going to play you two sounds to see if you can tell the difference. That difference can help determine guilt or innocence when were back in two minutes. But when we put something in the ground, feed it, and care for it, dont we grow something more . We grow big celebrations, and personal victories. 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Get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Thats why i got a new windows 2 in 1. It has exactly what i need for half of what i thought id pay. And i dont need to be online for it to work. It runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. But its fun, too with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, cause a good playlist is good for business. I need the bosss signature for this. Im the boss. Honestly i wanna see you be brave in court for Oscar Pistorius. And the question, what did the neighbors hear . Which of these sounds is the truth . Abc was there. Reporter Oscar Pistorius head down, hands on his ears as the courtroom was filled with critical sounds. A recreation. Put on by his legal team to prove hes telling the truth. First, a cricket bat hitting wood. Then the sound of gunshots. Ear witnesses reported hearing screams and then a gunshot. With this audio recording, the defense is hoping to illustrate the similarity between a gunshot and a cricket bat hitting a bathroom door. Thats because pistorius claims that after shooting reeva by mistake, he used a cricket bat to break through the bathroom door in a desperate race to help her. The prosecution claiming he was arguing with reeva all along, she screamed and he shot her in cold blood. The sounds were played in court by this forensics expert called by the defense. But the lead prosecutor tore into him, pointing out that hes merely a forensic geologist, an expert in minerals and material found in earth. Are you a sound expert, sir . No. Did you receive training in decibels and sound . Reporter beginning friday the court will take a two week break and a ruling could come as late as july. Abc news, south africa. Thanks so much. Its worth noting for the 24 days of the trial so far, the family of Reeva Steenkamp including her mother have been there in court. We have watched them sometimes resolve, sometimes anguish, and sometimes dissolving in tears. Tonight that twoweek break before the ordeal resumes. Coming up next, our instant index. A wild ride for some terrified tourists in savanna and the secret weapon that finally calmed this runaway horse coming up. Calmed this runaway horse coming up. Of heartburn. Ime bee when damage to your esophagus caused by acid reflux disease wasnt always on your mind. Thats when you knew nexium was the Prescription Medication for you. Because for over a decade nexium has provided many just like you with 24hour relief from heartburn and helped heal acidrelated erosions in the lining of the esophagus. And now the prescription nexium you know can be delivered directly to your door with nexium direct. Talk to your doctor to see if nexium is right for you. There is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. Side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 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And find an Arthritis Treatment for you. Visit celebrex. Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. Time for the index tonight. The results are in on the best and worst jobs in america based on salary, stress and job prospects. At the very top of the list, mathematicians followed by professor and statistician. The worst jobs including newspaper reporter and broadcasters. We beg to differ. The very worst job, a lumberjack, because job prospects are damaged as machines take over. And did you see the wild ride in georgia . A runaway horse. Some terrified tourists. Their carriage flipping through the streets of savanna for six white knuckled blocks until the horse slowed and restaurant workers used a secret weapon to calm the horse, feeding him carrots. And one from dallas, these babies connected at the abdomen. After high station surgery last summer they were separated. And today they left the hospital. Tiny survivors facing the next chapter. Rehab on their own. A brother was in arms reach. Half century mark for an american classic, the mustang, celebrating 50 years to mark the milestone. Ford unveiled a special edition ford mustang. Only 1,964 models will be made. A nod to the year. First captivated our imagination in 1964. Coming up next, try not to smile. More than 2,000 High School Kids on a mission to brighten your day. What they pull off is america strong. I love being on stage. But when i get time off, i take advantage of it. I have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture and i know the best way to enjoy a break is to help reduce my risk of having one. Thats why i take prolia®. Its different. Its two shots a year. Prolia is proven to help make bones stronger and help increase bone density. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. 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If you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. Cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums finally tonight, something designed to make you get up and dance. More than 2,000 High School Students decided to take a challenge and help people who needed help. Across the country today a lot of us were watching with joy. Abcs david wright and the school that is america strong. Reporter only in the era of youtube, and the style of glee, would this expression of School Spirit ever be possible. Kids of every category. La crosse team. The art club. The high school orchestra, the cheerleading squad. Kids who probably dont hang out all that much in the lunchroom, coming together for a cause. 68 songs in 6. 5 minutes. Quite literally a cast of thousands. 2,700, to be exact. The whole school. This is the place, avon high school. In avon, indiana. How did they bring it all . This was pretty much one big thing. Reporter one take, after 6 weeks of planning, enlisting participants, and mapping the school. Plus one, slightly disastrous rehearsal. Music stopped in the middle, people werent in their right spot, they didnt know what they were doing. Reporter but last thursday, camera rolling, it all came together flawlessly. The student cameraman rolled along in a chair by a Teacher Holding an ipod. This is probably the most fun thing ive done in my teaching career to this point. Reporter their goal . To raise 20,000 for the local childrens hospital. An american high school, uniting with one voice. America strong reporter david right, abc news. Love hearing you shout america strong. Back at you. Thank you for watching tonight. Were always here at abcnews. Com. Nightline later. And join world news again tomorrow night. Good night. Have the oakland as fiven up a fight to leave town . The stain of a bay area corruption scandal. Tonight well hear from leadership only on abc7 news. A declaration of war on bay area pot smokers and two men who ignited this 420 tra kigs decision returning to the scene of the rim fire for an extraordinary effort. Now it appears they wont be moving soon good evening as now ready to sign a lease at the coliseum. Abc7 news Laura Anthony is there live. This may create more confusion in this battle over the as. The team is Officials Say san jose is still very much in play but here in oakland it appears the mayor is ready to play hard ball with as owner lou wolf. Momentum may have shifted in oaklands favor. And the team confirmed it wants to play the mayor says she wants something from lou wolf in return. The joint authority will be talking to him but what we agree those of us in elected leadership is that it should be tied to them deciding where they want to sight a new stadium. I believe he wants to go but i think options are being limited and the fact they havent been able to move down

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