we currently have a higher rate per capita than any state in thd >> reporter: big families have been the bedrock of navajo culture. but in the age of covid, it's made them vulnerable. >> if you have one contact that's positive, you literally can almost guarantee the whole household has been infected as well, too. >> reporter: those not sick enough for the hospital, hundreds of them, have been sent to four motels like this in gallup, new mexico. this doctor has been treating them for nearly three weeks now. >> if you had told me three weeks ago i'd be starting elderly patients on oxygen and keeping them in a motel, in a room, i wouldn't have believed it. >> just incredible. they're now trying to save people inside that motel. so many corners of the country still in desperate need. and we're going to stay on this. matt gutman is on the arizona side of the reservation tonight. i know the experts you spoke with said the peak isn't expected until mid-june? >> reporter: that's right. and when it hits, the medical