wildlife experts now rushing in to save the animals. and tonight here, the u.s. coast guard with a new theory on how this pipeline sprung the leak in the first place. our chief national correspondent matt gutman takes us out on the ocean tonight. >> reporter: tonight, crews racing to contain one of the largest oil spills in california history. up to 130,000 gallons of crude have leaked into the pacific ocean off orange county, killi wild lyre and shutting down some of the state's most iconic shorelines. officials say the pipeline, which is the source of the leak, is 17 1/2 miles long. the spill located in this area about 4 1/2 miles off the coast of huntington beach. the coast huntington beach. late today, divers pinpointing a key area of concern. the coast guard looking into the possibility that a ship's anchor caused the rupture. >> these ships are anchored and many are waiting entry and in the course of transit, it is possible they would transit over a pipeline. >> reporter: teams on boats deploying boom to contain the oil.