Them. The Vice President expected to be pressed tonight about the outbreak at the white house. At least 24 people now infected. Of course, pence heads the Coronavirus Task force. The new hurricane taking aim at the u. S. The gulf coast bracing tonight. Mandatory evacuations now under way at this hour and rob marciano with the latest track tonight. Two of the worlds most ter now on u. S. Soiley us tonight. He dire up to 400,0 could die if the u. S. Doesnt take steps right now. Wisconsin, for one, hitting a record high in hospitalizations, setting up a Field Hospital. 35 states with increases now in hospitalizations. We are newly released body cam video showing an officer under attack inside the Police Station and the suspect takedown. And america strong tonight. The nurse on the front lines and the extraordinary gift. Good evening. Its gat t he you with us. We have yet another hurricane bearing down on the u. S. We have the major vp debate tonight, with significant changes on that stage. And we also have news just as we come on tonight involving the president , who released a video a short time ago, not entirely clear when it was recorded, but on it, he says he had been feeling not so hot when he was given that antibody cocktail at walter reed. He now says, i feel great, like perfect. So far, ten people total have received access to that particular cocktail outside clinical trials. The president saying in that video message, i want everyone to be given the same treatment. Before the video released, the president had made news earlier in the day, returning to the oval Office Despite his infection. A couple of top aides in the oval with him. The white house insisting safety procedures are in place. And overnight, the president making news, unleashing a storm of tweets. It was last night he tweeted, no stimulus, no help until after the election, until after i win. Tonight, amid serious questions even from republican wleeders about the president s judgmentn possible. Little news on the president s condition today. We do not know if hes still on that powerful steroid. And still no question on when the president last tested negative, so americans could have a better sense of where he is in the course of this virus. Tonight, at least 24 people linked to the white house have tested positive, including overnight Senior Adviser Stephen Miller revealing that he had tested positive after five days in isolation himself and then that positive test. Of course, all of this just hours before the big vp debate tonight. We do have it all covered for you, beginning with our chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl tonight. Reporter a sight from more normal times, the marine guard standing at the entrance to the west wing, as happens whenever the president is in the oval office. Except this is anything but normal. A president infected, and contagious, returning to a workplace where more than a dozen staffers have already been infected with covid19. Tonight, he released this video. Its your favorite president and im standing in front of the oval office at the white house. Reporter some of his aides urged him to recouper rate in the white house resident to put fewer people at risk. But the chief of staff said they are taking precautions. Weve got safety protocols there that are not only from the ppe standpoint but from a ventilation standpoint in the oval where he can actually work to that end, as well. Reporter the white house is saying little about the president s condition, today issuing just a short statement from his doctor sean conley, who provided Incorrect Information to the public over the weekend. The president this morning says i feel great the statement says, adding hes been symptomfree for over 24 hours. I wanted to get out of the hospital. And thats what i want for everybody. I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president. Because i feel great. I feel, like, perfect. Reporter but many questions remain, including whether the president is still taking the powerful steroid he was given at the hospital. And why the white house refuses to say when he last tested negative for the virus, which could tell us where he is in the course of his illness. Why cant the white house say when he last tested negative . So, there look, weve addressed this. The were not asking to go back through a and look bardwa backward r iccould hepresidenmaha exposed to the virus he should haek even ter his cloe much of the west wing is now empty, staff either sidelined with the virus or quarantining because of possible exposure. Late yesterday, Senior Adviser Stephen Miller became the latest to contract covid. But today, cameras captured people outside the white house gathered in close proximity, few of them wearing masks. His twitter account has been on overdrive, sending the stock market into a tailspin when he upended talks over an economic recovery package with one tweeting saying, i have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election. Sarah brown, who has three teenagers and is out of work because of the pandemic, was counting on government help when she saw the president s tweet. I read it and i was like, what . And i, like it was like my heart fell to my stomach. Reporter for her, this is a matter of survival. Were scared. Its scary living daytoday. Not even daytoday, its literally hourtohour. I refresh my news like every hour to see what the latest news is, to see what my future holds, to see what my childrens near future can hold. Reporter but this morning, the president seemed to have reversed himself, tweeting, the house and senate should immediately approve 25 billion for Airline Payroll support and 135 billion for Paycheck Protection Program for small business. In fact, trump himself hasnt been personally involved in ne foesh yagss at all. The last time he spoke to Speaker Nancy Pelosi was last october, almost exactly one year ago. Today, she mocked his aboutface on stimulus talks. Hes just again rebounding from a terrible mistake that he made yesterday and the republicans in congress are going down the drain with him on that. All right, so, lets get right to jon karl, with us live again tonight from washington. Jon, youve been reporting on this today, some vulnerable republican senators furious at the president s announcement that he was ending stimulus negotiations. Senator Susan Collins of maine facing a tough election