what dr. fauci said about that. abc's stephanie ramos leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, that new website where americans can start ordering four free at-home tests, covidtests.gov, up and running a day ahead of the official launch tomorrow. families across the country are already placing their first orders. some who live in apartments having no problem. others running into glitches when trying to order to the same address as other tenants. netia mccray tried ordering for elderly relatives who live in apartments. >> i noticed it was saying like four tests had already been requested for this household. there has to be a way that we can work around this, that it has to know a difference between an apartment and the apartment building. >> reporter: mccray's orders eventually going through. the white house acknowledging there could be some hiccups at first. >> every website launch, in our view, comes with risk. we can't guarantee there won't be a bug or two. >> reporter: the rollout of free tests comes as omicron cases nationally are still