exploding across several states toni inarts of oregon, flames cinerang e nit tcod be the greatest loss of human lives due to fires in that state's history. meanwhile, the bear fire in california exploding in size. multiple casualties. and the sky glowing orange tonight. the race for a vaccine. and we now learned more tonight about why that key oxford trial has been halted for now. the patient reportedly experiencing neurological symptoms. and we are just learning this evening about a third grade teacher here in the u.s. dying from the virus. she had returned to the classroom two weeks ago. a whistle-blower at the department of homeland security coming forward tonight, claiming the trump administration repeatedly tried to sensor or manipulate intelligence for political purposes. the allegation coming after abc news reported the agency withheld a report for two months abt itoiuso hs uil

Related Keywords

Oregon ,Flames Cinerang E ,Toni Inarts ,Georgia State ,Fire ,Vaccine ,Fires ,Californias History ,Human Lives ,Loss ,Size ,Sky Glowing Orange Tonight ,Exploding ,California ,Casualties ,Race ,Oxford Trial ,Nit Tcod ,Virus ,Symptoms ,Teacher ,Classroom ,American ,Whistle Blower ,Grade ,Forward ,Patient ,Department Of Homeland Security ,Two ,Intelligence ,Report ,Trump ,Abc News ,Purposes ,Sensor ,Allegations ,Administration ,Uguil ,Abt Itoiuso ,The Agency ,

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