battle, calling the president s move a huge mistake. The president , as you report, appears to be backtracking, but bottom line, where are we on this tonight, with millions watsing for this help . Reporter well, the president s back and forth have not helped at all. The bottom line remains the same, david. There really is no progress right now to report on capitol hill towards a big economic recovery bill. At the most, you could see something potentially much narrower, perhaps to help out the airlines, even that is unclear. And david, also, it is true to this moment, although the president made a video today, he still has not spoken to nancy pelosi, still has not spoken to her since last year. Jon karl leading off the broadcast again tonight. Jon, thank you. And just a short time from now, Vice President mike pence and senator Kamala Harris will face off in their one and only high stakes debate. The candidates will be separated by more than 12 feet and by that plexiglass that had been requested by the biden harris team. Vice president pence at first had said no, then act kwee yes, sired overnight. That plexiglass, a powerful reminder of the unfolding crisis. Mary bruce right there in the debate hall in Salt Lake City tonight. Reporter with just hours to go, joe biden today choing to d. Reporter Kamala Harris and mike pence set for their first, and only, faceoff and already the pandemic is front and center. The candidates will both be seated behind mr hinhind plexig than 12 pete apart. Harris testing negative yesterday. Pence testing negative today. Even as the outbreak at the white house grows by the day, pences team insists the Vice President is safe to debate. His doctor saying pence has not been in close contact wit but pence was seen here at what is now being called a superspreader event, that rose garden ceremony, sitting right in front on senator mike lee, who shortly after tested positive. The Vice President was last with the president in the Oval Office Last tuesday, before trump tested positive. Pences Communications Director katie miller, who was traveling with the Vice President , had to abruptly leave utah yesterday after her husband, white house adviser Stephen Miller, tested positive. She has since tested negative. But the harris team has been taking no chances, demanding those extra precautions, including that plexiglass. Pence, the head of the Coronavirus Task force, initially mocked the request. Miller saying, if senator harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it. But overnight, agreeing, if such a barrier is critical for the harris team, then were not going to let it stand in the way. The hurdles for this event pale in comparison to the challenges of next weeks president ial debate. The president , still battling covid, is promising his supporters hell be there to debate. But joe biden is drawing a line, saying there will be no debate until trump tests negative. I think if he still has covid, we shouldnt have a debate. Mary bruce with us live tonight. Shes in the debate hall and mary, of course, this Vice President ial debate a short time from now really taking on added significance in these times in this country. Both candidates will make the case that theyre ready to step in at a moments notice as commander in chief and mike pence will have to answer questions tonight, given what weve seen unfold at the white house over the last week, given the fact that hes the head of the Coronavirus Task force in this country. Reporter david, he is known as on message mike and pence is expected tonight to argue that they have done everything they could to tackle this crisis. While harris, a former prosecutor, known for her fierce cross examination, is going to make the case that they have failed the american people. And david, history is about to be made here tonight. Kamala harris is set to become the first black woman, the first indianamerican, to ever sit on this stage. It is a huge moment for women, especially young girls across this country. David . It is a big night ahead. Mary, thank you. Well see you right here, mary, just a short time from now. I hope youll join the entire political team, 8 00 p. M. Eastern, followed by the debate at 9 00, right here on abc. In the meantime, the news continues tonight, and yet another new hurricane u. S. There are states of emergency along the gulf at this hour and mandatory evacuations under way as hurricane delta now targets the gulf coast. Lets get to rob marciano, live in lafayette, louisiana, tonight, for us. Hey, rob. Reporter good afternoon, david. Can cue and the yucatan taking a little bit of a hit out of away fro louisiana. Now. Plenty of gulf water to strengthen and thats what we think is going to happen. Watches are up. We expect delta to get back to 2 or 3 status and grow in size by friday morning, making landfall is friday afternoon. Something around the louisiana coastline. All hazards in play, including storm surge. We could see over a foot of rain. But the full fury of its winds could hit here in lafayette or down the road in lake chrlts where they are still trying to recover from hurricane laura just six weeks ago. David . Just an extraordinary Hurricane Season this year. Rob, thank you, again. In other news tonight, two of the most wanted isis terror suspects in the world have arrived here in the u. S. To face justice. The two men, both british citizens, were captured in syri in a horrifyingfor,heres our c correspondent Pierre Thomas tonight. Reporter tonight, two of the suspected isis terrorists accused of playing a role in the kidnapping and sadistic execution of american journalist james foley, now on u. S. Soil to face charges. Members of the socalled beatles isis cell, named because of their british accents, Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh made their way to syria from london. Today, theyre charged in a conspiracy to kidnap, torture and murder four americans. Today is a good day, but it is also a solemn one. Reporter the other americans killed. Steven sotloff was a journalist who covered the middle east. Peter kassig was in syria working for a humanitarian organization. Kayla mueller was a humanitarian aid worker and human rights activist. Reporter Authorities Say these men were beyond cruel, not only allegedly admitting to beating foley, but also terrorizing the captives by staging mock executions in which the hostages thought they might die. Today, the fbi director speaking to family. And while their pain may never fully subside, today with the announcement of this indictment, were beginning to bring them the justice they deserve. Reporter the two suspects appeared in court virtually. In order to extradite them here from iraq, the u. S. Had to agree not to take the death penalty. They face live in prison, david. Thank you, pierre. Now to the coronavirus here in the u. S. And the dire new warning tonight, as we now head into fall and winder. Dr. Anthony fauci warning the death toll could rise to 300,000, 400,000 americans if we, quote, dont do what we need to do and do it now. Abcs Steve Osunsami at the cdc tonight. Reporter the nations top Infectious Disease specialist, whos gotten it right most of the time so far, has a rough winter forecast tonight. We could have from 300,000 to 400,000 deaths. That would be just so tragic if that happens. Reporr its hard enough as it is on Health Care Workers. A new report from Kaiser Health says that more than 1,200 of them have died from covid19 during this pandemic. And the Racial Disparities we see in the rest of america are here, too. 63 of Health Care Workers who died are people of color. 27yearold ramon valles is a respiratory therapist in colorado, whose heart stopped beating after he got sick with covid19. And had to be revived. I want people to be aware and dont think its a joke. Its real. People are dying. Reporter hospitals across the country are still reporting shortages of protective gear. And the family of dr. Adeline fagan wants this shared. They buried the young houston doctor and on saturday and tell us she had to re. Wear the same protective mask over and over again. All hospitals are facing this problem and unfortunately, it is no different for the hospitals in texas. Reporter in wisconsin, the governor is opening a Field Hospital at the grounds of the state fair, after a Record Number of covid hospitalizations. At the cdc, a letter from a former director to the current one is opening eyes wide. Dr. William foege, who worked under president reagan, calls the governments response a slaughter, and says the current cdc director needs to expose the administrations mistakes even if it costs him his job. And i kept hoping that the task force would see what theyre doing isnt working and would change. But this is going to go down as one of the worst responses to a pandemic. Reporter here at the cdc, the director has shared no public sponts to that letter, but there is something new tonight from the new england journal of medicine. The respected medical journal is out with an unusually harsh critique of the trump administrations response to the covid crisis, using worlds like reckless and dangerously incompetent. David . Steve osunsami, who has been at the cdc for us for months. Steve, thank you. Coming up, newly released video this evening showing an officer attacked inside a Police Station. And we remember a very now to the body cam images made public tonight in a brutal attack on a Los Angeles Police officer. Jose guzman fighting with officer anthony freeman, beating him in the head with the officers gun. Hes got my gun. A shootout erupting. No one was hit. Police tackling guzman a few blocks away. That officer did survive. When we come back here they do one of the most deven in normal times. S, our frontline Health Care Workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. Zb singer songwriter johnny nash has died. Best known for this song. I can see clearly now the rain is gone of course, he was instrumental in bringing reggae music to mainstream america. Johnny nash was 80. When we come back tonight, the nurse on the traffic and air pollution will be even worse after the pandemic. Thats why we support measure rr to keep caltrain running. Which is at risk of shutdown because of the crisis. To keep millions of cars off our roads, to reduce air pollution and fight climate change. And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. The nurse truly america strong. Little bodie hall from st. Michael, minnesota, was born with a rare kidney disorder and was in desperate need of a transplant. His father is not a match. His mother already donated her kidney to bodies older sister, london, who has the same condition. His parents posting online, asking for a donor. This was kind of outside our control. How do you ask somebody to donate a kidney . Nurse taylor working the front lines against covid saw their plea. We hae was so little. I filled out the paperwork right then and there. Taylor, who had already traveled to new jersey, contacted bodies family back home. It turned out she was a perfect match. And she donated her kidney on her own birthday. It was just a different birthday. But it was a great one. I just felt like jumping, you know, so exciting. Hi, david. Right here tonight, nurse taylor. I didnt think twice. It was definitely a very strange time to have surgery, because of covid. But it happened and it worked out. And bodie, just 21 months old, is now recovering and doing well. Hi, david. They are grateful to that nurse. We cant thank her enough. It means the world to us. Right guys . Yeah. Thanks, taylor. And tonight, they hope that nurses selfless gift will inspire others to give, too. Bodie and taylor, a beautiful gift. Ill see you tomorrow. Good night. In the tubbs fire. The flames, the ash, it was terrifying. Thousands of family homes are destroyed in wildfires. Families are forced to move and higher property taxes are a huge problem. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims so families can move without a tax penalty. Nineteen will help rebuild lives. Vote yes on 19. This is a very trying time as jason was well liked in our Department Rising from a paramedic starting in 2007 through recently attending the fire academy and graduating as a moningnefheir a firefigh ai erc a procession just ended. Sky 7 is over the scene. People returning to their cars after being part of this procession to the medical Examiners Office after this terrible tragedy. His casket is being carried in the white van that you see there in the center of the screen. Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us. Ashle im kristen sze. Jason cortez was injured t morning and rushed to zuckerberg general hospital. Firefighters held a procession. A brks krrbc 7 News Reporter ka

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